July 02, 2007

Prostitutes Leaving Law

(United Kingdom) Check out the latest in British political correctness. Apparently prostitutes don't like to be called prostitutes so the Justice Ministry has drafted legislation to remove the word from law books. It's said that the label "common prostitute" isn't "really helpful."

Instead, a new bill that the Justice Ministry has drafted refers simply to persons who sell sex persistently -- defined as twice or more in three months.
It seems the definition of persistent is quite low. Twice in three months. Nevertheless, those who sell sex less frequently, part-timers (?), would not be subject to arrest since it's no longer a crime.
The new Bill introduces measures to try to get sex workers out of the industry, and in effect decriminalises prostitution for those who are not considered persistent.
In summary, prostitutes will now be "persistents" (I'm guessing) and part-time prostitutes will be -- uh -- what? The girl next door? Infrequently friendly for a price?

My question is who in the government is going to track sales of sex? Or better yet, how is the boffing frequency going to be tabulated? Visual count of customers? Electronic penetration meter? Someone must accurately track the sex in order to determine whether the law applies.

And lastly, it surely would be hard to dispute the contention that the prostitutes in Britain seem to be extraordinarily close to decision-makers in the Justice Ministry. If not, why would the Justice Ministry propose this ludicrous legislation?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:00 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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June 25, 2007

Video : Danes Make Good on Promise to Burn Mohammed

Much more over at Gates of Vienna, including a translation of the intro text in the video.

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:13 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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June 23, 2007

Danes Upping the Ante - "Mohammed Burns Tonight"

Original Danish here. Rough English translation here:

Breaking news: Muhammed burn tonight

Tonight is ikkeheksen there burn from however him here! Says private section

The editorial office has received a letter from enhemmelig section. Last walk they sent a letter to the editorial office, claimed they that they had set 4000 muhammed- drawings up amid tea Dinner east (evilfestival) to henhv. Copenhagen, Odense, Ã…rhus and Slice. Vi getting after billeddokumentation remittance that certify this.

Gates of Vienna (via Larwyn) has more on Sankt Hans aften:
Today is Midsummer’s Day — Saint Hans’ Day in Denmark — and the traditional Danish midsummer custom is to burn an effigy of a witch in order to banish evil from the country and ensure the good fortune of the people in the coming year. This year there’s going to be a slight variation on the usual ritual.

According to SIAD, a previously secret group is planning to burn an effigy of Mohammed instead of a witch, to symbolize the need to rid Western Europe of a new kind of evil. Tomorrow the group will release a video of tonight’s Midsummer bonfire.

More from Wikipedia:
It has been celebrated since the times of the Vikings, by visiting healing water wells and making a large bonfire to ward away evil spirits. Today the water well tradition is gone. Bonfires on the beach, speeches, picnics and songs are traditional, although bonfires are built in many other places where beaches may not be close by (i.e. on the shores of lakes and other waterways, parks, etc.). In the 1920s a tradition of putting a witch made of straw and cloth on the bonfire emerged as a remembrance of the church's witchburnings from 1540 to 1693 (but unofficially a witch was lynched as late as 1897). This burning sends the witch to Bloksbjerg, the mountain 'Brocken' in the Harz region of Germany where the great witch gathering was thought to be held on this day.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:01 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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May 26, 2007

Wayne Chiang's Facebook Account Suspended

Wayne Chiang, the Virginia Tech student falsely accused of being the Virginia Tech gunman, has had his Facebook account suspended for "posing with guns ... in a non-sporting context."

Wayne's letter to Facebook management is here:

In the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting, it is an easy reaction to remove all firearm related photos from your site in an effort to minimize those that may do things as tragic and senseless as the aforementioned school shooting. However, this is an overreaction and in doing so, you limit the freedoms of the vast majority of those who are law abiding and whom deplore the type of violence that occurred at Virginia Tech. I ask this of you in the utmost respect, to take into consideration the large communities of individuals whose actions are currently being considered “offensive” on Facebook.
Cross-posted at The Arsenal.

