September 28, 2007

Jeffrey Ake's church has a fund to help his wife Liliana deal with the situation. Tax-deductible contributions can be sent to.
LaPorte Missionary Church
LaPorte Missionary Church
Attn: Carl Galloway
104 E. 18th St., LaPorte, IN 46350
Or use the paypal button below
Posted by: Rusty at
08:41 AM
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April 11, 2007

We have been following the story from the beginning. I learned many things about him and his family. Jeff owned a company called Equipment Express specialized in bringing safe drinking water to parts of the world where it was needed. His first effort to bring safe bottle water to Iraq in November 2003 was a success. One of his friends has taken Jeff’s methods home to Nigeria.
On Jeff’s second trip to Iraq in April 2005, he was taken hostage. His kidnappers released a couple videos of Jeff. They even called Liliana’s home, but the calls stopped and Jeff’s fate is unknown as of this time.
Being from a small mid-western town, the images of La Porte reminded me so much of my home that I felt a kinship with Mr. Ake and the people of La Porte. It was just like so many of the small friendly towns that dot the mid-west.
We have been hoping that Jeff’s case would turn out similar to Roy Hallums and a reunion would be swift in coming. But the last year has not yielded his release or any new information.
Jeff’s company was liquidated this year and a fund was started to help Liliana and her four children to keep the Ake family’s home. The fund raising so far has been successful despite small number of outlets (about nine) that ran the story. Donations are still being accepted. More information on how and where to make donations can be found below the fold in this post.
We pray for Jeff’s safe and unconditional release As Rusty said in one of his posts, “No political cause can ever justify the taking of civilians hostage. It is a form of barbarity with no excuse.â€
Here is a list of hostages still missing and held by terrorists via Vicki at Not Ready for my Burqua. There are many more missing, especially in Iraq, who's storys are unknown.
Eric Damfreville, Salma, and 3 Afghan aid workersUpdate: More here at the Indy Star. more...
Alan Johnston
Hannelore Marianne Krause and her son Sinan al-Tornachi
8 Ethiopians kidnapped with the Embassy workers
4 South African contractors kidnapped in Baghdad
An American contractor kidnapped in Basra
Jonathan Cote
Paul Reuben
Bert Nussbaumer
John Young
Josh Munns
Dean Sadek
Aban Elias
Jeffrey Ake
Ahmed Qusai al-Taayie --- The missing U.S. soldier in Baghdad
Ron Arad
Gilad Shalit
Ehud Goldwasser
Eldad Regev
Posted by: Howie at
01:01 AM
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February 17, 2007

Via the Telegram: WORCESTER— It’s been a couple of cold nights in the city. The snow, sleet and rain have fallen and the winds have howled. And no one knows that better than the fraternity brothers of Alpha Chi Rho who spent the last two nights camped out on the quad of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute campus….Good job kids. We have posted on the fund for Jeffrey Ake’s family here. The address for donations is at the post and I’ve received a couple donations via Amazon. The latest donation via my blog was five bucks, I’ll add a bit to it and send it out tomorrow when I pay bills. Thanks to everyone who sent donations through the blog and also directly to Mrs. Ake’s church.… On Wednesday afternoon, the brothers pitched a tent and began their planned 45-hour mission to raise money to aid in the search for Mr. Ake. It took weeks to plan the campout and gain approval from the college administration, because of safety concerns. Not once did the frat members think the biggest snowstorm and some of the coldest temperatures and fastest winds of the season would hit the area on their first night out.
Each of the 42 members of Alpha Chi Rho signed up for three-hour shifts in groups of 10. Last night, during one of Mr. Tracy’s shifts, a tent pole broke in the high winds, but the brothers stayed out there and continued with their mission.
