August 25, 2007

Russians Kill Rustam Basayev

Rustam Basayev was a leader of the Chechen jihad. He was a cousin of the more famous (and dead) Shamil Basayev and of of his more famous cousin (with jihadi circle) Abu Bakr Basayev. He was also a close associate of Chechen jihad leader Doku Umarov. Sources inside the Chechen jihad claim that Basayev had recently returned from the Ukraine where he was recovering from a wound sustained in 2004. Reuters:

A close associate of Chechen separatist leader Doku Umarov was killed overnight in the volatile Russian region during a gun battle with local policemen, Russian media reported on Friday.

Rustam Basayev, one of Umarov's associates, was killed in the Leninsky region of Grozny, Russian news agencies quoted local interior ministry officials as saying. Two policemen were also killed in the gun fight.

Basayev was stopped by local police and asked for ID, but he refused and fled to a nearby home. A gunfight ensued in which he was shot and killed.

Not the biggest fish, but also not insignificant either. In any event he will not be missed. Russia is our natural ally and God only knows what Putin is thinking in trying to counter American influence in the world and cozying up to the very people that are the only real threat to Russian security--Islamists.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 17, 2007

Aussies Set to Deal Uranium to Russia

The Australian government is preparing to sign an agreement to supply Russia with uranium, ostensibly for its nuclear power industry. The deal is expected to be finalized when President Vladimir Putin visits Australia next month.

The Aussie Greens and Democrats are not happy with the uranium deal. There is a fear that Russia will supply Iran with nuclear materials.

In other news, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that, after a 15-year suspension, Russia is resuming a Soviet-era practice of sending its bomber aircraft on long-range flights. Putin's statement merely confirms suspicions from recent observations and supports last week's assertions of a Russian Air Force General.

Could it be said that Putin is developing an itch in his trigger finger?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 10:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Mirror Mirror

A Russian Neo-Nazi group has posted a horrific video showing the murder of two Muslims. In the video one of the victims is beheaded and a second is shot so as to fall into a freshly dug grave. The video appears to be patterned after the dozens and dozens of snuff films released by Islamic terrorists in Iraq.

Via The Telegraph: A previously unknown Russian nationalist group has posted a video on the internet showing the execution of two Muslim men, prompting fears that neo-Nazis are beginning to ape the techniques used by Islamic extremists in Iraq.

The footage surfaced on the Russian version of the popular social networking website LiveJournal over the weekend. It was quickly taken down.

The three-minute video, titled “Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani”, begins with two men kneeling before a masked extremist in combat fatigues.

Apparently unprompted, they mumble that they have been taken hostage by “Russian Nationalist Socialists”.

The masked man then uses a knife to decapitate one of his prisoners in a grim sequence lasting 90 seconds.

The second captive is later forced to kneel in front of a grave before he is shot in the back of his head. The clip, which has a caption claiming to have been filmed by “The National Socialist Party of Rus”, ends with a still image of a red and white flag emblazoned with a swastika.

The reaction to the video by Jihadi supporters on internet forums has been one of outrage. Oh the irony, I've read dozens and dozens of posts by these same al-Qaeda supporters justifying the murder of numerous westerners and hundreds of Muslims.

Where was the outrage then? Well, there were some Muslims outraged by these murders, but they were quickly shouted down by the Jihadis calling them false Muslims and tools of the crusaders. Amongst the Jihad supporters there was glee. When the terrorists in Iraq murdered two Russian diplomats, the excuse was they were spies. They had it coming. When westerners were kidnapped and murdered it was they are the cross worshipping occupiers of Muslim lands. When Muslims were murdered by the dozen the excuse was because they were apostates working with the crusaders.

But now suddenly there is outrage amongst the al-Qaeda supporters. They are calling the Russian Nazis dogs, terrorists and barbarians. Which is perfectly correct. But since seeing the reflection of their own barbarity they have vowed guessed it......murder some more Russians.

Well they never learn? You reap what you sow. These Nazis are nothing but a refection of the barbarity used by al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The terrorists and these Nazi scum bags deserve each other.

The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. I've not viewed it myself but judging from the frame grabs below the fold I don't need to. I've seen the Islamists murder enough people, I don't really need to see another group of idiots murdering more innocents. But if you must, email Howie and I'll forward you a copy.

Frame grabs below the fold. Warning graphic images. more...

