Chaves To Dictate School Curriculum
Hugo Chaves takes over schools public and private.
AP via Yahoo: CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to close or take over any private school that refuses to submit to the oversight of his socialist government as it develops a new curriculum and textbooks.
"Society cannot allow the private sector to do whatever it wants," said Chavez, speaking on the first day of classes.
All schools, public and private, must admit state inspectors and submit to the government's new educational system, or be closed and nationalized, with the state taking responsibility for the education of their children, Chavez said.
A new curriculum will be ready by the end of this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen,"
I suppose the new citizens will also have all kinds of cool state imposed extra curricular activities, like say The Junior Anti-Sex League.
Sex gets in the way of Chaves worship time.
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Chavez Declares Himself President for LifeThe America left's favorite fat fascist pig has just crossed the line into dictator territory. What a amazing advocate of "people power!" That whole takeover of the opposition media that happened under the Venezuelan Fairness Doctrine? Necessary for the people's own good! As is this:
The Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez has anointed himself president for life by proposing sweeping changes to the country's constitution.
Setting out his plans for completing his socialist revolution in the oil-rich Latin American nation, he proposing radical constitutional reform which has at its centre indefinite re-election for himself.
DailyKos Busy Spinning for Chavez
I was curious whether the Kossacks had anything to say on Chavez' media crackdown in Venezuela. This is what I found:
It is therefore, as I say, extraordinary to see the mainstream media in the U.S. and Britain insinuating that this move by Chavez somehow represents an attack on democracy and freedom. In fact, the move - totally constitutional - may well result in a media that is more pluralistic, not less...
[Fear of a successful socialist Venezuela] is the true explanation for the hysterical anti-Chavez propaganda. It has nothing to do with concern for human rights in Venezuela, or a fear that Venezuelan freedom of speech is under threat. That is totally irrelevant to the corporate media, as evidenced on countless other occasions. The problem for the U.S. establishment (and hence the establishment media) is that Chavez represents an alternative to U.S.-imposed neo-liberalism and a direct challenge to U.S. domination. He, like Castro’s Cuba, represents the "threat of a good example". The deepest fear of U.S. planners is that if states like Cuba are permitted to follow a path of independence unchallenged, other states might start getting similar ideas. Hence the decades long American campaign of economic warfare and terrorism against Cuba.
Damn, the stupidity is stunning. More importantly, it is yet another example of how the new left has embraced tyrannical regimes. The same people that would have personally flipped the switch on Pinochet now support Chavez and long for Saddam.
Liberals believe nothings worth dying for, Nothing!
Posted by: Coffee260 at May 28, 2007 06:47 PM (n5AL4)
4In fact, the move - totally constitutional -
constitutional because he rules by decree ? and they think that's a good thing? They mutter the words "King George" out one side of their mouth, and then praise the guy that makes the law of the land with the utterance of a sentence?
They believe it's a worthy cause that other people die, it reduces the carbon footprint ™
Posted by: davec at May 28, 2007 07:04 PM (kcDpP)
There is no accounting for the stupidity of the left, but their opinions need to be publicized so that more Americans know where they stand. As long as people like Markos can hide behind their blog, without media exposure this virulent infection will spread. These people are anti American communists. They need and deserve to be exposed for the fraud that they are.
Posted by: Zelsdorf Ragshaft III at May 28, 2007 07:52 PM (MZgPV)
It's time for the US goverment to start seizing MSM media outlets ;;,,,
ya know cause its "In fact, the move - totally constitutional - "
"<i>[Fear of a successful socialist Venezuela] is the true explanation for the hysterical anti-Chavez <b>propaganda</i>"</b> So, Chavez closes down a dissenting station and replaces it with one of his choosing (which will certainly be propagand), and the American media is being called propaganda? First of all, I though dissent was patriotic? Where are the calls of fascism? Where is the outrage against free-speech and freedom of press?
A. The protesters were just right wing thugs. B. The protesters were paid right wing thugs controlled by the CIA C. Bush's fault by not giving money to pay for the lingering evil from Yankee interventions of the past.
Posted by: Randman at May 28, 2007 02:15 PM (Sal3J)
Barry's theory is Chavez forgot he was canceling a lot of women's soap operas.
Ya'll don't mess with a women's Soap Opera, Dictator or not!
