September 25, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
08:33 AM
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September 24, 2007

A forum connected to al Qaeda has announced the death of 'Juba, the Baghdad sniper'. Several videos produced by The Islamic Army in Iraq purporting to be of 'Juba' began to appear online 2005. A 'Top 10' video went viral and 'Juba' became a pop phenomenon.
It also caused outrage when CNN aired clips from the video showing an American being shot and killed.
The announcement of Juba's death claimed that the sniper had left the Islamic Army in Iraq to join al Qaeda when the latter group formed 'The Islamic State of Iraq'. Juba, the announcement claimed, had been betrayed by an informant and 'was killed like a hero'.
On hearing the announcement, the popular Canadian based pro-terror website Jihad Unspun, released a poem lauding 'Juba':
My targets were manyJihad Unspun is a Google News source.
Crusaders and traitors
All on my hit list
For a bullet through their chest
Or mortal wound
As a warning to others
Of course, the problems with the announcement of 'Juba's' death are many.

First, the claim that he left the IAI to join al Qaeda. Possible, but not likely.
Second, the claim that he was killed just a few days ago during Ramadan. In November of last year the Iraqis claimed they had captured a man named Ali Nazar al Jubori and that he was the original Baghdad sniper.
Third, it seems clear that even if there was a Baghdad sniper who called himself 'Juba' (there is a popular myth that the Americans named him that, but it's not true) that the vast majority of sniping videos were not of the same man.
How do we know that 'Juba' could not have been one man? Because the very first Islamic Army in Iraq produced "Juba Top 10 video" included footage of an American soldier being hit near his Humvee. What is not shown in the Juba footage is the fact that the American survived, the sniper was killed, and this "Juba's" sidekick who filmed the incident was captured down the road, videotape in hand.
The survivor's name is Lance Cpl. John McClellan, and his story is here.
Juba was a myth created for propaganda purposes by The Islamic Army in Iraq. The same group that murdered American hostage Ronald Schulz and Italian Red Cross worker Enzo Baldoni.
This is also the same group that produced the Lee Tucker: Lee's Life for Lies video, which was also a complete fabrication.
So it's not surprising that a group which glorifies the murder of civilian hostages and makes propaganda films showing a 'dead anti-war' soldier would also lie and create a sniper 'hero' named Juba. It's also not surprising that the Islamic State of Iraq would lie about this 'hero' joining al Qaeda before being 'martyred' during Ramadan. After all, al Qaeda in Iraq is the same group that paid an actor to play the part of the leader of The Islamic State of Iraq.
So, we welcome the news that another Baghdad sniper has been killed. But he's not the Juba. If there ever really was a Juba, he was either killed in 2005 or captured in 2006. And if it just so happens that this Juba is the Juba, then all the better.
Howie has more at our sister website Juba Sucks.
Hat tip: Thalja
UPDATE: Blackfive weighs in. He doesn't think Juba was real either.
Just to clarify, it wasn't Jihad Unspun--the Canadian website--that announced Juba's death. They just reacted to it by praising.. The actual announcement came on one of al Qaeda's favorite forums, al Hesbah.
Posted by: Rusty at
11:18 AM
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August 26, 2007
She was born with a hole in her heart at a time that the general prognosis was death. Despite this, she lived for some time. Eventually, though, her health deteriorated.
The man took his wife to several hospitals in several states for what would become a double lung and heart transplant. All of them wanted the cash up front, over $150k. They couldn't afford it.
Eventually they found a hospital and a surgeon in Tennessee who would do the complicated heart and lung surgery and who would accommodate their financial situation. The surgery went well, and the woman lived several years past the initial prognosis.
"The doctor's name was William Frist," the man said to me, "I think he later ran for Senate or something."
The next time someone complains about how every one in government is bad, corrupt, or worse, remember this story.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:42 PM
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August 23, 2007
ht: HA
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:56 PM
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August 22, 2007
A group of Muslim imams today dropped all charges in a federal lawsuit levied against "John Doe" airline passengers for reporting the men's suspicious behavior that led to their removal from a U.S. Airways flight last year.I guess I can go back to just plain 'ol Rusty Shackleford.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:38 PM
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The incident occurred while Soldiers from 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, were talking with members of the al-Arafia Concerned Citizens, a volunteer community group, at a member’s house.
