A 9-11 Twoofer Jumps Ship
With the wheels officially coming off of the 9-11 Troof bandwagon, some of the more prescient Twoofers begin to have second thoughts.
Alex Jones Does His Best Hitler Impression
If you haven't seen the screaming, ranting lunatic in action before, you need to see this video of him delivering a stemwinder to his brigades of mindless 9-11 Troofer blackshirts. Try not to laugh too hard.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
03:25 PM
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Counter-Truther Agitprop at Ground ZeroMary Katherine Ham and Karol from Alarming News were on the ground in Manhattan at Ground Zero. Mary Kate has the pics (video soon), and Karol has a lengthier description.
Maybe the counter demos should have passed out the latest al Qaeda video in which they admit, once again, that they were responsible for 9/11?
Posted by: Rusty at
11:28 AM
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Troofer/Spiderman/Wonder Woman Moronic Convergence
Not just Troofers and superheros handing out propaganda pamphlets, but drug addicts, chimps drummers, menacing doves, hippies, communists, socialists, Democrats, Code Pinkos, lost teenagers, two-bit huxters, liars, screeching lunatics, barking moonbats...
Troofers Prepare to Hype Their Bullsh*t on Graves of 9-11 Victims
So instead of remembering the events of 9-11-01 in a respectful and dignified manner, and redoubling our efforts to ensure it never happens again, we are instead to be treated to a stream of deranged children, aging hippies and mentally-unstable lunatics trying to muscle their way onto television screens to give the impression that there are more of them than there really are.
Here's an "action plan" from Alex Jones that includes crashing a series of MSM broadcasts around the city. They're numbered in the order in which they happen, so that you will see a gaggle of Troofer morons on every channel.
Clever, huh? Dishonest, shifty, and effective. That's Trooferism - playing on the relative apathy and disinterest of an unsuspecting public to bowl them over with hyperbole, screaming lies through bullhorns, and media whoring. Of course, the reality is that there's a roving band of morons that will be traveling around looking for things to do, and the more disrespectful to the victims of 9-11, the better.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
03:02 PM
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During the program which was being broadcast outdoors, Rivera first told the protesters to "get a life" when they first began assembling behind him during his show. Later on in the show Rivera referred to the group of protesters that organized behind him as an anarchist group and even referenced the Jones arrest live on air. Jones could be heard prior to his arrest on the live Fox News broadcast shouting through a bullhorn saying "9/11 was an inside job" with the rest of the protesters. No word on if that's why he was arrested, but since New York City requires a permit to use a bullhorn that is a likely scenario.
UPDATE: Here's some video from the event (wild and wooly!):
UPDATE II: The NWO released Jones! Fascism!
Posted by: Good Lt. at
08:57 PM
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That's good news for the Republicans, although I know they won't exploit it and use it because they're stupid.
Also, Troofers are publicly crowing but secretly cursing that only 4.6% of respondents in a poll they commissioned are MIHOP (made it happen on purpose). For the uninitiated or apathetic, this means that the controlled-demolition, no-planes/remote-controlled planes, laser/space beam, WTC7 demolitionLOL, Bush/Cheney/Joooos-did-it crowd takes one in the chops, because they wanted a much higher number than that. Most 9-11 Troofers are MIHOP. Here's some more poll analysis from Pat at Screw Loose Change.
And last but not least, here's a personal rant at the 9-11 Troofers from yours truly, in honor of the 9-11 victims they're spitting on with their unfettered nuttery.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
08:10 PM
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A Few More Sites Flirting w/ 9-11 Twoof...
I don't know how many people outside the debunker community noticed this, but there seemed to be a recent small controlled demolition of mid-level to well known non-9-11-nutter blogs flirting with Twooferism - mostly on the left.
First, we have a profoundly idiotic post "just asking questions" making outlandish inferences and unsupported allegations at My Left Wing.
Then we have a heroically inept offering from The Dissident Voice; a self-dubbed "radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and justice."