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:54 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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May 21, 2007



Via David Thompson :“Dr Caprice Hollins, the Director of Equity, Race & Learning Support for Seattle’s public schools, has previously criticised individualism, long-term planning (or ‘future time orientation’) and the speaking of grammatical English as ‘white values.’ The expectation among teachers that all students should be responsible individuals and meet certain linguistic and organisational standards is, according to Ms Hollins, a form of ‘cultural racism’…”
ifnyougotthephoneandthenumberbabyigotnofuturetimeorientations figuredoutyet.

Posted by: Howie at 01:41 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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May 14, 2007

Your Tax Dollars at Work...

Your tax dollars at work:

During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on locked door.
More, with commentary, at The Arsenal.

h/t : Michelle.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:49 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.

April 04, 2007

Finally, Some Flag Burners Go To Jail

Of course if the flag had not been still attached to a house, then it would not have been a crime. But I'll take what I can get.

Yale Daily News: Three Yale students, including the son of a former governor of an Afghan province, were arrested early Tuesday morning after burning an American flag attached to a home on Chapel Street.

Hyder Akbar ’07, Nikolaos Angelopoulos ’10 and Farhad Anklesaria ’10 were arrested for charges including first-degree reckless endangerment, third-degree criminal mischief, second-degree arson, breach of peace and conspiracy to commit second-degree arson, the New Haven Register reports today. The two freshmen are both foreign citizens, and Akbar is a United States citizen, though he was born in Pakistan. Akbar worked as an informal translator for U.S. forces during the invasion of Afghanistan and later published a memoir, “Come Back to Afghanistan,” based on his experiences there.

PBS's Jeffrey Brown interviewed Akbar on Feb 8th 2006

Mr. Akbar, I just want to say.... This nation gave you shelter and kept you safe. We liberated your homeland from the Taliban. We educate you, you get interviews. Now we see your other side. You repay us by burning our flag, which you are free to do provided it does not endanger anyone.

I just wanted to say..., F*ck you too Mr. Akbar!

Posted by: Howie at 12:44 PM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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March 12, 2007

Six Flying Imams Planning to Sue

Via LGF:

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/12/07) - On Tuesday, March 13, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold a news conference in Washington, D.C., to announce the filing of a discrimination lawsuit against US Airways by six imams, or Islamic religious leaders, removed from a flight in Minneapolis last November. The imams say their removal from the flight was based on racism and religious intolerance.
In case you don't know the story of the Six Flying Imams, here's a helpful instructional video:

Posted by: Ragnar at 06:15 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 11, 2007

The Second Amendment : As Legal Analysts, the WaPo Editors Are Halfway Decent Journalists

In the wake of the D.C. Circuit's recent decision on the meaning of the 2nd Amendment, the Washington Post is beside itself, and would presume to explain to the federal judges how they got it wrong:

IN OVERTURNING the District of Columbia's long-standing ban on handguns yesterday, a federal appeals court turned its back on nearly 70 years of Supreme Court precedent to give a new and dangerous meaning to the Second Amendment. If allowed to stand, this radical ruling will inevitably mean more people killed and wounded as keeping guns out of the city becomes harder. Moreover, if the legal principles used in the decision are applied nationally, every gun control law on the books would be imperiled.
For those of you who prefer to get your legal analysis from journalism majors, you will likely be disturbed that a federal appeals court has "turned its back" on "nearly 70 years of Supreme Court precedent" to give a "new" meaning to the Second Amendment. Problem is, it hasn't. (More below.) more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:42 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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March 08, 2007

"Loving the Sin but Hating the Sinner"

Both Bryan and Michelle have put up excellent posts on Marine Corporal Matt Sanchez (winner of CPAC's Jeane Kirkpatrick Award) and his treatment by the left and the right, respectively, since his past has become public. (I wonder what Ann Coulter has to say about Corporal Sanchez?)

From the comments on prior posts, it appears that quite a few of you are under the bizarre impression that the best way to win elections is to alienate as many voters as possible in some sort of valiant, principled stance against what you consider to be "political correctness." Fortunately for the GOP, few of you are in positions to put your novel political strategies into practice. I'm encouraged by the long list of prominent conservatives, including bloggers, who've gone on record denouncing Ann Coulter for her unacceptable, self-serving remarks at CPAC. A partial list is below the fold. more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:33 PM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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O'Reilly & Miller on Coulter & Maher


Posted by: Ragnar at 09:13 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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March 07, 2007

LGF : Avoiding Rehab 101

The Big Johnson:

It turns out, you have to go into rehab if you call this a “target-rich environment...”

