March 06, 2007

Video of UK Imam: Ken Bigley Murder Justified

In this video, a British Muslim cleric discusses the beheading murder of Ken Bigley. He justifies Bigley's murder as an act of war, even though Ken Bigley was being held hostage at the time. Ironically, Bigley's murder was said to be in retaliation for the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Abusing Muslim prisoners=bad; beheading infidel hostages=not bad.

Kenneth Bigley was in Iraq as a civilian engineer when he was captured by Abu Musab al Zarqawi's "Tawhid wal Jihad", later changed to "al Qaeda in Iraq". Several hostage propaganda videos were released in which Bigley was seen wearing the orange jumpsuit of Abu Ghraib and in which he made demands on the the Blair government for his release. In his last video, Kenneth Bigley is seen making more demands on Tony Blair and seems to be unaware that the man standing behind him, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, is about to murder him.

UPDATE: Jeremy Reynalds identifies the man as Abdul Rahman Saleem. Where have you heard that name before? He is the follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed who was put on trial for his part in the Mohammed cartoon protests when he advocated murdering blasphemers. He pleaded not guilty, of course.

We are not sure the name of the person justifying the murder of Ken Bigley, but another video, recorded at the same time, shows that just to the speaker's left sits a more familiar character: Abu Izzadeen. The speaker, then, is most likely a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Izzadeen is under indictment in the U.K. for inciting terrorism, but as far as we can tell the speaker in this video is walking around the streets of London or Birmingham inciting more Muslims to commit acts of murder, terrorism, or treason. Bakri Mohammed's followers in Britain unanimously support recruiting for jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, they want British Muslims to fight British troops--the very definition of treason.

In the video, the speaker justifies Kenneth Bigley's murder on the grounds that Bigley was in Iraq to help fix military hardware which would then be used to "kill Muslims". This is not true. Kenneth Bigley, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong were in Iraq to work on civilian reconstruction efforts. They were there helping Muslims. It is al Qaeda in Iraq that continues to murder Muslims to this day.

The speaker then says Bigley was in Iraq to "steal the money of the Muslims". Which, of course, is also patently untrue. Ken Bigley was being paid by the U.S. government to help the Iraqis rebuild their country so that Muslims in Iraq would have a functioning economy so that they could earn money for themselves. It is those that murdered Ken Bigley that steal money from Muslims by blowing up Iraq's infrastructure.

The speaker, in what seems to be a bit of "humor", warns that people involved in the reconstruction effort--or, as he deems it, "stealing from Muslims"---should "mind your head". No doubt, a reference to the dozens of civilians beheaded by al Qaeda and other jihadi groups in Iraq.

Last, even though Bigley "converted" to Islam at the point of a knife, the speaker reiterates that since Islam forbids forced conversions, then Bigley must have become a Muslim of his own free will. See if you follow that sick and twisted logic? And if that is the case, even though the speaker does not say it in this video, those listening would undoubtedly understand another reason why his murder was "justified". To the Salafi jihadi mind, Muslims helping the U.S. and U.K. in Iraq are "traitors".

To get some ideas for yourself on how you can help, see Jeremy Reynald's book: Fighting the Online Jihad.

The video is below. If you saw the video of Kenneth Bigley being murdered, you might want to remove any objects from your reach that can be thrown at your computer. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:00 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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June 30, 2006

Snuff a Terrorist

My type of game.....

Now, you too can rub out the former al-Queda-in-Iraq leader.

Kuma Reality Games announced today the release of Kuma\War’s 75th episode, “The Death of Zarqawi", whicb simulates the strike that killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on June 7th.

Created within two weeks of the real-life bombing, the episode allows gamers to join the U.S.-led coalition stationed just outside the house where al-Zarqawi is meeting with other insurgent leaders and choose between two strategies of attack: calling-in the real-life air strike that killed Zarqawi, or an alternate on-foot ambush which involves storming the guarded house and attempting to capture the terrorist leader alive.

Naw, much better to off him in the most brutal and painful way imaginable for bonus points.


UPDATE: Rusty finds the link! Play the game here. The download is free.

