March 21, 2007

Mu-slimes Who Beheaded Christian Girls, Get To Live, Short Sentence

Via AsiaNews:

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Central Jakarta District Court Wednesday sentenced a Muslim militant to 20 years in prison for masterminding the gruesome murder of three Christian schoolgirls in the Central Sulawesi's town of Poso in 2005. The two men who killed the three girls and beheaded them were sentenced instead to 14 years in prison. Given the fact that all three Islamists could have received the death sentence the court’s decision is very lenient. The Indonesian press noted that the sentences corresponded to the demands of the prosecution.

Hasanuddin, who is linked to the terrorist network Jemaah Islamiyah, was found guilty of organising the crime, buying the machetes used in the beheading, and writing the notes left near the bodies threatening additional murders.

According to the prosecutor Payaman SH, Hasanuddin had asked his men to get “at least a hundred Christian heads in Poso.”

This fits the pattern of justice in Indonesia. Confess to a horrific murder of innocent schoolgirls, Get a light sentence. In fact, I’ve little doubt that the sentences will be reduced at a later date. If you are a Christian accused of being involved in a riot on shaky evidence, you get beaten and shot post haste.

Since Big White Infidel has been offline for a while, I’ll post this for him. I know he’d be very upset at the outcome of this.

Here is a youtube video BWI made to raise awareness of the treatment of Christians by some in Indonesia. I encourage you to click the video and add your comments.

Original Muslimes Who Beheaded Christian Girls Get To Live, Short Sentence post here at Juba Sucks.

More here at Prairie Pundit who adds this thought, "Compare these sentences to that given Aussie visitors, caught with pot, who got life sentences."


More Related links below the fold. more...

Posted by: Howie at 02:16 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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January 02, 2007

Bali Bombers in Philippines

While authorities are examining the suspected remains of Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) leader Khadaffy Janjalani, his homicidal buddies are still plotting harm in the jungles of the Philippines.

From The Australian:

AT least five members of the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorist group, including two Bali bombers, are hiding with Muslim extremists in the southern Philippines, a military official said today.

"There may be more than five but so far, we have identified five of them," Brigadier General Juancho Sabban said, adding they were being sheltered by the Abu Sayyaf group in Jolo, a southern Philippine island.

"The Abu Sayyaf is protecting them because they cannot operate on their own in the Philippines," Mr Sabban said.

He said his troops had been hunting the Abu Sayyaf band in the jungles of Jolo since August last year, and military intelligence confirmed the presence of the five JI members in Jolo but the only ones whose names were released were Indonesians - Dulmatin and Patek - wanted for assembling and detonating bombs in nightclubs in the Indonesian island resort of Bali in 2002, killing more than 200 including 88 Australians.

From another source, it's reported that "aside from Umar Patek and Dulmatin, six more JI members -- five Indonesian and a Malaysian -- were scattered in the provinces, fighting side-by-side with local bandits."
Meanwhile, the military said Friday it is deploying an extra 1,500 soldiers in Jolo Island to speed up the hunt for two Bali bombing suspects hiding there.

The three battalions will start arriving on the island from other areas of the country Saturday to augment some 6,000 soldiers already there, Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Armed Forces chief, told reporters.

The US government has offered bounties totaling $11 million for fugitive JI operatives Dulmatin and Patek.

Up to $1 million reward is offered for Umar Patek, aka Umar Kecil and others. He's 36 years old, 5-foot, 5-inches tall and weighs about 135 pounds. Runtish yet deadly.

Up to $10 million reward is offered for Dulmatin, aka Amar Usman and others. He's in his mid to late 30s, just under 5-foot, 8-inches tall and weighs 154 pounds. Not a giant either.

Obviously, JI and Abu Sayyaf are closely tied to al-Qaeda and all are simply thug Muslim terrorists despite what they call themselves. They need eradication. Let's hope the Filipino authorities fulfill their needs.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:34 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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December 14, 2006

Widow Fights For Justice in Indonesia

Her husband was poisoned on a flight to Amsterdam. Michael Sullivan reports that she continues, despite the fact that her son fears for her life and she receives regular death threats.

