September 18, 2007

"Help me kill those who offended the Prophet" UPDATED

I'd call death threats against those who have the audacity to blaspheme the Muslim prophet Mohamed alarming. But it's not. In fact, it's quite predictable. Since Islam recognizes no distinction between sin and crime than anything deemed blasphemous would be considered criminal.

And what is the penalty for unrepentant blasphemers under Islamic law? Death.

Flemming Rose writes from Copenhagen about death threats against blasphemers and apostates in Europe and 'moderate' Muslims trying to stifle free speech.

Notice this posted at the al Firdaws forum last year:

“Help me kill thos who offended the Prophet”:

“I am looking for fastkilling poison. I’ll do it myself, and Allah will witness what I say.” has recently been PWNED.....

UPDATE: Image courtesy of David of Lunde Designs.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 17, 2007

Eine, zwei, neun: Can the German Media Count?

According to the German media 4,000 6,000 10,000 50,000 100,000! anti-war protesters showed up in D.C. last week. I guess anything more than elf is just a guess.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 10, 2007

Neo-Nazis More Popular than Socialists in German State

I'd say I was shocked, but, nah, not really.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 20, 2007

Brussels: Anti-Sharia=Bad, 9/11 Trutherism=Okay

Mayor of Brussels forbids demonstration against Islamist supremacy but allows a 9/11 Twoofer parade. Brilliant!!

Posted by: Rusty at 11:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 22, 2007

Convicted Internet Jihadi's al Qaeda Connection

swiss_internet_terrorists.jpgCan you say Black Widow? Yesterday I reported that Tunisian Moez Garsallaoui and his Belgian wife Malika al-Aroud had been convicted in a Swiss court for running a number of al Qaeda propaganda website. You'll recall that they both claimed they had no knowledge about what was being said on the website. Let me assure you that the al-Minbar websites, run by the couple, were some of the most vile pro-violent jihad websites out there.

Moez Garsallaoui was given six months in prison and Malika al-Aroud was given a suspended sentence. That means she will serve no time for her involvement in the distribution of al Qaeda propaganda--including disgustingly vile hostage beheading videos which the forum cheered on. Outrageous!

But I wonder if the judge would have been so lenient if he knew that Malika al-Aaroud's now deceased husband was Abdessater Dahmane? Because if the judge knew that and released her back on to the streets of Switzerland, then there is really little hope for Europe's future.

Who was Abdessater Dahmane? He was one of the al Qaeda assassins who murdered Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, on September 9, 2001. Dahmane was one of the two assassins who pretended to be journalists. In their interview with Massoud, immediately before they set off the bomb believed to have been hidden in the video camera they brought along, they expressed their support for Osama bin Laden.

The timing of Massoud's death was almost certainly linked to the 9/11 plot---an attempt to hurt the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance before any possible American retaliation.

In August of 2004, just as the al-Minbar websites run by the couple were beginning to be investigated, CNN sat down with Moez Garsallaoui and Malika al-Aroud. While yesterday it was Moez who got the jail time, the CNN interview made it obvious that it was his wife, the burqa clad Malika, who wore the pants in that family:

We met el Aroud on a cold February day in Guin, a small town in Switzerland north of Fribourg. She lives there with her new husband, a Tunisian named Moez Garsalloui, whom she gently bosses around. She is a woman who says what she thinks....

El Aroud is a passionate believer in bin Laden's jihad and, together with her new husband, devotes her time to running a Web site promoting it....

Gazing into CNN's cameras she told us, "It's the pinnacle in Islam to be the widow of a martyr. For a woman it's extraordinary."...

"Abdessater [her former husband] dreamed of being under Osama bin Laden's orders," she said. "Yes, he dreamed of pledging allegiance to him. Oh yes. That was his dream. It was to meet Osama bin Laden and to shake his hand and put himself under his orders."

In mid-2001 Abdessater went to Afghanistan. El Aroud said he was determined to find a theater to fight in, preferably Chechnya. But bin Laden recruited him into al Qaeda, and he trained at a camp in Jalalabad....

Yet el Aroud described this as a happy time; she was reunited with her husband and had been accepted into a close-knit community. Only later did she realize that she had lived in the "middle of Osama bin Laden's clan," a circle, she told CNN, that included bin Laden's wives.

