Russians Kill Rustam Basayev
Rustam Basayev was a leader of the Chechen jihad. He was a cousin of the more famous (and dead) Shamil Basayev and of of his more famous cousin (with jihadi circle) Abu Bakr Basayev. He was also a close associate of Chechen jihad leader Doku Umarov. Sources inside the Chechen jihad claim that Basayev had recently returned from the Ukraine where he was recovering from a wound sustained in 2004. Reuters:
A close associate of Chechen separatist leader Doku Umarov was killed overnight in the volatile Russian region during a gun battle with local policemen, Russian media reported on Friday.
Rustam Basayev, one of Umarov's associates, was killed in the Leninsky region of Grozny, Russian news agencies quoted local interior ministry officials as saying. Two policemen were also killed in the gun fight.
Basayev was stopped by local police and asked for ID, but he refused and fled to a nearby home. A gunfight ensued in which he was shot and killed.
Not the biggest fish, but also not insignificant either. In any event he will not be missed. Russia is our natural ally and God only knows what Putin is thinking in trying to counter American influence in the world and cozying up to the very people that are the only real threat to Russian security--Islamists.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:01 PM
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Aussies Set to Deal Uranium to Russia
The Australian government is preparing to sign an agreement to supply Russia with uranium, ostensibly for its nuclear power industry. The deal is expected to be finalized when President Vladimir Putin visits Australia next month.
The Aussie Greens and Democrats are not happy with the uranium deal. There is a fear that Russia will supply Iran with nuclear materials.
In other news, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that, after a 15-year suspension, Russia is resuming a Soviet-era practice of sending its bomber aircraft on long-range flights. Putin's statement merely confirms suspicions from recent observations and supports last week's assertions of a Russian Air Force General.
Could it be said that Putin is developing an itch in his trigger finger?
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
10:13 PM
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Mirror Mirror
A Russian Neo-Nazi group has posted a horrific video showing the murder of two Muslims. In the video one of the victims is beheaded and a second is shot so as to fall into a freshly dug grave. The video appears to be patterned after the dozens and dozens of snuff films released by Islamic terrorists in Iraq.
Via The Telegraph: A previously unknown Russian nationalist group has posted a video on the internet showing the execution of two Muslim men, prompting fears that neo-Nazis are beginning to ape the techniques used by Islamic extremists in Iraq.
The footage surfaced on the Russian version of the popular social networking website LiveJournal over the weekend. It was quickly taken down.
The three-minute video, titled “Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestaniâ€, begins with two men kneeling before a masked extremist in combat fatigues.
Apparently unprompted, they mumble that they have been taken hostage by “Russian Nationalist Socialistsâ€.
The masked man then uses a knife to decapitate one of his prisoners in a grim sequence lasting 90 seconds.
The second captive is later forced to kneel in front of a grave before he is shot in the back of his head. The clip, which has a caption claiming to have been filmed by “The National Socialist Party of Rusâ€, ends with a still image of a red and white flag emblazoned with a swastika.
The reaction to the video by Jihadi supporters on internet forums has been one of outrage. Oh the irony, I've read dozens and dozens of posts by these same al-Qaeda supporters justifying the murder of numerous westerners and hundreds of Muslims.
Where was the outrage then? Well, there were some Muslims outraged by these murders, but they were quickly shouted down by the Jihadis calling them false Muslims and tools of the crusaders. Amongst the Jihad supporters there was glee. When the terrorists in Iraq murdered two Russian diplomats, the excuse was they were spies. They had it coming. When westerners were kidnapped and murdered it was they are the cross worshipping occupiers of Muslim lands. When Muslims were murdered by the dozen the excuse was because they were apostates working with the crusaders.
But now suddenly there is outrage amongst the al-Qaeda supporters. They are calling the Russian Nazis dogs, terrorists and barbarians. Which is perfectly correct. But since seeing the reflection of their own barbarity they have vowed guessed it......murder some more Russians.
Well they never learn? You reap what you sow. These Nazis are nothing but a refection of the barbarity used by al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The terrorists and these Nazi scum bags deserve each other.
The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. I've not viewed it myself but judging from the frame grabs below the fold I don't need to. I've seen the Islamists murder enough people, I don't really need to see another group of idiots murdering more innocents. But if you must, email Howie and I'll forward you a copy.
Frame grabs below the fold. Warning graphic images.
Posted by: Howie at
12:44 PM
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Happy Sex With Hot Russian Babes Day!I lived in Russia for a year--the women there are smokin' hot-- so it just boggles the mind that the Russian government would have to pay their dudes to have sex with them. Jules Crittenden has this:
The baby-poor Russian region of Ulyanovsk wants to its people to procreate, and has come up with a holiday and prizes to encourage them to their duty for Mother Russia.
Ulyanovsk has declared Sept. 12 the “Day of Conception†and for the third year in a row will give couples the day off from work . . . so they can work on making babies.
Couples who “give birth to a patriot†nine months later during “Russia Day†festivities - June 12 celebrations marking the end of the Soviet Union - will win money, cars, refrigerators and other prizes.
Nuclear Smugglers Arrested in Belarus
My understanding is that Uranium 238 isn't all that dangerous. It's the most common form of uranium found in nature. But the fact that they were caught in a sting operation makes me think that there was an underlying motivation to the smuggling which was a little more worrisome. At least these guys were caught. But how many others haven't?
Two Belarussian citizens have been detained on the Lithuanian border on suspicion of radioactive contraband, a source at the Belarussian Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.
A metal container with a caption “Uranium 238. 1991†was found on their car...
I'm not going to believe it until Joe Wilson signs off on it.
Posted by: Randman at April 25, 2007 09:10 AM (Sal3J)
I guess it depends how you define dangerous. Sure, it can't be used in a fission bomb, but it is highly radioactive and so could be used in a 'dirty' bomb.
I also hear it's good for removing stubborn stains.
Posted by: Infidelsalwayswin at April 25, 2007 09:11 AM (k+ld0)
OK I did the cheap easy (suspect) reading over at wiki, and they say Uranium -238 is 5x more effective at blocking Gamma rays than the equivalent of lead, so if you used U-238 as a shield for something that was emitting gamma rays it could be made lighter. The radiation from U-238 is relatively weak, and easily blocked by even a comparatively thin coat of lead so I leave the possibilities to your speculation.
Also, U-238 is used in the manufacture of atomic weapons, (see wiki) and it makes them more effective. OR maybe this was just a practice run?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 25, 2007 09:36 AM (2OHpj)
Rusty for ALL my nuclear purchases I go to United Nuclear
Uranium U238 can be bought legally and over the counter (why go under the counter or off the street??) Their website does say adult signature may be required on delivery.
Current price on their website is generally about 170 dollars per gram.
Fearmongering ?? or just a lack of information ?
Posted by: John Ryan at April 25, 2007 09:54 AM (TcoRJ)
5Their website does say adult signature may be required
So John...who do you get to sign for you?
Posted by: Randman at April 25, 2007 10:06 AM (Sal3J)
I think the first sentence was something like My understanding is that Uranium 238 isn't all that dangerous.
But why were they arrested if there wasn't something else going on?
Posted by: Rusty at April 25, 2007 10:38 AM (JQjhA)
They were also trying to purchase some Illudium PU-36 to make an explosive space modulator. Fortunately, Illudium is a rather difficult element to come by though there are apparently abundant amounts of it on the planet Mars. I suggest we carefully monitor anyone attempting to acquire Illudium PU-36 for any reason. The government has already been monitoring at least one individual whom they refer to only as Marvin. Marvin has made prior threats about blowing up the Earth in order to provide himself an unobstructed view of Venus. Marvin is the type we need to watch out for.
Posted by: Rick at April 25, 2007 01:34 PM (9ZqGe)
It was probably the "Uranium 238" written on the side of the container that tipped-off the border guards. You're supposed to brown sack your nuclear materials - friggin amateurs.
Posted by: tbone at April 25, 2007 02:05 PM (HGqHt)
Posted by: doriangrey at April 25, 2007 05:22 PM (XvkRd)
On a practical note, what might be concealed INSIDE a chunk of U-238? How much fissionable plutonium does it take to make a bomb? Could you hide plutonium, or some other enriched mass of fissionables in a chunk of uranium? Why did they need it? Who do they work for? We could be finding out some of thee things as oppossed to watching JR play with himself some more.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 25, 2007 08:08 PM (2OHpj)
Boris Yeltstin Dead
Boris Yeltsin is dead. I once ran into Boris Yeltsin. No, seriously, I was walking down the street in Moscow and literally bumped into his entourage. He was President at the time. He will not be missed.
no. nobody will miss a president who would show up drunk in front of his nation on national TV.
except maybe parasites like Berezovsky who got rich through the useful idiot. but let's hope he gets stripped of his UK asylum.
Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at April 23, 2007 10:29 AM (fjEyZ)
Posted by: Simon Cowell at April 23, 2007 12:10 PM (L56XQ)
For all his flaws, he stood up against the communist dictatorship when it mattered most. He did so at great personal risk. Consider what could have happened is he hadn't.
Rest in peace.
Posted by: Rasputin at April 23, 2007 02:19 PM (a6zKx)
I agree with Simon--yes, he had his faults (many serious and tragic) but he did help keep Communists from returning to power.
Let's hope Russia does not return to previous dictatatorial rule a la Putin.
Posted by: Richard Romano at April 23, 2007 04:50 PM (iD1fP)
Al Qaeda in Russia Loves Google (*Bumped*)Bumped, because I'm really busy today. Oh, and really pissed at Google.
The Russian arm of the worldwide al Qaeda jihad network has chosen Google as their propaganda enablers of choice. "The Nuruddin Media Islamic Network" appears to be a media front for the Islamic Jamaat of Dagestan Shariat---al Qaeda in the Russian Cuacuses, for all intents and purposes.
