April 19, 2006

The True Voice of the Left

What appears below is not the usual fare for this website. It is a reprint of the bile and abuse that conservative blogger Michelle Malkin has received following her reposting of a Students Against War press release that contained contact information for SAW head conspirators. SAW is the group that rioted against military recruiters at UC Santa Cruz.

Now the SAW fools are claiming that Michelle's repost of their press release is resulting in death threats. Of course, since they themselves first posted this information it's hard to see their complaint.

This is how the Left reacts when they become too unhinged to maintain the veneer of civilization. If you're easily offended by gutter language, don't read any further:

From: Joe Smith joejoe90211@yahoo.com
Date: Apr 17, 2006 7:48 PM
Subject: You belong in prison.You are a disgusting waste of oxygen.

You WILL burn in hell you disgusting cunt.


From: NorthCentralGuy@aol.com NorthCentralGuy@aol.com
Mailed-By: aol.com
Date: Apr 17, 2006 7:47 PM
Subject: TIP

Someone ought to sew your cunt up with barbed wire. Not that it gets any use, you facist, hate spewing, disgraceful piece of shit.


Michael McPherson michaelmc123@comcast.net
6:42 pm (1 hour ago)

You are a fucking slanty-eyed cunt.

Have a nice day


From: outorsafe@adelphia.net outorsafe@adelphia.net
Mailed-By: adelphia.net
Date: Apr 17, 2006 6:31

you miserable cunt... too bad your parents were not killed in a war...


From: James Ventura jvent68@yahoo.com
Date: Apr 17, 2006 3:45 PM
Subject: you are a CUNT


From: Steve McQueen michellemalkintraitorous@hotmail.com
Mailed-By: hotmail.com
Date: Apr 17, 2006 7:24 PM
Subject: You are a traitor

Ms. Malkin,

Your decision to release the contact information of people who disagree with
you is reprehensible, irresponsible and ignorant. If you had a conscious I
would expect you to be ashamed of yourself, but I know you do not.

To leave it on your site after they have requested it be taken down AND
after your supporters have made death threats against them is disgusting.

Grow up, you fucking princess.


From: JBD jaked1963@yahoo.com
Date: Apr 17, 2006 8:17 PM
Subject: I guess it's time...

To post not only YOUR personal information on the web, but that of your family as well...After all, Michelle, it's only fair. Hmmm...who should we start with and where shall we post it? You are a reprehensible excuse of a human being.

Jake Daab
Chicago, IL


Craig Mayor trilevel@shaw.ca
Date: Apr 17, 2006 7:24 PM
Subject: chink scum

listen chink

leave the students alone

lets call YOUR friends and family

From: J. Beeson emg@cox.net
Mailed-By: cox.net
Date: Apr 17, 2006 8:44 PM
Subject: UCSC Death Threats

Fuck you for printing those SAW numbers, you bitch. Hope you get harassed and your numbers printed. Did I say "fuck you"....Oh yeah...I guess I did. Bitch.

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:56 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
Post contains 475 words, total size 3 kb.

1 Simply charming!

Posted by: LC CanForce 101 at April 20, 2006 12:10 AM (3smJS)

2 That must be some of that lefty "nuanced" thinking I keep hearing about.

Posted by: nuthin2seehere at April 20, 2006 12:28 AM (blNMI)

3 Man, have you got WAY to much time on your hands. Does your mommy know that you're playing on her computer?

Posted by: Lonevoice at April 20, 2006 01:09 AM (QnxoD)

4 Because of how evil the amerinazis have made America, Jesus Christ has removed His blessing. Can't you tell? http://www.deanberryministries.org/index3.h*ml

Posted by: DEAN BERRY -- REAL AMERICAN at April 20, 2006 02:14 AM (h/YSB)

IN AMERICA WE HAVE A DYNAMIC ECONOMY RATHER THAN THE SLUGGISH EUROPEAN ECONOMY BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SOCIALIST (look at what happened with the berlin wall, the west berliners were living in luxury while over the wall in soviet east berlin the citizens could only look at the superior life everyone on the other side of the wall enjoyed)

Posted by: I GET DRUNK WITH TED KENNEDY at April 20, 2006 04:11 AM (Uvtly)

6 Why must some people on the left be obsessed with her genitalia?

Posted by: Leovinus at April 20, 2006 05:36 AM (I42Iw)

7 "If you had a conscious..."