Posted by: Traderrob at 12:42 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 29, 2006

MEMRI on Zarqawi

D. Hazan posts an interesting retrospective on Zarqawi at MEMRI.ORG

Though Abu-Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi is no longer a player in the Iraqi arena, it is important to review and analyze the military and political circumstances in Iraq surrounding his killing. This report presents the deterioration, prior to Al-Zarqawi's death, of his relations with his Sunni allies, which had reached the point of violent clashes and mutual killings. This violence emanated from the increased political participation by Sunni organizations and parties in the elections and, subsequently, in the establishment of a new democratic government in Iraq - and from Al-Zarqawi's opposition to these developments.

Posted by: Ragnar at 04:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 16, 2006

More on Zarqawi's Successor

From the Department of Defense:

BAGHDAD, June 16, 2006 – The new lead terrorist in Iraq is a founding member of al Qaeda in Iraq and had a close relationship with the now-killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, coalition officials said.

Officials revealed yesterday that Abu Ayyub al-Masri succeeded Zarqawi following the Jordanian terrorist's elimination June 7 in a precision-bomb attack on his safe house in Iraq. They said Masri fully bought into Zarqawi's bloody tactics that have left thousands of innocent men, women and children across Iraq dead or maimed.

Al-Masri - which means "the Egyptian" - is another foreign fighter who trained in Afghanistan like Zarqawi, coalition officials said. No one knows his real name.

The terrorist is said to be about 38 years old and got his beginning in Egypt, where he joined the Islamic Brotherhood. He fled from Egypt and moved to Afghanistan, where he trained in explosives at the al-Faruq Al Qaeda camp. There he met Zarqawi, officials said.

After the fall of the Taliban, Masri escaped to Iraq and set up with the Jordanian-born Zarqawi. The Egyptian specialized in vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. He helped establish the Baghdad cell of Al Qaeda in early 2003, officials said.

William Teach comments: more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 13, 2006

Did the Sunni Establishment Serve Up Zarqawi?

Most media outlets have been telling us that Zarqawi was fingered through good detective work in and around Baghdad. Stratfor has a different take. It claims that Zarqawi's head was something of a "peace offering" from the Sunni establishment to the Shia elites: more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:53 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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June 12, 2006

Rot in Hell, Zarqawi

The Z-man was a beheader, murderer of innocents, and a pedophile:

The Jordanian security official told TIME that the bombing killed Abdul-Rahman and Mr. X, in addition to al-Zarqawi's 16-year-old wife.

Since his baby was 18 months old, that means he impregnated his wife when she was 13 or 14 years old. That is one more reason to hope he is burning in hell.

H/t to LGF.

Update: The autopsy says Zarqawi died of internal injuries caused by the 2 500lb bombs. There were no firearm injuries.

Posted by: cbjohnson at 04:57 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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June 09, 2006

Slain Hostage's Family Relieved at Zarqawi Death

The family of Jack Hensley, an American civilian hostage murdered by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, says justice has been served.

[Right: Abu Musab al Zarqawi can be seen reading a message shortly before he murders Jack Hensly. Below: Jack Hensley appears on Zarqawi propaganda video in which the al Qaeda leader announced that he would murder the hostage unless all his demands were met]

Unlike the father of Zarqawi murder victim Nick Berg--who continued to blame President Bush for his sons death despite the fact that the al Qaeda leader personally cut his son's head off--the Hensly family seems to be having a more rational response to Zarqawi's death.


The brother of a Georgia man who was taken hostage and killed in Iraq said justice was served in the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the presumed mastermind of Jack Hensley's killing.

"I'm thankful this guy can't hurt anybody else," Ty Hensley told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Thursday.

But Ty Hensley, who lives in Charlotte, N.C., also said he feels renewed sadness and anger toward Al-Zarqawi.

"It is a personal thing," he said. "He desecrated my family."

Hensley was kidnapped with fellow American Eugene Armstrong and Briton Kenneth Bigley. The three were in Iraq helping build medical facilities for the Coalition Provisional Government.
Pati Hensley [Jack's wife] was relieved by the news of al-Zarqawi's death, said Jake Haley, a family friend who spoke to reporters at her home at her request. She left town to avoid the media spotlight.

