August 15, 2007

A new video release from the Filipino arm of the global jihad movement, Abu Sayyaf, is entitled "Asian Jihad Champions". The video can be downloaded here.
Thanks a lot you filthy terrorist bastards, now I can't get that damn song out of my head! For that alone you should be summarily executed.....
Bonus video below. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
04:27 PM
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June 15, 2007
Indonesian police said Friday that one of a group of suspected terrorists seized in a raid is the head of Jemaah Islamiyah -- the al-Qaeda-linked terror network blamed for attacks including the deadly Bali bombings.I've got to say that the news coming out of Indonesia has been pretty good lately.Known simply as Zarkasih, the alleged leader of the Southeast Asian terror groupwas apprehended at the same time as its confessed military leader, Abu Dujana, whose arrest was announced on Tuesday, Brig. Gen. Surya Dharma said .
Posted by: Rusty at
04:32 PM
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June 13, 2007
Despite a Muslim now in charge in Thailand after a coup which ousted the democratically elected Buddhist head of government, the 'insurgents' are still not satisfied. And what, exactly, are the 'insurgents' demanding? Sharia law.
Quran Sura 8:60:
"The only person who matters is Allah--and the only question he will ask me is 'How many infidels did you kill?'"Warning: Graphic photo below. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
10:05 AM
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June 05, 2007
Neighbors said federal agents swarmed a house about 10 Monday morning. Those who live on the street say they showed up in military type vehicles with full body armor on and large guns.It wasn't too long ago that America actually helped in plots to overthrow communist governments. Times have changed. The U.S. now helps protect the commies.It's just one of 8 places searched in the Central Valley in an investigation that has international ties. One by one FBI and ATF agents raided several homes and at least one business.
Government Officials are tying together an investigation that has spanned 6 months. Under arrest are 8 people, including several prominent Hmong leaders.
77 year old General Vang Pao is being charged as the ringleader for plotting to overthrow the communist government of Laos. Also charged are Lo Cha Thao of Clovis, Hue Vang of Fresno, Lou Tao of Sacramento, Youa True Vang of Sanger, Chung Yang Tao of Fresno, Chue Lowe of Stockton and Seng Vue of Fresno.
Federal Officials say the group was planning to make an initial purchase of 125 AK-47 assault rifles, 20 thousand rounds of ammunition and crates of smoke grenades.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
05:51 AM
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May 02, 2007
Three simultaneous bomb blasts rocked separate railway terminals in Bangladesh on Tuesday, with militant slogans claiming to be from al Qaeda found at two of the sites.....Okay, I'll do it."... If Hazrat (Prophet) Mohammad is not declared the superman of the world by May 10, all non-governmental organizations will be blown up," the slogans on the metal sheets read in the Bengali language. They were signed "the al Qaeda network" in English.
By the authority vested in me by the Halliburton Corporation, the Illuminati, and various other Zionist-Crusader fronts, I solemnly declare Muhammed to be the Superman of the World.
Do you promise not to blow me up now?
A PS to our new Mohammed-superman-of-the-world overlord below: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:50 AM
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March 08, 2007
According to Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Rodwan Mohd Yusof:
"We believe the UAE is a point of transit before the stolen vehicles are shipped to new markets and this is said to include Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa," he said.In a recent bust, police recovered over 30 four-wheel drive vehicles in shipping containers destined for Dubai and transshipment to locations with, presumably, bad roads.
If the management controls over Dubai ports fail to prevent international trade in stolen, difficult to conceal, goods, one must wonder what other contraband makes it through. Also, is it logical to assume that the Dubai swag-movers are the same crowd that last year wanted to take over the operation of American ports?
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
06:09 AM
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February 17, 2007
BANGKOK, Feb. 17 (UPI) -- The Thai actress known as "Amy" has been ordered to perform community service for wearing a dress deemed too revealing at an awards ceremony.Chotiros Suriyawong, 22, has also been axed from her latest movie project amid the uproar over her couture at Thailand's version of the Academy Awards.