Some real mental giants there. I guess that's opposed to having an UNconscious. Are these people in college? I noticed none of them misspelled the C word.

Leovinus, it seems many on the left, when in a snit, resort to very UN-PC epithets all the time. They simply cannot fathom how a minority person wouldn't be on their side so since said minority person doesn't toe the line that they think minorities should, they call them by the derogatory names they normally rail against others doing. You see, if a conservative calls someone stupid or ignorant, in the eyes of a lefty they're a misogynist, xenophobe or racist. But the double standard does not allow for the reverse.

As far as the death threats go, I don't know what to say. None of them ever reprint them to for others to see. And of course, if that has happened, that's wrong too. The problem there is that they willfully claim their own whereas we quickly reject the nut cases.

Posted by: Oyster at April 20, 2006 06:02 AM (YudAC)

8 I guess this is exactly what Michelle talks about when she describes them as "unhinged." What remarkably unclever people.

Posted by: Asgerd at April 20, 2006 06:53 AM (w4Fe9)

9 That is disgusting. Not only are these people not very articulate, but they're obvioulsly bigots too. But then that's all the left really has.. invective, vitriol, and a deep intolerance for anyone with views different than their own.

Posted by: Richard at April 20, 2006 07:43 AM (7KF8r)

10 I don’t support for a moment the language of abuse, sexism, and racism that Malkin was subjected to. Having been on the receiving end of some of that from some on the right, I think it hurts us all, regardless of the source.

But I’m frankly shocked at you, Bluto, for not having sympathy for those who have been threatened with death as a result of their personal info being posted at Malkin’s site. Several weeks ago, you declined to provide any specifics of a bar fight you were engaged in back in 1975, for fear that to do so on your blog would lead to some in your small town identifying you, and thus exposing you to Al Qaeda and its supporters, who had threatened you with death on some other website. I don’t believe that the death threats these people have received are any less credible than that. (I don’t believe either of you is in any danger, but since you thought YOU were in danger, that Al Qaeda would identify you, out of all the right wing bloggers, it is at LEAST as credible that some right wing fringe nut job would commit violence against these lefties). Why don’t you have sympathy for people, like you, who take extremely unlikely death threats very seriously?

No one should face a death threat for political activism in this country, just as no one should be abused like Malkin was.
You should read some of the unbelievable hate mail that Andrew Sullivan gets from left and right. People on the right in particular write at length about how they long for his AIDS death. Nice.

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 07:44 AM (uT71O)

11 They simply cannot fathom how a minority person wouldn't be on their side

Liberals are terrified of minorities escaping the Democrat plantation. It would mean political extinction for the Dems.

Posted by: dcb at April 20, 2006 07:47 AM (8e/V4)

12 jd,

as Bluto has already stated, since the SAW folks themselves first posted this information it's hard to see their complaint. When people like SAW publicly post their contact info, it means they're not trying to hide their identity. Savvy? And you don't get people like Michelle Malkin to do you any favors by calling her a slanty-eyed cunt. Maybe they should have asked nicely.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 07:55 AM (8e/V4)

13 jd, the SAW idiots posted their own info. Michelle simply reposted their "press release". In response, the Left has threatened Michelle's children, and posted directions, with map, to her house.

There is also the question of the remarkable similarity in the grammar and sentence construction of the alleged email "death threats" that SAW has reproduced, sans headers, on their site.

As is your wont, you mischaraterize and tell outright lies about past comments. That is why I seldom engage you, and, frankly, hold you somewhat in contempt; only somewhat, because your prevarications seem to stem more from mental deficiency than conscious intent to deceive.

