September 19, 2007

GIMF Jihadis Targetted Soccer Games, UN

More on the possible targets discussed by three Austrian and one Canadian member of the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF). At least eight more members of GIMF are being sought. National Post:

A suspected bombing cell whose members were arrested in Canada and Austria last week had allegedly discussed attacking United Nations facilities and next year's European soccer championships.

A suicide bombing at the Euro 2008 tournament in Austria and Switzerland, and attacks on large crowds and political figures, were among the scenarios allegedly considered by the suspected cell members.

Some of the eight shouldn't be hard to find. They have a few websites I'm sure they're on as we speak. After we posted the new location of GIMF's main Arabic website, they got shut down. But they're up again.

New GIMF website:

You'll notice that latest posting is from yesterday and features a video from al Qaeda in Iraq.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 17, 2007

GIMF's Jihad in Germany

Roland Ströbele in the World Politics Review:

Fritz G. has been long known to Bavarian police authorities. The 28-year-old German converted to Islam several years ago and was a frequent visitor to the "Multi-Kultur-Haus" in Neu-Ulm, an Islamic cultural center that was shut down by the authorities in January 2006 on account of Islamist activism. According to investigators, radical "preachers of hate" frequented the Multi-Kultur-Haus, recruiting "holy warriors" for Jihad or collecting funds for the latter.

Incendiary writings, inciting hatred against Christians and Jews, were found among the materials seized by investigators in the Multi-Kultur-Haus. Simultaneous with the order to have the center shut down, the association that ran it was likewise banned. But the closing of the Multi-Kultur-Haus has hardly led to a diminution of Islamist activities in the region. The hardliners continue to meet in the so-called Islamic Information Center (IIZ) in Ulm. For the German domestic intelligence agency, the Verfassungsschutz, the IIZ remains the base of the Islamists.

What kind of material?
"It is our belief that if anyone claims that any other currently existing religion -- any other religion than Islam, that is: for example, Christianity, Judaism, etc. -- is acceptable to Allah, then this person is an unbeliever. He should be encouraged to show remorse and if he does not do so, he must be put to death as an apostate (murtad), since he has denied the Quran."

Posted by: Rusty at 05:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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GIMF Terrorist Worked in SECURITY at Airport FREED

When I saw on Allah's headline thingy that one of the recently arrested members of the Global Islamic Media Front in Austria had worked at an airport I was stunned. The same airport that was on the target list for the ring to attack. Imagine my reaction when I realized he worked security.

Actually, he worked security for the railway company that connected to the airport, and for a time worked station security at the airport. Two targets in one.

But none of that was behind the conniption fit I just threw: Austria freed him on Saturday.

Since 2002 he has been drawing unemployment. That's right, Austria has been paying this piece of filth to sit on his ass and plan acts of terrorism. I honestly don't see how he had the time. What with all the GIMF produced videos, magazines, and online television productions which explicitly endorsed al Qaeda and pretty much every other jihad movement around the globe.

So, I guess he's free to go about encouraging violent attacks against the West while drawing his unemployment benefits.

It's also the first article to name the third Austrian suspect: Adem Yilmaz

The other two Austrian suspects were Mohammed Mahmoud and his wife. The ringleader, it now appears, was not Mahmoud, but rather the fourth member of the ring Canadian Said Namouh.

Austrian authorities are searching for at least eight other members of GIMF said to be involved in the plot.

Might I suggest starting in France? Here is GIMF's newest main website. Hosted in gay Paris.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 14, 2007

GIMF Jihad in Canada-Austria Update

Yesterday we reported that a Canadian had been arrested because of his relationship with three Austrian members of the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF). What I missed was the name of the Canadian GIMFer.

Via LGF we learn that his name is Said Namouh, age 35.

According to this Globe and Mail article Namouh is a Canadian resident of Moroccan decent. He uses the alias "Nashraf" in his online activities. He's also been arrested for breaking and entering recently, but has yet to be tried.

