September 26, 2007

'Resistance Fighters' Behead Two Civilians in Pakistan

Islam's freedom fighters working for a better world. Just like the Founding Fathers....or Gandhi. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 18, 2007

Video: Muslim 'El Mujahadid' Behead Serb, Play Soccer With Head

TV report showing 'El Mujahadid' unit--which later was incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim Army--preparing to behead a Serbian. Portions of the video not shown also show these Bosnians playing soccer with the Serb's decapitated head.

Warning: About 1:45 in to the video you begin to see bound prisoners, and knives & axes being sharpened. The video does not show the beheading, but it does show one bound prisoner being shot. It also shows children being trained by the Mujahidin.

The date stamp from the beheading portion of the video shows 1995--two years after this unit of mostly foreign fighters was incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim Army under the command of the War Council headed by Bosnia's then-president Alija Izetbegovic. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 10, 2007

Iraqi Anti-Terrorism Video: Beheading Un-Islamic

This video was posted by my friend Iraqi Translator Marine. He says they play it on Iraqi TV. According to the commercial, beheading journalists and hostages is not Islamic. Feel good video of the day.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 07, 2007

Christian Militants Behead Two Prostitutes

I just love that story in the Bible about how Jesus chopped off that one whore's neck.

ME Times:

Suspected Islamic militants beheaded two women accused of prostitution in northwestern Pakistan, police said Friday, in the latest case of Taliban-style justice in the region....

A note left with the corpses accused the women of being involved in prostitution with the support of local officials, and warned others like them that they would be punished in the same way, Khattak said....

The bodies of the women, who were identified only as Maino and Malaki, have been handed over to their relatives, he added.

In March, pro-Taliban extremists stoned and then shot dead two men and a woman for alleged adultery in front of a crowd of hundreds of people in the remote Khyber tribal area.

Two lovers were tied to trees and stoned to death by angry relatives in central Punjab province in January, in a so-called "honor killing" because of their allegedly immoral activities.

Jesus wept.* more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 28, 2007

Taliban Teen Beheads Pakistani Hostage on Video

pakistani_beheading_video.jpgThe return of Islamic beheading chic? A video showing a teenage Taliban beheading a Pakistani soldier has emerged. A frame from the video is right. The video was obtained by the AFP but has not emerged yet on the usual jihadi forums, usually an indication that it is being sold as a VHS or DVD recording in Pakistani markets where demand for such snuff films are high.

Khaleej Times:

Four teenage boys with Kalashnikov assault rifles, daggers and headbands with jihadi slogans are then shown along with one of the soldiers kneeling in front of them.

One boy cuts off the soldier’s head using a knife and holds it up for the camera. The soldier’s body was recovered on August 14 from a nearby town.

The video shows the victim saying just before his death that ‘security forces should not fight against the Taleban’.

The Taliban as they truly are. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 17, 2007

Mirror Mirror

A Russian Neo-Nazi group has posted a horrific video showing the murder of two Muslims. In the video one of the victims is beheaded and a second is shot so as to fall into a freshly dug grave. The video appears to be patterned after the dozens and dozens of snuff films released by Islamic terrorists in Iraq.

Via The Telegraph: A previously unknown Russian nationalist group has posted a video on the internet showing the execution of two Muslim men, prompting fears that neo-Nazis are beginning to ape the techniques used by Islamic extremists in Iraq.

The footage surfaced on the Russian version of the popular social networking website LiveJournal over the weekend. It was quickly taken down.

The three-minute video, titled “Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani”, begins with two men kneeling before a masked extremist in combat fatigues.

Apparently unprompted, they mumble that they have been taken hostage by “Russian Nationalist Socialists”.

The masked man then uses a knife to decapitate one of his prisoners in a grim sequence lasting 90 seconds.

The second captive is later forced to kneel in front of a grave before he is shot in the back of his head. The clip, which has a caption claiming to have been filmed by “The National Socialist Party of Rus”, ends with a still image of a red and white flag emblazoned with a swastika.

The reaction to the video by Jihadi supporters on internet forums has been one of outrage. Oh the irony, I've read dozens and dozens of posts by these same al-Qaeda supporters justifying the murder of numerous westerners and hundreds of Muslims.

