Terrorists Love French Soccer's Zizou!
Here's a frame from a new video from Islamic Front of the Iraqi Resistance's (JAMI)
"Knights of Iraq: 6" video. Soccer fans around the world should recognize this mujahideen's shirt immediately.
That's Zinedine Yazid Zidane's shirt, the retired French soccer player better known as Zizou who led Franc to a victory in the 1998 world cup. Zidane is of Algerian descent, hence a hero to many in the Arab world.
The JAMI terrorist's have their own website at http://www.jaami.info hosted by Germany's 1&1 Internet. Despite dozens of complaints, they continue to host these terrorists.
Ragnar's New Toy
After going through all the excellent opinions I received on the proper optics for my new Ramington 700 SPS Varmint, I settled on a Leupold VX-III Boone and Crockett 3.5-10X 40mm in matte black, with Leupold STD rings and two-piece mount.
Very nice. I like how the matte finish of the scope meshes with the look of the rifle. Esthetics are important to me: When I got a scope for my Ruger 77 Mk II stainless/synthetic .270, I chose the silver matte finish Leupold VX-II in 4x12 to match the stainless steel. The hardest part? Getting matching matte silver rings.
Posted by: Hucbald at May 24, 2007 05:29 PM (XoJMC)
You. have. GOT. to. be. kidding. A significant number of women actually WANT smaller labia? And will undergo surgery to get it... er... them? I'm trying to process this information, but it is simply not happening.
Posted by: Hucbald at May 25, 2007 01:11 AM (XoJMC)
What can I say? I'm a sucker for jokes which simply state the obvious. Thanks to David Lunde for designing and sending the logo to me. I hope that I'm not violating any Chinese copyright law, but I hear that is a bit of an oxymoron.
Very clever. I have no doubt that a similar design will appear on a major magazine cover in the lead up to the games.
If there were a way to corner the market on this design and make some money, Lunde should try to do it. Of course, the Olympic fools are extremely aggressive in suing anybody who uses the 'interlocking rings' design, so Lunde is probably stuck with just using it in a parody form.
Posted by: wooga at March 19, 2007 02:03 PM (t9sT5)
Hilarious, Dr. Rusty Ramshackle Ford (Sorry: Been looking for an opportunity to deploy that one for a while now - couldn't resist).
Posted by: Hucbald at March 19, 2007 06:01 PM (g+IGn)
Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 09:31 PM (jNRRK)
As someone who has high hopes for China, still I must admire your wit, and salute a blow well and fairly struck! China is still a totalitarian state. Even with the progress they have made, I'm hardly ready to give them a passing grade. I have heard elsewhere that Margaret Thatcher expected capitalism to transform China, and I believe she is correct. We still need to be careful.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 19, 2007 11:36 PM (2OHpj)
Actually, Tony Romo is the Emperor of Choke. Manning is just a lowly Duke of Choke.
I say Da Bearsss - its their time.
Posted by: Good Lt at February 04, 2007 02:58 AM (D0TMh)
I must disagree, Manning has blown far more playoff games than Romo has.
Posted by: Vinnie at February 04, 2007 03:21 AM (fdAim)
Bullshit! Peyton is the best 4th quarter man in the league. The Colts will win because of Manning.
Below freezing on the beach last night. Satsuma and orange trees I planted 10 years ago may be ruined. Minus 17 degress in Minn. Avocado and orange crops in S. Cal destroy by cold. If someone doesn't do something about global warming we are doomed. Doomed I say.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 04, 2007 10:13 AM (0W1Sk)
lol...and I predict that Budweiser will have the best commercial.
Posted by: KeepinItReal at February 04, 2007 12:55 PM (0yuBS)
I predict we'll all be passed out drunk by halfway through the third quarter...
Posted by: L at February 04, 2007 01:24 PM (Gvo/q)
I have already provided a flag for the opening ceremonies. Please check it out here. Old Glory.
I Love this Country.
Posted by: SeeMonk at February 04, 2007 01:51 PM (yKwZ2)
The superbowl is over and once again the Greyrooster proves intellectural superiority over VINNIE and Goodie, goodie lt. What we have here is a lack competition. Vinnie pick a winner? He couldn't pick his nose. Peyton chokes. Ha. Did he choke when he came from 18 down against Baltimore? Did he choke when the Bears scored on the kickoff? Bow to your superior. You two don't know what end of a football to kick. Losers. I would love to get you two and Rusty Schekelford in a poker game. You guys are such losers you couldn't get lucky.
PEYTON MANNING MOST VALUABLE PLAYER. Just as Greyrooster called it.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 04, 2007 10:18 PM (9p0PD)
Posted by: greyrooster at February 05, 2007 01:13 AM (tGI7C)
Peyton Manning best quarterback ever? Being said by the experts (whatever that is). Bret Favre best of the best before Peyton Manning. Jerry Rice best receiver ever. Hey! They all come from South Mississippi.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 05, 2007 01:19 AM (tGI7C)
OK! I can't stand it anymore! What the heck does "pwn3d" mean??? I missed the memeo, and now everyones using this! I got no clue, and I hate beng like that! S.O.S!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 05, 2007 04:54 AM (2OHpj)
Rex Grossman is not the kind of choke. I thought the Bears played too good in the championship game and would not be able to do that again in the superbowl.
Posted by: Darth Odie at February 05, 2007 05:34 PM (YHZAl)
Bekham Coming to US! Nation grows excited over man they've never heard of
Soccer superstar David Bekham is coming to the U.S. To play for my hometown team, the L.A. Galaxy. Why does this remind me of the great Pele fiasco? Sky News:
But he insisted he was not going just for the money, but to make a difference in American sport.
He already has a football school in Los Angeles.
"Soccer is huge everywhere around the world, except in America," he said.
"That's where I want to make a difference with the kids."
Pelemania! You remember, that was the last great soccer-mania when a world famous 'football' player was brought to the U.S. Pele was going to make soccer popular.
Then America woke up the next morning and realized that by 'soccer', the elites trying to force us to become more 'global' in our sports, weren't talking about that game where the hot chicks wail on each other. No, that's 'foxy boxing'. Soccer is that game where they run up and down the field. Occasionally, the ball goes in the net. Oh, that soccer.
If Major League Soccer was a stock, I'd buy now. For the next year or two we'll be hearing a lot about how America has 'evolved' and that this new soccer phenom 'is a sign that the Bush go-it-alone' era is finally over. Then, with nary a headline from the media, MLS will go bankrupt. About this time next year, I'd be selling short.
