September 28, 2007

Another Radical Imam at Islamic Center of Cleveland

(Cleveland, Ohio) Readers may recall from 2004, the imam of the Islamic Center of Cleveland, Fawaz Damra, was convicted of lying to federal authorities on his citizenship application. Damra failed to disclose his support and fundraising for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a recognized terrorist organization. As a consequence, Damra was deported.

This week, the Islamic Center of Cleveland announced that a permanent replacement for Damra has been hired. According to David Briggs of the Plain Dealer:

Imam Ahmed Alzaree, an Egyptian-born cleric who led a mosque in Omaha, Neb., for the past five years until his contract expired in July, will join the Islamic Center of Cleveland Nov. 1, leaders of the mosque said.

They said Alzaree, 37, is a scholar whose strengths include working with young people.

Dr. Jalal Abu-Shaweesh, mosque president, said Alzaree should bring a "great deal of stability" to the Islamic Center.

Alzaree would not confirm his hiring, at one point saying he would not come to Cleveland because a reporter was inquiring about his background.

Interesting. Alzaree won't go to Cleveland because a reporter is asking questions. Which reporter isn't known. However, a query by Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog found a sermon that Alzaree gave at the Omaha Islamic Center in 2003 which contained the following.
“The hour of judgment shall not happen until the Muslims fight the Jews. The Muslims shall kill the Jews to the point that the Jew shall hide behind a big rock or a tree and the rock or tree shall call on the Muslim saying: hey, O Muslim there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him, except the Gharqad tree which will not say, for it is the tree of Jews."
Although there's no indication that Alzaree directly supports terrorism, it appears that he thinks like them.

Additionally, according to Patrick Poole of Ohioans Against Terror, Alzaree laments that Muslims are not receiving the "jizya" tax from non-Muslims as required by the Quran.

One must question Dr. Abu-Shaweesh's definition of a "great deal of stability." Since Alzaree promotes killing Jews and imposing taxes on non-Muslims, there's a great deal of something but it's not stability.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 21, 2007

Islamists Targeting Swedish Cartoonist, Firms

(Stockholm, Sweden) No surprise here, again the followers of the religion of peace and tolerance and diversity are furious about a cartoon.

Websites run by militant Islamists have listed the names of over 100 Swedish companies as possible targets in the ongoing row surrounding the publication in Swedish newspapers of a caricature of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

Detailing the addresses, maps and logos of Swedish businesses, the websites called for their readers to boycott these firms and "take revenge" on Sweden for the publication of a controversial cartoon by artist Las Vilks.

The cartoon is a caricature of Muhammad as a "roundabout dog" and it was drawn to test the limits of art, says cartoonist Vilks.

A few days earlier, a bounty was offered for the death of Vilks.

An al-Qaeda front organization in Iraq, the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq, issued a statement on the Internet on Saturday offering $150,000 to anyone who slit the throat of Lars Vilks, whose sketch depicted Muhammad as a dog.

It also offered $50,000 for the death of the editor-in-chief of the Nerikes Allehanda newspaper, Ulf Johansson, who published the caricature.

Additionally, the Swedish government has received formal complaints from Iran, Egypt and Pakistan. Naturally, the situation is being taken seriously by the government and Vilks is in hiding under police protection.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 07:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 17, 2007

Islamic Charity Funding Terror via Palestinian Universities

Patrick Poole of Central Ohioans Against Terrorism has exposed an Ohio-based Islamic group that is funneling money to HAMAS through Palestinian universities with apparent impunity.

Specifically, the not-for-profit group, Arab Student Aid International (ASAI), has pumped millions of dollars to the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) which has been recognized by Congress as a fungible cash resource for HAMAS terror activities. U.S. public funds are barred from distribution to IUG. Nevertheless, private American sources continue to provide money to the IUG and other HAMAS-connected schools.

Now, since the government has shuttered the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic "charities" for funding terrorist organizations, why has ASAI been allowed to continue to send money and assistance to HAMAS through the Palestinian universities?

In this regard, Congress only stopped public money, via the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), from going to IUG and other terrorist-connected schools, however, nothing specifically prohibits private American dollars from being sent and used to purchase suicide belts, AK-47s or Katyusha rockets..