Via NPR’s All Things Considered: The story of a murdered human rights activist reveals the distance Indonesia still has to go before government critics can speak freely. Munir Talib Sahir was poisoned on an international flight to Amsterdam.

His widow, Suciwati, has been tireless in her efforts to bring the killers to justice, even traveling to Washington to enlist the help of the U.S. Congress. Indonesian investigators have not been allowed to question the former head of the intelligence agency or his deputy, both retired generals.

Posted by: Howie at 10:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 12, 2006

Hand Amputation Coming to 'Moderate' Indonesia

Indonesia's government has proposed the introduction of hand amputation for thieves. Why? Because it's in the Koran. Islam, religion of something something.....

Jakarta Post:

One article in the draft law says thieves found guilty ofstealing goods worth more than the market price of 94 grams (3ounces) of gold should have a hand amputated, a punishment stipulated in the Koran, Islam's holy book, and carried out in some Islamic countries.

The Indonesian government agreed to allow Shariah law in Aceh four years ago as part of negotiations to end the 29-year war between separatist rebels and the military. The province is slowly introducing elements of the legal code.

Last year, special Islamic courts began enforcing some of the laws, which include punishing gamblers with caning, forcing womento cover their heads in public and banning the consumption ofalcohol.

Via Pigilito, who has more.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:00 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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December 07, 2006

Indonesian Playboy Editor on Trial

(Jakarta, Indonesia) The editor of Playboy Indonesia, Erwin Arnada, is on trial for distributing indecent pictures for money. He faces up to 32 months in prison, if convicted.

Interestingly, Arnada could be sentenced to a harsher term than was given to the mastermind of the Bali bombings. As a reminder, Abu Bakar Bashir (Ba'asyir) received only 25.5 months in prison for orchestrating the murders of 202 innocent civilians in the Bali nightclub bombing.

Therefore, on the scale of seriousness, publishing a racy magazine ranks higher as a criminal act than mass murder in a Muslim country.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 01:10 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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November 20, 2006

Indonesian Protestors, "We Hope Bush Dies."

That is how NPR translated what protesters in Idonesia were saying about George Bush. But we have The Big White Infidel who points out they are saying Kill Kill Kill Bush

Habib Rizieq, leader of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI), (seen above) said the deaths of Muslims across the globe should be revenged.

"His blood is halal (permitted) to be shed. Not only is it halal, but it is obligatory to kill him," Rizieq told a crowd on Sunday as quoted by AFP.

"Kill, kill" the crowd yelled, pointing their fists up, when Rizieq shouted Bush's name, while the shouting of "America" was greeted with shouts of "Destroy, destroy".

Quite a difference between the XLT's huh. Hope you die vs we are going to kill you. Go figure.

Posted by: Howie at 10:18 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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November 08, 2006

Indonesian Cleric Urges Exporting Jihad

Abu Bakar Bashir is urging Muslims to jihad in Iraq and the Philippines. Why not in his home country of Indonesia? Apparently Bashir didn't like his last two year stint in prison for mass murder enough to risk charges of sedition. Bashir served 3.8 days in prison for every one of the 202 people who were murdered because of his incitement.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:19 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Beheading Trials Begin in Indonesia

A group of Islamic terrorists are now on trial for the gruesome and barbaric beheadings of young Christian schoolgirls.

There are four on trial, three for carrying out the beheadings and one for leading and inspiring the murderers.

We need to watch this closely as there is a history of Indonesian courts giving light sentences to some Muslim terrorists while executing Christians for similar crimes. We demand that if these men are found to be guilty, they must be put to death for their crimes.

Reuters: JAKARTA (Reuters) - An Indonesian Muslim man was accused in court on Wednesday of being the mastermind behind the beheading of three Christian girls last year in Central Sulawesi, a charge that could lead to death by firing squad if proven.

The attack took place in the Poso region of Central Sulawesi province, an area where deadly Muslim-Christian clashes broke out from 1998 to 2001, and where simmering violence continues. The trial was moved to Jakarta on security fears.
The beheadings triggered an outcry across Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, and beyond. The Vatican described the attack as "barbaric"…

…State prosecutor Payaman Hutapea told the Central Jakarta court that Hasanuddin, who had undergone training in an Islamic militant camp in the southern Philippines, had inspired a group of Muslim men to target young Christian girls.