I'm sure that it will be explained the same way the Pele bust was: we just weren't ready for soccer. Just another way for the cosmopolitan elite to remind flyover country of their utter disdain for us.
Most Americans find soccer as exciting as baseball. But baseball is our sport. So we're willing to pretend to like it. America's favorite boring sport is a patriotic duty. But the only thing Americans love more than hating Europeans is hating their boring sports.
The upside? L.A. hotels should look forward to an increase in business. The number of paparazzi looking to get a candid upskirt of Mrs. David Bekham, Victoria "Posh Spice" (are they still together?), must be in the thousands by now. And the chance that Bekham will have an affair with Brittney Spears or Paris Hilton is near certainty. I mean, what young celeb hasn't doinked at least one of them? But after a few weeks I'm sure our domestic paparazzi will come to dominate the Bekham sighting shots.
So, welcome to America David Bekham. Enjoy your short-lived fame. But I'd cash that Galaxy check as soon as possible. And make sure they send you a roundtrip ticket.
UPDATE: Let me also add the reason why soccer can never, and I mean never, be a commercial success in the U.S. Commercials. Unlike our other boring sport, baseball, soccer has no time-outs. No in-between times like in football. Just two halves. No room for commercials. And let's face it, the real money--the kind that will cover Bekham's $180 million salary, has to come from TV. No commercials, no big TV contracts.
There is at least one difference. Beckham is only 31 and still a decent player. Pele was about 83 and played in a wheelchair when he came to the NASL.
Posted by: slug at January 11, 2007 12:34 PM (T5Beb)
<i>"That's where I want to make a difference with the kids."</i>
Why would his presence make a difference with people who'd never heard of him and don't care about him. At least people had actually heard of Pele, not that it made any difference.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 11, 2007 01:06 PM (8e/V4)
Its official, America is to soccer what Japan is to baseball. Its where the declining greats go for a second career.
Posted by: Cruiser at January 11, 2007 01:25 PM (Pl6jA)
Soccer...isn't that a girlie sport? You know, with Mia Hamm and all?
Posted by: NorthernCross at January 11, 2007 01:31 PM (YAUPn)
Soccer is very popular here (so the "Pele" thing did work somewhat) but its just that nobody can bear watching it other than the parent of the kids playing it, which means it makes no money. As a parent of three kids who play, it has been interesting to watch all of the talented kids get siphoned-off year after year to play other sports, like football. It tells you that though a lot of kids play it - it is not where our heart is.
Posted by: Cruiser at January 11, 2007 01:35 PM (Pl6jA)
Each individual American can only handle one global-elitist sport and there are just so many to choose from that none of them will ever succeed here. I picked cycling long ago - Futbol doesn't have a chance.
Posted by: Editor at January 11, 2007 01:48 PM (adpJH)
Funny enough, I had a conversation with a bus driver in London last summer. When I told him baseball is similar to 'rounders', he said. "That's a girl's sport!"
Posted by: Rusty at January 11, 2007 02:31 PM (JQjhA)
Not all soccer fans are cosmo elitist. I'm a soccer fan... I went to the world cup to cheer for the USA out of spite. The best cheer... AMERICA! (yelled by one person and followed by the rest with) FUCK YEAH! Most the fans were just sports fans. There were some yuppies who cringed but I just spilt my beer on them. Soccer is a kick ass sport that America can make better. Add commercials, kick people out for diving, allow more contact. Fuck FIFA and their bullshit we can do what we want with our league. Football is still the best sport hands down. Baseball can lick my balls.
Posted by: Dustin at January 11, 2007 02:51 PM (d+fHI)
<blockquote>Soccer is a kick ass sport that America can make better. Add commercials, kick people out for diving, allow more contact.</blockquote>
They've already made that sport - it's called Aussie Rules.
Posted by: Editor at January 11, 2007 04:00 PM (adpJH)
I used to play some soccer in grade school, and Posh is my favorite 'Spice'
so I hope they do well, and set no bad examples.
Who is YOUR favorite 'Spice"?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 12, 2007 05:50 AM (2OHpj)
I don't watch baseball, but anybody who hates it does so because they were never good enough to play it. Playing any position in baseball requires talent and strength. Even catcher. The only position in football that requires talent is the quarterback. The other positions can be filled by any warm body that's fast enough or strong enough, although I do like football.
Soccer is for little girls, and effeminate foreigners who cant handle rugby. Hopscotch is more rugged.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 12, 2007 03:08 PM (abVz3)
This year was not so good, but no matter, because the Longhorns are the many times and future champs.
Posted by: Darth Vag at December 02, 2006 09:18 PM (HSkSw)
Can you say, "Florida Gators?" There, I knew you could!
- Fred Rodgers on the BCS
Posted by: MCPO Airdale at December 02, 2006 09:30 PM (3nKvy)
I'd say something about USC having the most national championships (actually, tied with Notre Dame) but then you'd just throw something in my face about last year's game.
Posted by: Rusty at December 02, 2006 09:52 PM (JQjhA)
Well, I'm still miffed that Notre Dame lost to USC, but I can take great consolation and pride that NAVY beat Army today... And convincingly, I might add...
The BCS might be all FUBAR, but with Navy victorious, all's right with the world... for tonight, anyway
Posted by: Gwedd at December 02, 2006 11:39 PM (mQRXs)
Posted by: Rod Stanton at December 03, 2006 10:26 AM (bbEcT)
So sorry Texas and Nebraska, but the Big 12 championship belongs to the SOONERS!!! Nebraska just couldn't hold onto the ball last night! And OU's 99 yard march to the endzone was fabulous!
Had the refs not cheated OU out of a victory in the Oregon game, they might be playing for the National Championship.
Posted by: Aerianna at December 03, 2006 01:30 PM (5S2An)
USC Beats Notre Dame 35 - 21, BCS Tickets NeededThat's right. You heard it hear first. Trojans beat the Irish. Give or take 3 points.
This time we'll win without Reggie Bush's nudge.
And, as long as we're making predictions, I'm thinking I might get myself an early Christmas present. Better yet, maybe a once overzealous and now soon to be depressed Michigan fan has a ticket that he will no longer be needing?
But if I'm going to go to the game, I'm going to need some cash. Mostly for the brauts. I can eat a lot of brauts. Two words: Tip. Jar.
Oh, and what was all that 'hook 'em horns' stuff in the last set of comments about college football? Bwahahaha!