Jake Haley said he e-mailed the news to Pati Hensley before dawn Thursday. Shortly afterward, he visited the home and the two sat out in the back deck talking.

"We cried," Haley said. "We were both happy about it. It's not just Jack. This guy murdered a bunch of people. There were a lot of really nice Iraqi people that this man killed the same way."

And some people are saying its wrong to celebrate Zarqawi's death? Fools, all.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:15 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 286 words, total size 2 kb.

June 08, 2006

America's #1 Enemy, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Dead

Al Qaeda in Iraq's leader, Abu Musab al Zarqawi is dead! This post to be updated throughout the day.

[Right: An image of the dead al Zarqawi from Howie]

Vinnie's original report on Zarqawi's death. Demosophist: The Jeb Stuart al Zarqawi connection.

Today is one of the happiest days of my life. When I heard the news, I literally started crying.

To quote myself: Ding dong, the bitch is dead!!! Update: Great minds think alike.

Long-time readers know that The Jawa Report has had a personal grudge against al Zarqawi. Zarqawi first appeared on our radar screen when he was the leader of Tawhid and Jihad and began producing beheading snuff films distributed on the internet.

It was the murder of Nick Berg by Zarqawi, more than anything else, that set The Jawa Report on its present path. Seeing Nick Berg being murdered by al Zarqawi caused a reaction in my that is difficult to describe. It angered me. It made the war on terror personal. It made killing Zarqawi a personal goal for me.

In fact, over the past year or so not a single day has gone by when I have not fantasized that Zarqawi was either dead or captured. Today, my dream has come true!

Flashback: Nick Berg Gave Password to Terrorist

Log-time reader and hostage watcher George: Nick Berg and Eugene Armstrong's killer has finally died. I would have prefered he be beheaded but at least he's dead. Nick and Eugene are smiling from above. I am sure of that. Maybe now we'll finally get Bin Laden. I have more hope now. I always knew we would get Zarqawi since he was in Iraq. Today is a good day Rusty. RIP Nick and Eugene.


Report from Baghdad on Iraqi reaction:

Mid-morning local time the news broke, Abu Musab al Zarqawi has been killed. The celebrations on the street and the cheers at the press conference announcing this news may seem odd to some in the comfortable confines of the west. While a BBC reporter today referred to al Zarqawi as a “controversial leader of the resistance” the reaction among most Iraqis lacks such nuance, they are glad for one simple reason, al Zarqawi is dead.

The reactions among Iraqis to the death of al Zarqawi is quite different than that to the similar demise of Uday and Qusay. The deaths of the brothers Hussein was met with a jumble of emotions among Iraqis in 2003: some saw them as leaders while most saw them as the homicidal maniacs they were. The reaction to the death of al Zarqawi is far more visceral, akin to ridding one’s house of a menacing rat.

A reserved Sunni intellectual who is quite particular in the language he uses summed up the feeling surrounding al Zarqawi’s death: “Goddamn that motherfucker for what he has done to Iraq.”


The death came courtesy of Task Force 145.

Zarqawi Air-strike video

Video of al-Maliki announcing it.

Zarqawi family reacts:

The husband [of one of Zarqawi’s sisters], who identified himself as Abu Qudama, said: “We’re not sad that he’s dead.”

“To the contrary, we’re happy because he’s a martyr and he’s now in heaven,” added the man, who said he lost one of his legs fighting Russian forces in Afghanistan as part of the Islamic Mujahedein.

According to CENTCOM, one of Zarqwi's key lieutenants was also killed in the raid, spiritual advisor Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman.

Reaction from the Left. Cut-and-run. And more. More Lefty 'elation'.

Nick Berg's father feels no relief that son's murderer killed. More from the 'peace dad'.

More insanity from Mr. Berg: Zarqawi's death will foster anti-American resentment among Al Qaeda members


Image before it was cleaned up via Michelle who has a roundup of her own.

