September 27, 2007

Democrat Moron: Rove Was Behind Rathergate!!1

From the "Filling up the short bus faster than it can drive" files, Sydney Blumenthal tries to take Rathergate out of the closet again and blame it on...GLOBAL WARMING!!

I mean...KARL ROVE!!!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 05:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 19, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards Begging For Nutroots Intervention?

After being threatened Coreleone-style by nutroot harpy Jane Hamsher last week, Lizzy Edwards decided to ignore the warning and proceeded to thrash the newest incarnation of Hillary Care, saying it was just like Silky Pony's.

"We would have expected her to be the first one out of the box, not the last one out of the box with a health care plan" Elizabeth Edwards said. "And then for her to come up with one that looks like John's, it's almost as if she hasn't been willing to have the courage independently to be a leader on these things."

Edwards also said Clinton shouldn't raise money from people through a program that allowed donors to rub elbows with key members of Congress.

"You can have a meeting with a member of Congress if you donate to Hillary's campaign. What she's saying is she's willing to sell special access to the government. Just send a check," Edwards said.

She's been cruising for a bruising, as it were. Remember the Godnutroot's warning, Elizabeth:
So here’s the rule. You never repeat right wing talking points to attack your own, ever. You never enter that echo chamber as a participant. Ever. You never give them a hammer to beat the left with. Just. Don’t. Do. It. [...] We love you. We want to love you.

Knock it off.

Dissent among the left will not be tolerated.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 02, 2007

Kos to Kosbots: You Trolls are Morons, Morons

UPDATE: The original diary by the barking moonbat "Maccabee" that started the commotion has been pulled. Too embarrassing, huh? What a joke.

Charles has a screenshot.
- - - -

OMG - much hilarity and self-pwnage at Daily Kos.

Summary: A Daily Kos barking moonbat rifles off a breathless post suggesting, with irrefutable hard evidence from a friend in the military, that BOOSH is going to strike Iran.

Confederate Yankee, calls bullsh*t, refutes the source's "hard evidence" and shoots it full of more holes than Beauchamp's bullsh*t diaries.

Kos, realizing that we're laughing at them quite hysterically, reprimands the "reality-based" morons on his site for being so damned gullible.

More pwnage from Josh Trevino.

ake, for example, one pseudonymous fellow at DailyKos who goes by “Maccabee.” He claimed to meet a Romanian cabbie who told him to leave Bush’s tyrannical America; he claimed to meet a Holocaust survivor who told him that Bush’s America resembles Nazi Germany; he claimed to meet another cabbie, Ugandan this time, who told him that Bush’s America is worse than Idi Amin’s Uganda; he claimed to have received a phone call from Balad, Iraq, revealing that the majority of the American Army’s mechanized strength is “out of commission”; and today, he claimed to have received a telephone call from an American aircraft carrier on deployment, revealing that the United States Navy is about to attack Iran. Oh, and he also learned that the naval rank and file detest George W. Bush, too.

The final deathknell for this Kos diarist is here, from a Navy fighter pilot.

Bwahahaha! The evil hand of Darth Rove still decides the fate of the chess pieces!

BONUS: A commenter at CF notes that a Kosbot is actually citing Truthout as a source to validate this nonsense. Truthout? Well, now I'm convinced!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 07:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Nutroots Bust Well-Known Story WIDE OPEN With Not-So-New-Or-Shocking Revelations

The Nutroots try their hand at pwning the MSM, and come up a tad short.

A Kos kid tries to whip up a furor over "conflicts of interest" at Maine newspaper who had a well-known connection to Senator Susan Collins (shock! horror!), and conveniently leaves out the facts that everyone who's not a screeching moonbat has already known for at least a decade:

* The editor under fire has worked at the newspaper in question since 1971.

* His wife - who is about to retire in September - has worked for the Senator in question for ten years.

* Her involvement with the Senator was disclosed by two newspapers, including the one her husband works for, in 1998.

* The cousin of Collins's Democrat opponent for reelection in 2008 is the paper in question's political editor.

They remind me of noob Troofers who stomp onto the intertubes demanding answers, making wild accusations, repeating long-debunked crap ad nauseum, ignoring long-known facts, flinging flecks of spittle on everyone, and then patting themselves on the back while the world laughs at them.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 12:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 187 words, total size 1 kb.