Third, we have a gobsmackingly stupid call to action from The Muckraker Report, who apparently support all kinds of wingnuttery from both sides (think Dennis Kucinichitrons and Ron Paulbots).
And let's not forget the occasional mental illness that sometimes rears its ugly head at the Huffington Post.
Keep digging, ye superpatriots! There's a great CONSPIRACY to be found (cue X-Files theme)!
Don't believe to BOOSH's version of what everyone saw! Make it up as you go along!
Tonight, its American counterpart looks to deliver a crushing, jack-booted swivel-kick to the shriveled jewels of the Twoofer movement in response (for the mental picture, thanks BC/Misha).
The Twoofers are predictably getting a case of the vapors, calling it a "hit piece." Sane people call it "the truth about 9-11 nutters."
More from Screw Loose Change. 9pm EST (check local listings). Tune in, laugh, and marvel at one of the largest self-imposed mental disorders affecting the nation (and particularly the political left) today.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:47 PM
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Slow news day, I know. Honestly - who cares about Der Unterfuhrer Rove when you've got Twoofer moron conventions out there?
Here's some frantically scribbled mindthoughts from a Twoofer watching the cult's high priests at a convention in Madison:
We’ve turned the chips over to someone else
I use my gray matter and figure out that 2+2 does NOT equal 5
OUTBREAK movie with Dustin Hoffman where he says, “I’m NOT moving!!!â€
Thinks “flash and pods†extremely important in “9-11 RIPPLE EFFECTâ€
Joyce and he have had many attacks upon them for their courageous work to reveal profound injustices, most especially to the military and their families
Many pics simply not real
White phosphorous---white cloud
What role did planes play? Cover story: if planes hijacked, then they were the terrorists, etc.
Collusion or coincidence… Lasers may have controlled planes…
We are all choir members here at this conference
“LOOSE CHANGE Iâ€---flash and pod
“LOOSE CHANGE IIâ€---removed; efforts made to shut down certain types of topics
COINTELPRO went after him, Dave
THINK OUTSIDE THE CAGE!!! We here are pretty much MIHPS (Made it Happen) here
Here's the introduction to the notes, if it can even be called that. All-caps alert:
Make sure you have Advil handy - you might get a headache trying to decipher it.
NWO Gets to Twoofer Moron
This is a few days old, but hilarious. Some of you may remember that Twoofer jackass "John Connor" ambushing Danny Bonaduce in a cafe. Well, that same Twoofer jackass, Mark Dice, lets loose a snort-worthy seethe about (gasp) having to participate in real life:
With google video being so popular, many people just watch videos for free and never buy the DVDs and support the film makers, and it seems people are even more reluctant to buy books. I'm almost out of copies of The Resistance Manifesto and have NO MONEY to print the new run. It’s going to cost about $7 thousand dollars. That and my laptop, which is the only computer I have, is almost burnt. The screen flickers to black all the time, and I fear it may just not come back on. The thing crashes almost every day too. I have a ChipIn box on MarkDice.com if you want to donate to help me get a new one.
I'm making about HALF the money at my day job than I did last year because business sucks and the economy is crap. I work in sales management. If I have to get a new job, I won't have all day to research and make videos since I will be forced to become a corporate slave so I don't start bouncing my rent check which I almost did last month.
I'm very disappointed in the movement, not only for not supporting my work, but for not fighting for the cause. I showed everyone how easy it was to jam radio talk shows like Hannity and O'Reilly. I should be hearing a half a dozen calls every day about the Illuminati and 9/11, yet I hear none. I have stopped listening to these clowns in hopes of hearing a caller slam them on the issues, because it doesn’t happen.
Oh, poor widdle baby! It's all about the Benjamins, I guess. I'll send my donation right over.
Ron Paul!!1 Fight the NWO!11!z FiRE cANt Mlt StEEl!3
Keith Ellison (D): 9-11 Twoofer...
He hasn't yet leaped all the way over the cliff rhetorically, but he's dangling one foot precariously over the edge. I wonder if he's interviewed any of the FDNY.
