June 07, 2006

Navy Corpsman Shackled: Where is Cindy Sheehan?

A Navy Corpsman suspected of shooting Iraqi civilian shackled for months, no charges filed. Torture! Geneva Convention violations! Where is the Cindy Sheehan & the Left when they are most needed? But don't question their patriotism.

Update: I earlier said Marine, but the man is in fact a Naval corpsman. He's also shackled only during the time he's out of solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.

Vinnie said he'd kill me if I didn't change that. Apparently, to a Marine, there is nothing worse than being called a squid.

Which reminds me of an old joke about a certain number of submariners going down..........

UPDATE DEUX: Now I'm in trouble for calling the corpsman a "squid". Sorry. That's what you get when you try to hang out with the cool kids and use the lingo, but when you are in reality a certified geek. You may all now turn your backs and pretend you don't know me.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:25 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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1 But don't question their patriotism.

No, it would never occur to me. The whitey in question is obviously an agent of "the Man" and deserves what's coming to him for killing all those brown munchkin noble savages.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 07, 2006 11:44 AM (8e/V4)

2 Rusty he is shackled only durring the time he is out of his cell. He alsoo has access to a TV music books. However if the Hard Right are waiting for the Hard Left to hold candlelight vigils for him they may have to wait until next week when his lawyer expects charges of murder and kidnapping and conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to commit kidnapping to be placed on his client. Of course in the heavily hostile political climate of today IF Cindy did come out in support of him the right would have to take the opposite course and call for the harshest of penalties. Probably from your old sea duty you might recall that squids never got the best of care in the brig anyway.http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/story.php?f=1-292925-1851659.php

Posted by: john ryan at June 07, 2006 12:41 PM (TcoRJ)

3 Yea this hero of our country remains chained to go for his 1 hour a day excercise.
While the stinking muslims in our detention center get special food, their stinking pig shit Koran and excerise most of the day.
May all you sorry scumb sucking leftard democrats burn in hell. You are responsible. When this country gets straightened out may your cowardly names pop up.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 07, 2006 12:43 PM (dJg9q)

4 "He alsoo has access to a TV music books"

Thanks john "shit-for-brains" ryan...

What ambulating turd fed you that load?

Posted by: Former Navy Corpsman (HM2) at June 07, 2006 01:56 PM (+jLMT)

5 Who could be a greater hero than a man who executed an unarmed civilian with only 10 of his brave comrades for company.

Truly an example to us all.

Posted by: Sonic at June 07, 2006 03:07 PM (Gsn6c)

6 Squids???

Hard to believe such stupidity exists out there.

Navy Corpsmen assigned to Marine units are treated and respected as much, if not more, than other members of the unit.

Anyone care to guess what type of weapon this "squid" was carrying?

Posted by: Former Navy Corpsman (HM2) at June 07, 2006 03:20 PM (+jLMT)

7 grayrooster ROCKS! you are reading my mind old timer.

Posted by: Leatherneck at June 07, 2006 03:58 PM (D2g/j)

8 Sonic, did you see the part about "no charges filed?"

Posted by: Vinnie at June 07, 2006 04:32 PM (/qy9A)

9 >>>Sonic, did you see the part about "no charges filed?"

To Leftards, "no charges filed" only matters when it's terrorists and jihadis in Guantanamo. Don't question his patriotism though.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 07, 2006 04:46 PM (8e/V4)

10 Aren't you going to chime in on Ann Coulter's outrageous attack on the widows of 9-11?
It will only foster sympathy and increase the probability that an independent investigation will be convened.
Your ship is sinking.

Posted by: Greg at June 07, 2006 05:06 PM (q5wwn)

11 Sonic, please tell me that was satire or some kind of lame joke. Because, even should all the charges prove to be true, he is nothing like his islamofascist scumbag counterpart who makes a living out of killing innocents. The islamofascist scumbag PLANS it. Explain yourself, please.

Posted by: ThePolishNizel at June 07, 2006 06:10 PM (4Gza1)

12 John Ryan: You are a lying stinking traitor.
I just talked to the father of one of the Marines. How dare a commie bastard like you deminish what is happening to these Marines. This is the worst day in the history of the Marine Corps. They do not have tv or books. All he can see is a sand dune out the back of a small window. He is shakled by the ankles and waist wheneven he leaves his cell. His hands are handcuffed to his waist chains. When he visits his parents he cannot touch them. He must talk throught a glass window. Another Marine held on the same phony charges must see his wife and daughter chained in the same fashion. The chains are not removed for his visits. He is chained in the same manner when taken for his shower and exercise. The chains do not come off so in reality he cannot excerise.