The defendant motivated the men by saying: "Christians have slaughtered women and children, therefore we are also allowed to do the same thing. This plan is also to avenge our brothers who have been slayed," the prosecutor said.

Related : Stan the Infidel on the prosecution of Hasanuddin and three others accused of actually beheading the young girls.

To see the terrible result of these barbaric acts see Stan’s brother Big White Infidel’s video below at about 2 minutes 14 seconds. Warning graphic images.

Posted by: Howie at 09:01 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 31, 2006

Indonesian Government May Stop Protecting Christians from Muslim Terrorists

An update from Stan the Infidel on the situation in Indonesia. It doesn't look good.

He also reminds us that it was one year ago that a mob of Muslim fanatics attacked some girls on their way to a Christian school and beheaded them. On of the girls, pictured right, barely escaped.

Here is what Stan writes:

The situation is getting more tense in Poso. Islamic militants are protesting against the Mobile Brigade's presence in Poso and clashed with police last week when police went searching for weapons and terrorists. A mob of 300 militants went on the rampage, burning houses and vehicles in protest of the police searches and then attacked the police with molotov cocktails, rocks, explosives and guns. The police responded in self-defense, injuring two and killing one militant.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:47 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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October 25, 2006

Indonesian Terrorist Interviewed.

Abu Bakar Bashir.jpgIndonesia has reduced Abu Bakar Bashir, the alleged spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah sentence and he walka free to preach his message of hate and murder once again. The interview gives us a first hand look at how the west can avoid further violence. Submit to and be ruled by Islam.

First Post UK:Just six weeks before last Saturday's terrorist atrocity in Bali, in a jail cell in Jakarta, I interviewed Abu Bakar Bashir, the alleged spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), al-Qa'eda's main ally in the region, and the group on which western attention is focused in the hunt for culprits.

Bashir was celebrating the news that an Indonesian court had agreed to reduce his 30-month sentence for conspiracy in the 2002 Bali bombings by more than four months, meaning that he will soon walk free…

…Abu Bakar Bashir: The infidel country must be visited and spied upon. If we
don't come to them, they will persecute Islam. They will prevent non-Muslims

SA: What can the West, especially the US, do to make the world more

ABB: They have to stop fighting Islam. That's impossible because it is
sunnatullah [destiny, a law of nature], as Allah has said in the Koran. If
they want to have peace, they have to accept to be governed by Islam

SA: What if they persist?

ABB: We'll keep fighting them and they'll lose. The batil [falsehood] will
lose sooner or later. I sent a letter to Bush. I said that you'll lose and
there is no point for you [to fight us]. This [concept] is found in the

SA: Have you met Osama Bin Laden?

ABB: No, no. I want to though. After my release, I hope I can meet him.

SA: Where will you find him?

ABB: If he still exists - but how could I? I have sympathy for his struggle.
Osama is Allah's soldier. When I heard his story, I came to the conclusion
that he's mujahid, a soldier of Allah.

SA: You will always be on his side?

ABB: His tactics and calculations may sometimes be wrong, he's an ordinary
human being after all. I don't agree with all of his actions. Osama believes
in total war. This concept I don't agree with. If this occurs in an Islamic
country, the fitnah [discord] will be felt by Muslims. But to attack them in
their country [America] is fine

SA: So this fight will never end?

ABB: Never. This fight is compulsory. Muslims who don't hate America sin.
What I mean by America is George Bush's regime. There is no iman [belief] if one doesn't hate America.

SA: How can the American regime and its policies change?

ABB: We'll see. As long as there is no intention to fight us and Islam
continues to grow there can be peace. This is the doctrine of Islam. Islam
can't be ruled by others. Allah's law must stand above human law. There is
no [example] of Islam and infidels, the right and the wrong, living together
in peace.

Note also that as long as Islam is expanding he can wait. My question is about Isolationism. What happens when Islam has expanded and only the west is left? He says Islam must always expand and spread so the answer is quite apparent.