A recent press release by the group at the closely allied terror supporters of the Kavkaz Center (hosted in Sweden) states their purpose (this is their own poorly translated version):
Our primary task is liberation of the Muslim land from the Russian occupation and the construction of Shariah state. Our purposes and tasks, in contrast to the kafir's political programs, are clear and intelligible to any Muslim. Each, who thinks himself as Muslim and he desires the establishment of the Word of Allah on Dagestani land, desires to live according to the Shariah Law, free on the validity, established by Allah Almighty, joins our ranks....
Jihad (battle) on the way of Allah is responsibility of each Muslim in the case of seizing even span of the Muslim's land....
Also according to Islam it is possible to kill those, who resist the call of Muslims and prevent the introduction of the Laws of Allah, who helps the enemy: in a word whether, by the matter whether, by money or by weapon.
Their official website is here (hosted in France).
It appears that Jamaat Shariat, true to the al Qaeda franchise form, has formed a media production front, Nuruddin Media. Al Qaeda has a media production company called as Sahab and al Qaeda in Iraq (The Islamic State of Iraq), not to be outdone by corporate headquarters, has al Furqaan media. Print publications, on the other hand, are handled by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF).
And, where has al Qaeda in Dagestan chosen to host their propaganda? On Google owned, of course!
They also appear to have about half a dozen Wordpress hosted websites as well. But my experience with the folks at Wordpress is that they take down these types of websites within a few days once notified. Google? Not so much. Even when we tell Google that a website is an al Qaeda front they normally reply with a form letter about how they do not "censor" content.
I imagine that had Google been around during WWII they would have thought it their civic duty to rebroadcast Tokyo Rose to the heartland of America.
And just to show how "edgy" and "ironic" the onlilne jihadis can be, the website is said to have been designed by "Irhab studio".
That's real funny. Irhab means "terrorism" in Arabic.
Oh, you're chance to e-mail the webmaster behind al Qaeda's front in Russia's Dagestan region:
Posted by: greyrooster at April 12, 2007 07:58 PM (2J0r9)
I just dugg it, wonder how fast it will get buried?
Posted by: spypeach at April 13, 2007 11:14 AM (y/5U+)
The question now is: When is Vladimir Putin going to take his head out
of his behind and stop pissing on U.S. and coalition efforts to combat
I mean, I just don't get it? What the hell does he hope to achieve by his idiotic behaviour?
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at April 13, 2007 11:55 AM (EdIIN)
"The term "neo-Soviet" implies all that was bad in the USSR plus some new bad stuff."
A group of dissident students in Russia have some messages for the world. They are particularly dismayed at the level of brainwashing going on at their institution:
In recent years, lectures at the department have become ever more insipid and formal exercises. The administration has cut the number of seminars and practical classes. We are allowed to take ever fewer course units in neighboring disciplines. We are hardly ever given the opportunity to attend talks by outside lecturers. Exam questions are limited to the contents of a textbook authored by the dean. The dean's office has distributed a brochure to all students which approvingly quotes the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," blames Freemasons and Zionists for the world wars, and claims that they control US and British policy and the global financial system. ...
The dean’s office has distributed a brochure entitled “Why is the Russian Land being ‘cleansed’?,†whose authors blame Freemasons for “starting the world wars and initiating the creation of the atomic bomb†and claim that “the Zionist lobby … dictates US and British policy, is in charge of the global financial system (including the issuing of dollars), and practically controls all major mass media and telecommunications,†calls Russia “the Righteous Country†and the USA “the Beast Country,†and quote the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion†as a reliable source.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 23, 2007 09:23 PM (jNRRK)
Well since I was around some of thier membership as a kid, I'm entitled to an opinion. And I'm mostly keeping it to myself anyway, so how about that? USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 25, 2007 05:08 AM (2OHpj)
American Women Poisoned in Russia
(Moscow, Russia) Two Soviet-born American women, who have often visited Russia, were poisoned in Moscow. They were admitted to the hospital on February 24th and tests later confirmed the poisoning.
Two American women have been released from a Moscow clinic after they were hospitalized with possible thallium poisoning, a hospital official said.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Marina Kovalevsky, 42, and her daughter Yana, 26, were well enough to walk out of Sklifosovsky Clinic Wednesday and were expected to leave the country shortly.
The U.S. Embassy confirmed earlier on Wednesday that the women had possibly been poisoned from thallium, a radioactive element.
Moscow's top public health doctor, Nikolai Filatov, said thallium poisoning had been confirmed, according to the RIA-Novosti news agency.
Russian investigators have been checking all the places that the Kovalevskys (aka Kovalenskayas) ate including their central Moscow hotel and various restaurants. According to a statement from the Sklifosovsky Institute, the dosage of thallium was not life-threatening.
Although the media seem reluctant to confirm the poisoning, I'll believe the Russian public health doctor. It's likely that he has some experience with murder by poison, arguably a popular form of political expression in Russia. It remains to be determined, however, why someone would want to kill, or sicken, two female tourists.
A colleague of mine in grad school died of thallium poisoning some years ago. It was slow and ugly. Reading this piece still gave me chills.
Posted by: Glenmore at March 07, 2007 07:39 AM (JWf4t)
I suppose it is possible that this was accidental. After all, thallium is an ingerdient in rat poison and MAY have contaminated food in a preparation area or process. I doubt the 'health codes'in Russia ae up to the standards they are in the US. Then again, maybe they were out of pulonium 210.
Posted by: Billy at March 07, 2007 08:48 AM (1SzWp)
You mean listen to Gen Patton about attacking the Soviets after we finished off the Germans? They didn't listen to him becaues the Russkies would have kicked our asses off of the continent.
Posted by: John at February 20, 2007 12:17 PM (wg4FW)
what the General should of done was tell the chinese that russians taste like chicken
Posted by: wb at February 20, 2007 01:08 PM (lw93R)
Spare me your tired commie bullshit. Actually, Patton said "give me a month and I'll kick their asses and make it look like they started it." He could have done so easily. The Russians were nothing but target practice. While America and Britain fought Germany's finest in the West, children and rejects were sent to the Russian front to face the savage Winter.
More Russians were killed in WWII than all other nationalities combined. Not even China suffered as many casualties, and the Imperial Japanese hated the Chinese with a burning passion. Germany had one of the lowest casualty rates in the war, despite massive Allied bombing campaigns.
The Russians have always been a joke.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 20, 2007 06:34 PM (Dt3sl)
The Russians pretty much lost every war they got envolved in. Without US aid the Germans would have had a field day. The Russians were brave and tough but never have had the organizational skills for war. For every WW2 Russian soldier at the front line there was one behind him with a pistol. But they did whip the Tartars. After 400 years of paying tribute. John: you commies are really truly without an once of common sense. The only communist countries left in the world are to stupid to change by themselves. But the dollar will win in the end since none of the commie nations have any.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 20, 2007 09:33 PM (XmI6X)
Of course, if Harry Truman hadn't had such a bad case of "small man's syndrome" in the face of a giant like MacArthur, we wouldn't have the Chinese and NORK hobbit-races to deal with either.
Oh, and Viet Nam would be a popular tourist destination where French was spoken, and there would be no black-gash monument to tens of thousands of dead Americans on the mall.
Funny: When politicians fail to listen to seasoned generals, tragedy ensues.
But then, perhaps history repeating itself is actually a farce every time.
Posted by: Hucbald at February 20, 2007 09:51 PM (fsPoV)
"Funny: When politicians fail to listen to seasoned generals, tragedy ensues. "
Not so funny in Bush's case. I don't know who the fuck he listens to anymore.
Posted by: osamabinthere at February 21, 2007 04:48 AM (ZxuJ4)
"The Russians were brave and tough but never have had the organizational skills for war" Yes on 'brave and tough', but I can only agree conditionally with the second part. I read a book about the Russian general Zhukov, and it remains a favorite of mine. He had organizational skills flying out of the pores of his skin. Not like we think of in the west, but solid, and effective.
He was almost the father of WW2 Soviet special forces, in a wierd way. By chance, he wasn't in a position to attract Stalin's notice when all the other good generals were purged and murdered. He inflicted a defeat upon the Japanese so humiliating, that the surviving Japs were shipped to remote island bases to avoid having bring the story home where people would hear about it. Even today, the Japanese only barelty acknowledge that any such battle occured, but I think they had 60,000 troops there so it wasn't a small thing.
Zhukov's experience with Kossacks led him to develop tactics around their crosscountry mobility, unpredictability, and selfsufficiency. Why can't Hansel get a good nights sleep? Kossacks! Why are there mines on our road we used yesterday? Kossacks! Why did our train get derailed? Kossacks! You get the idea.
We had nukes. We would have been unstoppable. Not even 'General Winter' could have saved the USSR from us if we had gone to war against them then. But it would have had to have been thier fault. They would have had to start it.
In the original film "Why We Fight" we had built up the Russians as fighting for freedom against the same evil Nazi scum that we were. It would have been politically catastrophic to press on into the USSR, as the people at home would very likely have jumped ship. As we know from current events, the most powerful armed forces in the world can be castrated by their own people.
So John is ignorant. He probably went to college in California. The "Russkies" would have become caretakers of the largest radioactive snowcone factory in history. Except for our folks back home. And for John ... entire Soviet Tank Corps were equipped by the USA during WW2, and thats just for starters. We gave them so much stuff! You have no idea how lop sided the industrial equation was. Even without nukes, but with the people in total war mode, we pretty likely could have liberated the USSR in two or three more years.
But there was no way the people would have gone for it without serious provocation, and Stalin wasn't going to provide that. Not after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden. He could see those cards. We showed them to him. End of story. The USSR was not our serious equal until they got the bomb. Nor Red China either.
In the end, only our good moral character as a nation made us avoid adding tens of millions of additional deaths to the many tens of millions already dead from that war. Not that we coudn't have.
Was it the best choice? ... I just pulled a book of my shelf. The title is "Federal World Government" Complied by Julia E. Johnsen. Copyright 1948 !!! It was sitting next to "Atoms For Peace" by David O. Woodbury, copyright 1955. What did they say?
