September 25, 2007

Send A Message to Jailed Terrorists via Radio!


How does one send a message to a jailed terrorist? Easy, you send him greetings via the radio. At least, that is how the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed would like you to do it.

It seems that there is a radio show in the UK called Radio Ramadhan in which the messages are being sent. A webpage run by Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah--what Bakri Mohammed's followers are calling themselves these days--encourages Muslims to send messages:




Members of the group of 'captives' include those involved in a well publicized demonstration outside of the Danish embassy in London: Mizanur Rahman, infamous for holding a sign saying, "Behead those who insult Islam"; Abdul Rahman Saleem (the website even has some of his poetry from jail) who yelled, "Europe you will pay with your blood" and who justified the murder of Kenneth Bigley; Umran Javed who yelled "Bomb, bomb Denmark. Bomb, bomb USA"; Abdul Muhid, who led the demonstration and said "Bomb, bomb the UK" and waved placards with slogans such as "Annihilate those who insult Islam"; Abu Izzadeen, the leader of the group who once claimed "Terrorism is part and parcel to Islam. Terrorism is part of the deen [Islamic way of life] of Islam"; and many, many more.

We know messages are being sent in to the jihadis via radio, and we also know that letters are coming out of jail from the jihadis----am I the only one that thinks this is troubling?

Posted by: Rusty at 12:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 22, 2007

Video: Bakri Mohammed Followers Threaten Beckham, Timberlake, Usher?

david_bekham_threatened_terrorists.jpgHowie e-mailed this story earlier this morning (another story here) which claims a new video threatens soccer superstars David Beckham, Wayne Rooney and Thierry Henry. The video is also said to threaten singers Justin Timberlake, Usher, M&M, and P. Diddy.

The story says the video was posted at Youtube by "a Glasgow-based website named after Al-Qaeda that encourages attacks on Westerners."

I immediately knew what website they were talking about and who was behind the video. The website is that of the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed, Islam Base. "Base" in Arabic is "qaeda".

The website, which is run by the followers of the exiled radical cleric, was once registered to one of Britain's largest Islamic houses of worship, the Birmingham Central Mosque. After we exposed the connection, the website changed its registration to an address in Glasgow, Scotland.

Coincidence or not, that change in registration came only shortly before a cell of al Qaeda in Iraq linked doctors carried out acts of terror in Glasgow and London.

Several groups led by Bakri Mohammed were banned by the British government, but each time they ban a group the same followers simply form a new one. They now call themselves the followers of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

While the video is not up at the group's Youtube channel, it is up at their official website as an embedded Youtube video. I've posted the video below.

The video is called "Who is your role model" and was uploaded by dujanah. In another amazing coincidence (or not, I think), one of dujanah's subscribers is Sword of Baghdad who we mentioned in a post earlier today about the web of terrorist supporters who use Youtube to spread their propaganda.

Another one of dujanah's subscribers is AbuMarwan23 who uses an image of Osama bin Laden as an avatar.

This story goes so far as to say that the celebrities shown in the video "are the targets of an alleged Al-Qaeda murder plot." Neil Doyle apparently believes that the video may be a prelude to setting up the soccer stars as potential al Qaeda targets. He cites the fact that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad has admitted that al Qaeda had plans to attack the World Cup in 2002.

After viewing the video, though, it seems less like a threat against the famous (as the story suggested) than a warning to Muslim youth not to follow the example of the famous. For instance, they call 2Pac Shakur "the follower of Satan" and say Snoop Dogg is "among the wrongdoers".

Hmmmm, for once they may have a point. I'm not sure about the hell part, but I'm pretty sure I don't want anyone's kids following the example of today's celebrities.

Neil may be right in his analysis of the video, but he cites the images of graves, for instance, as an implicit threat. However, given the context of the sermon, it seems to me that the grave images are simply a reminder to the target audience that everyone will eventually die and then a day of judgment will come.

