February 08, 2007

Protecting the Vietnam Memorial from Leftist America Haters

Apparently Saint Cindy "my firstborn was killed for the PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel"* Sheehan is going to march on the Vietnam Memorial with Hanoi Jane in order to protest the Iraq War. Unfortunately, she will be met by patriotic American Vets. And by patriotic, I mean the kind that actually root for the U.S. to win its wars.

U.S. Veterans Dispatch:

Leftist activists who march to the Pentagon next month will discover that their path won't be as clear as it has been in the past.

The group, led by Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark and their ilk, plan to gather March 17 at the Vietnam Memorial Wall to begin a march to protest America's involvement in the Iraq war. The date marks the fourth anniversary of the war's beginning.

This time, however, protestors will see objectors if they spit on Iraqi veterans again, or throw paint on a war memorial. This time, they will encounter a buzz saw of Vietnam veterans and supporters who will gather to protect the Wall, and show their support for U.S. troops. The counter-protestors are calling themselves the Gathering of Eagles.

HT: Bill Faith

-- *Yes, Cindy Sheehan actually said this.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:06 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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1 I'm welling up with tears of pride.

Give 'em hell, soldiers.

Posted by: Good Lt at February 08, 2007 10:28 PM (D0TMh)

2 You just gotta love the veterans.  God bless them.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 09, 2007 01:23 AM (8e/V4)

3 You and the hard-core militant-ass christians are the same.

They believe in Free Will but think you should never use it.
You people believe in free speech, but should never use it.

Calling out the politics of preserving an Israeli state is NOT Anti-Semitic (can't you even spell your hatred right?). It's calling out political motivations.

But do you call out Bill Donohue of the Catholic Reich for actually being an anti-Semite? No, you bitch about Bloggers who call him out.

You are a gem, you are. You are destined for great things. Remember, a million small minds are more powerful than a few great ones.

yeah, that was sarcasm, geniuses.

Posted by: God of Biscuits at February 09, 2007 04:12 AM (MSZoP)

4 Dog of biscuits:

Free will and free speech for left-wing America-haters and anti-Semites only, huh? You should be able to desecrate as many monuments as you want, and mob assault lone soldiers? The majority needs to shut up and do whatever you retards command?

You're just going to have to throw temper tantrums and hold your collective breath until you turn blue, because the Gathering of Eagles isn't going to let you turn a memorial into a mockery of the men it honors.

You left-wing fascists never change or grow. You're stuck on stupid, still chasing the failed Utopia of socialism. 300 million dead in the last century wasn't enough. You want to give totalitarianism another shot. You're all emotional infants and intellectual children with a boundless hatred for anyone who dares to think differently than you. (What a shock that most people detest political correctness, the socialist agenda and open treason.) Like all spoiled children, your selfish stupidity is dangerous to the productive people around you.

Blaming the overthrow of Saddam Hussein on Israel and dem Joos is full blown anti-Semitism. Hiding behind the "destroy Israel, support the terrorist baby killers" mantra doesn't exactly mask it.

Martin Luthor King told you leftoids that hating Israel was really anti-Semitism. Why do you ignore his words? Isn't he supposed to be your patron saint, after Marx and Stalin?

Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have a homeland. Israel is that historical homeland. Anybody who is against either is against Jews.

You are a particularly vile little speck of smegma. While Christians and conservatives are spending more time, money and energy on charity than the rest of the world combined, you and the Cindy Shehag crowd are busy attacking Jews, Christians and America. You're probably too stupid to even know that you're a racist hatemonger.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 09, 2007 07:06 AM (Dt3sl)

5 Hey Bitch of Biscuits. Destroying Israel is called typical Nazi
behavior and your fascist friends defacing statutes is not free speech
you little twit.

Posted by: Randman at February 09, 2007 11:00 AM (Sal3J)

6 "Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have a homeland. Israel is
that historical homeland. Anybody who is against either is against Jews."

So just curious Jeff, but what country are your people from? I suggest you go back there, and just start building something... see what they say when you say this is your historic homeland.

Things are a little more complex then you seem to be able to understand. I and everybody I know support Israel, BUT they're going to have to give up some land for peace. They've helped to create this situation they're in, and it's not going to get better till that happens.

