July 14, 2006

Hamas Attacks San Francisco, Repulsed By Zionist Crusaders

Zombie has done it again.

"Protest at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco."

Of particular note is the fact that an equal number of pro-Israel supporters showed up.

stein hoist: LGF

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:13 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 11, 2006


Utter, despicable, vile disgusting pig.

I was going to leave it at that, but may as well blockquote an excerpt for posterity's sake.

Great post. One of the soldiers who was "decapped and mutilated" (a LOT less fun than a decaf and milk, lemme tell ya!) was Thomas Tucker from Madras, Oregon. Tucker was tortured and murdered as payback for what other American troops did. What goes around comes around. Warrior karma.

Yeah, well, karma is karma, and you'll get yours, bitch.

Stein hoist: Misha's comments

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:20 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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LGF : Revised Flight 93 Memorial is the Same as Original

Rather than copy the entire blog post, I'll just point you to LGF, where Charles points out that the NEW & IMPROVED Flight 93 memorial retains the same Islamic crescent shape as the original design.

And yes, it still points straight to Mecca.

And yes, it still memorializes the 40 passengers and their 4 murderers.


Posted by: Ragnar at 05:02 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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July 10, 2006

British Muslims Mock 7/7 & 9/11 Victims, Support Terror. U.K./Birmingham Subsidizing (UPDATED/BUMPED)

Brooks-Izadeen-7-7-video3.jpgAllah now has the video up. It's truly sickening. In it, the speaker makes fun of Korean hostage Kim Sun-Il, murdered by Tawhid i Jihad (predecessor of al Qaeda) for begging for his life. The audience laughs.

They laugh at the beheading murder of a Korean tourist, then condemn terrorism.....the "terrorism of the British government".

I saw the video of Kim Sun-Il being murdered. Anyone who laughs at it, should be dead or in jail. I'm truly sickened.


A new video of British Muslims at a 7/7 conference shows just how big a problem the West has with a fifth column of terror supporters among us. In the video, a Jamaican born immigrant named Trevor Brooks--introduced as Abu Izadeen-- takes the microphone and goes off on an hour-long rant about how Britain can avoid another 7/7 attack.

Although the video has been taken down from the website run by British followers of Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, thanks to Dominic Whiteman and other members (who wish to remain anonymos at this time) from a secret London based organization called Vigil, The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. Video can be seen here.

The video is shot at a Birmingham community center on July 2, 2006. The video was released on the internet on 7/7, in order to coincide with the anniversary of the London bombings. Interestingly enough, The Jawa Report had previously tracked down followers of the now exiled radical cleric Omar Bakri Muhammed to The Birmingham Grid for Learning, which is owned and operated by the City of Birmingham.

Does the City of Birmingham know that its public facilities are being used by members of The Saved Sect, al Ghurabaa, the Society of Muslim Lawyers, and other spin-off groups from the now banned al Mujahiroun group to spread hate, extremism, and support for terrorism?

You may remember these British Islamists from their website (which we archived since they deny it) and subsequent protest in which they called for 'death to all those who insult Mohammed'.

Despite a few arrests and the forced exile of their leader Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed to Lebanon, Tony Blair's government has not followed through with promises made to shut down this network of radical Islamists.

In an interview over the weekend, Bakri presented himself as a spokesman for the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, headed by Osama Bin Laden. He warned that, ""the day will come that the flag of Islam will fly over the Big Ben and the British Parliament." more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:59 PM | Comments (75) | Add Comment
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June 14, 2006

Stick With Interviewing The Dogcatcher, Dude

Omaha radio talk show host Tom Becka, doing his best to be "edgy" and "provocative," not to mention "hip," gets the smackdown from Ann Coulter.

Listen to it here.

The money quote, "Christianity is not a religion."

Like PTG, I don't care what you think about Coulter, this guy should stick to interviewing Neighborhood Watch captains or some of the usual low-level ineffectual city bureaucrats.

In his own ad for his own show, he states "I'm no Rush Limbaugh..." and how true that is. I don't care what you think about Limbaugh, either, but you can't deny he's good at radio.