August 26, 2007

CBS Allowing Hate Comments...

Using Greenwaldian/Sullivan methodology and logic, CBS has become a hate outlet for the most fringe lunatics on the Democrat left. Check out some of the comments they've allowed to stay on their site under this story (and I've got screenshots from when CBS deletes them and pretends they were never up there). Pay particular attention to the particularly vile commenter "seven-pesos":

OMG!!!! WHERE OH WHERE IS THE GOP REBUTTAL FOR THIS ARTICLE? Hold onto your butts Elvis--the neo cons have left the building!!!!!! RLMAO. Posted by toldyouso21 at 06:38 PM : Aug 26, 2007
Whoops, somebody is going to get in trouble for not telling those "TROOPS" not to respond in any way towards the idea that they do NOT support Bush''s eternal war of error on Terra. lmao.Posted by toldyouso21 at 06:34 PM : Aug 26, 2007
not one southern state will vote for hillary.
the south prefers upstanding, christian , faith professing republicans
and top notch leadership like george bush, jr.
the south would like to find another prez like george bush. jr.
the southern states are considering drafting rush limbaugh to be the republican candidate.
he has all the qualifications...
fat, bigoted, republican, christian, drug user, demogogue.
oh well, that''s the south for you, folks!
Posted by seven-pesos at 05:55 PM : Aug 26, 2007
the south now beats wisconsin as cheese capitol of america.
they''re harvesting all that cheese from those fat azzed dixie women.
grab yourself one of those obese southern mamas,
lift up that fat ol'' tittie and scrape yourself a handful of that dixie cheese.
hmmmm...foul, but aromatic.
don''t forget the saltines!
war, hate, christian creeps, republican snakes...
nothing good comes out of the south!
Posted by seven-pesos at 05:22 PM : Aug 26, 2007
"The man who talks endlessly about (other people''''s) bravery and courage, doesn''''t have the guts to face jeers and catcalls, much less bullets and bombs."--Posted by Iceman_1960
Bushit is a craven coward, not just shown by his disgraceful behavior during the Vietnam war, which he ardently supported, but did everything he could to personally avoid, but during all his campaign stops and phony "town meetings" where he would have his thugs evict anyone from the meeting that even had on a T-shirt questioning the lies that the "Great Decider" had spouted. For example, in Oregon, three elementary school teachers were forced to leave a supposedly public gathering at the county fair grounds in Medford by Bushit thugs. And in Jacksonville, Oregon, Bushit had cops open fire on unarmed demonstrators with small explosives and tear gas because some dared to ask him questions when he wanted to go stuff his face in some local bistro.
This is what the "patriotic", born-again evangelist neocons, who are always spouting like they own America, have brought to the White House.
Posted by gkc99 at 05:18 PM : Aug 26, 2007
roach9703,,,, Impeachment is too slow - Senate dems still need 9 repub votes & a lot more for 2 impeachment requires 2/3 of the Senate & dems have trouble now with getting 9
--- This entire White House & CIA director should be chaned & imprisoned for the Safety & Good of our Country
Posted by j-whitman at 04:47 PM : Aug 26, 2007
who is bush''s base?...those redneck, reborn, christian evangelist snakes.
where is bush''s base?... deep down in that dark, evil south.
what is bush''s base?... republican, christian, bible thumping, war making, flag waving, poor, superstitious and uneducated.
well, there you have it, folks!
nothing good comes out of the south.
Posted by seven-pesos at 04:07 PM : Aug 26, 2007
they kicked that cheerleading, faggott creep, bush, out of the north...
so bush moved to the south and became a big man.
rednecks, reborns, war makers, christian creeps, arrogant slave state republican snakes...
bush''s kind of people!
yep, the south elected bush, the south supports bush, the south loves bush.
war, hate, slimy christian hypocrite creeps!
nothing good comes out of the south!
Posted by seven-pesos at 03:42 PM : Aug 26, 2007
seven-pesos, you''re a bit of a radical, but you are funny as he11 and as honest as the day is long. Thanks for a good post during these dreadful "war" strewn days.
Posted by asor1 at 03:00 PM : Aug 26, 2007
No doubt Darth Cheney will impugne the courage of Puerto Ricans, while he excuses his own 5 deferments. Mitt Romney will question their patriotism as his own 5 sons avoid service. George Bushit will "decide" that Puerto Rico won''t get some of his tax breaks, as he dodges questions about the military service of his new son-in-law. Rush Limpdick will mock their accent, retired Marines who flew desks at Fort Ord will have bumper stickers calling for invasion of Puerto Rico "after we''re done with France," and American Legionnaires will enter into drunken rants fueled by cheap booze as to how the leetle brown spicanos don''t even spik EEngleesh.
Posted by gkc99 at 01:36 PM : Aug 26, 2007
And it goes on like that...
The tolerant, sane, level-headed, troop-supporting left. Loyal CBS audience members one and all. Gotta love it!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 06:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 16, 2007

