February 26, 2007

Video : Ayaan Hirsi Ali Slaps Down Hollywood Ignorance

Note the support she gets from the crowd as she confidently slaps down the dhimmitude on her (literal) left and right:

I've been iffy on this whole "amend the Constitution to let foreigners be President" thing, but if there was ever a good argument for tossing that rule, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is it.

h/t : LGF.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:52 AM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.

1 That's it sister squash the politically correct apologists.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 01:13 PM (vixLB)

2 She's one smart lady. I especially liked what she said about the need to confront Saudi Arabia militarily more so than even the Taleban. She does have a good point.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 01:46 PM (vixLB)

3 WOW...what a breath of fresh air. Gotta agree with ya mate...lets toss the rule and have her run....

Posted by: Cookie at February 26, 2007 01:58 PM (f8iCL)

4 She's right on the money.

Garduneh Mehr: It's hard to wage war on a large source oil.

At the edn of the clip: "Brought to you by goober! Goobers look like goat turds!"


Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 26, 2007 02:05 PM (ZxuJ4)

5 I love this woman.
I would have a womb surgically implanted in my abdomen, just to have this her baby.
But, having said that, we must never change the constitution to allow someone not born in the United States to become President.


Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 02:24 PM (HsmTD)

6 -this

Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 02:24 PM (HsmTD)

7 Kafir,
I think Ragnar's remark about your constitution may be in jest. I believe Ayaan Hirsi Ali is or was a member of the Dutch parliament. She's just travelling in the U.S. and is not a U.S. resident.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 03:24 PM (vixLB)

8 Kafir -

My comment on "President Ali" was partly in jest, but to your comment, it's an actually an open question whether a person not born in the United States can serve as President.  Some commentators read the Constitutional language as you do, while others read it as a prohibition on citizens naturalized by legal process after birth becoming President.  Apparently, the issue's never been settled either way.

I understand John McCain was born in Panama.  If he secures the Republican nomination, there's a chance we may see a legal challenge to his placement on the general ballot.  Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 26, 2007 04:15 PM (tCvue)

9 I didn't know that about McCain, but I suspected you were speaking in jest about Ayaan Hirsi Ali being president... although I believe she does live here now, if I remember a recent interview correctly.

Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 04:25 PM (HsmTD)

10 Kafir -

I think you're right about AHA's residence in the U.S.  The Dutch threw her out.  I think they've since offered to let her come back, but she's apparently had enough of their idiocy.  I think she's now working at the American Enterprise Institute.

Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 26, 2007 04:32 PM (tCvue)

11 Ragnar this is an awesome post! You can't go wrong with AHA !  And what's with Bill M? Was he almost kinda, maybe not a complete idiot for once?  I almost stopped hating him for a sec! This is like the third time this week Hell has frozen over ....                     USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 06:03 PM (2OHpj)

12 Ragnar,
If AHA is indeed a U.S. resident now, I hope to G_d that she avails herself of "the right to bear arms" for her own protection against the Islamofreaks.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 07:07 PM (vixLB)

13 Bill Mahr is a pig. But that woman is smart. I hope she survives.

Posted by: SeeMonk at February 26, 2007 07:56 PM (yKwZ2)

14 If not for her, who would we have?  Wafa Sultan, and that Kola Boof bimbo.

Posted by: The Sanity Inspector at February 26, 2007 10:02 PM (QdO/M)

15 "Bill Mahr is a pig"  Yeah, but for a second he didn't stink quite as much as usual... I was frankly stunned !                USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 11:05 PM (2OHpj)

16 Ayaan was ejected from Holland for noyt showing the proper deference to the islamopithecines who publicly swore to murder her.

I love her, but if foreign born squatters were alloed to run for President, block voting racists from Mexico would elect whichever wetback fuckwad promised them the most entitlements.

The notion is suicidally idiotic.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 27, 2007 02:45 AM (Dt3sl)

17 Osamaisdonal:

I thought bin Loser was the source of all terrorism in the world? We can't waste time punishing Saudi Arabia when the real threat is Bin Loser. We have to use all of America's resources to hunt a dead man in Afghanistan.


Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 27, 2007 03:48 AM (Dt3sl)

18 Filling the air and make money out of it. A talkshow!!

What a bunch of idiots!!!

Posted by: Dan at February 27, 2007 06:50 AM (ILHet)

19 maan ,i guess the rumeurs about you beeing a stupid consuming soceity are true. imbelieveble! morrons, you fool your like we in holland know tha this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep.why do you think she was thrown out of the netherlands ? she lied about every thing from her life and lied about fleeing somalia becuse of a arranged marriage and her family wanting to kill her and her husband and blaming islam .but thanks to brave tv documentary makers the dutch now know the truth,the went to somalia to film her family and check out her story and then confronted her with the facts ,guess what she looked  soooooooo cheap on tv and asked for forgiveness as she told bullshit to get a resident permit in holland and after a passport ,it was a delight to see all this on tv and gess what she even admited that she met with the husband ( that wanted to kill her} hier in holland wow she was so  scared of him that she met with him. but she is good for the consumption of the stupid usa .