As the wife says about this interview, and I quote, "he's disrepectful, rude, and disgusting."


Posted by: Vinnie at 10:03 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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June 12, 2006

Who Buys This Crap? (Pun Intended)

So there I am, sitting on the gilded Editor In Chief Pro Tempore throne, minding my own business and thumbing through the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly (shutup, bastards) when I notice that the Dixie Chick's latest..uh..album is in week 2 at the top of the charts.

The natural question is in the title of the post.

But then I notice the numbers. And the undisguised attempt to put lipstick on a pig:

Life may be twice as "Nice" for the Chicks, still on top in week 2 with 271,000, a less than 50% drop

I think they scored around 500 large with the first week, and 271 large this week, with a grand total of about 871,000 plus-minus sold.

In a nation of 280,000,000 people.

What an accomplishment. I felt better after thinking about that.

I like irony. The anti-American Dixies Chick's defiant, triumphant return to the CD shelves dropped almost 50% in the same week that Kos had his Konvention.

In his shining city on the hill, Reagan smiles.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:55 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 07, 2006

The Idiot Returns

Michael Crook, of Forsake the Troops infamy, is back with a new pile of crap at www.disownthetroops.com.

Actually, it's just the same crap in a new bag. And nah, I won't link it, you'll have to type it in.

Crook is arguably one of the most hated people in America, so it always shocks me that he's still sucking oxygen.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:14 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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Navy Corpsman Shackled: Where is Cindy Sheehan?

A Navy Corpsman suspected of shooting Iraqi civilian shackled for months, no charges filed. Torture! Geneva Convention violations! Where is the Cindy Sheehan & the Left when they are most needed? But don't question their patriotism.

Update: I earlier said Marine, but the man is in fact a Naval corpsman. He's also shackled only during the time he's out of solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.

Vinnie said he'd kill me if I didn't change that. Apparently, to a Marine, there is nothing worse than being called a squid.

Which reminds me of an old joke about a certain number of submariners going down..........

UPDATE DEUX: Now I'm in trouble for calling the corpsman a "squid". Sorry. That's what you get when you try to hang out with the cool kids and use the lingo, but when you are in reality a certified geek. You may all now turn your backs and pretend you don't know me.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:25 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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June 05, 2006

Thank God For Osama Bin Laden?

Good grief.

That's about all I have to say. Well, I could say more, but this is a PG-13 blog.

BTW, next to mine and the missus', Plains Feeder is my favorite home state blog. I read it every day, you should give it a look-see often.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:43 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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B&N Employee Shuns Military

This is funny because it's indicative of the 'we support the military, just not the war' type of latte drinking liberal. From Sean in RI:

I went into the local B&N to do some reading this weekend. When I walked in the greater said hello to the people in front and asked them to join the B&N club.

When it was my turn to be greeted the nice lady looked me over and suddenly became busy fixing the books behind her. Didn't really think much of it because I hate greeters as much as the perfume spraying terrorists in mall stores. Next couple behind me got the greeters perky treatment, which made me look back to see if her books were all in odder or what.

Then it dawned on me, I got profiled. I was wearing my Army T-shirt, and a hat that said Hard Rock Cafe Saigon. The profile I matched, conservative former military Republican.

Now my question to you is should I go back in the same gear or go back dressed as a whiny liberal? This kind of burns my ass, I did all told between Marines and Army National Guard 14 years service, and this is the way some one showing any signs of supporting the military gets treated?

My advice? I'd stop bathing for a week or two, grow a goater, put on my Docs, and throw on that Che tee that's been languishing at the bottom of the closet since I was a freshman in college.

But that just might be my subconcience need for the undying approval of my intellectual & moral superiors on the Left.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:18 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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House Candidate Receives Funding from al Qaeda Linked Man

Here's a shocker, former Rep. Pete McCloskey of California is being forced to return $2,100 he received from a man being investigated for helping fund al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad. What possible reason could the terror supporter have for giving money to McCloskey? It seems that McCloskey bellieves that the Jews just have way too much power.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 02, 2006

The Strange Alliance of Socialists with Islamist Radicals

Dr. Sanity has a fascinating discussion of the intellectual evolution of the modern Left (see especially this chart) and the strange alliance it seems to have with Islamists. It seems to me explanation is quite simple: both share a common enemy, us.