"They seemed happy from what I could tell," she said. "They were radiant, even. Otherwise they wouldn't be married to him. I don't think he was forceful with them." ...

El Aroud said she learned of her husband's death on September 12, 2001. As she described how the families around her came to congratulate her for her husband's actions there was noticeable tension in her voice. It was a huge shock to her, and for weeks after she was numb with grief, she said.

An al Qaeda courier dropped off a letter from bin Laden that included $500. She said bin Laden had wanted to settle a debt. With the letter came a tape, chillingly from her dead husband in which he told her he loved her but that he was "already on the other side." ....

She is undaunted by the investigation into her Web site and she ushered us into her bedroom to show us how she runs the forum. As the crew recorded from behind her, a large image popped on her computer monitor -- Osama bin Laden.

And it was not only her second husband that Malika seems to have dominated. Her relationship with her former al Qaeda assassin husband seems to have been quite unusual, to say the least. From a PBS Frontline special:
Abdessatar Dahmane, one of the two Tunisians settled in Belgium who murdered Ahmed Shah Massoud, took his wife, Malika el Aroud (a Belgian citizen born in Tangier, Morocco), to Afghanistan. She wrote a book in French, telling how her husband behaved like a 'modern' man (sewing the buttons on his shirt because she hated doing such tasks).
Are we seeing a pattern her? As the CNN article makes clear, it was Malika al-Aroud, and not her husband, who was the force behind the website. If any one deserves jail time, it was her.

Today, this friend of the bin Laden family and open supporter of al Qaeda, walks the streets of Guin, Switzerland. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:20 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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June 20, 2007

Why Zeropa Hates Us

Because they're told we're the bad guys. Repeat a lie long enough, and soon it becomes conventional wisdom.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:09 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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May 31, 2007

Al Qaeda Targetting Neutral Countries

This story is funny. No, more like ha-ha funny. If a neutral country, Switzerland---one with nary a soldier anywhere in the Middle East--is on al Qaeda's hit list, then that says something about the Islamists 'legitimate demands'.

I guess if you're not with al Qaeda, you're against them.... more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:47 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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April 20, 2007

Insults Now a Crime in Europe

Charles has the details but leaves out the money quote:

member states may choose to punish only conduct which is either carried out in a manner likely to disturb public order or which is threatening, abusive or insulting.
Gee, I feel much better.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:32 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
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April 17, 2007

Video: Racist German Military Training

By popular request, here is the racist German army training video. Apparently the instructor says something like: “You are in the Bronx. A black van is stopping in front of you. Three African-Americans are getting out and they are insulting your mother in the worst ways. … Act.” I think having a trainee think of David Hasselhof would be far more effective, but that's just me.

Jules Crittendon has commentary.

But what is this "müttha fükker" they keep shouting?

Comments closed because of you-know-who.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:58 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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April 09, 2007

Ataturk Was a Genocidal Maniac

Oh, and he had teh ghey. Are we banned yet?

PS--Free Kurdistan and stop your oppression of Greek Christians, you fascist Turkish bastards.

Posted by: Rusty at 05:14 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 30, 2007

Stopping Sharia in Europe: A How-To Guide

Islam Watch has some suggestions.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:13 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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More Evidence Europe Afraid of Its Muslim Citizens

I want to just chalk this up to the EU being full of John Edwardses, but I think there's more going on here. Sure, Europeans have long since surrendered to multiculturalism and social relativism, so that's part of it.

But there's more here, just beneath the surface. It's not so much that offending Muslims is the problem, as is the very real possibility that if you offend enough of them, you might just get yourself killed.


The European Union has drawn up guidelines advising government spokesmen to refrain from linking Islam and terrorism in their statements. Brussels officials have confirmed the existence of a classified handbook which offers “non-offensive” phrases to use when announcing anti-terrorist operations or dealing with terrorist attacks. Banned terms are said to include “jihad”, “Islamic” or “fundamentalist”.
Since we cannot use the terms "Islamic fundamentalists", or "jihadis", what exactly are we going to call the Islamic fundametalist jihadis?

Oh, yeah: "French youth".

In related news, the following flyer is being passed around affected French neighborhoods.


