September 04, 2006

Grim Milestone: Tens of Thousands Killed Since 9/11

UPDATE: Frequent commenter Garduneh Mehr, who's Christian family fled the Mullahs of Iran, points out my mistaking the number of Islamist attacks with the actual number killed. Bizzy Blog has the number of killed by acts of terror at 6,560.

This number is woefully low. For instance, in the past two years alone about 1,700 Thais have been killed because of an Islamic insurgency in the South of that country. And in August, the jihadis killed at least 1000.

So the real number must be way higher than I originally posted. In the tens of thousands.

That's right. Tens of thousands of innocents have been killed since 9/11. All of them were killed by Muslims in the name of Allah. Most of the victims were Muslim.

So, while the Left circulates the Grim Milestone meme that more Americans have now died since 9/11 than on it, please keep those numbers in mind.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:07 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Terrorists Love the Left

If Islamofascism and the Religious Right have so much in common, then how come the terrorists never quote Pat Robertson? Instead, they are constanting quoting icons of the Left to support their positions. They even use clips from Fahrenheit 9/11 in this propaganda film.

And when American Taliban Adam Gadahn decides to name drop, it isn't Jerry Falwell that he cites for moral authority. It's George Galloway, Robert Fisk, and Seymour Hersh.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:48 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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Steyn on Reutersgate

Steyn. You just gotta love that guy. Sun Times:

Consider, for example, the bizarre behavior of Reuters, the once globally respected news agency now reduced to putting out laughably inept terrorist propaganda. A few days ago, it made a big hoo-ha about the Israelis intentionally firing a missile at its press vehicle and wounding its cameraman Fadel Shana. Shana was posed in an artful sprawl in a blood-spattered shirt. But it had ridden up and underneath his undershirt was spotlessly white, like a summer-stock Julius Caesar revealing the boxers under his toga. What's stunning is not that almost all Western media organizations reporting from the Middle East are reliant on local staff overwhelmingly sympathetic to one side in the conflict -- that's been known for some time -- but the amateurish level of fakery that head office is willing to go along with.
Bizzyblog has the pic in question, although I'm not too sure about the meaning of the difference between the Spanish and English quote he mentions. Typically, Israeli statements to the foreign press are in English, not Hebrew.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:39 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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August 31, 2006

Muslims Against Islamo-Fascism

A moderate Muslim I can finally agree with. Too often we hear the phrase 'moderate Muslim' as a descriptor immediately proceeding a diatribe against Western values. Perhaps there is hope after all. Omran Salman:

Rather than just condemn the plot and address the scourge of Islamic extremism, Muslim groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) sought to both legitimize terror and portray Muslims as victims.

Do these organizations really represent Muslims in the West? Hardly. It is their apologia of Islamic extremism, rather than discrimination or religious hatred in Western society, which most victimizes American Muslims.

The basic narrative of these self-described civil-rights groups is twofold: The United States provokes terrorism because of its foreign policy, and Muslims in the West face a backlash in the wake of terror....

Rather than help Muslims in America, most Muslim organizations hinder them. Self-appointed representatives downplay religious extremism and focus more on the image of Muslims rather than on the loss of innocent life. They remain silent on the assault waged on liberalism by Islamists. Most Muslims in America, though, fled the Middle East for the liberal values of their adopted country....

If these organizations wish to represent American Muslims, they should be at the forefront of defending both Muslims and non-Muslims against Islamic extremists who hate moderate Muslims almost as much if not more than Western governments. Terrorists deny the legitimacy of Western Muslims, arguing that their Western co-religionists just sit placidly while they, the true Muslims, are "waging jihad against infidels and crusaders."

It is wrong to argue so much over terminology and image that we lose sight of the real threat: Extremists who find motivation in religion to preach intolerance and wage war against Western values and peoples. This is the nonsense that causes Muslims to flee the Middle East. We should not defend its emergence here.

Hat tip: Mike from MEMRI.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:42 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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National Guardsman Attacked by Leftist Douchebags

Words have consequences and these types of attacks are inevitable given the rhetoric of the increasingly not-so-fringe left .