I have no doubt that the Salafis who are behind the sermon would love to put Justin Timberlake to death-- sex outside of marriage is punishable by the death penalty under their desired version of Islamic law-- but I don't see this video as an overt death threat.

I hate to be put in the position of defending Omar Bakri Mohammed's minions, but they are guilty of far worse and of threatening a lot of other people--including the Pope! And there's also no doubt that they support al Qaeda--they named their website after bin Laden's group after all--and as such they are the enemy.

So, Posh Spice's hubby is safe--for now. At least until the Islamists come to power. After that, all bets are off.

Video below. Judge for yourself. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 21, 2007

Public vs Private Face of Omar Bakri Mohammed: "Peace" vs. "Hooray al Qaeda!"

This IHT report, also published in the New York Times, portrays Omar Bakri Mohammed as a man who has moderated his views and who is trying to promote peace between the Lebanese government and the al Qaeda linked Fatah al Islam fighters holed up in Palestinian villages. I was stunned, literally stunned, when I read that Bakri Mahammed was actually promoting himself as a peacemaker between the two sides. He further had the audacity to advise clerics not to say that the Lebanese Army was an apostate force. As AllahP put it in his link to it yesterday, whitewash -- indeed.

Why? Because I have an audio of Omar Bakri Mohammed recorded around the time that the IHT report cites him as trying to mediate the conflict between Fatah al Islam and the Lebanese government, May 20th. In the audio sent to me by Glen Jenvey a few days after that, Bakri Mohammed is heard claiming that the Lebanese government was "attacking Muslims" and that al Qaeda in Lebanon and Fatah al Islam represented "true Muslims".

Jenvey has dozens and dozens of these recordings, many of them the source for stories published in the British press, so I have no idea why Bakri Mohammed doesn't watch his tongue when he has his little online chats with his followers in Britain like he does when he's talking to reporters.

Bakri Mohammed in the IHT:

This year he opened a public library, equipped with computers and Islamic texts, in addition to a lecture hall where he preaches. He also travels to various mosques.

Bakri has grown more rotund, less bellicose and more tactful to those of other faiths.

Bakri Mohammed to his followers in private:
So we don't know yet what going to be the response of al Qaeda's message, because he was very tough. Al Qaeda's message declared takfir [unbelievers], obviously on the Lebanese Army.

He declared condemnation on the head of the Christian Bishop in Lebanon, like the Pope of the Christians, he condemn him physically, and condemn him verbally and said to him, "If you do not stop this Lebanese Army from killing our brothers and our sisters we are going to start launching bombing operations all over Lebanon. And we're going to drive all the Crusaders out." ...[followed by a prayer, by Bakri Mohammed, for Muslim victory]
No condemnation of al Qaeda's message, only a prayer in support of them.

Bakri Mohammed in the IHT:

Bakri says that the violence was needless and that it violated Islam. He has worked to prod clerics in the area to persuade Fatah al Islam to end the confrontation.

"They keep saying the army is a force of apostates," Bakri said of Fatah al Islam. "We say, both of you, sort it out between you, but don't you dare try to apply the case of Iraq here."

Here is Bakri Mohammed in private:
But somehow, I think the Lebanese Army has breeched the truce. ...

It was their own advance warning, and when nobody take them [Fatah al Islam] seriously they take over, and there is a big fight, and obviously the Lebanese casualties beyond the imagination. But when they [Lebanese Army] start to lose so many so-called "chocolate Muslims", so-called Sunni muhaji, and the muftis, and the others [inaudible] who have not to do with Islam, nothing to do with this nothing to do with that....

Bearing in mind many people stand together from the Palestinians and from the so-called Sunni Muslims against Fatah al-Islam. And unfortunately people denounce them. And they [Fatah al Islam] are true practice Muslims. Through their own sharia courts, that is all of them have the Koran, have the Hadith [sayings of Mohammed]....