A big shout out is also necessary to the LSU Tigers. Yeah, I know the LSU victory over Arkansas doesn't help Southern Cal in the strength of schedule area.....but it feels so nice!
But I will be crossing my fingers for the Razorbacks come the SEC championship game. Just to shut all the SEC fans up. Shut up already!
I have nothing to say about that one game. You. Won't. Get. The. Satisfaction.
In that silly wet t-shirt contest, USC proved it had the bigger boobies compared to Our Lady.
Posted by: Darth Vag at November 25, 2006 06:14 PM (HSkSw)
Good luck. USC has been squeaking by against lesser opponents, while an overrated Notre Dame has started slow, but come on strong. I predict a game of big plays, and it will come down to USC's Defense to win the plus/minus battle for the Trojans to win.
Posted by: sockpuppet in training at November 25, 2006 06:24 PM (JQFcC)
The shemales at USC are kind of like Democrats... everyone gets lucky and wins one once in a while.
Posted by: Darth Vag at November 25, 2006 06:34 PM (HSkSw)
At least I have the satisfaction of knowing you can't spell "satisfaction."
And here I was all set to root for the Condoms. Guess I'll go with the Drunken Potato Farmers instead. I am Catholic, after all.
Tough luck, Vag, Okie State didn't pull it off, I had my heart set on a rematch.
Posted by: Vinnie at November 25, 2006 06:52 PM (/qy9A)
BTW, this might be the one time all year that notre dame loses a popularity contest as far as the book is concerned. The Irish are getting 8 points. Not that i suggest betting or anything, that would be unislamic.
Posted by: sockpuppet in training at November 25, 2006 07:01 PM (JQFcC)
Um, Isn't it Brats? Not Brauts? (Maybe it's Braats.)
Posted by: Wearyman at November 25, 2006 07:04 PM (4tfP8)
It's Brats, but what do you expect from a sissified California boy?
Posted by: Vinnie at November 25, 2006 07:15 PM (/qy9A)
Posted by: Rusty at November 26, 2006 06:26 PM (JQjhA)
The terrorists would have won only if USC had lost to Notre Dame. The terrorists will not win if USC loses to Ohio State in the title game. Now this Ohio State grad and marching band alum won't go so far as to say that the the terrorists will win if Ohio State loses to USC, though the terrorists would have won if Ohio State had lost to Miami back after the 2002 season.
I will be quite happy to see my two favorite college football teams and marching bands in the title game. So Fight On, USC and take care of business at UCLA so we can duke it out in Glendale. I want my Buckeyes to win, but if we have a chance at losing -- and we do -- I'd rather lose to USC than Michigan or Notre Dame. Losing to them would truly mean the terrorists have won.
Posted by: Pro Cynic at November 27, 2006 01:09 PM (bfkgE)
Posted by: Dill Doe at October 28, 2006 08:01 PM (HSkSw)
Fun Game. USC played with fire one too many times and got burned. The freshman QB, (Booty [sp?]) showed a ton of poise to get the Trojans back into it, but came up one pass short. After all those completions to get them back in it, I thought a delay/draw would of been the best call for a 2pt conversion.
Posted by: sockpuppet in training at October 28, 2006 10:10 PM (JQFcC)
Look for a weak Oklahama to put up a marginal fight against a Texas team that shouldn't be ranked in the top 10. The real interesting game will be Michigan vs. Michigan State.
Because the Michigan State-Notre Dame game was awesome. I expect something of a replay.
Posted by: Rusty at October 06, 2006 02:59 PM (JQjhA)
That's okay - we've got Rusty's gay nephew, Sonny Shackleford, playing receiver, so he'll be putting the moves on the Trojan defensive backs, if you know what i mean.
Posted by: Editor at October 06, 2006 03:03 PM (adpJH)
It is easy to win when the team you play is just rebounding from a crippling sanction from the NCAA. But USC doesn't have to worry about that because rules don't apply to L.A.'s pro football team. The double standard is sickening. Oh yeah, don't talk shit about the Huskies.
Posted by: Dustin at October 06, 2006 03:16 PM (d+fHI)
OT: I got this Foley thing figured out: It is OK to be a homosexual in government if you are a democrat; but not if you are a republican. There, back to work now.
Posted by: n.a. palm at October 06, 2006 03:40 PM (ITYPH)
Posted by: Greg at October 06, 2006 08:45 PM (PnoGS)
And I can tell you're no Horns fan. You're most likely a stupid Aggie.
Posted by: Greg at October 06, 2006 08:53 PM (PnoGS)
USC is $h1t. Go Blue! Really, Michigan should be #2. They easily put down Notre Dame and had comfortable wins against Wisconsin and Minnesota.My Grandpa went there and a few people I know are going there now.
Posted by: Some Dude at October 06, 2006 09:28 PM (/ftnZ)
Greg, you queer, get out of Texas. We don't want your kind here. You're no Texan, and quit trying to claim you are one, you little shit.
Posted by: jesusland joe at October 06, 2006 11:42 PM (rUyw4)
Is this the same Greg as the paranoid World Trade Center conspiracist who trolls here?...
Nebraska did what I asked. They kept it a game for most of the game. 18 points really isn't bad against the greatest program this decade. We're really weak on the corners, but we're getting better, and like you said, they're in our house next year.
The Popinjay
Posted by: Jim Rose at September 16, 2006 11:15 PM (4ipV1)
It's ok Vinnie, us USC fans are let down too. Winning by 18 is almost like losing to us.
Posted by: Professor Chaos at September 17, 2006 12:25 AM (bMTzS)
Huskers Surprise
According to the latest line from the handicappers in Las Vegas, USC is laying 17 points to Nebraska. The over/under is 56. Take the points with Nebraska for a sure win. Game time is 8 pm EDT.
However, USC is sorely distracted by the Reggie Bush allegations so the door is open for a Husker surprise. Final score: Nebraska 28, USC 27.
For the sake of full disclosure, I'm originally from Nebraska. A bias is conceivable. Go Big Red!
Looks like Mubarak isn't the only President of De-nial
Posted by: Catholicgauze at September 15, 2006 06:43 PM (tBm4s)
It would have really meant something had the cornholers actually found something out. Even more so if they had uncovered it while Reggie bush was actually there. As for who is a better football team? Nebraska doesn't stand a chance. Sorry Vinnie but USC would own your team this year.
Posted by: SeeMonk at September 15, 2006 06:43 PM (n4VvM)
Posted by: QC at September 15, 2006 06:55 PM (ebe/J)
The difference between a clean USC running back and a corrupt one is simply getting caught. Who would attend a school like USC if they weren't getting paid?