Posted by: Barry 0351 at May 28, 2007 02:34 PM (cl1Cf)
This is just what the USSR did to put down the HUNGARIAN UPRISING and just what the CHICOMS did at TENIMIN SQUARE the response of all tyrants and dictators
Posted by: sandpiper at May 28, 2007 02:49 PM (n7v4a)
You forgot the #1 answer:
KKKarl Rove plot.
Venezuelan Protest Babes out in Force
If you share my appreciation for Latin women, you might enjoy the the latest protest babe gallery at Publius Pundit. They're aren't any stunners in the gallery, but any girl who stands up to a thug dictator gets an automatic 2 points on my own hotness scale. Whatever your taste in women--or men, for that matter--it warms the heart to see tens of thousands of young people flipping a collective middle finger to Hugo Chavez' attempts to silence the last vestiges of a free Venezuelan media.
Hugo Chavez, #1 in using tanks against protestor chicks. Ha, I caught myself and speeled it with a z. If George hadn't called me a dumbshit every time I used an s I'd have never learned Eh George.
Posted by: Darth Odie at May 28, 2007 11:11 AM (YHZAl)
Somebody should tell them that mini skirts and bra burning sends a great protest message to dictators
Posted by: Randman at May 28, 2007 02:17 PM (Sal3J)
Chavez Silences CriticsIt's Iron Curtains for Venezuela's RCTV. Via Marketplace:
Venezuela's oldest, most-watched TV network is going to have its broadcast license pulled by the government at the end of the month. It's the price for getting on the wrong side of President Hugo Chavez. Dan Grech reports.
After the 2002 coup, the four main networks continued to attack Chavez. He branded them the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," and he crafted new laws that made it easier to take them off the air. That's led to widespread self-censorship....
...When RCTV's signal flickers off, Chavez says a national public service channel will take its place.
1. Suppress Free Speech - check
2. Suppress Free Elections - check
3. Take control of all private land ownership - in progress
4. Make buddies with Fidel Castro - check
5. Think of new name for country - maybe Peoples Republic of Venezuela or Venezualan Socialist Republic or, hmmm, needs work...
Posted by: DrTheopolis at May 09, 2007 12:37 PM (9ZqGe)
Posted by: George Ramos at May 09, 2007 01:27 PM (TmLg9)
You forgot #6 Build reeducation camps to send all the protesters once the economy begins to tank.
Posted by: Randman at May 09, 2007 02:33 PM (Sal3J)
Si, si, si. You are right, Randman. I also forgot to come up with a way to indoctrinate the youth in my plan. I am thinking of calling it a "cultural revolution". Pretty catchy, eh?
Posted by: IamHugo at May 09, 2007 02:38 PM (9ZqGe)
Then we have left wing kooks in this country who claim they are losing their rights because of the Patriot Act--what complete b.s!!!!
Open your eyes left wing fools--your heroes are the ones who stifle free speech and imprison those who disagree.
Posted by: Richard Romano at May 09, 2007 02:40 PM (iD1fP)
Somehow you don't know what you've 'til it's gone...
Posted by: Al at May 09, 2007 05:58 PM (q0Q39)
Thanks George, getting me to type z is diffcult.
Posted by: Howie at May 09, 2007 08:46 PM (YHZAl)
You guys... He will go after the "gringos" and it will spread across the Americas. This is extremely dangerous. Too bad they don't want to recognize that most "gringos" have native North American blood on them.
Venezuela Socialist Party Registration
(Caracas, Venezuela) Do not tarry, comrades. There is a time limit to register and become an enlightened socialist revolutionary.
Registration of applicants to become members of Venezuela's Socialist United Party (PSUV) entered its second phase on Saturday with collection of signatures in the states of Zulia, Cojedes and Miranda.
Today, President Hugo Chavez registered in Caracas and Vice President Jorge Rodriguez followed suit in Zulia.
The registration process, to run for four consecutive weekends, started last Sunday in Lara and Caracas.
Vice President Rodriguez called on the people to sign the registry en masse to join the new political organization of the Revolution.
In other news from the revolutionary paradise, Venezuelan Agriculture and Land Minister Elias Jaua denounced talk of food shortages and radical rises in the prices of staples. Jaua also called on Venezuelans to "fight hoarding."
Interesting. When the government identifies hoarding as a problem, not all is well in utopia. The citizens are obviously preparing for shortages despite what the government contends.