How is Haditha related to Zarqawi's death? Because pro-insurgent forces love to lie about each and every incident in which someone in Iraq is killed. For instance, Lawrence at Is Full of Crap points us to this reaction from a resident of the town in which Zarqawi was killed as reported in the NY Times:

"Zarqawi. Zarqawi. Zarqawi. That's all we hear about. Zarqawi was not here. This home belonged to displaced people,'' said a village resident, holding up a teddy bear and a child's knapsack buried in the destruction.
So, one of the most evil & vile scumbags on the earth is killed and the reaction is....blame the Americans for killing children. See how this works and why we should be skeptical of claims of massacres in Iraq?

Bush on Zarqawi death.

Think Bluto's post about the MSM reaction is overblown? Read this report from the Financial Times. Not only is the importance of the Zarqeermaster's death downplayed, the al-Qaeda link is also questioned.

Right reaction: Beth:

HAHA, you fucking son of a whore, may the maggots in hell choke on the stench of your filthy rotting corpse. Fuck you, you dead piece of less-than-worthless garbage! Let Satan himself and all his pet goats skull-fuck you until your ugly fucked up head pops off. 72 virgins? Heh. Virgin leper hogs, maybe.
Somewhere in Hell there will be 72 very sore sheep tonight

Welcome to hell, Abu, you goat-raping half-a-man.

Hot damn, pizzas for everyone!

Good News.

The elimination of Zarqawi and his henchmen will kneecap the foreign insurgency.

See-Dub: I guess that machine gun he was working so hard at firing didn’t come in to handy, now, did it?

Rest in pieces Zarqawi.

National Day of Mourning declared by French youth

Human Rights Groups Kill Abu Masab al-Zarqawi

Oyster: do not pass go, do not collect any virgins:

Pundit with good roundup. Lot's over at Hugh Hewitt from Hugh and Mary Katherine. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:05 AM | Comments (65) | Add Comment
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May 06, 2006

Raw Unedited Zarqawi Blooper

Centcom has released the unedited version of old Muscab piddling around with his weapon. Meanwhile the video is circulating widely in the Arab world.

John Gibson via FOXNEWS : This was the raw tape of the Zarqawi video propaganda session in which he was to portray himself as the Arab superhero slaying the enemies of the Arab people and the enemies of Islam as well.

That's why the black jihadi outfit. That's why the Popeye forearms. That's why the gun blasting away. That's why it hurts that he doesn't know how to actually operate the weapon. The tough guy needs his helper to figure out his gun.

In the Arab world this didn't play so well, which figures.

But on the other hand, the Americans evidently come out looking bad on this too.

That's the part that sounded weird to me…

...."The reason the Americans haven't captured or killed al-Zarqawi is that they need an Al Qaeda connection to justify their occupation of Iraq."

I guess they haven't heard we actually want to leave Iraq.

I suggest to any Iraqi who knows where Zarqawi is, please, test the Americans on this point.

Tell the Americans where he is and see if they ignore the information and let him go on with his bombing and beheading, or whether the Americans take the information, go to the location and leave a smoking crater where Zarqawi was last seen standing.

A reasonable test methinks.

Hat Tip: Michael Hampton who is hosting the Video on youtube here more...

Posted by: Howie at 05:57 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 05, 2006

Clay Aiken Spotted in Zarqawi Blooper Reel

Posted by: Rusty at 08:54 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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April 26, 2006

Zarqawi Video (With Subtitles) [Updated: Transcripts}

You can watch the Zarqawi video with English subtitles by clicking here. The MEMRI translation only covers portions of the 34 minute long video showing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's monologue.

UPDATE: I've added the full transcripts below.

Interestingly, the video shows Zarqawi railing against Zionism and linking the fight against America in Iraq to the fight against Israel. Why is this so intriguing? Because the full video highlights the use of Qassam rockets in Iraq....the rocket developed by none other than the new leaders of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas.

Hat tip to Allahpundit, now blogging at Hot Air. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:52 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 3414 words, total size 22 kb.

