Nah, I didn't say anything. I decided it was better let the idiocy shine on its own.
A man at work told me his son wants to go into the Army and he told his son he would hate it because he would have to make his bed every day. I just stood there in shock at the jerk Father telling me this, bragging to me about this and he knows I am a huge supporter of our troops. He wanted a reaction and all I said was...
Tell him to join the al-quada they probably don't have beds to make in their caves.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 20, 2006 09:19 AM (tj1zH)
Thinking...this is a tough one. serious enough to think about. For starters I think the Father should not exclude options like that from consideration. Every opportunity has to be considered carefully esecially when you are young when it's hard to do.
Posted by: Howie at May 20, 2006 10:04 AM (D3+20)
Well, it's so obvious: you should send the kid some pamphlets for the the Navy and AIr Force! Actually, this guy will be regretting those words when his son turns 27 and is still living at home.
Posted by: Thrill at May 20, 2006 10:47 AM (DYb4r)
He's probably more comfortable with the thought of his wife and children getting raped and murdered by muslims than his son having to make his bed every day. Liberals must all be killed.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 20, 2006 12:58 PM (0yYS2)
I guess IM got knocked around pretty bad over in Iraq and thinks everyone here should pay ...
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at May 20, 2006 01:01 PM (FCC6c)
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Jesus H. you're stupid, even for a liberal.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 20, 2006 07:32 PM (0yYS2)
IMHO, if the kid is man enough to join the military, its probably the father who would get the ass-kicking.
Posted by: KobeClan at May 22, 2006 07:38 AM (iJmNW)
The only time he would need a kick in the rear is if he ever joined GREEPEACE,SIERRA CLUB,PETA,WORLD WILDLIFE FUND or any of the other liberal wussie eco-freak group or if he snuck out of the house to see that crap HOOT
Posted by: sandpiper at May 23, 2006 10:07 PM (K3hNB)
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