June 07, 2006

The Idiot Returns

Michael Crook, of Forsake the Troops infamy, is back with a new pile of crap at www.disownthetroops.com.

Actually, it's just the same crap in a new bag. And nah, I won't link it, you'll have to type it in.

Crook is arguably one of the most hated people in America, so it always shocks me that he's still sucking oxygen.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:14 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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1 John Ryan will be glad his lover is back.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 07, 2006 06:05 PM (di2KJ)

2 Rooster illustrates exactly the purpose this neo-Nazi crank serves--he stokes up the rightwing by making them imagine that there are thousands of people out there who hate the troops. Instead of linking him to his actual roots, or to those who so unwisely gave him a platform (Fox News), he can be linked to the left, even though he has NOTHING to do with the left, at all.

He is exactly like the deluded fool who burned the Reichstag to scare Germans. He's a propaganda tool for the right wing.

I can't believe that you are mentioning him again. Pathetic.

Posted by: jd at June 07, 2006 06:15 PM (aqTJB)

3 Have you ever conversed with Michael Crook, jd? Because I have, in a now defunct forum called Weapon Depot.

He's as hard left as they come.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 07, 2006 06:29 PM (/qy9A)

4 What's wrong with that sick ****. There's nothing wrong with being anti war but saying U.S soldiers derserve to die is disgusting.

Posted by: Jack Miller at June 07, 2006 07:07 PM (CnDtU)

5 he has NOTHING to do with the left, at all.

Except for saying the same things, of course.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at June 07, 2006 08:46 PM (Gn9tM)

6 I'm sure he said hardleft things, Vinnie. But he's a noted liar and crank. His background is on stormfront, as a white supremacist. I suppose it is possible that he was faking then, and that's he's really left. But that's not the most common guess. Go here to find out more:

Posted by: jd at June 07, 2006 08:48 PM (DQYHA)

7 Crook is neither left nor right - he is just one pathetic nut job desperate for attention - any kind! Just ignore him - he isn't worth the bytes.

Posted by: hondo at June 07, 2006 09:56 PM (el7nZ)

8 jd, I don't need to find out any more about Michael Crook. I know way too much as it is.

Actually, Weapon Depot is back up, but the site owner took out the Citizens Against Michael Crook section.

Ah, you should have seen the replies when I had him thinking I was going to take a vacation in Syracuse.

Good times, good times.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 07, 2006 10:01 PM (/qy9A)

9 HAY!!

Why the freak do you think this is LEFT?

You sick people are always eager to advance your ideological battle of left vs right. It is clearly obvious that these people are trolls trying to get a reaction out of you.

Like me, but only worse...

Posted by: Splatter on You at June 07, 2006 10:39 PM (rtnQC)

10 It is time these people and their entire families of traitor scum were put to death. there can be no criticism of the military, the government, or our infalible elected leaders.

God Bless America and Death to Traitors

Posted by: Unashamed Patriot at June 07, 2006 11:03 PM (Nhfns)

11 Test.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 08, 2006 12:12 AM (FRalS)

12 F him. Zarqawi is DEAD!

Posted by: Ariya at June 08, 2006 01:06 AM (yHb0A)

13 Zarqawiwi is reported DEAD!

America might get the credit (or the blame) for this, but Zarkman had already become a liability for bin Hidin and al-Qaeda; unable to foment civil war, unable to kill unarmed civilians in any number large enough to make a difference; and HUMILIATED on videotape by showing himself to be fumbling, inept and INCOMPETENT with the S.A.W., he may have been killed by al-Qaeda!

Whatever. Good riddance!

Posted by: Karridine at June 08, 2006 01:22 AM (c12pQ)

14 Oh, yeah... Give a listen to "Waiting for the Blow to Fall!" (Zarqawi's Lament) at


Posted by: Karridine at June 08, 2006 01:25 AM (c12pQ)

15 Well, Splatter, you might think your attempts at humor (trolling) is harmless.

Even if you do not believe what you post in your attempts to control us, there are hundreds of people who do. Your posts encourage them to blow up children and women by making them think there is solid support for their cause in the US, and elsewhere in the world.

YOU carry part of the responsibility for the actions of the Moslem terrorists.

YOU are partially responsible for deaths, suffering and poverty in the Middle East.

YOU are partially responsible for the problems they are having implementing democracy there.

Because you think people trying to do something to reduce the pain and suffering is funny.

Proud of your accomplishments?

Posted by: Phillep at June 08, 2006 11:56 AM (OpGpa)

16 Oh my g-d......thats it, i think i'm going to hang myself....

Posted by: joshman at June 08, 2006 04:47 PM (8g9JA)

17 This is why I have the site http://savethesoldiers.com
to combat these sick individuals...

We have started a petition for our soldiers who are being "convicted"of murder, attacked, and slandered by the Main Stream Media. This is for all the troops out there. Haditha is a specific incident where the MSM has jumped to their conclusions to feed their political agendas. This isnt the the only one of their lies but just one of a list of thousands. Sign The petition and let the soldiers know you are supporting them 100% and not rushing to judgement, spreading lies, or decieving those that support you like the MSM and various eroneous politicians who seem to thrive on our soldiers demise!

Posted by: noodlehead at June 08, 2006 06:17 PM (EHsSh)

18 JD: What's wrong with white supremacists? I guess not many of them are gay.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 09, 2006 05:47 AM (4Ospb)

19 Actually, a lot of white supremacists in history have been gay, greyrooster. Hitler's early supporter, Ernst Rohm, the leader of the SA, was big-time gay. Hitler had no problem with various sexual practices, but the Wehrmacht required that that the SA be reined in, and the corporate barons were also a little freaked out by it, so in the Night of Long Knives, they got rid of Rohm. Rudolph Hess, another early Hitler supporter, was also supposed to be gay. I'd guess that among current white supremacists, there are probably around the usual percentage of male homosexuals in the general population (3-5%, the 10% is a liberal half-truth, a misreading of Kinsey that now has sacred status, but no scientific basis). There would be two trends pushing against this: first, that most supremacists are virulently homophobic in their public comments. This would push away any out, and proud, gay. But it would also attract some people who secretly wrestle with their gayness, and thus use homophobia to cover it up, to themselves and others. Some of the most virulent homophobes have had gay tendencies, just as some of histories greatest anti-Semites believed they might have Jewish blood. (oh, and some closeted gays might be attracted to the hyper masculinity and black leather militarism so prominent in the white supremacist community).

Posted by: jd at June 09, 2006 08:16 AM (DQYHA)

20 http://www.michaelcrook.org/statements/statement06092006.html


MAYS LANDING, NEW JERSEY: Michael Crook, currently a dual resident of Mays Landing, New Jersey, and Liverpool, New York, has announced that he will file the necessary paperwork in July, when the application process opens, to run for Sheriff of Onondaga County, New York.

Crook is hoping to displace longtime Sheriff Kevin Walsh. As a dual resident, Crook has satisfied the necessary requirements to initially run.

Crook said, "If I win, I hope to make sweeping and immediate changes to modify the pay structure in order to be more realistic for the taxpayers. I am not a champion for the deputies; my loyalty lies with the taxpayers."

Posted by: James at June 10, 2006 09:10 PM (jWfeU)

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