February 14, 2007

Another Troop-Hating Liberal Professor

These moonbat dunces are parodies of themselves nowadays. Here's a "teacher" who can't get over the fact that her hyperleftist "truth" isn't going to make the "war criminal" Marines in her classes turn their guns on George W. Bush.

You can feel the hate and resentment in every sentence. Her anguish is our pleasure:

A room full of students listened as a US Marine told of the invasion of Baghdad and Falluja and how he killed innocent Iraqis at a check point. He called them “collateral damage” and said he had followed the “rules.”

A Muslim-American student in front of him said “I could slap you but then you would kill me.” A young female Muslim student gasped “I am a freshman; I never thought to hear of this in a class. I feel sick, like I will pass out.”

I knew in that moment that this was what the future of teaching about justice would include: teaching war criminals who sit glaring at me with hatred for daring to speak the truth of their atrocities and who, if paid to, would disappear, torture and kill me. I wondered that night how long I really have in this so called “free” country to teach my students and to be with my children and grandchildren.

Yes. There's much more. Here' s the same article posted at a socialist, "neo-humanist," "eco-democracy" website.

These morons complain about the way they're percieved, and then go on to vindicate us at every turn. Anti-American, anti-military, anti-religious, anti-capitalist, anti-sanity leftists who vote Democrat.

If you see this prof on your campus, do the free world a favor and push her down a flight of stairs.

ht: LGF

NOTE and OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate violence against leftists, but I do advocate clueclubbing of morons. Said clueclubbing can take many forms - on the left, for example, we often see their version of clueclubbing at "peace" rallies spitting on soldiers, yelling through megaphones, screaming hysterically at perceived enemies, spraypainting the Capitol, vandalizing military recruitment stations, slashing tires, throwing paint, keying cars, burning American flags, pushing and shoving, resisting arrest, swarming around dissidents, etc. Use your imagination as to what free speech is - the lefists and socialists sure do.

And for those of you wondering why "push her down a flight of stairs" may sound familiar, I was quoting Penn and Teller from this video railing against 9-11 truther idiots. So now, the question becomes "Do Penn and Teller advocate violence?"

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:03 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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1 "...Muslim... student in front of him said “I could slap you but then you would kill me...”

That's right Mo-slime filth; the marine will whoop your ass.
Mo-slimes are brave only when they are persecuting and murdering innocents who have no means of defending themselves.
D@mn Mo-slimes better get used to it.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 14, 2007 12:16 PM (vixLB)

2 Hey LT,
    You know what would be a hoot? To get this numnutz professor in the same room with Amanda Marcotte of Pendagon. Marcotte is a rabid anti-Catholic bigot, and this moonbat teacher happens to teach at a Catholic college.
    And yet they both slurp at the trough of leftism, sharing their BDS-screeching spittle with the other leftist cattle.
   I do wonder, though, how Amanda would be able to justify being civil to the teacher? Probable have to twist and turn so much she'd look like a circus freak. Oh wait..... my bad.

Posted by: Gwedd at February 14, 2007 12:17 PM (wlNg1)

3 What a crock of bullshit and fabrications if I ever head it.

Posted by: Randman at February 14, 2007 12:27 PM (Sal3J)

proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis.

Really, leftard?  He really "proudly proclaimed" that they "terrorized" and killed "defenseless" Iraqis?  And he was proud of it?  He really said that? 


With Leftards we are dealing with emotional children inhabiting adult bodies.  You can choose to pull your hair out at their moronity, or just laugh at them.  I choose to laugh.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 14, 2007 12:51 PM (8e/V4)

5 Careful Lt., you're advocating fighting back against the enemy, which is strictly verboten around here. Per Rusty's ROE, the only acceptable response is to raise your skirts and scream like a little girl.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 14, 2007 12:51 PM (6zYAC)

6 That Marine has a whole lot more restraint than I do.

Posted by: 1sttofight at February 14, 2007 12:53 PM (VD6p+)

7 The young Muslim wanted to slap a soldier (hmm, violent tendencies in a Muslim, say it ain't so!).

When terrorists murder innocents where is this young Muslim speaking out?  Nope, it's America's fault.

So pathetic and sad.

Posted by: Richard Romano at February 14, 2007 01:51 PM (/2Xsz)

8 So GWB didn't march into the room with the BushCO gestapo and arrest her for thought and speech crimes against the govenment?

Her FA rights are gloriously intact, then. Whether or not people buy her socialist drivel is up to them, and not her. Apparently, there were free thinkers in the class of mindless zombies.

And that makes her really mad.

Posted by: Good Lt at February 14, 2007 02:00 PM (D0TMh)

9 "Economy of the People, For the People and By the People!
Put Economic Power in the Hands of the People!
Moralists of the world - unite"


Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 14, 2007 02:12 PM (Dt3sl)

10 The hardcore communist appeal above came from the heading at the website that features the professor's drivel. (I tried to reproduce it in the huge bold font used there, but it didn't work.) Not the most subtle message in the world.

Oooh! they substituted "workers" with "moralists!" The meaning is totally changed! Idiots.