No charges have been filed against these Marines.
The Islamic pigs who are related to the ALLEGED victims will not allow the bodies to be exhumed because the truth would come out.
They waited months to notify authorities fo this trumped up bullshit.
This is another weapon used by these 7th century barbarians. They know that the traitors like Murtha will champion their cause. When all the Marines are proven innocent. What kind of Marines will they be?
One of these heros was on his THIRD thats right THIRD tour.
He was a participant in the invasion of Bagdad. He was with by Son during Fallujah. He is a member of the 3rd Batt. 5 Marines, 1st Division. One of the very best units in the history of America.
Lt Calley of Mai Lai fame was never shackled like this.
This horrible action is caused by the liberal, leftest, commie sob's in America. Our brave boys and their families are scared to death. Not of the ememy in Iraq but the enemy here. The real enemy that takes the strenght from Americans. The Murthas, Sheehan, John Ryan and other scum sucking trash.
These Marines are innocent. They were there protecting the future of Freedom. The future of Christianity. The future of democratcy. The freedom of choice. Anyone who doesn't see this stupid. And so's his mama.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 07, 2006 06:33 PM (di2KJ)

13 Sonic: Anyone saying this corpsman purposely killed any innocent people is a lying piece of shit. Why not move and live with those you cheer for.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 07, 2006 06:38 PM (di2KJ)

14 >>>Aren't you going to chime in on Ann Coulter's outrageous attack on the widows of 9-11?

Ann Coulter's delivery is always outrageos, and almost mostly true. Them widows should STFU already. Being grieving widows doesn't make them policy experts. The Dems are the lowest of the low for manipulating them that way.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 07, 2006 06:51 PM (8e/V4)

15 So he didn't plan to shoot an innocent man in the head?

Well that makes it ok then, sorry to have even mentioned it. He just acted on impulse, understandable really and no need to lock him and throw away the key....

Posted by: Sonic at June 07, 2006 07:01 PM (Gsn6c)

16 And who says he shot an innocent man in the head? You? Seen the body? Any body seen the body? Let me see here. We are taking the word of muslims over the word of the Marines. Did you know that murtha's claim that the marines acted out of vengence has allready been proven to be bullshit? The Marines were not informed of the loss of one of their own until after they returned to headquarters.
Pops you bubble huh.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 07, 2006 07:13 PM (di2KJ)

17 Rusty,

Thanks for posting this on your website. It seems too impossible to be true. A former Marine Colonel of mine dismisses the whole story and his quote is "lawyers lie."

Posted by: RepJ at June 07, 2006 09:40 PM (wZLWV)

18 Also, from the article, here is his defense fund website:


Posted by: RepJ at June 07, 2006 09:55 PM (MWGDv)

19 You say he didnt, seen the guy alive?

Glad to hear that the Marines did not act out of vengence, so why did they execute women and children then?

Posted by: Sonic at June 07, 2006 09:59 PM (Gsn6c)

20 >>>so why did they execute women and children then?

Have you ever heard a Lefty show that kind of enthusiasm when it involves islamic terrorists? I never have. lol!

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 07, 2006 10:11 PM (8e/V4)

21 Jesusland laughs out loud at the thought of murder.

What a sad little man.

Posted by: Sonic at June 07, 2006 11:09 PM (Gsn6c)

22 No he laughs at your fake outrage, you fucking meat puppet. I don't believe I've seen you condemning the Jihadi's on the same threads about Iraqi women / children killed in car bombs or suicide bombs, but that's because you're only concerned when a U.S Soldier is possibly implicated.

What a terrible existence it must be to think less of your fellow countrymen than you do terrorists.

Ooze back under your rock turdball.

Posted by: davec at June 08, 2006 12:05 AM (CcXvt)

23 Sonic,

I'm guessing you think "dissent" is patriotic, right? How bout shitting on your country 24/7. Is that patriotic too? That's all you people do-- shit on your country 24/7. You should be ashamed of yourself. Some day when you're an old man you'll hopefully be a lot wiser and realize what a stupid dumbfuck you were in your youth.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 08, 2006 01:19 AM (8e/V4)

24 objecting to soldiers executing children is now 'unpatriotic"?

You guys would have fitted in really well in Berlin in 1941.

Posted by: Sonic at June 08, 2006 03:04 PM (Gsn6c)

25 >>>Vinnie said he'd kill me if I didn't change that. Apparently, to a Marine, there is nothing worse than being called a squid.

Which reminds me of an old joke about a certain number of submariners going down..........<<<

But please, I don't want any Navy men questioning the patriotism of this statement.

Posted by: iGNORANT jACKOFF at June 08, 2006 03:05 PM (ZucvC)

26 Do you realy think CINDY SHEEHAN will bother with this when she and her band of blabbering fools are still running around the globe acting so irresponsible?

Posted by: sandpiper at June 09, 2006 07:52 PM (XnXsx)

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