“He’s been held hostage for over a year,†said Mr. Tracy. “There is no reason we can’t camp out for two nights. We just feel better going out there instead of sitting inside at a table asking for money.â€
So far the fraternity has raised more than $200, which will go directly to the family of Mr. Ake. “That’s pretty good for a bunch of poor college students.â€
LaPorte Missionary ChurchI have no idea how much money we’ve raised but I will ask Mrs. Ake’s Pastor to let us know how things are going when I forward donations this week.LaPorte Missionary Church
Attn: Carl Galloway
104 E. 18th St., LaPorte, IN 46350
The Jawa Report's Jeffrey Ake Archive.
Update: Great news. I just finished speakng with Mr. Galloway, Mrs. Ake's pastor. He says the response has been good. I cannot give specific amount but it is very significant.
Mr. Galloway says that the goal is to get Mrs. Ake (or Lily as he calls her) through the year. As soon as that goal is met they will ask that people stop sending donations. He also says that she would be upset if anyone hurt themselves trying to help her. If you can send a few bucks please do so, but don't hurt yourself.
He also says the US military has a good idea who took Mr. Ake and is seeking to find them.
We pray that Mr. Ake is found and those who took him face justice.
There has been a bit of confusion in this process. If you specify who your donation is for then the IRS will not allow it to be tax deductible. If your check is written just to the church they can send you a reciept and it will be tax deductible.
Mr. Galloway is contacting donors to see if the tax deduction is of concern. If so he will return those donation and you can resend them just in the Churche's name. Mr. Galloway is concerned that some may have been uspet by this.
My apologies, I was unaware of that. So you can blame Howie. I wanted to be sure the Church knew who the donations were for. So if you are expecting to deduct your donations please just send then to the church. The church has been helping her out from their general fund, so to specify her in the donation is not required.
They are getting very close to having enough but are not quite there yet. He says the first week there were a lot of donations but they have slacked off a little. They did recieve one yesterday and I recieved a couple more too.
Together we are making a difference, that is what makes blogging worthwhile. Myself, I'm feeling pretty giddy at the moment.
If you need to contact Mr. Galloway, the church has a website here.
Posted by: Howie at
10:38 AM
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January 19, 2007
Carl Galloway, pastor of LaPorte Missionary Church, said the congregation decided to ramp up its fund-raising efforts after learning Ake had put her home on the market.Below I have the address where you can send donations. Further contact information at the Post Tribune.Ake's husband, Jeffrey, has been missing in Iraq since April 2005, when he was abducted by gunmen near Baghdad.
"We have been supporting Lilly since Jeff was kidnapped," Galloway said. "It's a strange situation, because Lilly can't draw any of Jeff's benefits since nobody knows what has happened to him."
Ake, the mother of four young children, recently started bankruptcy proceedings for Equipment Express, the Rolling Prairie water bottling company Jeffrey Ake founded and ran until he was kidnapped.
She also put her LaPorte home on the market, saying she could not afford to stay there.
Ake recently earned her Realtor's license and got a job, Galloway said.
"The objective isn't to get her rich," Galloway said. "The goal is to get Lilly through the next few months, get her on her feet, until some money starts coming in."
Tax-deductible contributions can be sent to.
LaPorte Missionary Church :Jeffrey Ake FundPlease spread the information around your blog, church bulletins, Mosques, Synagogues, gas stations and favorite greasy spoons. Please do what you can. No matter how small your donation is they all add up.LaPorte Missionary Church
Attn: Carl Galloway
104 E. 18th St., LaPorte, IN 46350
Update: Bumped, originally posted 01/13/07. Just to remind myself to send my paltry sum this week. Have you send your paltry sum yet? My paltry sum added to your paltry sum an make a differnce. I was able to get the word to three churches too, hopefully that will help. Keep your findgers crossed. more...
Posted by: Howie at
11:20 AM
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January 08, 2007
Again, if you know Liliana or know of a fund already set up on her behalf, please let us know.
Facing mounting debt and with no news of her husband, Liliana Ake has started bankruptcy proceedings for Equipment Express, the Rolling Prairie water bottling company Jeffrey Ake founded and ran until he was abducted in Iraq in April 2005.With no new information about her husband's whereabouts, Liliana Ake also has again put the lakeside home she shares with the couple's four children on the market.