Frankly, the issue of private funds being slithered through universities to terrorist organizations is news to me and I'm made to wonder how widespread the practice might be. For instance, is the U.S. providing funds for the Taliban through Pakistani and Afghan schools? Or, is Hezbollah getting U.S. dollars through Syrian or Lebanese universities? And what about Jemaah Islamiyah? Is it getting American cash through Indonesian or Malaysian universities?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 09:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 31, 2007

My Dad Went to Mecca and All He Got Me Was This Stupid ROP Linkfest

I'm back to work which means I have more time than ever reading up on news from the Religion of Peace. Aint academia grand?!?

And to Professor Chaos and Steve the Llama Bitcher who are getting drunk and puking their Chicago deep dish pizza filled guts out at the American Political Science Association's annual meeting: screw you guys, I'm going home.

Islamist Website publishes how to create your own al Qaeda cell for dummies manual

No way, not al Qaeda! Terrorists Accuse al Qaeda in Iraq of Stealing Video

How are those forced marriages working out for you al Qaeda? Not so much.

Holy schneike! U.S. Senators fired on as plane leaves Iraq.

About those reports that Basra is already Iran Jr......t'aint so.

Shhhh, don't tell New York Times: Petraeus, Surge Working!

Taliban: hostage taking works so we're going to ramp it up a notch.

Mormons, Muslims, 6 of one half a dozen of the other.

A coup....the good kind: Military ready to step in to protect secularism from Islamist forces.

Domestic Dhimmis:
About the FBI meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood's North American front, Republicans no likey.

XXX Uncensored Video: The Opus Cartoon

Haditha: What crime?

Salome demands bin Laden's head on a platter.

Domestic Massochism:
Bad gay marriage coming to Iowa.

Craig will resign......taking a dump in public safe again!

Manbearpig sightings:
Global warming causes Cougar attacks*

*that, you know, never really happened

Ministry of Silly Walks:
Shelob is alive....and in Texas!

Posted by: Rusty at 09:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 263 words, total size 3 kb.

August 27, 2007

Video : Muslim Activists Stomping the Flag

Making friends and influencing people. That's what it's all about...

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 17, 2007

Turkish Imams Seek Overtime Pay

(Istanbul, Turkey) It appears that the lure of a religious calling to Islam loses some of its luster when one is working 18 hours per day for poor pay. Therefore, the Muslim prayer leaders want to be paid overtime.

Some 70,000 government-paid preachers rose at 4am to begin the daily call to prayer and did not finish until midnight, said Huseyin Demirci, the head of Diva-Sen, one of the smaller clerics' unions representing 2000 imams.

Turkish public servants were paid overtime for exceeding a normal five-day, 40-hour week but imams, also government workers, were excluded, Mr Demirci said. In Sunni Islam, imams lead prayers five times a day, starting at dawn and often finishing late at night.

At $760 per month, imams are the lowest paid government workers in Turkey. For that amount, imams also have to keep their mosques squeaky clean. As a result of low pay for long hours, many Muslims consider the job a poor career choice and a reported 6,000 mosques lack an imam.

Logically, with a union representing tens of thousands of imams, they should be able to go on strike and deny the believers their five-a-day sermons. Right?

All in all, though, it appears that the actual conflict is not between the imams and the government, rather it's between Islam and money.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 06, 2007

Magazines Seized in Morocco

(Rabat, Morocco) Although Morocco is generally considered to have a greater degree of press freedom than other Arab world countries, by no means is it truly free.

Morocco's government has seized copies of two current affairs magazines containing articles which it said showed a lack of respect for King Mohammed and harmed public morals.

Ahmed Reda Benchemsi, editor of Tel Quel (As It Is) and its sister publication Nichane (Forthright), was called for questioning by Casablanca police late on Saturday under orders from the judiciary, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

A reporter at Nichane, who asked not to be named, said Benchemsi had questioned the usefulness of parliamentary elections next month in a country where the monarchy wields ultimate power.

In his annual speech to the nation on July 30, the king said he hoped the September 7 polls would reinforce democracy, and he would oppose anyone who questioned their validity.

So, in some sort of twisted logic, the king will reinforce democracy by making sure that opposition voices are silenced. Sounds familiar.