A translation by Gallia Watch reads:

"They Only Stop Troublemakers!"

Under the hat it reads:

"Deliberately led into traps, forced to bow before youths still holding a Molotov cocktail in their hands (knowing that this low life will be set free the next day), forced to watch youths break windows in the name of Allah, and then being accused of 'brutality' because of a simple ID verification..."

Followed by:

Support Your National Police

before the inevitable civil war and before... that!

Tolerance comes with a price. And there is a breaking point.

Both No Pasaran and Gallia Watch have good updates.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:05 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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March 27, 2007

Cat Stevens: The Singing Taliban Misogynist & His Islamic Cultural Imperialism

yusuf_islam_cat-stevens-terror-connections2.jpgCat Stevens, aka ‘Yusuf Islam', is back on the radar screen. This time, for refusing to talk to women who were unveiled. Apparently, he was at an awards ceremony in Germany where he was the honored guest for 'building bridges betwen the West and Muslim world', but he refused to talk to his unveiled hosts. Charles Johnson has the details.

Building bridges? Perhaps, but the only bridges being built by 'Mr. Islam' seem to lead back to the 15th century.

Cat Stevens is held up by the press and entertainment industry as a 'model Muslim'. In addition to the German award, this year he performed at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony!

Perhaps it is because his songs are so full of themes of peace, or because he is so soft spoken. His mannerism make him appear to be tolerant. But, like most Salafis, scratch the surface and you will see their intolerance and barbarism just underneath.

Here is a man who won't talk to any women who are not veiled. A man who supports Islamic supremacism. A man who supports the imposition of sharia (Islamic) law. A man who wishes to make it illegal to criticize a religious figure he deems a prophet.

Sure, he speaks in near whispers. But have you ever studied the mannerisms of Osama bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri? Yes, he speaks often of peace. As do even the most radical Wahhabis---the peace that comes with submission to Islamic rule.

Not that he is a bin Laden supporter or a Wahhabi, but the point is that speaking of 'peace' in soft tones does not make one a rolemodel. Not when that peace is really the peace of a submissive slave.

Cat Stevens, from what I gather, used to be much worse. He used to support terrorism. He used to hang out with terrorists. Of course, he, like many Muslims, defined 'terrorism' and 'terrorst' in such a way as to exclude his friends and their actions (because killing Jews is always somehow 'not terrorism' but 'legitimate resistance'). He is even publicly on the record as supporting the death penalty for those that would dare blaspheme Islam.

For Allah's sake, before 9/11 he even wrote a song praising the Taliban!

There's more--> more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:08 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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March 26, 2007

Greatest Moment in Spanish History: Widow Wears Mohammed Cartoon Shirt to Terror Trial

mohammed_cartoon_bomb.jpgThis is just too good to be true. Pinch me.


A woman who lost her husband in the 2004 Madrid train bombings displayed an infamous cartoon mocking the Prophet Mohammad on her T-shirt in front of 29, mostly Muslim, suspects on trial for the attacks on Monday.

The woman's white T-shirt showed Mohammad wearing a bomb as a turban -- one of a series published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten which unleashed violent protests by some Muslims last year....

The woman sat in the front row of the court wearing the T-shirt for around half-an-hour before getting up, walking up to the glass cage containing the defendants and finally walking out of the court, judicial sources said.

Somebody find that woman, and give her a big kiss from me, will ya?

UPDATE: I'm guessing this is the shirt (the white version of it). Oddly, the story linked by Flap (where I grabbed the image) shows the shirt made by Metrospy. But their website no longer has the shirt, even though the story claims it was their best selling shirt of the year.

--->Some whining below more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:49 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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More Evidence of Saddam Hussein's Ties to International Terror Uncovered

Saddam Hussein's Greek embassy providing material support to terrorists? Apparently, yes:

Ekathimerini reported that it had been made aware of "a joint operation by Greek and US secret service officers in March 2003 (which) led to the seizure of a large cache of explosives from the basement of the Iraqi Embassy in Athens."

The types of explosives reportedly discovered were particularly noteworthy.

"Sources said a raid on the embassy unearthed explosive materials, car bombs, detonators, several guns and dozens of rounds of ammunition. Much of the material was “ready to use” while some was too old to be of any value, according to sources who said all the material was destroyed within a few weeks of discovery."