Some of them are from students of [Arabic], these were known scholars of supporting al Qaeda, and his students from al Qassim, and from Berada, they came there [Lebanon] and some people came from Iraq and joined them [Fatah al Islam] and some people came from Yemen and joined them. Some people inside the camp from Bangladesh as well.

Yup, supporting al Qaeda in Lebanon and an al Qaeda linked group, Fatah al Islam, against the Lebanese Army. Sounds like he's really moderated to me.

The reason I didn't publish this conversation previously is because this recording is so absolutely damning of Bakri Mohammed that I thought it best to pass it along to law enforcement in Lebanon. So, I sent it to Michael Totten to see if he could pass it along to his contacts there. We talked about maybe running a story together on it, but unfortunately both of us got distracted by other pressing matter. Totten is back in Iraq, I had kid #4, and then simply forgot about the recording. Until I saw the IHT piece, which AllahP knew would goad me into writing something. Well, he was right.

A more complete, yet still partial transcript below. Unfortunately even as an MP3 the audio file is still over a megabyte, so I don't have the bandwidth to host it. Hopefully Charles will find the time between debugging to put it up. Charles has put up the audio of Bakri Muhammad here. But since Bakri Mohammed claims he's being taken out of context when people claim he supports al Qaeda, I'll make the audio available to any one that wants it. If anything, the complete audio makes him look even worse. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 18, 2007

Muslim Cartoon Protesters Jailed

Four of the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed have been jailed in Britain for their role in attempting to incite violence at a protest over cartoons depicting Mohammed.


Mizanur Rahman, 24, Umran Javed, 27, and Abdul Muhid, 24, were each jailed for six years for soliciting to murder after telling a crowd to bomb the UK.

A fourth man, Abdul Saleem, 32, was jailed for four years for stirring up racial hatred at the protest in 2006....

Rahman, from Palmers Green, north London, was filmed at the rally talking over a loudspeaker and calling for UK soldiers to be brought back from Iraq in body bags.

He said: "We want to see their blood running in the streets of Baghdad.

"We want to see the Mujahideen shoot down their planes the way we shoot down birds. We want to see their tanks burn in the way we burn their flags."

Javed, from Birmingham, was filmed by police shouting: "Bomb, bomb Denmark. Bomb, bomb USA."...

Saleem, from Poplar, east London, chanted, "7/7 on its way" and "Europe, you will pay with your blood".

Finally, Abdul Muhid, 24, said to be the leader of the demonstration, chanted "Bomb, bomb the UK" and waved placards with slogans such as "Annihilate those who insult Islam".

The four claimed they weren't in charge of the protest and were just shouting what they were told to shout. So, who was behind the protest? Omar Bakri Mohammed, and his lieutenants Anjem Choudary and Abu Izadeen, of course.

His followers at U.K. Captive Support are calling the four convicted men "hostages" and were behind today's protest in front of London's Old Bailey. Here is the flyer they've been distributing online.


To end this post on a positive note: the same group has a branch in New York City called The Islamic Thinkers Society. Isn't it great to know that bunch of al Qaeda supporters are walking around the streets of NYC? Freedom, baby!

Hat tip: Glen Jenvey more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 02, 2007

Hitchens: The London car-bomb plot was designed to kill women

I always try to take a minute to read Mr. Hitchens. Note that name pops up again, Anjem Choudary.

Via Slate: Only at the tail end of the coverage was it admitted that a car bomb might have been parked outside a club in Piccadilly because it was "ladies night" and that this explosion might have been designed to lure people into to the street... ... Since we have known since 2004 that a near-identical attack on a club called the Ministry of Sound was proposed in just these terms, on the grounds that dead "slags" or "sluts" would be regretted by nobody.

