July 04, 2007
Posted by: Good Lt. at
02:17 AM
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Posted by: TBinSTL at July 04, 2007 05:24 AM (MSiPb)
Most of the comments on Deb's blog are from sycophants mewling for approval.
Posted by: JeepThang at July 04, 2007 08:28 AM (E0xcM)
Posted by: Irish Gal at July 04, 2007 08:30 AM (x938F)
Yeah Nugent rocks, he is telling you the truth.
Posted by: Howie at July 04, 2007 11:12 AM (YHZAl)
The drug laws in this country are outrageously antiquated. Well, they would be, except for the fact that in olden times drugs were legal, of course.
Drug laws are all about shysters making money and pigs having something to do, and every argument for drug laws is nothing but propaganda from those two camps.
And I - for some reason - side with the conservatives most of the time.
WTF-ever. I guess libertarians ARE just conservative dopers.
You have your poster boy.
Posted by: Hucbald at July 04, 2007 01:07 PM (jg8wS)
Posted by: sandpiper at July 04, 2007 03:17 PM (K3hNB)
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at July 04, 2007 05:19 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: JeepThang at July 04, 2007 06:07 PM (E0xcM)
Posted by: Irish Gal at July 04, 2007 06:46 PM (x938F)
Posted by: blackflag at July 05, 2007 08:41 AM (Mq5jS)
Posted by: Joe Buzz at July 05, 2007 02:36 PM (iVR42)
June 19, 2007
Take ten or fifteen and read it.
ht: Howie
Posted by: Good Lt. at
04:47 PM
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Posted by: mrclark at June 19, 2007 06:06 PM (Jj3bJ)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 19, 2007 08:00 PM (yJKSD)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 19, 2007 08:03 PM (yJKSD)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at June 20, 2007 12:11 PM (jQsc/)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 20, 2007 12:24 PM (yJKSD)
Posted by: greyrooster at June 20, 2007 11:05 PM (evorT)
Posted by: Jared Johnson at June 21, 2007 02:33 AM (xFkPM)
June 08, 2007
Posted this a while back, but since Hitch is on a book tour, I thought I'd indulge everyone with a little more rhetorical and historical jujitsu from perhaps the most eloquent and knowledgeable of all Iraq war supporters. Watch and squirm, antiwarbots. You wish you paid that much attention in history class, don't you?
Posted by: Good Lt. at
08:39 AM
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Posted by: B at June 08, 2007 10:18 AM (Zlbra)
Hitchens is also one of "the most eloquent and knowledgeable of all" anti-Mullah anti-Islamic-Republic people, my disagreement with his atheistic views notwithstanding. :-)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 08, 2007 10:41 AM (j97MF)
Nice ad hominem, though. Really, it was. Can't argue with the substance of the point, attack the messenger.
Posted by: Good Lt at June 08, 2007 10:44 AM (yMbfY)
You probably already knew this but I didn't. Christopher has a brother, Peter, who is a Christian opposed to the war. I guess they have publicly debated about faith on occasion. I read an article by Peter a few days ago reviewing his brother's book God Is Not Great. Hopefully, they can convert each other.
Posted by: Sharm at June 08, 2007 11:36 AM (q51o4)
Even so, does nothing to alter the fact that he's a booze-soaked aplogist who's reasoning has been shot down umpteen times in the recent past, by better than himself-- rhetorical flourishes not withstanding.
Posted by: B at June 08, 2007 12:10 PM (Zlbra)
Posted by: birdhurd at June 08, 2007 12:12 PM (Scpej)
Posted by: greyrooster at June 08, 2007 12:15 PM (WxzhO)
Posted by: John Ryan at June 08, 2007 12:29 PM (TcoRJ)
Your Mo-slime kind cann't help being pathetic sore loser, can you?
heh heh heh heh :->>
And "Sharm",
Nice job exposing yourself as a Mullahcracy agent!
It won't be long now before you and "John Ryan" Qolam-Ali Tazi your benefactors are disposed of and you'll lose your source of income. Heh heh heh heh :->>
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 08, 2007 12:36 PM (j97MF)
"pwned" is a humorous and intentional misspelling of the word "owned."
See more here, from the Urban Dictionary.
a booze-soaked aplogist (sic)
...who regularly rends your tiny-minded leftwing bullsh*t eight ways from Sunday while you try to ignore him. You can't argue with his logic without defending/rationalizing/excusing Islamic murderers, Islamic terrorists and Islamic war on the West.
Did you catch him wreaking complete and utter pwnage on one of the "intellectuals" you no doubt think "shoots down his reasoning?" The scrub is so devastated at the end of this debate that he is rendered speechless. Go ahead - watch it.
who's reasoning has been shot down umpteen times in the recent past, by better than himself
By who, exactly? Keith Olberloon?
His reasoning, based entirely on irrefutable historical fact, international law and a working knowledge (as opposed to an emotion) of modern world history, UN and NATO resolutions,
Cite one fact he got wrong.
Posted by: Good Lt at June 08, 2007 02:01 PM (yMbfY)
I f I see ya around town , I'll buy you a beer. Im in the Philly area too.
Posted by: birdhurd at June 08, 2007 02:25 PM (Scpej)
I think you read my conversion comment the opposite was intended. I meant that Christopher could convert Peter on the war and Peter could convert him to Christianity. I didn't realize the opposite effect.
Posted by: Sharm at June 08, 2007 02:50 PM (q51o4)
Posted by: Good Lt at June 08, 2007 03:21 PM (yMbfY)
It's such an "overwhelming" majority that the Dems (who were allegedly elected to stop the war) can't bring themselves to stop funding the war, LOL.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 08, 2007 03:51 PM (8e/V4)

Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 08, 2007 03:53 PM (2OHpj)
My main source of income his forestry management, although there is a corelation between that and the surge in oil prices it doesn't really have an effect on my sense of reality
The heh heh heh laughter at your own wit must be a carry over from a different culture.
Posted by: John Ryan at June 08, 2007 04:08 PM (E4CID)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 08, 2007 04:13 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: tbone at June 08, 2007 04:23 PM (HGqHt)
Not true at all as far as I’m concerned. He rarely says anything I haven’t heard before. He just repackages it in a Buckleyesque tone that sounds good to the uninformed.
>>>>>>> You can't argue with his logic without defending/rationalizing/excusing Islamic murderers, Islamic terrorists and Islamic war on the West.
Yes, I can. We have no right, no duty, no legal or moral high-ground in which to intervene in a nation on anyone’s behalf, especially if it does not serve our national interest. We went in to Iraq almost, repeat almost, solely on the basis of our national interest — not under the auspices of a humanitarian mission as was stated in Somalia and Kosovo, but as a protection from WMD, “mushroom clouds†and a rogue regime.
Since that time, the threat was deemed not as great as originally thought. Slowly, but with great care, the rationale morphed into this great humanitarian effort against a genocidal dictator, with the “spreading of democracy†as an added corollary. This transparent effort has been aided by water-carriers like Hitchens and to a minuscule degree, fellows like yourself. Meanwhile, the Iraq War has become al-Queda’s recruiting tool of choice. It’s not about defending, rationalizing, or excusing Islamic extremists; their acts speak for themselves. As far as the civilian populace goes—you know, the ones we’re there for—we’ve traded in Saddam Hussein for the Islamic Army and al-Queda It’s about what the US can truly expect to effect as an outcome just because we have a large standing military.
>>>>>>> By who, exactly? Keith Olberloon?