Common enemies do create strange alliances. But don't question their patriotism.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:12 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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May 26, 2006

Haditha, Jack Murtha, & The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Have you ever seen Murtha & MacBeth in the Same Room? Think about it......

Let me just add that abuses happen in war. In all wars. U.S. soldiers participated in massacres in WWII. The fact that soldiers do bad things in war says nothing about the morality of that war.

The proper response to misconduct in war is court martial, not condemnation of the war. Those wishing to condemn the war in Iraq because of the misconduct of soldiers are engaging in deceptive propaganda. They will still oppose the war, even if it turns out soldiers are innocent of the charges.

The morality of the U.S. is demonstrated over and over again each time someone is charged with abuse or other war related crimes. The fact that we actually prosecute such criminals is quite revealing.

Contrast this to our enemies who praise the very same behavior they condem us for. Hostage taking, the execution of prisoners, and the targetting of civilians are all things the so-called 'insurgents' in Iraq boast of. Not only are 'martyrs' praised for targetting civilians, to add insult to injury, their 'glorious deeds' are video taped and then distributed on the internet to much fanfare.

We at The Jawa Report unequivocally condemn any actions by U.S. soldiers which violate the customary rules of war. If any U.S. soldier participated in the massacre of civilians, they ought to receive the harshest of punishments.

But unlike extreme Leftist who want to believe the worst things about our soldiers, we reserve judgement. We do not believe any and all accusations of 'war crimes' against U.S. soldiers because we are very aware that most of these accusations are unfounded and made by people with a political agenda.

If we were to believe, prima facie, all of the accusations levelled against our troops by Islamists and Leftists, then we would be forced to believe that the U.S. nuked the Baghdad airport, that our soldiers rape and pillage, and that they kill infants while mocking crying mothers. So excuse us if we are sometimes dismissive of accusations of war crimes when each and every time a U.S. soldier kills a terrorist cries of Geneva Convention violations are raised.

As Aesop's fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf teaches us, though, sometimes there really is a wolf.

Was there a massacre in Haditha last year? We do not and cannot know the answer to that based on the information at hand. We should let the investigation continue. If military investigators substantiate the claim, then those soldiers involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But there is another moral to Aesop's fable. One that is often overlooked. That moral is that any person that would believe the boy who cried wolf after so many false alarms are naive. In the end, no one in the village believed the boy because of his long track record of deception.

In Aesop's time, wolves really were a constant threat to a flock. They were not uncommon, so the plausibility of a wolf stalking the village flock was very believable. The fact that wolves were a real and common danger made the boy's initial lies seem all the more likely.

But what if wolves were a threat, but a very an uncommon occurence? What if the boy had cried lion or tiger instead of wolf? Do you think the villagers would have been fooled more than once?

Those that prima facie accept the Haditha massacre allegations are actually worse than the villagers described by Aesop. They want to believe that U.S. soldiers are the big bad wolf. They want to believe the very worst about those that risk their lives on their behalf.

There is no other explanation. Either the U.S. routinely massacres civilians or it does not. If it does not, then why condemn soldiers before a full and complete investigation has been carried out?

There are wolves out there, but since they are so rare these days, to believe the boy before sending out independent investigators to verify his less than stellar track record would be stupid, naive, or worse.

Previous: Censure Jack Murtha

UPDATE: Could the accusations be true? Like I said, yes. One of the moral of the boy who cried wolf story is that even liars sometimes tell the truth. If the NY Times story is correct that charges are forthcoming, then whoever is found guilty ought to be strung up.

UPDATE: Allah and The Commissar have additional comments. I agree. Except, what do you do with a messenger who has an agenda?

As Orwell noted, the quickest way to end a war is to lose it.

Update: Bithead, who I haven't heard from in ages, agrees.