Where was the outrage then? Well, there were some Muslims outraged by these murders, but they were quickly shouted down by the Jihadis calling them false Muslims and tools of the crusaders. Amongst the Jihad supporters there was glee. When the terrorists in Iraq murdered two Russian diplomats, the excuse was they were spies. They had it coming. When westerners were kidnapped and murdered it was they are the cross worshipping occupiers of Muslim lands. When Muslims were murdered by the dozen the excuse was because they were apostates working with the crusaders.

But now suddenly there is outrage amongst the al-Qaeda supporters. They are calling the Russian Nazis dogs, terrorists and barbarians. Which is perfectly correct. But since seeing the reflection of their own barbarity they have vowed guessed it......murder some more Russians.

Well they never learn? You reap what you sow. These Nazis are nothing but a refection of the barbarity used by al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The terrorists and these Nazi scum bags deserve each other.

The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. I've not viewed it myself but judging from the frame grabs below the fold I don't need to. I've seen the Islamists murder enough people, I don't really need to see another group of idiots murdering more innocents. But if you must, email Howie and I'll forward you a copy.

Frame grabs below the fold. Warning graphic images. more...

Posted by: Howie at 12:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 26, 2007

Taliban Behead Two "Spies"

Of course by "spies" they mean pretty much any one they even suspect of ever having talked to a Westerner. Here's a "press release" put out by the Taliban today:

Two spies beheaded in Qarabagh Ghazni.

The intelligence service of Islamic Emirate [Taliban] yesterday captured 2 spies, Sheer Mohammad and Mohammad Saleem, in the Qarbagh district of Ghazni province.

After an investigation and, they confessed to being spies for the American forces.... After a decision made by Islamic Sharia Law, they executed them in the same area.

Qarabagh is also where the Taliban are holding 22 South Koreans hostage. They murdered one of those hostages, Bae Hyung-kyu, yesterday.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 11, 2007

Terrorist Group Abu Sayyaf Beheads Ten Phillipine Marines

Via International Herald Tribune:

MANILA: At least 14 government troops were killed in some of the heaviest fighting with Muslim insurgents in the southern Philippines in recent months, officials said Wednesday.

Military officials said they had recovered the bodies of 14 marines after clashes with suspected Abu Sayyaf militants late Tuesday in Tipo-tipo, a hinterland town on Basilan island, and that at least 10 of them had been beheaded.

A marine spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Ariel Caculitan, said in Manila that 50 marines had clashed with more than 300 rebels. "We were totally outnumbered," he said.

Major General Ben Mohammad Dolorfino suggested that the marines had been beheaded by Abu Sayyaf in retaliation for the slaying of the son of one of the group's leaders. "They got angry, that's why they decapitated the marines," Dolorfino said.

Death to Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah.

Posted by: Howie at 02:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 30, 2007

MSM Replaces Term, Obvious Signs of Torture (updated/bumped)

The MSM has replaced the phrase, "obvious signs of torture" with "beheaded".

AP Via Yahoo News: BAGHDAD - Twenty beheaded bodies were discovered Thursday on the banks of the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad and a car bomb killed another 20 people in one of the capital's busy outdoor bus stations, police said.

The beheaded remains were found in the Sunni Muslim village of Um al-Abeed, near the city of Salman Pak, which lies 14 miles southeast of Baghdad.

The bodies — all men aged 20 to 40 — had their hands and legs bound, and some of the heads were found next to the bodies, two officers said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

Several outlets have used the term beheaded this morning including NPR and WAPO.

I'd praise them for finally doing so, except for the fact that they are about 3 years late.

What gives? Opinions?

Update 06/30/07: Whoa! Fake Alert! Interesting, a fake decapitation story. The terrorists in Iraq regularly claim to have beheaded people and I'm sure they still do at times. After all choppin off heads is second only to soccer as sport in the Arab world.

What really sucks is all those times people really were beheaded the MSM chose to say, "obvious signs of torture." The only time they actually used the word beheading was in a badly sourced, fake story.

I knew something was fishy abuot this. Just could not put my fingerin on it. Confederate Yankee has the story on the fake story.