Johnsen indicated that while a single world goverment was needed to avoid an even worse war than the last, but expressed the idea the UN wasn't the way. She actually made the point that a USA styled Federal world government would be superior. Woodbury seemed to be trying to change the tone of nuclear technology, and show it as a constructive power. Both seemed to realize that the world was to small for the old style of thinking. But we still have it anyway.
Iran, and North Korea go after the bomb, while we sit. Petty dictators run the worlds edges, and we sit. Ken Hoop likes us to sit. Just sit.
I've gone of the edge of the map myself a bit here.
Basically, second guessing Patton is all speculation in the end. We have to deal with today's problems. Maybe we will have a modern 'Patton' offer us a sneaky solution to a serious problem, and see how that goes? Maybe he can figure out Iran for us ...? Some are trying to claim that is already being done.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 21, 2007 06:04 AM (2OHpj)
Professor Weaver,
Excellent post. Are you familiar with any of Owen Lattimore's work from that time? "The Situation in Asia" 1949 has a excellent read given the situation in which we find ourselves today, playing chess with the people who invented it. The book augments your points by broadening the scope geopolitcaly to include the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and the middle east with remarkable clairity.. (given the new borders in an old part of the world.) Our greatest generation, no doubt. Thank you again for your time and effort in bringing fresh thought into the post. Do you think if we told the Chinese that we would supply them with extra soy sauce they might have a go at the Koreans as well?
Posted by: wb at February 21, 2007 10:23 AM (PqCqd)
Yes. Excellent post. Russia did do a great job. But that was one battle. Russia against Japan on a one to one basis resulted in Russia surrendering to Japan. After losing their entire navy.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 02:46 PM (smCdV)
Besides my son who is into the martial arts thing says the Russians are the best of the bad asses.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 02:48 PM (smCdV)
"Besides my son who is into the martial arts thing says the Russians are the best of the bad asses."
Clear your ears, old fuck: Your son said the Russian men have the best asses. Martial arts thing = excuse to daddy so he can roll around with other men.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 21, 2007 03:28 PM (ZxuJ4)
Why all the htred directed at homosexuals? I thought lefttards were supposed to be tolerant?
Yor self loathing is obvious, butt-pirate.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 22, 2007 01:51 AM (Dt3sl)
The lefturds who were running our country didn't listen to Patton
because they wanted Russia to win. Our government was infiltrated by
the enemy long ago, and has been almost solely in their control since.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 22, 2007 09:19 AM (eGb9y)
"Why all the htred directed at homosexuals? I thought lefttards were supposed to be tolerant?"
Well, well...maybe your puny brain will figure out someday that I'm not a leftard. Just as much as you'll figure out Carlos is not a lib? I doubt it. You're head is full of corn husks. For the record, I only call you what best suits your own pathetic phobias. It's ok. We know you're a closet case.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 03:58 PM (ZxuJ4)
"You will never prove a point or convince a soul."
Well certainly not you. It requires too many brain cells for you to peck your wimpy insults into these posts. i wouldn't want to overwhelm your ape head with complex thoughts!
"You're a pathetic loser who cant face up to her inadequacies."
It's not healthy for you to say this about yourself or your mom.
"My shit is worth more than you--and you know it."
If "worth" = stupid, then you're right on the money!
Posted by: osamabinthere at February 23, 2007 05:18 AM (ZxuJ4)
Jeff and greyrooster:
I'm no damn commie, and I didn't go to kollege in Kalifornia. You guys are dumber than a box of rocks if you think an assessment of relative combat power at the end of the war equals a love of communism. The Russkies had more men, more (and better) tanks, more artillery, and more aircraft in Europe than we did. They had also, post D-Day, advanced farther than our forces against twice as many German divisions. And they knew how to fight.
And Michael Weaver: Lend lease? We equipped entire Soviet tank Corps? Really? No kidding. There's just one problem with your "analysis" - they already had all that stuff! What impact that has on how many forces were in existence is beyond me. The nukes very well might have made a difference, but we did only have 2 at the time. IIRC we had a few more in the chute, but I'm not sure it would have been enough to make a difference. Unlike the Japanese, Stalin would probably have known how many we had since he had so many commie-sympathizers on the payroll.
Patton was wrong.
Posted by: John at February 23, 2007 04:08 PM (wg4FW)
John, we basically agree that Patton was wrong about wanting to fight russia. I know I snipe at you sometimes, but I have to give you that one. I'll even take back what I said about you being ignorant. I was out of line. But ... "They already had that all that stuff" Ummm, No!
Ever hear of the A-20 attack bomber, or the Airacobra fighterplanes? We supplied all of those to the soviets. They did build 'tankograd' and that IS a pretty neat achievement, but from a total economic/industrial standpoint we had the upper hand without nukes. Otherwise ...
I mentioned Those tank corps were equipped with M-4 Shermans. The Soviets didn't have any of those did they? It was the most produced tank of the war. Far outstripping Soviet production, and models rolling of the ships in 1945 were quite capable of taking out a T-34, which would have been their most likely typical opposition.
German gains were almost decisive in the first year because of shortages in the Soviet arsenal. The T-34 and KV series tanks were superior, but not even close to numerous until about 43' and by then most armies had put aside guns like the 37mm because everyones tanks were better.
The IS (or Stalin) tanks were awesome, but in very short supply, and terribly limited in operational range. In 1945 we were just beggining to use the M-47 tanks, precursor to the M-48/M-60 series, and I have no doubt we could have flooded the continent with them if the war had continued. We could have fueled them also.
Shipments from the USA were like blood transfusions to the badly wounded.
The Japanese defeat at the hands of Zhukov, which I mentioned, is largely responsable for the USA's shipments to the eastern USSR not being interfered with. It was this defeat, that most contributed to japan's acceptance of a non-agression pact withthe Soviets, and which for a time, left Asian Soviet ports accessable to the USA. Minus these shipments, there may well have not been a USSR to worry about later. Japan was in actuality, should probably never have signed that pact, as it allowed Russia to turn all its resources towards Hitler. Without that freedom, Stalin would likely have been defeated.
Talking about troops, we could talk about how US combat divisions were the only consistently 'overstrength' divisions in any army, or how much more vastly supported most of those divisions were.
We could talk about how the US G.I. was considered by some to be a secret weapon due to the simple capacity of Americans to not wait for orders. In short, other armies were made up of Europeans. Command hierarchy was important. Losing a commander meant loss of initiative. Not so with Americans. This is a fact established in actual combat. And we didn't need political officers to keep us motivated.
We had the power. The only thing Patton got seriously wrong, was that the American people wouldn't go for it. His superiors understood this, and that is why we had the cold war.
I do think we were better off not going on into Russia, but it is because of the difference in motivation. Americans would not have been motivated to push on. Soviets would have been motivated to resist. Maybe that wasn't clear from my earlier comment.
I am for the USA being involved in the world, but we are pretty lethargic as a people unless we are clear about the nature of the emergency. Like we are losing the perception war now, we would have likely lost it then, and that is something Patton was never good at understanding. How people percieved things. As great a general as he was for rapid manuvers, he sucked at presentation.
So anyway, thanks for those who liked my earlier comment. Sorry we disagree John, and I'll try and be nicer about it next time.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 05:15 AM (2OHpj)
Sorry again, but I used a wrong designation on a tank type I mentioned above. The M-26 was a precursor to the M-48/M-60 tanks, and it was available in Feb 45'. I made a point about mentioning the ability to fuel them, because they did have about 100 miles range, which isn't far unless you have the logistical capabilty of a US division. We always had plenty of trucks, while much of Europes military was supplied by wagons, and carts (even the Germans)
The M-26 was a match for Tigers, and Panthers, but was more mobile than either. The IS-3 Soviet tank was potentially superior in terms of armor, and main gun, but had a few deficiencies that would only be obvious when western tanks met eastern tanks during cold war brush wars.
I usually don't get my weapon numbers confused but it happens. I was building a tactical tank simulation when Desert Sheild commenced. Back then I was crunching numbers on tank statistics so much I probably talked about it in my sleep. It worked pretty well. I had some of my test players argueing with me about how the 'soviet' tanks were so good, but my game had them getting their butts kicked by western tanks. All I can say is that I was trying to simulate the whole tank. Gun, armor, doctrine, crew quality, and speed of turret traverse and fire control.
Anyway, I'm probably getting boring here.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 07:07 AM (2OHpj)
Alexander Litvinenko & The Russians
I've been getting lots of e-mails for the past few days urging me to link to stories about Alexander Litvinenko the former spy who was recently poisoned. I haven't. Here's why.
I spent some time in Russia. I went to a University there for a year. Which means I know Russians.
Their idea of 'truth' is not our idea of 'truth'. It's more like truthiness (Yeah, The Jawa Report now rhymes with poor).
For instance, students would routinely cheat on tests. But no one considered it cheating. Different cultural definitions of honesty, I guess. Same applies to stealing.
So, when Russians come out saying they know who was behind Litvinenko's poisoning, I just roll my eyes and shrug. People in Russia talk that way: "everybody knows that" [insert crazy idea here, especially ones blaming people from the Caucuses, Jews, the Mafia, etc.].
Did Putin's thugs kill Litvinenko? Maybe. Was it the mafia? Maybe. Was it nuclear smugglers trying to shut him up? Maybe? Did he poison himself in a final look-at-me-I'm-important act? Maybe. Did a Putin follower rid him of this pesky ex-spy without Putin's approval? Maybe.
The truth is, I don't know. Russians are like Arabs. Scratch a Russian, and underneath is a Tatar, or so the saying goes. Even when multiple sources verify the same event, it's still best to remain skeptical. Because there is such a thing as social truth. That is, everyone lying about the same thing because the lie fosters the truth.
I'm out of this fight until a lot more is the Western sense of the word. It is a strange and compelling story, but one in which I'd much rather remain a spectator in.
But, if you just want to keep up on the facts as they emerge, you might want to try AJ Stata's place out.
Of course political killings in Lebanon are much easier to figure out, it must have been the bad guys. Or maybe it was the good guys trying to show us what the bad guys would have done or.... well some guys did it that's for sure.