“I was about 12 feet away when the bomber came around the corner,†said Staff Sgt. Sean Kane, of Los Altos, Calif., acting platoon sergeant of Troop B, 3-1 Cav. “I was about to engage when he jumped in front of us and intercepted the bomber as he ran toward us. As he pushed him away, the bomb went off.â€
The citizen’s actions saved the lives of four U.S. Soldiers and eight civilians. more...
Posted by: Howie at
12:56 PM
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August 14, 2007
Sorry, I just can't get over their kissing GIMF's ass.
More here at Captains Quarters.
Hat Tip. Garduneh.
Posted by: Howie at
12:05 PM
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August 13, 2007
Soldiers with Company B, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division responded to the pleas for assistance from the father of a 2-year-old boy who had fallen into a dry well near the family’s residence.
The company commander, Capt. David Powell of Newport Beach, Calif., was about to begin a scheduled security patrol when the boy’s father approached the gate of his Coalition outpost on foot. Using an interpreter, Powell quickly assessed the situation and sent the patrol to assist with the recovery of the child.
The father directed the Soldiers to the location of the well and Powell used his flashlight to find the child at the bottom.
“I could see that the baby had fallen some 25 feet and was lying at the bottom of the well,†Powell said. “He appeared to be breathing, but would not answer to our calls.â€
Using a back hoe from the outpost, the patrol began a slow and meticulous process of digging a parallel shaft to the dry well, then tunneling to the well horizontally, being careful not to cause the well to cave in.
“The back hoe made quick work of the rescue shaft just to the south of the well. Then the real digging began,†said Powell.
Because of the instability of soil, a fear of a cave-in and desire to not risk any of his Soldiers, Powell selected himself and Staff Sgt. Raul Torres, a native of San Venito, Texas, to dig the horizontal shaft to the well.
Using an entrenching tool, a flat-head screwdriver, rebar and other primitive farming tools, Powell and Torres went to work.
After several hours of digging, a faint crying was heard from the boy.
“He sounded scared, but OK,†said Powell. “I don't think I have ever heard a more beautiful sound.â€
After five hours of digging the horizontal shaft reached the well. The well was basin shaped at the bottom, making the boy very difficult to locate. After several attempts to reach for the boy, Powell was able to pull the boy to safety.
Coalition medics on the scene quickly assessed the boy, finding no serious injuries. The child was then returned to his mother and father, who were thankful for the assistance. The patrol then filled in the hole they dug, and returned to their outpost.
The following day, Powell visited the family’s residence with a medic to ensure the child was not having any medical issues from the fall. The medic determined the child was in perfect health.
“In my 18-years in the Army,†Powell said, “this is, by far, the greatest thing I have ever done.â€
Update: DVIDS has a pics of the well and of Captain Powell and the boy here.
Hat Tip: Chuck.
Posted by: Howie at
01:32 PM
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August 06, 2007
What are our resident trolls going to do?
The military is winning. Trouble for the Democrats, no?
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:47 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
10:14 AM
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August 03, 2007
A captured insurgent leads Coalition Forces to an Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) headquarters in Maqdadiyah, Iraq. The building is searched and destroyed.
Posted by: Howie at
10:56 AM
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August 02, 2007
Via Little Green Footballs: The Islamic terrorist who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport, and fought off police and bystanders while blazing like a human torch, is an ex-terrorist.Ain't that a shame! I was hoping he would live long and suffer. more...
Posted by: Howie at
08:53 PM
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July 31, 2007
Good news for the Troops (and by proxy, America) portends bad news for the Democrats.
Lieberman rips his former colleagues - you know, the ones who thought they could off him.
Bad day in antiwar/Democrat land.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
07:34 PM
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July 18, 2007

"Al-Mashhadani is believed to be the most senior Iraqi in the al-Qaida in Iraq network," Bergner said. He said al-Mashhadani was a close associate of Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born head of al-Qaida in Iraq.This man was the the leader of the infamous Ansar al-Sunnah before he joined ISI. Ansar al-Sunnah is a particularly brutal group of terrorists who are famous for beheading hostages on video. Personally, knowing we got a leader of Ansar al-Sunnah and the Islamic State of Iraq is the greatest news ever. It's like a two for one sale on terrorist scumbags.Bergner said al-Mashhadani served as an intermediary between al-Masri and Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri.