April 25, 2006

New Video of Abu Musab al Zarqawi (Images/Video) [Updated: Transcripts/Subtitled Video

The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, has appeared in a new 34 minute high-production value video released by the media arm of the terrorist umbrella organization known as The Mujahidin Shura Council. The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. Images from it are shown throughout this post. A translation of a statement released by the Mujahidin Shura Council is posted below.

UPDATE: I've added a transcript of the video below. You can watch the Zarqawi video with English subtitles by clicking here. The MEMRI translation only covers portions of the 34 minute long video showing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's monologue.

For a copy of the video, please e-mail the author of this post directly at the contact information above. UPDATE: You can view the video here, but it is a mother of a download. UPDATE II: Apparently BKP is banned at some workplaces--alternate video downloading here. Update III: Here is a synopsis video from the MSM. The original is 34 minutes.

Several things are striking about the video. The first thing is that Zarqawi is shown with an American assault weapon, and not the standard AK-47 wielded by terrorists. Second, the high-production value of the video means that it must have been weeks in the making. If it was timed for release to coincide with the Egyptian bombings yesterday, then a great deal of coordination must have gone into it. Last, the high-production value of the video also suggests that it was not a reaction to the appointment of a new PM in Iraq. However, the statement released today by The Mujahidin Shura Council is clear that they are worried about it [statement below].

The video also comes on the heels of several reports which suggested that Zarqawi had a) been demoted from the leadership of al Qaeda in Iraq b) been officially disavowed by the Shura Council. Neither now appears to be the case.

What is not being reported in the media, though, is that Osama bin Laden's voice is also in the video. This suggests that Zarqawi's group was in possession of the audio before its popular release yesterday.


In a rare video posted on the Internet, al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi accused the West and the United States of waging a “crusader” war against Islam, but said Muslim holy warriors were standing firm.

He also said the formation of a new government in Iraq was an attempt to help the United States get out of what he called the dilemma it faces in Iraq.

“Your mujahedeen sons were able to confront the most ferocious of crusader campaigns on a Muslim state. They have stood in the face of this onslaught for three years,” Zarqawi said on the video.

Athena notes:
He is also wearing a suicide vest, which would corroborate statements by Sheikh Abu Omar al-Ansari, who met him in Iraq, that he wears this vest in order to "martyr" himself in this instance that Coalition forces (or angry Iraqis) come very close to apprehending him.
However, it looks more like a standard AK-47 ammo vest to me.
Over at CT, Bill Rogio notes that this may be a sign that the new PM of Iraq has hurt al Qaeda's cause there.

UPDATE: Walid Phares (personal note to Walid: what happened to you at the MPSA?) has a pretty detailed analysis here. Apparently the video was made on the 21st. The bin Laden audio was released on the 23rd.

Wizbang links this analysis from DEBKA:

Our sources reported Monday that the Egyptian authorities are investigating whether a 10-man cell reportedly held ready by Zarqawi in N. Sinai or Gaza for a large-scale attack was responsible for the third Sinai bombing attack in two years.
More at Stop the ACLU and Hot Air.

UPDATE: New York Times shows its brilliance with this headline, "Video Appears to Show Zarqawi Urging on Insurgents". Because, you know, we wouldn't want the NY Times to go out on a limb here. Here's part of the story:

The grainy images in today's video showed him accompanying armed fighters in black vests through sandy terrain in what was an apparent training mission. It also showed him seated on the floor in a room with several fighters with their faces covered in black.
Which leads me to believe that Christine Hauser at the Times hasn't seen the video which is about as crystal clear as I've ever seen. In fact, the video runs at 512 mbs. I had to make the images smaller for this post as the originals would have taken nearly the entire center column! If you read the rest of the column, you realize that what Hauser had done was read an AFP story and then simply repeated most of it!

Hat tip: AWOL GI at the forum more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:47 PM | Comments (35) | Add Comment
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November 21, 2005

Zarqawi Still Alive, The Left Celebrates

The White House is now saying that it is "highly unlikely" that Abu Musab al Zarqawi died in a Mosul raid Saturday. Earlier Jawa post from Traderrob here.


