September 27, 2007

Dr. Esam Omeish Resigns Post

Via Breitbart:

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A member of the state's Commission of Immigration resigned Thursday, a few hours after Gov. Timothy M. Kaine was told about online videos showing the appointee condemning Israel and advocating "the jihad way."

Kaine learned of the videos from a caller to his live monthly radio program and accepted the resignation of Dr. Esam S. Omeish about three hours later.

"Dr. Omeish is a respected physician and community leader, yet I have been made aware of certain statements he has made which concern me," Kaine said in a news release announcing the resignation.

The governor said Omeish resigned because he did not want the controversy to distract from the work of the 20-member commission appointed to study the effects of immigration and federal immigration policies on Virginia.

Rusty was outraged the the day when Dr. Esam Omeish was appointed.
The Muslim American Society wishes to impose sharia law in the United States. Sure, they want to adopt Islamic law peacefully, through democratic means, but I'm sure that will be of little consolation to the first woman stoned to death for adultery or the first cartoonist beheaded for blasphemy.
The video of Omeish is criticizing Israel is here. Note the date it was uploaded to google video 9/11 2006. Not once in the video does he criticize Hizballah for it's deliberate targeting of civilians or its aggressive role in starting the 2006 conflict.

The "undated video" from DC is here.

More here at LGF.

Hat Tip:Bluto more...

Posted by: Howie at 04:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Soros' Pet NASA Global Warming 'Scientist'

James Hansen has made a career of global warming alarmism, complaining that he is being muzzled by the Bush administration (despite his participation in over 1400 interviews).

Hansen's compromise by billionaire George Soros was revealed in a Monday editorial by Investor's Business Daily about Soros' secretive efforts to subvert public policy:

How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely "NASA whistleblower" standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros' Open Society Institute , which gave him "legal and media advice"?

That's right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros' flagship "philanthropy," by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI's "politicization of science" program.

Hansen first sounded the climate change tocsin in 1971, when his computer model predicted a coming ice age.

Posted by: Bluto at 01:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 21, 2007

Five Months for POS Jesse Adam Macbeth

antiwaryoutub_mn.jpgUn. Freaking. Believable.

Jesse Adam Macbeth, told lies that may have caused the deaths of many Americans serving in overseas.

Via The Blotter: A Washington man, whose claims to have slaughtered civilians as a U.S. Army Ranger in Iraq were seen by millions on YouTube, admitted in federal court in Seattle today that he was a fake and a liar.

Jesse Adam Macbeth, 23, pleaded guilty to charges he faked his war record.

"He was in the Army for 40 days before he was kicked out of boot camp for being unfit," said U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan. "He was never in Iraq."

Not only that but, he became a propaganda tool for the Enemy.
Macbeth's story of killing men and women as they left a Baghdad mosque included claims that he was a U.S. Army Ranger and had received the Purple Heart for injuries suffered in combat in Iraq.

His interview was translated into Arabic and distributed in the Middle East, said the U.S. attorney.

"Macbeth's lies fueled hostility to our servicemen in Iraq and here at home," Sullivan said.

But he now says he's, "Sorry!"

The judge must believe this POS now, because he only gave him five months in prison.

Macbeth, the phony U.S. soldier who claimed to have committed atrocities, was sentenced to five months in jail.

Also See : Hot Air and Blue Crab Boulevard.

Posted by: Howie at 07:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 232 words, total size 2 kb.

September 19, 2007

The Truth About Ernie Chambers

By now, I assume, you've all heard about Nebraska state senator Ernie Chamber's filing of a lawsuit against God.

The conventional wisdom that's starting to float around about this story is that he is filing a frivolous lawsuit to make a point about the preponderance of frivolous lawsuits in this country. I watched him make this point on Glenn Beck's t.v. show tonight and he sounded downright Conservative about frivolous lawsuits.

Sounds great, doesn't it?

Too bad it isn't the truth.

Maybe you remember the story not too long ago about the Nebraska judge who barred the use of the words "rape" and "victim" in the trial of a sexual assault case. Well, the victim of the sexual assault, the one who was barred from using those words in her testimony on the witness stand, filed a lawsuit against the judge.

That, my friends, is the "frivolous" lawsuit that Ernie Chambers is responding to with his stupid antic.

The truth about Ernie Chambers, the apparently affable clown who filed suit against God, is much darker than you think.