The Associated Press, Reuters, and a small Iraqi Independent news agency called Voice of Iraq released stories Thursday about the massacre of 20 men near Salman Pak, who were supposedly found decapitated on the banks of the Tigris River.

But something seemed inherently wrong with the accounts I read from the Associated Press. The only two sources for the Associated Press article were anonymous police, not located in Salman Pak, but from Baghdad (more than dozen miles away) and Kut (more than 75 miles away).

Because of this odd sourcing, I asked Multi-National Corps-Iraq and the PAO liaison to the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior to investigate.

I published their preliminary findings as they came out in Bring Me The Head of Kim Gamel.

Posted by: Howie at 06:00 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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June 15, 2007

Afghan 'Resistance' Threatens to Behead Aid Workers

An Afghan doctor and his chauffer, who work for a Dutch NGO helping provide medical care to the war-torn country, have been kidnapped by the Afghan 'resistance' who are demanding a $100k ransom. If their demands are not met, the 'resistance fighters' have threatened to behead the two aid workers.

The two Afghans work for Healthnet TPO. According to the website, their core mission in Afghanistan is to fight malaria, give neonatal aid, develop sustainable health care by training doctors and nurses, and training mental health workers.

And for this, Taliban militias threaten to behead their hostages? Yet some wish to equivocate between us and them.

Relief Web:

A ransom demand for 100,000 U.S. dollars was later received by telephone. The kidnappers are threatening to behead the two men if the ransom is not paid, Radio Netherlands said.

The abduction happened in the troubled Nangahar province, where the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and U.S. forces are operating against Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters.

Just another day in the life of the Islamist 'resistance' movement.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:06 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 24, 2007

Taliban Child Beheading Uncensored Video Frames *Bumped*

Exclusive, must cite The Jawa Report

You may recall the recent video of the Taliban beheading a "spy for the crusaders" on video. What made the video even sicker than the usual sick barbaric Jihadi propaganda is that the beheading was carried out by a twelve year old boy under the direction of Taliban leaders.

One of the leaders was rumored to be, the now very dead, Mullah Dadullah --a top Taliban leader-- or his younger brother. In these frames Mullah Dadullah, or a person with a close family resemblance, can be seen coaching the young man on how to proceed.

All the copies that we have in the West are censored. The actual murder was cut from copies on liveleak and other places where it was uploaded. The Jawa Report has obtained a series of frames taken from the original video. These frames show the previously censored section of the video. more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:15 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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April 21, 2007

12 year old boy beheads man (Censored Version)

I had hoped this would turn out to be a hoax, but, sadly, it isn't. For those who would glorify this kind of child abuse, I can only offer this warning:

It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. (Luke 17:2)

Posted by: noburqa at 01:51 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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April 20, 2007

Taliban Child Beheads American "Spy": The Return of Zarqawi Chic

I've been warning about this for some time, the return of beheading chic to Islamc terror propaganda videos. Think the Islamists could get any more disgusting than Abu Musab al Zarqawi's frequent beheading snuff films? Think again. Imagine the same video, but this time a child does it.


The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as an American spy. Then he hacks off the captive's head to cries of "God is great!" and hoists it in triumph by the hair.

A video circulating in Pakistan records the grisly death of Ghulam Nabi, a Pakistani militant accused of betraying a top Taliban official who was killed in a December airstrike in Afghanistan...

The footage shows Nabi making what is described as a confession, being blindfolded with a checkered scarf.

"He is an American spy. Those who do this kind of thing will get this kind of fate," says his baby-faced executioner, who is not identified.

A continuous 2 1/2-minute shot then shows the victim lying on his side on a patch of rubble-strewn ground. A man holds Nabi by his beard while the boy, wearing a camouflage military jacket and oversized white sneakers, cuts into the throat. Other men and boys call out "Allahu akbar!"—"God is great!"—as blood spurts from the wound.

The film, overlain with jihadi songs, then shows the boy hacking and slashing at the man's neck until the head is severed.

Oh. My. God.