Posted by: Howie at 12:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 16, 2007

Happy Sex With Hot Russian Babes Day!

russian_chick_hot_jawa.jpgI lived in Russia for a year--the women there are smokin' hot-- so it just boggles the mind that the Russian government would have to pay their dudes to have sex with them. Jules Crittenden has this:

The baby-poor Russian region of Ulyanovsk wants to its people to procreate, and has come up with a holiday and prizes to encourage them to their duty for Mother Russia.

Ulyanovsk has declared Sept. 12 the “Day of Conception” and for the third year in a row will give couples the day off from work . . . so they can work on making babies.

Couples who “give birth to a patriot” nine months later during “Russia Day” festivities - June 12 celebrations marking the end of the Soviet Union - will win money, cars, refrigerators and other prizes.

Any volunteers? more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 25, 2007

Nuclear Smugglers Arrested in Belarus

My understanding is that Uranium 238 isn't all that dangerous. It's the most common form of uranium found in nature. But the fact that they were caught in a sting operation makes me think that there was an underlying motivation to the smuggling which was a little more worrisome. At least these guys were caught. But how many others haven't?


Two Belarussian citizens have been detained on the Lithuanian border on suspicion of radioactive contraband, a source at the Belarussian Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.

A metal container with a caption “Uranium 238. 1991” was found on their car...

The operation was planned for several months.

Hat tip: Laura Mansfield for the e-mail.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:07 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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April 23, 2007

Boris Yeltstin Dead

Boris Yeltsin is dead. I once ran into Boris Yeltsin. No, seriously, I was walking down the street in Moscow and literally bumped into his entourage. He was President at the time. He will not be missed.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:56 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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April 13, 2007

Al Qaeda in Russia Loves Google (*Bumped*)

Bumped, because I'm really busy today. Oh, and really pissed at Google.

The Russian arm of the worldwide al Qaeda jihad network has chosen Google as their propaganda enablers of choice. "The Nuruddin Media Islamic Network" appears to be a media front for the Islamic Jamaat of Dagestan Shariat---al Qaeda in the Russian Cuacuses, for all intents and purposes.

A recent press release by the group at the closely allied terror supporters of the Kavkaz Center (hosted in Sweden) states their purpose (this is their own poorly translated version):

Our primary task is liberation of the Muslim land from the Russian occupation and the construction of Shariah state. Our purposes and tasks, in contrast to the kafir's political programs, are clear and intelligible to any Muslim. Each, who thinks himself as Muslim and he desires the establishment of the Word of Allah on Dagestani land, desires to live according to the Shariah Law, free on the validity, established by Allah Almighty, joins our ranks....

Jihad (battle) on the way of Allah is responsibility of each Muslim in the case of seizing even span of the Muslim's land....

Also according to Islam it is possible to kill those, who resist the call of Muslims and prevent the introduction of the Laws of Allah, who helps the enemy: in a word whether, by the matter whether, by money or by weapon.

Their official website is here (hosted in France).

It appears that Jamaat Shariat, true to the al Qaeda franchise form, has formed a media production front, Nuruddin Media. Al Qaeda has a media production company called as Sahab and al Qaeda in Iraq (The Islamic State of Iraq), not to be outdone by corporate headquarters, has al Furqaan media. Print publications, on the other hand, are handled by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF).

And, where has al Qaeda in Dagestan chosen to host their propaganda? On Google owned, of course!


Not satisfied with a single Google hosted propaganda outlet, the online jihadis at Nuruddin Media are using several blogspot addresses:

They also appear to have about half a dozen Wordpress hosted websites as well. But my experience with the folks at Wordpress is that they take down these types of websites within a few days once notified. Google? Not so much. Even when we tell Google that a website is an al Qaeda front they normally reply with a form letter about how they do not "censor" content.

I imagine that had Google been around during WWII they would have thought it their civic duty to rebroadcast Tokyo Rose to the heartland of America.

And just to show how "edgy" and "ironic" the onlilne jihadis can be, the website is said to have been designed by "Irhab studio".

That's real funny. Irhab means "terrorism" in Arabic.

Oh, you're chance to e-mail the webmaster behind al Qaeda's front in Russia's Dagestan region:

Posted by: Rusty at 01:04 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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March 22, 2007

"The term "neo-Soviet" implies all that was bad in the USSR plus some new bad stuff."