There's no guarantee but it's possible that membership in the Socialist United Party will help people avoid being rounded up when the executions start. As a general rule, it's much better to have "Party Member" stamped on a police-state dossier than not.
Oh please continue nationalizing everything so we can watch capital flee and your economy go down the toilet.
Posted by: Randman at May 06, 2007 12:37 AM (Sal3J)
"Party Member stamped" yeah, My heart goes out to all those who have risked thier lives to oppose Chavez and his corruption. I have considered them heroes in gates of hell for some time now, and it really hurts to think how many may be killed soon, for thier courage. This is one of those "If you could go back and assasinate Hitler ...?" type of moments. Chavez should die, for the sake of freedom, and all Venezuelans. Or we will see purges.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at May 06, 2007 01:18 AM (2OHpj)
Chavez is a very ruthless person. Unfortunately our peace activist think he is God. It is a shame to see what he is doing to his country. He is a force that we will eventually have to reckon with.
Posted by: allahakchew at May 06, 2007 09:46 AM (BrndJ)
Wonder is allahdickchew can get her application in the mail?
Posted by: greyrooster at May 06, 2007 10:21 PM (+aKL7)
Stalininsm Comes to Venezuela
How bad is it in Venezuela? This bad:
Venezuela's government will require workers to spend four hours a week in ``socialist formation'' classes, and is mandating employers form ``Bolivarian Work Councils'' to run courses on the job, El Universal reported, citing Labor and Social Security Minister Jose Ramon Rivero.
The classes will first be held only in public sector jobs, beginning with a pilot program at the nation's Labor Ministry, and will later spread to private businesses, after President Hugo Chavez decrees a law outlining re-education guidelines and rules, the newspaper said.
Topics to be addressed in the four-hour classes include Venezuelan history and "basic tools for analyzing reality, the environment, the role of the state and socialist scheme,'' to speed the transition from capitalism to socialism, Rivero said, according to the newspaper.
That last little bit means that workers will be trained in Marxist-Leninist dialectics.
On a related note, Lance at A Second Hand Conjecture has an interview with Manny Lopez of the Detroit News about his recent visit to Venezuela:
Chávez has spent millions plastering the country with propaganda. “Socialism, patriotism or death†banners hang throughout Caracas as well as a litany of “death to American imperialism†murals.
Yeah... lets forget the fact that the economic changes were literally forced upon the Soviets by the US, and it's insane fetish for free markets, which basically handed over all of the USSR's wealth to a few individuals.
And while Yeltsin sucks... he did help sink the Soviet Union, though I know you guys still like to pretend it was Reagan.
Posted by: John at April 23, 2007 12:14 PM (qiTAx)
2free markets, which basically handed over all of the USSR's wealth to a few individuals.
Right, as opposed to communism-- which basically handed over all of the USSR's wealth to a few individuals.
Gee.... didn't see that coming I mean with Chavez being so level-headed and all [-sarc]
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at April 23, 2007 12:37 PM (j97MF)
Yeah, thanks for mentioning what's up down there, and it's spreading--last week Ecuador voted to pass the referendum their new president and Hugo Chavez pal, Rafael Correa, pushed which will lead to scrapping the constitution and redistributing property. Yet not much is heard about this up here, why not?
Posted by: Anonymous at April 23, 2007 01:33 PM (aJd+8)
"economic changes were literally forced upon the Soviets by the US"
you CAN kick that drug habit John... don't give up... just repeat after me... no drugs
Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at April 23, 2007 01:33 PM (fjEyZ)
6the economic changes were literally forced upon the Soviets by the US
I don't think the word "literally" means what you think it means. Now pardon me while I go watch Red Dawn again. Damn Russkies.
Posted by: wooga at April 23, 2007 02:34 PM (t9sT5)
John has no clue who Yeltsin was during the soviet era, John get your facts straight you really do look like a 12 year old.
Posted by: Rick at April 23, 2007 04:13 PM (9ZqGe)
#8 Much worse than Cuba, in my opinion. I mean, Chavez and AhamdiNezhad (Iran's so-called president) have agreed to fund anti-American anti-democracy terrorism on this continent to the tune of one billion dollars, $1,000,000,000.oo
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at April 23, 2007 05:19 PM (j97MF)
Hugo Chavez scum on the earth lets have nothing to do with this scoundrel
Posted by: sandpiper at April 25, 2007 10:22 AM (poF4d)