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:49 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 06, 2007

Ninth Circuit : All Viewpoints Are Equal, but Some Viewpoints are More Equal than Others

The brilliant Eugene Volokh summarizes and comments:

Tyler Harper wore an anti-homosexuality T-shirt to school, apparently responding to a pro-gay-rights event put on at the school by the Gay-Straight Alliance at the school. On the front, the T-shirt said, "Be Ashamed, Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned," and on the back, it said "Homosexuality is Shameful." The principal insisted that Harper take off the T-shirt. Harper sued, claiming this violated his First Amendment rights.

Harper's speech is constitutionally unprotected, the Ninth Circuit just ruled today, in an opinion written by Judge Reinhardt and joined by Judge Thomas; Judge Kozinski dissented. According to the majority, "derogatory and injurious remarks directed at students' minority status such as race, religion, and sexual orientation" -- which essentially means expressions of viewpoints that are hostile to certain races, religions, and sexual orientations -- are simply unprotected by the First Amendment in K-12 schools. Such speech, Judge Reinhardt said, violates "the rights of other students" by constituting a "verbal assault[] that may destroy the self-esteem of our most vulnerable teenagers and interfere with their educational development."

Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court has vacated the Ninth Circuit's opinion, but I fear we'll be seeing more rulings like this. Read the rest of Volokh's commentary here.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:39 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 05, 2007

Glenn Reynolds on the Second Amendment

Over at Instapundit, Glenn has posted a collection of his articles on the Second Amendment.

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:28 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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January 25, 2007



RALEIGH, N.C. - Three football players at Guilford College, a school with a Quaker background, face assault and ethnic intimidation charges after an attack on three Palestinian students, authorities said.

Aren't Quakers pacifists? Who cares! They're Christians!

Not only that, blame Fox and 24!!!

Islamophobia? Mmmmmmmm... not so much......

A school statement said the altercation, in a campus courtyard, lasted less than five minutes. The students involved were acquaintances without a history of conflict, and at least some of them were under the influence of alcohol, the school said.

But nothing stands in the way of the Religion of Marching In Lockstep:

"It was the most horrific experience of my life," Awartani told the News & Record. "This was a horrible, unprovoked hate crime."

Wow, that's just what they say when Israel defends itself from terrorist attacks.

I'm not accusing the guy of being a terrorist, mind you, but he certainly knows the playbook. And the media laps it right up. Without bothering to look into just who started the drunken brawl.

Which is all that this is. Most of us have been there. You go out, you're having fun, you imbibe a bit too much, and suddenly your best friend is Satan because you think he's hitting on the chick you had your eye on for the last two hours. You duke it out, get a bloody nose, and ten minutes later you're toasting your friendship.

Unless you're a Palestinian; you get your ass kicked for a fight you started, then you whine that your rights are violated, complain to the UN about human rights abuses, and turn around and look for an easy way into your friend's room so you can slit his throat in the middle of the night.

And then walk away laughing, because you know nobody's going to do a damn thing about it except write strongly worded letters.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:27 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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January 24, 2007

Is Rachel Ray a Racist?

More fun with those shadowy "unidentified sources." This time, the "unidentified sources" claim to have caught Rachel Ray making racial remarks about Oprah Winfrey:

We're told Ray became "extremely loud and aggressive," and began dissing Oprah. Sources say she told the group about a portrait of Oprah that sits in the lobby of Harpo Productions in Chicago. It's from the movie "Beloved" and shows Winfrey's back, enhanced with scars. She's also wearing a skirt from the slavery era.

Back at the table, sources say Ray launched into attack mode: "Why is she wearing slave drag? She obviously has problems being black."

The story did not note whether these are the same "unidentified sources" that witnessed the six Sunnis being burned alive in Baghdad last November.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:45 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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January 20, 2007

Who Shot Who

tuerkeyshooter.jpgVia Little Green Footballs.