A group of dissident students in Russia have some messages for the world. They are particularly dismayed at the level of brainwashing going on at their institution:

In recent years, lectures at the department have become ever more insipid and formal exercises. The administration has cut the number of seminars and practical classes. We are allowed to take ever fewer course units in neighboring disciplines. We are hardly ever given the opportunity to attend talks by outside lecturers. Exam questions are limited to the contents of a textbook authored by the dean. The dean's office has distributed a brochure to all students which approvingly quotes the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," blames Freemasons and Zionists for the world wars, and claims that they control US and British policy and the global financial system. ...

The dean’s office has distributed a brochure entitled “Why is the Russian Land being ‘cleansed’?,” whose authors blame Freemasons for “starting the world wars and initiating the creation of the atomic bomb” and claim that “the Zionist lobby … dictates US and British policy, is in charge of the global financial system (including the issuing of dollars), and practically controls all major mass media and telecommunications,” calls Russia “the Righteous Country” and the USA “the Beast Country,” and quote the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as a reliable source.

h/t : Glenn.

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:16 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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March 07, 2007

American Women Poisoned in Russia

(Moscow, Russia) Two Soviet-born American women, who have often visited Russia, were poisoned in Moscow. They were admitted to the hospital on February 24th and tests later confirmed the poisoning.


Two American women have been released from a Moscow clinic after they were hospitalized with possible thallium poisoning, a hospital official said.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Marina Kovalevsky, 42, and her daughter Yana, 26, were well enough to walk out of Sklifosovsky Clinic Wednesday and were expected to leave the country shortly.

The U.S. Embassy confirmed earlier on Wednesday that the women had possibly been poisoned from thallium, a radioactive element.

Moscow's top public health doctor, Nikolai Filatov, said thallium poisoning had been confirmed, according to the RIA-Novosti news agency.

Russian investigators have been checking all the places that the Kovalevskys (aka Kovalenskayas) ate including their central Moscow hotel and various restaurants. According to a statement from the Sklifosovsky Institute, the dosage of thallium was not life-threatening.

Although the media seem reluctant to confirm the poisoning, I'll believe the Russian public health doctor. It's likely that he has some experience with murder by poison, arguably a popular form of political expression in Russia. It remains to be determined, however, why someone would want to kill, or sicken, two female tourists.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:34 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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February 20, 2007

The Wisdom Of General Patton

If only they had listened to him.

The Cold War didn't really end, it just went to sleep for awhile, much like the Korean War.

Posted by: Vinnie at 02:56 AM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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November 29, 2006

Alexander Litvinenko & The Russians

I've been getting lots of e-mails for the past few days urging me to link to stories about Alexander Litvinenko the former spy who was recently poisoned. I haven't. Here's why.

I spent some time in Russia. I went to a University there for a year. Which means I know Russians.

Their idea of 'truth' is not our idea of 'truth'. It's more like truthiness (Yeah, The Jawa Report now rhymes with poor).

For instance, students would routinely cheat on tests. But no one considered it cheating. Different cultural definitions of honesty, I guess. Same applies to stealing.

So, when Russians come out saying they know who was behind Litvinenko's poisoning, I just roll my eyes and shrug. People in Russia talk that way: "everybody knows that" [insert crazy idea here, especially ones blaming people from the Caucuses, Jews, the Mafia, etc.].

Did Putin's thugs kill Litvinenko? Maybe. Was it the mafia? Maybe. Was it nuclear smugglers trying to shut him up? Maybe? Did he poison himself in a final look-at-me-I'm-important act? Maybe. Did a Putin follower rid him of this pesky ex-spy without Putin's approval? Maybe.

The truth is, I don't know. Russians are like Arabs. Scratch a Russian, and underneath is a Tatar, or so the saying goes. Even when multiple sources verify the same event, it's still best to remain skeptical. Because there is such a thing as social truth. That is, everyone lying about the same thing because the lie fosters the truth.

I'm out of this fight until a lot more is the Western sense of the word. It is a strange and compelling story, but one in which I'd much rather remain a spectator in.

But, if you just want to keep up on the facts as they emerge, you might want to try AJ Stata's place out.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:16 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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November 26, 2006

Al Qaeda Leader Killed in Russia

Good news!

(Moscow, Russia) The Al Qaeda terrorist leader in the North Caucasus, Abu Hafs (aka Abu Khavs and Abu Havs), was killed in a four-hour gun battle with police in the Dagestani town of Khasavyurt, close to the Chechen border.

From RIA Novosti:

The Federal Security Service (FSB) confirmed Sunday the elimination of Al Qaeda's emissary and the head and financier of terrorists in Russia's south.