Posted by: Howie at 10:26 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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October 24, 2006

Bali Bombers Freed

How can there be an effective campaign against terrorism when there are virtually no meaningful consequences for the perpetrators? This report really frosts my cookies.

From The Courier-Mail:

Two Islamic militants jailed for the Bali bombings that killed 202 people were freed today and nine others had their sentences reduced to mark the end of the Islamic fasting month, officials said.

Indonesia traditionally marks national holidays by cutting prison terms for inmates who exhibit good behaviour - usually by several months - but the decision is likely to anger countries that lost citizens in the 2002 attacks on two crowded nightclubs. [Ya' think?]

Eighty-eight of those killed were Australians.

Sirojul Munir left the jail in East Kalimantan's capital of Balikpapan early today after 45 days were shaved from his five-year sentence, said Edi, a prison official who uses a single name.

The paperwork has been completed for the other militant, Mujarod bin Salim, said Ilham Jaya, the warden at the main prison on Bali island, and he was technically a free man.

He was expected to leave the jail within an hour.

The international community needs to do something about the regular miscarriage of justice occurring in Indonesia. People are being murdered by thug Islamist terrorists with impunity. And it's going to get worse unless pressure is applied on the government to take stronger action. The Bali bombers should have been executed.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 04:56 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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October 20, 2006

U.N. or Australian Intervention in Indonesia?

Stan the Infidel says it may be time for the U.N. ir Australia to intervene in Indonesia to stop the persecution of Christians. It's very unlikely that Indonesia would allow that. But the pressure for such an intervention may spur the government to act more forcefully.

Here is the letter Stan just sent me:

After many discussions between the denominations, a decision was made to approach the United Nations ( I personally vote for Australia as the UN has shown to be pro-Muslim and anti-Semetic/anti-Christian, in it's support of recent times) if the Irianto case has not be solved quickly. The police have previously claimed to know who the killer is (see Police identify killers) and the motive (see Police find motive) and the suspects (see Hasanuddin group suspected). We wonder whether this is really true or whether the government is just dishing out the lip service it is famous for. For the most part we are skeptical. It might have been the police or military who killed him for all we know.

Here's the latest posting in the Jakarta Post about our situation here in the article Police say tougher law needed and my latest included the Post article UN to be asked to resolve Central Sulawesi crisis?

If the UN refuses our request (if we are pressed to make the request because of police incapability to solve the murder) or the government refuses to allow UN intervention in Central Sulawesi, I'm guessing that will be a "green light" for all Muslim militants, police and military to have an "open hunting season" on Christians in the area. But mark my words, we will fight back if all peaceful diplomatic options fail and we are attacked.
Difficult times lay ahead, either way.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:59 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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October 18, 2006

Reaching Out to Secular Muslims in Indonesia

Pastor Stan McLaren, aka "Stan the Infidel" just attended the funeral of slain Christian minester Rev. Irianto Kongkoli. The Indonesian government now suspects that terrorists connected to Jemaah Islamiyah, and who were involved in the beheading of Christian schoolchildren nearby, were behind the assassination.

The question now is: will the government act?

Stan writes:

We just came back from Rev. Irianto's funeral. People are angry but still under control. Rumors are spreading that the bombs of recent days were let off by security to keep Christians (and Muslims) scared. If another Christian is killed, it might be the spark to start something. The Christians in Sulawesi are fed up but still acting responsibly. Lots of work is being done by the churches to make sure everyone is maintaining a cool head.

What I need to emphasize now and I need to clarify this, the conflict will erupt in Central Sulawesi only. Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan's Christians are practicing dhimmitude and are scared of the Muslim majority there. In eastern Indonesia, we are not.

In Central Sulawesi, the local Muslims and Bugis from South Sulawesi get along with Christians and vice-versa. They have had profitable trading and co-operation for years.

It's the Javanese migrants and militants from Java that are the troublemakers. If we could kick them all out and keep them out, then there would be no more problems. Same with the police and military from Java.....

I want to also emphasize that the two largest Muslim groups in Indonesia are condemning the assassination of Irianto and asking that when the culprits are caught, they be given the death sentence. Muslims asking that fellow Muslims to get the death sentence for a killing a Christian. Charles can post a pic of "pigs flying" on LGF.