At some point saying "I support the troops" while simultaneously jumping on every allegation against them that they routinely "massacre" civilians reaches the breaking point of psychological dissonance.

A rational and moral person cannot support troops which are baby killers. At some point, either you will reject the premise that our troops are bloodthirsty killers or you will hate them.

The victim's name is Alexander Powell and he has been instructed by his superior officers not to discuss the matter any further with the media.


The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is searching for five people who allegedly attacked a uniformed National Guardsmen walking along 138th Street in Parkland Tuesday afternoon.

The soldier was walking to a convenience store when a sport utility vehicle pulled up alongside him and the driver asked if he was in the military and if he had been in any action.

The driver then got out of the vehicle, displayed a gun and shouted insults at the victim. Four other suspects exited the vehicle and knocked the soldier down, punching and kicking him.

“And during the assault the suspects called him a baby killer. At that point they got into the car and drove off and left him on the side of the road,” Detective Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News.

The suspects were driving a black Chevy Suburban-type SUV.

Hat tip: Editor in Pajamas who points out that the douchebags asked the victim if he had seen any action. The inference being that he was attacked because the SOBs actually thought that he was a baby killer.

I know it is hard for some of you to grasp, but people hate the United States and its soldiers because they actually believe we are the bad guys. I heard Howard Zinn on Dennis Prager's radio show yesterday. If you only believed half of what Zinn has to say, you'd spit on our soldiers too.

All the suspects are described as in their early 20s, many wearing red caps. Why all the red hats? Could it be.......


Michelle Malkin has more.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:39 AM | Comments (48) | Add Comment
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August 30, 2006

Americans Back the Wrong Profiling: Racial vs. Religious Profiling

I'm not sure what good racial profiling is. The last time I checked, Islam was not a race.


Most Americans expect a terrorist attack on the United States in the next few months and support the screening of people who look “Middle Eastern” at airports and train stations, a poll showed on Tuesday.....

By a 60 percent to 37 percent margin, respondents said authorities should single out people who look “Middle Eastern” for security screening at locations such as airports and train stations — a finding that drew sharp criticism by civil liberties groups.

Plenty of Christians and Jews in the Middle East, very few of whom I'd guess are a security risk. And Pakistanis are not Middle Easterners. Neither are Afghanis or Indonesians.......

Since the questions asked in the survey say nothing about Islam, why is it that CAIR is concerned?

“It’s one of those things that makes people think they are doing something to protect themselves when they’re not. They’re in fact producing more insecurity by alienating the very people whose help is necessary in the war on terrorism,” he said.
True enough, we do need their help.....but when has CAIR ever offered to help?

Inasmuch as Muslims in America have not volunteered in great numbers to help fight the war then it no longer matters what they think. If killing Islamic fascist abroad and arresting them at home alienates Muslims--if it makes them feel picked on--then they are not our people. If you feel a closer kinship to my enemy than you do to me, then exactly why should I give a rat's ass if I offend you?

And if you're not helping already, if you already feel alienated, even when we don't single you out, then what harm can profiling you really do? I really don't see any downside to this, other than the obvious stupidity of calling it racial profiling.

I don't want racial profiling, I want religious profiling.

More at LGF

Posted by: Rusty at 10:20 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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August 29, 2006

Civil Liberties in a Time of War

As I have argued since day one on this blog: liberties are ordered and are always dependent on context. It's why a civil libertarian, like myself, can also call for more state intervention in the context of war. War changes everything. Apparently, an emminent legal scholar agrees. If you get the chance, be sure to listen to the whole thing.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:09 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Terrorists Pay for Junket for Democrat

Whoa. The Tamil Tigers are bad hombres. It looks like a Democrat in Congress actually took a trip paid for by this terrorist organization.

When we joke about Buddhist terrorists being a bit of an oxymoron it's not that there aren't Buddhist terrorists, they are just hard to find---and the Tamil Tigers are those terrorists. While the suicide mission is nothing new to the world, it may be possible to trace the modern iteration to the Tamil Tigers. So, in one sense, the Tamil Tigers actually may have inspired some of the tactics used by Islamist terrorists.

