August 29, 2007

Clinton's Got a New Consultant: Zombie Fidel Castro

As we vigilantly man the Castro death watch front, el jefe has advice for Hillary Clinton: team up with Obama. Oh, and guess which U.S. President is the Cuban dicatator's favorite? Spoiler below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 28, 2007

Castro Death Watch

No corpse yet....... more...

Posted by: Rusty at 07:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 24, 2007

Castro is Dead....Again (UPDATED)

Final update 7/25: Castro is not dead.

UPDATE: Sources tell me that Castro is dead. I'm now getting more people who are telling me that Castro has died and that an official announcement is coming soon.

Val Prieto will probably have the news before me.

Commenters, e-mailers and Val are reporting that South Florida law enforcement are on some kind of alert and are preparing for a flood of immigrants...

Knock on wood, keep fingers crossed that this time the rumors will be true. But, don't get your hopes too high.


UPDATE 2:37: I'm listening to 610WIOD Miami and Schnitt, who is on the air, has a guest on from the local Fox News affiliate now reporting that the US government is officially denying the report and contacts in Cuba say police are not mobilized nor are police in South Florida.

UPDATE 3:37: Time for the announcement was 4 pm.....and that time has come and gone. Perez Hilton still thinks its coming, but I doubt it.

UPATE 4:26: Fox News reporting that the White House is denying that Castro is dead.

UPDATE 4:47: Estancia Cubana also claims Castro is dead.

What's interesting is that every one who keeps telling me that Castro is dead also links Castro's death to an official announcement today. They believe Castro died some days ago but that the Cuban government wanted to wait until today to let the news out.

If you happen to have any information or links, please leave in the comments.
---------- more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 31, 2007

Gitmo Better Than Freedom

Ahmed Belbacha.jpg(Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) A 38-year-old terrorism detainee, Ahmed Belbacha, has filed an emergency motion to the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., asking that he not be released.

Zachary Katznelson, senior counsel with the human rights lawyers Reprieve and Mr Belbacha's lawyer, has asked the US courts to block any transfer.

"Ahmed is being held in camp six, the harshest part of Guantanamo," he said. "His cell is all steel, there are no windows, he is not allowed to communicate with other prisoners and he gets just two hours exercise each day in a metal cage."

"He says his cell in Guantanamo is like a grave and that although it sounds crazy he would rather stay in those conditions than go back to Algeria. The fact is that he is really, really scared about what might happen to him in Algeria."

Belbacha fears that the government will torture him or the Islamists will murder him. So, continuing to breath in a cold cell is preferable. I'm not surprised.

The Belbacha case complicates the efforts of the leftist human-rights outragees. It's much harder to convince the court that Gitmo is a torturous, inhumane hell-hole when inmates beg to stay.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 04:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 20, 2007

JAG Lawyer Jailed for Revealing Secrets

Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Diaz.jpg(Norfolk, Virginia) U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Matthew M. Diaz, 41, a former staff judge advocate at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was convicted at court-martial Thursday of communicating secret information that could be used to injure the United States. It's no surprise that leftists are calling Diaz a hero.

Diaz leaked detainees' names, nationalities, the interrogators assigned to them and intelligence sources and methods to a human rights lawyer. The information was sent in an unsigned Valentine's Day card to Barbara Olshansky of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Navy Times:

After deliberating for three and a half hours, the jury sentenced Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Diaz to six months' confinement and dismissal from the Navy.

Jurors asked in their recommendation to the convening authority, Rear Adm. Fredric Ruehe, that Diaz's pay not be forfeited during his six-month confinement. Diaz has several dependents, including an ex-wife, a wife, a daughter, his mother and his father, who is on death row in California.

Although it appears that Diaz will collect his $6,834 monthly salary while in the brig, it hasn't been disclosed whether he will receive his pension for having 20 years in the military. Dismissal from service after a conviction for espionage likely negates future benefits. It's also not clear how a death row inmate can be considered a dependent.

As Diaz was being shuffled off to the brig, he said he was happy with the outcome of the court-martial and, "I should have done better. It was extremely irrational for me to do what I did." Not only irrational, counselor, but criminal. Also, for the future, Mr. Diaz, expect people to be quite reluctant to entrust you with sensitive information.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:31 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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December 13, 2006

Rumor: Fidel Castro Dies

Once again rumors are flying that Fidel Castro is dead. Spanish radio reporting on the rumors, but no confirmation from any official source. But as Val Preito reminds us, when Castro does finally kick the bucket, don't expect an immediate announcement until after his brother puts the Commie house in order.

This is the third time we'ver reported rumors that Fidel Castro has died. Why keep reporting the rumors when they usually turn out to be false? Because we're the #1 hit for 'Castro dead' over at Google. And one of these times, we're going to be right....just like that boy who cried wolf dude.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:42 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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October 30, 2006

Cubans Eager for Liberty as Castro Slowly Dies

Our friend Stefania reports that Cubans are eagerly awaiting the day Castro dies. Not surprisingly, the mainstream press ignores it.

Me? I've got $100 on Fidel dying before the end of 2007.


The "Yo No Coopero, Yo Si Quiero el Cambio" campaign is being endorsed by the overwhelming majority of the opposition organizations, both in Cuba and in the exile. It is an unprecedented initiative that, right now that Castro is dying in his hospital bed, may well be the right steps toward the liberation of Cuba.