UPDATE: Let me clarify something: When I began writing this post, I only knew of Murtha's conveying the allegations. That's what started the post. After writing the post, I've learned that there is strong evidence against at least two Marines.

I still do not want to believe the allegations are true. But that's just me, I want to believe the best things about my country. But, those allegations may turn out to be true. Even so, my point remains valid: there were those on the Left who have been screaming about this from the beginning, from the very day it happened--they wanted it to be true. They have been beating on the "war crimes" drum for a long time now. They may be right, in this instance, but with such a track record, can you blame me for being dismissive?

In any event, I personally volunteer to pull the trigger at the execution of any Marine who intentionally killed women and children.

UPDATE: Captain Ed, "This makes me physically ill." Me too, buddy, me too. In fact, I have been in a foul mood all day over this.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:14 AM | Comments (117) | Add Comment
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May 24, 2006

I Coulda Been A Contendah!

Catch it before it gets pulled. Jesse MacBeth, noted traitor, seditionist, and all around loser has a MySpace page.

Here's the only blog entry.

The comments are a laugh riot.

stein hoists: Beth and Allah.

Background on MacBeth, if you haven't heard of him yet.

Posted by: Vinnie at 04:18 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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Kosfest--"We Hate America!"

George Orwell, Notes on Nationalism (1945) : In foreign politics many intellectuals follow the principle that any faction backed by [the U.S.] must be in the wrong.

Kos, on news that two Americans had been murdered in Fallujah: Screw them!

Kos supporters on their upcoming annual hate America meeting: The 9/11 Conspiracy: A skeptics view

Posted by: Rusty at 09:32 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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May 22, 2006

Not In My Name

From this point forward, comments on my posts (read: Vinnie's posts) exhorting the faithful to kill everyone but themselves (do it! oh, please!) will be deleted.

You know who I'm referring to. Or maybe not, since your comment in response has been deleted.

I'm still reading the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and frankly (Charles Martel!) speaking, you have a lot in common with 7th century Mohammedism.

Methinks we have some (as they say on 24) moles.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:49 PM | Comments (40) | Add Comment
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May 20, 2006

Overheard At The Watercooler

"I told my kid that if he ever said he was going to join the Army or the Marines or any of that shit that I'd kick his ass."

Nah, I didn't say anything. I decided it was better let the idiocy shine on its own.

Posted by: Vinnie at 09:03 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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May 10, 2006

ACLU Challenges US Sovereignty

Brandishing a list of 51,000 signatures as backup for their campaign of innuendo and half-truths against American interrogation of captured terrorists, the American Civil Liberties Union is demanding that the US State Department subordinate itself to the UN Committee Against Torture:

"Instead of denying the systemic abuse of detainees confirmed by its own documents, the U.S. government must own up to the truth and take full responsibility," said Amrit Singh, an attorney with the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project who is currently observing the committee's examination of the U.S. report in Geneva. "We hope that the Committee Against Torture will hold the government accountable for the torture and abuse of detainees both within the United States and abroad."
It's odd that an organization that stuffs money into its members' pockets by defending the indefensible should tell a United States government department that it has no right to defend itself from the ACLU's own trumped up charges. Of course, the ACLU is still smarting from the knowledge that its own communications with international terrorist organizations may have been monitored by the NSA.

Via Stop the ACLU.

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:26 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 09, 2006

MA Mosque Claims U.S. Government Behind 9/11


"Mohammed's Mosque" in Springfield, MA, seems to be affiliated with The Nation of Islam. Dave has the backstory here.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:48 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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By Left's Standars, FDR Was Hitler

Don't question their patriotism.

Via Powerline, this from The American Spectator:

IN A BOLD AND CONTROVERSIAL DECISION, the president authorized a program for the surveillance of communications within the United States, seeking to prevent acts of domestic sabotage and espionage. In so doing, he ignored a statute that possibly forbade such activity, even though high-profile federal judges had affirmed the statute's validity. The president sought statutory amendments allowing this surveillance but, when no such legislation was forthcoming, he continued the program nonetheless. And when Congress demanded that he disclose details of the surveillance program, the attorney general said, in no uncertain terms, that it would get nothing of the sort.