"In fact, communication between the senior al-Qaida leadership and al-Masri frequently went through al-Mashhadani," Bergner said.
"Along with al-Masri, al-Mashhadani co-founded a virtual organization in cyberspace called the Islamic State of Iraq in 2006," Bergner said. "The Islamic State of Iraq is the latest efforts by al-Qaida to market itself and its goal of imposing a Taliban-like state on the Iraqi people."
By golly I was right, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi can be anyone on any day. He has been described a a "phantom" by many including some groups opposed to al-Qaeda's front group. Turns out al-Baghdadi is just another sock puppet on the internet.
Bergner said al-Mashhadani had told interrogators that al-Baghdadi is a "fictional role" created by al-Masri and that an actor is used for audio recordings of speeches posted on the Web.Hat Tip: Hot Air."In his words, the Islamic State of Iraq is a front organization that masks the foreign influence and leadership within al-Qaida in Iraq in an attempt to put an Iraqi face on the leadership of al-Qaida in Iraq," Bergner said.
He said al-Mashhadani was a leader of the militant Ansar al-Sunnah group before joining al-Qaida in Iraq 2 1/2 years ago.
UPDATE by Rusty: Let me add a few words to Howie's post. First, for those of us who have been following the "insurgency" in Iraq, we know just how brutal Ansar al Sunnah was. We remember the dozens and dozens of sickening beheading videos they produced while Al-Mashhadani was with them. One particular moment in their history that stands out was the desecration of the body of Corporal Jeffrey Boskovich. The death sentence is too good for this guy.
It's not clear, to me at least, when al Mashhadani left Ansar al Sunna to join the Mujahidin Shura Council, which later became the fictitious entity called The Islamic State of Iraq. I had noticed a sharp drop in the number of Ansar al Sunna produced videos over the last year. I guess I now know why.
As to the al Qaeda connection, the current debate about al Qaeda in Iraq vs the al Qaeda is stupid and pointless. Those engaged in it --mostly journalists and politicians -- fundamentally misunderstand the global Salafi jihad. These jihadis do not see themselves as "al Qaeda operatives", they see themselves as true Muslims and mujahideen--warriors for God. We could kill every single al Qaeda operative in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and the global jihad would continue under another banner. Al Mashhadani and the Islamic State of Iraq illustrate the point.
The al Qaeda in Afghanistan sent aid to local Islamists opposed to the secular Kurds who had established an independent region under the U.S. no-fly zone in the North of Iraq. Those local Kurdish and Arab fighters called their group Ansar al-Islam. Al Qaeda's emissary to them was one Abu Musab al Zarqawi.
After the invasion, Ansar al Islam's bases were completely annihilated and its fighters fled to Sunni Arab regions of Iraq. Here, Zarqawi rallied some of the remnant under the banner of Tawhid wal Jihad. Other, mostly Kurdish Islamists, operating around Arabized Kurdish cities, such as Mosul, gathered under the banner of Ansar al Sunnah. But both Tawhid wal Jihad and Ansar al Sunnah had prior contact with and financing from the al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Later, after Zarqawi had become famous for beheading hostages and posting those videos on the internet, he "pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden". But only the ignorant or those with a political agenda would ever suggest that Zarqawi wasn't already a member of al Qaeda before he ever got to Iraq. "Al Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers (Iraq)" may have been born at that moment, but clearly the two groups were linked prior to that time.
After Zarqawi's death, al Qaeda in Iraq decided it needed to rebrand itself. Some will recall that Zawahiri had castigated Zarqawi for too many brutal beheading videos, especially of civilians. It just didn't look good to the consuming public. So, after Zarqawi died, al Qaeda formed The Mujahideen Shura Council. (MSC) A "shura council" is an Islamic court and ruling body, thus legitimizing the many murders carried out by al Qaeda as the implementation of Islamic law.