Puh-lease. Hitchens gets regularly spanked by Ian Parker of the New Yorker (one article entitled "How did Hitchens become a 'Lying, Self-Serving, Fat-Assed, Chain-Smoking, Drunken, Opportunistic, Cynical Contrarian' is a favorite) and Peter Beinart called him a “a former pinko who has become the master of misdirection and the straw man argument in service of the right.â€
>>>>>> His reasoning, based entirely on irrefutable historical fact ... cite one fact he got wrong.
Hitchens rarely gets his facts wrong; he's not fool enough to make that mistake publicly. But so what: it's the conclusions he draws from those facts that are almost always flawed, hopelessly optimistic and ill-reasoned.
Case in point, in late 1994-early '95, Hitchens position was this:
"I think that the United States and coalition forces are not militarily defeatable in Iraq .... Unless the United States chooses to be defeated in Iraq, it cannot be. Therefore, the insurgency, so-called, will be defeated."
That turned out to be not true these two-and-a-half years later. His facts are correct, the US cannot be defeated militarily. That is a foregone conclusion and I didn't need Christopher Hitchens to tell me that the world's foremost military arsenal could not be defeated by insurgents. But as others voices have said since before the invasion and Supreme Commander David Petraeus had made a point of most recently, this war cannot and will never be won militarily. It will be won, if at all, politically. So Hitchens fact that we cannot LOSE militarily is irrelevant in a war that cannot be WON militarily.
Posted by: B at June 08, 2007 04:24 PM (Zlbra)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k66epna2Sss&NR=1 USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 08, 2007 04:27 PM (2OHpj)
tbone, I have to partly agree with you. I think the war is an important issue, but the only battle that I feel can't be 'won' is trying to reason with people who are totally entrenched in DOGMA. I don't think you one of those, so your OK
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 08, 2007 04:30 PM (2OHpj)

Posted by: tbone at June 08, 2007 04:41 PM (HGqHt)
Of course you are. Why am I not surprised. It's the "hip" religion to be, and Libturds are oh so hip. LOL.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 08, 2007 04:58 PM (8e/V4)
An eloquent fool is still a fool.
Posted by: salaamalaykoom at June 08, 2007 05:38 PM (5y3HQ)
B: Jerkoff. How do you know the war cannot be won militarily? We haven't made any attempt to solve it militarily. We are posing as cops in a silly police action which does little but keep the enemy busy attempting to kill our troops driving around the country. Iraq could be brought under control if we really put the hammer down. But is that what we really want?
Posted by: greyrooster at June 11, 2007 10:48 AM (F6Vin)
Tbone: Greyrooster has been out fishing for several days. Got back yesterday PM. Are you two going to start sending valentines to each other.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 11, 2007 10:51 AM (F6Vin)
Because hundreds of military and foreign policy experts--including David Petreaus--, commander of ALL forces in Iraq, SAY publicly it cannot be won militarily. But maybe they should be calling a putz like you to get the real story.
We haven't made any attempt to solve it militarily.
What, oh, what in the fuck are you talking about you muddle-headed idiot?
Posted by: B at June 11, 2007 11:57 AM (Zlbra)
June 07, 2007
Che was a homophobic, racist murderer who personally oversaw and authorized the deaths of hundreds of innocents (including women and children).
Who knew that leftists were brain dead morons for worshiping him as a demigod?
Surely not I.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:05 PM
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Posted by: steve at June 08, 2007 12:11 AM (ski2y)
Posted by: greyrooster at June 08, 2007 12:17 AM (23jdi)
Posted by: Rubin at June 08, 2007 03:21 AM (lszTp)
Posted by: Darth Vag at June 08, 2007 03:29 AM (b0FZu)
Posted by: Good Lt at June 08, 2007 08:35 AM (yMbfY)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 08, 2007 10:58 AM (j97MF)
Posted by: RJ at June 08, 2007 11:56 AM (yyxO/)
Posted by: greyrooster at June 08, 2007 12:12 PM (WxzhO)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 08, 2007 01:21 PM (8e/V4)
June 06, 2007
Posted by: Good Lt. at
10:52 AM
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Juno beach The Dominion of Canada
Sword beach Great Britain
Gold beach Great Britain
Utah beach United States of America
Omaha beach United States of America
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 06, 2007 01:23 PM (j97MF)
If we tried an attack like that today some asswipe in the Pentagon would surely leak the battle plan to the NYT. And in the infinite wisdom the Times would display it for the whole world to see.
Posted by: Rome at June 06, 2007 02:09 PM (/GrlO)
Posted by: sandpiper at June 06, 2007 04:56 PM (0eEOk)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 06, 2007 07:11 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Jester at June 06, 2007 08:52 PM (iwtIO)
April 24, 2007
Italy in the 1920s, Germany in the 30s, Stalin's Soviet Union, Cuba under Castro, East Germany in the 50s, Czechoslovakia in the 60s, the Latin American dictatorships in the 70s, Chinain the 80s and 90sfrom Chairman Mao forward, North Korea under the Kims, Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, Saddam's Iraq, the Khmer Rouge, the Taliban, Venezuela under Chavez - all dictatorships and would-be dictators target newspapers and journalists. They threaten and harass them in more open societies that they are seeking to close, and they arrest them and worse in societies that have been closed already. . . .Joseph C Wilson accused Bush, in a New York Times op-ed, of leading the country to war on the basis of a false charge that Saddam Hussein had acquired yellowcake uranium in Niger. After making his accusations, Wilson
was found dead in his homebecame a huge celebrity. His wife, Valerie Plame, wasoutedidentified as a well-known CIAspyanalyst - a form of retaliation thatended her careercaused her to leave her CIA desk job behind for an empty life of fame and wealth. . .You won't have a shutdown of news in modern America - it is not possible. But you can have, as Frank Rich and Sidney Blumenthal have
pointed outillustrated, a steady stream of lies polluting the news well. What you already have is aWhite Housemainstream media directing a stream of false information that is so relentless that it is increasingly hard to sort out truth from untruth. In a fascist system, it's not the lies that count but the muddying. When citizens can't tell real news from fake, they give up their demands for accountability bit by bit.
Posted by: Ragnar at
01:54 PM
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Posted by: John at April 24, 2007 04:04 PM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: John at April 24, 2007 04:05 PM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: allahakchew at April 24, 2007 04:06 PM (BrndJ)
Posted by: allahakchew at April 24, 2007 04:10 PM (BrndJ)
When it comes to statist governments which intrude on personal liberty (in the economic, political, religious, or whatever sense), the Europeans have them in spades. Europe has no legitimate "freedom of the press." Europe has no freedom of contract. European governments dominate the corporations. Those are all characteristics of fascism which we see in spades in Europe, but which are remarkable absent in America.
"..the dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe."
-Tom Wolfe
Posted by: wooga at April 24, 2007 04:12 PM (t9sT5)
And Wooga... go read a dictionary.
Posted by: John at April 24, 2007 04:25 PM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: allahakchew at April 24, 2007 04:31 PM (BrndJ)
Which part of National Socialism do you and your Socialist friends get confused on Herr John.
And Wooga... go read a dictionary.
Wooga owned your ass you illiterate terrorist lover. And if you want to know what fascism means one would be better educated by a political text rather than a dictionary. Fuck you very much.
Posted by: Randman at April 24, 2007 04:35 PM (Sal3J)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 24, 2007 04:44 PM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at April 24, 2007 04:53 PM (gtZwa)
Where do you think they came up with the name "Truther" movement?

Posted by: Randman at April 24, 2007 05:02 PM (Sal3J)
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 24, 2007 06:30 PM (2OHpj)
--Tom Wolfe
John, go **** yourself.
Posted by: Richard Romano at April 24, 2007 07:46 PM (iD1fP)
Pick a dictionary. I'm sure that under whatever definition you find, countries like, say, France, will best America on all counts in the race to fascism.