Chicago Tribune:

Chicago congressman Danny Davis and an aide took a trip to Sri Lanka last year that was paid for by the Tamil Tigers, a group that the U.S. government has designated as a terrorist organization for its use of suicide bombers and child soldiers, law-enforcement sources said.

Davis’ seven-day trip came under scrutiny this week following the arrests of 11 supporters of the organization on charges of participating in a broad conspiracy to aid the terrorist group through money laundering, arms procurement and bribery of U.S. officials.

It gets worse. Much worse. Davis admits that he knew that the group funding the trip was associated with the terrorists.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:23 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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August 28, 2006

Today I Converted to Islam

Today, I converted to Islam. Why? Because Islam is the religion of peace. There is no compulsion in religion, under Islam. Islam tolerates all religions. Muhammed (PBUH) was a shining example of tolerance and love. His example shows us the way.

The fact that I am being held hostage had nothing to do with my conversion. Force has never ever ever been used to convert people to Islam. If you hear otherwise, it is a Zionist lie. A lie I tell you! more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:03 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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The Doogie Howser of Terrorism

The longer I'm in academia, the more I realize how meaningless Ph.D.'s are. Last spring I was sitting in on a roundtable about terrorism with a bunch of 'experts' in academia. Biggest point of contention? Whether or not the word 'terrorism' ought to be used at all since 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter'.

Your tax dollars at work.

So, who is the Doogie Howser of Terrorism? My friend, Evan Kohlman. Sun Sentinal:

Defense lawyers in a major South Florida terror case want to make sure jurors never hear from witness Evan Kohlmann....

He has no Ph.D., no faculty position and no real-life experience in the Middle East. Plus, there's the age thing. Kohlmann, who has testified five times for the government already, is just 27. He has been called the "Doogie Howser" of terrorism.

Kohlmann has fought off such attacks before.

If Evan is Doogie Howser, I guess that makes me Arnold Jackson. You can read Doogies work at the Counterterrorism blog or at Global Terror Alert.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:21 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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August 21, 2006

BBC Staging Photos, Endangering Children

British taxdollars at work, staging Hezbollah propaganda photos, endangering the lives of children. BBC:

The shell is huge, bigger than the young boy pushed forward to stand reluctantly next to it while we get our cameras out and record the scene for posterity.
The story is by Martin Asser.

Hat tip: Charles "Grand Master Flash" Johnson

Posted by: Rusty at 02:04 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Leftist Fifth Column

Michael Barone on our covert enemies. RCP:

Our covert enemies are harder to identify, for they live in large numbers within our midst. And in terms of intentions, they are not enemies in the sense that they consciously wish to destroy our society. On the contrary, they enjoy our freedoms and often call for their expansion. But they have also been working, over many years, to undermine faith in our society and confidence in its goodness. These covert enemies are those among our elites who have promoted the ideas labeled as multiculturalism, moral relativism and (the term is Professor Samuel Huntington's) transnationalism....

Nevertheless, the default assumption of our covert enemies is that in any conflict between the West and the Rest, the West is wrong. That assumption can be rebutted by overwhelming fact: Few argued for the Taliban after Sept. 11. But in our continuing struggles, our covert enemies portray our work in Iraq through the lens of Abu Ghraib and consider Israel's self-defense against Hezbollah as the oppression of virtuous victims by evil men. In World War II, our elites understood that we were the forces of good and that victory was essential. Today, many of our elites subject our military and intelligence actions to fine-tooth-comb analysis and find that they are morally repugnant.

Barone misses a major point here. Although the Left did not argue for the Taliban, they did argue against the US going to war in Afghanistan. In fact, they always argue against the US. No matter what we do. Why? Because their hatred of Islamofascists is eclipsed by a much deeper hatred: hatred of America.

And by the Left, I do not mean liberals, but true Leftists. Think Chomsky.

Decision '08 & Dr. Sanity have more.

UPDATE: For the Leftist retards with no memory who are commenting.

Noam Chomsky, Feb. 1, 2002, the most cited Leftist intellectual on the planet:

One may reasonably ask just whose needs are served by these priorities, and what status they should have in reconstruction from the horrors of the past two decades.