Is anybody the least bit surprised at this?
Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:25 AM
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Nice. Didn't Politico readers get to ask Republicans candidates for President questions? Hmm.. Interesting.
Posted by: y7 at July 08, 2007 07:21 AM (Cixed)
Well you all know where I stand on something like this. I believe we have far too few people like Bolynn around. While his article may have been a little over the top in equating Israelies to Nazis, I think this comment found near the bottom of the website is much more profetic:
"Middle Eastern policy is shaped in the United States by those with very close ties to the Israel lobby. Those who attempt to counter the virulent Israeli position, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, are ruthlessly slapped down. This alliance was true also during the Clinton administration, with its array of Israel-first Middle East experts, including special Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross and Martin Indyk, the former deputy director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, one of the most powerful Israel lobbying groups in Washington. But at least people like Indyk and Ross are sane, willing to consider a Palestinian state, however unviable, as long as it is palatable to Israel. The Bush administration turned to the far-right wing of the Israel lobby, those who have not a shred of compassion for the Palestinians or a word of criticism for Israel. These new Middle East experts include Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Douglas Feith, the disgraced I. Lewis “Scooter†Libby, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and David Wurmser.
Washington was once willing to stay Israel’s hand. It intervened to thwart some of its most extreme violations of human rights. This administration, however, has signed on for every disastrous Israeli blunder, from building the security barrier in the West Bank, to sealing off Gaza and triggering a humanitarian crisis, to the ruinous invasion and saturation bombing of Lebanon.
The few tepid attempts by the Bush White House to criticize Israeli actions have all ended in hasty and humiliating retreats in the face of Israeli pressure. When the Israel Defense Forces in April 2002 reoccupied the West Bank, President Bush called on then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to “halt the incursions and begin withdrawal.†It never happened. After a week of heavy pressure from the Israel lobby and Israel’s allies in Congress, meaning just about everyone in Congress, the president gave up, calling Sharon “a man of peace.†It was a humiliating moment for the United States, a clear sign of who pulled the strings.
There were several reasons for the war in Iraq. The desire for American control of oil, the belief that Washington could build puppet states in the region, and a real, if misplaced, fear of Saddam Hussein played a part in the current disaster. But it was also strongly shaped by the notion that what is good for Israel is good for the United States. Israel wanted Iraq neutralized. Israeli intelligence, in the lead-up to the war, gave faulty information to the U.S. about Iraq’s alleged arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. And when Baghdad was taken in April 2003, the Israeli government immediately began to push for an attack on Syria. The lust for this attack has waned, in no small part because the Americans don’t have enough troops to hang on in Iraq, much less launch a new occupation.
Israel is currently lobbying the United States to launch aerial strikes on Iran, despite the debacle in Lebanon. Israel’s iron determination to forcibly prevent a nuclear Iran makes it probable that before the end of the Bush administration an attack on Iran will take place. The efforts to halt nuclear development through diplomatic means have failed. It does not matter that Iran poses no threat to the United States. It does not matter that it does not even pose a threat to Israel, which has several hundred nuclear weapons in its arsenal. It matters only that Israel demands total military domination of the Middle East.
The alliance between Israel and the United States has culminated after 50 years in direct U.S. military involvement in the Middle East. This involvement, which is not furthering American interests, is unleashing a geopolitical nightmare. American soldiers and Marines are dying in droves in a useless war. The impotence of the United States in the face of Israeli pressure is complete. The White House and the Congress have become, for perhaps the first time, a direct extension of Israeli interests. There is no longer any debate within the United States. This is evidenced by the obsequious nods to Israel by all the current presidential candidates with the exception of Dennis Kucinich. The political cost for those who challenge Israel is too high.
This means there will be no peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It means the incidents of Islamic terrorism against the U.S. and Israel will grow. It means that American power and prestige are on a steep, irreversible decline. And I fear it also means the ultimate end of the Jewish experiment in the Middle East.