Posted by: John Ryan at November 29, 2006 03:08 PM (TcoRJ)
john - why don't you call the "bad guys" what they are - your best friends.
Back it up or shut the fuck up!
Posted by: Fargo Levy at November 29, 2006 10:09 PM (PM8kH)
It was a poor attemp to justify your inborn trait of hating all the others different from you. Though it again failed.
Posted by: XXX at December 05, 2006 08:34 AM (xEifd)
It was a poor attemp to justify your inborn trait of hating all the others different from you. Though it again failed.
Posted by: XXX at December 05, 2006 08:34 AM (xEifd)
It was a poor attemp to justify your inborn trait of hating all the others different from you. Though it again failed.
Posted by: XXX at December 05, 2006 08:34 AM (xEifd)
(Moscow, Russia) The Al Qaeda terrorist leader in the North Caucasus, Abu Hafs (aka Abu Khavs and Abu Havs), was killed in a four-hour gun battle with police in the Dagestani town of Khasavyurt, close to the Chechen border.
The Federal Security Service (FSB) confirmed Sunday the elimination of Al Qaeda's emissary and the head and financier of terrorists in Russia's south.
"On November 26, in a special operation by Russia's Federal Security Service in Khasavyurt in the Republic of Dagestan, Al Qaeda's chief representative in the North Caucasus known to all security services in the world as a very dangerous international terrorist, the actual head and financier of bandit formations in Chechnya, the national of Jordan, Abu Hafs, was killed," the FSB said.
A Russian television program showed the battle scene with the bodies of five terrorists. One FSB officer was wounded.
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 26, 2006 09:49 PM (aghaS)
That's one less Islamo-fascist rat wasting our oxygen. Sweet.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 26, 2006 10:50 PM (EdIIN)
Hooray for the FSB! when they're not killing guys with radioactive sushi, and shooting women reporters in the head in their apartment elevator, after failing to poison her on a plane, they're regular hero's.
Evidently they only save the gruesome deaths for dissidents.
Posted by: davec at November 26, 2006 11:08 PM (QkWqQ)
Ah shit: 5 more murders in New Orleans last night. One 18 yr old stabbed to death on Bourbon Street. Anyone wish to bet on the color of the victim and the color of the murderer? They haven't a announced those facts yet. You know. It might piss whitey off.
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 26, 2006 11:37 PM (aghaS)
Dave beat me to it. I was gonna say, "And to think they could have just poisoned him."
Posted by: Oyster at November 27, 2006 06:12 AM (YudAC)
3 US Servicemen killed in Iraq yesterday. 5 citizens killed in New Orleans yesterday. The 18 year old murdered, turns out to be from a small Mississippi town 8 miles from my farm. People here talking about revenge. Things getting out of hand in New Orleans, La. Yea, yea, I know, I'm a racist.
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 27, 2006 07:30 AM (aghaS)
I think is definite proof that we are losing in New Orleans. The level
of violence is indicative of a civil war and we should pull out as soon
as possible. Join me my fellow cut and runners with our new creed.....
No blood for gumbo!
Posted by: Randman at November 27, 2006 09:08 AM (Sal3J)
I tried to e-mail this but my minimal brain cannot figure out what to do with the at and th dot in Rusty's address. So I will post it freely and wontonly here.
ABC news censors Iraqi man who says by the will of allah.
Posted by: SeeMonk at September 01, 2006 06:45 PM (n4VvM)
OT but what's up?
Lgf, ace, michelle malkin have been offline tonight since 4pm ET. Also( for awhile) so were instapundit, roger simon and others (they are now up). Another hosting attack?
Posted by: Mirra at September 01, 2006 06:51 PM (LQOJL)
I was listening to NPR, which I call Nazi Propaganda Radio, on which was a segment about the Beslan anniversary. Well, they called the Chechen terrorists who murdered the children militants and rebels, but not terrorists. I was wondering when the mincing little puff reading the piece was going to slip and call them freedom fighters. NPR needs to be shut down and everyone who works for it sent off to the fertilizer factory.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at September 01, 2006 07:23 PM (v3I+x)
Yet another horrific tragedy of the Chechen war. Vinnie, I'd like to clarify one point, those terrorists are Russia's enemies ever since 1994. I can't say that Russia are the good guys in this conflict as they bombed Grozny to the dust, and Grozny still remains in ruin (That does NOT excuse the Beslan massacre). No one really "wins" these type of wars. The problem with an eye for an eye is that everyone ends up blind.
Posted by: heresy at September 01, 2006 07:37 PM (dBeKb)
NPR should look at the photos of the dead children the religion of peace brought to the world.
It is not just Russia, but all across the world the sword is upon all of us.
Posted by: Leatherneck at September 01, 2006 07:39 PM (D2g/j)
Even if there was no Islam (the Chechens converted to Islam by the conquering armies), there would still be war in Chechnya. I'm not saying Islam is good or bad, but conflicts like this have deeper links to the past since the present situation is just a power struggle between the Russians and the Chechens since the conflict broke out after the fall of the Soviet Union. FYI, not all Chechen guerrillas are so-called radical Islamist. The main faction is still comprised of nationalists led by tribal warlords.
Posted by: heresy at September 01, 2006 07:51 PM (dBeKb)
Leatherneck, if the sword were never upon us, you would not have the handle you do.
Rebels and militants attack infrastructure, and military targets.
Terrorists attack children, and the unprepared civilian populations. They represent no country and are usually not sponsored by the country in which they operate.
The wanton bombing of civilan populations is a form of terror but is usually justified if the enemy has attacked you in this manner first.
However it is obvious most nations have not adopted the purposeful attacking of populated areas where there is no military target as a strategy.
Posted by: SeeMonk at September 01, 2006 08:34 PM (n4VvM)
And while muhammed fiddles, Putin dances lively.
Posted by: n.a. palm at September 02, 2006 07:56 AM (Bjsvu)
Beslan Massacre 2nd Anniversary.
Today not only marks the 67th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland but, it has now been two years since terrorists captured and held hostage students and teachers in Beslan. The siege ended badly with the deaths of over 333 people--- over half of them students. I wonder who influenced the terrorists to pick 9/1? Hmmm.
BESLAN, Russia -- As hundreds of thousands of children flocked to schools across Russia for festive first-day celebrations Friday, the scene in the town of Beslan was grimly different.
Tears flowed, sombre wreaths abounded and the solemn tolling of a bell reflected the grief and sense of loss that persist two years after the country's worst terrorist attack.
Sobs echoed through the ruins of the red-brick gymnasium at Beslan's School No. 1, where pupils, parents and staff were herded and held hostage by terrorists during a three-day ordeal in which 333 victims were killed, more than half of them children.
A bell tolled to mark the time the gunmen attacked the school in the southern Russian province of North Ossetia on Sept. 1, 2004, taking 1,128 students, teachers and parents hostage. The assault followed days after the terrorist bombing of two Russian passenger planes that killed 90 people, and a Moscow suicide bombing that killed 10.
I was still doing the old Allah blog at the time and remember watching the photos come over the wires that night, thinking it was the worst thing I’d ever see save, of course, for 9/11. That’s still true two years later, thank god.
Howie, could you let your readers know about the must-read book of the year, Terror at Beslan? I wrote a review of it, but I’m afraid I cannot really do the book justice. Be prepared to throw out what you think you know about Belsan - the author was there, and an expert counter-terrorism witness!
If you’ve got kids - or know any kids - you must read that book. I swear, it’s that important to the future of our own children.
Posted by: Redhead Infidel at September 01, 2006 07:05 PM (wNM0z)
Holy schmoley I lost 10 years somewhere. Now where did I put those. Hey also I'm 18 in my prime
Posted by: Howie at September 01, 2006 07:54 PM (YdcZ0)
Posted by: Howie at September 01, 2006 07:55 PM (YdcZ0)
But remember the sotten reptile who planned and carried out the whole thing was recently blown to smitherinies it took a while but he is dead and i hope he likes it where he is now where he can smell sulpher and shakehands with a certian guy with horns and a pitchfork
Posted by: sandpiper at September 04, 2006 08:40 AM (AFJdY)
Zdrastviou Paren!
Publius Pundit returns from the Ukraine and Belarus with some good news and some bad news. Mostly good news. A few more like him, and we won't need the MSM.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:32 PM
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Our Ally (choke)YemenThey are harboring this man, one Mohammed Hussein Sharab. He is an al-Qaeda recruiter who is very active in Iraq. So while it seems that NPR and this professor can find him easy enough the Yemeni authorities are turning a blind eye. Jane at Armies of Liberation has a transcript.
NPR: Islamic studies expert Bernard Haykel recently spent two days talking with a known Yemeni jihadi about his recruiting tactics. The man had just returned from Iraq.
Prof. HAYKEL: If you like. I don’t think he’s hiding it and it’s well known to the American authorities as well as to the Yemenis. His name is Mohammed Hussein Sharab(ph) and his photograph is hanging inside the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa as a wanted man…. … Oh, yeah. And very specifically, he was the one who handled two attackers who blew up the United Nations offices in Baghdad.
The carbomber later admitted he was one of Zarqawi's top VBIED makers (he's now in custody) and the bomb used Iraqi military ordinance for the detonation. Powerful stuff.
Anyway, I didn’t think that detail would make its way into the interview .... and it didn't.
Posted by: brettp at July 13, 2006 01:26 PM (+oUAe)
Did you notice a small irony here? He's wearing a Caterpillar hat. It is the Caterpillar company that many Arabs blame for selling machiery to Israel to bulldose Palestinians' houses. Of course that blame also is found among the highly intelligent denizens of the American Left.
So now an Al Qaida recruiter who believes in their ideology, or must since he is selling that ideology, wears a hat of a company that is viewed to support Israel and the destruction of Palestine.
Posted by: Chad Evans at July 13, 2006 01:28 PM (+0rMT)
I listened to that whole interview.