Posted by: greyrooster at September 15, 2006 07:24 PM (eqojH)
Posted by: greyrooster at September 15, 2006 09:15 PM (eqojH)
Gayrooster knows where to put trojans and Laethercracker gets to play runningback
Posted by: Tyrone Washington at September 15, 2006 09:46 PM (DnP0U)
What it is Tyrone. Jesse Jackson he say de same thing. Jus ax em.
Posted by: greyrooster at September 15, 2006 10:13 PM (eqojH)
Damn Tyrone. It's 10:00 PM. Shouldn't you ghetto rats be out looking for old ladies to mug. That crack be expensive.
Posted by: greyrooster at September 15, 2006 10:16 PM (eqojH)
Tyrone is the first black troll I am aware of. He be trippin'!
Posted by: jesusland joe at September 15, 2006 10:42 PM (rUyw4)
Go to Hell Looser Dog Bush!(Reggie).
Damn, that feels good,now I know what it feels like to be an Islamic nut or left wing wack job. Just rolls off the tounge.
First OJ gets off beheading his wife, then the Looser Dog Bush takes 100k and plays college football.
Hey SC, those stiff Pac Ten sanctions you voted for in 1991 aganst the UW for that stoner Hobert geting a shotgun from a booster will come back to roost.
Posted by: Brad at September 16, 2006 12:03 AM (Ignlt)
Trojans Beat Cornhuskers 27 - 14
Tomorrow's headlines today. Only at The Jawa Report.
Reader poll: How bad will USC beat Nebraska tomorrow? Leave your answer in the 'new comment thingy' below. Unless you're Vinnie. In which case you better stop wasting time commenting and begin drinking immediately. It's gonna take more than a little buzz to get through tomorrow's ass pounding.
Posted by: QC at September 15, 2006 06:45 PM (ebe/J)
No Husker bashing, good Doctor! You don't know what you're dealing with. ;-)
Posted by: Jim Rose at September 15, 2006 09:01 PM (IFD0C)
I believe Rusty's score is far closer to what the real one will be than Vinnie's. I'm taken aback by the apparent fact that Vinnie will be the victim of an "ass pounding". Does Vinnie blog from prison? Is Rusty some kind of twisted De Sade boss?
Neither team could beat Ohio State.
Posted by: Joab at September 16, 2006 03:38 AM (8Mue9)
Hopefully SC won't get put on probation for Reggie's antics. Hate to see SC stuck playing another probation bowl like the one against UCLA in 1980 instead of for the National Championship.
Posted by: Stan the Infidel in Indonesia at September 16, 2006 04:04 AM (P6wSt)
Damn Rusty, that biy's leg was shaped in a way I don't think it was meant to be shaped. I don't think he will be back tonight.
Posted by: SeeMonk at September 16, 2006 07:29 PM (n4VvM)
Why even bother watching the game? Unless your an Arkansas massochist or an Southern Cal sadist. So, color me a sadist!
I mean, can I get even one person to bet on Arkansas? And I mean a straight up bet, not a cover-the-spread bet? Didn't think so.
If I'm not back til Monday it's because I'm already celebrating tomorrow's inevetable victory.
September 16th's Headline, today: Nebraska cornholed at Colliseum: Quarterback PWND, in traction. Coach fired after feminists complain about comments that he 'enjoyed the collective and figurative gang rape'.
Posted by: caltechgirl at September 01, 2006 01:09 PM (/vgMZ)
Good to see more SC fans out here in the blogosphere. I live in the NW and proudly fly my Sc flag in my neighborhood to the chagrin of the Lame Duck and Meager Beaver fans.
Posted by: kaos at September 01, 2006 01:37 PM (fwmWr)
It is bad taste to not share on friday whatever you are smoking pal. 105 to 3? Only in your dreams.
Your team may win, but not by that much. Also, they don't even have a cool yell like Arkansas.
SOOOOOOeeeeePiiiiigggggs! GO HOGS!
Posted by: Leatherneck at September 01, 2006 02:37 PM (D2g/j)
Yeah, all the mediocre teams try to compensate with yells like that ;-)
Posted by: QC at September 01, 2006 04:44 PM (PX+vn)
My hat is off to the Razor Pigs. Ay least they have the cajones to schedule a game with USC. Georgia is the twinkie team master, and a source of shame with me. They recently broke the mold bt scheduling a game against that Pac 10 powerhouse Arizona state. That is why UGA will never be a NCAA champ again. Hell Ga Tech plays ND tomorrow. I won't mention who UGA plays. It's too embarrassing. Being Catholic, I am conflicted.
Posted by: SeeMonk at September 01, 2006 05:03 PM (n4VvM)
Posted by: Razorgasm at September 01, 2006 11:53 PM (a+bZ1)
"September 16th's Headline, today: Nebraska cornholed at Colliseum"
Well, the guys at USC practice their cornholing in West Hollywood. All that practice did not help when it came time to get beaten by Texas.
Go Longhorns!
Posted by: Darth Vag at September 02, 2006 07:45 AM (HSkSw)
This isn't last year Rusty; neither team is the same. USC is going into hostile territory minus its three super stars. Their offense is being lead by a quarterback that hasn't played any meaningful game time. Arkansas returns almost their entire team and a new offensive coordinator. USC will win, but this does not have blowout written all over it like it did last year.
That being said, GO BUCKEYES!!!
Posted by: thelinyguy at September 02, 2006 07:49 AM (7xc/4)
Wooooooooooo Pig, Sooie. Razorbacks! Get 'em Hoggies.
(Surely it won't be 70-17 again. )
Posted by: bubbe at September 02, 2006 07:15 PM (vZBQO)
It must really suck to live in the 'saw and have a 50-14 rout seem like a victory because your team could stand up to USC's second string.
Posted by: Leopold Stotch at September 03, 2006 12:59 AM (n/438)
Time for the trojans to enjoy a pork BBQ and lots to go around for everyone
Posted by: sandpiper at September 03, 2006 07:48 PM (YIXxO)
It sure looks cool.. but.. I dont live in LA, Chicago or NY.. I wonder what availablity and servicing options will be like for people out in the "boonies".
Oh ya.. I didnt see anything about price on that site, either.
Posted by: JeepThang at July 21, 2006 09:50 AM (0411H)
If you have to ask. don't. NPR says they are workign on a fmily car version if this one goes well for 40K so higher.