"I can't afford (the house)," Ake said, crossing her arms and walking down the steep driveway with Pine Lake at her back. "I have young children and a sick mother to take care of. I have some tough decisions to make."
Ake's children careened across the front lawn, riding bikes and wagons as she insisted she remains optimistic they will be reunited with her husband, who she last saw flanked by gunmen on a video image broadcast around the world.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:06 AM
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June 07, 2006

Washington Post :Jeffrey J. Ake is 48 now, if he is alive. He is also a husband and son and the father of four children who miss him terribly. He is a storyteller, a Rotarian and a small-business owner who thrived in distant capitals.Jeffrey Ake is specialist in water systems. And La Porte Indiana is hardly the center of a Zionist, Imperialist conspiracy. The abduction of Jeffrey Ake shows the callous indifference of the enemies if Iraq who routinely kidnap and murder innocent non-combatants in violation of all rules of warfare. These are the true war criminals! When our men loose their temper or commit a war crime, we bring them to justice. For the terrorist war criminals we fight there this is standard operating procedure.He traveled to Iraq, tools in hand, on a private contract to repair machines at a water-bottling plant. Early one morning in April 2005, the telephone rang at a lakeside rambler in La Porte, 80 miles east of Chicago. An Iraqi man, talking fast in poor English, told Liliana Ake, "We have your husband."
Fourteen months later, nothing is known about his whereabouts, while his family waits and neighbors wonder what to expect after so much silence. No American has been held captive longer in Iraq and come out alive….
…"Nothing at all. For over a year, we haven't heard anything," Liliana Ake explained in her first newspaper interview since her husband's abduction. "We pray every night. My little boy says, 'Bad people in Iraq have my dad. It's not fair.' "
She believes he is alive, perhaps because she must. At the same time, she is bothered by the sense in LaPorte, where people have been supporting her and rooting for her husband, that Jeff is becoming mostly a memory. Signs like the one at the KarMel are fewer. It is as though Jeff Ake is slipping away….
…"Unfortunately, there are not many more cards coming," she said. "Time goes by."
Howie's other Related Post. more...
Posted by: Howie at
08:22 AM
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April 11, 2006

We applaud Liliana Ake for breaking her silence. It is difficult to go against the advice of the U.S. State Department and private 'experts' working for insurance companies who have little knowledge about how the hostage situation in Iraq is different than in other areas of the world.
Many of Jeffrey Ake's friends and family have dropped comments or e-mails to me thanking The Jawa Report for keeping Jeffrey's memory alive. Now that Liliana has given us the green light, let us never let a day pass without mentioning Jeffrey Ake publicly.
As former hostage Terry Anderson once said, "The tragic thing is that the torment is as much from the outside by countries and people indifferent to their fate as on the inside by their captors."
We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Jeffrey Ake and Dean Sadek. No politcal cause can ever justify the taking of civilians hostage. It is a form of barbarity with no excuse.
We can only hope that the media, Muslims, and Leftist organizations will begin to pay attention to the plight of hostages who may not be one of their political allies.
For more, visit the Jeffrey Ake hostage archive here. Visit our extensive hostage archives here. And please, keep Jeff and his family in your prayers.
CNN which also features video: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
08:03 PM
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December 24, 2005
South Bend Tribune (hat tip: George):
With Christmas drawing near, Jeff Ake and his family remain in the thoughts and prayers of many in his hometown LaPorte.This Christmas, remember to keep the forgotten hostages in Iraq in your prayers.Eight months ago, the 47-year-old Ake, the owner of Equipment Express in Rolling Prairie, was taken hostage in Iraq while working at a water treatment plant near Baghdad....
Still fresh in the minds of many is the image of Ake flanked by gunmen on television screens across the globe.
Gradually, the vast media spotlight cast upon the city has dimmed along with the seemingly never-ending chitchat in the barber shops, taverns and other gathering places.