I called one of my acquaintances in the group that called for the death sentence and he confirmed the statement. He said that these killers and militants like them are a threat not only to Christians but also to their form of moderate Islam. They get threats all the time from militants too, telling them they must change their way of thinking and accept Shariah.

He said that they and other moderate groups must band together with Christians, Buddhists and Hindus to fight against militancy. It seems as though they are finally going to act against the threat against their way of practicing Islam. There's even a musical fatwa against militants. Pop group Dewa, which is one of the top bands in Indonesia, is challenging the militants with a musical fatwa. Go [here to check them out] .

There are lots of pigs flying today. Better get an umbrella in case of pig turds dropping out of the sky.

Stan blogs at Persecuted Infidels in Indonesia.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 16, 2006

Boycott Indonesia--Stop Murdering Christians Now!

Civil war is in the air in Indonesia. Christians are daily being slaughtered and the government does little to protect them.

Two of our longtime blog-friends, Stan the Infidel and Big White Infidel, are furious over the treatment of Christians in Indonesia. What the media paints as 'sectarian violence' is really Muslim persecution of Christian minorities.

Stan and Big White are headed to Rev. Irianto Kongkoli's funeral in Palu. Rev. Kongkoli was a Christian minister gunned down in public early this morning. This comes on the heels of a bombing on Saturday and after three Christians were executed for their alleged participation in sectarian violence. Violence that has largely targetted Christians and over which no Muslim has been prosecuted.

If their reaction is any gauge of Christian sentiment in Indonesia, then expect an escalation of the violence. Especially pay attention to Stan's extended comments here.

I would urge the Christians of Indonesia, and especially our friends Stan and Big White, towards self-restraint and non-violence. Not that I am a pacifist, I am not, but I am a realist. One should only fight battles if they can win. This is not a battle that can be won through violence.

There is something that you can do to show your solidarity with Indonesia's persecuted Christians. Boycott Indonesia.

Write your Congressman.

Write the Indonesian embassy or call (202) 775 - 5200

Write the consular section of the U.S. embassy, Jakarta.

Next time you're in WalMart, be sure to check that label. Don't buy Indonesian.

I fear that if the international community does not immediately and successfully pressure the Indonesian government to protect its Christian minorities with more than lip service, that serious violence and civil war will erupt. A war with only one possible outcome: increased persecution and the mass killings of Christians.

Indonesia is very sensitive to public criticisms. The government spends a lot of time engaged in propaganda intended to show that country as a shining example of what moderate Islam looks like. So, public pressure may just work in this instance.

Please do what you can to help.

: Beth Cleaver whips us up an image


and one for the sidebar


Posted by: Rusty at 01:37 PM | Comments (68) | Add Comment
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Christian Ministers Murdered in Indonesia (UPDATE: WAR?)

Sulawesi is in Indonesia. You know, that moderate Muslim country.

What's scary is that Indonesia really is a moderate Islamic country. Only 10% of Indonesian Muslims support the murder of infidels through jihad. Of course, as Charles Johnson notes, that's only 18.7 million Indonesians that want you dead.

Antara News:

Reverend Irianto Kongkoli, secretary general of Central Sulawesi`s Christian church synod, was gunned down by an unidentified man here Monday morning, eyewitneses said.

Eyewitnesses said Irianto, the reverend, was shot when he was about to buy building materials in Sinar Sakti shop on Monginsidi street in Palu subdistrict at 8:15 a.m. local time.

"Suddenly a gunfire explosion was heard and the reverend collapsed with gunshot wound on his head" said a witness who spoke on the anonymity....

A female reverend Susinati Tinulele, 29, was also gunned down when she was delivering a sermon on July 18, 2006.

She died instantly after a number of masked gunmen burst into a church in Palu and shot at the Protestant reverend. Four teenage churchgoers were wounded in the shooting incident.

We'll continue to keep our infidel friends in Indonesia in our prayers.