"On November 26, in a special operation by Russia's Federal Security Service in Khasavyurt in the Republic of Dagestan, Al Qaeda's chief representative in the North Caucasus known to all security services in the world as a very dangerous international terrorist, the actual head and financier of bandit formations in Chechnya, the national of Jordan, Abu Hafs, was killed," the FSB said.

A Russian television program showed the battle scene with the bodies of five terrorists. One FSB officer was wounded.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 07:40 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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September 01, 2006

The Children Of Beslan

Last year, HBO aired a documentary called The Children of Beslan.

If you can catch a repeat, I urge you to watch it.

Beneath the fold, images from 2 years ago. Some are graphic, but, fortunately, none seem to have been taken by Adnan Hajj.

Like the images from 9/11, these pictures need to be seen as a reminder of what our enemy is all about. more...

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:31 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Beslan Massacre 2nd Anniversary.

Today not only marks the 67th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland but, it has now been two years since terrorists captured and held hostage students and teachers in Beslan. The siege ended badly with the deaths of over 333 people--- over half of them students. I wonder who influenced the terrorists to pick 9/1? Hmmm.


BESLAN, Russia -- As hundreds of thousands of children flocked to schools across Russia for festive first-day celebrations Friday, the scene in the town of Beslan was grimly different.

Tears flowed, sombre wreaths abounded and the solemn tolling of a bell reflected the grief and sense of loss that persist two years after the country's worst terrorist attack.

Sobs echoed through the ruins of the red-brick gymnasium at Beslan's School No. 1, where pupils, parents and staff were herded and held hostage by terrorists during a three-day ordeal in which 333 victims were killed, more than half of them children.

A bell tolled to mark the time the gunmen attacked the school in the southern Russian province of North Ossetia on Sept. 1, 2004, taking 1,128 students, teachers and parents hostage. The assault followed days after the terrorist bombing of two Russian passenger planes that killed 90 people, and a Moscow suicide bombing that killed 10.

Jawa Report marks the first anniversary, First Jawa Report post on the crisis, Siege ends in shootout, Jawa Report post on the video from inside the school, Howie’s post while the Jawa was down due to Turkish hack attack on the Russians catching and killing Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev who claimed responsibility for the attack.

Rusty adds: We should never forget that. Especially the asshats who say if we didn't go to war with Iraq, we'd have less terrorism.

Allahpundit at Hot Air is also follwing with the truth.

I was still doing the old Allah blog at the time and remember watching the photos come over the wires that night, thinking it was the worst thing I’d ever see save, of course, for 9/11. That’s still true two years later, thank god.

Also see Michelle Malkin who put up and excellent post this AM. Lawhawk too. more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:35 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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August 26, 2006

Zdrastviou Paren!

Publius Pundit returns from the Ukraine and Belarus with some good news and some bad news. Mostly good news. A few more like him, and we won't need the MSM.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 13, 2006

Our Ally (choke)Yemen

howiesharab.jpgThey are harboring this man, one Mohammed Hussein Sharab. He is an al-Qaeda recruiter who is very active in Iraq. So while it seems that NPR and this professor can find him easy enough the Yemeni authorities are turning a blind eye. Jane at Armies of Liberation has a transcript.

NPR: Islamic studies expert Bernard Haykel recently spent two days talking with a known Yemeni jihadi about his recruiting tactics. The man had just returned from Iraq.

Prof. HAYKEL: If you like. I don’t think he’s hiding it and it’s well known to the American authorities as well as to the Yemenis. His name is Mohammed Hussein Sharab(ph) and his photograph is hanging inside the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa as a wanted man…. … Oh, yeah. And very specifically, he was the one who handled two attackers who blew up the United Nations offices in Baghdad.

Also see In The Bullpen.

Mark adds this interesting tidbit relating to the bombers this man recruited.

The carbomber later admitted he was one of Zarqawi's top VBIED makers (he's now in custody) and the bomb used Iraqi military ordinance for the detonation. Powerful stuff.

Anyway, I didn’t think that detail would make its way into the interview .... and it didn't.


Posted by: Howie at 01:12 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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July 05, 2006

Russia to "Fight Terror Worldwide"

From the Kommersant:

Vladimir Putin submitted to the Federation Council a draft ruling, which will authorize the president to use units of Armed Forces and divisions of Special Services to clamp down on international terrorism outside of Russia but in line with the RF laws, Putin’s press service announced Tuesday.