In 1970, a 911 call was placed to the Omaha police, reporting screams coming from a house. Two of the officers who responded to the call, Larry Minard and John Tess, entered the house, which was actually vacant at the time. In the living room, there was a suitcase. As Officer Minard went to pick up the suitcase, it exploded. He was killed instantly, and Officer Tess was severely wounded.

Two members of the Black Panthers, Edward Poindexter and David Rice, were arrested, tried, and convicted for the murder of Officer Minard. They're currently still in the Nebraska State Penitentiary.

Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, when he's not filing lawsuits against deities, has, for 37 years, been one of these copkillers most staunch advocates.

There, now you know the truth. If you don't believe me, well, you'll just have to Google it.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 325 words, total size 2 kb.

August 14, 2007

Democrats To Scuttle Delta Queen

The Delta Queen riverboat has a wooden super structure. It has operated as a National Historic Landmark via a federal exemption to a Coast Guard prohibition against wooden hulls and superstructures since 1966.

Via the Tribune Review: Big Labor could sink the Delta Queen. If it does, a ripple effect will wash over the Pittsburgh economy. Local congressmen don't seem to care, even though the vessel will dock in the 'Burgh about a dozen times in 2008.

Built in 1926, the Delta Queen is a U.S. National Historic Landmark and the last original paddle-wheel steamboat offering overnight cruises. Her 19th-century charm includes 87 staterooms with period furnishings.

It's Americana with a calliope.

Please go online to see what the Seafarers International Union and its congressional cabin boys want to scuttle.

So why have Democrats suddenly become so concerned about safety on the Delta Queen after 41 years?
"The committee did not have an issue with the Delta Queen being a wooden superstructure," says Jeff Urbanchuk, spokesman for Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Hollidaysburg. Mr. Shuster is on the transportation committee.

A union dispute is the primary issue, Mr. Urbanchuk says.

The Democrats oppose the waiver because current ownership did not accept the collective bargaining contract when it bought the historic asset. Unfortunately, the Republicans did not have the votes to successfully introduce an amendment to grant another exemption, Urbanchuk says.

Two of the the congressmen blocking the exemption in committee are U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Forest Hills and U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, D-McCandless.

For what it's worth, Democrat Brad Ellsworth of Indiana has pledged to support a new exemption.

Please voice your support for keeping the historic Delta Queen afloat on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. It seems to me that if the boat is scuttled it really won't matter if the jobs are union or non-union because those jobs will be gone.

Posted by: Howie at 12:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 313 words, total size 2 kb.

July 11, 2007

Pretty Sad

That it took two idiots to write this. Worse yet, they were paid.

Posted by: Howie at 07:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 08, 2007

Internet Filter Gamer Identified

reverendjim.jpgRobert Spencer's blog Jihad Watch and many other blogs, including The Jawa Report and Hot Air have recently been blocked by several popular internet filters. I felt we were the victims of people gaming the system. That is people who go around flagging absolutely everything they disagree with.

It appears at least one internet filter, Webwasher has removed Jihad Watch from their master list. I've not checked on Jawa, but I do know who is behind it. Legions smelly hippies and Islamist supporters with nothing to do but sit around flagging righty blogs all day.

Via Vigilant Freedom: You get the jist of it. Of course they didn’t do that, because the boobs at Webwasher don’t want to eliminate their clients’ employees access to all discussions of religion, politics or news of the day, only those which don’t coincide with whatever Multicultural nonsense they were raised on. Note this isn’t the first time that this company has been found to being doing this sort of censorship on the sly either.

UPDATE: It appears that the ban has now been lifted. The censors have apparently repented and learned the error of their ways. For now.

OK now, look in the coments near the bottom.

It's Reverend Jim of

Via Reverend Jim's blog: WebWasher has blocked the hate speech sites of HotAir and MEMRI, and that the Foehammer's Anvil hate speech site has also been blocked or banned as hate speech by site monitoring services, and that other web filtering services are in the process of blocking Jihad Watch
Hot Air? MEMRI? hate speech?

I took a tour around hatewatch, it is a blog mostly dedicated to hating Robert Spencer and how the noble savages are the real victims. I was offended by this so, I flagged it ;).

Oh and he put up his email up so you can,you know, ask questions.
You know it's funny. A lefty blog was just criticizing TJR for our campaign against the Taliban websites. Free speech they said, how dare we use our speech to complain to internet providers about hosting terrorist websites in the USA. Go Figure. more...

Posted by: Howie at 12:41 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 02, 2007

Oh No! Farfour the Terrorist Mouse Murdered by Jooos!

