September 29, 2007

Inshallahshaheed will never go down, bi idhnillah!
Oh Yeah?

The google cache for his site is still here for the moment. It did not get updated to reflect Inshallahshaheed's post about his big interview coming up in a major US newspaper.
Yes that one.
We'll discuss the merits of a major US newspaper lending ink to a terrorist propagandist, that has been run off three US blogging platforms, later. After we get done with the Inshallahshaheed is Down Rock & Roll, Gunpowder and Firetrucks Party Extravaganza.
We don't know why he's down. We didn't do it, we swear! We are just very happy.
Jawas, rock your little hearts out.
Update: OK, you can go ahead and discuss it now.
Posted by: Howie at
03:29 PM
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September 28, 2007
So people get paid to fight cyber terror? Bloody brilliant! And all this time we've been giving it away for free....
Posted by: Rusty at
08:17 AM
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September 27, 2007
That leaves the main JAAMI site hosted in Germany. Maybe our German commenter will have time to stop his trolling and give us a hand? =
Schlund (Germany)
You can gloat about the downed site to email dead.
Or you can screw with the main site's owner at
If you get a reply forward, do not cut and paste, to Rusty ASAP.
Thanks to Yahoo and have a nice day.
Hat Tip: Stan. more...
Posted by: Howie at
10:28 AM
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September 26, 2007
Many of these youths who have fallen in love with warfare for Allah’s sake have been asking as to how to support the Jihad, which is now global, in an era where a spy is your next door neighbor....He then goes on to whine about just how hard it is to join the actual jihad in Iraq--what with all the spies trying to keep poor innocent Muslims off of airplanes and all they want to do is go kill infidels and Zionists. He even laments the fact that these spies are so prevalent, that even the mujahidin belonging to al Qaeda in Iraq are forced to wear masks!Yesterday, the Imaam would call to Jihaad and over a million Mujaahideen would show their faces. Now we have delicate situations where that type of leadership does not exist - although it is around the corner - and the situation of each Muslim varies....
So, what does the young Muslim do who cannot actually join terrorist organizations in Iraq, Afghanistan, & Algeria?
It would be foolish for one to say that the Global Jihaad is not in need of finance. Money is what runs the Jihaad and without it, you’ll end up having men fighting with their fists instead of their rifles. In fact, the role of financing the Jihaad is so important that it is ongoing; it is a process which will never stop till the Day of Judgment.When you can't give your life for the jihad cause or your money, maybe you can give your talents. What kind of talents? The making of effective propaganda:
Ever since the creation of As-Sahab Media, we have been able to see the great need for waging the media war. If it wasn’t for As-Sahab Media - the founding father of the Jihaadee Media of this century - our task would become very difficult in the face of the current godless Media war......Brainwashed...right.So for instance, it comes as no surprise when we see those who are brainwashed by the Western media sources to say, “Usaamah bin Laadin has killed thousands of innocents…†and “the Mujaahideen kill innocents in ‘Iraaq and Afghanistan everyday…†and “the Mujaahideen are the true terrorists because they don’t want Democracy…â€
So, how can I help the global jihad?
And by media, we don’t simply mean a visual interface, but an all-encompassing implication including audio, fataawa, books, forums, magazines, articles, websites, blogs, pictures, and more.Yet another jihadi advocating what we already knew: that propaganda is part and parcel to the jihad. It is an act of war.
You can read more of Inshallahshaheed's gems at his blog here. I promised never to link him again, but since he left Black Flag, Howie, and me such nice comments--- I figured we sort of owed him one.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:37 PM
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Post contains 482 words, total size 3 kb.
But I'd especially direct your attention to this post. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
08:11 AM
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September 25, 2007
The message of the film seems to be "We R Gay. R U Gay 2?"
Tell me this isn't flaming........

Okay, actually the video is supposed to be a long message urging the U.S. to go home. It's all in English. It even features music from Jurassic Park & ET.
The video is being served from this website operated by the Baathist insurgents:
UPDATE 9/27/07: PWND! Thanks to Yahoo! for the prompt response. The main Jaami website, though, continues to operate as of this writing. Scroll down for details.
And guess who runs the server? Yahoo! =
AltaVista Company (Owned by Yahoo!)
And since we've already PWND so many JAAMI websites, might as well get their main site taken down too. =
Schlund (Germany)
Bonus e-mail a terrorist:
Posted by: Rusty at
01:13 PM
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September 24, 2007
Here's a screenshot of the translated Google hosted webpage translated in to English.