I suppose that some people might want to shy away from this conclusion for whatever reason, but they cannot have been among the viewers of British Channel 4's recent Undercover Mosque, or among those who watched Sunday's report from Christiane Amanpour on CNN's Special Investigations Unit. On these shows, the British Muslim fanatics came right out with their program. Straight into the camera, leading figures like Anjem Choudary spoke of their love for Osama Bin Laden and their explicit rejection of any definition of Islam as a religion of peace. On tape or in person, mullahs in prominent British mosques called for the killing of Indians and Jews.

Update: Missed the link on this post. My bad. apologies. more...

Posted by: Howie at 08:36 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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British Muslim Cleric "Predicts" More Attacks

Somehow I doubt very seriously his prediction is based on some sort of logic or divine revelation.

Via World Net Daily:

JERUSALEM – The thwarted car bombings in London last week and the terror attack against Scotland's busiest airport were "completely justified" and likely the beginning of many more attacks in Britain, a prominent UK Islamist leader connected to terror supporting groups told WND yesterday.

"There is no doubt whatsoever that there will continue to be attacks against the British government, its interests and the home front as long as we see the continued British and American occupation of Muslim land in Iraq and Afghanistan, support for criminal Israel, and draconian measures taken against Muslims in the UK," said Anjem Choudary, founder and former chief of two Islamic groups disbanded by the British authorities under antiterror legislation.

"A war is being waged against Muslims on every level. There are many in Britain who take their ideology from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida and are ready to carry out many more attacks," Choudary said.

When I read that Rusty Humphries (who loves TJR by the way) was at last week's protest I emailed him and asked about what he saw there. Mr. Humphries emailed us some images and audio. I've wrapped them up into a single file and uploaded them to Google Video.

Thanks to Rusty from another mother for the material.

Mr. Humphries spoke to me about the possible connection between the knighthood of Sir Salman Rushdie and last week's failed bombings. He was worried no one was making the connection.

While I'm sure that provides some motivation for the attacks there has been chatter about possible attacks in Britain since late May. As you can hear in the audio above al-Qaeda and their supporters have many many so called justifications and motivations to kill us.

I feel the Sir Rushdie affair is just one of these. It may have changed the timing or possibly caused the attacks to by rushed out of anger. In all likelyhood attacks would be carried out regardless of his knighting. Mullah Dadullah called for renewed attacks on Britain well before Sir Rushdie was knighted.

They will scream about Rushdie to try and cast blame, to attempt to make us feel the bombings are our own fault. If not Sir Rushdie, they would think of another reason to blame us for their actions.

Also of note is the fact that although a British Muslim leader has said it is the duty of very British citizen to, "report suspected terrorists." These people do not consider themselves British citizens. They consider Muslims and Brits as seperate and do not recognize the authority of the UK government over them. They only recognize Britain's Shariah Islamic court which is led by Choudary.

The Central London Mosque is a favorite of Abu Izzadeen and where Omar The Goat Humping Bakri Muhammad preached his hate before fleeing the UK. More background below the fold.

Update: Yup

though many British extremists are angered by the deaths of fellow Muslim across the world, what drove me and many others to plot acts of extreme terror within Britain and abroad was a sense that we were fighting for the creation of a revolutionary worldwide Islamic state that would dispense Islamic justice.

Posted by: Howie at 02:58 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 26, 2007

Islamist Private Moments Revealed

Yet another in the long saga of what they say in public vs. what they say in private. At a password protected forum run by Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed in Britain.

The files they swap:


"Knights under the Prophet's Banner by Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri"

Who they pray for:


"Oh Allah, give help and a sweeping victory for the Mujahidin in [Lebanon]"--from a post about the al Qaeda linked Fatah al Islam.

The photos they share:

Tender moments in the lives of Fatah al Islam fighters in Lebanon.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:19 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 11, 2007

Omar The Goat Humper Seethes

Omar The Goat Humping Bakri Mohammed was questioned by Lebanese authorities yesterday.