Padilla Headed for Dock...MahaBlog Headed for Asylum

Guess who gets TEH OUTraGE!!1 from Mahablog on the Padilla conviction?

It goes right where it belongs - Michelle Malkkkin!!

When a few righties stopped by to challenge the almighty, allknowing Mahablogger on her rhetoric, she shut the comments down. Effectively STIFLING DISSENT, as it were.

High fives all around today! Another terrorists goes to face justice - the way the left has wanted him to since day one. Through the legal system.

A victory for America is apparently a defeat for the leftnutosphere. Go figure.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 06:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 15, 2007

Beauchamp Foot in Mouth Roundup

An excellent post rounding up a gaggle of lefty bloggers who supported Beauchamp's lies come Hell or high water, even as the were debunked, and excerpts of the vitriol they spat unconvincingly at his detractors (who were right).

Done masterfully by a Vet, no less. The leftikkks who stop on through are convinced (now) "it doesn't matter." Boy - they sure wrote a lot of hateful things and got themselves worked into quite a lather over something that "didn't matter." I'm sure that if any of Beauchamp's crap were actually true, it would've "mattered" a whole hell of a lot to these same "reality-based" morons.

How's that crow taste? Bo? B? John? Any of the other leftikkk mouthbreathers who spent lotsa pixels trying to defend the liar over here?

That's what we thought.

ht: LGF

Posted by: Good Lt. at 05:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 140 words, total size 1 kb.

August 14, 2007

On Karl Rove's Resignation

Ever at the forefront of breaking news, The Jawa Report has learned that Karl Rove resigned.

Did I mention that we've taken down 20 (count 'em!) Taliban websites?

Aw, who cares, we're working on an exclusive about Lindsay Lohan.

Drunk. Car. Handcuffs. No panties. You won't want to miss it!!!

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 54 words, total size 1 kb.

August 08, 2007

Jerome Armstrong Fined $30,000 for Stock Fraud

Also known as "When the SEC Crashes the Gates."

Bwahahahaha! Accountability.

What a worm.

UPDATE: Unbelievable. A Kosbot retorts: "You're a f*ggot, Drudge." OK - that's not the direct quote.

Sorry. "Self-hating closeted homosexual and right wing propagandist blogger Matt Drudge." Read the comments for a torrent of homophobic hate. Gobsmackingly vile.

That's it, nutroots. The hate is swelling in you now. Strike him down and he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Quoth a Kosbot in the comments:

I'll never get the fag thing for Drudge.

I support outing gay Republican hypocrites, but what is this? What does it do? After four years of seeing it - it ain't outing anymore. It just looks, to any eye first seeing it, homophobic.

I know you've probably heard this before. Just bugs me.

You don't say? That's because, Little butterfly, it is homophobia.

ht: AllahP

Posted by: Good Lt. at 08:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 152 words, total size 1 kb.

July 27, 2007

Liberal Fascists Trying To Silence FOX...Again

They're just so full of free speech mania that they can't help themselves.

The news networks they aren't 'going after' reveals what they think of those networks, too. Friendly.

9-1, libs. 9-1.

UPDATE by Rusty: Related: The conspiracy to shut John Edwards up! Bwahahahaaaaaa!!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 03:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.

July 23, 2007

The Left Hates the Troops

News to you, I know. Some adept bloggers found a vile Kos diary entitled "KILLITARY" that was even more vitriolic than usual towards the military - so much so that the admins tried to shove it down the memory hole. Chalres is making sure that doesn't happen. I'll help him.


Screw them.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 12:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

June 20, 2007

When Nuns Attack!!!


Allah has the scoop

The church was covered with blood as nuns and priests from both sides attacked each other using sharp objects….
At least they're not bringing in the serious weaponry...yet.