Notably, this is not the first occasion that press freedom has been suppressed in Morocco. Last January, the editor-in-chief of Nichane, Driss Ksikes, and a journalist, Sanaa al-Aji, were tried and convicted for publishing jokes about Islam. Each was given a suspended sentence and fined over $9,000.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 224 words, total size 2 kb.

August 03, 2007

Fatwa Bans Honor Killings

(Beirut, Lebanon) Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah has spoken.

Lebanon's most senior Shia cleric issued on Thursday a fatwa, or religious edict, banning honour killings, calling the custom of murdering a female relative for sexual misconduct "a repulsive act".
There. That'll put an end to a practice that has been around for -- oh -- at least 1,000 years.

Realistically, though, the fatwa banning honor killings has to be considered the Muslim equivalent to Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" anti-drug message. Good idea but likely to be ignored by many people. In fact, the Grand Ayatollah only counts 1.2 million Shiites as his followers, leaving 99% of the world's Muslims not affected by his fatwa.

Nevertheless, it's a step in the right direction.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 07:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 31, 2007

It's Raining Pigs


Via The Daily Mail: A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Butchers Pet Care could shelve plans for a factory in Coton Park, near Rugby, because angry Asian families have complained to their residents' association about pork smells drifting into their garden.

Muslim residents in the area also claim the pork will effectively "rain down" on their homes and gardens after the factory's 100ft chimney has pumped the meat extracts into the atmosphere.

The Coton Park Residential Association said they have received complaints from Muslims - who are directed to not eat pork by the Qur'an - and are taking the matter very seriously.

I suggest all non-Muslims protest the protest with a coordinated back yard hickory pork barbeque and beer bash. Ahh the sweet smell of boston butts roasting on a hickory fire. Mmmm, mmmm good. After the first few beers don't forget to yell, "Yeeeehaaaa!", or the British equivalent, really loud a few times, just for extra scaryness.

More here at Hot Air.

Hat Tip: Robert.

Posted by: Howie at 09:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 22, 2007

Islam Gains in Turkish Elections

(Ankara, Turkey) The Islamist-rooted Justice and Development (AK) Party, led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pic), won a decisive majority of Turkish parliamentary seats in elections today. The unicameral Grand National Assembly has 550 parliamentarians and at least 340 will now be AK members chosen by 47% of the voters.

The Republican People's Party (CHP), billed as equivalent to the European Social Democrats, is the main opposition to the AK Party, winning at least 110 seats and 21% of the votes.

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), known for its "ultra-nationalism" and militancy, won at least 70 seats with about 15% of the votes.

Independent candidates, the Young Party (GP), the Democratic Left Party (DSP), the Motherland Party (ANAP), the True Path Party (DYP) and the Democrat Party (DP) didn't pick up enough votes to be a factor. Under Turkish parliamentary rules, a party must garner at least 10% of the votes cast to qualify for proportional representation.

Key Points:

- The Islamist-rooted AK Party gained in strength, setting the stage for increased tension between Muslims and the secular establishment with its powerful army ally.

- The decrease in secular influences and the likelihood of more religion-based government could delay membership in the European Union.

- Despite high hopes, it appears that insufficient votes were cast to increase the number of women in the Grand National Assembly above the 4.4% garnered in 2002. Since women's rights are set as a prerequisite to EU membership, the low level of female representation could be a deal-breaker. Currently, female illiteracy is around 20 percent, honour killings are common and only 72 percent of girls enroll in secondary school.

- The MHP and the CHP are overtly and tacitly supporting a growing nationalism movement which fosters opposition to EU membership while continuing to stoke the conflict with the Kurds.

- Encapsulated, the outcome of the election went swimmingly against snuggly relations with the EU and the West.

Over 33 million voters went to the polls out of 42.5 million registered to vote.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 341 words, total size 2 kb.

July 15, 2007

Ayesha and the Prophet

Disputing the general belief that Prophet Mohammad married wife Ayesha at the age of nine, Adil Salahi of the Arab News provides an argument.

I have written at length discussing this issue and concluded that Ayesha was between 18 and 22 at the time of her marriage to the Prophet.
Relying on a series of convoluted explanations, Salahi concludes that anything else is "highly unlikely" and "totally unreasonable." Being unlikely and unreasonable apparently makes something untrue.

