May 24, 2006

I Coulda Been A Contendah!

Catch it before it gets pulled. Jesse MacBeth, noted traitor, seditionist, and all around loser has a MySpace page.

Here's the only blog entry.

The comments are a laugh riot.

stein hoists: Beth and Allah.

Background on MacBeth, if you haven't heard of him yet.

Posted by: Vinnie at 04:18 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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1 Evidently something they don't emphasise in Imaginary Ranger school is to always proofread your writing.

Posted by: Graeme at May 24, 2006 04:39 PM (/8W6w)

2 What a tard.
But, the comments made me spew with laughter, and coke, on the screen.

Posted by: dick at May 24, 2006 05:37 PM (XlQVK)

3 My favorite quote comes from the commie lefttard "fake, but accurate" Blue Bunny:

Wow. I dont know if this is really you or someone saying it is... but the comments people left you are pretty outrageous and hard to read. Military people are wishing you would die and people are screaming at you like you are some type of traitor. I for one am not going to write you off just yet. I know that there are alot of people out there who dont want to hear the things you said and just because the army says you were never enlisted means nothing. They are professional liars and have an image to uphold, and arent going to be happy to admit if what you said is true, is true! I have no idea why people are screaming you are a liar anyways, even Jim Murtha just admitted to the very thing you are talking about - Soldiers killing 24 innocent civilians in retaliation to a comrades death, one while praying. Its on the news, its all been said before so why are people shocked by your comments??? Even if you turn out to not have been a real ex ranger, I know the things that you said were truths, even if under a false identity. If you were actually discharged, then you have the proof and should be showing it. To all you military people reading this, dont bother emailing me it will go unread. If you want to be respected, act respectful. Wishing death on someone (Anyone!) does not do your cause any good. You cant cry foul and scream murder. Stop and think how you are portraying yourself, because every horrible word out of your mouths is only being shifted in favor of our fight against the war.

You are our enemy, fucktard.

Posted by: davec at May 24, 2006 05:54 PM (CcXvt)

4 I come off as a little less crazy every day, don't I? Lefturds are our enemies, and give aid and comfort to our enemies. They want innocent people to die, and America to lose.
They. Should. All. Be. Hanged. Until. They. Stop. Kicking.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 24, 2006 06:07 PM (0yYS2)

5 Why do you lefturds want innocent people to die, and why do you give aid and comfort to our enemies? Why do you want America to lose the war on terror?

Posted by: jesusland joe at May 24, 2006 06:12 PM (rUyw4)

6 Yes when I read this story I was amazed that any one would take this guy as the real thing including the "far left" of these wild and sadistic tales.

Posted by: jjhays at May 24, 2006 06:44 PM (l9idq)

7 Blue Bunny is completely and irretrievably clueless; or a hopelessly immature 16 year old. A sharp slap in the face might work .... eh, maybe not.

Posted by: Oyster at May 24, 2006 08:56 PM (YudAC)

8 If you want to scare this kid, try him for war crimes...

Posted by: Agent Meatball at May 24, 2006 09:37 PM (30FRH)

9 I'm lovin' it!â„¢ Damn! I wish the net was around in '71 - ala Winter Soldier! Hey Kerry! How's your good ol' buddy Captain Al?

Posted by: hondo at May 24, 2006 10:30 PM (DaNq1)

10 Hondo, I think the â„¢ gives you away as nothing more than a paid shill for the Evil Global Dominating Earth Destroying Animal Mutilating Greedy Capitalist Hegemonic Corporate entity best known by its scary clown spokespersonâ„¢.

If you're going to do that, please change your nickname to "Double Quarter Pounder Hondo With Cheeseâ„¢." Or, for those on a budget, "The Double Quarter Pounder Hondo With Cheese Extra Value Mealâ„¢."

Posted by: Vinnie at May 24, 2006 11:20 PM (/qy9A)

11 You know, Jesusland Joe asks a question I wonder about constantly...

Why DO these guys want to see the country they live in defeated? Is it self-loathing? Is hatred of the current Administration enough to overpower what should be a basic desire for self-preservation?

Honestly, a majority of these acts - fake soldiers, fake news, etc. Seem like treason to me. I do not use the word lightly.

I saw a bumper sticker last weekend that said "Dissent is Patriotic". No it isn't, you asshat. Supporting your country is patriotic. You can disagree with government policies and still want to see the country continue to flourish and thrive, but to be in such a state where you wish ill-will on America... to actually believe maligning this great country we are so fortunate to live in is important enough to make up stories about attrocities... That is too much for me to comprehend.

I've followed Improbulus Maximus's comments and, while I absolutely respect his opinion, tend to think there are some extreme over-generalizations there. I can absolutely feel the same frustrations. I don't know if I'd want to go so far as starting to string eveybody up, by my G*d, people HAVE been executed for doing far less in a time of war.

To answer your question, IM, I still read you as extreme, but yes, coming off a little less crazy every day.

Posted by: Son Of The Godfather at May 25, 2006 03:32 AM (maXzk)

12 Liberals side with terrorists and other enemies of America, who have all publicly stated that they want to kill us, yet I'm the extremist. Wake the hell up people. It's later than you think, and your soft, spoiled suburban McDisney life is about to come crashing down around you. Apathy is not a survival plan.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 25, 2006 04:51 AM (0yYS2)

13 Agent Meatball: 'Zactly. He should get 60 to life just for his grammar.

Posted by: Oyster at May 25, 2006 05:06 AM (YudAC)

14 >>Why DO these guys want to see the country they live in defeated?

I'm guessing it is some twisted sense of guilt that overrides even selfpreservation. They see the BS on CBS/CNN et al and feel they have to do SOMETHING. If they can bask in the warm, soft embrace of Cindy Sheehan while they are at, all the better.

...just a guess though. I don't get it.

Posted by: tuffbeingright at May 25, 2006 08:08 AM (6pAmW)

15 Actually 'Blue Bunny' is a super moonbat, not your regular kind:

I had a hard time figuring if it was real, or a parody like the 'blue flypaper' blog.

Posted by: davec at May 25, 2006 08:23 AM (CcXvt)

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