Not that killing the al Qaeda in Iraq leader--and the man personally responsible for beheading innocent civilians---would really end the Salaafist insurgency in Iraq. It wouldn't. But it would be nice to know he was dead.

Vengeance: natures way of calming the nerves.

Of course over at dKos, when the erroneous news that Zarqawi dead broke, there were immediate signs of dismay. For the hardcore Left, any good news for our troops is bad news for them. They have pinned their political hopes on the defeat of our troops.

Not that they ever would come out and say, "We hope we lose."--Okay, occasionally they do actually let that slip from time to time-- But they do constantly downplay any good news and constantly barrage us with 'cover up' stories when there is even the slightest hint that some civilian in Fallujah might have got his feelings hurt because a U.S. soldier didn't present a search warrant from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upon entering his house in the middle of a firefight.

Hence, the Left is skeptical of any and all progress in Iraq.

So, if we seem to bring you too many "Yipee, Zarqawi is dead" stories, please forgive us. Unlike our friends on the Left, we are anxious to see the enemies of the United States of America dead.

Call it being overzealous for the cause of America.

Fox News:

On Saturday, police Brig. Gen. Said Ahmed al-Jubouri said the raid was launched after a tip that top Al Qaeda operatives, possibly including al-Zarqawi, were in the two-story house.

However, Trent Duffy, a White House spokesman, said Sunday that reports of al-Zarqawi's death were "highly unlikely and not credible."

"I don't think we got him," said U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, answering questions from reporters about whether al-Zarqawi had been killed in Mosul. Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, said there was "no indication" that the terror leader had been killed.

Hat tip: Ron Wright who pointed us to this post by Evan Kohlmann and Dan Riehl, who has more here.

UPDATE: Howie e-mails me with this article from CNN. Apparently, Zarqawi's family and 'tribe' have disowned him. Don't worry al-Khalaylehs, every family has a 'Zarqawi' or two they are ashamed of.

UPDATE II: Let me be clear on this, I used the word 'hard Left' to describe those who want us to lose not 'liberal' or 'Democrat'. Yes, I believe the people over at dKos want us to lose. They don't want our soldiers to die, but they do want us to lose. They actually believe America is the greatest force for evil in the world. If you believe that then the conclusions to be drawn are inevetable.

If we are the bad guys then the only thing for a moral person to do is to support our enemies.

And, yes, wishing for the U.S. to pull out of Iraq now is the same thing as wishing for our enemies to win.

It doesn't matter if in your heart you love America. Withdrawal is failure. Hence, wishing withdrawal now is wishing failure.

I am not Jesus. I don't care what is in your heart. What I care about is the extent to which you support the victory of the United States of America.

In the comments though, Ryan (unlike the madmatt troll) raises a legitimate concern wanting some evidence that the Left celebrates. Okay Ryan, here you are. Of course, they don't come out and say "Hooray, Zarqawi" but they do boo the home team. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

From the Democratic Underground:

I wonder when he can stop talking about Zarqawi, I want a new Boogie Man!

Nothing will happen with Zarqawi until October 2006 Just in time for the election, in an appearance to make it look "normal" when Diebold once again scams an election.

We can't pull out of Iraq now. After all, we almost caught Zarqawi. I'll bet if we stay another year we'll almost catch him 10 or 12 more times. Plus we'll kill his No. 2 man at least twice. What a steaming crock of bullshit.

I don't think Al Zarqawi was there, and I don't think they thought he was there. This is like all those stories about how certain they were that they had killed Hussein in the first bomb attack of the war, or that they'd killed Bin Laden when they murdered that poor farmer and his two sons with their unmanned drone. They just want Americans to say "Wow, look, they have a reason for all this stuff" and go back to watching Family Guy before BushCo quietly says "Well, we missed him, but it was close."

It's a good thing they missed him...otherwise they would have to invent another Al-Qaida terroist for us to focus on.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:36 AM | Comments (142) | Add Comment
Post contains 843 words, total size 5 kb.

November 18, 2005

Zaqueery Threatens to Behead King of Jordan.