This week an outspoken newpaper editor was murdered in Turkey for speaking out against the mass murer of Armenian during WWI. This had gotten Hrant Dink in a bit of legal trouble for insulting, "Turkishness." Now by Turkishness they mean the Ottomans and by that they mean Sharia and by that they mean Islam OK, Glad we cleared that up. He worked his way out of the legal trouble only to face many threats. Now he has been murdered. Turkish police believe the man and the above right pic did the killing.

who killed him and why? Turkish Nationalists?

Well sure if you just undertand doublespeak. Turkish = Ottoman = Sharia = Islam = Muslim

Nationalist = Ottoman Nation = Caliphate.

A Muslime.

LGF had to dig through seven sources to find out what he said. When he did, it turned out he ran away shouting, "I shot the outspoken reporter. Slash! I shot the Non- Muslim! Slash! I shot the infidel! Slash! I shot Jr Slash! Got is pretty cool some days Slash great!" No really. I shit you not.

Update : I rest my case.

ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- Police have arrested a suspect in the shooting death of outspoken Turkish journalist Hrant Dink after a 32-hour search, authorities said Sunday.

Police have identified him as Ogun Samast. Turkish media, citing police, reported that Samast is 16 or 17, a high school dropout and a possible drug addict.

Samast was identified by his father after he saw widely publicized pictures from a surveillance video.

Obviously his dad is a Muslim, not a muslime. more...

Posted by: Howie at 07:31 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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January 18, 2007

Do Conservatives Suffer from a Mental Illness?

There's a study out purporting to prove that conservative political beliefs arise out of mental illness.

Libertarian psychologist "Iron Shrink" has a detailed analysis of the study here.

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:38 PM | Comments (44) | Add Comment
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January 15, 2007

pw: There is no such thing as race (and its a good thing, too)

Jeff Goldstein is back (I hear full-time) at protein wisdom, and he's posted a thoughtful essay from 2002 exploring why "race," "culture," and "heritage" have become interchangeable terms among race theorists - presumably (IMHO), to enable them to continue blurring the lines between the terms so that the respective categories run together and are easier for them to teach and impart to those who may not know or care about the differences between them. There is also an examination of the dynamics of identity politics. Yummy stuff.

Read it all, and count your lucky stars that protein wisdom is back in business.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:25 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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December 29, 2006

Chuck Norris : The Abolishing Christian Legacy Union

I love Chuck Norris. I'll take Chuck Norris and Ted Nugent in a straght-up fight against any 50 commie liberals. Here's one of his recent columns:

The ACLU is not anti-religion, just anti-Christian. By definition, it's the American Civil Liberties Union. By action, it has become the Abolishing Christian Legacy Union.

The ACLU will assure Muslim clerics and imams the right to pray on planes, fight for an atheist's rights to remove a cross, stand beside pro-abortionists, help illegal aliens cross our borders, and establish rights for the sexual deviant by forming the ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project, but what is it doing for Christians and Christmas censorship?

While allegedly fighting against the tyranny of the majority, the ACLU itself rules religiously by litigation, lobbying, and supporting counter-culture Christian movements.

So who died and appointed the ACLU as America's religious constitutional watchdog?

Membership for the ACLU is only 500,000. America's population is 300 million. I think it's time that we helped them feel their size!

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:52 PM | Comments (32) | Add Comment
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December 22, 2006

Virgil Goode's Letter : An Analysis

Rep. Virgil Goode has been savaged for his frank and uncompromising statements as to the use of the Koran in Rep. Keith Ellison's swearing-in ceremony. Some in the "Sinisphere" have been working hard to link the entire GOP to Rep. Goode's statements. I agree with Charles that while Rep. Goode could certainly have been more judicious in his use of the language and done a better job of making reasonable points more clearly, it seems to me the criticism of Rep. Goode has been overblown. Were his statements tough and politically incorrect? Most certainly. Were his statements "bigoted?" I suppose that depends, to some degree, on your definition of "bigoted." Generally, a "bigot" is someone who holds an opinion about something without a reasonable basis in fact. Saying something true but uncomfortable may be impolite, but it isn't "bigoted." I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself whether Rep. Goode's statements have a rational basis in fact. My own point-by-point follows:

"When I raise my hand to take the oath on Swearing In Day, I will have the Bible in my other hand."