What's odd is that the video isn't making the rounds on the normal internet forums yet, where they are usually released. Perhaps the media savvy American Adam Gadahn, who helps produce propaganda videos for al Qaeda, warned that the video wouldn't go over too well? After all, these videos are designed to inspire either fear or sympathy, and showing a child murder a hostage simply inspires disgust.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:10 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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April 19, 2007

ROP Beheads 7 Hostages in Philipines

Words fail me. Reuters:

Muslim extremists decapitated seven men they were holding hostage on the southern Philippine island of Jolo and sent the heads in sacks to two army detachments, the military said on Thursday.
As Charles notes, even after murdering seven hostages by beheading, "Reuters still won’t call them terrorists”

Posted by: Rusty at 02:52 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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April 10, 2007

Doing The Job American Media Won't Do

Italian television doesn't shrink from showing the barbarity of our enemies.

Rome - An Italian television channel aired footage on Tuesday of the beheading of a driver for an Italian journalist, who was held for about two weeks by Afghanistan's Taliban until Kabul negotiated his release.

We do the same thing. Not to disgust, not to titillate, and certainly not to get our jollies. We do it to get the truth about our enemies out there to a generally complacent populace. The Internet is forever they say, and the more Americans that are witness to the barbarism that is Islamofascism, the better the chance that they'll find the steely resolve that has served us so well in wars past.

If our media had shown what really happened to Nick Berg, the Iraqi front of the war may just have been over by now.

Posted by: Vinnie at 09:56 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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April 03, 2007

al-Qaeda Enforcers Murder Little Boy

Just when you thought al-Qaeda had stooped to the lowest point possible.

Via MNF: CAMP TAJI, Iraq — While on a routine patrol, Iraqi police officers discovered the body of an 11-year-old boy April 2 in Sab Al Bor, Iraq.

The IPs found the body, a suspected murder victim, on Sudani Street. The child’s throat had been slit.

Troop B, 1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment Soldiers received the initial report from the Iraqi police and assisted in gathering information. A police report of the incident indicated that a local Al Qaeda cell is suspected in the murder which was “perpetrated to instill fear in the villagers of Sab Al Bor.”

Iraqi security forces have launched an investigation to find those responsible for the murder.
A commenter on a forum recently said, "Do you think the Sunnis feel save without the ISI protecting them?"

Well, how safe does it feel when, if you have the slightest disagreement with al-Qaeda, they chop your kid's head off? How safe does it feel when al-Qeada commits mass murder in an attempt to incite violence and murder against the Sunnis by the Shia?

If that is the type of "protection" they provide, I bet most Iraqi's would rather do without.

Posted by: Howie at 12:53 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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March 06, 2007

Video of UK Imam: Ken Bigley Murder Justified

In this video, a British Muslim cleric discusses the beheading murder of Ken Bigley. He justifies Bigley's murder as an act of war, even though Ken Bigley was being held hostage at the time. Ironically, Bigley's murder was said to be in retaliation for the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Abusing Muslim prisoners=bad; beheading infidel hostages=not bad.

Kenneth Bigley was in Iraq as a civilian engineer when he was captured by Abu Musab al Zarqawi's "Tawhid wal Jihad", later changed to "al Qaeda in Iraq". Several hostage propaganda videos were released in which Bigley was seen wearing the orange jumpsuit of Abu Ghraib and in which he made demands on the the Blair government for his release. In his last video, Kenneth Bigley is seen making more demands on Tony Blair and seems to be unaware that the man standing behind him, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, is about to murder him.

UPDATE: Jeremy Reynalds identifies the man as Abdul Rahman Saleem. Where have you heard that name before? He is the follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed who was put on trial for his part in the Mohammed cartoon protests when he advocated murdering blasphemers. He pleaded not guilty, of course.

We are not sure the name of the person justifying the murder of Ken Bigley, but another video, recorded at the same time, shows that just to the speaker's left sits a more familiar character: Abu Izzadeen. The speaker, then, is most likely a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Izzadeen is under indictment in the U.K. for inciting terrorism, but as far as we can tell the speaker in this video is walking around the streets of London or Birmingham inciting more Muslims to commit acts of murder, terrorism, or treason. Bakri Mohammed's followers in Britain unanimously support recruiting for jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, they want British Muslims to fight British troops--the very definition of treason.

In the video, the speaker justifies Kenneth Bigley's murder on the grounds that Bigley was in Iraq to help fix military hardware which would then be used to "kill Muslims". This is not true. Kenneth Bigley, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong were in Iraq to work on civilian reconstruction efforts. They were there helping Muslims. It is al Qaeda in Iraq that continues to murder Muslims to this day.