UPDATE: Stan the Infidel leaves this in the comments. Since I know most don't bother with the comments, I'll put them up for all to read. Stan is a Christian minister who blogs from Indonesia:

My brother (Big White Infidel) has gone down to Palu already and I will join him tomorrow for the funeral. Rev. Irianto was a personal friend and we have helped with refugees from the area and ministering to those affected by the conflict.

Rev. Irianto was gunned down in public.

You see, the extra police and army sent to Central Sulawesi are there to make sure Christians don't misbehave, not stop Muslims from carrying out attacks ( bombing yesterday and murder today).

My brother and I also made a decision this morning. We will stay and fight against the Muslims if the conflict re-opens. The Lord has laid this upon both our hearts. This is our home now and we will defend our Christian brothers and sisters.

Sooner or later all of us will have to fight them. It is inevitable. For us, the battle is almost now. For you, it will be later on the streets of America and Canada and Europe.

And they are coming for you. I know they are coming for me. Jesus said so. He said that if they persecute Him, they will persecute us also. John 16:2 says "In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." And that's what the Koranimals think, they are pleasing Allah by killing kafirs...

And that article that Charles has isn't complete. 1 in 5 Indonesians supports Jemaah Islamiyah and almost 1 in 5 supports Abu Bakr Ba'asyir's Mujahidin Majelis Indonesia militants. That's a big double for the buck-toothed old gedeknepper (Danish for goatf-----). Boycott and condemn Indonesia.

Stan, has more in the comments. I pray that he can find alternatives to violence in the fight to protect Christians. I am not a pacifist, but a realist. If civil war should ensue, there would be mass slaughter and the Christian minority really has little chance of winning. I think the lessons of East Timor should be apparent here.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:40 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 559 words, total size 4 kb.

September 21, 2006

Indonesia Executes 3 Christians

Many of you know Stan the Infidel from our comments section. What you may not know about Stan is that he is a Christian minister in Indonesia. He runs a website called Persecuted Infidels in Indonesia.

Stan informs us that Indonesia has just executed 3 Christians--who Stan believes are innocent-- for their alleged part in sectarian violence. The vast majority of the victims of that violence have been Christian. To date, no Muslims have been prosecuted.

I wonder if Abu Bakar Ba'asyir thinks the massacre of Christians by Muslims in Indonesia is as bad as half naked women?

For more, check out Stan's Persecuted Infidel blog.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:24 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Muslim Cleric: Naked Women More Dangerous Than Terrorist Bombs

Okay, so Abu Bakar Ba'asyir didn't say naked women were more dangerous than terrorists terrorist bombs--he actually said half-naked women are more dangerous than the Bali bombs.

The Bali nightclub bombing killed 202 people.

Abu Bakar Ba'asyir is the Indonesian head of Jemaah Islamiah, which seeks the establishment of an Islamic State in Southeast Asia. Ba'asyir was convicted for a minor role in the Bali bombings

Antara News via Stan the Infidel:

"If you ask which are more dangerous, half-naked women or the Bali bombs? The answer is of course women who bare their bodies," Ba'asyir was quoted as saying by Antara news agency.
If a half naked women is more dangerous than a terrorist bombing, wouldn't that make a fully naked women more than twice as dangerous?

To be more exact, this half naked picture of Indonesian model Andara Early (safe for work) more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:32 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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September 08, 2006

2 Bali Bombers Sentenced but Proud for their Role in Mass Murder

Two of the Bali bombers have been convicted with what seem like light sentences for their role in the mass murder. Oh, and at least one of them believes Allah is proud of him for helping kill 202 people. Allah seems like such a loving and caring god.

Jakarta Post:

The Denpasar District Court sentenced two men on Thursday to eight and 18 years in prison respectively for their roles in last year's Bali restaurant bombings.

Muhammad Cholily, 28, was found guilty of assembling bombs used in the Oct. 1, 2005, attacks. Calling his 18-year sentence "the sweetest birthday gift", Cholily smiled and gave the thumbs-up after getting the sentence, which was three years longer than had been recommended by prosecutors. He was born on Sept. 8.

"In the eyes of Allah there is no guilty person," Cholily said as quoted by AFP....