U.S. and British intellectual opinion, across the political spectrum, assured us that only radical extremists can doubt that “this is basically a just war.” Those who disagree can therefore be dismissed, among them, for example, the 1,000 Afghan leaders who met in Peshawar in late October in a U.S.-backed effort to lay the groundwork for a post-Taliban regime led by the exiled King. They bitterly condemned the U.S. war, which is “beating the donkey rather than the rider,” one speaker said to unanimous agreement.

And Mother Jones in Jan. of 2002 decided to run that oh so importants story about a pacifist congregation of Christians. Even as we were in the middle of the war that the Left now claims they supported, the Left was arguing that oh-so-important question: should churches display the American flag.


No. I take that back.

Useful idiots.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:25 AM | Comments (64) | Add Comment
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On Londonistan

What to do with Muslims? Melanie Phillips has some answers.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:06 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 19, 2006

What to do with Muslims?

The last few days have been very depressing. Part of this depression is the result of an inner conflict I am having.

Every single Muslim I know is a great person. Every. Single. One.

Yet, nearly every single Muslim organization or group I know of can be counted on to support tyranny. Not all, but nearly.

Shirer quotes Goethe in the opening pages of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as saying:

I have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality.
So, what do we do with a group of people who, as individuals, are wonderful? People who I would gladly accept as my neighbors. People who I would gladly call my friend.

What do you do when individuals are wonderful, but groups of those same individuals, dangerous?

What to do? What to do?

I really don't know.

In the past, I have argued that religious worker visas ought to be contingent upon reciprocation. The recent UK terror plot drives home the need for such action. Native born Muslims, both here and in Europe, often find religion in mosques which are led by foreign clerics. Countries, such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, which forbid proseletyzing are exporters of an Islam that is antithetical to Western liberalism.

But beyond this, what should we do? What can we do? We need real policies that aknowledge the threat, yet ones which are in line with our notions of religious freedoms.

I have no clue what we should do. A good start would be to aknowledge the problem. But from there......I'm open to suggestions. Ones that are both practical and moral.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:46 PM | Comments (181) | Add Comment
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August 17, 2006

Judge Orders Wiretapping Program Shut, Nation Cheers

UGLYJUDGE.jpgThank you Judge Taylor for shutting down the international wiretapping program. I feel so much safer knowing that my Constitutionally protected right to chat with Ayman al Zawahiri about the weather in Waziristan is safe in your hands. Thank you for saving me from the evil hands of George W. Bush. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I can finally breathe again after being oppressed for so long.


A federal judge ruled Thursday that the government's warrantless wiretapping program is unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to it.

U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit became the first judge to strike down the National Security Agency's program, which she says violates the rights to free speech and privacy.

Hat tip: some anonymous dude.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:40 AM | Comments (525) | Add Comment
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Lefty Fears Bush Agenda More than Iranian Genocide Agenda

I am not an admirer of George W. Bush. He's a fantastic failure on many fronts. Especially his stubborn and unforgivable unwillingness to fire generals when they clearly deserve it.

But for all of Bush's stupidity, at least he fights. The alternative seems to be a Democratic party which has returned to it's 1864 roots. In that year, the Democrats nominated General George McClellen on an end the war/bring home the troops platform.

The Democrats were sick of the blood and carnage caused by what they called "Mr. Lincoln's War" which would eventually claim the lives of over 500,000 Americans. They also feared the very real suppression of civil liberties--suppression which was sometimes bloody. They feared Lincoln more than they feared Lee.

Kevin Drum, what's old is new.

And yet, I know perfectly well that criticism of Iran is not just criticism of Iran. Whether I want it to or not, it also provides support for the Bush administration’s determined and deliberate effort to whip up enthusiasm for a military strike....

I’m simply not willing to be a pawn in the Bush administration’s latest marketing campaign.

Ah, yes, slavery is bad, but Lincoln is worse.