The speaker then says Bigley was in Iraq to "steal the money of the Muslims". Which, of course, is also patently untrue. Ken Bigley was being paid by the U.S. government to help the Iraqis rebuild their country so that Muslims in Iraq would have a functioning economy so that they could earn money for themselves. It is those that murdered Ken Bigley that steal money from Muslims by blowing up Iraq's infrastructure.

The speaker, in what seems to be a bit of "humor", warns that people involved in the reconstruction effort--or, as he deems it, "stealing from Muslims"---should "mind your head". No doubt, a reference to the dozens of civilians beheaded by al Qaeda and other jihadi groups in Iraq.

Last, even though Bigley "converted" to Islam at the point of a knife, the speaker reiterates that since Islam forbids forced conversions, then Bigley must have become a Muslim of his own free will. See if you follow that sick and twisted logic? And if that is the case, even though the speaker does not say it in this video, those listening would undoubtedly understand another reason why his murder was "justified". To the Salafi jihadi mind, Muslims helping the U.S. and U.K. in Iraq are "traitors".

To get some ideas for yourself on how you can help, see Jeremy Reynald's book: Fighting the Online Jihad.

The video is below. If you saw the video of Kenneth Bigley being murdered, you might want to remove any objects from your reach that can be thrown at your computer. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:00 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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February 28, 2007

"Militants" Behead Teacher in Pakistan

The AP says "suspected militants" beheaded a teacher in Pakistan after he was accused of being a "spy" for the U.S. You wouldn't want to call them terrorists or anything offensive like that. But, to their credit, they also identify the perpetrators as "Islamic". Because, you know, there was some question as to their religious identity.

This is not the same Akhtar Usmani who was a Taliban leader. That Mullah Usmani was second in command to Mullah Omar and was killed by the U.S. in December. AP:

Suspected Islamic militants captured and beheaded a schoolteacher in Pakistan's wild Afghan border area for allegedly spying for the United States, an official said Wednesday.

The man's body was found early Tuesday in a large sack dumped by a road near Jandola, a town in the South Waziristan tribal district, the local security official said. He asked not to be identified due to the sensitive nature of his job.

A note found with the beheaded man's body identified him as "Akhtar Usman, the one who spied for America," the official said.

He said the forehead of the man's severed head was inscribed with the word for "hypocrite" in Urdu, Pakistan's main language.

Tim at Opinion Bug has more. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:36 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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February 27, 2007

Islamic State of Iraq: #1 In Beheading Murders For Allah

I see that the Islamic State of Iraq had claimed a number beheadings on their English language (Google owned blogspot, of course) website today. Most of the beheadings took place before the security crackdown. But it's worthy of note that they have started using the term "beheading" again when referring to their victims. They usually use the term "Implementing Allah's rule" as a general euphemism for any kind of murder (ie, when the physically capture a person and then kill them as opposed to an "operation" which generally means a straightforward attack).

It's also worth noting that since Zawahiri repremanded Zarqawi for turning the Ummah off due to his excessiveness in decapitating hostages, there have been very few beheading claims from Iraq. There have been many beheadings, but no one wanted to claim responsibility. Bad PR. Until now.

You'll have to excuse al Qaeda in Iraq's poor grammar and spellling. Apparently they don't run this copy by Orange County's finest, Azzaz al-Amreki:

1-Beheading two leaders in Ghadr "Badr" corps and 12 other activists in different regions of Baaqouba city, and taking as booties their personal arms, many of their cars and an important sum of money during a short period (less than one week) until Thursday 2/2/2007.

2- Beheading two spies working for the crusader forces in Baaqouba city on Thursday 2/2/2007....

4- Beheading the called "Mahdi Hussain al-Aazawee" in al-Mafraq , he was an officer lieutenant in what is called " Security Preservation forces in al-Kadhemeya region" and an inhabitant of al-Aazzat region, and taking as a booty his personal car on Thursday 2/2/2007

9- Beheading an apostate policeman in al-Mafraq region, he was from inhabitants of "Delli Aabbas" region, on Tuesday 16/1/2007.