So, there. The issue should now be clear to everyone.

Also, since it is unlikely and unreasonable for two jetliners to crash into the World Trade Center Towers, it obviously didn't happen.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 04:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 09, 2007

Muslim Juror Arrested for MP3 Under Hajib

(London, England) Frankly, a person could hide many things under a hajib. However, it's not a good idea for a juror to be listening to an MP3 player during a high-profile murder case.

From TimesOnline:

In what is considered the first case of its kind, the woman was arrested for contempt of court after another member of the jury passed a note revealing the indiscretion to the judge, Roger Chapple.

The judge - who previously suspected that he had heard "tinny music" in the background, but dismissed it as his imagination - called the woman into court on her own, and said: "You are going to be discharged from this jury. You will play no further role."

A police officer then stepped forward and escorted her from court. Outside the woman - who is in her 20s, but cannot be identified for legal reasons - was searched, the MP3 player was found and confiscated, and she was arrested. Contempt of court carries a maximum sentence of an unlimited fine and indefinite imprisonment.

The woman involved was a problem juror for the court. She repeatedly tried to avoid jury duty and, when she was finally selected and seated, she couldn't show up on time. Also, some individuals in court were concerned about her lack of interest and participation. With the MP3 incident, she now has a court date of her own on July 23rd.

Regarding what she was listening to? I'm guessing Cat Stevens.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 07:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 248 words, total size 2 kb.

July 05, 2007

Religion of Gas Masks, Automatic Weapons and Smashing Cars

Lots more "holiness" courtesy of Pakistan's Red Mosque here.

I'd just like to float this idea - the Democrats seem committed to the idea of destroying what they call "hate speech" (which is simply dissent from their rigid ideology) on conservative talk radio. If they are trying to bring back the Fairness Doctrine based on "hate crimes" that are "caused by" talk radio, shouldn't Islam also be regulated and/or outlawed by this Democrat proposal? How many deaths are the direct result of zealous brainwashing in mosques being willed into reality by frothing followers of the opinions they hear in their 'religious' services?

Outlawing political opinions is as eggregious to the First Amendment as outlawing religion, but since the Democrats seem to be OK with outlawing the former, why not go the Full Monty?

Consistency, people.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 02:02 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 144 words, total size 1 kb.

July 03, 2007

Segregated Saudi Banks

(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) Word is that segregation of men and women in the banking business will soon be strictly enforced. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) officials have refused to confirm the imposition of a new directive but admit that segregation is expected.

According to various reports by news agencies that have spoken to bank managers and women bankers, Saudi authorities have ordered banks to separate female and male workers at their headquarters where they used to work together.
Reportedly, authorities have given banks until the end of the summer to implement the measures.
The banks are expected to provide separate floors, elevators, entrance and cafeterias for the men and women.
The Ministry of Labor will send inspection teams to verify compliance. Regarding the Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) bank employees, the segregation rules are considered not applicable, rather an unspoken "don't tell, don't die" policy is in general acceptance.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 150 words, total size 1 kb.

June 28, 2007

Burqini Opposed by Muslim Scholars

A recent Islamic fashion breakthrough was made with the creation of the burqini, a marriage of burqa and bikini. The garment was designed by Lebanese Australian Aheda Zanetti who wanted to provide specialized sportswear for Muslim females while embracing Islam and obeying their Islamic belief in dressing modestly.

The burqini (pic) has been described as like a full-length wetsuit with built-on hood, but somewhat looser and made of swimsuit material instead of rubber. Frankly, I think it looks more like pajamas with a shower cap. Either way, it doesn't seem as though the burqini would make athletics easy, rather just possible.

Although some Muslim females are excited about the burqini, the scholars of Islam are opposed. According to Safa Suling Tan of The Muslim Weekly, the burqini shows the shape of one's shoulders, arms, legs, and neck. It is also without extra covering for the chest so the shape of the breast can be seen and, horror of horrors, the feet are exposed for anyone to see.

In summary, the burqini compromises one's faith and displeases Allah.