.Read the rest at Regime of Terror.

Givn the number of bombings in Greece in the post-Cold War era, and given this evidence, one wonders whether Saddam provided material support to the Leftwing terrorists responsible?

Posted by: Rusty at 10:34 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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March 22, 2007

Sharia Law in Germany?

German judge says its okay for Muslim men to beat their wives, you know, because its their culture and all that.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:13 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 02, 2007

Don't Ever Trust "Neutrals"...

...they always end up stabbing you in the back. Swiss Army invades Liechtenstein, on accident.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:23 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 07, 2007

Giulania Sgrena: The Lie Continues

Giuliana Sgrena is in the news again. It seems that she and her lawyers have convinced an Italian judge that the unfortunate shooting which killed her escort, Italian Nicola Calipari, was not only "murder" but "politically motivated". The American servicemen charged will now be tried in abstentia because the "murder" of Calipari and the "attempted murder" of Sgrena was part of some larger political plot.

It's not so much that we care that Giuliana Sgrena thinks herself so important that she believed the CIA was out to shut her up.

I mean, Sgrena works for Il Manifesto, the Communist Party operated Italian newspaper. She admitted she was in Iraq to document "America's war crimes". Her allegations in print went so far as to accuse the U.S. of using "nuclear weapons" in Iraq. She was abducted while on her way to interview Sunni refugees from Fallujah who "swore" that the U.S. was "targetting civilians with napalm". So, we expect her to believe all sorts of nutty things.

But what really has me bothered is that an Italian judge could buy into such ludicrious accusations as to even merit a trial. What next, and indictment against the Karl Rove for his role in the Illuminati plot to create a one-world government?

PS--Remember, this is the same Giuliana Sgrena who urged her terrorist captors to do a second take on her hostage she would be seen crying.


A judge Wednesday ordered a U.S. soldier to stand trial in absentia for the fatal shooting of an Italian intelligence agent at a checkpoint in Baghdad, the prosecutor said.

Spc. Mario Lozano is indicted for murder and attempted murder in the death of Nicola Calipari, who was shot on March 4, 2005, on his way to the Baghdad airport shortly after securing the release of an Italian journalist who had been kidnapped in the Iraqi capital, prosecutor Pietro Saviotti said.

Another agent, who was driving the car, and the journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, were wounded.

"This looks to me like the first step on a long road toward truth and justice, and I hope justice will come in the end," said a visibly emotional Rosa Calipari, the agent's widow...

According to prosecutors, the judge said in his ruling that Lozano can be tried for "political murder," because Calipari was a civil servant and his slaying damaged Italy's interests.

Italian law does not allow foreigners charged with killing Italians abroad to be tried in absentia unless the murder has political connotations, prosecutors have said in the past.

Hat tip: Goy & Todd more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:42 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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January 26, 2007

Spain Issues More Warrants for U.S. Soldiers

Spain: the new France.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:32 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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January 12, 2007

Greek Communists Claim Embassy Attack

A left-wing group in Greece has claimed today's attack on the Greek embassy. The Group, The Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA), has a long history of attacking both Greek government and American targets. The group is a Marxist organization committed to revolutionary struggle.

The group is said to have been disbanded in the late 1990s. Apparently, they haven't. The group has come to call itself 'the Revolutionary Nuclei' (RN), but apparently some prefer the old name. Today, the U.S. State Department has RN on its list, but not ELA. RN is viewed as the successor organization to the ELA.

Sky News:

A leftist group has reportedly claimed responsibility for a rocket attack on the US embassy in Athens.

The Greek government said it had received two calls claiming the guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle was behind the attack.....

The Revolutionary Struggle claimed an assassination attempt against Greece's culture minister in May and a bomb at the Economy Ministry which wounded two people 13 months ago.

As Howie noted, the timing might have been motivated by Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns' visit to Greece this week

Posted by: Rusty at 10:32 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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December 01, 2006

Four Islamists Convicted, Ayan Hirsi Ali a Target

samir_Azzouz.jpgSamir Azzouz, Nouredine al Fatmi, Soumaya Sahla al Fatmi, & Mohammed Chentouf have been convicted by a Dutch Court for a plan to bring terrorism to that country. The hit list included Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Azzouz is connected to a group which produced the killer of Theo Van Gogh.