The sanction of senators will enable the Special Services of the country to focus on Putin’s order and eventually find terrorists, who abducted and murdered four Russian diplomats in Iraq.

Pravda adds: more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 05:33 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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June 29, 2006

Putin Orders Russian Hostage Murderers "Destroyed"

Vladimire Putin has reportedly ordered Russian special forces to hunt down and kill the al Qaeda terrorists who murdered four hostages on a gruesome beheading video. Finallly, the interests of Russia and the U.S. coincide in Iraq.

Russian Profile

President Vladimir Putin ordered the security services Wednesday to seek and destroy the killers of four Russian hostages in Iraq.

The tough remarks indicate the Kremlin is no longer shy about carrying out extrajudicial executions of suspected terrorists and radicals abroad. They also suggest Russia's security services are reclaiming the KGB's global reach in covert operations.

"The president ordered the special forces to take all necessary measures to find and destroy the criminals who killed Russian diplomats in Iraq," the Kremlin press service said.

Putin, speaking during a Kremlin meeting with Saudi Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, also said Russia would be "grateful to all its friends for any information on the criminals who killed our citizens in Iraq," the Kremlin press service said.

When will Russia finally realize that the U.S. is a natural ally? After all, it is Russia, and not the U.S., with Islamists already in open rebellion. And it is Russia, not the U.S., which shares borders with Muslims who consider large portions of that nation to be stolen land-- from Kazan to the Urals it was once part of the ummah. And it is Russia, not the U.S., that have Muslim neighbors enslaving Russian minorities to sharia law.

I have a vivid memory of the day a Russian friend was forced to leave the U.S. to go back to Tajikistan. 19, not Muslim, and forced to put on the veil for fear of rape---or worse.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:12 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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May 16, 2006

Surviving Beslan Terrorist Sentenced to Die

He won’t be surviving very long if a “moratorium" on executions is lifted. Nurpashi Kulayev was sentenced to die for his role in the siege of school which ended in the deaths of the rest of the terrorists and 300+ school children and teachers. At the very least he will rot for the rest of his life.

Euronews: The only man charged over the Beslan school siege two years ago has been found guilty and could face the death penalty. Reading out the sentence, the Russian judge said Nurpashi Kulayev had committed murder and attempted murder, taken part in a bandit group, taken hostages and illegally stored and transported weapons.

An official moratorium on the death penalty is in place.

However Deputy Attorney General Nikolai Shepel said he had asked for the highest punishment, the death penalty, but that he would not comment further and would wait for the court to decide.

A total of 330 people were killed when a group of gunmen, including suspected Chechen separatists, took over a school in Beslan on the first day of term. The other hostage-takers were killed in a shoot-out with Russian security forces.

Life the moratorium and place a moratorium on this man’s life ASAP. This is one of the most heinous examples of what Islamic terrorism really means.

Previous Jawa Report posts on the Beslan School siege here, here (video), here and here.

Related : More problems with Islamic terrorists in Dagestan.

Posted by: Howie at 09:50 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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May 06, 2006

Racism in Russia: My Experience

I had was always very sympathetic to charges of racism in my youth. But after I lived in Moscow for a year, I realized that minorities in the U.S. have no idea what the hell they are talking about when they talk about America being a racist country--as if it was somehow unique or worse here than in other parts of the world.

In Moscow, for instance, people who were from Africa or the Caucuses were always stopped by the police. Yes, I used the word always on purpose, because every time I got on the subway the police would be shaking down a person of color.

You never heard the word Chechen without a scowl--but Chechen was used to describe anybody who looked like they were from the Caucuses. Chechens, every one would tell you, ran the mafia.

Africans? Drug dealers. Not all of them, you know because every one had at least one African friend they could vouch for, just most of them.

Lowest on the racial totem pole were the Romani---they gypsies. No one could just say gypsy without using the modifier filthy.

Karol at Alarming News notes that racial tensions seem to be mounting in Russia, but according to this AP report everything was much better under Communism. Of course, what the article fails to mention is that under the Soviet System citizens were required to carry identity cards listing their race.

And "Jew" was a "race" according to the Communists.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:25 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 28, 2006

Putin Caught Plagiarizing

The Washington Times reports that large parts of an economics thesis written by President Vladimir Putin in the mid-1990s were lifted straight out of a U.S. management textbook published 20 years earlier.