The Independent described the daring frock as one based on "Elizabeth Hurley's well-known safety-pin number." The Versace number Hurley wore to a premier in 1994 featured a neckline that didn't so much plunge as free fall.
The newspaper said Amy was caught up in a "morality drive" launched by the military government that seized power in Thailand last fall.
Posted by: Ragnar at
08:39 PM
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January 16, 2007
A Singaporean teenager who illegally tapped into a neighbour's wireless Internet network - an offense the city-state deems punishable by jail - was placed on 18 months' probation by a district court on Tuesday.His probation includes a total ban on internet access:The court also ordered Garyl Tan Jia Luo, 17, to carry out 80 hours of community service after he admitted linking his computer to his neighbour's wireless router to access the Internet without permission.
Tan could have been jailed up to three years and fined $S10,000. ...
[Judge] Reddy said Tan should seek "disciplined and structured psychiatric and psychological intervention" to cure his [internet] addiction.
what's potentially worse is the fact that he is not allowed to access the internet during his stint. Apparently, the judge felt this was the best way to break him of his internet addiction...OK, no word on whether Garyl Tan Jia Luo was surfing for Tammy NYP in particular, but I'll wager he was.
Posted by: Ragnar at
02:31 PM
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November 25, 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand - Hundreds of schools in Thailand's restive south will shut their doors in response to increasingly vicious attacks by suspected Muslim insurgents against teachers and schools, a regional education representative said.
The closure, which begins Monday, affects all 336 primary and secondary schools in the province of Pattani, where two teachers were shot and killed by suspected insurgents in the past two days. In one of the killings, attackers shot a school principal Friday, and then set his body on fire.
"Teachers can't bear what has happened," said Bunsom Thongsriprai, president of Teachers' Association in Pattani. "They are paranoid, worried and afraid." He said the schools will reopen when teachers feel safe.
Posted by: Vinnie at
01:17 AM
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October 18, 2006
Religion of something something something........
A Muslim journalist facing charges of sedition for advocating ties with Israel was recently attacked and beaten by a crowd in Bangladesh that allegedly included leading officials of the country's ruling party, The Jerusalem Post has learned.Hat tip: AramySalah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor of the Weekly Blitz newspaper, an English-language publication based in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, was working in his office on October 5 when nearly 40 people stormed the premises.
The mob beat Choudhury, leaving him with a fractured ankle, and looted cash that was kept in the company safe. Choudhury was briefly hospitalized.
According to a statement appearing on the Web site of the Weekly Blitz, the attackers were led by Helal Khan, international affairs secretary of Jasas, and included Babul Ahmed, Jasas's secretary-general. Jasas is the cultural wing of the ruling Bangladeshi National Party (BNP).
During the assault, Ahmed is said to have shouted at Choudhury, labeling him an "agent of the Jews."
Posted by: Rusty at
07:06 AM
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September 19, 2006
Mary Katherine is covering.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:41 PM
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September 16, 2006
Teachers have one of the deadliest jobs in southern Thailand, with 44 killed by the bombs and bullets of an Islamic insurgency since 2004.Islam, the religion of tolerance. Hat tip:DougSo the teachers are learning how to shoot back.
The Chulabhorn naval base, on the Gulf of Thailand in Narathiwat province, opened its heavily guarded gates on a recent weekend to a training course for 100 public school teachers, mostly Buddhist men and women who say bringing a gun to school has become essential.
"You'd never see a teacher anywhere else in Thailand carrying a gun," said Sanguan Jintarat, head of the Teachers' Association that oversees the 15,000 teachers in the villages and towns of the restive south. "But, we need them, or we'll die."
That teachers -- not to mention Buddhist monks, bank tellers and motorcycle mechanics -- have become targets in the insurgency illustrates how badly law and order has degenerated in southern Thailand since the violence flared in January 2004.