Two problems with the convictions? 1) 8 years for plotting terrorism? The guy had already made a shahid suicide video! Makes you wonder what kind of sentence he would have received had he actually succeeded in murdering Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ten years? 2) Dutch prison. Not exactly of the federal pound-me-in-the-ass variety so common in the US.

In any event, at least he's off the streets. And since he beat the rap the first time, it just goes to show that perserverence on the part of law enforcement sometimes yields results. MORE BELOW. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:50 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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November 10, 2006

Germany to Charge Rumsfeld Over Abu Ghraib?

Yawn. More Euorweenies doing what Euroweenies do best. I'd like to see a German court try to extradite Rumsfeld or Gonzales.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:36 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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November 01, 2006

German MP Threatened Over Headscarf Remarks

All religions are the same alert. A German parliamentarian of Turkish background, Ekin Deligöz, has received police protection after encouraging other Muslim women to stop wearing headscarves.

She received death threats by some Turkish men. I'm assuming they are all radical Buddhists, but who can tell?


The Green party member has received death threats for calling on Muslim women to take off their headscarves and to embrace German society and values two weeks ago. "You live here, so take your headscarf off," Deligöz was quoted by the Bild am Sonntag newspaper as saying.

In addition to the threats, she has also been the victim of a negative media campaign in Turkey with tabloid stories comparing her to the Nazis. In a letter of complaint written to the Turkish Ambassador by the head of the Green Party Renate Künast, she indicated that Deligöz had been "insulted in writing, by telephone, and also in person ... overwhelmingly by Turkish men."

It's interesting how the article frames the debate as one of conflict between immigrants and German values and not one of Muslims and Western values.

Hat tip: Joel

Posted by: Rusty at 10:16 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 26, 2006

Rock Me Amadeus

Update to this post.

Thanks to a commenter over at Misha's, I dug a little deeper.

And found this:

After its premiere in 2003, the production by Hans Neuenfels drew widespread criticism over the scene in which King Idomeneo presents the severed heads not only of the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, but also of Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha. The disputed scene is not part of Mozart's original staging of the 225-year-old opera, but was an addition of Neuenfels' production, which was last performed by the company in March 2004.

Now, Misha's commenter is dismissing this as something akin to the painting of the Virgin Mary with cow dung, or maybe the infamous Piss Christ. Yanno, "modern art."

I'm more than inclined to agree. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised that that the director didn't just take Mohammed out of the equation, and let the opera run.

However, if you read that whole story as linked, the guy refused to alter the scene.

So we have to give him credit for displaying cojones not normally found on the European continent these days.

And, while this blog has no love for the Ottomans, this guy gets a thumbs up:

The leader of Germany's Turkish Community said that while he could understand how the production could be seen as offensive, he also encouraged Muslims living in the West to accept certain elements of the traditions here, noting an opera production is not equivalent to a political point of view.

"I would recommend Muslims learn to accept certain things," Kenan Kolat told the online Netzeitung newspaper. "Art must remain free."

And, as an added bonus, thanks to Der Speigel....BEHEADED MOHAMMED!!!

beheaded mohammed.jpg


Posted by: Vinnie at 11:03 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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September 15, 2006

Oriani Fallaci, anti-dhimmitude activist, RIP

oriana_fallaci_young.jpgOriana Fllaci has died. A hero devoted to upholding the values of Western Civilization. A voice of warning in Europe's wilderness.

We hope Europe will wake up, but doubt it.


Veteran journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci, a former war correspondent best known for her abrasive interviews and provocative stances, has died, Italian news reports said Friday. She was 76....

Fallaci, a former Resistance fighter and war corespondent who was hardly seen in public, had lived in New York for years....

Her recent publications _ including the best-selling book "The Rage and The Pride," which came out weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001 _ drew accusations of inciting hatred against Muslims.

What WAPO fails to mention is the reason for the Italian journalist being in New York. She was in exile from a country which has enacted draconian hate speech laws. Fallaci's crime was for "defaming Islam".

She will be missed. Hat tip: Tom

Posted by: Rusty at 08:01 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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