Me, I'll stick to reading books without pictures.
Posted by: wooga at April 24, 2007 07:47 PM (t9sT5)
Posted by: Ranba Ral at April 24, 2007 10:52 PM (VvXII)
Wolf wrote an essay about the ten steps a corrupt government takes to
create a fascist state, and provides examples of what the Bush
administration is doing to fulfill the requirements of each step. Some
of Wolf's examples are quite a stretch, but others are spot on.
1 Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2 Create a gulag
3 Develop a thug caste
4 Set up an internal surveillance system
5 Harass citizens' groups
6 Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7 Target key individuals
8 Control the press
9 Dissent equals treason
10 Suspend the rule of law
Posted by: John at April 25, 2007 12:50 AM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: John at April 25, 2007 12:51 AM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: Ranba Ral at April 25, 2007 01:05 AM (VvXII)
Wolf wrote an essay about the ten steps a corrupt government takes to
create a fascist state
Again, fuckhead, just because you make up a list of attributes for something does not make it "fascist." "Fascism" means certain things, and doesn't mean other things. Naomi Wolf simply recycled some earlier truther trash which picks 10 things they don't like about America, and then says those make it fascist. That's like me saying the Oakland Raiders are like the Nazi SS, because they utilized a skull symbol to strike fear in their opponents. Sure it's a common attribute, and ripe for criticism, but it has nothing to do with "fascism."
Tell me John, where is the disarmament of the population? Where is the government seizure of corporate property? Where are the blasphemy laws? Where are the opposition leaders being thrown in jail? Where are the media outlets being seized by the government? Where is the government endorsement of leader worship? Where do the leaders blame their failings on the joos?
Oh yeah, those are what made Germany fascist in the 30s, and those are what is going on in present day Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Zimbabwe, Russia... but not America. Funny.
Posted by: wooga at April 25, 2007 03:28 AM (2YapR)
Posted by: wooga at April 25, 2007 03:32 AM (2YapR)
Basically, what you are doing is "thinking lite".
Posted by: Randman at April 25, 2007 09:26 AM (Sal3J)
Again, go **** yourself!
Posted by: Richard Romano at April 25, 2007 09:35 AM (iD1fP)
Protesters, in broad daylight in front of the sniper-guarded White House, call bush a fascist and Hitler without the slightest worry that they may die in a prison camp. George Soros writes an article seen around the world that is highly critical of Israel, saying that the Jews have stifled criticism of Israel. The press writes frequent articles in globally read newspapers saying that the press is under Bushitler's thumb. Muslims hold frequent speaking arrangements in highly visible public venues to say that there is a conspiracy by the omnipotent Jews and the government to suppress Muslim freedoms. People in all branches of government from Congress to the CIA to Education to State to Justice to Defense publicly screech that they've been "silenced", claiming in public without even a remote fear of being arrested that we live in a police state.
Is it just me, or are the people complaining about their speech being suppressed always the ones bitching the loudest?
Posted by: Lehosh at April 25, 2007 10:01 AM (BXpVN)
Posted by: Randman at April 25, 2007 10:09 AM (Sal3J)
Lehosh, Right On! but it won't make any sense to the left, because they are incapable of true critical thinking.
And about John and 'fascism lite'. As a comic book collector, I learned that Canada has some mean censorship laws. It affects which magazines we can export across the border to the north. I eventually learned this extends to which video tapes, or DVD's can go up there.
OR what gets imported from Japan! Anime gets 'edited' for the Canadian market! These laws have been used to prosecute, and convict Canadian citizens, such as one experimental film maker, on "obscenity" charges that pretty much ruined his life. He had some digital special effects, simulated violence, and partial nudity!
Big Whoop!
Down here you can find the real stuff, not that I'm saying it's good ... but it IS more free! I mean jeepers! If Ragnar puts up a beheading vid, on his blog, he is already pushing the limits well past where this other guy went! Nudity, and violence that IS REAL!
And don't we all love how the 'fascist' Canadian health care system lets people go without important treatment if they exceed some arbitrary quota for a type of surgery? Well it happens y'know?
ANYWAY, I LIKE CANADA ......... I'M JUST PICKING ON JOHN ..... OK? No system of government is perfect. But everything would seem a little more perfect if an asteroid fell out of the sky directly on John's head! It wouldn't kill him though ...
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 25, 2007 10:42 AM (2OHpj)
You guys are such braindead zombies that you can't see that most "liberals" agree that radical Islam is dangerous, but we disagree on how to handle it.
Seeing as how everything Bush has done to date has only made things worse, you have demonstrated how out of touch with reality you are.
Ah well... no surprise there. Most of you guys probably still think that Zeus... sorry I should have said "God" created the world in six days.
Just because you believe something doesn't mean it's true.
Speaking of which... have you guys seen any of the stuff on how your goverment totally lied about Pat Tillman's death so that it could use him as a propaganda tool?
Posted by: John at April 25, 2007 10:49 AM (S3Rzh)
Hey, John had a moment of clarity! So, will you admit that you were wrong about America being more fascist than, say, Canada?
Posted by: wooga at April 25, 2007 11:37 AM (t9sT5)
How could we not see it? I'm sure, when screaming at the top of their lungs, all those senators, congressmen, bureaucrats, CIA agents, veterans, staff, journalists, teachers, college professors, scientists, soldiers, actors, producers, mayors, governors, students, protesters, activists, house wives, hippies, and civil rights leaders are just petrified with mortal terror that at any moment during their openly public, widely reported, globally televised, and broadly unimpeded rallys, statements, lectures, press conferences, and advertisements, that the Bushiburton Gestapo will take them off to the gas chamber.
What brave, brave people they are.
Posted by: Lehosh at April 25, 2007 11:50 AM (BXpVN)
Posted by: Doug Purdie at April 25, 2007 05:53 PM (00DOn)
Given temporal distrotion as explained by relativity, it's quite possible the earth, and even the entire universe was created in 6 days. It just depends on how close to a gravity well you happen to be when you start and finish your time measurment (farther from gravity means time passes faster).
Posted by: Ranba Ral at April 26, 2007 02:57 PM (VvXII)
Posted by: Lehosh at April 26, 2007 03:36 PM (BXpVN)
Posted by: ivaesb at May 12, 2007 07:58 PM (tBTGR)
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Posted by: rbdm vuegxn at July 08, 2007 01:14 PM (f7FCj)
Cross-posted at The Arsenal.
Posted by: Ragnar at
10:23 AM
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Posted by: sandpiper at April 24, 2007 11:51 AM (LKIJT)
Posted by: Rick at April 24, 2007 03:09 PM (9ZqGe)
March 15, 2007
Race of the soil, ready for conflict – race of the conquering march!
(No more credulity’s race, abiding temper’d race,)
Race henceforth owning no law but the law itself,
Race of passion and the storm.
-Walt Whitman, 1871
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:35 PM
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Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 15, 2007 08:59 PM (pVVSX)
February 26, 2007
Posted by: Kafir at
09:32 AM
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Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.
John DiGiovanni, of Valley Stream,
N.Y., a salesman parking his car in the WTC garage;
Wilfredo Mercado,
of Brooklyn, N.Y., an employee of the Windows on the World restaurant;
and four Port Authority employees –
Robert Kirkpatrick, of Suffern,
Stephen Knapp, of Staten Island, N.Y.,
William Macko, of Bayonne,
Monica Rodriguez Smith, and her unborn child, of Seaford,
More than 1,000 people were injured when terrorists detonated a
massive truck bomb in a public parking garage beneath the World Trade
Some of the suspects arrested in the case are closely linked to others
arrested in July in a thwarted plot to blow up selected targets in New York
City, including the United Nations building and the Holland and Lincoln
Tunnels. Umar Abd al-Rahman, the Muslim cleric from Egypt who resided in
New Jersey, and several of his followers were indicted in connection with
this plot and were charged with conspiracy. The case went to trial in
September 1993, and four suspects were convicted in March 1994.