The site is old, most of the links are dead, but some of them are still active. Have fun with it.
Thanks to Allahakchew for some of the leg work on this.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:46 PM
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A Vietnam War memorial Web site run by veterans was defaced in recent days by a "hacker" who left messages attacking the U.S., Israel, Armenia and the Kurds, the Washington Post reported in Thursday's issue....You may recall that we had our own run in with some Turkish hackers some time ago.Someone identified as "Turk Defacer" took responsibility for the hack, which was reported to the site by several hundred visitors. The group that operates the site, the 4/9 Infantry Manchu (Vietnam) Association, removed the defacement and restored the site late Wednesday.
Thanks to Allahakchew
Posted by: Rusty at
08:48 AM
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September 21, 2007
Abo Jnieh's hacking tracks are all over the internet. His victims seem to be concentrated on Hindu related websites, but he also targets other Arabs. Some of the messages he leaves seem to suggest he's hacking randomly, warning webmasters to close their security loopholes--but others warn his victims to repent.
I also notice that his old signature flag indicates he's Saudi. Possibly more later.....
Posted by: Rusty at
08:36 AM
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September 20, 2007
Yesterday, Rusty posted the new location of the Global Islamic Media Front's Arabic website. It was, it looks like this...
Pwned by Jawas? Twice?
Cyber Jihad Denied!
Posted by: Howie at
10:07 AM
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Post contains 46 words, total size 1 kb.
Laura Mansfield: The As Sahab video, "The Power of Truth", announced today by the organization, has a total running time of 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds.We will have updates and an embedded copy available ASAP.The documentary style video begins with the voice of Mohamed Atta shortly after hijacking the plane that would fly into the World Trade Center, and includes clips from various Al Qaeda leaders, as well as clips from TV news and features. The video also includes it's spin of US politics.
Although Osama Bin Laden appears in this video, all of the clips appear to be older footage, including segments taken from his October 2004 message to the American people, and his April 2006 message "Oh People of Islam".
Portions of the video showing Zawahiri are clearly newer, with references to the events at the Lal Masjid this summer, and to the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
This analysis will be updated as we continue to analyze the video.
al-Qaeda seems to be hip on destroying itself of late, last week they issued a declaration of war against the Anbar tribes that are driving them from Iraq. I think al-Qaeda has been spending way to much time sampling their own products, don't you? Captain Ed thinks so too:
The timing of this release gives an indication of AQ's intent. By this time, their cells should have carried out at least three attacks, one each in Denmark, Germany, and Turkey, after Osama bin Laden's message from two weeks ago. The German cell had a deadline of September 15th, and one could presume that the others had similar instructions. This video was meant to be seen after three successful attacks across Europe and Asia, behind enemy lines for AQ. It was meant to demonstrate Western impotence.Instead, the failed attacks underscore AQ's own growing impotence. They have not conducted any successful attacks outside of Iraq in quite some time now, and their grand strategy to embarrass the US during the Petraeus testimony has failed. Zawahiri's claims of victory and momentum wound up being nothing more than hot air. It's a fizzle, which demonstrates the kind of affect a forward, aggressive strategy against terrorism can have when properly maintained.
Update: There is also a new audio message that claims to be from UBL, but I can't extract it. Apparently al-Qaeda is so scared of having the message intercepted that they overcomplicated things. Ha!
Update: I have the UBL tape. It contains video footage of UBL and and audio messages. Stand by. Video here.
Update II: Video added click the image below the fold. more...
Posted by: Howie at
08:50 AM
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September 15, 2007