Hamas has ended its children's show about Farfour, the Mickey Mouse clone who encourages Palestinian kids to commit acts of terrorism, by having poor Farfour beaten to death by a greedy Jew.

But the really disturbing part is that Farfour's grandfather is a human, thus, it seems apparent, that Hamas advocates sex with animals as well as terrorism.

Jerusalem Post story on Farfour's demise.

Posted by: Bluto at 06:13 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 73 words, total size 1 kb.

June 28, 2007

'You Racist Bastard' in 5...4...3...

Place your bets on how quickly this post gets poor Bluto branded with the racist tag. Winner gets the chance to pet my puppy. Sock puppets used for the purposes of winning the contest will be dealt with viciously.

The money quote:

I'm fed up with trying to explain things like "no snitching" and "reparations" and photoshopping conservative African Americans in minstrel blackface and social parasites like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to my kids, who didn't grow up watching civil rights marches and race riots on TV.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:40 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 92 words, total size 1 kb.

June 24, 2007

Gore Vidal: Homophobe?

The jack-booted homophobic fascism of the Christian right's vitriolic anti-war left's leading voices is really heating up!

From one of the left's favorite anti-Bush icons:

Vidal, 81, told the London Observer: "Edmund White will yet be feeling the wrath of my lawyers. It's unethical and vicious to make it very clear that this old faggot writer is based on me, and that I'm madly in love with Timothy McVeigh, who I never met."
Easy there, Viddy!

I'm sure Glenn Rick Ellensburg Greenwald will just be erupting in outrage, followed by a gobsmackingly infuriated set of rhetorical salvos from Andrew Sullivan. The dynamic duo often have many nuanced things to say about the homophobia they perceive from the "right." What about the blatant, homophobic hate-speech in their own house?

Former Grey's Anatomy star Isiah Washington, for example, was forced to go through a media-driven public humiliation and flogging over his use of the "F-word." Will Gore Vidal be given the same treatment? He's not exactly a nobody, you know.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 07:58 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 169 words, total size 1 kb.

June 19, 2007

Jimmy Carter's Middle Name: 'Consistency'

President Peanut wants the civilized world to cater to terrorists and ignore what passes for moderation among the Palestinians:

DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - Former President Jimmy Carter accused the U.S., Israel and the European Union on Tuesday of seeking to divide the Palestinian people by reopening aid to President Mahmoud Abbas' new government in the West Bank while denying the same to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
But Jimmuh is consistent; worst President ever, worst ex-President ever.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:22 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

June 15, 2007

Nifong Says He'll Quit

From the Associated Press:

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Facing the loss of his law license, a tearful Mike Nifong said Friday he will resign as district attorney, more than a year after he obtained rape indictments against three Duke University lacrosse players who were later declared innocent by state prosecutors.
Not good enough. This behavior should land him behind bars:
The North Carolina State Bar said Nifong withheld DNA test results from the players' defense attorneys, lied to the court and bar investigators, and made misleading and inflammatory comments about the three athletes, who were cleared of charges they raped a stripper at a team party in March 2006.

Posted by: Bluto at 03:26 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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June 13, 2007

Maureen Dowd Gets PWN3D

The NYT's resident harpy, who Hitchens once referred to mockingly as "The Great Philosopher Maureen Dowd," fails to notice a quote she incorrectly attributes to Oscar Wilde in her latest pointless screed against Republicans who she tries to slime as hyporcites over gays in the military issue.


Be honest. Who would you rather share a foxhole with: a gay soldier or Mitt Romney?

A gay soldier, of course. In a dicey situation like that, you need someone steadfast who knows who he is and what he believes, even if he’s not allowed to say it out loud.

Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue, as the gloriously gay Oscar Wilde said. And gays are the sacrifice that hypocritical Republican candidates offer to placate “values” voters — even though some candidates are not so finicky about morals regarding their own affairs and divorces.

BZZZZT. Wrong. From the letter writer that corrects her:
As Berkowitz notes, however, that wasn't Oscar Wilde's line at all. "Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue" (which, by the way, is a brilliant observation) belongs to La Rochefoucauld, as even an elementary Google search would have disclosed, to say nothing of actually cracking open a dictionary of quotations.

But that would have distracted from Dowd's narrative, which is that a line from a gay author showed that Romney is a hypocrite on gays in the military, as are all the other Republican presidential candidates. (She, on the other hand, thinks the war in Iraq is a crime, but it's a scandal that gays aren't allowed to die in it.)