List of unindicted co-conspirators in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Posted by: heroyalwhyness at February 26, 2007 03:43 PM (MAPKL)
Standing at the corners between WTC I and WTC II and tilting my head back always made me laugh at the absurdly, preposterously real vanishing point effect that the buildings created.
I get choked up whenever I remember that stuff now.
Posted by: Hucbald at February 26, 2007 07:29 PM (w8csg)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 09:44 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Kafir at February 27, 2007 12:00 AM (HsmTD)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 27, 2007 08:20 PM (JVqe0)
Posted by: John at February 27, 2007 10:41 PM (Rfqkp)
Posted by: sandpiper at February 28, 2007 11:15 AM (4pkrX)
February 21, 2007
Posted by: Good Lt. at
12:47 AM
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Post contains 41 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 21, 2007 02:30 AM (2OHpj)
Tell me what you think. I'm very curious what your views are on this.
Posted by: osamabinthere at February 21, 2007 03:46 AM (ZxuJ4)
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 07:37 AM (smCdV)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 21, 2007 02:39 PM (ZxuJ4)
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 07:12 PM (MMhDt)
Osamabinstuff ... First reaction was "this guy is skipping details, and amplifying the details he does offer" I don't know from reading this, where exactly he is politically, but he sounds a bit socialist, which is always a red light for me.
I start from the position that any profit you make, by whatever work, or creativity, or smart merchanting, is yours to keep. Taxes are legalized plunder. When your walking down the street, and someone steps in front of you demanding what is yours, that is attempted robbery. If they imply a threat "I have a gun ..." then it is attempted armed robbery. If they are the government, it is called taxation.
If every time I walk down the street, someone comes to take my earnings, I will probably either stop producing, or hide my earnings, or arm myself, or move to a nicer neighborhood. If I hide my earnings, it's called tax evasion, and if I arm myself, it's called rebellion. If I move, it's called third world development. If I just quit producing it's called social justice. But we know that stealing someones earnings with the threat of force, isn't justice at all.
Now, I'm not against charity, and I think the government is in-bounds if they incentivise such things. I even allow as the government can put money from taxes into a fund to help in an emergency, whether it be to provide food, shelter, medicine, or anything else , on a case by case basis. I'm dead set against instututionalizing a perpetual 'emergency', and creating a permanent drain on our most inventive, and productive people. In short, I'm against any form of entitlement. I can define that better.
If you didn't do something constructive to earn what you are getting, but you are getting it anyway, regularly, and at someone elses expense your receiving an entitlement. And tax cuts aren't an entitlement, they are a reduction of legalized plunder. Vetrans benefits are part of the pay package as far as my definition. So are earned retirement benefits.
OK ... NOW
GW is reccomending some cuts. I recall that one was 108 million over a ten year period? so 10.8 million a year. This was to provide a bag of groceries each month to various persons, and it sounded like a nice program. But what other programs are there? Is the old program now redundant, and a waste of money because a new system is doing the same thing only better, and more efficiently? The article doesn't tell us that. It chooses to characterize this as subsidizing yachts for rich people while starving the poor. That is an agenda heavy characterization, even if it turns out to be fairly accurate.
We know that careful reduction of taxes actually produces more tax money through economic growth. This is going to be a good thing, if we let it happen. More on subsidies later.
I will read this again, and give you my 'second look opinion' of it in a few days a most. Basiccally, taxes are a necessary evil, so the less you have to tax, the less evil is involved : )
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 21, 2007 08:56 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 22, 2007 05:42 AM (2OHpj)
(Osamabintesting, this is my response to your earlier post, forgive the length, and as you can see, I'm seperating myself with these cute little bracket thingies ((-)) So this is my opinion, and I am stateing that up front. I can get into a fact slinging battle later if you like, but this is what I thought about this article. )
Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush's Billionaires
By Matt Taibbi, RollingStone.com. Posted February 20, 2007.
(He shows natural disgust at Celebrity stupidity ... leading to this)
On the same day that Britney was shaving her head, a guy I know who works in the office of Senator Bernie Sanders sent me an email. He was trying very hard to get news organizations interested in some research his office had done about George Bush's proposed 2008 budget, which was unveiled two weeks ago and received relatively little press, mainly because of the controversy over the Iraq war resolution. All the same, the Bush budget is an amazing document. It would be hard to imagine a document that more clearly articulates the priorities of our current political elite.
(Senator Bernie Sanders, a partisan source, trying to do what partisan sources do best. Present only what they need to to smear the opposition. I quote the oft abused Wikipedia here ...
"Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an an independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democrats and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.
Democratic socialism is a broad political movement propagating the ideals of socialism within the context of a democratic system. This means that the means of production are controlled by the entire population through democratically elected representatives.
In many cases, its adherents promote the ideal of socialism as an evolutionary process resulting from legislation enacted by a constitutional democracy. Other democratic socialists favor a revolutionary approach that would establish socialism by creating a non-parliamentary direct democracy, usually progressing from local to regional and lastly national councils. While radical left-wing currents such as anarchism could be considered to be democratic and socialist, the term 'democratic socialist' is not used to describe them."
So I'd say he is a biased source outright, and an example of what I'm strongly oppossed to!)
Not only does it make many of Bush's tax cuts permanent, but it envisions a complete repeal of the Estate Tax, which mainly affects only those who are in the top two-tenths of the top one percent of the richest people in this country.
(Speculation unsupported by evidence. The Bush tax cuts helped me, and I was at just above minimum wage, trying to become self employed. Now I am mostly self employed, and I may be able to put money back into the economy in a few more years, by hiring some people. This guy is repeating Dem talking points)
The proposed savings from the cuts over the next decade are about $442 billion, or just slightly less than the amount of the annual defense budget (minus Iraq war expenses). But what's interesting about these cuts are how Bush plans to pay for them.
(Speculation. He isn't a mind reader, so he can't read Bush's mind. Nor would Sander's agent offer any reason for Bush's plan that didn't support the partisan attack this was meant to be.)
Sanders's office came up with some interesting numbers here.
(Came up with?)
If the Estate Tax were to be repealed completely, the estimated savings to just one family -- the Walton family, the heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune -- would be about $32.7 billion dollars over the next ten years.
(So we wouldn't be plundering the Walton family fortunes merely because someone in their family died ... )
The proposed reductions to Medicaid over the same time frame? $28 billion.
(In what context? Is there some other detail that Sander's people would leave out? Is there an alternative program that takes up the slack? Is there a projected plan to rework the Medicaid system to make it more efficient, and able to do the same things with less money/ Sander's probably wouldn't tell us if he knew, because it isn't "Socialist Sexy")
Or how about this: if the Estate Tax goes, the heirs to the Mars candy corporation -- some of the world's evilest scumbags, incidentally, routinely ripped by human rights organizations for trafficking in child labor to work cocoa farms in places like Cote D'Ivoire
(Sad but true, the third world is a place where if you don't get a job working for a multinational company, you are scratching in the dirt hopeing some of the weeds will be healthy enough to feed you. Global warming alarmists, and International enviromental groups are doing more to keep these kinds of people in poverty, than Mars candy, but you will seldom hear this fact. I suppose Mars candy could just NOT hire them, and they could starve ...? Or they could have a Cummunist revolution, and starve from misguided social engineering.)
-- if the estate tax goes, those assholes will receive about $11.7 billion in tax breaks. That's more than three times the amount Bush wants to cut from the VA budget ($3.4 billion) over the same time period.