But the judge said he had refrained from handing down an even longer prison term for Cholily, who was found guilty of supplying the equipment used in the attacks, because the bomb-maker had admitted his crime.

Admitted and proud. How's that for justice? Hat tip Infidel Stan.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:17 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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August 17, 2006

Bali Bombers' Sentences Reduced

What a wonderfully moderate country you have there, Indonesia. The Bali nightclub bombings killed 202 people. But they were mostly infidels, so, I guess they don't really count.....all the way.

You'll remember that the Indonesian government did precisely the same thing this time last year. Last year's Indonesian Independence Day was celebrated by reducing the sentence of Abu Bakar Bashir--the spiritual leader of the organization that carried out the attack, the bin Laden of Indonesia if you will--to 765 days. That's 3.8 days per victim.

That's 3.8 days per victim

LA Times:

At least nine Islamic militants jailed for the 2002 Bali bombings got four-month reductions in their sentences to mark Indonesia's independence day, a Justice Ministry official said.

They played relatively minor roles in the suicide bombings, including carrying out robberies to finance the attacks and helping shelter suspects.

Our moderate Muslim allies at work.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:31 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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August 16, 2006

Indonesia Rejecting Sharia?

It's interesting to note that many Muslim countries living under secular authoritarians are turning toward Islamism and the imposition of sharia law to save them. But wherever sharia is in place, Muslims see the ruling clerics as the problem. In Iran, for instance, the movement is toward secularism. In Egypt, towards the Islamist vision.

Trading in one form of totalitarianism for another is no solution.

Indonesian province moving away from Sharia

Posted by: Rusty at 11:28 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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August 10, 2006

3 Christians, No Muslims, to be Executed in Indonesia

As I said before: If these guys are guilty of involvement in a massacre that killed over 200--mostly women and children, let me volunteer my services for the firing squad. However, the Indonesian court system is based on Islamic law and, as we have noted here on several occasions, is a complete sham. Not a single Muslim has been brought to justice for the killing of Christians during the same period--even though far more Christians were killed in the sectarian violence than Muslims. Not. A. Single. One.

The unbiased Reuters which, in the interest of fairness, lets the readers know that 3 Muslims are also about to be executed. Of course, these are the Bali bombers--completely unrelated to the ongoing clashes between Muslims and the Christian and Hindu minorities.

Three Indonesian Christians on death row for leading a mob that killed Muslims during inter-religious violence in Central Sulawesi province are to be executed on Saturday, the Attorney General's office said.

Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus Silva will face a firing squad just after midnight on Friday at a secret location in the Central Sulawesi provincial capital of Palu, a spokesman for the Attorney General said.

Hat tip: Baldy

Posted by: Rusty at 01:03 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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August 05, 2006

200 Indonesian Jihad Bombers Threaten Israel

(Jakarta, Indonesia) Reportedly, in the last several days over 3,000 Indonesian volunteers have signed up to be jihad warriors.


A group of 200 men calling themselves members of the "Jihad Bombers Force" (PBJ) in Pontianak, capital of Indonesia's West Kalimantan province, are ready to leave for Palestine and Lebanon to paralyze Israeli vital facilities if the latter fails to abide by a 4-days deadline.

"We give Israel 4-days deadline as of now to stop its military aggression against Palestine and Lebanon. If this ultimatum is ignored, we will not be responsible for the 200 voluntary jihad bombers who are going to leave for the two Middle Eastern countries," Antara news agency quoted Indonesian Human Rights spokesman Suib Didu as saying in Pontianak on Saturday.

He said the jihad bombers would not only launch attacks in Palestine and Lebanon but also in countries allied with Israel.

PBJ, eh? I guess they blow themselves up, stick to the roof and leave a sweet aftertaste. No mention as to whether the jihadists are smooth or crunchy.

Levity aside, even though the threat cannot be ignored, the likelihood of the PBJ acting soon seems minimal.


But it was unlikely the men could actually leave their hometowns in Indonesia's Kalimantan province as they said they had no money, leader, guns or passports.
They sound like they're homeless and singing the blues. Nonetheless, over 3,000 young Islamists have registered on a list to fight against Israel. Hopefully, that list is accessible for review, if necessary.