Posted by: Ragnar at 05:44 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.

June 13, 2007

A Priceless American Treasure

What would we do without her?


Deb "sue 'em for fair use" Schlusselupagus, Winner of the Rocky Mountain Oyster Eating Competition, 14 years in a row.

Stein hoist: Sondra

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 21, 2007

Protocols of the Daily Kos (Daivd Duke Edition)

The little ankle-biting Brownshirts at Kos are "watching" the GOP.

Ooooooo. Scary.

Meanwhile, Charles Johnson illustrates Daily Kos's strange (and all too regular) anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rantings that echo those of David Duke and the KKK.

With screen shots for side-by-side comparison.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:13 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

April 18, 2007

Jawa = "Zionist Internet Spies"

It's funny because its true. This idiot decides that the campaign against Hassan El-Najjar was because we at The Jawa Report are "Zionist Internet Spies":

They're numerous, they're zionist, and they're goal is to seek and shutdown all internet opposition. They're Zionist Internet Spies and they've struck again.
Emphasis in the original. Yes, indeed we have struck again! Now excuse us while we gather at a secret conclave and make matzah balls filled with the blood of Muslim children.........

But before we do, he offers this irony:

Neither Al-Najjar nor any other American should have to constantly declare their undivided allegiance to America in order to criticize that sh*tty little state called israel.

This is going to backfire badly on those little nazis.

Nazis. That's funny. But just to remind readers, neither I nor any one at The Jawa Report ever called for Al-Najjar to cease publishing al Jazeerah. What we called for was his firing from a state funded college. Which in the context of any other war would not be considered nearly harsh enough since sedition has always been a prosecutable offense under war time conditions.

And not because he didn't support Israel, but because 1) he openly supported terrorists 2) he openly supported jihadis in Iraq who are killing the men and women of the U.S. military. Now, he also was opposed to Israel, but that was not the basis of our opposition.

It's funny how those that oppose the existence of a secular Jewish state also tend to support terrorists and the killing of American soldiers....

Posted by: Rusty at 01:19 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 263 words, total size 2 kb.

April 17, 2007

HuffPo Hack Blames Bush for VT Shootings

Hokie Deaths Provide Grist for Liberal Political Agenda

This is the face of modern liberalism. Joseph A. Palermo is already seeking to capitalize on the tragedy at Virginia Tech to push his anti-First and anti-Second Amendment agenda. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 04:20 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 379 words, total size 3 kb.

April 11, 2007

Imus is NOT a Conservative, Leftards

Just to nip this little whiff of lefty paint fumes before they waft beyond the fever swamps - Imus would likely take umbrage at the dubbing of him as "conservative."

Unless by "conservative," you mean a 2004 Kerry supporter who thinks the President and VP should be hanged.

He's one of your own, libs. Strange, all the racism emanating from the left these days. See here or here.

ht: InstaGlenn

Posted by: Good Lt. at 08:49 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 76 words, total size 1 kb.

March 15, 2007

Sockpuppetmania! (UPDATED - Its Baack!)

UPDATE - Nothing quite says "mental disorder" like a liberal commenter using sock puppets. Click the comments in this post to observe the outward manifestation of this psychiatric problem. Note the leftard posing as Michael Weaver, Jeff Bargholtz, "Jake," or whoever else he thinks he's beclowning.

Get. A. Life. Troll.
- - -
Is it a full moon or something?


There appears to have been a number of shenanigans taking place over the past week or so involving lefty sockpuppets and their exalted sockpuppet high priests. First Indepundit, then The Jawa Report, and today Rick Ellensberg Glenn Greenwald letting fly his latest windy, nothing-signifying sound and fury slime-piece regarding some perceived crime at LGF.

Rove's weather machine acting up again?

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:46 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 125 words, total size 1 kb.

March 13, 2007

Gotcha, Sockpuppet!

The commentor known as "smurf," also known as "Jake' is was trying to start an argument with sock puppets in the comments of this thread.




Lt Smash also had a sockpuppet problem recently. Strange times.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:53 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
Post contains 38 words, total size 1 kb.

February 21, 2007

Excercise in Following Blindly

The long and skinny:

John Edwards utters stupidity:

Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.

John Edwards is roundly criticized.

Wonkette defends Edwards.

John Edwards extends and clarifies his remarks, thereby negating the original remarks.