Posted by: Howiie at July 21, 2006 09:53 AM (D3+20)
Posted by: Cmunk at July 21, 2006 10:02 AM (7teJ9)
Ok.. Saw a comment in the blog section of the site.. $80k-120k was mentioned. Ya.. I think I'll stick with my Jeep.
Posted by: JeepThang at July 21, 2006 10:11 AM (0411H)
Hmm...I guess I will have to stick to the wife's Nissan Maxima when I feel the need for speed. My GMC Sierra Z-71 drinks the gas, so it's slow go on it. The Tesla sounds interesting, hope my Lexus owning next-door neighbor gets one, and then maybe I can see what one looks like up close.
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 21, 2006 10:27 AM (rUyw4)
It looks interesting, but for me a big part of driving is listening to the engine. I don't expect a low hum or whine to be very satisfying.
Posted by: Graeme at July 21, 2006 10:47 AM (zGqff)
Well, I have to say, it's about time. If a couple of high school dropouts from Philly can build a soybean powered sports car that does 0-60 in four seconds and gets 50 mpg in under a year using only spare parts-- a feat that the Big 3 said was impossible-- I can only imagine the type of cars a company like Tesla will be producing in five or ten years.
Reading through the website raises a really interesting question: Why can't we buy plug-in hybrids?
Posted by: LCB at July 21, 2006 10:57 AM (Dbx+d)
I'll say it up front: I really hate it when other people tell stories starting with "I used to know an engineer who worked for GM on a secret project. . . ."
So anyways, I used to know an engineer who worked for GM on a secret project. He was a research & development guy assigned to work on electric car research. In the course of investigating the performance potential of electric cars in the early 1990s, they built an electric car that could outrun the Corvette 0-60. Obviously, it never made it to market. Not sure why.
Posted by: All-Seeing Eye at July 21, 2006 11:26 AM (c/4ax)
Kind of surprise nobody in this hub of fascism has taken the time to point out....
This is a Lefty Car: Born in California, designed by and paid for by mostly Lefties (Guys from Google, etc, etc) Main designer is a big Lefty: all enviromentalists.
I have to say, I am disappointed at you wingnuts.
Posted by: mighty7 at July 22, 2006 12:29 AM (qc/Hi)
"I value my rigid, preconceived stereotypes. Among these are the prejudices that the people having political opinions different from my own are all evil fascists, thinking exactly the same and getting all of their daily marching orders from the mighty Bu$hitlerburton propaganda machine which holds this nation in its hyponotizing gaze.
It is obvious from looking at this site that it is pro-fascism. I'm not quite sure what 'fascism' is, since I was asleep that day in Poli-sci 101, but I like to type 'fascist' because it feels good rolling off my skinny hippie fingers. Anyways, you Jawa people are fascists exactly the same as the German National Socialists in the 1930s--just maybe without the 'German' part, the 'iron-fisted government control of everything' part and the 'kill the Jews' part. But other than that, you're all just a whole bunch of freedom-obsessed, Jew-loving, pro-America types. You probably like guns and beer, too--just like the Nazis did.
But I digress. You, evil fascist Bu$hitlerburton automaton, have published information presenting an environmentally-friendly product in a positive light, thereby acting in a way which might possibly contradict the valued preconceived stereotypes which bring me great solace and comfort. I'm not sure what all this means, but I'm certain it's an evil Rove trick somehow.
It occurs to me that you may even be trying to shamelessly STEAL our good idea and take credit for thinking it's good too. You fascists always do this, and it's not FAIR! It's OUR idea! You can't support it! Shame on you for even trying.
I find myself very uncomfortable and confused right now.
Please allow me some peace while I meditate to the Grateful Dead and crunch on some granola in my Birkenstocks and tie-dyed Che shirt while hoping that the terrorists finally succeed in destroying America before you fascists succeed in shamelessly stealing all our good lefty ideas and enacting them into law.
Free Tookie.
- mighty7"
Posted by: All-Seeing Eye at July 22, 2006 03:02 AM (2rYHy)
Flandis the Magnificent!
Well, after Ullrich and Basso were ousted from the Tour de France for doping I figured it wouldn't be very interesting this year. So I haven't been paying attention... until Tuesday. Suddenly Floyd Landis took the lead from Oscar Pereiro by 10 seconds on the climb up L'Alp d'Huez, and I figured: "Can it be that we've got another US cycling champion on the order of Lemond and Armstrong?" Then Flandis had the dreaded "bad day", and on one stage dropped over eight minutes behind the lead, to 11th place. The other American, Leipheiemer, was ahead of him in 9th, but still over 7 minutes behind. No one has ever come back from that kind of deficit this far into the race, to win the GC (General Classification). (Strictly speaking it has happened, but not for a very long time.) Failure, quagmire, time to pull out and "acknowledge reality". But Flandis was, curiously, still smiling...
Who will be the first yahoo here to point out that this is in FRANCE, it's not football, baseball, or basketball, and is thus, inherently, worthless?
Posted by: Darth Vag at July 20, 2006 12:30 PM (mE1tx)
Tour de France kicks ass, climbing hills as high as the Everest 300 to 400 km a day week in week out. Going down hill 60-80 miles an hour on tires hardly an inch in width. This is a deadly sport and many have found that destination. This is a sport for guys with ball(s). …..Football, baseball, or basketball, what’s that! Too girly!
Posted by: Dan at July 20, 2006 12:46 PM (Z2OsI)
I've got a bit foam finger with "jd is a Turkish bottom" printed on it and I’m waving it around.
Posted by: Darth Vag at July 20, 2006 12:58 PM (mE1tx)
This was the kick-f#ckin'-assest Tour stage EVER! I was sitting here watching the Velonews updates in utter disbelief, feeling like a maroon for how I was absolutely convinced he was out of it after yesterday.
Bring on Saturday!!!!!
Posted by: Editor at July 20, 2006 01:19 PM (adpJH)
Floyd is back in the pink. I'm hoisting a mug to him as soon as the canarble wagon rolls, about 4:20 today.
How long, though, before le jealous francois considers that Floyd was 10:00 behind one day, 5:00 ahead the next, both hard mountain stages, and wonder if he had something extra in les botes?
here's where to check out the tour:
Posted by: haywood jablowmi at July 20, 2006 02:02 PM (VUmVc)
Ultimate Fighting?
I haven't been back to USA in years. I've been watching UFC reruns for the last year, starting with UFC 15 or so and up to UFC 45. I gotta ask: is this white trash viewing? What do Americans think of UFC?