[According to Tan] "I am sure most of us Muslim women would love to catch a break on the wave, go jet skiing and wake boarding, or just good old free styling, but I am more sure that most of us have given up those pleasures to seek the greatest one -- that of pleasing Allah."
Therefore, the burqini is considered immodest and contrary to the wishes of Allah. And Muslim females should not be thinking of swimming, jetskiing and other beach activities at all.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 02:20 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 263 words, total size 2 kb.

June 27, 2007

Attempted Honor Killing in PA

Some Pennsylvania muslims from Buck's County attempted to bring the dark ages to Middletown by kidnapping their daughter's fiancé and threatening to kill him in the name of "family honor:"

Webber (police officer -ed.) said the alleged victim told him his fiancée’s family was upset the two had moved in together. He said there were cultural differences and that’s why 48-year-old Mohd Nasher and his son 20-year-old Mohammed Nasher were allegedly gunning for the fiancé.

“The father and son came in, grabbed our victim, pulled him outside, began choking and beating him. Drug him into the back of a Ford Explorer and that’s where they advised him that they were going to take him somewhere. He jumped out the other side window in fear for his life and as he went to run away the father told him, ‘I’m going to find you and I’m going to shoot you.’ The son went and grabbed a bat and went to chase after him,” Webber said.

Both Nashers were charged with assault and kidnapping. They both posted $20,000 cash bail and were released. ...

This happened with an hour's drive from where I live. What fun.

Their religion had nothing to do with this, though. Nothing at all.

ht: LGF

Posted by: Good Lt. at 01:35 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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June 23, 2007

Taliban Baby Killers Get Two Little Girls

talibanyearbook.jpgThe Brave Mujahadbeens are out shooting at little girls for learning their ABCs, again.

Via The BBC:A group of girls returning home from school in Afghanistan's Logar province recently did not for a moment expect what lay ahead.

As they walked down a dirt track, insurgents sprang out of the parched farms and began firing on them.

Some of them fled into the farm, but two girls, one aged 13, the other 10, were killed in the ambush. Three of their friends were wounded........

Oh, and one of those new suicide bombers the Taliban sent off was picked up a bit short of NYC, he did make it to a check point in Afghanistan. Not a bad effort considering he was only six years old.
More from The BBC via Prairie Pundit: The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to which Britain contributes 5,000 troops in southern Afghanistan, revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country.

The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt........RIA

Six. Years. Old.

Tat Tip: Prairie Pundit.

I can understand the Afghan President's problem but as this essay by Ted Koppel points out, we're not the ones placing children in the line of fire. more...

Posted by: Howie at 10:53 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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June 16, 2007

Iranian Expatriate: Islam Threatens Constitutional Freedoms

And it uses the very same freedoms we hold dear and minority protections against us.

Amil Imani Via American Thinker: In the interest of impartiality, the authors of the Constitution did not define what constitutes a religion. Presently, a plethora of sects, cults, orders-all claiming to be religion-cover the length and the breadth of the land. So long as these "religions" minister to the legitimate spiritual needs of their congregation without threatening the rights of others, there is no reason for concern. However, when one or more of these claimants strive to undermine the very Constitution that protects them in order to impose their belief and way of life, serious problems arise.

Can a religion or a cult become so powerful and so uncivilized that it can hide behind the Constitution to preach an ideology of hatred and advocate a plan to destroy our society and subvert our government? We need to consider whether our Constitution enables and protects "religions" that are being used to put our very society and our freedoms in jeopardy.

Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. He maintains a website at

When people from Islamic nations tell you that Islam can be dangerous to America maybe you should listen. As if the daily death toll isn't enough?

Clearly a large portion of those causing mayhem and suffering in the Middle East and elsewhere believe they are doing what is demanded of them by Islam.

Someone needs to tell them what they are doing, all the suffering they bring upon Muslims an others, is wrong. And if you can't prove it to them using Islam itself what hope is there?

The only choice left is to fight them. To settle the issue of Islams place on the battlefield. For everyone's sake, I pray those who still bring suffering and murder in the name of God are defeated.

Posted by: Howie at 03:49 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 326 words, total size 2 kb.

June 12, 2007

Justice for Banaz Mahmod

DADDYSLITTLEDEADGIRL.jpgNot the justice of Sharia either, which is how her father came to the conclusion that he should murder her to save his, "honor."