(We could give back 17 Billion over the same ten years if we stopped funding the 'Global Warming Industry' and put it back into the budget elsewhere ... But in any case, IS there another program taking over services which the VA normally used to handle? is there a change in the efficiency of the VA that makes this viable? We don't know ... Partisans seldom like you to get a clear picture. Partisans are warriors for their side.)
Some other notable estimate estate tax breaks, versus corresponding cuts:
Cox family (Cox cable TV) receives $9.7 billion tax break while education would get $1.5 billion in cuts
Nordstrom family (Nordstrom dept. stores) receives $826.5 million tax break while Community Service Block Grants would be eliminated, a $630 million cut
Ernest Gallo family (shitty wines) receives a $468.4 million cut while LIHEAP (heating oil to poor) would get a $420 million cut
(Except for the snarky fact that the heating oil money is way less than is being paid to global warming 'scientists' by our government, the rest of this again, comes with no context as to what else is added, or changed, to create efficiency in the system. If you recall ... Mitt Romney saved $20 million anually from his budget for the homeless, by simply re-arranging the system so it ran more efficiently. This kind of context is entirely unprovided here.)
And so on and so on. Sanders additionally pointed out that the family of former Exxon/Mobil CEO Lee Raymond, who received a $400 million retirement package, would receive about $164 million in tax breaks.
(It's his money, and part of his pay package. Nobody has a true right to tell another person what to do with what belongs to that person, as long as it isn't being used to HARM anyone. In effect, his retirement package is HIS OWN BUSINESS. Be jealous, but at least own the fact that THAT is all your doing. You have no right to his earnings, nor the fruit of his fairly negotiated labors. He earned them. They were contracted to him for services rendered. When you tax those monies, your stealing them at gunpont. Acknowledge that, and we'll move on!)
Compare that to the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, which Bush proposes be completely eliminated, at a savings of $108 million over ten years. The program sent one bag of groceries per month to 480,000 seniors, mothers and newborn children.
(Replaced? Mitigated? We have no other point of reference than that which is provided in this partisan assault.)
Somehow, to me, that's the worst one on the list. Here you have the former CEO of a company that scored record profits even as it gouged consumers, with gas prices rising more than 70 percent since January of 2001. There is a direct correlation between the avarice of oil company executives and the increased demand for federal aid for heating oil programs like LIHEAP, and yet the federal government wants to reward these same executives for raising prices on the backs of consumers.
(Osamawantingalternateenergy ...? In what context are these 'tax breaks' occuring ??? How does a major corporation find the funds to develop alternative energy resources? If the money isn't coming in, it can't go into research and development can it? The best thing the government could do is to incentivise the energy industry to develop new resources. After all they are already experts in the needs of the industry, and those who rely on it.
Record profits that you 'gouge' away from the companies in the form of taxes will just go on to become third party spending. If you need an explanation, I'll get it for you in detail later. Remember, we paid those monies to those companies, at the price they asked for their commodity. In short, by accepting that price, we agreed to it. Now we want to renege on our part of the deal because we are to wussy to ride a bicycle??? Ironically, global warming alarmists are against the use of the heating oil in the first place. Oil ... always the bad guy even when they aren't)
Even if you're a traditional, Barry Goldwater conservative, the kinds of budgets that Bush has sent to the hill not only this year but this whole century are the worst-case scenario; they increase spending generally while cutting taxes and social programming.
( No, I'm not happy with the volume of spending, but I'm not sure what to do about it right now ... This is a time of global war, even if the left wants to pretend otherwise.)
They commit taxpayers to giant subsidies of already Croseus-rich energy corporations, pharmaceutical companies and defense manufacturers while simultaneously cutting taxes on those who most directly benefit from those subsidies. (Again, where are these subsidies being targeted? Is it for more energy development? Contracting corporations to develop things for the national interest is a common practice, and isn't wrong by itself ...)
Thus you're not cutting spending -- you're just cutting spending on people who actually need the money.
(Context as mentioned above, is missing)
That's not only bad government, it's bad capitalism. It makes legalized bribery and political connections more important factors than performance and competition in the corporate marketplace.
(Thats a fine shift! Go from whining about how much money the oil companies are making, to saying they should be competing and performing in the marketplace, which is how those profits were made in the first place ... nice double standrd. We know about Bribery and connections because we have already discussed Al Gore)
Beyond that, it's just plain fucking offensive to ordinary people. It's one thing to complain about paying taxes when those taxes are buying a bag of groceries once a month for some struggling single mom in eastern Kentucky. But when your taxes are buying a yacht for some asshole who hires African eight year-olds to pick cocoa beans for two cents an hour ... I sure don't remember reading an excuse for that anywhere in the Federalist Papers.
(Your not buying the yacht for some asshole! Your promoting economic growth, which will eventually reward all of us. Two cents is better than nothing, and they apparently think it's fair, or they would be digging up roots with sharpened sticks instead !!! Because we are Americans we have no clue what things cost in other parts of the world. How many times do you see on TV, "for ten cents a day, you can feed and cloth a child" and when the child goes to feed and clothe themselves by accepting employment, we are pissed off at the employer??? IT IS A CRUEL WORLD, but lets not be asses, OK?
Get the human rights people to spend their millions subsidizing economic developmemt. Get the envirometalists to stop stone walling natural resource development in the third world, and stop blaming the guys who can offer acceptable work. I met a guy who bought a whole resort, to live in, and he made a lot of other people successful on his way to getting it. He earned it. Fair!)
I also don't remember reading much about this year's budget.
(Right! I'd like to SEE the actual BUDGET! Wouldn't you? I sure don't trust a partisan like Sanders to explain it to me ...)
Here's the thing about the system of news coverage we have today. If the Walton family, or Lee Raymond, or the heirs to the Mars fortune actually needed the news media to work better than it does now, believe me, it would work better.
(They OWN the MSM??? I didn't know that ....)
But they have no such need, because the system is working just fine for them as is. The people it's failing are the rest of us, and most of the rest of us, apparently, would rather sniff Anna Nicole Smith's corpse or watch Britney Spears hump a fire hydrant than find out what our tax dollars are actually paying for.
(The MSM is failing everyone except America's enemies. Companies just buy advertising time where they think people are going to see it. That is why the Superbowl Advertising is such a big deal. For one brief moment the feild of hundreds of TV channels narrows to just the ones who can actually cover a unique event. Those minutes of advertising are gold. But I think the MSM decides who gets the bid on those slots, more than the bidders do. If I could OWN the Superbowl, I can make Miller crawl on their knees and suck mine! It's true.)
Shit, when you think about it that way, why not steal from us? People that dumb don't deserve to have money.
(This is just the 'have you stopped beating you wife?' question, already answered for you, by a partisan, and absent the details that would allow us an informed reaction. I admit, I don't have all the answers here, but this guy is an example of why I used my last 'Rolling Stone' to light the woodstove! He accepts the message of Sander's agent, without worrying about the completeness of the information, or the motive for providing it. Worse, he seems to revel in the act of arranging his 'facts' to make Bush out to be as bad as possible. There is a reason I don't hang out with the counterculture anymore.)
Matt Taibbi is a writer for Rolling Stone.
(Wikipedia ...
"Taibbi spent his childhood in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, and attended Bard College, spending his senior year abroad at Leningrad State Technical University."
"In 1992 Taibbi moved to Uzbekistan, but was forced to leave six months later after writing critically about the country's president. Afterwards, Taibbi worked for The Moscow Times as a sports editor, before moving on to work as a professional athlete in Russia and Mongolia, and as a correspondent for Montsame, the Mongolian National News Agency."