When nobody bought the MSC, they came up with the Islamic State in Iraq and its fictitious leader. But, in the end, the Islamic State of Iraq is really the Mujahidin Shura Council, which is really al Qaeda in Iraq, which is really Tawhid wal Jihad and Ansar al Sunnah, which is really Ansar al Islam, which is really al Qaeda. Different names, same goals and methods.
I'm happy this piece of human filth is captured, I'll be even more happy when he is hanged. For more on this see Bill Roggio.
Video celebration and more below. more...
Posted by: Howie at
08:35 AM
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July 17, 2007
UPDATE: Actual video of Abu Jurah getting wasted. No joke. The second video is that of an F-16 dropping two 500 lb bombs on a second house, where those that escaped the Excalibur rounds had fled. Thanks to Brian for the video tip.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:04 PM
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July 09, 2007
A message from our Glorious Sithmind leader, Dr. Rusty Shackleford:
Posted by: Good Lt. at
01:57 PM
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July 04, 2007
Update: Here it is. 1200 pints already? this man should never ever have to by his own beer ever again. That's a very achievable goal and we can make it happen.
Hat Tip: Buckley F. Williams.
Posted by: Howie at
10:55 PM
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July 03, 2007
Via MNF- Iraq: RAMADI, Iraq – At least 23 insurgents were killed in fighting 4 kilometers south of Ramadi on Jazzera al Humar (Donkey Island) along the Nassar Canal June 30 and July 1.Hmm, we hunted down Mujahdbeens armed with AK's and explosive vests with Apache, FA-18's and Harriers. Is that fair? Of course it is!
Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces received reports that a significant number of anti-Iraqi forces had gathered on the outskirts of Ramadi to stage a series of large scale attacks. The group, affiliated with al Qaeda in Iraq, intended to regain a base of operations in Al Anbar with suicide car and vest bomb attacks.
The battle began at approximately 9:20 p.m. Saturday when Coalition Forces were attacked with small arms fire from two trucks near their position. U.S. Soldiers returned fire and pursued the fleeing attackers with the help of Army AH-64A Apache helicopter gun ships, Marine F-18 Hornet and AV-8B Harrier fighter jets.
Via Monsters and Critics: Kabul - Afghan and coalition forces killed at least 50 suspected Taliban in the infamous Tora Bora area of eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border, while 33 other rebels were killed in the southern region, officials said Tuesday.Like I said, life is good.The joint operation by Afghan and coalition forces started in Zirlan Tangi in the Tora Bora area of eastern Nangarhar province Monday morning and at least 50 suspected militants were killed in airstrikes and by ground forces, Noor Agha Zowak, the provincial spokesman for Nangarhar governor told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.
Hat Tip: The Fourth Rail.
Posted by: Howie at
01:48 PM
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June 23, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI) convicted 99 individuals from May 20 to June 2 for violations of the Iraqi Terrorist Law, Penal Code and Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Orders enforced by the Iraqi judiciary.
Six Iraqis were convicted of torture and kidnapping and sentenced to death May 20. Convicted were: Moaazea Khazaal Abdul, 47; Hussein Jihad Hassan, 51; Abd Al Qadar Qasim Jameel, 35; Mustafa Mahmoud Ismael, 31; Qais Habib Aslem, 50; and Islam Mustafa Abd Al Sattar, 20; all from Iraq.
The six kidnapped and tortured an Iraqi man, his son and nephew and held them for $100,000 ransom near the Adhamiyah district in Baghdad. Before being captured by Soldiers from the 1st Battalion 26th Infantry Regiment Sept. 26, 2006, the group killed the man's nephew.
The six were convicted of violating Article 424 of the Iraqi Penal Code. more...
Posted by: Howie at
03:16 PM
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"During these operations, you can expect seriously high numbers enemy deaths. We take every precaution to avoid having people, who are trying to kill us, left alive. Then, having to go back and kill them later. It's just not an efficient use of the taxpayers money.Seriously we did kill a pretty nice pile of Jihadis.
Via Yahoo News: BAQUBA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces say they have killed 90 al Qaeda fighters around Baghdad during one of the biggest combined offensives against the Sunni Islamist group since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.What is the limit on Al-Qaeda and other species of Jihadis anyway? Oh I forgot, it's Open Season...Seven U.S. soldiers were killed in roadside bomb attacks in and around the capital on Saturday, underscoring a warning from military commanders that U.S. casualties are likely to mount as more troops are put in harm's way.