On Wednesday 21/2/2007, the Mujahedeen beheaded the called "Deyaa Aabd al-Hussain" in Baghdad province "by the grace of Allah".....

1- Beheading two soldiers from what is called the Interior Maghaweer in al-Katoun/al-Rahma region, on Monday 22/1/2007....

5- Beheading four elements from Ghadr "Badr" corps in al-Mafraq region , on Tuesday 23/1/2007.

21- Beheading an element of the apostate police in al-Mafraq region, on Sunday 6/1/2007,

They also brag about murdering a woman.
17- Implementing Allah's rule on a spy woman working for the crusaders forces in al-Mafraq region , on Saturday 5/1/2007.
When I first read this I was hoping that “implemented Allah’s rule” on a woman meant they had some mercy and shot her. Then I read this….
14-Implementing the rule of Allah on an apostate from the national guards of the rank of captain and putting his slaughtered head in Beeji market on 19/2/2007.
It's not clear what, if anything, the return to beheadings by al Qaeda linked groups in Iraq means. It certainly is a change of tactics--at least to publicly claim beheadings, once again. We'll see whether or not Zawahiri gives his stamp of approval to the new al Qaeda emir's tactics.

The new leader, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, is said to have personally beheaded hostages on a few videos produced under Zarqawi's tenure. Perhaps he's just a psychopath that really likes it?

MORE Religion of Peace Roundup Below----> more...

Posted by: Howie at 01:59 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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February 01, 2007

Unlikely: Muslims Beheaded by Buddhist Extremists

Oh, wait, did we say Muslims beheaded by Buddhists? Now that would be news.

More faithful followers of Islam following the example of Muhammed who presided over the murder of 700 Jews who had surrendered to him. How did he murder them? Beheaded them. All of them. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:08 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 1 kb.

October 12, 2006

Religion of Beheading Priests Update

Oh of and crucifying children too. This is what terrorists are doing every day in the name of Allah and of Islam. This is not of God. This is the work of Satan.

On Monday, October 9, a prominent Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) priest, Fr. Paulos Iskander (Paul Alexander), was kidnapped by an unknown Islamic group. His ransom was posted at either $250,000 or $350,000. This group had demanded that signs be posted once again on his church apologizing for the Pope's remarks as a condition for negotiations to begin.

Father Alexander was beheaded on Wednesday.

An email from a priest in Sweden, Adris Hanna, describes the Muslim terror campaign against the Christians in Iraq:

The Syriac-Orhtodox priest Paulos Iskandar was kidnapped this Monday, October 9, and beheaded today Wednesday October 11.

The Bishop in Mosul wrote me an email tonight and told me that the funeral will be held in Mosul tomorrow.

Christians are living a terrified life in Mosul and Baghdad. Several priests have been kidnapped, girls are being raped and murdered and a couple of days ago a fourteen year old boy was crucified in the Christian neighborhood Albasra.

I have also spoken to a group of nuns that were robbed and treated brutally on their way between Baghdad to Amman in Jordan.

The murder of father Paulus is the final blow for Christians, and now only hell is expected for the Christians of Iraq.

We the oriental Christians in Sweden and the rest of the Western world must protest against the genocide. We must do what we can to stop the rape, threats, hatred, robberies, murders… We must do something.

Via Clarity and Resolve.

Posted by: Howie at 01:43 PM | Comments (175) | Add Comment
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September 23, 2006

New Tucker and Menchaca Video: Bodies Desecrated by Terrorists

A new video released by the Mujahidin Shura Council of Iraq shows new footage of the desecration of the bodies of Thomas Tucker and Kristian Menchaca. The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. Graphic Images and link to video below.

A previous video had been released of the mutilation of Tucker and Menchaca's bodies by al Qaeda in Iraq. This one includes new footage and has a high production value. The video shows the bodies being dragged through the streets, beaten, and kicked.

The video is a propaganda piece which tries to link the killings of the two American soldiers in Iraq to the murder of a 14 year old Iraqi girl and her family. The video calls the desecration of Tucker and Menchaca's bodies retaliation for alleged abuses by U.S. soldiers.

Most of those abuses have been thoroughly debunked--such as in Fallujah, cited in the video-- or are cases in which the U.S. has prosecuted the abusers.