Imagine how you'd feel if Mexican immigrants start claiming that they're going to found a state in Texas... after all... it was theirs before it was Americas. Fair is fair right?

Posted by: John at February 09, 2007 05:55 PM (qiTAx)

7 "land for peace"

With people who have sworn to wipe you off the map?  Suicide.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 09, 2007 07:07 PM (8e/V4)


"Imagine how you'd feel if Mexican immigrants start claiming that they're going to found a state in Texas... after all... it was theirs before it was Americas. Fair is fair right?"

Yes John, Fair is fair. Winner take all. Lets go!

Islam wants the world John, not just the tiny peice of dirt the Jews are trying to reclaim. While Muslims hold that attitude, I'm solidly on the side on anyone who can push them back.

Same for reconquista mexicans. Not the ones who want to legally immigrate, and assimilate, but the other ones who put up websights describing how nice it will be when you and I go back to Europe.

It's a pretty simple rule John. If you can't defend what you have, someone will take it eventually. Man has many safety mechanisms to keep hs animal nature in check. Some societies are better at using those mechanisms. Islam isn't one of those.

Mercy, whether you like it or not, is a gift which can only be granted by the strong, and then, only if they feel something to make them merciful. The Jews in Israel are rightly unwilling to trust the mercy of their fellow man. What has their fellow man ever done for them, except maybe the USA? 

It's not like the whole Saudi peninsula isn't wide open for Muslims! It's not like a whole lot of Asis isn't wide open for Muslims! It's not like Muslims aren't taking over the psychologically helpless Europeans, with only the UK looking like it is regaining its wits. It's not like they aren't welcome to train as Hezb'Allah in Venezuela! It's not like they aren't rioting, and justifying rape in Australia.

Where should we go John? How about the moon? As I recall we were actually there first. Maybe the Muslims will let us have it for ourselves? What do you think? Or maybe we do what we have always done. We realize that other nations, and other peoples are sometimes hostile to us, and we take the necessary steps to insure that we can always prevail! I like that option.

Ten if we like, we can be as merciful, and generous as we want. Like we were merciful when only WE had the A-bomb! Picture an Islamic state developing it first. Hell! Picture half the nations on earth getting it first! We may have been to kind to some of them.

In any case, you can try and talk about morals, and who has what rights, but when you discuss them outside of a real life context, your going to reach some wrong conclusions.

The right of the Jews to find a place they can fight for, and hold for the defense, and survival of their people is all the justification they need. Especially after the last century.

Nobody is planning genocide against Mexicans, so lets leave that question for another day.

We managed to keep the empires of the world from dominating North, and South America, and that was to our advantage. Surely remaining in our original thirteen colonies would have given some European power an advantage over us, as they wouldn't have restrained themselves just because we did.

Israel has a perfectly legitimate right to fight for life. One could call it an unalienable right. I know where I stand on that topic. We can discuss other specific cases where appropriate, but I am a Zionist philosophically speaking, and I support Israel. They have earned what they have.

This is becoming a bit of a rant, so I'm off, and away!
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 10, 2007 02:18 AM (2OHpj)

9 So, I'm just curious Johke, but what country are the Psuedostinian people from? I suggest they go back there, and just start building something... see what is said when they say that is their historic homeland.

It would probably work. After all, idiots like you are willing to believe that they're a genuine ethnic group with ties to Israel from time immemorial. Snicker!

The jews gave up the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank for peace. Where has that got them, shit for brains?

Islamopithecine Imperialists hate Jews and Christians, so they continue to attack them. Very complex.

You need to give up trying to out debate me. You have no hope of doing so, shit-licker.

Texas never belonged to the beaners, by the way. It belonged to Indians like the Comanche, which is why the coward Santa Ana encouraged Americans to settle there. He stupidly thought that after the cock swinging Tejanos disposed of the indians, he could dispose of the Tejanos. What a shocker that it didn't turn out that way.

The mexicans are already claiming the american southWest is theirs and founding colonies there. Fucking ignoramus.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 10, 2007 01:07 PM (Dt3sl)

10 Here is a heartwarming video made by Grey Dog in
regards to this protest. Have a tissue handy
Zionist rule!

Posted by: oldhippy at February 11, 2007 10:36 AM (BrndJ)

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