At first insurgents targeted mainly civil servants, soldiers and police officers. Attacks then spread to businesses that serve soldiers: restaurants, outdoor markets, garages. And now come attacks that seem to have no rationale at all, such as the murder last month of an elephant trainer who was shot seven times by gunmen who had lined up with children to buy tickets for a show.
More than 1,700 people have been killed across Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat -- the only Muslim-majority provinces in this otherwise peaceful, tourist-friendly Buddhist country.
Among them was a teacher gunned down at his blackboard in July as his 4th graders watched in shock, and a Buddhist art teacher clubbed by a village mob in May until her skull shattered.
UPDATE: ROP strikes again in Thailand.
Posted by: Rusty at
01:16 PM
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May 08, 2006
Interested Participant:
.... heard the frantic bleating of her ewe. The sound came from beneath the lower portion of her house, which is built on stilts, where she kept her livestock.Ewe!On checking, the woman found the youngster naked with one of her ewes.
"When she screamed, the youth jumped up and fled. She lodged a police report," Nazley said.
UPDATE: The wisdon of Khomeini:
"The meat of horses, mules, or donkeys is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden if the animal was sodomized while alive by a man. In that case, the animal must be taken outside the city and sold."Because the Ayatollahs ask the important questions....."If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."
Posted by: Rusty at
10:35 AM
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April 27, 2006
How do Muslim astronauts pray five times a day in space when a "day" in orbit is only 90 minutes? How does one determine where Mecca is in a constantly moving space station?These were some of the questions Islamic scholars and scientists wrangled with in a seminar Tuesday, as Malaysia, a Muslim country, prepares to send its first citizen into space next year....
"Our astronaut will stay in the International Space Station for about seven to eight days. Among the important needs of this astronaut, should he be a Muslim, is a guide on how to perform the prayer ritual in space," Mohamad Ruddin Abdul Ghani, permanent secretary of Malaysia's Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, said in a speech at the "Islam and Life in Space" seminar.
Parenthetically, this is the same moderate country that fines people for not attending Friday prayers.
But as Zainal Abidin Abdul Rashid of Malaysia National University pointed out at the seminar, the space station circles the Earth 16 times in 24 hours, with a sunrise and sunset occurring about every 90 minutes."Does this mean we have to perform 80 prayers a day," he said in his seminar paper.
He proposed that Earth time, especially the time zone in Mecca, be used as the reference point to determine the prayer schedule.
On the issue of "qiblat" or the direction of Mecca, suggestions range from installing a special rotating seat so that the Muslim astronaut could turn easily toward Mecca, to using calculator that can determine qiblat direction and the prayer schedule.
Then there is also the question of how to perform ablution, a ritual cleansing of the body, with water-rationing in space.
Also, how does one do the prayer ritual of kneeling and prostrating under zero gravity?

This goes a long way in explaining the myth of the 'Golden Age of Islam'. Never. Happened.
One important question not addressed at the conference is this: Does the prohibition against eating pork extend to outer space? And if it does, is there at least a Miss Piggy exception?
Hat tip Joel who found it at Nobody's business.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:09 AM
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April 08, 2006
Protesters demanding a return to democracy postponed a rally that had been expected to draw thousands on Saturday, after the king imposed an all-day curfew and ordered violators shot on sight.Wait a were throwing stones? What exactly did you think the response of the soldiers would be? Throw stones back?One person was killed and at least two wounded when security forces fired at demonstrators in Pokhara, a resort town 125 miles west of the capital, Katmandu, said Gangadhar Baral, who was among those wounded.
"We were protesting and some of us were throwing stones at the soldiers. Suddenly, the soldiers fired shots at us. One of my friends was killed instantly,'' Baral said. He spoke from the town's main hospital.
And why the imposition of the restrictions?
The rebels bombed government buildings and attacked a jail in the southwestern town of Taulihawa on Friday night, freeing 104 prisoners, officials said. Insurgents also attacked security bases in the nearby town of Butwal.I don't have enough information to make a judgement whether of not the King of Nepal was justified in overthrowing the government there--my gut feeling is that he didn't--but since when have Maoists ever respected democracy? Overthrowing a pro-Western King and replacing him with an anti-Western Maoist dictator is never a good move.Officials said the curfew was in response to information that the rebels would try to infiltrate the rallies and wage terror attacks against government targets.