The video shows the burning of bodies in Afghanistan by U.S. soldiers. What the video does not say is that the bodies were being burned for sanitary reasons. To stop the spread of disease.

Near the end of the video, the two U.S. soldiers' bodies are burned.

The claim that Tucker and Menchaca were killed and desecrated in retaliation for the rape and murder of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi and her family is also not true. The allegations of the murder were not made until after the two were killed.

It is ironic that the video also shows images of Pfc. Justin Watt, who is the chief witness against at least 5 members of his platoon being prosecuted for crimes revolving around the incident.

The terrorists in Iraq celebrate the desecration of the bodies of soldiers, while we prosecute those involved in the very incident they claim to be retaliating for.

According to SITE:

Reciprocation, or tit-for-tat attacks, is emphasized throughout the video. An al-Jazeera interview with Mohammed Taha al-Janabi, Abeer’s uncle, begins the illustration of American crimes, followed by narration of an inhabitant of al-Fallujah describing American crimes during the second battle in that city. Also, the Mujahideen Shura Council points to the burning of Taliban Mujahideen in Afghanistan as additional justification for their acts against the two American soldiers in al-Yusufiyah. Stories of Muhammad’s companions and Islamic scholars who acted in kind to crimes committed against them are presented as vertically scrolling text atop an image of one of the American soldiers.

A message within the video reads: “The Mujahideen, Allah willing, will stay on the companion’s path, “tit for tat” in being harsh on the apostates and the Crusader infidels and the splitters by dispersing and hurting them, destroying their troops, killing them, and wishing to offer the biggest sacrifices for the God of earth and the skies”.

The two victims, Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, were members of the 101st Airborne division. Al Qaeda claims to have abducted them, but video evidence suggests that the two were already dead. For instance, one of the al Qaeda terrorists can be seen removing what appears to be a knife or possibly a grenade from one of the victim's belts.

A third soldier died in the attack.

Their bodies were later recovered not far from where they had been kidnapped. The US military now says that their corpses were found tied together with a bomb between them. Three roadside bombs were planted around the bodies. The bodies had been decapitated.

This video shows the true face of the enemies we fight. However you feel about the war in Iraq, this should enrage you. They are ruthless barbarians who boast about killing those they have taken hostage.

We show you these images so that you will understand what it is we are up against. The video and images should enrage you. If you do not have righteouss anger after seeing this, you are beyond hope.

And if you cannot see the difference between a terrorist organization that celebrates the murder and desecration of civilians (see our hostage or our beheading archives for many examples) and the U.S. military who treats as crimes and prosecutes those accused of similar things, then you are a moral idiot.

WARNING: Graphic images & video below. Please do not proceed if you are under 18, a friend or relative of the family of the victims or of any soldiers in Iraq, or do not want to be filled with anger towards our enemies in Iraq. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:51 AM | Comments (128) | Add Comment
Post contains 885 words, total size 6 kb.

September 22, 2006

Plot to Behead Israeli Ambassador to Norway

This totally surprising story just in Via Haaretz:

OSLO - Norwegian authorities on Friday presented details of an alleged plot to decapitate the Israeli ambassador to Oslo and blow up the Israeli and American embassies in the city.

The four suspects, three of them of Muslim background, are also charged with firing at the city's synagogue last week, causing damage but no injuries.

The evidence against the suspects was revealed in the course of extending the suspects' remand, and is based on recordings of their conversations obtained by bugging devices placed in the lead suspect's car.

Jewish community representatives say they are shocked by the alleged plot....

Me too! Shocking, don’t you think? Never would have guessed anyone would want to blow up Embassies and maybe chop off a few heads. I can’t for the life of me reckon just who would want to do a thing like that.
..."They discussed in detail how to harm the Israeli and American ambassadors," prosecutor Uni Price said Thursday.

At the head of the group of suspects is allegedly a 29-year-old Pakistani-Norwegian with an extensive record of violence.

According to Price, the suspect consistently expressed "radical Islamic views."

Two other suspects are also in custody, one of Pakistani and the other of Turkish background, both 28.

Well I’ll be darned. more...

Posted by: Howie at 09:11 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 248 words, total size 2 kb.