"While playing professional basketball in Ulan-Bator, Mongolia, Taibbi contracted a serious case of pneumonia and was medivaced to Boston. After recovering with his family, he returned to Russia and be came editor of the expat paper Living Here. He then joined Mark Ames in 1997 to co-edit the controversial English-language Moscow-based, bi-weekly free newspaper, The eXile. Taibbi said about that experience,
"We were out of the reach of American libel law, and we had a situation where we weren’t really accountable to our advertisers. We had total freedom." "
Yup! A real crusading journalist there! Happy to be free of 'libel laws'. A partisan for sure.)
(USA, all the way!)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 22, 2007 05:56 AM (2OHpj)
Oh, and did I mention I found a picture of Gayrooster today?
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 02:36 PM (ZxuJ4)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 02:56 PM (ZxuJ4)
Osamabingoingoutofhisway ;
I get along fine with greyrooster, and I'm not going to join you in bashing him. As long as you understand that ....
I didn't say I was unemployed, I said I was existing at just above minimum wage. But I have been unemployed, and technically, I'm self employed now. I'm glossing details but ....
I have worked retail for many, many years, and I had profit sharing that would have been pretty good, but the company I worked for got hit with a nasty lawsuit that cost them millions when the judge got a little excited with damage assignment. The company had been growing, and now it was dying. I hate frivolous lawsuits. Anyway, I lost tens of thousands in profit sharing, and when I switched to another employer they were legistlated out of existence within a year. I hate government interference in private enterprise.
I spent some time unemployed right in there. Not the first time. I've lived in my car before, many years ago, and one of those times the car didn't run, so at night I'd push it to a new parking spot so it didn't draw attention and get towed. This was after a minimum wage hike ...
Anyway when I became unemployed the last time I was exploring avenues for becoming my own boss, and being self sufficient. I wanted to write, but I also needed to pay bills in the meanwhile. Now days I practice writing, trying to conquer dyslexia, and re-train myself on good grammer. My wife has a day job in a family business, and together we have a small business distributing goods and services. I'm not going to advertise it here, I don't do spam.
Anyway, I have benefitted from tax breaks for business, and I want them to be permanent. I think the American dream is tied up in the freedom to develop yourself without outside interference. All my successes as an employee came during periods of business growth, which strangely coincided with the second or third year of having a Republican in the White House. So even as an employee, I bebefitted during business friendly administrations.
If I ever do achieve the level of success I am shooting for, I want my kids to benefit from it, by getting everything I created with my efforts. When I want other peopls kids to have my money, I decide to give it to them, and how much. I don't want the government stealing from my deathbed, what I earned, and have willed to my family. There is only one tax I approve of and that is income tax. If someone is making money, tax it then, one time, and one time only, and then leave people alone. Leave their property alone, leave their investments alone, leave their bequeathments alone, leave them alone!
Having lived a lot of my life at near minimum wage, I can tell you that everytime it was raised, I lost ground. Minimum wage hikes are a joke. They are a sideways contributor to inflation, and the lowering of the standard of living. They contribute to the destruction of the middle class. I despise the entire concept of minimum wages, and I wish there was some way to abolish them.
I am incentivised to to better myself, because I can see myself having the fruits of my labors to dispense with as I please. I have no desire to see those fruits ditributed to people who didn't do what I had to, or to see my efforts used to de-icentivise others.
Anyway, no ... no welfare. No food stamps. I did get unemployment the last time, but since the government took my job away, I think that is fair. Otherwise, I have never collected unemployment, even when I was unemployed. I like people to be their own adult guardians.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 23, 2007 12:38 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 01:41 PM (JVqe0)
For a good year or two I was living in a raw industrial space which wasn't zoned for that, so if you're were caught you were booted. I had to wash my upper body in the hallway sink and then grab a bucket of water for the lower half in my space. Did I mention there was no heating? Kerosene was the way to go. I had no bank account, no mailing address, no bank account, no car, no nuthin'!
Needless to say, after a while NYC started to recover and I got back on my feet with a vengeance. I've never taken any unemployment either. This reminds me though, I had one friend who did some funny stuff to get by: He would go to nice neighborhoods and walk into parties. Nobody ever questioned him or asked who he was...but by the time he left he had showered, shaved, brushed his teeth, fed himself and had plenty of drinks. Hilarious. For about a year he was a professional upscale party crasher.
Anyway, I view taxes the same as you. I'm not sure eliminating the minimum wage would work. I believe in incentives too, but what would keep big business from dinging the little guy? The only way to know would be to try...but I wouldn't count on that anytime soon.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 01:42 PM (JVqe0)
Osamabinpunked is a troll. He pretends to be reasonable with you because you engaged him honestly and politely. Ask yourself: despite the mountains of eveidence and proof you have provided to support your positions, has he been persuaded to the truth in any way, shape, or form?
Of course not. He still spews the leftard line on every subject he addresses. He's playing you. Don't fall for his transparently insincere trolling.
He's using you.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 09:37 PM (Dt3sl)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 11:37 PM (JVqe0)
But I do like Jeff and greyrooster, even if you don't.
And Jeff !
Maybe I'm using HIM, instead? In any case, I lose nothing in the process of these discussions, and since I'm backing up my comments with links, other interested parties can explore as they like. I do appreciate your concern.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 04:11 AM (2OHpj)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 25, 2007 03:47 PM (JVqe0)
February 15, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
10:24 AM
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Posted by: greyrooster at February 15, 2007 07:22 PM (Lddpk)
January 25, 2007
In my other life, when I was at the center of Moscow’s foreign-intelligence wars, I myself was caught up in a deliberate Kremlin effort to smear the Vatican, by portraying Pope Pius XII as a coldhearted Nazi sympathizer. Ultimately, the operation did not cause any lasting damage, but it left a residual bad taste that is hard to rinse away. The story has never before been told.
Please read the rest, although it's rather long, it's well worth it.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:07 PM
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Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.
January 16, 2007
You know it'd been a while since I listened to the words of King's speech. When I listened to it yesterday, I was struck by just how much emphasis King placed on "freedom." These days, the most visible of the self-anointed "Black leaders" give short shrift to freedom, empowerment and economic self-determination. That's a damn shame. We'd be a whole lot further ahead today if the Black leadership of the 1960s had refused to engage in "gimme-gimme" politics and had instead focused on economic empowerment of Black individuals. The fight for political equality was, of course, a necessary and important fight. It was on the economic side that Black empowerment went astray. The Black "leaders" apparently failed to recognize the destructive effect that self pity and envy has on the individual and the community. Unless and until there is a positive, charismatic leader in the Black community who can provide a real counterbalance to the status quo, our Black communities will continue to be mired in self-pity and despair.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:27 PM
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Post contains 176 words, total size 1 kb.
Happy James Earl Ray day.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 01:38 PM (w+w6p)
Will anyone be calling for mass hangings for all Democrats in the USA this year ?
Posted by: John Ryan at January 16, 2007 02:25 PM (TcoRJ)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 16, 2007 02:52 PM (YHZAl)
Barack Osama Obama definitely ain't the one. The guy is all hype and no substance. The P.C. crowd finally found a Blackish politician who isn't a raging racist retard or crook, and they're promoting this guy as the second coming.
Most people are unaware that King was nowhere near as influential when he was alive as he is now that he's dead. The other Black leaders of his day were even worse than the ones we have now. Malcolm X was a racist hatemonger and Huey Newton was an outright murdering drug addict.
King wanted equality, but today's Black leaders are interested in personal enrichment first, and special advantages for Blacks second. Neither goal is admirable.