The guy he recruited was involved in a joint Baathist/al Qaeda mission: carbombing UN headquarters early in the war in 2003.
The carbomber later admitted he was one of Zarqawi's top VBIED makers (he's now in custody) and the bomb used Iraqi military ordinance for the detonation. Powerful stuff.
Anyway, I didnt think that detail would make its way into the interview .... and it didn't.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 13, 2006 04:48 PM (0UFK+)
Yemen - oh yes, our great supporter. A Yemeni judge just released 19 terrorists because "Islamic Sharia law permits jihad against occupiers."
Posted by: Ansar al-Kufir at July 13, 2006 09:40 PM (NDJaY)
Russia to "Fight Terror Worldwide"
From the Kommersant:
Vladimir Putin submitted to the Federation Council a draft ruling, which will authorize the president to use units of Armed Forces and divisions of Special Services to clamp down on international terrorism outside of Russia but in line with the RF laws, Putin’s press service announced Tuesday.
The sanction of senators will enable the Special Services of the country to focus on Putin’s order and eventually find terrorists, who abducted and murdered four Russian diplomats in Iraq.
This is bigger than one would think. Russians have a way of getting things done by hook or crook.
Their advantage. Not so many liberal anti-american policy winners in their country.
Or in plain english. The Sheehan bitch would be in Siberia getting hosed by a thousand other prisoners. If they would stoop that low.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 05, 2006 05:51 PM (NMQrK)
Does this 'pledge' involve no longer selling nuclear technology and weapons systems to terror sponsoring states and no longer being a pain in the ass in the UN Security Council?
Posted by: Graeme at July 05, 2006 05:57 PM (/dho0)
I wonder if the Ruskies think Israel is a terrorist sponsor?
Posted by: QC at July 05, 2006 06:02 PM (PX+vn)
Why would the Ruskies think Israel is a terror sponsor?
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at July 05, 2006 06:06 PM (8e/V4)
Doesn't really matter why they would think that; it only matters if they do think that.
Posted by: QC at July 05, 2006 06:12 PM (PX+vn)
If those Russians get those sexy KGB female agents involved, I expect the war on terror will be over in months, not years.
Wow, I just love those Russian KGB female agents. Did I tell you guys how beautiful they are. Did you see From Russia with Love. No? Let me...
Posted by: Leatherneck at July 05, 2006 06:31 PM (D2g/j)
I don't really care IF they think that, I'm just wondering WHY they would think that.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at July 05, 2006 06:45 PM (8e/V4)
Putin's gonna fight terror. Yeah, right. Just like he did something about the animals who murdered the children of Beslan. What he did was make a deal to sell Iran advanced weapons and technology in order to get them to call the dogs off. Russia is a sinking ship, and Putin is knocking holes in the hull.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 05, 2006 07:07 PM (v3I+x)
Posted by: greyrooster at July 05, 2006 09:35 PM (NMQrK)
In that case, why DON'T they think that (considering that most of the world apparently thinks the Israelis are)?
Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 05, 2006 11:07 PM (fZeeX)
Lost the link now but anyone see Putin kissing that boy's stomach? I suspect he is a pedophile.
Posted by: deadmaus at July 06, 2006 12:59 AM (K3594)
Why don't we ( the coalition ) capture a few of these fuckin insurgents from different TAOR's, fuck up their memories so they don't remember where they've been, stick them with EBOLA and send them back to their little groups to spread the good news. We should start fighting real dirty now, FUCK the opinions of those oxygen thiefs who moan about human rights and all that bollocks. Steralize the fuckers who live in our home countries and keep them in ghettos modelled on the guantanamo base make the fuckers behead their parents yeah instead of testing animals we could use them for testing. THINK ABOUT IT!
Posted by: repman at July 06, 2006 01:07 AM (qZaSb)
Damn repman: Tell them about it. We can't do that. Why? Because we have liberals in this country who have decided the rights of the enemy (muslims) are more important that stopping future terrorism.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 06, 2006 09:40 AM (NMQrK)
Putin Orders Russian Hostage Murderers "Destroyed"
Vladimire Putin has reportedly ordered Russian special forces to hunt down and kill the al Qaeda terrorists who murdered four hostages on a gruesome beheading video. Finallly, the interests of Russia and the U.S. coincide in Iraq.
President Vladimir Putin ordered the security services Wednesday to seek and destroy the killers of four Russian hostages in Iraq.
The tough remarks indicate the Kremlin is no longer shy about carrying out extrajudicial executions of suspected terrorists and radicals abroad. They also suggest Russia's security services are reclaiming the KGB's global reach in covert operations.
"The president ordered the special forces to take all necessary measures to find and destroy the criminals who killed Russian diplomats in Iraq," the Kremlin press service said.
Putin, speaking during a Kremlin meeting with Saudi Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, also said Russia would be "grateful to all its friends for any information on the criminals who killed our citizens in Iraq," the Kremlin press service said.
When will Russia finally realize that the U.S. is a natural ally? After all, it is Russia, and not the U.S., with Islamists already in open rebellion. And it is Russia, not the U.S., which shares borders with Muslims who consider large portions of that nation to be stolen land-- from Kazan to the Urals it was once part of the ummah. And it is Russia, not the U.S., that have Muslim neighbors enslaving Russian minorities to sharia law.
I have a vivid memory of the day a Russian friend was forced to leave the U.S. to go back to Tajikistan. 19, not Muslim, and forced to put on the veil for fear of rape---or worse.
Indeed America have more in common than not. Russia's only conflict of National Interest is the obsession Russia has with hegemony in it regional territory.
However time will tell that Islamofascism and China will be greater threats to Russian regional hegemony than America could have been viewed.
Posted by: Theway2k at June 29, 2006 10:28 PM (B3rTo)
Indeed America have more in common than not. Russia's only conflict of National Interest is the obsession Russia has with hegemony in it regional territory.
However time will tell that Islamofascism and China will be greater threats to Russian regional hegemony than America could have been viewed.
Posted by: Theway2k at June 29, 2006 10:29 PM (B3rTo)
Indeed America have more in common than not. Russia's only conflict of National Interest is the obsession Russia has with hegemony in it regional territory.
However time will tell that Islamofascism and China will be greater threats to Russian regional hegemony than America could have been viewed.
Posted by: Theway2k at June 29, 2006 10:29 PM (B3rTo)
Regarding those Russians who were beheaded. The guilty group was the Mujahedeen Council, led by a former Saddam aide.
Speaking of Saddam aides, over thirty have been caught working with al Qaeda now with the recent intelligence regarding Haitham al-Badri, I have more details here
Posted by: Mark Eichenlaub at June 30, 2006 12:12 AM (j+tr0)
The significant issue with the Russians regarding America and the fight against terrorism is that we have been somewhat contradictory in our message to them. We feel we have the right to fight these bastards, but we have been extremely critical of the Russians in fighting the islamofascists in Chechnya. I think we need to offer some form of assistance to their fight before we could count them as our allies in the larger battle.
Posted by: Ansar al-Kufir at June 30, 2006 12:36 AM (mQGMi)
Actually, the U.S. and Russia don't see eye to eye on this particular issue and they never have.
This could also present a problem for U.S. forces.
The U.S. IS NOT going to be happy about having Russian Special Forces operating in Iraq.
This could create confusion and could actually lead to a misunderstanding...and an international incident...if the two forces were to clash for some reason (Which would not be out of the question).
I'm sure Russians have been in & around Iraq for quite some time, since the war began. But their numbers will likely grow much larger...creating a problem.
Hopefully the two countries (The U.S. & Russia) can come up with a way to communicate, and an arrangement to operate/co-exist together.
This could also present a problem for U.S. forces.
The U.S. IS NOT going to be happy about having Russian Special Forces operating in Iraq.
This could create confusion and could actually lead to a misunderstanding...and an international incident...if the two forces were to clash for some reason (Which would not be out of the question).
I'm sure Russians have been in & around Iraq for quite some time, since the war began. But their numbers will likely grow much larger...creating a problem.
Hopefully the two countries (The U.S. & Russia) can come up with a way to communicate, and an arrangement to operate/co-exist together.
Surviving Beslan Terrorist Sentenced to Die
He won’t be surviving very long if a “moratorium" on executions is lifted. Nurpashi Kulayev was sentenced to die for his role in the siege of school which ended in the deaths of the rest of the terrorists and 300+ school children and teachers. At the very least he will rot for the rest of his life.
Euronews: The only man charged over the Beslan school siege two years ago has been found guilty and could face the death penalty. Reading out the sentence, the Russian judge said Nurpashi Kulayev had committed murder and attempted murder, taken part in a bandit group, taken hostages and illegally stored and transported weapons.
An official moratorium on the death penalty is in place.
However Deputy Attorney General Nikolai Shepel said he had asked for the highest punishment, the death penalty, but that he would not comment further and would wait for the court to decide.
A total of 330 people were killed when a group of gunmen, including suspected Chechen separatists, took over a school in Beslan on the first day of term. The other hostage-takers were killed in a shoot-out with Russian security forces.
Life the moratorium and place a moratorium on this man’s life ASAP. This is one of the most heinous examples of what Islamic terrorism really means.
They murdered 300+ children--ON PURPOSE-- but the morally bankrupt Liberals still try to tell us terrorists are just freedom fighters. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 16, 2006 11:00 AM (8e/V4)
Actually they won't say or tell us anything - they will however close their eyes, put their hands over their ears, and hum loudly.
Posted by: hondo at May 16, 2006 12:26 PM (SeBrl)
well Carlos fortunately the morally bankrupt liberals have not been a majority in Congress for 12 years and have not been in control of the White House for 6+ years. Fortunately icons such as Cindy Sheehan and Ted Kennedy can still be blamed. I am not really sure of what importance any liberal's beliefs or statements are at this point. Are there many people listening to the statements of Jimmy Carter on Chechnya ? Perhaps now one should take a look at where the conservatives stood on the issue of "freedom" for the Chechens. The American Committee for Peace in Chechnya founded in 1999 (pre 9/11) by the right wing Freedom House includes as members such neo conservatives as Richard Perle William Kristol. Peace in Chechnya meant supporting the rebels against Moscow. For a more complete rundown on the members of this pro Chechen group please google American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. I tried to give a hot link but received the dreaded "questionable content" I think that the support for the Chechens by the neoconservatives was not due to admiration but simply because they were fighting Moscow. The United Syayes has seen that often our allies later become foes.