Impending geek alert: Interestingly enough, last night's episode of Dr. Who featured a Prime Minister of England ordering the Doctor shot on site. Which is neither here nor there, but I just figured you ought to know a little about Macktastick Rusty Wicked's geek factor. It's off the scale.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:57 AM
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March 10, 2006
Thanks to Demosophist.
Mike Pechar.
See-Dubya who also posts here.
Chris Short.
The Dread Pundit Bluto.
Chad Evans.
Jane from Armies of Liberation.
Thanks also to all our regulars and trolls as well for taking things out on each other and keeping us entertained in the process. As Rusty says, “You came here for the insults didn’t you Howie?†Howie Says blushing shamefully, “Of course.†So I’ve saved up some linky, linky for you. Rusty says if the hotel has free internet we would hear from him. Apparently they don’t but I expect my master will return on Monday.
New York Jail Imam opens mouth, inserts foot via Jihadwatch
Umar Abdul-Jalil via NYPOST : "greatest terrorists in the world occupy the White House," Jews control the media, and Muslims are being tortured in Manhattan jails... ...the Zionists of the media to dictate what Islam is to us" and said Muslims must be "compassionate with each other" and "hard against the kufr [unbeliever]."I'd like to place a hard steel object right up side his head.
Clinton W Taylor asks we send our “trimmings to Yaleâ€
Clinton via Townhall : Referring to the Taliban’s policy of pulling the fingernails off of Afghani women who dared to wear fingernail polish. Some of these women even had their thumbs sliced off as punishment. To date, Mr. Rahmatullah has not apologized or taken responsibility for his support of this brutal regime, though he told the Times he wished he’d been "a little bit softer" in his advocacy.Good idea!
If you’d like to show your outrage at Yale’s decision to admit the Taliban’s spokeman, join us in "giving Yale the finger." It would be disgusting– not to mention really painful — to mail your own fingernails, but you can buy glamorous, decadent, shameless-hussy-scarlet press-on nails (ask for "nail tips") from any drug store or beauty shop. They’re cheap; a box costs about $5.00. (Caution to Harvard-educated readers: do not eat the press-on nails. Sure, they look tasty, but they will make you sick.)
If you have not read all Michael Totten’s latest report from Iraq clickety click here!
Totten : “Zarqawi destroyed the tombs,†the caretaker said. “He and his men turned this room into a toilet.†He shook his head in disgust at the filthy Islamists who fouled their Islamic shrine. Muslims who say Al Qaeda is not really Islamic may have a point.
“You see that there in the floor?†he said. “That’s where they began to install plumbing.â€
I braced myself. “How do you feel about the U.S. bombing this mosque?†I said.
“I don’t know,†he said, as if he had never even pondered the question. “It’s okay, I suppose. I am grateful. If they had not done it this place would still be a toilet.â€
All those hours spent killing space bastards can pay off!
Living under Democratic leadership, what it’s really like. Sorry Gov Rod you suck buddy.
NPR : Five Jewish members of Illinois' hate-crimes commission have resigned in protest over another commissioner who is an official with the Nation of Islam. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, rails against Jewish and gay people this week in front of commissioners. Chicago Public Radio's Catrin Einhorn reports.That boy can tear up a steel ball with a rubber hammer or he is about as sharp as a bowling ball. You pick.
Bad, bad gay terrorists in love never underestimate a terrorist in love!
Filthy’s post on how returning soldiers should be treated.
The Filthy Report : Hundreds of people, including Girl Scout troops, Vietnam Veterans of America chapters, senior citizens clubs and individuals wanting to give personal thanks to America’s returning troops lined the terminal exit and filled the airport with deafening cheers from the first service member to the last.
Giggle, giggle times four = one happy group!.(just click)
I’ll try and update with more linky, linky later. Busy, busy.