It appears that Namouh flew to Austria to meet with the would be jihadis who were building a car bomb.

What I also didn't realize was that GIMF probably wasn't started in Germany--which has been it's main base of operation for several years--but in Canada.

The group appears to have its roots in a now defunct Yahoo group called "Global Islamic Media". That group is alleged to have ties with Islamic militant Ramzi Ahmed Yousef through its founder, Abu Banan.

Abu Banan once ran a website which listed the address of the organization in Quebec, Canada.

And where was Said Namouh detained? Quebec.

Oh, there are many more dots to connect here. Including the fact that the "Global Islamic Media" group is where Irhabi (terrorist) 007 seems to have got his start.

And that the "Global Islamic Media" group was shut down by Yahoo after they predicted an event which would force the Spaniards to elect a government which would withdraw troops from Iraq.

Much more here.

I've opened up a new archive since I believe there will be a lot more news about GIMF very soon. GIMF archive here.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another al Qaeda Vid? The Ghazwa on Manhattan and Washington

Jay from Stop the ACLU wrote me in regards to a possible third al Qaeda vid being released sometime soon. As I read the description of the new "al Qaeda" video, something seemed, er, familiar.

The video is said to feature al Qaeda's number one man in Afghanistan Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid and:

The tape also features a montage of images showing the burning World Trade Center towers in New York and individuals such as Saudi King Abdullah
Which is odd, since just yesterday Laura Mansfield intercepted a video featuring al-Yazid and sent it to me.

I'm guessing it's the same video. You can watch it here. In which case a) we already have it b) you can watch the whole thing below c) it's not an al Qaeda produced video, but a GIMF production.

If it turns out to be a different video, we'll try to let you know that too. But I'm pretty sure it's the same one. And, as I said yesterday:

Frankly the video isn't all that interesting. A lot of footage of Osama bin Laden, but none of it new. They actually sample the sound the Tardus makes from Doctor Who, which is kind of funny. GIMF also sports a shiny new logo.
The difference between al Qaeda's "as Sahab" production company and "GIMF" may not seem that important--they both produce jihad propaganda.

But three members of GIMF have recently been arrested in Austria and one in Canada. I'm sorry to say that we can't say the same thing about as Sahab's chief, American traitor Adam Gadahn.

I can see why SITE and Intel Center thought this was an "as Sahab" video--or the reporter misconstrued their words. For some odd reason, as Sahab is announcing this GIMF video. It's almost as if Adam Gadahn has some kind of relationship with GIMF........

It also makes me wonder how come the Middle East Online isn't a subscriber to Laura's Strategic Translations.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 13, 2007

Canadian GIMF Member Arrested for Terrorist Threat

I've said it before: members of the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) are not hard to find, if the authorities took the online jihad seriously, all of them would be arrested. It looks like GIMF is finally being taken seriously.

Darcey from Dust My Broom tells me that a fourth GIMF cyber-jihadi has been arrested. This time in Canada. The noose is tightening.

I'll send you over to Dust My Broom for the details. But it makes you wonder: if GIMF has members in Canada, do they have members here in the US? more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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More on Arrested Austrian al Qaeda Supporter--Leftist Ties

Mohammed_Mahmoud_March13-2006.jpgA friend sent this to Aaron at Internet Hagana who forwarded it to me since he knows how much I despise the pro-al Qaeda propagandists at the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF). Thanks to dm+ for putting this background information on arrested GIMF operative Mohammed Mahmoud from open source material. I've redacted some of the information, such as Mahmoud's telephone number and address from it.

Mohammed MAHMOUD is an Austrian citizen of Egyptian origin (second generation immigrant), born 1985 in Austria. He an unemployed school drop-out active in the Austrian Islamic scene under the name "Amir".