Wonkette ... ... ...?

ht: Bryan Preston

Posted by: Good Lt. at 12:14 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 58 words, total size 1 kb.

February 14, 2007

Pandagon on the New Duke Rape Case

Since Marcotte's observations on the Duke Lacrosse incident were so incredibly accurate and prescient in every way, we should perhaps revisit this beautiful mind regarding new developments in/around the Duke community.

Only this time, flip the races and genders of those involved (black man accused of raping a white woman at a frat party).

What does the the unter-fuhrer of hyperfeminism have to say?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...ummmm ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... uh ... ... ... ... ...damn Catholic fascists! Take that!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 01:21 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 142 words, total size 1 kb.

February 13, 2007

The Other Shoe Drops

And the feminimrod twin of Amanda Marcotte has also quit the Edwards campaign.

To think that they were going to rev up and act like they supported and cared deeply for Edwards is a joke.

Watching them turn on him the second they were caught was a lesson that all Democrat politicians should learn: the nutroots don't care about substance. They will feign interest in a candidate if they think it will serve their narrow political interests, and not one step further unless their blogmasters (or dogma) dictate as such. Note bene.

UPDATE: You might want to read through the comments at Shakespeare's Sister for a laugh. They're acting like somebody died. Here's a good one (emphasis mine):

Well, it might get lost in the avalanche of comments, but I just wanted to express my support. I'm a regular reader, both Pandagon and Shakespeare's Sister are daily fixes for me, but I saw the actual blurb about your resignation on CNN tonight.

I screamed at the TV.

But in retrospect - Those that feel that these resignations are a "win" for their side are horribly wrong. If anything, this whole situation with yourself and Amanda has only strengthened my resolve. It has given me anger, and with anger comes great passion. I will try to use it wisely, but I might need a day to cool off.

I write a feminist column on a news site that I belong to. As of late, I have been tapering off, because I began to feel apathetic, that it was hopeless and a waste of time.

Following this whole situation has jerked me back into reality. My column will now be back up on a regular basis, and I will continue to fight the good fight. If I can have an impact that is even a minuscule fraction of what you and Amanda have done, I will have accomplished my goal.

Thank you for your blog.

For this young miss, with anger comes random and disjointed outbusrts at the television. Or passion. You know, whatever.

That, from this intrepid truth-shaman. Man - there's a whole world of talent we're just not seeing (apparently.)

Posted by: Good Lt. at 09:25 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 362 words, total size 2 kb.

February 12, 2007

Marcotte Quits Edwards Campaign

She couldn't take the heat, got her ass out tha kitchen. We on a mission.

Back to the inanity of Pandagon, one presumes:

Amanda Marcotte posted on her personal blog, Pandagon, that the criticism "was creating a situation where I felt that every time I coughed, I was risking the Edwards campaign." Marcotte said she resigned from her position Monday, and that her resignation was accepted by the campaign.


"No matter what you think about the campaign, I signed on to be a supporter and a tireless employee for them, and if I can't do the job I was hired to do because Bill Donohue doesn't have anything better to do with his time than harass me, then I won't do it," Marcotte wrote Monday night.

By harassment, she merely meant being quoted accurately for the world outside of Pandagon readers to behold.

I also like how the article portrays her as "targeted." Marcotte painted a target on herself by posting years worth of her deranged and foul-mouthed lunacy (apparently caused by deep-seeded psychological problems) for anyone who wanted to read it.

That's like saying Marcotte crapped on somebody's rug, and then blamed the people who pointed out the pile of crap for pointing out the fact that she crapped on the rug.

Oh, well. Back to accusing the entirety of the free world of misogyny, rape and racism, I guess.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:53 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 235 words, total size 1 kb.

February 07, 2007

Marcotte Fired From Edwards Campaign...(UPDATED)

UPDATE: Predictably, the leftosphere misses the entire point (perhaps purposely, because they know they've been caught with their pants down and they really expected to get away with this little charade.) Some of them, like former Pandagon contributor Pam, appear to think this is all about the right's opposition to "pottymouths." Amusingly she links that arbiter of honesty, all-knowingness and sock puppetry Mr. Glenn Rick Ellensburg Greenwald to sum it all up for the despondent. Go read her link for a hearty guffaw. You can't make this stuff up - its so good that it writes itself.