Posted by: Howie at
12:18 PM
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February 28, 2006
To prepare for that day, we must earnestly cultivate our friendship with India. India and the U.S. have had shaky relations in the past--especially given our Cold War alliance with Pakistan--but the relationship between us and the Subcontinental state have improved drastically in the past 15 years. Not only do we have strategic mutual interests with India, but our cultures and civilizations both emphasize democracy, pluralism, and tolerance. India is fast becoming more than an ally, they are becoming our friend.
It's good to see that Bush is cultivating this relationship and a pity that the NY Times is such a partisan rag. Instead of focusing on the flowering relationship between our two countries, they instead lay into Bush for neglected issues such as "poverty", "the search for renewable energy", and reaching out to India's Muslim minority. What idiots:
Relations between the United States and India have never been more important, thanks to global terror in the post-Sept. 11 world, the search for sustainable energy resources and the United Nations' pledge to halve world poverty by 2015. More than 500 million of the world's poor are Indian villagers. India is also home to one the largest Muslim populations in the world.Wait a minute. India, already has nuclear weapons. So what is the problem with helping them develop nuclear energy?So it's a pity that this trip, which should focus American attention on such a rich array of issues, now revolves largely around whether India and America will manage to conclude a nuclear deal that shouldn't have been initiated to begin with.
President Bush's wrongheaded decision last year to make an end run around the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty by agreeing to share civilian nuclear technology with New Delhi took America's contain-China-by-building-up-India strategy a step too far. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty's basic bargain has been to reward countries that renounced nuclear weapons with the opportunity to import sensitive nuclear technology to help meet their energy needs. For decades, America has imposed nuclear export restrictions on India — and Pakistan, for that matter — in response to those countries' refusal to sign the nonproliferation treaty and their open development of nuclear weaponsWhy? Oh, I get it. All states are basically the same. Iran and India, England and North Korea. To quote Bugs Bunny: what a bunch of maroons.
This carrot-and-stick approach has dissuaded many other countries capable of building or buying nuclear arms from doing so, from South Korea to Turkey to Saudi Arabia. Now President Bush wants to carve out an exception for India. That's the worst possible message to send to other countries — Iran comes to mind — that America and its nuclear allies in Europe are trying to keep off the nuclear weapons bandwagon. Already, Pakistani officials are requesting the same deal for their country, although it is a request that is unlikely to be granted.Except, of course, for the small little fact that India already has nuclear weapons. Except, of course, for the small little fact that Pakistan is the most reluctant of allies, was the main supporter of the Taliban, has a history of selling nuclear secrets to the highest bidder, and is on the brink of becoming our enemy.
Idiots. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
08:24 AM
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February 14, 2006
Compare that sentence to this one. Abu Bakar Bashir is the head of Southeast Asia's al Qaeda affiliate, Jemaah Islamiyaah. He is the Osama bin Laden of Southeast Asia. It was Bashir's terrorist group that murdered 202 people at a night club in Bali. For that, Bashir was senteneced to 25.5 months in prison.
That's about 765 days.
That's 3.8 days per victim.
Drug dealers, though, are put in front of a firing squad. Our friends in the war on terror in a moderate Muslim country. Indeed.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:55 AM
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January 12, 2006
Malaysian women's groups claimed victory after the government put on hold contentious legislation which would have helped Muslim men to take multiple wives and claim property after divorce.Incidentally, I have a relative from Malaysia, but who is ethnically Chinese. When I mentioned to her a friend of mine from Malaysia she was excited...until she heard my friend was ethnically Malay. "Muslim?" she asked. "Yes." I answered. "The Muslims have ruined our country," she said with a scowl on her face. And that was the end of that conversation.The government agreed to review the Islamic Family Law bill after it triggered a public outcry last month by forcing it through the upper house over the protests of women senators and civil society groups....
Malaysian Muslim men are allowed four wives under Islamic law, but under the new amendments they would no longer have to prove they are financially capable of treating all their wives equally before taking on another.