I don't think it's white trash, I know when I watch I think to myself that this kind of fighting and strength are the reasons Americans will always prevail in any war. At this point in my life just about everything I read and watch is with politics in mind. Great stuff UFC 3x better than WWE, however my 20 year old son would disagree. Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday to America.
Posted by: Erin at July 04, 2006 10:49 AM (se7D3)
It's on the Spike channel so it's really directed at men - not white trash. With a combination of fighting and reality tv, what could be better?
it isn't white trash viewing... the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu guy is the skinny smiling guy at the club surrounded by hot girls, whereas the white trash dude is the one surrounded by guys listening to him tell them all how tough he is.
When white trash guys take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu one of two things happens:
1. they take one or two classes, tops, and never come back because they can't stand having their ass kicked repeatedly, endlessly, by someone who is half their weight, or:
2. they turn into humble non-white-trash people.
I've seen those two things happen many, many times. You can't really be an mma fighter with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, if only enough to defend against it, so there will always be a strong technical aspect to mma.
Posted by: Harkonnendog at July 04, 2006 03:02 PM (+6yBp)
Not to go against the flow, but yes, it IS "white trash" viewing.
Posted by: G'Knark at July 04, 2006 05:31 PM (/UAJE)
Yes, absolutely white trash: Dumb and violent, just like the USA likes it.
Posted by: Mighty7 at July 04, 2006 06:33 PM (jZ6cC)
Oh please.
You protest too much.
We know you aren't watching Jerry Springer, UFC or any other trailer trash TV show.
You're probably beating off to Asian Invasion porn videos. More likely though, given your taste in Pinoy "women", you probably prefer Asian tranny videos.
Posted by: Darth Vag at July 04, 2006 10:55 PM (+nlyI)
Posted by: Darth Vag at July 04, 2006 10:57 PM (+nlyI)
It is not "white trash". Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is along the lines of boxing, only better. You need more skills, and 90% of the time the competitors are respectful and gracious in a win or loss. To me, there is no greater single person sport. There is also Pride fighting out of Japan. They have good fighters as well. The rest of the world can watch a "thrilling" 1-0 soccer match. We here in the USA (and Japan) will watch MMA and of course REAL football: The Oakland Raiders
Raider Nation
Posted by: RaiderJoe at July 05, 2006 12:08 PM (PaGEE)
It is not "white trash". Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is along the lines of boxing, only better. You need more skills, and 90% of the time the competitors are respectful and gracious in a win or loss. To me, there is no greater single person sport. There is also Pride fighting out of Japan. They have good fighters as well. The rest of the world can watch a "thrilling" 1-0 soccer match. We here in the USA (and Japan) will watch MMA and of course REAL football: The Oakland Raiders
Raider Nation
Posted by: RaiderJoe at July 05, 2006 12:09 PM (PaGEE)
It is not "white trash". Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is along the lines of boxing, only better. You need more skills, and 90% of the time the competitors are respectful and gracious in a win or loss. To me, there is no greater single person sport. There is also Pride fighting out of Japan. They have good fighters as well. The rest of the world can watch a "thrilling" 1-0 soccer match. We here in the USA (and Japan) will watch MMA and of course REAL football: The Oakland Raiders
Raider Nation
Posted by: RaiderJoe at July 05, 2006 12:12 PM (PaGEE)
It is not "white trash". Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is along the lines of boxing, only better. You need more skills, and 90% of the time the competitors are respectful and gracious in a win or loss. To me, there is no greater single person sport. There is also Pride fighting out of Japan. They have good fighters as well. The rest of the world can watch a "thrilling" 1-0 soccer match. We here in the USA (and Japan) will watch MMA and of course REAL football: The Oakland Raiders
Raider Nation
Posted by: RaiderJoe at July 05, 2006 12:36 PM (PaGEE)
Sorry about the multiple posts. site wasn't updating.
Posted by: RaiderJoe at July 05, 2006 12:42 PM (PaGEE)
WWE is white trash, UFC and Boxing have the same type of audience which is more mixed middle class and upperclass (when it comes to big matches). You see celebs at some of them.Though boxing is all about skills to make it to the top, UFC is just people sitting on top of each other for 10min at a time..I remember thinking I would be seeing some bruce lee type shit, but was let down when I just saw guys throwing wild punches and tackling each other. Wish they would make it so the guys can only be pinned on the ground for so long then the ref can break it up.
Posted by: mike at July 05, 2006 01:16 PM (MNHbV)
Also is there steroid testing in UFC? From what I remember there isn't..
Posted by: mike at July 05, 2006 01:19 PM (MNHbV)
Are you kidding? UFC rules. More honest than boxing. Nothing more boring than a heavy weight boxing match. In particular with the horrible judging of late. Boxing idiots like Don King rule boxing.
If you've priced UFC or Pride Fighting tickets lately you'll see that white trash couldn't afford it.
Boxing now contains Black Trash. Fights and assaults at every major contest. And it's always blacks doing the attacking on others. It's not even safe to go to boxing match and cheer for a white fighter. Savage blacks will attack you, your family, even elderly people. Four of the SO-CALLED heavy weight belts are held by white fighters and the blacks racists are behaving in their normal manner. Screw boxing. Let the animals start trouble at a UFC match and see what happens to them.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 05, 2006 02:13 PM (kGyhw)
Oh Ya. All the UFC champions are white. Why? Because you have to think.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 05, 2006 02:15 PM (kGyhw)
Um, are any of you training as fighters, or have you ever competed in mixed martial arts? Im a professional (an engineer), and I train to fight. Some of the guys are really good, and very technical, some of them are just experienced brawlers. It depends on your perspective. Try going to a local gym and go for an hour on the mats with some jiu jitsu guy or a kick boxer, and you'll begin to understand how difficult and thought provoking fighting can be. Then you will start to understand why people watch these sorts of things.
Posted by: theleftsock at July 09, 2006 09:43 PM (F2TQZ)
Fuck these guys if they dont get it after watching a few fights, they never will. Let them consider it "white trash" TV, those with an open mind can see the sportsmanship.
Posted by: kicka youass at July 10, 2006 04:37 PM (KSRLq)
Why I Hate Soccer
England's best striker, Wayne Rooney, was just given a red card and kicked out of the game for a small push against Portuguese player Christian Renaldo. Not a punch, not a kick, not even a shove, just a push.
That has probably sunk England's chances of being one of the last 4 teams in the tournament. If they do make it to the next round, Rooney will be suspended automatically for that game, as well.