No one should be surprised by the mainstream media blackout on these events. What surprises the most is the silence of the democratic world, with the United States and Europe on the forefront. For once, they should stop focusing on who is in power in Cuba in place of the ailing Fidel. Rather, they should start engaging the civic resistance movements inside Cuba that despite the increasing repression, has made it clear that "for Cuba, now it's time".

Read the whole thing here.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:09 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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July 31, 2006

Castro Cedes Power to Brother

Cross-posted from The Dread Pundit Bluto

From the Akron Beacon Journal:

In a stunning development, Cuban leader Fidel Castro temporarily ceded his presidential power to brother Rául Castro late Monday due to ''an intestinal crisis'' that requires ''complicated surgery,'' according to a letter read on Cuban national television.
Fidel Castro, 79, would never give up power, even temporarily and to his own brother, if he weren't facing a serious medical crisis.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:01 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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July 11, 2006

Fidel Castro Rumored Dead....Again

fidel-castro.jpgUPDATE 7/12: Fidel not dead. Yet.


My sources are telling me that Fidel Castro is dead.

How reliable are these sources? Not very. They've told me this before.

But one of the lessons to be learned from The Boy Who Cried Wolf story is that, well, sometimes there really is a wolf.

Wishful thinking? Yes.

Just remember that one of these days my unreliable Cuban sources will be right. He aint getting any younger.

PS-Before I published this post, I figured I'd better check with Val at Babalu blog, since he's, you know, the man on Cuba. He's hearing the same thing. Jonah Goldberg, too.

Take it for what it's worth...which isn't much. But keep those fingers crossed.

UPDATE: I can't say where I got the tip from. Anonymous sources. Hey, if it's good enough for the NY Times.....

Val's reader got it from Venezuelan news, which got it from Spain's EFE.

Trevor, one of my commenters, says he heard it on Venezuelan TV, then retracted. El Nacional (Venezuela) and EFE apparently both had stories up earlier, but now down. Yes, that Venezuela. You know, the one with Cindy Sheehan's macho boyfriend, Hugo Chavez, at its head.

Wonkette, too.

But check this out from The Real Cuba (thanks to anononymous tip in comments):

I received an e-mail from Cuba this afternoon saying that Castro is either dead or very gravely ill, but I don't have any way of confirming it.

The only interesting thing is that the e-mail is from the same person who sent me an e-mail early this year to tell me that Castro was planning to build a "forest of flags" to try to block the human right signs appearing at the US Mission. When I got that e-mail I posted the information also as rumor, but one day later ABC News confirmed the story.

However, since I don't know who this person in Cuba really is, I don't have any way of knowing if what he is saying now is true or not.

Knock. On. Wood.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:58 PM | Comments (73) | Add Comment
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June 12, 2006

Castro Blacks Out U.S. Mission in Havana

Although the Cuban government has harassed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Havana for years, the latest move is a troubling escalation.


The Cuban government has cut off electricity to the U.S. diplomatic mission in Havana as part of a sharp increase in harassments that include holding up visas for American diplomats waiting to take up posts there and restricting gasoline supplies, the State Department said Monday.

The electricity to the U.S. Interests Section in Havana -- not quite an embassy because Cuba and the United States do not have formal diplomatic relations -- was cut off at 3 a.m. on June 5, said Ashley Morris, a State Department spokeswoman

Although electricity in Cuba is notoriously unreliable, Morris said no other buildings around the Interests Section on Havana's seaside Malecon boulevard have been affected, so U.S. officials believe the cutoff is deliberate.

Asked if the Cuban government had given any reason for the cutoff, Morris said, "you'll have to ask the Cubans. We'd like to know as well."

The mission has backup generators but lack gasoline. Restrictions have been imposed on the importation of equipment and supplies. I'd guess that all the harassment amounts to a not-very-subtle campaign to elbow the Americans out of Cuba. Understandably, mission staff are destroying documents that are not essential.

One expert believes the lights were cut off in retaliation for the "electronic billboard that the U.S. mission hung on the side of its building earlier this year to show anti-Castro messages." Yeah, that might have tweaked old commie Castro to cut the lights. Fortunately, the water hasn't been cut off yet.

From Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 02:41 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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March 30, 2006

Fidel Castro Reported Dead

UPDATE: 12/12/2006: Rumors, once again, flying that Castro is dead. Update here, but if it is confirmed try the MAIN PAGE.

UPDATE 8/02/2006: Rumors that Fidel Castro is dead are flying again. This time I have more than one source making the claim.

Again, no confirmation. We know he is very sick, but that is it. When we finally get confirmation of his death (God speed the day) we will post in on the FRONT PAGE.

UPDATE 7/11/2006: Rumors that Castro is dead are making the rounds again. Still no confirmation. Please see this post for latest details about Castro death rumor or go to MAIN PAGE HERE.


Rumors have begun circulating in Spanish language publications that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has died. Cuban officials are denying the reports. Developing....

UPDATE: Okay, so the consensus is that those reports were wrong. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? Plus, how often do you get to read a story where the translation talks about Fidel being castrated? Anyway, Gringo unleashed has a cleaner translation, with far fewer references to castration than Google's. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:47 AM | Comments (50) | Add Comment
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