Via BBC: A father has been found guilty of killing his daughter in what police have described as an honour killing.

The body of Banaz Mahmod, 20, was found in a suitcase buried in a garden in Birmingham last year.

Her father Mahmod Mahmod, 52, and uncle Ari Mahmod, 50, from Mitcham, south London, were both convicted of murder at the Old Bailey....

...Miss Mahmod was killed after falling in love with a man her family did not want her to marry.

Her father and uncle ordered the murder because they believed she had shamed the family.

Too bad the Brits have abolished the death penalty, some prime candidates right there.

Posted by: Howie at 09:08 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 137 words, total size 1 kb.

June 06, 2007

Muhammad Name Tops for British Boys

(United Kingdom) According to the British Office of National Statistics (ONS), the name Muhammad appeared in the Top 30 of the official names register for the first time in 2000.

For 2007, Muhammad is second behind Jack in the register and it is anticipated to become the leading choice for newborn boys by the end of the year.

Most Popular Names - Baby Boys in Britain (2007)

1) Jack
2) Muhammad
3) Thomas
4) Joshua
5) Oliver

Just think, in a couple decades a plurality of young men in Britain will be named Muhammad. Isn't that just ducky?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:07 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 102 words, total size 1 kb.

May 30, 2007

Pwned By Steve Emerson

Steve Emerson rules.
Not only was he one of the first Americans to recognize the true threat posed by radical Islam, and not only was he among the first to publicly bitch-slap radical Islamists into submission, but to this day he continues to totally own the current crop of apologists, propagandists and spin-doctors who are working to distort and sanitize the west's understanding of Islam.

And today has been a real Steve Emerson kind of a day! more...

Posted by: Kafir at 08:13 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 291 words, total size 3 kb.

Welcome to the Hotel Sharia in Malaysia

I often wonder why my Christian friend from Malaysia says he'll never go back. Today Michelle helps me understand.

Via Michelle Malkin: Last August, I wrote about the plight of an ex-Muslim woman in Malaysia named Lina Joy. She had converted to Christianity and wanted to marry a Christian man. As the Abdul Rahman case made chillingly clear to the world, there are dire consequences for leaving Islam. Joy bravely went to court to stop being identified as a Muslim--and earned death threats and family disavowal for her apostasy. Now, the verdict is in. Sharia wins, Lina Joy loses:
"You can't at whim and fancy convert from one religion to another," Federal Court Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim said in delivering judgment in the case, which has stirred religious tensions in the mainly Muslim nation.
Muslims cheered:
Islam, like most other cults, follows the "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" rule.

Posted by: Howie at 11:18 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.

May 24, 2007

Taliban Child Beheading Uncensored Video Frames *Bumped*

Exclusive, must cite The Jawa Report

You may recall the recent video of the Taliban beheading a "spy for the crusaders" on video. What made the video even sicker than the usual sick barbaric Jihadi propaganda is that the beheading was carried out by a twelve year old boy under the direction of Taliban leaders.

One of the leaders was rumored to be, the now very dead, Mullah Dadullah --a top Taliban leader-- or his younger brother. In these frames Mullah Dadullah, or a person with a close family resemblance, can be seen coaching the young man on how to proceed.

All the copies that we have in the West are censored. The actual murder was cut from copies on liveleak and other places where it was uploaded. The Jawa Report has obtained a series of frames taken from the original video. These frames show the previously censored section of the video. more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:15 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 332 words, total size 5 kb.

May 23, 2007

This Week is National Bash Islam Week at YouTube

At least, it is according to CapnOAwesome,

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:55 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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May 21, 2007

Citizenship Test Outrages Muslims

The Australian Immigration Ministry has outraged the Muslim community with a proposed citizenship test question that states the Australian values system is based on Judeo-Christian tradition. Federation of Islamic Councils President Dr. Ameer Ali said, "That question must be rephrased."

Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews responded by stating that Australia's Judeo-Christian heritage was indisputable historical fact.

Nonetheless, Dr. Ali said he wants a meeting with Mr. Andrews since, "It is the wrong message we are sending."

Therefore, one must conclude that from a Muslim perspective, indisputable historical facts send the wrong message.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:54 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.

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