Commies always slander democratic governments as Imperialist oppressors of the people, and soldiers as running dog lackeys and stooges. They claim democratic societies are rife with class warfare and that racial minorities and women are downtrodden. Their crude slogans haven't changed one iota since they were first conceived in the 19th century, despite the fact that society has changed--radically.

The idea is to get a revolution started so that they can step in and seize control. Totalitarian dystopias and huge body counts always follow when they're successful.

The fact that their slogans are all backwards doesn't seem to affect the rank and file idiots who buy into their subversive sloganeering.

The regressive, America-last professor was clearly anguished over her inability to convince her patriotic students that America is the cause of all the world's evil. She's one of the marching morons who cant tell the difference between subversive propaganda and genuine ideology. She actually believes that juvenile rhetoric. I doubt she even knows how far gone she is. She's an unconscious Marxist.

300 million dead in the last century alone. By all means, let's give communism another shot. The world needs more North koreas and Cubas. Why cant we accept that morality?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 14, 2007 02:39 PM (Dt3sl)

11 Does anyone have her email addy?
No Marine ever said any of this.
No Muslim student ever said any of this.
It's sad when a person in her position has to rely on lies to get their twisted point across.
Why do moonbats like this stay here if they hate it so much?

Posted by: joegosox at February 14, 2007 02:48 PM (OZn2O)

12 Really, The bitch should apply at Tehran University, then scream for our help when they get out the crane and the rope.

Posted by: Howie at February 14, 2007 02:52 PM (YHZAl)

13 I'm with joegosox: It's bullshit.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 14, 2007 04:00 PM (MK5KV)

14 I asked my two friends I could get ahold of immediately what great ammounts of "bling and booty" they got from Iraq.

One got a couple of cans of Dutch beer and a $5 donkey than ran away a week later.  The other got a devil beanie baby he carried everywhere and a flower from a 13 year old girl he gave school supplies to.

Posted by: RanbaRal at February 14, 2007 04:54 PM (VvXII)

15 Point of interest: this lamebrain is a professor at Loyola - the school "Shakespeare's Sister" claims to have graduated from, <a href="http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2007/02/anti-catholic-bigot.html">offering that as evidence she's not anti-Catholic</a>.

Posted by: goy at February 14, 2007 05:02 PM (yxrZu)

16 The author of this pile of crap, who works as adjunct faculty at Loyola, NIU and Columbia College, has a website.

An excerpt from her "About" page, shows that she's anything but 'objective':

"By “social justice,” I am referring to the radical restructuring
of the distribution of resources in a society
so that all people have
shelter, food, clean water, adequate medical care and the means to
self-determine their own lives. ... what is the root or foundation of capitalism, the priority
of capital or profit, the bottom-line that profit comes before people?
Under capitalism it is logical (inhuman and evil but logical) that one
should enslave people
because then you make more profit off of the
proceeds of your plantation or oil field." [emph. added]

Communist/socialist regimes, of course, have never enslaved anyone, have they.

This is the sort of frogwit most welcome in academic institutions these days. This is the sort of person most likely teaching your college-aged kids, folks.

Posted by: goy at February 14, 2007 06:35 PM (yxrZu)

17 You had to threaten violence becasue your words are
and you had to stay true to type

Posted by: nick at February 15, 2007 12:39 AM (MiwXJ)


Hate to bring up the words ACADEMIC MEATHEADS again.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 15, 2007 09:02 AM (Lddpk)

19 nick,

it's not Liberal speakers who are routinely being assaulted on stage, it's conservative ones being assaulted by Liberals.  A conservative speaker can't show up at a university today without security gaurds surrounding the podium to protect him from deranged Leftards.  So while GL "threatens" violence, it's Liberals actually carrying out that threat.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 15, 2007 11:00 AM (8e/V4)

20 Our collages are full of these idiots no wonder their so stupid at these collages

Posted by: sandpiper at February 15, 2007 04:53 PM (XnXsx)

21 Tenure: The lefts biggest weapon.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 15, 2007 07:36 PM (Lddpk)

22 Hey nick-

Guess you didn't read the post. People who live in glass houses..

"peace" rallies spitting
on soldiers, yelling through megaphones, screaming hysterically at
perceived enemies, spraypainting the Capitol, vandalizing military
recruitment stations, slashing tires, throwing paint, keying cars,
burning American flags, pushing and shoving, resisting arrest, swarming
around dissidents, etc.

Don't make us laugh.

Posted by: Good Lt at February 15, 2007 11:43 PM (D0TMh)

23 Nickless:

What happened to your echo chamber?

Reality is a bitch--for bitches.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 16, 2007 12:34 AM (Dt3sl)

24 "Reality is a bitch--for bitches."

You would know.

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 20, 2007 04:05 PM (ZxuJ4)

25 osamabinhidinginadress: Cross your legs. Bitch!

Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 07:11 AM (smCdV)

26 Gayrooster = http://www.break.com/pictures/feb21gal34.html

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 03:18 PM (JVqe0)

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