See Dub has the rest and a very good analysis.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:51 AM | Comments (49) | Add Comment
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Nine Hours a Day Memorizing the Koran

Yes, we've all heard the stories of those third-world madrassas that teach school-age boys nothing but the words of the Koran. Such madrassas are all over the world--even in New York. From the NYT via Ann Althouse:

By not offering instruction in other subjects, the school may be inadvertently running afoul of state law, according to city and state education officials. Private religious schools like the Muslim Center’s program are required to provide “substantially equivalent” instruction to that offered in public schools, they said. But tracking every school-age child who leaves the public school system can be difficult. . . .

[The mother of one of the students] confessed that she sometimes questioned whether she was doing the right thing with her son, fretting that Thaha, who would have been entering the sixth grade this year if he had stayed in regular school, does not know his multiplication tables, for example.

But the beauty of this country, Mrs. Sherwani said, is that her son is free to have it both ways, to be steeped in Islam and be whatever he wants.

Tick, tick, tick...

Cross-posted to The Sammenhold Blog.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:43 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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August 16, 2006

Didn't Mohammed Marry Someone Her Age?

HANNAH_228x269.jpgMuslims find it offensive that five year old girl poses for passport photo with bare shoulders.

Far less offensive, it seems, is the thought of their 'Prophet' Mohammed marrying six year old Aisha and then molesting her when she was nine.

Dhimmitude on display in England:

A five-year-old girl had her passport form rejected when an official said the bare shoulders on her photograph could offend Muslims.

The post office assistant stunned Hannah Edwards's parents by claiming the skin exposed by her daughter's halter-neck dress would not be accepted by the Passport Office as it might prove unacceptable in a Muslim country.

Don't offend those Muslims. Those people go loco, esse.

Hat tip: someone who is cooler than me. Update: Cooler? Yes. But also a whiney biyatch.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:47 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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Kossack : Stop Worrying About Terrorism

DarkSyde, who blogs at DailyKos, is tired of the country "whining" about terrorism:

when did the Republican Party become infested with what sound like so many loud, whining cowardly pundits? One second Reagan is up there standing toe-to-toe with the Rooskis, negotiating cool as a cucumber with 20,000 nukes pointed at him, and the next thing I know, the likes of Limbaugh or the crew at Powerwhine and Freeperland, are all shrieking like a class full of tweaked-out, neurotic fifth-graders having a panic attack every time OBL pops up in a grainy video with a rusty AK in the background. ...

...reading or hearing a bunch of yelping GOP crybabies incessantly screeching in craven horror that Al Qaeda is the worst, gosh-darn biggest bad-ass threat we've ever faced is, frankly, an act that has grown tired and embarrassing. And when they yammer, time and time again, that it's not enough for them to be quivering under their beds, they insist the entire country crawl under there and obsess along with them, while they lay in fetal position swaddled in their faded George Bush security blanket squawking in fear, it's enough to make Burt the Turtle duck and cover in disgust. (emphasis added)

Of course, if DailyKos didn't have the most Stalinist comment control system known to mankind, you could go over and post your own thoughts for this fellow. Unfortunately, you can't, because the brave Kossacks, who are clearly too tough and fearless to give Osama a second thought, are nonetheless mortified at the thought that a Freeper might sneak in, post a dissenting opinion and wound their inner children.

The ironic thing here is that DarkSyde is one of DailyKos' resident "sky is falling" Chicken Littles on--you guessed it--CLIMATE CHANGE. DarkSyde is fond of posting dire announcements of "startling new data indicating that climate change and global melt may be even worse than we thought" and similar alarmism:

There are many dangers associated with global warming. What's critical to understand is they often work together in ways that are genuinely alarming to contemplate. A near term, moderate rise in sea level of even a few feet, combined with a virtually instant increase in the intensity of hurricanes, both products of global warming, means that the deadly and destructive storm surges that accompany hurricanes would be greater and reach further inland. Gulf states, from Florida to Texas, would be especially vulnerable to this synergy. The Houston shipping channel, gulf energy platforms, the port of Miami; all could be knocked out of commission for months at time, or cease to exist. Imagine several million refugees fleeing a wrecked, inundated coastline at the same time a significant fraction of oil imports and other essential supplies are cut off, and you have some appreciation for the near term consequences of climate change. (emphasis added)
In other words, DarkSyde has no problem with shrieking, having panic attacks and quivering under his bed--so long as he's hiding from greenhouse gasses.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:51 AM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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August 10, 2006

Overheard On The Radio

A caller to a highly influential right-wing radio talk show, which was indirectly responsible for the massive upsurge in this blog's traffic, opined on the discovery of today's terror plot by saying...