U.S. air strikes on Saturday killed seven suspected al Qaeda fighters in Tikrit in Salahuddin province and near the city of Falluja, west of Baghdad, the U.S.
Posted by: Howie at
03:07 PM
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June 19, 2007
Seeing a boy who was at the orphanage, where Logan reported from, "with thousands of flies covering his body, unable to move any part of his body, you know we had to actually hold his head up and tilt his head to make sure that he was OK, and the only thing basically that was moving was his eyeballs," Gibson explained. "Flies in the mouth, in the eyes, in the nose, ears, eating all the open wounds from sleeping on the concrete."All that, and the boy was laying in the boiling sun — temperatures of 120 degrees or so, according to Gibson.
Looking at the boy today, as he sits up in his crib without help, it is hard to believe he is the same boy, one week later — now clean and being cared for along with all the other boys in a different orphanage located only a few minutes away from where they suffered their ordeal.
Another little boy right shown in the photos was carried out of the orphanage by Beale. He was very emaciated.
"I picked him up and then immediately the kid started smiling, and as I got a little bit closer to the ambulance he just started laughing. It was almost like he completely understood what was going on," Beale said.
If there was anyone lower on the evolutionary ladder than Al Qaeda in Iraq, the 82nd found them.
Good job guys.
I agree with this statement wholeheartedly:
"I got extremely angry with the caretaker when I got there," Capt. Benjamin Morales said. "It took every muscle in my body to restrain myself from not going after that guy."
I wish you could have, Captain, I wish you could have. I wish I could have gone after him with you.
Posted by: Vinnie at
12:47 AM
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June 14, 2007

From Associated Press:
VIENNA, Austria—Former U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, who was elected Austrian president despite an international scandal about his secretive World War II military service for the Nazis, died Thursday, Austrian media reported. He was 88.
Waldheim, who was hospitalized in Vienna late last month with a fever-causing infection, died of heart failure with family members at his bedside, state broadcaster ORF reported.
Waldheim's tenure as U.N. chief from 1972-82 and his election as president in 1986 were overshadowed by revelations that he belonged to a German army unit that committed atrocities in the Balkans during World War II.
While Waldheim himself was not implicated in wrongdoing, his initial denial of such service—and then assertions that he and fellow Austrians were only doing their duty—led to international censure and a decision by Washington to place him on a "watch list" of persons prohibited from visiting the U.S.
That ban was never lifted.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Posted by: Kafir at
09:04 AM
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June 12, 2007
JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- One of Southeast Asia's most wanted terrorists is in police custody, an anti-terror police official in Indonesia has told CNN.Abu Dujana, believed to be the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah's military unit, was one of seven suspected terrorists detained in central Java over the past few days, the official said Tuesday.
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is a militant Islamist group active in several Southeast Asian countries. In 2002, it was added to a United Nations list of terrorist organizations linked to al Qaeda or the Taliban.
Police believe Abu Dujana's arrest will deal a major blow to the organization. JI is believed to be responsible for major terror attacks in Indonesia, including the October 2002 Bali bombing, which killed 202 people, most of whom were foreigners.
There has been intense speculation as to who is leading Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) since its former leaders were arrested in 2000 and 2003.
But many Indonesian authorities believe Abu Dujana took over the organization and revitalized its military wing.
Posted by: Howie at
12:06 PM
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June 10, 2007
More from Bruce Kessler at Democracy Project:
The Associated Press reports that according to the attorney for Captain Randy Stone, legal officer for the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, charged with failing to report or investigate the deaths at Haditha, the investigating officer, Major Thomas McCann, for the Article 32 hearings (military-type grand jury) is recommending to 1st Marine Division commander Lt. Gen. James Mattis that the charges be dismissed.Slowly but surely. The case is far, far weaker than reported initially, and the fact that the chief investigating officer is recommending that charges be dismissed against the Captain is also a good sign.
Apologies from the drive-by media forthcoming? Heh.
ht: Gateway Pundit
Posted by: Good Lt. at
12:58 AM
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May 31, 2007
Posted by: Bluto at
12:50 AM
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