Posted by: Bo at July 08, 2007 08:59 AM (euN4c)
4I believe we have far too few people like Bolynn around.
You're right.
We need more belligerently uninformed, anti-Semitic, 9-11 conspiracy mongering, anti-Israel, anti-American, cop-punching, al-Qaeda denying 'journalists' out there. Too much jooooooish agitprop being believed.
Nothing more needs to be said. You're a moron of the highest order, and anything you write at this site from now on will be linked to this assinine contention. Congratulations - you're an idiot.
And I fear it also means the ultimate end of the Jewish experiment in the Middle East. I'm sure you fear that - its hilarious enough that you actually believe your tripe. The one democracy in a vast sea of human-rights cesspools of theocratic dictatorships, which has given humanity scores of Nobel prize winners and advances in medicine, technology and democracy, is the one country that is "the problem."
The Islamists have won! Eradicate Israel! I take it back; you aren't an idiot. You are the supreme, unquestioned Lord-High Grandmaster of Jew-hating idiots posting at this site.
Posted by: Good Lt at July 08, 2007 09:13 AM (yMbfY)
You gotta remember to get outside more, get some fresh air and sunshine.
And son, lose the tinfoil hat... it apparently isn't working anyway.
Posted by: Gwedd at July 08, 2007 10:18 AM (6lNUQ)
Sir, this Bo is nothing more than a bloody Arab mo-slime, and "John Ryan" is an agent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These savages were taught by their pedophile pseudo-prophet that "War is deceit". Accordingly, they try to vitiate the clarity and resolve of their opponents by fabricating and endlessly repeating deceitful rubbish.
Meaningful discourse is NOT possible with mo-slimes. FORCE is the only thing these subhuman savages understand.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 08, 2007 11:24 AM (EdIIN)
History Channel Australia to Air Moronic 'Loose Change'
Absolutely disgraceful. This is below the History Channel (or any channel, save Democracy NOW!)
Get on the horn or on email and let them know how you feel about them airing what amounts to a modern Holocaust-denial film riddled with inaccuracies, lies and distortions about one of the darkest days in American history:
Postal Address :
The History Channel
GPO Box 99
Courier Address :
The History Channel
5 Thomas Holt Drive
Nth Ryde NSW 2113
Phone Number: +6 12 9813 6000
Web feedback page:
Do not let this travesty go unchallenged. Get on the phone or on email and do it TODAY.
What is also shameful is that you all continue to allow Greyrooster to post in spite of his anti-black racism and his vile ad hominem epithets.
You are enabling Greyrooster and this is giving conservatives a black eye.
Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 12:21 PM (b0FZu)
Greyrosster has been banned. He uses a cable modem and changes IP addys. So he's difficult to ban for any length of time. A agree I don't like some of the things he says. Although after all these years I've detected a small trace of good in him. His worst comments reflect badly on him. Makes him look old and foolish. It would help his cause to speak about the behaviour that bothers him and leave color out of it. True each race has it's own set of idiots and some appear to have more than others. I don't excuse behaviour by blacks or others that I find wrong.
But people do associate things rooster says with this blog and therefore my hope is that he would respect his place a a guest here and speak accordingly. There is always a way to get your point across without being a blantantly foolish racist asshole. But old assholes never change, maybe the next geration is ashamed of him and will do better.
I know one time my grandpa was describing how he looked after a hernia surgery time. We were visiting my sister in the hospital at the time. He said look I was blacker than a damn ni**er as he pointed all around his waist. . And he was bruised pretty bad it was an apt analalgy. Behind the curtain on the other side of the room was a black doctor who was there from John Hopkins with a patient, reputed to be one of the best in his field. A Black Man of means talent and hard work. Needless to say we were enbarrassed by what he said as was he. But he is from a different age and that's just how he speaks at times. He would no more treat that man different than anyone else to his face. He's feed him if he were hungry and let him stay in his home if he needed it, pour him a drink too I'm sure. But he did't know he was there and fucked up .