Not surprised one bit. Long time readers know that I spent a year studying at a university in Moscow, Russia. Plagiarism is rampant and so is cheating. Russian students make American students look like angels. I'm completely serious. And I'm saying this while looking at an academic violation report on my desk right now because I caught a student cheating on the midterm. In fact, my experience was that professors not only expected what we would consider cheating, but they encouraged it. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:52 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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February 21, 2006

Did Russia Help Hide Saddam's WMD?

I'm not quite convinced--no, more than that, I'm highly skeptical--but that is one of the allegations made over the weekend at the Intelligence Summit. It looks like ABC News misled the nation when they claimed that the 12 hours of tape aired at the Intelligence Summit revealed no Saddam-WMD connection. However, as we have noted before, the Summit was not organized by the most reputable people in the world.

Renew America via Rocketsbraintrust:

The chief mischief-maker on the Russian side apparently was General Yevgeny Primakov, who headed the Soviet foreign intelligence service in 1990, served as Russia's minister of foreign affairs in 1996, and as prime minister in 1998. You may remember him as the post-Cold War general who was given to outrageous and threatening outbursts.

Despite Iraq's 8 billion dollar debt to Russia, Primakov convinced the Russian government to invest anew in rebuilding Iraqi military forces after Saddam's humiliating defeat in the Gulf War. "Secret agreements, signed between Iraqi intelligence and the Russian GRU, provided for clean-up operations to be conducted by Russian and Iraqi military personnel — to remove WMDs, materials for production, technical documentation, etc., from Iraq, so that the regime could announce that Iraq was 'WMD free.'"

Part of the plan — specifically dealing with chemical weapons — was described by a Romanian intelligence official now living in protective custody after briefing U.S. intelligence for three years. The Russians specified that all chemical/bio weapons were to be burned or buried at sea in the event of potential capture. Just before war against Iraq by the allied coalition, two Russian ships set sail for the Indian Ocean. Shaw says it's not known whether they then headed for Syria or were destroyed. The point is they were out of Iraq and out of the reach of any invasion force.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:01 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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February 20, 2006

More Cartoon Censorship

Gribbit put this up at Conservative Thinking and I just figured it'd be a good idea to share it here as well:

This time it's Russia...


Shown are Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and Moses watching a crowd of clashing people while saying, "We never taught them to do that..."

Visit Pubilus Pundit for the full story why a Russian Mayor ordered the newspaper shut down.

H/T: Michelle Malkin

Posted by: Chris Short at 11:20 AM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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Paper Publishes Gay Jesus Kissing Muhammed Cartoon

jesus_kissing_muhammed_cartoon_canada.jpgThe University of Toronto's student newspaper, the Strand, has published a cartoon of a gay Jesus kissing Muhammed. The cartoon was published as part of a debate over whether to show images of Muhammed from Danish papers. The image shows the face of Jesus, but does not show the face of Muhammed. Jesus is also seen disrobing Muhammed.

The same newspaper has refused to publish the Muhammed cartoons which have sparked worldwide riots, murders, and calls to impose the death penalty on all who blaspheme by misunderstanderers of the Religion of Peace.

Here is how they hypocritically defend not showing the Muhammed cartoons, but showing big gay Jesus:

But was it really freedom of the press, or a case of media martyrdom? Publishing these cartoons seems to do little more than fan the flames of already-existing controversy. Is it the press's responsibility to decide what people should absorb, or is providing an option more important? Articles are somewhat different; you can decide whether or not to read something based on the headline - which, admittedly, is questionable on the subject of giving audiences agency. A graphic or photograph, however, is much more intense: you don't really have the choice to view it or not.

More at Exposed Agenda with hat tip to Greg at Rhymes with Right.

Related from Publius Pundit via Michelle Malkin. Incidentally, I lived in Russia for a time and the newspapers often contain nude women. So, it's okay to have a centerfold in your newspaper but it's not okay to offend Muslims?

Posted by: Rusty at 10:32 AM | Comments (33) | Add Comment
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January 25, 2006

Hitchens at Slate.

The latest message from Osama Bin Laden may be an indication of weakness.

Slate : The conditions for this latest truce are of course impossible as well. All one needs, in order to earn Bin Laden's mercy, is to give up Afghanistan and Iraq. But this raises a more intriguing question. Why are formerly triumphalist jihadists using the language of "truce" at all? Not very long ago, God was claimed to be on their side and victory certain.
Debbie at ITB has more. Howie thinks it was a blink too. I find I only agree with Christopher half the time so I read one skip one so on and so forth.

Posted by: Howie at 03:22 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 1 kb.

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