Several days ago I was told by a reader, Cindy, that Ali Sina's website was hacked, probably by Muslim online jihadis. The website was down, but since I had no way to confirm the reason for the site outage, I didn't say anything.
But I can now confirm that the website was hacked. We can't confirm who hacked it, but it's not exactly hard to guess. It's a website which supports Muslims leaving Islam. Under Islamic law, apostates may receive the death penalty.
Luckily the website was backed up and is slowly coming back online.
Here is the letter Cindy received:
"Hi Cindy,While I don't agree with everything the Faith Freedom website espouses---which seems to be a Christian response to Islam--I certainly agree with their main point: faith ought to be based on choice and as long as Muslims are not allowed to choose to leave Islam they are not free....Yes, the server was hacked. We are in the process of performing a full restore now. It will take about a week to complete. Thanks for the offer of assistance.
Kind Regards,
FFI Server Administrator
Posted by: Rusty at
04:36 PM
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Post contains 191 words, total size 1 kb.
September 10, 2007
Fanatical British Muslims are using the internet to plot a fresh wave of terror to mark the sixth anniversary of 9/11, The People can reveal.The story leads to this bit of editorializing:We have infiltrated a string of vile websites that spell out in chilling detail how to bring carnage to the UK.
Crude bomb-making instructions have been circulated on the web for years. But we found expert videos showing wannabe killers how to create home-made bombs, chemicals and poisons for mass murder....
But despite the setback, al-Qaeda increasingly use websites to give lessons in terror as they are harder to track than fanatics travelling to foreign training camps.
Policing the net is no longer just about removing vile pornography or violent videos. It is now a matter of life and death.Gee, ya think?And our security forces MUST block access to providers who fail to do it.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:20 AM
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Post contains 224 words, total size 2 kb.
September 07, 2007
Robert of Jihad Watch explains Black Beard:
The Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence forbids men and women to dye their hair black "except when the intention is a show of strength to unbelievers" ('Umdat al-Salik e.4.4)...More at the post and, in the comments, this: Abu Dharr narrated the hadith, The best thing with which to dye gray hair is henna and katm. (Mentioned in Fath al-Bari.) Henna makes the hair red, while katm, a plant from Yemen, colors it black tinged with red.Some scholars, on the other hand, do not consider the use of black dye as permissible except during time of war, when the enemy might be impressed by the fact that all the soldiers of the Muslim army look young."
I am not impressed. I think it makes him look like an aging lounge lizard. But the belligerent overtones should not be overlooked.
Thus the black beard dye from Yemen coordinates nicely with UBL's traditional Yemeni outfit. Tim Gunn would approve.
Aye scallywags, rascals and infidels, its almost Talk Like a Pirate Day. However you commie bastards, its not yet Talk like Jack Bauer Day.In case you need help, the website has A FEW TIPS DAMMIT!!!!!
-Make sure to yell very simple requests.
-Take a helicopter to work.
-Issue threats that involve family members and/or body parts.
-Always mention that you're running out of time.
-Carry a manpurse. Wear aviators. Don't do drugs.
-Carry around zip ties and a pair of pliers (because you never know).
-Keep a car battery and some jumper cables on your desk.
-Use your cell phone as much as possible. If the battery dies, just pretend it's still working.
-Use at least 5 exclamation points in every email!!!!
-Ask "Who are you working for!?" to as many people as possible.
Sooner or later we are going to need a Talk Like Bin Laden Day: You sons of pigs and dogs, Al-Qaeda will solve global warming by reverting to the stone age.
Posted by: JaneNovak at
06:43 PM
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September 06, 2007
I promised myself that I wouldn't give my 'friend' Inshallahshaheed from the Wordpress hosted al Qaeda support website The Ignored Puzzle of Knowledge any more press than he deserves. Inshallahshaheed is at the center of a network of online jihadis that include convicted terrorist Daniel Joseph Maldonado, aka Daniel al Jughaifi. Wordpress continues to host the convicted terrorist's website.
After complaining to Wordpress on dozens and dozens of occasions about Inshallahshaheed I pretty much gave up on getting them to play ball. But I also knew that Inshallahshaheed was being investigated, not by the FBI, but by other interested parties. So I stopped writing about that particular website and even discouraged others (like Weasel Zip) from writing about it. Except, of course, in passing reference.
Earlier today, though, I noted that Rabbi Abraham Cooper mentioned the website at a Simon Wiesenthal Center sponsored event. It now seems that the FBI are taking the website seriously. Finally.
Howie sends this Fox News report:
DEVELOPING STORY: Federal counterterrorism officials are analyzing a posting on an Islamic forum Web site that warns of "a special gift" to be given on the sixth anniversary of Sept. 11, FOX News has learned.I can reveal that the website of interest is that of Inshallahshaheed's The Ignored Puzzle of Knowledge'. The particular post in question is simply a preview of an audio set to be released on Sept. 11.The warning was posted Sept. 2 on a site frequented by radical groups and said in part that "there will be a special gift coming on the day of the blessed invasion of Manhattan."
Federal officials told FOX News they are trying to determine if it might be a specific warning or just part of broad chatter that has been heard during the last few months.
Postings talking about "gifts" have been seen before in the days leading up to the anniversary of Sept. 11.
Soon …. Soon … Soon … Soon… the blessed invasion of ManhattanThe audio wasn't actually originally posted by inshallahshaheed, rather, he found it an an Islamist forum and then simply reposted it with commentary at his own blog. I've backed up the post, since I have a feeling it will be gone soon.September 2, 2007
Posted by inshallahshaheed in United States of Losers, Jihad, America
بســــم الله الرحمن الرحــــيم [In the name of God, the Merciful]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اخوانــــي الافاضــل
هذاالمقطع الصوتي سيكون باذن الله في احد اصدارتنا بمناسبة ذكرى غزوة منهاتن
ودمتم برعاية الله
[There will be a special gift coming on the day of the blessed invasion of Manhattan…]
[Below is an audio preview]
By "soon" the post simply means that the complete audio will be released, not that Manhattan will be invaded soon. The rumors are that this audio is of Osama bin Laden. I have not yet listened to it.
If the website goes down, I'll put up the archive I made.
UPDATE: Bingo, the blog is down. Yet, I have the cache of the post. View it here (minus the images). And a screenshot below.
Update within an update: Tim from Opinion Bug finds the Google cache. Nice work Tim. Not included in the Google cached version are some of the comments, including a conversation between inshallahshaheed and a 9/11 Truther. Inshallahshaheed convincingly argues that since al Qaeda produced a video showing the "19 martyrs" and admitted to being behind the attack then of course they were behind 9/11, inshallah. See, trutherism is offensive even to jihadis.
UPDATE II: I'm listening to the audio now. Starts out with sirens, gunshots, and panicked people screaming. There is a voice over in Arabic. Very menacing. Not at all like the usual. There's shouting and screaming, and gunshots. Very different than most of these types of audios which are usually calm sermons with nasheeds (music) in the background.
No bin Laden audio, but towards the end of the audio is a nasheed praising Osama bin Laden. Then gunshots. Then it ends. Scary.
Sounds threatening to me. And considering that I monitor a lot of this stuff, if I even think its scary, then I think that's saying something. It may not be a direct specific threat about an impending attack, but it is a general threat. And it reminds us of exactly who it is we're fighting. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
01:56 PM
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1) Al Qaeda is winning the internet battle and is using the internet not only for propaganda but for "command-and-control". It's true. One caveat, over the past several weeks there has been a chorus of complaints from the online jihadis that their websites are going down one by one. The lesson is that when we choose to fight, we win. The problem not that we can't win, it's that we have not yet begun to fight. To paraphrase Churchill, "Give us the tools and we will win the war."
2) It's time to formulate a policy to battle the online jihadis for the hearts and minds of Muslims.
3) Our 'friend' inshallahshaheed from the Wordpress hosted al Qaeda support website The Ignored Puzzle of Knowledge'. I'll let you read what he says. But be prepared for your blood to boil. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:14 AM
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Post contains 604 words, total size 4 kb.
September 03, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
03:13 PM
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Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.
August 31, 2007
Oh, and you won't find the al Qaeda linked propaganda outlet masquerading as a "news service" at their old website either.