"After about two months you stopped hearing about it," said Julie Meyers, a hair stylist at Carter's Barber Shop at 711 Jefferson Ave.
Nevertheless, Ake hasn't been forgotten, judging by signs posted around the city offering prayer and encouragement for Ake and his wife, Lilliana, and their four children.
And in his bid to keep public awareness alive, Mayor Leigh Morris continues to call for God's blessing on Ake and his entire family at the start of each city council meeting.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:13 PM
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October 10, 2005

Former hostage Terry Anderson later recounted that realizing that the world was indifferent to the fate of Western hostages was nearly as bad as the torment administered on them daily.
We will not forget the fate of the hostages still held in Iraq. We urge you to keep them in your prayers.
Here is a little about Jeffrey Ake from the Indy Star:
The lack of attention on Jeffrey Ake baffles people here.Of course, the FBI's recommendation is inappropriate in Ake's case. If Ake is to be freed, it will not be because a ransom will be paid. So, why should it matter what his hostage takers ask?On April 11, when Ake was seized by gunmen outside Baghdad, the well-known and longtime LaPorte resident was national news. He was in Iraq doing business as the country rebuilds, helping to build a water bottling plant...
The townsfolk sprang to action the way people do in such a crisis: They tied ribbons around trees in their yards, they spelled out "Pray for Jeff Ake" on the signs at their businesses, they expressed fear and hope to the media that swarmed them, and they organized a candlelight vigil.
And then, suddenly, Ake was not news. The candlelight vigil was canceled. Ake's neighbors suddenly went silent.Today, with the six-month anniversary of his disappearance coming Tuesday, Ake's whereabouts remain unknown. The equally nagging question beyond what happened to him is why folks in LaPorte are mum about it.
As it turns out, they're just trying to help."His wife asked us to have no comment, so that's what we're doing," said Mel Turner, who lives next door to the Ake family.
Liliana Ake asked everyone to keep quiet because the FBI, the agency investigating Ake's disappearance, recommended it.
Ake's only hope is that Coalition forces are tipped to his whereabouts and is freed, as Roy Hallums recently was. After six-months it should be clear that silence is not a winning strategy. Keeping Jeffrey Ake's name in the forefront of the news so that forces on the ground will keep an eye out for him, and so that local Iraqis know who they are looking for.
In the meantime, we pray for his speedy release.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:16 AM
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June 09, 2005

A few days ago a rumor began to circulate that Jeffrey Ake had been released and was in Iraq. Perhaps similar rumors are circulating today? Let's hope this time the rumor turns out to be true. Any one with news about the status of Jeffrey Ake is urged to e-mail me.
Here is a story that ran a few days ago about Jeffrey Ake from the La Porte County Herald Argus: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
02:21 PM
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April 13, 2005

A video of an American civilian contractor taken hostage in Baghdad on April 10th has been aired by Al Jazeera television. The victim's name is Jeffrey Ake.
Our earlier report on Jeffrey Ake is here. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad now confirms Mr. Ake's identity. As with Roy Hallums, the State Department did not confirm his identity until after a video tape was released.
Links to video will be posted here as soon as they are available.....
The tape on Wednesday showed a man sitting behind a wooden desk as three men pointed their guns towards him.Al Jazeera did not release audio of the tape. The network has come under increasing fire for its airing of hostage videos produced as propaganda.He was holding what looked like a passport and a photo identification.
The hostage, who was shown surrounded by gunmen, called on the US administration to "open a dialogue with the Iraqi resistance" and strive to save his life, Al-Jazeera said.The demand is standard for these types of videos. However, what is new is the demand for dialogue between the U.S. and insurgents.He also urged US forces to promptly pull out of Iraq.
Could this be a further sign of the weakening of the insurgency?
Since there was no money demand mentioned, it also is very unlikely that those responsible for this kidnapping are financial opportunists. However, part of the deleted audio may have made a ransom demand.