I know I'm prejudice to a point, everyone is and I'm a product of my heavlily white midwesten environment. I admit I don't feel comfortable driving though west Memphis at night, not the environment I'm familiar with. But I work with a lot of nice peope of all colors. I'm aware of it and I do my best to give every man a fair shake. It's not really possible but it's the effort that counts, I hope, in the long run.
I still love my grandpa but there it is. If don't think rooster would act that way in my home if he knew I would be offended. So he should behave as well here. I'll allow for the occasional angry rant. But when rooster offends his hosts adn others repeatedly without thought, I find it rude rude rude, and I thought southerners were polite. Most of them are.
So yeah, we can go around worrying about him all day and deleting his comments. Doesn't that jut encourage his egotism and encourage him more. Or e can just leave them there to show who he really is. Pretty ulgy record if you aks me. His errs show he doesn't really have the writing skills to be that damn arrogant.
Posted by: Darth Odie at June 23, 2007 01:26 PM (YHZAl)
I sent them an email but it was to the posted AU addy.
Posted by: mrclark at June 23, 2007 01:28 PM (DqUtT)
Meh. Given some of the dreck I've been seeing on the history channel lately (an hour-long program about how the Bermuda Triangle is *just like a black hole!* No, I mean, like a black hole, you know, emits, like, gravity waves and the Bermuda Triangle, like, has these, like, waves of *water*, *just like a black hole!*), I'm not surprised.
Posted by: Anachronda at June 23, 2007 03:03 PM (jnCzJ)
5the Bermuda Triangle is *just like a black hole!* No, I mean, like a black hole, you know, emits, like, gravity waves
Its not gravity waves but mind control waves. The machine is owned by the US gov and thats was how McBushHitler implemented the Rovian plot exposed by Loose Change.
Posted by: Randman at June 23, 2007 04:47 PM (Sal3J)
I love crybabies. Particularly the black asskissing ones. Conservative Voice: You're nothing but a whinning sissy lefturd. I do more in day for the conservative cause than pissants like you in your entire pityful little lives. You remind if the the little cry bady shits that complain about Rush Limbaugh. In fact since you talk like a lefturd you probably are one. So go fuck yourself. Sissy.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:32 PM (1p01H)
Darth Odie: You pussy. Name one time the Greyrooster hasn't told the truth. Stand up like a man and tell it like it is. Your such a chump your working with a lefturd called conservative voice. Conservatibe voice my ass. Just because you're a sucker don't expect others to be. Fucktard like Conservative Voice would give up this nation without a fight. Bend over and join them if you wish. Then again, you've always been a loser. Why change now.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:36 PM (1p01H)
And if you wish to know the truth. The list that see's that I am correct grows and grows every week. But is your head to far up some weaklings ass to see that. What a bunch of chickenshits. You punks can run down Mexicans, South Americans, Asians, Muslims. But you're to chicken shit to say the same about blacks that are killing people in our streets. I guess the Mexican and Asians won't whip you ass so you just pick on them. COWARDS. Then you join the candy asses who wish to shut the brave up. FUCK YOU. JUST FUCK YOU.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:43 PM (1p01H)
Writing skills? Not much. I base my arrogance on other successes. Now get in your old used car and tell me again how much you grammer has given you and yours. You remind me of those little nerds sitting in the front row and school and worshiping the stupid teacher. You know. The ones who hid in the bushes until we when by.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:47 PM (1p01H)
Don't bother with greyrooster, when we move to the new blogging platform, he won't be around anymore.
That's right, bitch, pretty soon you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.
Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:28 PM (eSoLw)
ROFLMAO! I can disagree with Rooster on the black thing but I still like the guy....I mean...he is a people person.
Posted by: Randman at June 23, 2007 07:28 PM (Sal3J)
Vinnie: Strange. Your boyfriend says you're the bitch.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:32 PM (1p01H)
Looks like Vinnie has moved to the lefturd side. Nothing new to me. Expected it for a long time.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:34 PM (1p01H)
Fuckface, you're a pimple on the ass of this blog, and it's going to give all of us who post here extreme gratification when you get popped.