In an Audio tape released today by Al-Qaeda in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi says, ”But we did not mean to kill all those civilians and by the way I want to behead your king. But really I’m a nice guy, trust me.”

Foxnews: Zarqawi made clear he was not about to stop the bloodshed, warning he will attack more tourist sites in Jordan and threatening to behead King Abdullah II. He said he was targeting Jordan because it is serving as a "protector" for Israel, helps the U.S. military in Iraq and has become a "swamp of obscenity," with alcohol and prostitution in its tourist sites. "Your star is fading. You will not escape your fate, you descendant of traitors. We will be able to reach your head and chop it off," al-Zarqawi said, referring to the king.
I think Zaqueery is serious eh Murtha?

Also see Jihad Watch.

Just in case you need another example of this lunacy here you go.

Still not enough? Try this. More you say?

Posted by: Howie at 10:52 PM | Comments (59) | Add Comment
Post contains 176 words, total size 2 kb.

September 12, 2005

Zarqawi on the Run, Accuses US of Using Chemical Weapons

In a new audio tape from al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi accuses US forces of using 'poison gas' in its offensive on Tel Afar. The audio of the tape is available here (scroll to Sept. 12th, second link).

Some Arab and hardcore Leftist presses have often repeated the claim that the U.S. is using chemical, biological, and even nuclear weapons in Iraq. [related story here]

Zaraqawi's audio speeches have often come at times when it appeared that al Qaeda was on the run. This tape comes as US forces have launched an all out offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq, with a large measure of success. A similar audio tape emerged after reports that Zarqawi had been shot and after the fall of Fallujah to U.S. forces. Both tapes promised the immenent defeat of the U.S. at a time when al Qaeda was on the run.

On the audiotape, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is heard to say:

The Crusaders mobilised their big armies and used the most destructive and lethal weapons and the most deadly and hurtful poison gas together with their stooges. But God made them drink at the hands of the mujahedeen the different kinds of death and made them face horrible things that they will never forget. [source]
Zarqawi is also heard urging his fighters to be prepared for 'a final battle' with the Americans who he calls 'cowards'. Even though it is al Qaeda that uses the tactics of hit and run attacks, IEDs, murdering hostages, beheading, and hiding among the civilian population, Zarqawi is heard calling US forces 'cowards who always seek to run away."

Tel Afar is now controlled by the Coalition troops and al Qaeda forces are reported to have fled the city. Who was it that ran away Zarqawi?

SITE has a partial translation here, in which Zarqawi claims that hurricane Katrina was an act of Allah brought about by the prayers of the faithful:

I believe that the destructive hurricane which hit America, within its own house, was nothing but the result of a prayer of a father or a mother whose son was killed, or of boy who became an orphan, or of a woman whose honor was violated on the lands of Afghanistan, Iraq or others”.
According to Centcom, the Tel Afar offensive continues. 41 suspected terrorists were captured in that city on Sep. 10th as a result of 'Operation Restoring Rights'. Other media reports indicate that as many as 157 al Qaeda linked insurgents were killed in the Tel Afar offensive.

Abu_Zayd_killed.jpgThis morning, another operation was launched to root out al Qaeda linked terrorists in Iraq's al Anbar province. The new offensive, Operation 'Cyclone', targetted the terrorist safe haven of Rutbah.

For the past several months, terrorists within Rutbah have escalated their intimidation and murder campaign against the local populace and city government officials. The resulting effect was an increased ability to move freely within the area and a base for them to launch attacks against innocent civilians, Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces.

In recent days, Coalition Forces have also captured Ammar ‘Abd-Al-Hafiz ‘Abd Muhummad (aka Ammar Amam Wakhtif or Sheik Ammar), an admitted terrorist and leader of the lnu’man Brigade, in a raid earlier in September in the Ramadi area. Sayf-al-Din Yahya 'Anad (aka Sheik Sayf or Abu Hamza), a Nu’man Brigade cell leader, was also captured during the raid. He was responsible for organizing and directing attacks against Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces.

Abu Zayd, (above right) identified as the current Al Qaeda in Iraq military emir of Mosul, was also killed in a raid.

Others: In the Bullpen

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