Portugal is one of those teams that spends most of its time laying on the ground, writing in feigned agony after the slightest touch. And Christian Renaldo is one of the worst.
Liveblogging here, for anyone who is interested.
Rooney was red carded for stomping on the portuguese defender's groin.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at July 01, 2006 12:28 PM (8e/V4)
Yeah, the ol' groin stomp will get you thrown out every time. Twenty year olds don't always think before they act. I would have given him the red too for what I saw.
Apparently the high point is getting to hug your buddy . . . either vertically . . or . . . horizontally . .
Posted by: large at July 01, 2006 12:55 PM (fEUSs)
Soccer is bbbooorriinngg and when they tried to start a big time soccer league in this country it failed
Posted by: sandpiper at July 01, 2006 01:59 PM (ba9dN)
They need to be more like hockey in the playoffs and just play (sudden death, next goal wins) until someone scores and settle it that way. A shootout (penalty shots whatever they want to call it) after the overtime is such an arbitrary way to settle the game, kinda like flipping a coin or rolling a dice. Not a very sportsmanly way to play if you ask me...
Posted by: CanForce 101 at July 01, 2006 05:58 PM (BRXB/)
Soccer is okay to get little girls into exercise, but other than that, well, it just sucks.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 01, 2006 07:06 PM (v3I+x)
World Cup soccer rocks.
England has a second tier squad.
They aren't in the same league as Germany, Italy or France.
Bye, bye Portugal.
Posted by: Greg at July 01, 2006 08:39 PM (q5wwn)
I wouldn't count Portugal out. At this level in the sport any given team can win on any given day.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at July 01, 2006 08:50 PM (8e/V4)
My son is playing all-stars right now. A couple of kids were hit by pitches today. My son hit two kids while pitching; one of ours was hit hard right in the helmet.
To their credit, all three kids got up and played macho and jogged to first. None required a stretcher or faked injury.
As a sports fan, I kind of get into the World Cup as one of those special events like the Olympics. Having watched the games, it is fun, but they do have a flopping problem.
Seems like the South American's especially Argentina are the worst at taking a dive.
The world can say what they want about baseball, but no 10-year-old kid I saw on the baseball field today would want his friends to see him cry and whine like the soccer players that I see in the World Cup.
Is the word Pussy too strong?
Posted by: Brad at July 01, 2006 10:15 PM (utJ4A)
The host nation wins the cup half the time.
Italy could provide an upset.
They have scored against every opponent with out allowing an earned goal.
(Big) If that statistic were to hold, they would win.
Posted by: Greg at July 01, 2006 10:16 PM (q5wwn)
"England's best striker, Wayne Rooney, was just given a red card and kicked out of the game for a small push against Portuguese player Christian Renaldo. Not a punch, not a kick, not even a shove, just a push."
I don't know that Rooney is England's "best" striker. I'd still say Michael Owen is. Although obviously Owen is out due to injury. Well, unless you meant Rooney is the best they have available.
And Rooney was not red-carded for a "small push"! He was red-carded for stepping on another player's groin while down.
But yeah, I agree, Rooney is a hot-head. I was rooting for England to go all the way, and I'm definitely an England fan, but I have to say Rooney definitely deserved the red-card if it was intentional (which it looked like to me it was).
Not that it matters anyway now that England is out.
Oh, well.
And I totally agree with you about everything you said about Cristiano Ronaldo. The guy dives so much he should seriously consider joining the Portugese swim team or something. He whines like a little girl, too, when things don't go his way. Drama queen. Maybe he should move to Hollywood.
I'll have to root for France to win it now because I think that'd be cool if Zizou finished his career on such a high note.
Posted by: CalBear at July 02, 2006 12:37 AM (IyBdY)
I didn't see a groin stomp. They showed the reply 5 or 6 times and the commentators said he should have gotten a yellow for holding the 2 Portugal players away from the ball, but they thought the red was for the push.
"An initial stamp and a slight push on Ronaldo added up to a dismissal by Argentinian referee Mr Elizondo."
You guys must have different video and commentary than I did.
Posted by: Chris at July 02, 2006 01:17 AM (5ve1C)
Posted by: greyrooster at July 02, 2006 09:04 AM (N2Rg1)
England deserved to lose. The only time they've ever won the cup was when they were the host nation (1960 ?)
Half their players are black and are subject to racist attacks by the boorish English fans.
They are the only fans to start a riot in Germany.
They whistled (booed) the entire time Portugal had the ball and during the Portuguese penalty kicks.
Rooney is a thug like the fans.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Posted by: Greg at July 02, 2006 09:41 AM (q5wwn)
As for the pussy factor, dives do detract from the game and should draw a card.
But the real pussy factor involves the penalty kick shootout.
I'm glad Portugal beast England, but that's not soccer. It's a different game. If the rest of the games go to PKs, Portugal would win. Their goal keeper is amazing.
After the extra 30 minutes, if still tied they should go into an indefinite sudden death overtime. As they become exhausted, someone will eventually score. This is needed to preserve the sanctity of the game.
Posted by: Greg at July 02, 2006 09:58 AM (q5wwn)
Greg, I think the dives do hurt the game. Another thing is the stalling that goes on. When Argentina was up on Germany, it seemed like obvious stalling was taking place. Their goalkeeper was rolling around for 5 minutes; other players were taking dives then rolling around to take time off the clock. It all stopped when the Germans tied it up. I know about stoppage time but it does not make up for all the time lost in the game.
They need to stop the clock when someone appears to be seriously injured. To make flopping around a faking injury an accepted strategy in the game is pretty lame. I guess that’s just a casual American’s take on it.
I have really enjoyed the games, especially the 45 minutes or so I can sit back and see sports with no commercials. I’ll watch the final 3 games Germany/ Italy looks like the real final.
Posted by: Brad at July 02, 2006 10:25 AM (utJ4A)
Soccer sucks!! Almost as boring as golf. The offides rule is ridiculous. Instead of being associated with the position of the players, it should be a stationary line like in ice hockey.
Posted by: docdave at July 02, 2006 10:44 AM (4Qaw8)
The offsides rule is absolutely necessary, otherwise there is nothing to protect a striker from camping out with the goal keeper. Basically, to earn a goal, you have to beat the goal keeper plus one other defender. The choreography and artistry that results is a pleasure to watch for soccer enthusiasts. In the World Cup, nothing less than national pride is at stake.
Posted by: Greg at July 02, 2006 11:17 AM (q5wwn)
23In the World Cup, nothing less than national pride is at stake.