In short, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt charted a bold course in defending the nation's security in 1940, when he did all of these things.

No, not THE President Roosevelt? Yes. In fact, the article goes on to quote a letter from Roosevelt to J. Edgar Hoover specifically authorizing the surveillance of those that disseminate enemy propaganda--no doubt a reference to the German Bund and many other groups that were actively engaged in trying to keep the U.S. out of the war, i.e. peace activists.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:11 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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May 08, 2006

Next on ACLU's Agenda: Rip the Distinguished Service Cross from my Grandfather's Corpse

So, the ACLU has succeeded in getting a court to order a cross be removed from a San Diego monument honoring our fallen soldiers? I guess the logic is that putting a cross up to commemorate our fallen dead is just the first step toward a Rightwing theocracy. You know, the American Taliban and all that.

I suppose that had it been a giant phalis honoring Mother Gaia, the ACLU would have had no problem. You can sign a petition against the court's action here.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:23 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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April 27, 2006

We Support the Troops, Not the War


More & more.

UPDATE: Ian, "Don’t you dare question their patriotism!" Indeed.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:13 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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April 25, 2006

First to Fall to Sharia? The Academy

Yes, I actually teach at a university. No, I will never reveal my identity.

Case in point, Detroit Free Press:

An Islamic student group at Michigan State University demanded Monday that university officials publicly reprimand a professor whose Feb. 28 e-mail called on Muslims who don't "like the values of the West" to leave the United States....

In addition to a reprimand, the student group wants the university to implement diversity training programs for faculty and a mandatory freshman seminar on hate and discrimination.

Case in point #2, Daniel Pipes in FrontPage:
Who would have thought that Belmont University of Nashville, Tennessee, would apply the Islamic law to its staff? But just that happened earlier this month.
Indeed. Hat tip to Robert Spencer.

More from Michelle.

Update: So, you say bad things about Islam: you're fired or reprimmanded; you say only good things about Islam, yet are a partisan Democrat then Yale wants to hire you. The academy in a nutshell.

Former academic Joyner, and present academic Taylor chime in.

Another update: Speaking of Steven Vincent, it turns out that Cole took swipes at Vincent not a week after he had been murdered. Class act, all around.

And another former academic, Jeff Goldstein, has more on Cole here.

Warning: Image below clearly violates Islamic law and may be deemed offensive. View at own risk. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:15 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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April 19, 2006

The True Voice of the Left

What appears below is not the usual fare for this website. It is a reprint of the bile and abuse that conservative blogger Michelle Malkin has received following her reposting of a Students Against War press release that contained contact information for SAW head conspirators. SAW is the group that rioted against military recruiters at UC Santa Cruz.

Now the SAW fools are claiming that Michelle's repost of their press release is resulting in death threats. Of course, since they themselves first posted this information it's hard to see their complaint.

This is how the Left reacts when they become too unhinged to maintain the veneer of civilization. If you're easily offended by gutter language, don't read any further: more...

Posted by: Bluto at 10:56 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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April 17, 2006

Pulitzer Gives Award For Treason

Jeemany Christmas

Forbes Via Mike Hampton at The Department of Home Land Stupidity :
The jurors awarded the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting “to James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of The New York Times for their carefully sourced stories on secret domestic eavesdropping that stirred a national debate on the boundary line between fighting terrorism and protecting civil liberty.” While the Times sat on the story for over a year and ultimately edited it due to national security concerns, many called the revelation of the program’s existence a threat to national security. President Bush himself called its publication “a shameful act.”
Pullitzer Prize my....who are these "jurors" anyway?

Oh wait we have them right here on comments via Mike again., eh eh ah-hem....

Narda Zacchino, deputy editor, San Francisco Chronicle (Chair)

Mike Connelly, executive editor, Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Kenneth Paulson, editor, USA Today

Delia Rios, national correspondent, Newhouse News Service, Washington, DC

*George Rodrigue, vice president/managing editor, The Dallas Morning News

*past Pulitzer Prize winner


Posted by: Howie at 08:30 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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