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at April 20, 2006 07:57 AM (RHG+K)

14 I agree that they were foolish for posting their personal info anywhere, but you have to admit, on the blogosphere, the location matters, too. Some websites get 10 hits a day, others several hundred thousand. My main point is, why isn't Bluto sympathetic to their fears, when they so closely mirror his own? There have been right wing killers in this country, domestic terrorists, whether they have shot abortion providers, gay activists, bombed clinics and gay clubs, attacked moderate Cubans, etc, just as there have been animal rights activists who use terrorism, etc. I also think that local right or left wingers are far more likely than Al Qaeda terrorists to take actions short of murder--like egging houses, vandalizing cars, which Malkin's publicity also exposes these folks to)

Also, Jesusland--you are assuming that every person who asked for their info to be removed was abusive. I very much doubt that to be the case. I think some of the insulters were angry that she didn't remove it after being asked.

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 08:04 AM (uT71O)

15 SAW are these the same collage educated crap heads who have those stupid 70s antiwar bumper stickers on their cars i understand where UC Santa Cruz has gotten some retaliation over their blocking military recruters their leader a lowlife bit of pond scum CHARLES PETERSON was suspended and theres talk of cutting off US SANTA CRUZES money

Posted by: sandpiper at April 20, 2006 08:10 AM (nMpEK)

16 >>>I think some of the insulters were angry that she didn't remove it after being asked.

I'm sure you'd like to think that. But Malkin has been taking this kind of abuse for years. The fact that the Left is populated by angry haters isn't really even news.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 08:10 AM (8e/V4)

17 If I misrepresented your past comments on the death threats you received, and your using them to refuse to talk about an incident more than thirty years ago, then I apologize. To avoid future misunderstandings, please specify what I'm getting wrong.

I'm aware of some mental deficiencies but not as applicable to this case.

I don't know that similarity in grammar/language in the death threats mean they aren't real. Again, why don't you have some sympathy for people who are in the same boat you found yourself in? Do death threats only matter when they threaten rightwingers?

And isn't it a little simplistic to say "The LEFT" posted Malkin's information? I could just as simply say "The Right" destroyed an airliner when Orlando Busch used a missile to shoot down a civilian plane. Judging right or left by the actions of its fringers is a poor debating tactic that besmirches those who engage in it.

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 08:14 AM (uT71O)

18 >>>Judging right or left by the actions of its fringers is a poor debating tactic that besmirches those who engage in it.

We on the Right dissavow our lunatics. But on the Left, the lunatics have taken over the insane asylum. That's the difference.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 08:22 AM (8e/V4)

19 Carlos--I don't know if I agree that the Left hates more than the right. There seems to be a lot of hate on both sides. Certainly, in the Clinton years, the hate was more on the right, at least that's the way it seemed to me. What is alarming is the level of hatred infesting American politics at all levels. It's very different from the 70s, or even the 60s at their worst, I think. It is tough to imagine our elected officials being as friendly to each other as John Kennedy and Barry Goldwater were in the Senate, or Hubert Humphrey and Dick Russell, or Ev Dirksen and LBJ or Tip O'Neil and Gerald Ford. Politics has become very bitter, very partisan, very personal, and very much about destroying the opposition. They aren't just wrong, they are EVIL LYING BASTARD IDIOT FASCISTS with mental deficiencies.

I think we all should be concerned about that, whether we are left, right or center. It's very bad for the country. Bitter discourse tends to precede revolutionary upheaval.

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 08:23 AM (uT71O)

20 Commenting specifically on the leftists' communication skills, who knew there were keyboards in the sewer?

Posted by: Mike at April 20, 2006 08:27 AM (XeoHY)

21 I don't think the right has disavowed Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, or other obvious spewers of hate. John McCain is going to speak at Jerry Falwell's college. Falwell blamed 9-11 on gays and abortionists and feminists. He blamed 20 murders on Clinton. Pat Robertson has been disavowed by some, but many have not, and he called for placing a nuke in the State Dept and assassinating a foreign leader.