Layers of editorial oversight, nuance and fact-checking might have been good here. Or Google.

ht: Ace

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:53 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 30, 2007

The Imperial Press Deigns to Apologize

Not for anything substantive, of course, but we peasants must be grateful for the crumbs we receive.

Today Show Face Matt Lauer graciously provides this absolutely classic example of "do what I say and never mind what I do":

(AP) BOSTON After challenging New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine for not wearing a seat belt, "Today" show co-host Matt Lauer apologized Wednesday for an interview with Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney in which neither man wore a seat belt while driving through New Hampshire.
Apparently, someone pointed out the hypocrisy of an NBC promo in which Lauer criticizes Corzine for not wearing his seatbelt, otherwise, no mention of this would have been made by Lauer.

Posted by: Bluto at 01:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 20, 2007

Do As I Say, Not As I Do Department

From the Times-Herald (Vallejo, CA):

Vallejo woman reportedly suffered minor injuries Friday when her car was rear-ended by an SUV driven by a state senator talking on a cell phone while driving through Solano County.
State Sen. Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, was driving her new state-issued 2007 Toyota Highlander Hybrid SUV at 10:40 a.m. on eastbound Highway 12 at Beck Avenue when she rear-ended Ellen Butawan, 31, of Vallejo, California Highway Patrol Officer Marvin Williford said.
Here's the ironical part:
Migden last year voted for a new law that takes effect in July 2008 that will impose a minimum fine of $20 for anyone caught using a cell phone while driving without a headset, ear bud or other technology that frees both hands.

Picture of Migden.

Posted by: Bluto at 04:16 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 18, 2007

Think Tank to Greenpeace: Put Up or Shut Up

In a sharply barbed May 18 press release, the National Center for Policy Research has challenged Greenpeace to reveal the identities of its donors of $50,000 or more for 2006. The conservative think tank is reacting to insinuations made by Greenpeace that oil company funding may be influencing the Center's positions on climate change and global warming.

Greenpeace - perhaps based on its own behavior - assumes that donations influence the stands groups such as ours take. They do not. So that the public can judge for themselves, we're challenging Greenpeace to complete transparency through disclosure of major gifts.

Funding from energy companies is not what is fueling the vigorous climate debate. What is fueling the debate is genuine, sincere belief that great uncertainties remain - both on the science and on the appropriate public policy response.


Posted by: Bluto at 06:52 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 17, 2007

Truthers Heart Ron Paul

Ron Paul, nutty candidate, nutty supporters.

Hat Tip: Ragnar.

Posted by: Howie at 10:03 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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May 15, 2007

John Edwards' Plot to Pervert Memorial Day

GM Roper writes eloquently about the true meaning of Memorial Day, leading up to the revelation that Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards is encouraging liberals to crap all over the holiday.

From the $400 haircut assweasel's Memorial Day hate site:

Get vocal. Buy a bunch of poster-board and markers. At a picnic or with family and friends, make signs that say “SUPPORT THE TROOPS - END THE WAR.” Bring them to your local Memorial Day parade. Then take a digital photo of yourself and your family or friends holding up the poster and tell us about it. We’ll include it in a “Democracy Photo Album” on our site.
Hat tip: larwyn.

ADDENDUM (Good Lt)- Additional Jawa Report coverage of John Edwards the Genital Puppet's plan to disgrace Memorial Day here.

Posted by: Bluto at 04:22 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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May 04, 2007

A Word About Site Meter and Circuit City

How many of you are sick and tired of obnoxious, obtrusive internet advertising that pops up and takes over your browser?

Lately, bloggers who use Site Meter have been subjected to a particularly annoying and stupid example featuring Circuit City products. The insipid ad mascots jump onto the screen, the ad has no "close" button, and it will often whisk you away to the Circuit City page, even after it has apparently left the screen.

I propose forcibly removing the genitalia* from every person at Site Meter, Circuit City, and their ad agencies who had a hand in creating this monstrosity. That way, we can be assured that their diseased genes will not be passed on to future generations.

If you're a blogger, drop a line to Site Meter and thank them for being such annoying little whores.

Boycott Circuit City. If they're stupid enough to think that this kind of ad campaign is a good thing, you certainly can't trust their electronics.

* I mean this in only the nicest, most figurative way.

Posted by: Bluto at 07:30 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 182 words, total size 1 kb.