Go get your own blog, retard, so that we can read it and laugh.
Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:42 PM (eSoLw)
Of course, you may need to be reminded that Robert "Sheets" Byrd, Democrat senator from West Virginia, is a Klansman.
Who's the lefturd? Me, or the dumbass that agrees with Robert "Sheets" Byrd, lefturd Klan member Democrat senator from West Virginia.
Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:46 PM (eSoLw)
Poor little Vinnie. Gets beat at his own game so wishes to stop playing. Knew you didn't have it in you. The muslims will stick one in your butt and you won't say a thing. You're ain't nothing. Never won anything in your shitty little life. You're a peon Vinnie. a peon to to peed on.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:48 PM (1p01H)
There is a way to deal with this recurring wart. Just post his IP and email information, the same way you all do with Islamist asses.
That way, everyone can contact his IP provider and get him shut down.
Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 07:51 PM (b0FZu)
You're right, shitnozzle, I haven't won anything in my life. I earned everything I have, like the good Conservative that I am.
As far as Muslims doing anything to me, think whatever you want. You don't have the slightest clue what's in this house waiting.
Clock's a ticking, gheyrooster, soon you'll have to find greener pastures for your inane drivel.
And for God's sake, get a fucking spellchecker.
Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:56 PM (eSoLw)
Greyrooster is an anonymous wussy. If he had a pair, he'd be okay with everyone knowing his real name. But the reality is that he'd shut up big time if he was exposed. He's a bully and bullies are always wussies.
Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 07:57 PM (b0FZu)
Yay! I didn't know the new platform had a better capacity to ban insane drivel spewers. That's good news.
Beth: How long have you been letting blacks give it to you up the ass? Easy to spot a bitch that spreads her legs in the ghetto. You sound like the nappy headed ho from the duke party. Difference is you got to be uglier. Only an ugly bitch like you needs to go down on blacks.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:29 PM (I26g3)
Vinnie the punk: Wrong not a Klan member. Must be a Christian to join. I'm not. They wouldn't let you join either. No gays allowed. Sissy.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:32 PM (I26g3)
Conservative Voice: Why don't you post your name? Fucking coward. No one on the blog posts their names. Fucking low life cunt. If I didn't have a family I would post it. In a hurry. I hope to get a shot at some piece of dog shit like you. If you or any of the blacks you suck want to meet with me alone. I'm game. Just so it's to the death. And I'm serious. Fucktard. If you wish to know we are looking for you right now. And I will find you.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:38 PM (I26g3)
Whores and two bit tramps like this Beth bitch stand up for the niggers who beat to death a innocent man on the streets of Austin. Way I figure it. The filthy bitch is one.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:45 PM (I26g3)
Two days later: Wonder how many of the brothas Beth did last night. Bitch carries a mattress on her back and gives change for a dollar. Big deal when someone says something about the color you've been screwing. Hey, slut, maybe your nasty ass can give those killers in Austin aids. Do something honorable once in your miserable life. Meanwhile keep with the monkey fucking. Keeps them out of trouble.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 26, 2007 07:59 AM (KtHtq)
Why are you worried about the History Channel? You'll be watching Fox News as usual. Let the rest of us haver our fun.
The illness continues its rapid infection of the Democrats, starting with the Nutroots and going up the tree. You can even see the Twooferism gnawing at the nutroots in the comments, as the few sane Kosbots try to convince other weaker minds that yes Virginia, planes did hit the WTC and Pentagon.
Posted by: wooga at June 19, 2007 08:39 PM (t9sT5)
I love the pictures some wiseguys put up, of a cat wearing a tinfoil 'devil' hat, and a squirril also wearing a tinfoil hat! Mooore is taking damage from this even among the Kosbots. Yeehah!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 19, 2007 08:49 PM (2OHpj)
Bunch of kooks -- they really soil the graves of the ones who died in that horrific tragedy.
Posted by: Richard Romano at June 19, 2007 09:32 PM (iD1fP)