Further, this is not the M.O. of the usual terrorist suspects. While I cannot say for certain, the video does not appear to show the banners of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq, The Army of Ansar al-Sunna, or The Islamic Army of Iraq.
Hat tip to James Joyner who e-mailed me about this while I was in class. He's also all over this one.
UPDATE 12:09: More information on Jeffrey Ake. According to WISHTV, Ake is from Northern Indiana. He is the President of a Rolling Prairie, IN, based water company, Equipment Express.
According to a local news article dated November 19, 2003, and reprinted at Equipment Express' website:
Equipment Express is again helping with the rebuilding effort in Iraq.From another article on their website:
A Western European country that company president Jeff Ake couldn't identify because of contractual reasons hired the Rolling Prairie company to construct an integrated system that will provide water bottles to be sold in Baghdad.A second system for Iraq will be built in January.
Equipment Express began construction on the system Nov. 3, completed the work Tuesday and will ship it out today. It should arrive in Baghdad around Christmas.
"We're called Equipment Express because we are fast. It's exciting to be part of the rebuilding effort," Ake said.
Equipment Express constructed "An integrated system that provided water bottles to be sold in Baghdad ... they have also constructed a machine that fills edible oil into containers to be used by Iraqi residents," according to information on the company Web site.And one more:
A fast growing Rolling Prairie company will be helping the humanitarian effort in Iraq.Once again insurgents capture a man in Iraq attempting to improve the standard of living in that country....A manufacturer Friday asked Equipment Express, 4744 E. Oak Knoll Rd., if it could construct as quickly as possible a machine that will fill edible oil into containers to be used for the millions of recently liberated Iraqi people....
Not everyone will drop what they're doing to manufacture the machine, but "there's a fair amount of effort being put into it. There will be some overtime."
Much of the Middle East needs the edible oil because it's used in so much of the people's cooking.
"It's extremely important to that culture, to cook almost anything. If they have grain, clean water and oil, they are able to feed themselves."
This isn't the first time Equipment Express handiwork has benefited the Middle East. Water treatment systems that include bottling, rinsing, filling and labeling capacities were built here and are being used in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
UPDATE 12:45: It appears that Jeffrey Ake was also a nationally recognized export specialist. His name appears frequently as a convention speaker on the subject.
UPDATE 12:50: White House chimes in....KHNL
White House press secretary Scott McClellan describes the situation as very "sensitive," adding that the administration is in touch with the family of the missing contract worker.What is it a video that is so powerful? Ake has been missing since Sunday, and we have been reporting it since Monday, yet no widespread media coverage.But he says U-S policy calls for no negotiations with kidnappers.
Another American was just kidnapped in Iraq. His name is Mohammed Monaf. No video, no coverage. It's sad.
Or what about the other American hostages being held? Roy Hallums, Dean Sadek, Tim Bell, and Bill Bradley? Or of the missing Army Spc. Keith Maupin?
Others: Mike King, Chad Evans, Secure Liberty, Rooftop Report
Posted by: Rusty at
11:31 AM
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April 11, 2005
UPDATE 4/13: The name of the man is Jeffrey Ake. A video has been aired by al Jazeera. More information about the video here.
The State Department has an official policy of not releasing the names of civilians captured in Iraq. As was the case of Roy Hallums and Mohammed Monaf, we will publish the name of this victim as soon as that information is available.
We pray for the safe return of all the hostages still held in Iraq.
An American contractor has been kidnapped near Baghdad, a U.S. embassyspokesman says, the latest foreigner abducted in the lawless Iraqi capital.Hat tip: Speed of ThoughtThe contractor, who was working on a reconstruction project, was kidnapped in the greater Baghdad area,embassy spokesman Bob Callaghan said on Monday.
"No group has claimed responsibility. We have contacted the Iraqi authorities to try and find him," he said.
Others: In the Bullpen, Jeff Quinton, Robert Spencer, ....
Posted by: Rusty at
04:24 PM
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