This is, of course, a statement of fact. if Keith Ellison made the same statement, except replacing the word "Bible" with the word "Koran," would Goode's critics level a bigotry accusation at Ellison? Methinks not.
"I do not subscribe to using the Koran in any way."
This is a statement as to Rep. Goode's opinion, and the meaning is not fully clear. We can assume he means that he doesn't believe the Koran should be used in connection with a swearing-in ceremony. More broadly, it could be interpreted to mean that he doesn't believe the Koran should be used for any purpose. This would be a silly reading of the language. Even those who have no respect for the Koran realize it can be employed for any number of useful purposes. Accordingly, I'm going with the former interpretation.

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:12 PM | Comments (60) | Add Comment
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December 18, 2006

YouTube : The Christian Embassy Video

You've heard about it. You've read about it. Here it is:

This guy isn't too happy about it. Allah has a different take.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:06 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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September 30, 2006

HIV Called "Gay Disease"

It appears that the dictionary of political correctness may have to be revised.

From SacBee.com:

One of Southern California's most influential gay institutions has launched a controversial ad campaign that describes HIV as a "gay disease."

The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's departure from 20 years of countering the idea of AIDS as a gay plague is designed to reach gay men who have grown complacent about the illness.

The message "HIV is a gay disease" and the tag line "Own It. End It" will appear on billboards and in magazines.

Controversial? I would guess it's inflammatory. Since the onset of HIV infections in the early 1980s, homosexual advocates have adamantly maintained that it's not a gay disease and all segments of society are at equal risk. Statistics, however, indicate otherwise.
In Los Angeles County, about 75 percent of HIV cases are among men who have had sex with other men. But nationwide, gay and bisexual men account for about half of recent HIV transmission, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
Unfortunately, AIDS/HIV has been primarily political in nature and less of a public health issue. It needs to be handled as a public health problem.

I think it's safe to assume that at least some members of the gay community will protest the campaign.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 02:16 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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September 29, 2006

HNN: 'French Teacher In Hiding For Criticizing Islam'

A post at the History News Network blog today details the goings-on regarding a French Philosophy teacher whose family went into hiding after recieving death threats. The professor's crime? Saying naughty things about Islam in an op-ed:

Under the heading "In the face of Islamist intimidation, what must the free world do?", Redeker described the Koran as a "book of extraordinary violence" and Islam as "a religion which ... exalts violence and hate".

Hundreds protest in Paris over Prophet cartoons Should this post with a picture of the Prophet Mohammed? Likening Islam to Communism, he said that "violence and intimidation are the methods used by an expansionist ideology ... to impose its leaden cloak on the world".

He also argued that Muslim response to Pope Benedict's academic exposition demonstrated that they wish to limit Western freedom of speech.

The horror of it all. Doesn't the irony of Islam proving and re-proving these rouge academics (and religious leaders) correct at every turn seem strangely absent from most "mainstream" discussions we see regarding the phenomenon of Islamic violence used to suppress speech?

Posted by: Good Lt. at 09:53 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 26, 2006

Wolfgang Amadeus Infidel

Oh, that wacky Mozart. Little did he know....

Berlin's Deutsche Oper has removed the provocative staging of a Mozart opera from its schedule for fear of enraging Muslims, the opera house said in a statement.

One of three opera houses in the German capital, it cancelled director Hans Neuenfels's production of "Idomeneo", a 1781 drama set in ancient Crete, because authorities warned it could present an "incalculable security risk".

In the staging, which sparked audience protests during its premiere in December 2003, King Idomeneo presents the lopped-off heads of Poseidon, Jesus, Buddha and the Prophet Mohammed and displays them on four chairs.

German critics saw the show at the time as a radical attack on religion and religious wars.

His radical attack on religion and religious wars is now unable to be shown because of, um, a radical religion. Fancy that.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:47 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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