Posted by: wefwer at February 27, 2007 08:49 AM (55c6u)

20 Jeff Bargholz sez:

I love her, but if foreign born squatters were alloed to run for President, block voting racists from Mexico would elect whichever wetback fuckwad promised them the most entitlements.

The notion is suicidally idiotic.

Jeff, there are so many unsupported (and unsupportable) logical leaps in your statement, I wouldn't know where to begin.

Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 27, 2007 09:08 AM (PV4Bk)

21 wefwer sez:

this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep.

So, wefwer, should we throw out every immigrant who's ever shaded the truth on their immigration papers?  That may be the right rule, but it'd send a whole lot of third-worlders packing back to their places of origin.

I have a hard time condemning Ayaan Hirsi Ali or any other immigrant who'd go to great lengths to get out of Somalia.  I'd probably do the same thing.  Does that make it right?  No, it doesn't, but I do have a tough time coming down too hard on her.

I suspect, though, that your problem with her stems more from the fact that she tells the TRUTH today rather than the fact that she told some UNtruths in her past.

Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 27, 2007 09:19 AM (PV4Bk)

22 I was a bout to give that Rep. the smackdown regarding his comment that
the Muslims, Christians and Jews lived peacefully together a thousand
years ago, but Ali spoke my mind for me.  These people are our
Reps?  They know not of what they speak in regards to history,
they don't even know the difference between the Sunnis and the Shias
and who controls what.  What a bunch of tools.  We're doomed.

Posted by: Oyster at February 27, 2007 01:26 PM (FFmKq)


Ragnar.   How do you know wefwer isn't the Michaell Moore of Holland?  Can anyone give an assessment of wefwer as a source?

This is some of what I'm looking at ...

Knee jerk slamming of capitalism, and the USA
"maan ,i guess the rumeurs about you beeing a stupid consuming soceity are true."

Then the hysterical personal atack signalling a trend to moonbattishness.

 "imbelieveble! morrons, you fool your like we in holland know tha this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep."

Leading with an implication ...

"why do you think she was thrown out of the netherlands ?"

Throwing around unproven yet potentially damaging statements hoping they will stick long enough to be accepted as truth.

" she lied about every thing from her life and lied about fleeing somalia becuse of a arranged marriage and her family wanting to kill her and her husband and blaming islam ."

Praise for another source, maybe another Michael Moore "Dutch" film maker, which doesn't address that sources credentials.

"but thanks to brave tv documentary makers the dutch now know the truth,the went to somalia to film her family and check out her story and then confronted her with the facts"

Did she actually apologize? Seems to me there is a lot of room for interpretation here ... What if, as happens so often with 'brave' documentarians, her words were twisted by editing to fit the narative?

" ,guess what she looked  soooooooo cheap on tv and asked for forgiveness as she told bullshit to get a resident permit in holland and after a passport "

Victims often end up facing thier abusers in court, or by accident, but this doesn't negate the threat the abuser has posed, nor does it equate to forgiveness by the victim. So ...

",it was a delight to see all this on tv and gess what she even admited that she met with the husband ( that wanted to kill her} hier in holland wow she was so  scared of him that she met with him."

Another swipe at us poor deluded capitalists who will still be fighting for our country when Holland has become paert of the next Caliphate.

 "but she is good for the consumption of the stupid usa "

For emphasis "the dutch now know the truth"  Last I checked the truth boils down to this simple fact. Van Gogh was murdered in the name of Islam, and Muslims are threatening Ayaan Hirsi Ali with the same fate. wefner doesn't care to address that.

So Ragnar, is wefner any good as a source, and is that link worth a damn?

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 27, 2007 03:49 PM (2OHpj)

24 Oyster. Our enemies don't know what "Doomed" means yet, but we can teach them! Don't give up!                USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 27, 2007 03:52 PM (2OHpj)

25 Yo folks...Senator McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was US Territory at the time. He can run for President, as can anyone born at Gitmo (also US Territory)...like I was. Do I want the headache?
Not just No, but HELL NO!

Posted by: Macker at February 27, 2007 09:18 PM (008Jc)

26 Ragnar:

Try starting at the invasion rate of Mexicans into my country (which increases geometrically every fucking year,) and extrapolate future population predictions with their racist/nationalist voting trends. You might want to look at voting trends in present communities with wetback majorities as well. They do not vary one iota from their racist norm.

That's right. I wrote "wetback."

If you make an honest effort to do so, you will have an honest argument. Right now all you have is the standard open borders mentality, complete with the standard ad hominem attacks.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 28, 2007 04:35 AM (Dt3sl)

27 Absolutly positivly no forgeiners in the whitehouse becuase 8 years of a liar,rapists and straitor BILL CLINTON was enough

Posted by: sandpiper at February 28, 2007 11:10 AM (4pkrX)


Posted by: sandpiper at March 02, 2007 11:05 AM (/4Knp)

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