You have your haters, the left has theirs. I don't think you are right to say that one side has disavowed its haters, while the other has not. If our haters our Sheehan, Moore, McKinney, they are no less "disavowed" than Coulter, Falwell, and Robertson on your side.

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 08:28 AM (uT71O)

22 >>>I don't think the right has disavowed Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, or other obvious spewers of hate.

Show me where Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh have threatened to sew up Hilary Clinton's cunt with barbed wire, then you've got a point. Otherwise, the comparison is specious.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 08:33 AM (8e/V4)

23 >>Ann Coulter

Our hard Right spewers aren't anti-American traitors like hard Leftists are. That's why we don't have to dissavow them.

Posted by: dcb at April 20, 2006 08:38 AM (8e/V4)

24 jd's defense of these lunatics is prima facie evidence that the Left sanctions, protects, and even nurtures hatred to serve its ends. His inability to point to equivalent behavior from the Right must be a source of great frustration to him.

As a young college student, perhaps jd will yet outgrow his need to justify the excesses of his political brethren, and even embrace a rational political philosophy as his brain begins to mature.

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at April 20, 2006 08:48 AM (RHG+K)

25 She posted the info to shine light on leftist, anti-war activities. These degenerates are the ones who are descending into crude obscenities. Michelle will always stand up for what she believes in, no matter what threats come her way.

Posted by: Andrew at April 20, 2006 08:58 AM (Q9gZ/)

26 A disavowal of hatred and violence ? Perhaps it is time to taker a look in the archives again. Does anyone remember any posts regretting what had been said during the early days of the kidnapping of the christian peacemakers ? I do not recall anyone chastisng the use of " a dull knife" on their throats.

Posted by: john Ryan at April 20, 2006 10:10 AM (TcoRJ)

27 john ryan,

I remember clearly the dissavowal of and apologies for hyperbolic language used about the CPTs. Do you think Leftards will make similar apologies to Michelle Malkin? Hell would freeze over before that happenned.

And on an unrelated topic, why is posting comments on this blog always so wacky? Half the time I get an error message saying commenting is suspended. What gives?

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 10:26 AM (8e/V4)

28 DPB--I NEVER defended the people who attacked Malkin. I did just the opposite. Why are you lying about that?

And I think most people "on the left" would disavow someone who advocated sewing up Malkin's vagina, even as rhetoric. You are whipping up a hatred for a whole ideology, based on the extreme intemperate language of a few. I used Limbaugh, Coulter, etc, because you said the left was being led by the fringe. By that, I thought you meant the radical figures in the left: Moore, McKinney, etc. If you meant these specific commenters, then it is an even easier argument. They are NOT representative of the Democratic party, or the left generally. If you go to left/right blogs, you see very intemperate language, hateful language, depending on how extreme the webpage is.

ON THIS BLOG COMMENTS SECTION, one poster has advocated the extermination of all Muslims and liberals. Killing them all. Asked for clarification, he repeated his desire for all of them to be killed, as threats to civilization.

Only one poster even disagreed with him.

Genocidal extermination--yeah, the left is the place of traitorous haters, exclusively.

Note to DPB--by bringing up right wing haters, I'm not defending the people who attacked Malkin. I never have. I'm only restating that because you seem to think I did. Never did. Never would. Never will. Are we clear on that?

Posted by: jd at April 20, 2006 10:36 AM (aqTJB)

29 jd,

can we at least put to rest the Leftwing myth of the "angry white male"? Not to mention all the other self-serving Leftwing myths about how loving they are, and how the Right is so "angry" and "hate filled". The Left is second to none in their hate-filled anger.

Re Maxie's hate and anger, he's the exception on this blog, and others who have tried to go that route have been threatened with banning by Rusty & Company. Considering how hateful you Lefties like portraying this blog, you'd think it was populated by Maxies. It isn't.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 20, 2006 10:44 AM (8e/V4)

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