MLK parades around the country are filled with marching morons raising their fists in the air and chanting racist slurs, faces contorted in naked hatred. King would puke if he had lived to see how his dream turned out. He was a good man, but not a great one, and MLK Day as a Holiday is a divisive mistake. Its just another entitlement program for Blacks and the P.C. left, if you ask me.
None of our Founding Fathers has a Holiday honoring them anymore, and neither does Lincoln--who did far more for Blacks than MLK ever did. Combining Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays into one Holiday called President's Day was a national travesty, and a huge victory for the anti-American left. I'm surprised Congress hasn't torn down the busts on Mt. Rushmore and replaced them with MLK, Ceasar Chavez, Gloria Steinem, and muhammad.
It seems to me that once equality becomes a reality, there isn't any further need for identity politics. Black activists, Female supremacists (feminists my ass,) gay activists, "Hispanic" activists, etc. are all looking to gain special advantages and privileges for their ill defined groups--and to make a shit-load of money, of course.
I have a dream. I dream of a day when the identity politics scumbags want to live in equality with the rest of us, instead of benefiting from the color of their skin, lack of a penis, love of a penis, or lack of English skills.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 16, 2007 02:52 PM (abVz3)
Moderates and conservatives don't define themselves by a political party like you leftists do. We aren't one dimensional, knee-jerk morons, and we know political parties are out for power and self aggrandizement.
As I recall, it's you dildos who continue to bray for the mass hanging of Bush and the Republicans. Stick your head out a window and smell the reality. You'll need to pul it out of your ass first.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 16, 2007 02:55 PM (abVz3)
We see that you are a fine product of the institutionalized prejudices that have been so ingrained in the good old boys of yesterday. Congratulations! Seems like their blasphemy worked on you.
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 16, 2007 02:58 PM (aaS4R)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 16, 2007 03:03 PM (YHZAl)
Posted by: templar knight at January 16, 2007 03:57 PM (qmQtL)
Posted by: John at January 16, 2007 05:10 PM (vLQPP)
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 16, 2007 05:19 PM (abVz3)
Yes, curse evil Whitey for shitting out affirmative action quotas for unqualified "minorities" and excusing away anti-White racism. It's all the fault of the privileged White elite and their dead White male forebears.
We must arrest more innocent college Lacrosse players, and give more Golden Globes to pure dreck like "Showgirls." We must level the playing field for anti-White and misandrist hate crimes. Talentless actresses need more awards, and dem Whitey Joooos need to be kicked out of Hollywood.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 16, 2007 05:24 PM (abVz3)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 06:12 PM (w+w6p)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 06:13 PM (w+w6p)
Why does the government refuse to release MLK's FBI file? All these years after his death and they still refuse. Why? Because he was colaborating with the then enemy of the United States. Namely, the Soviet Union. He was just another black cry baby. Just playing a different angle than the others. Playing the Christian minister game just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I have more respect of Malcome X. At least he was honest about it.
If his file is ever opened to the public we will have to change 10,000 street signs.
Has communities ever been forced to change street names for Lincoln, Jackson, Franklin, Washington or any white person? It's nothing but placating the rabble.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 06:25 PM (w+w6p)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 07:07 PM (w+w6p)
I say give him time.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 07:20 PM (w+w6p)
I say give him time.
Obama has two things going for him: (1) he doesn't speak in a sing-song preacher voice that insists on doubling syllables; Obama knows 'Jesus' is only two syllables, not five, and (2) Obama can give a speech without rhyming. Both are reasons that the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson dislike Obama as 'too white.'
Posted by: wooga at January 16, 2007 07:30 PM (t9sT5)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 16, 2007 07:37 PM (6zYAC)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 16, 2007 08:03 PM (w+w6p)
What a shame we haven't moved beyond such hatred of color.
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 16, 2007 09:25 PM (aaS4R)
You wrote:
"Yep, institutionalized prejudice is still alive and well amongst those white boys. What a shame we haven't moved beyond such hatred of color."
You refer to White people as "white boys," racists, and colorless--and you expect people to believe you aren't a racist piece of shit? Using racist slurs and baseless accusations to make your point kind of undermined it, don't you think? Are you even capable of thought?
If I change the players in your little scenario, does it become a racist paragraph?
Yep, institutionalized prejudice is still alive and well amongst those monochrome nigger boys. What a shame we haven't moved beyond such hatred of the color variety of Whites.
Do you honestly believe that only one of these paragraphs is racist? Are you even aware that you're a racist?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 16, 2007 10:28 PM (abVz3)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 12:52 AM (w+w6p)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 12:56 AM (w+w6p)
December 21, 2006
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:12 PM
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Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 21, 2006 11:54 PM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Speaking for the Choir at December 22, 2006 01:28 AM (HSkSw)
I had a bad disagreement with my Dad. It lasted a few years. One Christmas I gave him his gift, labelled 'In memory of General McAuliffe's answer to the Germans, when asked to surrender."
Guess what my Dad found when he unwrapped his present? He also got the message

I'm glad we sorted things out before he died. That way I can look back at that Christmas with a smile, and remember the look on his face. It was somewhere between a pleased grin, and an 'Oh really?' look. Priceless.
I really can't tell you how pleased I am by this post. You kinda brought Dad back for a minute. Thanks, and Merry Christmas. To you, and everyone!
Always, USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 22, 2006 03:27 AM (2OHpj)
Posted by: sandpiper at December 26, 2006 10:23 AM (as4nC)
November 04, 2006

Today is the 27th anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran.
Many people had their eyes opened on 9/11. More and more continue to open them.
My eyes were opened in 1979.
I was 12. I find it inexplicable that people 10, 20, 30 years my senior still have their eyes clamped firmly shut.
Posted by: Vinnie at
06:36 PM
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Before these barbarous Muslim brutes climbed the walls of the embassy they were persecuting people like me. But they're going to get their come-up-ins ...
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 04, 2006 07:49 PM (1juA+)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 04, 2006 08:20 PM (cNF2m)
Posted by: heroyalwhyness at November 04, 2006 10:30 PM (MAPKL)
It may have been 20+ years earlier but it certainly emboldened the Imans of today. The display of weakness in this lasts a lifetime.
Posted by: NortonPete at November 05, 2006 08:02 AM (fVuwW)
We don't believe all those ugly rumors that you gave Iran guarantees of conventional and WMDs, if they would just hold on to those hostages until after the election.
And we also don't believe that you laundered the money that you got from Iran to fund a war in Nicaragua.
Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 05, 2006 08:15 AM (fMHQi)
Blogs like this one have broken their stranglehold on the national debate, and that's a good thing.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at November 05, 2006 08:46 AM (bLPT+)
"Blogs like this one have broken their stranglehold on the national debate, and that's a good thing."
Yep, blogs like this one, have caused the GOP to be pretty much regarded as a bunch of hippocrits and loonies, anymore.
Thanks for the job that you guys are doing to help the Dems take the House and possibly the Senate.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Thanks again, to you, Mark Folley, Tom Delay, Bob Ney, Bush's failed foreign and domestic policies and all the others that have made this possible.
Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 05, 2006 09:51 AM (fMHQi)
There never would have been a damn hostage crisis.
Posted by: Darth Vag at November 05, 2006 10:30 AM (HSkSw)
Dream about a Dhimmiecrat landslide while you still can. Your dreams will be dashed on Tuesday. Not that you'll even bother to show up to vote.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at November 05, 2006 01:18 PM (bLPT+)
Posted by: memphis761 at November 06, 2006 11:11 AM (D3+20)
Posted by: YBP at November 11, 2006 09:44 AM (gVQMS)
Posted by: YBP at November 11, 2006 09:45 AM (gVQMS)
Posted by: YBP at November 11, 2006 09:45 AM (gVQMS)
September 21, 2006
The human comedy in THE LOOMING TOWER is very illuminating. Bin Laden, for example, emerges not as the fearless jihadist and scourge of the Soviets but as a laggard and faint-heart with a tendency to call in sick before battle and, if pressed into service, to pass out during it due to his blood pressure. The "nap" he took during the battle of the Lion's Den in 1987 is spoken of by awed al-Qaeda types as evidence of his cool under fire, but it seems more likely he just fainted. In Afghanistan, the local lads were hard and brave, the Arab volunteers they dismissed as "useless."