In 2003 he undertook, invited by the Saddam-Regime, a trip to Iraq which was organized as well by “Antiimperialist Camp”. Media reports also read that he visited “terror training camps” twice in either Afghanistan or Pakistan, but authorities do not confirm this.

Back in Austria he runs the “Islamische Jugend Österreich” (Islamic Youth Austria), a small radical Islamic group in opposition not only to western values, but also to mainstream Muslim organizations in Austria.

In the photo below, taken on March 18, 2006, he gave an interview during a demonstration staged in VIENNA protesting the 3rd anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which was organized by the “Antiimperialist Camp”, an Austrian far left/anarchist organization. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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GIMF Video: The Attacks on New York and Washington

Coming soon to a jihadist computer near you: a new video from the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) celebrating the 9/11 attacks. UPDATE: Video added.

The audio on the video matches that from the "preview" an announcement of the upcoming release called it The Blessed Invasion of Manhattan and promised a "special gift" for 9/11. That announcement lead the FBI to investigate the possibility that it was a warning of an upcoming attack on 9/11. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 12, 2007

Three GIMF Online Jihadis Arrested in Austria

Three members of the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) have been arrested in Austria. The three were involved in an online video which threatened Germany and Austria with terror attacks if they did not suspend their support of the NATO mission in Afghanistan.


Interior Minister Guenther Platter said the three — all second-generation Austrian citizens with Arab origins — were aged between 20 and 26. He said they were believed to have contacts to al-Qaida but offered no details, saying he did not want to prejudice investigations....

Platter said two of the three were a couple. House searches were continuing, he added. The three suspects are being interviewed, he said....

In a Web statement that surfaced in March, Islamic militants threatened to attack Germany and Austria unless the two nations broke ranks with the U.S. and withdrew their personnel from Afghanistan.

Just to reemphasize, the three were not arrested for planning an attack, but they were definitely in touch with al Qaeda and had threatened an attack.

The video Howie uploaded in March can be seen here.

Last week Germany arrested three men for a plot to attack U.S. interests in Germany. More arrests were promised. I speculated at the time that the three were somehow connected to GIMF, al Qaeda's propaganda outlet in Europe. Today's arrests may be related.

GIMF is the European propaganda arm in support of al Qaeda and other radical Islamist organizations. They are also longtime 'friends' of The Jawa Report. GIMF operative know who we are. As such can I be the first to say ha-ha!

The video was first released on GIMF's Voice of the Caliphate online television station in March of this year. The station regularly played al Qaeda produced propaganda. It was especially supportive of the Chechen jihad. The "station" still maintains, although no longer updates, a website on Google's blogspot platform here.

In addition to showing and distributing al Qaeda produced videos from al Furqan and as Sahab, GIMF produces it's own documentaries in support of jihad. Recently al Qaeda in Iraq sent a thank you note to GIMF for their supportive propaganda efforts.

The web based TV station is no longer active, but GIMF is. Most GIMF publications are now released through Islamist forums. They still do videos, including the release of the hostage video of Fox News reporters Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, but their mainstay has always been an online print magazine.

The group is also responsible for the release of the terrorist "training" video game, "The Night of Bush Capturing". The climax of the game is one-on-one combat against President George W. Bush.

Until recently, GIMF also maintained a large number of connected websites, most of them running on American servers. Those GIMF websites are now offline thanks to a campaign started by The Jawa Report and with help from LGF readers, Black Flag, and Weasel Zippers.

GIMF complained loudly and publicly about the campaign against their websites and has been busy trying to rebuild and recruit more online jihadis recently. We'll see if these three arrests put a dent in their organization.

These guys aren't that hard to find, and the Europeans could easily round them up if they only tried. Reporters from Germany's Die Zeit and Spiegel TV were able to interview GIMF leaders simply by requesting an interview in the comments at their now defunct website.

Thanks to Aaron at Internet Haganah for the tip and for raising GIMF's ire by diligently chronicling the online presence of their allies. He's an inspiration to us all.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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