One last thing. The ChiCom house organ, Xinhua, states that Suib Didu is a human rights spokesman but fails to mention that he's the former chairman of the Islamic Youth Movement. Trying to put a human rights face on jihad bombers is insulting.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 03:39 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 302 words, total size 2 kb.

June 30, 2006

Playboy Models Investigated in Indondesia

First the news that the editor of Indonesian Playboy was under investigation, now news that two Playboy models are also suspected of, er, what crime is this again? Yes, we have pics. Just scroll down.

And before you go shooting your mouth off about how it's real progress that a Muslim country even allowed Playboy to be published in the first place and making yourself look like a fool, I'll remind you that it wasn't published in Muslim Indonesia. It was published in Bali. Bali is a Hindu enclave ruled by the Muslim Jakarta government. You know, Hindus? The people that gave us the Kama Sutra? Ringing a bell?

But, maybe there is a simpler explanation for all this. I might have to do some 'investigating' myself, if I were an Indonesian cop.


The editor of Playboy Indonesia and two models whose pictures appeared in the magazine's first edition are being investigated for violating indecency laws, police said on Friday.

Jakarta police spokesman Ketut Untung Yoga said models Andara Early and Kartika Gunawan had posed indecently in the edition, which was issued from the Indonesian capital, and editor-in-chief Erwin Arnada should also be held responsible.

"There are three suspects. Each will be processed based on their roles. Many more may come," he said.

Under Indonesian law, declaring somebody a suspect is a stage before formal charges are filed.

Yoga said under laws banning public indecency offenders face a maximum penalty of 32 months in jail.

Here is a scanned photo from the first issue of the Indonesian version of Playboy. It's Andara Early, as scanned by this dude in Indonesia, who was also the cover model. It's absoulutely pornographic and shocking! I'm sickened and disgusted. She ought to be locked up a long and the key thrown away!

WARNING: Safe for work. Really. Not even PG-13. Barely PG. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 06:50 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 318 words, total size 2 kb.

June 15, 2006

He Should Be The One Converted, Into Compost

Abu Bakar Bashir.

A reputed leader of the al-Qaida-linked terror group blamed for deadly bombings across Indonesia on Thursday accused President Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard of waging wars against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Militant cleric Abu Bakar Bashir also called on Bush and Howard to convert to Islam, saying it was "the only way to save their souls," adding that families still grieving after the 2002 Bali blasts that killed many foreigners should also become Muslim to find "salvation and peace."

I'm sure Bush and Howard are breaking out the prayer rugs.

Many thanks again to our allies in the GWOT for their harsh punishment of this guy.

In Indonesia, not only can you orchestrate the deaths of 200 people in a nightclub bombing, you get to mock their families later by imploring them to join the religion that teaches it was just ducky to kill their loved ones.

But if you're caught with a little bit of the ganja, you're sentenced to death.

Stein hoist: JW.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 13, 2006

Indonesia Releases Bashir

Alleged mastermind of the Bali bombing, Abu Bakar Bashir, has been released from prison.

But don't worry, he's learned his lesson and paid his debt to society:

"I will maintain my struggle to uphold sharia (Islamic law), he added, before getting into a black van.

Phew, it seems our allies in the War on Terror showed him the error of his ways. It must have been easy to rehabilitate a gentle miscreant like this:

The 67-year-old cleric, who has called al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden a true Islamic warrior, denied any wrongdoing. He insists Jemaah Islamiah does not exist, and Indonesian courts have dismissed charges that he led the network.

Of course Jemaah Islamiah doesn't exist, and neither does taqqiya.

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it." —Bukhari 5.59.369

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "War is deceit." —Bukhari 4.52.69

Above quotes courtesy of Patrick az-Kafir

Previous Bashir posts:

Bali Bombing Mastermind Sentenced to 4.5 days in Jail per Victim

US 'Disappointed' with Bashir Sentence of 4.5 Days per Victim

Bali Bombing Mastermind's Sentence Reduced from 4.5 Days in Jail Per Victim to 3.8 Days in Jail Per Victim

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:18 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 253 words, total size 2 kb.

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