In addition to begging you not to read this, the Jawa Report begs you to avoid Amazondotcom, Barnesandnobledotcom, Bordersdotcom, Alibrisdotcom, and any other racist, zionist, jooooo run site that would sell this book.
We would also admonish you not to physically visit any bookstores in the near future, but, that's only because we're a bunch of couch-bound lazy-asses.
Or is it desk-bound, I get confused with this wireless laptop thingie. Depends on where I can smoke and where I can't.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:06 PM
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Posted by: tarzan at September 21, 2006 11:36 PM (dz4G5)
Anyway, my favorite part of Tower so far is the part about Zawahiri; he didn't get married until he was almost 30, and then only at his family's insistance, but he ran straight off to Afghanistan from where he wrote love letters... to his mother. These jihadoturds are some screwed up individuals, and a sixth of the world worhips them. Islam must be exterminated.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at September 22, 2006 07:29 AM (v3I+x)
Posted by: anon at September 22, 2006 02:59 PM (OxTcJ)
Posted by: George_The_Shrubber at September 24, 2006 03:48 PM (Dg1WY)
September 10, 2006
And don't forget about the Sandy Berger's theft of critical documents from the National Archives. Imagine if a Bush Admin. official had been caught doing the same thing - just look at how far out the CIA leak non-story/leftwing fantasy got before it was smashed into litte bits by the facts. But, hey - its a Democrat, so stealing, destroying and altering damaging classified information from the National Archives to whitewash the Democrats' failures in capturing Bin Laden is A-OK! If anyone asks, threaten to sue them, censor them and pull their licenses. Willie's got a 'legacy' to protect!
ht: Ann Althouse
Cross-posted at Mein Blogovault.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
12:18 PM
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Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.
B. Child president.
C. Sexual addict president.
D. Criminal president.
E. Traitor president.
F. Greatest president.
Answer next week.
Posted by: n.a. palm at September 10, 2006 01:53 PM (CWQzg)
Posted by: Rich at September 10, 2006 02:51 PM (89Rw1)
But one one thing i cant blame him...
If i was married to hillary i would have been running around as well..
Posted by: jimgoism at September 10, 2006 06:18 PM (MPWuF)
Posted by: Ranba Ral at September 10, 2006 11:12 PM (VvXII)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at September 11, 2006 06:16 AM (v3I+x)
For one genius, I didn't post in this thread. I believe you are confused. Second, in the thread I believe you're referencing (ABX Airs 'Path'...) I said: "To put it bluntly, they could have made the Clinton administration look REALLY bad with just the facts"
Where the apology is for Clinton there I have no clue. It's not good enough just to look at the words, you have to comprehend them too.
So, learn to read and stop with the ad hominem (since this word is is not "dumbass" or an equivalent, take a look at the definition here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) attacks.
I'm sure there are plenty of issues you can mindlessly attack me on. You don't need to make up shit and post it to the wrong thread.
Posted by: Rich at September 11, 2006 08:48 AM (89Rw1)
Still, the irrational, personal attacks are unnecessary plus, I think I just demonstrated I'm not a Clinton apologist.
Posted by: Rich at September 11, 2006 08:50 AM (89Rw1)
A. He's not black
B. He's not a child
C. He wasn't our first sexual addict president
D. He wasn't our first criminal president
E. He wasn't a traitor
F. He wasn't the greatest president
I imagine point E will be argued and I'll admit to being curious as to what tortured logic will be used to call him a traitor. I however just don't see any actions that could be construed as traitorous actions.
C & D may apply if the question didn't say "our nation's first."
Also, Improbulus Maximus, sorry about the digs for "posting in the wrong thread." I've been up 30 hours or so and I made a stupid mistake.
Posted by: Rich at September 11, 2006 09:14 AM (89Rw1)
Posted by: sandpiper at September 11, 2006 02:52 PM (D9h75)
Posted by: Rich at September 11, 2006 03:52 PM (89Rw1)
Posted by: lrdh nzciqgoxb at January 19, 2007 03:06 AM (0+1rt)
Posted by: Mike Stranger at March 12, 2007 05:40 AM (zySws)
Posted by: Mike Stranger at March 16, 2007 02:39 PM (DfmBw)
July 20, 2006
12 April 1984, Spain--Eighteen US servicemen killed and eighty three people injured in bomb attack on restaurant near USAF base in Torrejon, Spain. Responsibility claimed by Hezbollah as revenge for March bombing in Beirut.
20 September 1984, Lebanon--Suicide bomb attack on US Embassy in East Beirut kills twenty three people and injures twenty one others. The US and British ambassadors were slightly injured in the explosion which was attributed to the Iranian backed Hezbollah group.
16 March 1985, Lebanon--US journalist Terry Anderson is kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon, by Iranian backed Islamic radicals. He is finally released in December 1991.
9 June 1985, Lebanon--US academic, Thomas Sutherland, at the American University, Beirut, Lebanon kidnapped by Islamic terrorists and held until 18 November 1991.
14 June 1985, Lebanon--A Trans-World Airlines flight was hijacked en route to Rome from Athens by two Lebanese Hizballah terrorists and forced to fly to Beirut. The eight crew members and 145 passengers were held for 17 days, during which one U.S. hostage, a U.S. Navy sailor, was murdered. After being flown twice to Algiers, the aircraft was returned to Beirut after Israel released 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.
12 September 1986, Lebanon--US academic at the American University in Beirut Joseph Cicippio seized in Beirut by Iranian backed Islamic terrorists. He is eventually released on 1 December 1991.
21 October 1986, Lebanon--U.S. businessman Edward Tracy kidnapped in the Lebanon by Islamic terrorists and held for almost five years until 11 August 1991.
24 January 1987, Lebanon--U.S. citizens Jesse Turner and Alann Steen seized in Beirut by Islamic terrorists. Turner was held until 22 October 1991 and Steen is released on 3 December 1991.
14 November 1987, Lebanon--Seven people are killed and 37 injured by the explosion of a booby-trapped chocolate box in a wing of the American University in Beiruit.
17 February 1988, Lebanon--US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel W. Higgens, kidnapped and murdered by the Iranian backed Hezbollah while serving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organisation in southern Lebanon.
Cross-posted at Mein BlogoVault.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:00 AM
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Post contains 387 words, total size 3 kb.
Inserting reality into the world of losers who's collective grip on reality is tenuous at best...
Stop it! Just stop it or you will hurt the feelings of leftoids and panderers to terrorism the world over...

Posted by: juandos at July 20, 2006 07:54 AM (penLf)
Inserting reality into the world of losers who's collective grip on reality is tenuous at best...
Stop it! Just stop it or you will hurt the feelings of leftoids and panderers to terrorism the world over...

Posted by: juandos at July 20, 2006 07:55 AM (penLf)
Posted by: Cmunk at July 20, 2006 08:15 AM (7teJ9)
Posted by: Glenmore at July 20, 2006 09:29 AM (6pULz)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:29 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:31 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:32 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:32 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:32 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:32 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: NOTR at July 20, 2006 09:32 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: Cmunk at July 20, 2006 10:13 AM (7teJ9)
Posted by: RTO Trainer at July 20, 2006 12:51 PM (NmfgG)
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