Just to clarify, this isn't some small time operation...not just some blog with a small readership. This is one of the biggest propaganda outlets out there. And it's directly linked to al Qaeda in Iraq.
So, if you would like to help Rusty buy his wife dinner so she won't be so pissed that he spends so much time fighting these vile websites, please feel free to donate.
If you can't spare the change, how about at least leaving a comment or maybe a link? I could use the ego boost.
UPDATE: Now with "Donger need food" image (stolen from W. Zip) to reiterate the point.

Posted by: Rusty at
01:05 PM
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Post contains 175 words, total size 5 kb.
August 15, 2007

Wow, that was quick :-)
PS---Speaking of terrorist websites masquerading as "news" outlets, it looks like W-N-N is down, too. Again. Looks like someone is having trouble holding on to their DNS.......
------------------- =
OrgName: Colo4Dallas LP
Address: 3000 Irving Blvd
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75247
OrgAbusePhone: 1-214-630-3100
Al Hesbah has long been a favorite information outlet for the online jihadis, especially al Qaeda. The forum legitimizes itself by citing MSM organizations as "members" of the forum, when they are really there to monitor what the online jihadis are saying.
The guide to taking hostages itself is not actually new, it's been around since at least 2002, but it's once again making the rounds.
The guide begins by enumerating goals that a kidnapping can achieve, including the release of prisoners, extraction of information from the hostage, weakening the enemy's morale and creating deterrence, raising international awareness of conflicts in which the kidnappers' organization is involved, blackmailing the enemy for money, and generating anti-government sentiment in the hostage's country of origin.Funny, they don't mention a thing about beheading the victim.In the section dealing with selecting a target, the guide recommends choosing someone of importance to the enemy (such as a high-ranking military officer or a prominent businessman). However, he should not be a physically strong person who can put up significant resistance. In order to ensure that the operation goes smoothly, it is recommended that he be knocked out with tranquilizers.....
The last section of the guide deals with the demands stage, and states that after stipulating their demands and setting a deadline, the kidnappers must conduct negotiations using a mobile phone registered under a false name, or else a pay phone (a different one for each call). The guide also explains that if it becomes necessary to execute the hostage, this is best done by hanging or poisoning rather than by shooting. This is because soldiers regard death by shooting as an honorable death, and because shooting leaves considerable bloodstains at the scene.
Infidels are Cool has more.
Posted by: Rusty at
01:39 PM
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Post contains 359 words, total size 3 kb.
August 04, 2007