Methinks national pride would be better served if these idiotic socialist layabouts rescued their respective societies from decline and oblivion rather than obsessing over a game best suited for little girls.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 02, 2006 05:55 PM (v3I+x)
That’s woman talk, you over compensating, effeminate, panty sniffin’, anal implosive, ass swishin', limp-wristed faggot.
Posted by: Greg at July 02, 2006 08:29 PM (q5wwn)
Greg calling someone else a effeminate faggot. An example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Just because his live in boy friend is a black muslim he thinks he can call others faggots.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 02, 2006 09:31 PM (ofp0L)
The world cup soccer brings nations together to to enjoy the game of soccer and forget about political issues for a while !
I'm not sure why soccer is associated soccer with "little girls" often in the US all the time. It is a sport played all over the world by mostly males. Also it is a very physical game where you do not get to wear lots of body armor. I would say basketball was considered more a girls game with any contact resulting a foul and all you get to do is throw a ball around. In other countries it is called netball and played by girls because its not physical.
Soccer in its current form will not take off big time in the US because there its enough air time for TV commercial breaks.
Ronney and other england players are over rated, over paid and don't have what it takes as a team to win the world cup. Rooney is a very young (20) inexperienced international player who robbed england of the change to at least one more game.
Posted by: rob at July 03, 2006 11:27 AM (QpkBe)
In case you want to see a clip of the Rooney stomping on groin red card here it is (about 40 secs. in):
Posted by: none at July 03, 2006 02:11 PM (+F8RJ)
Well, I guess England's gotta expect something like that when the ref is Argentinian.
Posted by: Venom at July 04, 2006 09:30 AM (gtzil)
Italy and Germany...
Good soccer.
What a classic match.
Soccer Player Healed
A miraculous story from SportsPickle:
Moments after a slide tackle dropped him to the ground and left him writhing in pain with what seemed to be a broken femur or some other serious injury, Paraguayan midfielder Christian Riveros popped up and continued playing after referee Hans Kimmel failed to produce a yellow card.
“It’s amazing. I see it all the time in matches,” said Kimmel, a longtime referee. “I seem to have the power to heal serious injuries simply by deciding if the felled player was taken down legally or illegally. I can’t explain it, but I guess you could call me a miracle worker.”
Read the rest, it is pretty good satire.
I'm glad they got tough on this stuff a few years ago. The diving and whining and whinging is mostly absent from the English league but still happens in every Central and South American match I watch.
(What? Yeah, I'm American. You want me to watch Asian golf tournaments, 9-ball pool, and 90lb weightclass boxing all day? Of course I watch soccer. And rugby. And cricket. Want to make something of it?)
Posted by: cbjohnson at
04:01 AM
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England has been invaded. No, not by rampaging hordes of All Qaeda 'martyrs' (though they are probably here as well) but by England flags.
They are everywhere. Hanging from office buildings, shops, homes, fluttering from (not very well secured) antenna on cars and trucks. Even painted on people's faces.
Its World Cup time and England at least is looking as confident and patriotic as it always is just below the surface. Of course I feel sorry for my poor Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish brethren, who’s teams didn't make it to the finals (ha ha!) but at least my non-English fellow Britons seem to be taking this football* inspired burst of Englishness with good humour.
Not everyone is of course. The usual suspects are complaining that the flags which you now cannot now avoid are 'racsist' and 'intimidating'. Can you guess who those usual suspects are?
That's right, some of those who voluntarily came to this country to escape their own homeland's despotic regimes and their defender's in the 'we hate ourselves' liberal so-called elite.
Of course, what they really object to isn't the flag itself but the confidence in the country, it's dominant culture and political freedoms that it is indicative of. The bullishness it inspires amongst Englishmen and women of all colours and creeds.
The Islamofascists and their allies have successfully undermined large sections of the media and the establishment but the disconnect between those sell-out sections of our society and the majority of the population they supposedly represent is as comfortingly wide as it has been for decades.
As with any war, the real key to victory is confidence in the cause and the values it protects. Confidence is abundant, no matter what anyone might tell you.
(*Even for my guest slot here I'm refusing to use that hideous 's' word, just as I'm refusing to spell humour incorrectly).
1That's right, some of those who voluntarily came to this country to escape their own homeland's despotic regimes and their defender's in the 'we hate ourselves' liberal so-called elite.
It's madness in the guise of "tolerance." Here's another example of Leftwing dhimmitude in the face of muslim imperialism :
Posted by: Oyster at June 12, 2006 04:36 PM (YudAC)
I'll never understand the audacity of an outsider coming into a new country who has welcomed him with an opportunity for a better life and once ensconced, proceeds to whine because something doesnt suit him. Fly your flag proudly and if your muslim houseguests don't like it, they need to head back to the frikkin motherland.
Posted by: Richard at June 12, 2006 05:08 PM (7KF8r)
The cross of St George should be flown with pride. Muslims can go to hell. This is the same cross worn by Richard I, who kicked their asses in the crusades.
Posted by: Jester at June 12, 2006 06:02 PM (TuAMG)
Who gives a shit whether the British flag offends a Muslim or not? They knew what the flag was when they came there. What a bunch of whiners you have. We have them, too, but I fly the Confederate flag to further piss them off. It usually works.
Posted by: jesusland joe at June 12, 2006 07:02 PM (rUyw4)
The Olympic Good Old Days
Can't say I miss the Cold War, but it certainly did make for better Olympic Games. Decision '08:
No, the real problem is that the BIG storyline is missing. We have no good Olympic enemies anymore. The one totally tangible memory that most people have (even people who didn't watch it, in the curious way these things work) of a real athletic moment of glory is Al Michaels asking "Do you believe in miracles?' as the United States defeated the Soviet Union at long last on the hockey rink at Lake Placid. That's the Soviet Union, not Russia, and we're talking Cold War here.
How can you forget one of the greatest Olympic hockey games of all time - 1968 USSR and Czechoslovakia!
Posted by: hondo at February 10, 2006 12:43 PM (3aakz)
Good Grief! John Lennon's smug idiotic "Imagine" being sung center stage at the Olympic ceremonies! Oh where are their heads at?
Posted by: hondo at February 10, 2006 05:14 PM (3aakz)
remember when MARK SPITZ won all those medlas in swimming? and when the USA beat the USSR in that hockey game at LAKE PLACID? and i dont mean that crappy movie with the dopey giant aligator
Posted by: sandpiper at February 11, 2006 09:23 AM (mY5+n)