Posted by: john Ryan at May 16, 2006 01:21 PM (TcoRJ)
... or go off on a tangent like our dear friend John above.
Posted by: hondo at May 16, 2006 01:38 PM (SeBrl)
I am surprised the Russians allowed one of the terrorists live. Give that terrorist a round to the head.
Posted by: Leatherneck at May 16, 2006 02:44 PM (D2g/j)
John Ryan is on to something. The neocons (rightly)
consider Chechnya a Russian "border dispute," more than
an issue of terror,although to Russia it has elements of both. US neocons would rather weaken white Christian Russia just now,and hope to appease a few Moslems. The Soviet,you know, had helped the militant Arab world against the favored state of the neocons. The neocons, though, also supported Muslim Bosniaks against white Christian Serbia,in the 1990s although Serbs had fought the more "anti-Semitic" Croatians. That's gratitude for
ya-never trust a neocon for long--or at all!
Posted by: Ken Hoop at May 16, 2006 03:30 PM (DZbll)
>>>And you're blaming the illegals for your problems?
actually they do. When they say things like "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" morally bankrupt Leftists are saying terrorists are freedom figthers. Some even call them "minutemen".
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 16, 2006 07:07 PM (8e/V4)
As for immigration, which this topic drifted into, what we should be doing is paving the way for Europeans who see the writing on the wall, instead of those who do the work AWDFSW* or RAAETDY**.
* Americans won't do for slave wages
** Robots aren't advanced enough to do (yet)
Posted by: MegaTroopX at May 17, 2006 09:28 PM (yT/Rw)
Racism in Russia: My Experience
I had was always very sympathetic to charges of racism in my youth. But after I lived in Moscow for a year, I realized that minorities in the U.S. have no idea what the hell they are talking about when they talk about America being a racist country--as if it was somehow unique or worse here than in other parts of the world.
In Moscow, for instance, people who were from Africa or the Caucuses were always stopped by the police. Yes, I used the word always on purpose, because every time I got on the subway the police would be shaking down a person of color.
You never heard the word Chechen without a scowl--but Chechen was used to describe anybody who looked like they were from the Caucuses. Chechens, every one would tell you, ran the mafia.
Africans? Drug dealers. Not all of them, you know because every one had at least one African friend they could vouch for, just most of them.
Lowest on the racial totem pole were the Romani---they gypsies. No one could just say gypsy without using the modifier filthy.
Karol at Alarming News notes that racial tensions seem to be mounting in Russia, but according to this AP report everything was much better under Communism. Of course, what the article fails to mention is that under the Soviet System citizens were required to carry identity cards listing their race.
And "Jew" was a "race" according to the Communists.
I counted four factual mistakes in your short piece. First, not 'identity cards' but internal passports. Second, under USSR citizens were not required to carry internal passports. Third, there was no such clause like 'race' in these documents. Concerning racial problems - not all muslims terrorist, but all terrorists are muslim. There is nothing strange in 'profiling' you described if you consider that Russia is still in the state of civil war in Northern Caucasia.
Posted by: Mazur at May 06, 2006 07:29 PM (z1yNw)
Why is it that racism only exists in "white" countries, but not the rest of the world? A non-white person can go into any white-majority country without fear of violence, but the same can't be said about the obverse; white people who travel to "brown" countries are only about a million times more likely to be raped, robbed, or murdered than a brown person in a white country.
Why is this? Is it because of skin color? Colonialism? Imperialism? No, it's a little thing we call civilization, which exists almost solely in the Western hemisphere and East Asia, to varying degrees from place to place. According to the liberals' unwritten manifesto, Africa should be the safest place on the planet, because there are very few white people there, and those are mostly powerless now, but the facts prove otherwise. For example, no aboriginal sub-Saharan African group has ever produced a civilization in the Western sense, though many did manage to build fairly prosperous cultures, such as the Zulu, who built a society strikingly similar to what the Spartans had over two millenia ago, but that was a socialist military culture, and not real civilization in the Athenian sense.
Now I'm not picking on Africans in particular, because there are even parts of Europe where civilized notions never really took hold, at least not without soldiers from civilized cultures enforcing good behavior at gunpoint; my point is that some people adapt to the customs of civilization better than others, regardless of the reason, and it's nothing but hypocritical to only point out the shortcomings of light-skinned people while totally disregarding the behavior of all others.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 07, 2006 07:34 AM (0yYS2)
Putin Caught Plagiarizing
The Washington Times reports that large parts of an economics thesis written by President Vladimir Putin in the mid-1990s were lifted straight out of a U.S. management textbook published 20 years earlier.
Not surprised one bit. Long time readers know that I spent a year studying at a university in Moscow, Russia. Plagiarism is rampant and so is cheating. Russian students make American students look like angels. I'm completely serious. And I'm saying this while looking at an academic violation report on my desk right now because I caught a student cheating on the midterm. In fact, my experience was that professors not only expected what we would consider cheating, but they encouraged it.
Posted by: Anachronda at March 28, 2006 11:07 AM (Y7t14)
I went to school with a number of Chinese students after UMASS Boston started an exchange with BeiDa (Beijing Normal School at the time.) They were all very good, very bright, but none of them had been taught how to cite. They had to be cured of 'importing' text into their research papers.
Of course I have my own embarssments. I once turned in a well researched and cited article on Libertarianism to a college newspaper. To save on space they got rid of all the quotation marks and citations. This was done by the EDITOR! I sometimes wonder where in the mainstream media he works now.
I hear that. A few years back the guys who do the TOEFL (test of english as a foreign language) had to start administering the test differently in China because all the proctors had been paid off. We had a number of Chinese grad students at my institution who couldn't hardly speak any English even though they aced the TOEFL test.
Posted by: Rusty at March 28, 2006 01:42 PM (JQjhA)
It figures that PUTRID PUTIN would do this becuase the russians have always stole our ideas and designs
Posted by: sandpiper at March 28, 2006 03:30 PM (UwJcR)
The chief mischief-maker on the Russian side apparently was General Yevgeny Primakov, who headed the Soviet foreign intelligence service in 1990, served as Russia's minister of foreign affairs in 1996, and as prime minister in 1998. You may remember him as the post-Cold War general who was given to outrageous and threatening outbursts.
Despite Iraq's 8 billion dollar debt to Russia, Primakov convinced the Russian government to invest anew in rebuilding Iraqi military forces after Saddam's humiliating defeat in the Gulf War. "Secret agreements, signed between Iraqi intelligence and the Russian GRU, provided for clean-up operations to be conducted by Russian and Iraqi military personnel — to remove WMDs, materials for production, technical documentation, etc., from Iraq, so that the regime could announce that Iraq was 'WMD free.'"
Part of the plan — specifically dealing with chemical weapons — was described by a Romanian intelligence official now living in protective custody after briefing U.S. intelligence for three years. The Russians specified that all chemical/bio weapons were to be burned or buried at sea in the event of potential capture. Just before war against Iraq by the allied coalition, two Russian ships set sail for the Indian Ocean. Shaw says it's not known whether they then headed for Syria or were destroyed. The point is they were out of Iraq and out of the reach of any invasion force.
I don't know if the Russians helped hide actual weaponry or equipment, but I DO think they spent time helping get rid of any documentation relating to their dealings with the Ba'athists. Remember when their alleged "diplomatic convoy" was shot at by US troops immediately after Baghdad was felled? They weren't supposed to be there. I understood they said they had gotten all their people out already. I think they didn't expect that we would reach Baghdad so quickly and were making a last minute run for it.
Posted by: Oyster at February 21, 2006 08:30 AM (7YTVr)
I doubt there were any WMDs in Iraq. Please don't insult me Improbulus Maximus. I'm just stating my opinion.
Posted by: Max Power at February 21, 2006 08:33 AM (5E0ex)
If there was a country that was an accomplice in removing chemical, or biological weapons from Iraq, it would be Russia.
Our allies the Russians who sold Iraq, fighter jets after 1990, banned night vision technology and GPS jamming equipment and the experience to use it, and never had to publically explain why.
Russia doesn't have to worry about it's "enemy" the United States anymore, their customers will take care of it.
Russia has armed pretty much every foe of the U.S and continues to do so. Don't believe me? in the last five years they have sold weapons, or experience in China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, etc.
Posted by: dave at February 21, 2006 10:45 AM (CcXvt)
Well your opinion is worth exactly nothing considering that there's only tons of evidence to the contrary. I was in Desert Storm, and my unit, along with many others, were exposed to Sarin and Cyclosarin when EOD blew up some scud missiles they found, so don't tell me they didn't have any. Also, ever hear of Halabja?
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 21, 2006 04:37 PM (0yYS2)
I was saying they didn't have any WMD's after Desert Storm. Saddam used WMD's during the Iran Iraq war of the 80s. I've seen pictures of the victims. Many Kurds were killed during the war too. I believe Saddam got rid of them after Desert Storm. Also it's good to know you served your country. I salute you.
Posted by: Max Power at February 21, 2006 05:56 PM (5E0ex)
So they just magically disappeared? Yeah. To Syria and Iran, and probably Russia too, from whence they came in the first place. Remember those Russians we accidentally shot while they were fleeing Baghdad at the last minute? What were they there for, tea and biscuits with Saddam?
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 21, 2006 06:46 PM (0yYS2)
Posted by: tee bee at February 20, 2006 01:51 PM (q1JHF)
It's funny how things in Russia never really changed after Communism fell. I guess the statue of Lenin was really the only thing that did fall.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 20, 2006 04:03 PM (0yYS2)
This cartoon is incomplete. The other panels show Muhammad going "Ummmm...sorry guys." And then Moses says "Wait a second, who invited Bombhomad?" Jesus and Buddha laugh, a trap door opens and Mo goes back to hell.