Apparently Lord Vader was wrong about you.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:08 PM
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August 02, 2007

Reynolds, now 49, is a divorced father of three who lives in Connecticut and has held a variety of jobs in the electronics field. Interestingly, he also once was involved with a paintball operation and is described as a loner.
Monitoring the Islamist chat room was Shannen Rossmiller (pic), a former Montana magistrate who has been independently hunting terrorists on the Internet since 9/11. After learning Reynolds' intentions, Rossmiller contacted the FBI who set up agents to impersonate al-Qaeda members to Reynolds. Ultimately, a sting was engineered and Reynolds was arrested.
In October 2006, Reynolds was indicted by a federal grand jury on terrorism charges.
Last month, Reynolds went on trial in Scranton before a jury of six women and six men.
In closing arguments earlier on Friday, defense attorney Joseph O'Brien said Reynolds had been attempting to communicate online with purported Islamist militants to expose them and not because he had any intention of working with them.On July 13th, the jury convicted Reynolds of four counts of terrorism, including attempting to "provide material support to al-Qaeda." With the conviction, Reynolds possibly faces more than 57 years in prison when sentenced."His intent was the same as Rossmiller's," O'Brien told the court before U.S. District Judge Edwin Kosik. "He was out there trying to uncover terrorist actions."
But Assistant U.S. Attorney John Gurganus said Reynolds had admitted he told no one of his online contacts with purported militants, who also included an FBI agent posing as an attack plotter.
"He actively offered his services to commit acts of terrorism," said Gurganus, dismissing Reynolds' claim that he intended to trap alleged militants on the Internet. "He really is a person who thought he could make money helping al Qaeda."
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
08:35 AM
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July 31, 2007

*Bumped for self-congratulatory triumphalism* Newer posts below
It looks like Qari Mohammad Yousuf "Ahmadi" and his webmaster Adil "Murchal" Watanmal have misplaced their website. "Ahmadi" is the Taliban spokesman you've seen in the news daily talking to MSM reporters via his cell phone and making threats against the Korean hostages. Now if Yahoo! and Geocities would just stop hosting the Taliban's backup website, then we'd have this thing pretty well wrapped up. Update pwned!

You'll recall that when the Taliban re-opened the website earlier this month, they took a moment to gloat at The Jawa Report's expense. Who's gloating now, eh Adil?
Update: Yahoo boots the Taliban's backup website! You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
02:43 PM
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Post contains 216 words, total size 6 kb.
“Special Thank You†to Global Islamic Media Front for their continued supportWe hope that those webhosts, like Wordpress, that continue to host GIMF websites on "free speech" grounds will reconsider in light of al Qaeda's overt confirmation that the two groups are linked.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:03 PM
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Post contains 83 words, total size 1 kb.
With the game taking such a sinister turn, terrorism experts are warning that SL attacks have ramifications for the real world. Just as September 11 terrorists practised flying planes on simulators in preparation for their deadly assault on US buildings, law enforcement agencies believe some of those behind the Second Life attacks are home-grown Australian jihadists who are rehearsing for strikes against real targets.And just when you think it couldn't get geeky enough, they just had to throw in a World of Warcraft reference:Terrorist organisations al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah traditionally sent potential jihadists to train in military camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. But due to increased surveillance and intelligence-gathering, they are swapping some military training to online camps to evade detection and avoid prosecution.
Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre in Canberra, says terrorists can gain training in games such as World of Warcraft in a simulated environment, using weapons that are identical to real-world armaments.To be honest, I'm about as worried that jihiadis trained in Second Life will be able to pull off an act of terrorism as I am that all the "studs" using SL for cybersex will ever actually get laid.
Hat tip: Internet Anthropologist.
Posted by: Rusty at
01:46 PM
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Post contains 255 words, total size 2 kb.
July 27, 2007

The group's website ( was offline for quite some time, but came back on line this week on a US server. Today, something seems to have gone terribly wrong with their website. Thanks to not Everyone's Internet.
Oh and if you'd like to rub it in a bit with the League of Jihadist's webmaster, here's his email
abuabeer_ar@yahoo.comInternet Haganah has an image of the, now defunct, website here.

Posted by: Howie at
06:57 PM
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Post contains 129 words, total size 1 kb.
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