This isn't about curse words. This was about holding this vile psycho to her own vulgar words, and then holding John Edwards to those words as well once he hired Marcotte and McEwan to positions as official spokesbloggers. Quoting Marcotte accurately is not "attacking" her - it reveals her.

Take this Marcotte hit piece, for example:

Just as my disinclination to jump all over the Santa Cruz students speaks volumes about my agreement that they’re entitled to claim campus space for the students instead of the military, conservatives who white wash the Duke rape case are speaking volumes about what entitlements they are willing tolerate, in this case, white male entitlement to abuse women and get away with it, especially if they are of the wrong sex class or wrong skin color.
For those of you lefties keeping score, that means that Marcotte has convicted and handed down the sentences to the Duke players without a scrap of evidence (and more to the contrary.) That was the political liability that Camp Edwards was taking on. There's much more on Marcotte's disgraceful comments about the Duke incident here.

Anyone can swear, but we've shown clearly that this isn't about swearing. This is about personal responsibility for bigotry against selected "OK to criticize" groups like Catholics, men, conservatives, etc. If Marcotte (and her ilk) didn't want people to read the Pandagon garbage, she shouldn't have written and published it. Karma's a beeotch.

A parting thought from Jay Reding, who sums it up for the denseosphere:

Like it or not, Ms. Marcotte may have the right to free speech, and no one is arguing that she should be censored. However, what she says is incindiary, derogatory, and bigoted. Had she treated Islam the way she treats Catholicism, she’d be widely ostracized.

Judging from the wagon-circling and scapegoating going on here, I don't think criticism of Marcotte or McEwan is in the cards just yet.


Posted by: Good Lt. at 02:49 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 654 words, total size 5 kb.

ABC: Does John Edwards Condone Hate Speech?

Every once in a while, the truth slips through the filter. This time, its from Rick Moran's brother Terry blogging at ABC News:

What, if anything, does it tell us about Edwards that he's joined up with this blogger? Is Edwards' association with a person who has written these things a legitimate issue for voters, as they wonder--among other things--whom he might appoint to high office if he's elected? If a Republican candidate teamed up with a right-wing blogger who spewed this kind of venom, how would people react? Is the mere raising of this issue a kind of underhanded censorship, a way of ruling out of bounds some kinds of opinion? Are we all just going to have to get used to a more rough-and-tumble, profane, and even hate-filled public arena in the age of the blogosphere?

Its very simple, leftards. Here's a hypothetical: let's just imagine that Rudy Guliani hired Emporer Darth Misha I to run his campaign blog. What would the Marcotte apologists and defenders do?

Based on their behavior here, they would assert that he's a grown man entitled to type his opinions (however vitriolic and profanity-laced.)


Not that I have anything against Misha (he's hilarious), but you get the idea. Misha gets it:

We’re sure you’re all already aware of John Edwards (Edward? We keep getting the two confused. Both like to channel dead people for a fast buck, although one at least seems sincere when peddling his snake oil, whereas the other is known mainly for his obsession with his hair. We’re talking about the latter one) and his latest fuckup in hiring Pandagon’s Amanda Marcotte, one of the few females on the web with a mouth almost as potty as His Imperial Majesty. As a matter of fact, imagine me without the wit, humor and unbeatable charm (OK, I made that last one up), and you’ve pretty much nailed her. Figuratively speaking, of course.

The problem is - does the nutosphere get it now? Does Presidential hopeful John "Two Americas" Edwards? Even the NYT is (begrudgingly) picking up on this story, which the dextrosphere will be flogging from here to 2008.

The answer is obviously "not a chance." There's too much ego and "truthiness" at stake, and a whole avalanche of leftwingnut slandering of the Duke Lacrosse players left to do. The leftosphere is content to let this fact-denying, slanderous, unhinged nutjob speak for them and for their political candidates without remorse or question.

Fine. We'll play. The Internet has a loooong memory, unlike the media/Democrats.

UPDATE: Thanks to AllahP for the link. I loved this:

Marcotte’s been a punchline on Goldstein’s site for years; to see her suddenly materialize as lead blogger for a major presidential candidate is like the cat lady from the Simpsons being hired as White House press secretary.
If you look at Marcotte's Flickr site, there is strong evidence that she actually is the insane cat lady.
Amanda Marcotte?

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:11 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 495 words, total size 4 kb.

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