On taking a new wife, men could seize property belonging to existing wives, and they would be given new rights to claim assets after a divorce, as well as less obligation to pay compensation and maintenance.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:06 AM
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November 17, 2005

(Jawa, Indondesia) A new video from Jemaah Islamiah. al Qaeda's Southeast Asia counterpart, warns Australia to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq or faced renewed acts of terrorism. The video was found ten days ago in a cave on the Island of Jawa (Java in English) after a top Jemaah Islamiah was killed there. The man on the video (shown right) is believed to be Malaysian national Noordin Top, a senior operative of Jemaah Islamiah.
Jawas on Jawa? Indeed.
SOUTH-EAST Asia's most wanted terrorist has warned in a video message seized by Indonesian police that Australia will be the prime target of new "intimidation and terror" attacks while its troops remain in Iraq.In an apparent copy of al-Qaeda tactics, the video features a masked man believed to be Jemaah Islamiah mastermind Noordin Top urging strikes against Australia and claiming Prime Minister John Howard is leading the nation into tragedy.
The video threat, a first for Jemaah Islamiah, was seized when police raided Noordin's Central Java hide-out 10 days ago, soon after his bomb-making partner, Azahari Husin, was shot dead. Farewell video messages from the three suicide bombers who struck Bali in October were also recovered.
Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla played the videos to Islamic leaders, saying police believed the man issuing the warning was Noordin.
"America, Australia, England and Italy are all our enemies," says the militant. "We especially remind Australia that you, Downer and Howard, are killing Australia, leading it into darkness and tragedy and into mujahideen terror.
"Know that as long as you continue to colonise the land of Iraq and Afghanistan and intimidate Muslims then you, too, will feel our intimidation and terror."
Posted by: Rusty at
08:32 AM
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October 21, 2005
Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf says the amount of foreign reconstruction aid pledged after the South Asia quake is "totally inadequate".
Translation: "It's not MY fault I'm an unelected dictator content to let my citizens suffer in grinding poverty, the world just isn't giving enough!"
Don't worry, Pervez, we stingy Americans are well aware that you were dragged kicking and screaming over to our side to help in the GWOT. We've also forgotten that your intelligence service propped up the Taliban, who in turn propped up OBL.
We're also well aware of the outpouring of love and support your nation showed ours after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and, I'm sure, will do so again when Wilma shows up.
One last thing, Musharraf, should he be toppled and survive, sounds like he'd make an excellent candidate for Mayor of New Orleans.
Oh, wait, one very last thing that needs no commentary:
Neighbouring India has also offered to send more aircraft, but Pakistan insisted they be provided without Indian crews, which India has refused to do.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:10 AM
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September 25, 2005
I’ve collected a big pile of links and will post them below the break so you too can be informed and make your own judgements. Because when you rely on the government or the drug companies, Well you get the idea. Howie also has his commentary below. more...
Posted by: Howie at
11:46 AM
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September 13, 2005
"Your punishment will be worse than mine," Darmawan shouted as he was being led to a prison van.
I doubt that Mr. Darmawan, death right back at you sir. Inthebullpen has more.
Rois(aka Mr. Darmawan) said he would be happy to die. He was defiant before the verdict, saying that the bombing could be justified as defending Islam
Ok so we're all happy, good deal.
Posted by: Howie at
03:14 PM
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September 08, 2005
*Australian Embassy Bombed in Jakarta
*Bali Bombing Mastermind Sentenced to 4.5 days per victim
*Bali Bombing Mastermind's Sentence Reduced to 3.8 days per victim
Posted by: Rusty at
10:33 AM
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August 25, 2005
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal [Pakistani Jamat-e-Islami] President Qazi Hussain Ahmed has said he did not believe that Osama Bin Laden was capable of carrying out the sophisticated September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. “The Zionists must be behind the attacks as they were the only beneficiaries of the September 11 incident,†he said in an interview with BBC’s Hardtalk programme.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:23 AM
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Post contains 76 words, total size 1 kb.
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