...wait for it...

......hold on....

....just another pixel or two, you're not gonna die.... more...

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:51 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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August 07, 2006

Hush Little Baby Don't Say A Word

I hit the meatiest of the other side's meatsacks, Kos and Atrios, and neither of them has made a peep about Reutergate.

I should be shocked and appalled, but I'm not.

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:36 PM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
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Village Calling Idiot, Come In Please, Idiot

Great moments in higher educational history:

David Gabbard, an East Carolina education professor, acknowledges this isn't his field, but says "I'm smart enough to know … that fire from airplanes can't melt steel."

Well, that sounds about right. I mean, look at the guy.

I'll bet that he can melt steel.....with his mind.

stein hoist to haywood.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:57 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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July 31, 2006

The Bottom Line.

This is a good article over at The Conservative Voice. Personally I think Hezbollah and the rest of the Middle East is laughing their ass off right now. Our concern for their manufactured hardships was easily predicted and shows our weakness. Yes we are being played like a fiddle.

The Conservative Voice: In this brave new world of political correctness and human rights for Islamic terrorists who have vowed to destroy Western civilization and all who adhere to civilization in general, only terrorists are now being given the green light to wage war. The arguments (AKA excuses) for this insane line of thinking are few and tepid. But, they are apparently powerful enough for those who continue to maintain a hatred for the Western world and a love for the “poor oppressed terrorists” in our midst....

...The Israeli airstrikes against Hezbollah rocket launchers in the village of Qana resulted in over 50 women and children, located in an apartment building, being killed. But, it appears that no men were killed. Hmmm. Interestingly, this is a standard terrorist Hezbollah tactic. It removes the men (so that they can continue to fight with Hezbollah) and leaves women and children for “collateral damage”—to be used as a public relations’ ploy for the world press. It worked and continues to work to Hezbollah’s advantage. Hezbollah was and is not blamed—only its victims (in this case Israel) are. The leftist mainstream press drinks long and hard from the wine Hezbollah and other worldwide terrorist organizations provide to them and then proceeds to become drunk on it.

The bottom line? Only the terrorists should be allowed to fight. Yeah. That should do it!

Remember Muhammad's words, "War is Deceit!"

Related at Rhymes with Right. Hat Tip: Master Vinnie.

Posted by: Howie at 11:41 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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July 20, 2006

Terrorists & Their Useful Idiots (Updated)

Hey! Get down off that fence, you Islamist cockroach!

The ever-vigilant zombie over at zombietime has coverage of a pro-terror, anti-Israel rally (media would dub them "supporters of the Palestinian cause") outside the Israeli consulate in San Francisco last week. Still have any doubts that the enemy is alive and well among us here at home?

Also - one of the terror supporters featured in this video clip looks suspiciously like the same one who threatened Evan Coyne Maloney of Brain Terminal fame when he filmed an anti-Israel rally at Rutgers in 2003 (about halfway through the clip, Evan has a verbal confrontation with the guy, who later makes a speech at the screeching hatefest). Tolerant, they.

Update: Here's a side-by-side screenshot to compare - see if you think its the same POS peaceful supporter of the Palestinian cause.

Cross-posted at Mein BlogoVault.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 05:39 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Odes Of A Moron

Why, oh why am I not a world famous musician?

this weekend i went upstate to the woodstock farm animal sanctuary and spent the night and hung out with cows and goats and chickens and turkeys and sheep and pigs and cats and dogs(and people, too, although the weekend was more about quadripeds than bipeds...
although the bipedal creatures were nice, too).
a farm animal sanctuary is a place where farm animals go to live out their lives free from the threat of being killed or tortured or made to suffer at the hands of people.

Maybe it's because that while I may post inanities from time to time, I don't post them all the time?

stein hoist: the blogmother.

Posted by: Vinnie at 01:14 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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