Posted by: Vent at February 20, 2006 04:44 PM (9tI8J)
Moo-hamed maight have taught people to do that, but he only copied that frum the Bible (God's Holy Word). Reed the followin' scripchures: Exodus 32:37, Leviticus 20:15, Numbers 25:5, Joshua 10:19-20, Joshua 13:22, I Samuel 15:2,3.....
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 20, 2006 11:27 PM (/3Yyj)
Posted by: youngbourbonprofessional at February 21, 2006 05:44 AM (tdhAh)
Really. Everyone loves to quote the Old Testament and totally ignore the reformation and positive message in the NT. Now, if we could only get a New Testament version of the Koran....
Posted by: Oyster at February 21, 2006 06:44 AM (YudAC)
The Old Testament is part of the Bible just like the New Testament (and just as inspired by God!). Of course in the NT, Jesus wants to reserve all the killin' fer Himself (and His angels) and not have us followers do it (which is perfectly fine by me...a day of slayin' and slewin' can be down-raight tirin'). Scriptchural references: Matthew 8:12, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 25:30-34, plus more! On the other hand, Jesus said the Law (the OT) is still in effect to ALL things are fulfilled: Matthew 5:18. So, if'n slayin' and slewin' is yer thing, God's behind you 100%.
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 21, 2006 08:17 AM (/3Yyj)
Improve yer Bible knowlidge by takin' Bible Quizes:
God's Favorite Ways to Kill Bible Quiz
The Wrath of God Bible Quiz
The Wrath of God Bible Quiz II (The Sequel)
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 21, 2006 08:24 AM (/3Yyj)
Try that with a Muslim slant. Might prove you to be a man, but I doubt it.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 21, 2006 10:25 AM (rUyw4)
CW: If God wants to zap people with lightning bolts, that's His business. But I'll say it again (agin'???)--all Christians are forbidden to engage in religious genocidal killing.
Unlike Moslems.
See the difference???
Posted by: youngbourbonprofessional at February 21, 2006 04:08 PM (tdhAh)
It's a pity y'all don't reed yer Bible. Or if'n you do, y'all choose to ignore what the Good Book says. Maybe just like the nice parts. The lovey-dovey parts. The "let's just hold hands and sing kumm-bye-ya" parts. Well, that don't just don't hunt, my friends. And when Jesus comes back (any day now) he's gonna hunt you down like the Colonel does with chickens. And you ain't gonna like the herbs and sirreee!!!! (Revelations 3:15, 16 - I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.).
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 21, 2006 09:17 PM (/3Yyj)
you folks do understand satire, don't you? Unfortunately, fundamentalism (you pick the name they call God) only differs by degree.
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 21, 2006 09:19 PM (/3Yyj)
For one thing, you won't find a whole lot of Christians here. A few, but not a lot. And the part about the fundamentalism? Well, no one here is of that stripe. Yes, some people out there are. I suggest you find them and "preach" to them with yer condescending hick-accent, because yer drivel falls on deaf ears here.
So far though, I must admit, I see very little killing done in the name of Christianity and when something of that nature does come about, I also see a lot of condemnation of it by ... well ... Christians! And please don't talk to us about what happened hundreds of years ago because we're talking about behaviors of today's people. Not a bunch of long dead fundamentalists.
Fundamentalism itself may only differ by degree, but the practice of it differs vastly in numbers. In an age where even basic human rights are recognized by the vast majority of the world to be applied equally among race, creed and gender, there is no excuse for the large numbers of fundamentalist Muslims to use force and intimidation to push the world backwards.
Posted by: Oyster at February 22, 2006 06:20 AM (YudAC)
CW, I doubt that your quizzes - or your teachers - have explained to you the meaning of "descriptive" texts and "proscriptive" texts. You might want to look into that before you try to get Israel or its grafted Christian brethren on the warpath.
Posted by: tee bee at February 22, 2006 03:04 PM (q1JHF)
Yeah, CW, the degree of difference in fundamental Christianity and fundamental Islam is life and death. I would say that is more than a difference of degree, as you put it. How stupid can you be?
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 22, 2006 04:19 PM (rUyw4)
Oh, yeah, CW, one more thing. The fact that you are satirizing Christianity and not Islam says a lot about your character, and a lot about the difference in Christianity and Islam. You are scared to satirize Islam because you know what will happen to you if you do. I'm used to their death threats by now, but I doubt you have the stomach for it. Just an observation.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 22, 2006 04:24 PM (rUyw4)
Paper Publishes Gay Jesus Kissing Muhammed CartoonThe University of Toronto's student newspaper, the Strand, has published a cartoon of a gay Jesus kissing Muhammed. The cartoon was published as part of a debate over whether to show images of Muhammed from Danish papers. The image shows the face of Jesus, but does not show the face of Muhammed. Jesus is also seen disrobing Muhammed.
The same newspaper has refused to publish the Muhammed cartoons which have sparked worldwide riots, murders, and calls to impose the death penalty on all who blaspheme by misunderstanderers of the Religion of Peace.
Here is how they hypocritically defend not showing the Muhammed cartoons, but showing big gay Jesus:
But was it really freedom of the press, or a case of media martyrdom? Publishing these cartoons seems to do little more than fan the flames of already-existing controversy. Is it the press's responsibility to decide what people should absorb, or is providing an option more important? Articles are somewhat different; you can decide whether or not to read something based on the headline - which, admittedly, is questionable on the subject of giving audiences agency. A graphic or photograph, however, is much more intense: you don't really have the choice to view it or not.
Related from Publius Pundit via Michelle Malkin. Incidentally, I lived in Russia for a time and the newspapers often contain nude women. So, it's okay to have a centerfold in your newspaper but it's not okay to offend Muslims?
only because they fear no attacks, or intolerant rage from Christians, of course, then they'll deny it was Muhammed when the other side takes the field.
Posted by: dave at February 20, 2006 10:46 AM (CcXvt)
It will be interesting indeed to see how Islamists respond to this cartoon. Even without Mohammed's face being shown, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the other guy with the turban is supposed to be.
One more stray thought: Doesn't this particular image at least symbolically equate Mohammed with Judas? It's not as though this cartoon is the first place where Jesus has been kissed, ya know.
Posted by: Joshua at February 20, 2006 10:50 AM (2c7xL)
Uh, didn't I hear the Muslims say that they would defend the good name of ALL the prophets? Don't these Muslims claim Jesus to be a prophet? The prophet Jesus has been insulted, Muslims, so do your duty. Slay the creators of this cartoon.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 20, 2006 11:01 AM (rUyw4)
"Doesn't this particular image at least symbolically equate Mohammed with Judas?"
Whoa. Deep thoughts.
Posted by: Rusty at February 20, 2006 11:14 AM (JQjhA)
Insulting just a group or community isn't ok. You should rather insult everybody you can.
One more reason why it's Canadian is the "promotion" (lack of a better word, sorry) of homosexuality. University papers seems to seek every opportunity to give gay exposure.
I got to move away from this country...
- Max
Posted by: Max at February 20, 2006 11:16 AM (aPkwd)
I think the kind of person I am, and, from what I read here, the kind of most persons here are less and less present. That's sad, because in my opinion it's not a question of beleives or religion, it's a question of COMMON SENSE. But in the world we are living, if you yell, burn or kill, you most likely win everything.
I recommend Texas if you like lots of different kinds of people, or Northwest Arkansas if you want to live in a WASP region. Conservative Catholics are seen as WASPs in Arkansas, as they basically think alike. I am currently working in the Conway, Arkansas, area and it is pretty nice with proximity to Little Rock. I am from West Texas(Abilene), but have to follow the oil and gas business, as that is what I work in. There is a huge new natural gas discovery in the Conway area, and the economy is booming here and all over NW Arkansas. Texas is down a little economically, at least for us oil patch guys.
I'm sure Tennessee is nice, and many of the Midwest and western states are great, too, but I'm just telling you about what I know. So come on to the US, Max, we need good guys like you.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 20, 2006 11:54 AM (rUyw4)
I'm trying to muster up the urge to burn an embassy or two over this, but it's just not happenin'.
Posted by: Oyster at February 20, 2006 12:44 PM (sMLtC)
Hey Max, don't let the gate at the toll booth hit your ass on the way out.
Posted by: Jeff at February 20, 2006 12:44 PM (o2x+x)
I think that we may be a little disappointed in the "democracy in the mid-east". So far in free elections all we have seen are radical muslims surprising us with their popularity. In Palestine Hamas wins, in Iraq the parties allied with Iran win. In Egypt the muslim brotherhood scores higher than anyone thought they would. Iran would probably welcome an air attack by the USA, it would unify a deeply divided population and their leaders would be able to blame all their problems on the USA as Castro does now. In Afghanistan democracy has resulted in a government where their "president" must be defended by American bodyguards and it is unsafe for him to leave the capital, and where 50% GNP is heroin derived.
Posted by: john ryan at February 20, 2006 01:09 PM (TcoRJ)
13 in Iraq the parties allied with Iran win
Yes, I was surprised that the majority of Muslims in Iraq, the Shiites won, I was expecting the Christians to win, or at least the Freemasons.
Posted by: dave at February 20, 2006 01:20 PM (CcXvt)
Posted by: notch at February 20, 2006 01:23 PM (FK+5L)
Democracy is such a crappy system. All we can hope for is that they realize it's better than what they had so they'd better stop voting themselves back into oppression.
Posted by: celestial at February 20, 2006 01:27 PM (T2R9c)
How many of these liberal rags in this country will print this cartoon they are probibly waiting in line
Posted by: sandpiper at February 20, 2006 02:19 PM (r8sk+)
There's a point where it's so obvious they're trying soooooo hard to offend that it fails to offend anymore. At that point the blasphemous depiction says far more about the nitwit who painted it than about the religions he's mocking.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 20, 2006 05:23 PM (M3nr/)
Push comes to shove - paper will deny that the character in the turban is Mohammed - push harder and they will backtrack and claim he isn't even muslim.