May 02, 2007

Annual LA Hippy Roundup and Jamboree

Wearing special breathing apparatus to ward off the vile stench (note the trash and droppings on the ground) officers of the LAPD herd native wild hippies into MacArthur Park for the traditional jamboree (video below the fold). more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:24 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 110 words, total size 1 kb.

April 26, 2007

Wininng Hearts and Minds - US Aid To Egypt

U.S. Foreign Aid To Egypt:

1948-1997 - 45,669,400,000
1998 - 2,116,000,000
1999 - 2,076,000,000
2000 - 2,028,300,000
2001 - 1,996,000,000
2002 - 1,956,000,000
2003 - 2,212,200,000
2004 - 1,865,300,000
2005 - 1,821,500,000
2006 - 1,796,200,000
TOTAL: 63,536,900,000

Click 'Read More' to see the good will that American citizens have purchased with their billions of tax dollars... more...

Posted by: Kafir at 12:33 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.

April 25, 2007

Tokyo Rosie, You're Fired!

rosiefired.jpgI always wanted to say that! More here from ABCNEWS:

April 25, 2007 — Rosie O'Donnell is leaving "The View." ABC has been unable to come to a contractual agreement with "The View" co-host. As a result, her duties on the show will come to an end mid-June.
Also see Hot Air, the NY Post and Ace of Spades HQ.

Filed under Genital Puppets, one last time. more...

Posted by: Howie at 09:14 AM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
Post contains 143 words, total size 2 kb.

April 15, 2007

Pravda: Rove Had Imus 'Whacked'

Apparently because Imus was going to reveal what "really" happened on 9/11.

Oh. My. God. I hope this is a joke, but a Whois search does put the website in Moscow:

In a clear sign of its intent to reign in dissident American media personalities, and their growing influence in American culture, US War Leaders this past week launched an unprecedented attack upon one of their most politically 'connected', and legendary, radio hosts named Don Imus after his threats to release information relating to the September 11, 2001 attacks upon that country.
The article doesn't specify, but apparently the Bushitlerburton machine has developed a drug to cause people to utter the phrase, "...nappy-headed 'ho's.

Of course, now we know why Truth Porker Rosie O'Donnell came to Imus's defense.

Thanks to Curt at Flopping Aces.

Posted by: Bluto at 01:38 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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April 12, 2007

'Koranic Healer' Sells Cherokee Hair Tampons on Lebanese TV

'Hey Rocky... watch me pull a rabbit out of my...."

Posted by: Kafir at 01:44 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 19 words, total size 1 kb.

April 02, 2007

Tokyo Rosie Roundup

rosie_rant_system.jpgThis will be the last RO post I ever do, I swear! Or, at least I hope so. I can only stand so much stupid, before I'll just have to ignore her.

Check out the cool Rosie Rant Alert System at The Razor.

AOL poll :64 percent want Rosie to go. Vote Now! Via Allahpundit.

Rosie pledges to, "ask questions" Rosie's blog via The Influence Peddler.

I have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so raveled it is beyond salvage?
ER uh, Rosie, you fathead, our fabric is raveled, therefore, no need to salvage.

I see though that you are linking those who want to unravel things.

click for larger image
Still pushing those truther links, eh Rosie?

And last but not least, Falling Panda has a nice list of The Spew's sponsors. These people pay ABC to pay Rosie. It's simple, write letters and don't buy their stuff and they will drop The Spew like a hot rock. Go to Falling Panda for the complete list, but here are a few, with comments of course!.

Pilsbury Toaster Strudel
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
(Looking at her a$$ it really does work just like butter!)
Bush's Baked Beans (some irony there)
Loestrin 24 (shorter periods for bad gay rug munchers!)
Stainmaster Carpet (self explanatory)
Vaseline Intensive Rescue Body Lotion (Oh my! The image, get it out of my brain!)
Miracle-Gro and related products like M&M's and Dove Ice Cream.
Last but certainly not least, for Barbara and the rest of us, Excedrin!
Again filed under Rosie's fave category Genital Puppets.

Update: If you have ever read Rosie's blog, and I have had to suffer through that myself, you know that Rosie spends a lot of time writing "poetry." I can tell you its not The Spell of the Yukon to say the least.

Rosie's poetry inspired Nose on Your Face and Six Meat Buffet to do a little poetry of their own. I have a bit below the fold but the entire poems are at the above links. more...

Posted by: Howie at 02:54 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 478 words, total size 4 kb.

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