September 13, 2006

(Vid/Images) Sunni Iraqi 'Resistance' Behead Three: What's old is new again

ansar_al_sunna_murders_iraqis.jpgThe Army of Ansar al Sunna, part of the Sunni 'resistance', has released a gruesome video showing the beheading murders of three Iraqi National Guardsmen. WARNING: Graphic images from the video are posted below.

While the mainstream media will show you images of dead children killed in Lebanon, they will not show you these images. Why is that? Why is it okay to incite people against Israel through images of dead children but similar images are deemed too offensive if they might incite people to react against the terrorists we are fighting in Iraq? This is more than hypocrisy.

This jihadi propaganda snuff film is like many beheading videos released by terrorists in Iraq. It introduces us to the 'apostates' who are forced to confess, and then cuts to a scene of the three being murdered. It's disgusting and gruesome.

The three are alive as their heads are slowly cut off with a knife. Their terrorists captors--or 'freedom fighters' if you are Michael Moore--scream Allahu Akhbar (God is Great) as they murder the victims then proudly display the decapitated bodies.

Beheading videos were once a mainstay of jihadi propaganda from Iraq. However, in the last year we have seen less of these gruesome snuff videos--presumably because they did not help the terrorists in their effort to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis. The last video of hostages being murdered by jihadis was from al Qaeda beheading several Russian diplomats--but even al Qaeda edited out the actual murder, showing only its after effects.

The return of videos of beheaded hostages may mark a turning point in the war in Iraq. A negative turning point. As the Commissar has been pointing out over and over lately, the 'resistance' forces in Anbar have been successful in using force and coersion to undermine efforts at stabilizing the region. Certainly beheading videos send a message of fear to those who wish to see the democratic government succeed.

The video is different, though, than other beheading videos of the past. It has a much higher production value to it with many more edits. It juxtaposes the murder of the three National Guardsman with images and allegations of Sunnis being killed by the Shia dominated government and links the hostages to the American 'crusaders'. The three are accused of being part of a Shia 'death squad'.

Like other beheading videos, the victims are pronounced guilty of 'apostasy' under sharia or Islamic law. Apostasy is considered a capital offense under traditional Islamic law. Then they are killed.

We have posted some very disturbing and graphic images below. But the images pale compared to the gruesome video in which the victims can be heard dying while the murderers yell God is great.

We show you these images because we want you to see the true face of our enemies. They are not 'freedom fighters' as some suggest. They are cold-blooded murderers who wish to gain power in Iraq turning it into a Taliban-like state where apostates are murdered--like they are in this video--but backed by the force of the state.

This is who we are fighting in Iraq. Behold the face of our enemies.

WARNING: Graphic, gruesome, and disgusting images from the video are posted below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:47 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
Post contains 619 words, total size 5 kb.

September 07, 2006

Blasphemous Sudanese Journalist Beheaded

Religion of beheading blasphemers watch. Mohamed Taha had been convicted of blasphemy by the Islamist government of the Sudan, but was released after apologizing and paying a fine. But apparently the apology wasn't enough, Taha was kidnapped and beheaded for his crime against Islam by those who thought that the government's suppression of his newspaper wasn't good enough.

Via SeeMonk, this from the Washington Post:

A Sudanese newspaper editor who infuriated Muslim fundamentalists last year by printing an article that concerned questions about the parentage of the prophet Muhammad was found dead Wednesday in Khartoum, the capital.

Masked gunmen abducted Mohamed Taha, editor in chief of Al-Wifaq, from his home Tuesday. His decapitated body was found Wednesday in another section of the city. His head was beside the body, and his hands and feet had been bound, the Reuters news service reported...

Last year, Taha published an article that referred to a centuries-old text by a Muslim historian that raised questions about the prophet's lineage. Religious leaders in Khartoum denounced Taha's work, and scores of protesters called for his death.

Prosecutors tried Taha for blasphemy, a charge that can carry the death penalty under sharia , or Islamic law, in Sudan. Taha, who was fined about $3,000, apologized in print for upsetting Muslims. His newspaper also was temporarily suspended from printing.

And, for the love of all that is holy, please go to SeeMonk's blog. Seriously. Especially Greg. Not new guy Greg, but old Greg.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:05 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 247 words, total size 2 kb.

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