They want to appear tough on the "issue" which is why they singled out JESUS. This passes for courage among liberals and leftists.
Fine with me - but hey islamists! They are just being coy and jerking your chain! This not only is a cartoon portrayal of Mohammed - he is being presented as homosexual and submissive to Chistianity. So if you want to drive a truck bomb thru their front door - knock yourself out - they are no kin of mine.
Posted by: hondo at February 20, 2006 07:12 PM (fyKFC)
The students at the University of Toronto offer us political satire framed as a religious cartoon. Very nicely done. If Jesus and Muhammed had been wearing cowboy hats this could just as easily have been targeting an Academy Award nominated film. Love is a force of nature people, infinitely greater than any religion. Beautiful message.
Posted by: Kevin at February 20, 2006 08:33 PM (OG7Pi)
Dear Bro. Max,
If'n y'all dee-cide to move to the USofA, pleese consider Freehold, Iowa (I know it's a yankee state, or blue state, but we true Christians are a'takin' over!!! GLOWry!!!! Pleese visit my church: Landover Baptist Church..."where the worthwhile worship"!
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 20, 2006 08:42 PM (/3Yyj)
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 20, 2006 09:16 PM (rUyw4)
And if you were a real man you would do the exact same thing with the Muslim faith. Haha, but you don't have the balls for that, do you. Go ahead, please prove me wrong.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 20, 2006 09:19 PM (rUyw4)
I may be stoopid, but at least I'm saved and GLOWRY-bound! Love the Muslim, Hate the Muslim-isms!
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 20, 2006 09:24 PM (/3Yyj)
oh no the American taliban jokes, that's a new angle. no really.
eat a dick, moron.
Posted by: dave at February 20, 2006 10:26 PM (CcXvt)
By yer language, I'm thinkin' yer an unsaved, potty-mouthed, LIE-brahl, secular-humanist! Please leave our Godly, true-Christian message board. Canada might be a good place fer yer kind. SHOOO!!!!!
Posted by: Christian Wright at February 20, 2006 11:04 PM (/3Yyj)
What are muslim terrorists wearing this spring that is savvy, smart, but not too western-decadent? Find out in Vogue Saudi Arabia:
Posted by: Farah C. Church at February 20, 2006 11:14 PM (/3Yyj)
I already tought about moving to the States. Much better weather than here, and when I was thinking of joining the army 9 years ago, I knew that I would have more opportunity to go oversea.
Rusty: I think your server was attacked by those e-jihads fuc.ers yesterday, around 1400 and 1600 eastern time...
Did you got any problems with it?
Posted by: Max at February 21, 2006 07:46 AM (aPkwd)
That cartoon is disgusting!!!
When i see 2 religious Icons together they better have swords in their hands!
How about Muhammad and Jesus beheading Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?
Posted by: slappy at February 21, 2006 08:27 AM (k1/FH)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 21, 2006 04:44 PM (0yYS2)
I think slappy and Kevin would make a cute couple.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 21, 2006 07:03 PM (rUyw4)
First of all, the University of Toronto's stufent newspaper is The Varsity, not the Strand. The Strand is Victoria College's student newspaper. Not a major error since Vic is one of the federated college's of U of T. However, The Strand and The Varsity are two different newspapers.
Second, in first century Palestine kissing persons of the same sex was a common form of greeting and not associated with homosexuality.
Third, cowboy hats would have been an amusing touch but would have interfered with the elegant ambiguity of the cartoon as it stands.
Fourth, I am not offended. I expect everyone is relieved to hear that.
Posted by: Thomas M. Hawkesworth at February 23, 2006 01:19 PM (7y2db)
I hear you, but may I point you that they (in the cartoon) are in a swan going trough the "tunnel of tolerance"?
It's not just the kissing, it's the context.
I'm not offended by a cartoon. I'm offended by the context of things. (Sorry for the bad English).
- Max
Posted by: Max at February 24, 2006 11:24 AM (aPkwd)
I personally don't see what is wrong with Jesus and Muhammed expressing love and tolerance - see my own personal Jesus and Muhammed cartoon at the below website:
Slate : The conditions for this latest truce are of course impossible as well. All one needs, in order to earn Bin Laden's mercy, is to give up Afghanistan and Iraq. But this raises a more intriguing question. Why are formerly triumphalist jihadists using the language of "truce" at all? Not very long ago, God was claimed to be on their side and victory certain.
Debbie at ITB has more. Howie thinks it was a blink too. I find I only agree with Christopher half the time so I read one skip one so on and so forth.
Howie, a truce offer from OBL is definitely a sign of weakness. This truce is nothing more than a hudna, a chance for al-Queda to regroup and regain its strength.
This is the time that we should re-double our efforts against these jihadists. We need to hit them hard, hit them often, and make them pay dearly. No matter what some believe, al-Queda is running out of quality recruits or they would never offer a truce.
No Islamist has ever offered a truce that they intended to keep. It is only done in an effort to fool the opponent. Remember, lying to a non-Muslim is acceptible and good, and should be used to whatever advantage may be attained. That is the reason they offer a truce.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 25, 2006 04:00 PM (rUyw4)
Posted by: Howie at January 25, 2006 04:14 PM (D3+20)
I disagree that a truce offering is a sign of weakness. In the history of militant Islam, a truce often is suggested to rebuild, but it has also been a last-chance offer before a strike.
I don't know which one this is from Bin Laden, but I do think it's too early to suggest this is a sign of weakness. There are many signs of weakness for AQ and OBL specifically, but I'm not sure this is one of them.
Posted by: Chad Evans at January 25, 2006 04:34 PM (+DXHJ)
When has a truce been offered by militant Islam as a last chance previous to a strike? I can't think of one, but I'm here to learn, so clue me in.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 25, 2006 05:07 PM (rUyw4)
oh bull honkey. Mohamedans are blood thirsty savages, yes, but they aren't stupid.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 25, 2006 05:42 PM (XA7De)
I think Chad missed it by about a mile. For Osama to even speak the word truce, it shows that he has given up hope. He probably won't last much longer with his health and all, and sees his organization's infrastructure falling apart, his fighters killed by the scores, and nobody in the world making more than token efforts to come to his aid. He is screwed coming and going, and is afraid he will live long enough to see the end of islam as a serious threat to civilization if he can't call a time-out. I hope he does live that long. Just.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 25, 2006 05:42 PM (0yYS2)
Bin Laden is tired of running I mean, Chasing Americans down and wants a truce so we will stop and wait for him to catch up.
This is how I predict the war will go:
Bin Laden makes the call. Al-Zawahiri shoots to the right, (look at 'em go!) Meanwhile Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali will fake with a running play and go for long play down the middle. BIN LADEN Hammers the ball.... straight Down the center -- WHOA!
(there's a flag on the play)
(REF-CANADA) "face mask against the Defense (U.S.) 5 yard penalty," repeat 4th down".
4th down and with only 3 yards to go.
JIHADI Cave Dwellers have called their 3rd and final time out While they speak with their coach, PAUL MARTIN
Oh MY GOD! DID YOU SEE THAT! The Cave Dwellers Mascott just spit on the The fans of the U.S. Patriots and now he's kicking the U.S. Patriots Mascot.
This is despicable, This is really bad sportsmanship. Someone please get that Camel off the field.
I can't believe this. We apologize folks for the delay. Let's get back to the game, shall we.
28 - 23 U.S. Patriots are in the lead. Here at IRAQI STADIUM,(I'm Steve, and I'm BOB and we're your host for tonights show)(BOB) 4th quarter with only 40 seconds left on the clock. U.S. Patriots are really dominating the JIHADI Cave Dwellers.
(Yes, BOB)"Cave Dwellers really need to make something happen out there tonight".
Well Steve; looks like they heard your demands and they're going for it!
here's the break and WHOA!...U.S. Brings the House to the line of scrimage. (WOW! They look ready to INVADE this QUARTER BACK!!)(IT COULD BE WORLD WAR 3 ANY SECOND!!)
Here's the snap and Bin Laden pulls back and out of the pocket breaking 1, 2, no wait..3 tackles.
He looks left, see's no one open. Looks right, see's Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser
(bet you can't say that 3 times fast BOB)(I won't even try steve) (CHUCKLES...)
he's wide open, Bin Laden draws back and drives the ??pig skin?? over the heads of the defense.. BUT WAIT...Here's BUSH Down the center and in the air.. EAT YOUR HEART OUT MICHEAL JORDAN!...He DENIES THE BALL PASSAGE.
if you think that's strange BOB,look at that!!!.. "WHAT THE HELL"!!... IT can't be.. LADIES AND's RONALD REAGAN.. vearing down the left side, HOOKS THE QUERTERBACK! and down goes BIN LADEN. Ronald is now, what appears to be biting BIN on the ankle. Ouch Steve, that looks like that hurts. (and the Jihadi fans are booing) (Glad the REF didn't see that one BOB)WAIT!!! WHERE's The BALL??? FUMBLED and it's picked up by...... TACO BANDIT....(LISTEN TO THAT CROWD CHEER LOUDER THAN EVER) to the 50...40...30...20...HE... COULD... GO... ALL... THE... WAYYYYY....!!! TOUCH DOWN AND THE U.S. PATRIOTS HAVE DONE IT AGIAN!
I'm Bob and I'm Steve saying this has been the weirdest friggin football game in history. I'm up for a beer wadda ya say Bob, sounds good steve....
Please stay tuned for Bin-ladin On ICE....
Posted by: Taco Bandit at January 25, 2006 05:56 PM (MOKXn)
Rather than a truce I consider these offers to be a ruse. I suppose you could say that he proposed a truce with parts of Europe, but I think it was more of a threat against Spain and Britain to withdraw their troops from Iraq. I don't consider that particular offer to be a truce. However, I might be mistaken as my memory is not as good as it once was.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 26, 2006 09:11 PM (rUyw4)