To listen to him whine, go here.

stein hoist: Glen Jenvey

Posted by: Vinnie at 08:29 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 01, 2007

U.K. Islamist Irony on Display


Posted by: Rusty at 03:11 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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Video: Omar Bakri Mohammed -- al Qaeda Connection

Yeah, I know it's beating a dead horse, but this time it's the BBC that noticed the connection. If you watch closely, you'll see that some of the video is from Glen Jenvey, which premiered right here months before the Beebs. Importance of the BBC report? People are learning. LGF has the video.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:13 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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April 30, 2007

Abu Izzadeen Remanded, 2 Others Get Bail (Jawa Scoops MSM...AGAIN!)

A) Abu Izzadeen, three other Bakri Mohammed followers, didn't make bail. Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!

This isn't cowbell as in, "Osama bin Laden is dead" cowbell. This is more like in your face cowbell now that we know friends of Izzadeen read this blog regularly. I'm looking at you Anjem Choudary, and the rest of you Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah followers. We know who you are, and you are my bitches.

B) Two others charged back walking the streets. Scary.

B) MSM finally releasing name of six detained in raid....five days after Jawa Report! more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:40 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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The Omar Bakri Mohammed -- al Muhajiroun -- al Qaeda Connection

Two posts of note, both of them connecting Omar Bakri Mohammed -- through the organization he founded, al Muhajiroun -- to planned acts of terror on British soil and to al Qaeda. Both of them are about the five Muslims convicted today of plotting to use a fertilizer bomb to kill British civilians.

Little Bulldogs notes that:

the home-grown terrorists springing up across this country are not acting alone. Al Muhajiroun is radicalising them and sending them on their way to Al Qaeda and terrorism
Second, See-Dub, blogging at Hot Air, notes:
Not only was the leader involved in Al-Qaeda, he was also involved in a banned group— Al-Muhajiroun, darling of Allah’s little terror-supporting buddy Abu Izzadeen.
And to think, these guys have the nerve to claim that we have no evidence that they are al Qaeda supporters!

Posted by: Rusty at 01:24 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Omar Bakri Mohammed Followers Screed Against Jawa Report

As many of you know, we have have been documenting the ties between Omar Bakri Mohammed and his followers (all former members of banned groups: ie, al Muhajiroun, The Saved Sect, al Ghurabaa, etc) and terrorism for some time now. We've finally made it on to their radar screen!

*Rusty bows, pats self on back*

Okay, maybe finally isn't entirely accurate. Actually, they've noticed us on several occasion in the past. But until I get an overt fatwa ordering my beheading from Bakri Mohammed, rather than the usual veiled death threat from his followers, I promise that I will not rest!

Today's latest screed from one of Bakri's terror supporters tries to document the ties between The Jawa Report and racism. Their evidence? Comments left by racist genocidal pigs here at The Jawa Report.

They're right. There are such comments on these pages. Some of them are racist. Some of them are genocidal. All are disgusting. Although I've never quite got how disgusting genocidal comments about Muslims were racist--since last time I checked, "Muslim" wasn't a "race".

Such comments are sometimes left by a very small group of people who we've tried to ban on dozens of occasions, and who we have publicly denounced. But the vast majority of them are from the one-time commenter who leaves a few unintelligible remarks and who we never really hear from again---thankfully! Unfortunately, the tools we use to publish this website are not adequate to the task. I'd love to have comment registration, but I don't.

Anyway, here is what Bakri Mohammed's followers over at U.K. Captive Support have to say about The Jawa Report, in a lengthier post about how Britain has declared war on Muslims:

An example to this is the mypetjawa website which has continuously boasted about their so-called intelligence in tracking down Muslims who call for the beheadings of non-Muslims. The website owners are obviously lying hypocritical pigs, as they allow comments from non-Muslims to call for the same.
We do not specifically allow comments from such people. Our only tool available would be to disallaow all comments. Something I've discussed at length with my fellow authors, and which all agree is not a good idea.
The website has always falsely portrayed the Muslims as people who have nothing else to do other then to terrorise the non-Muslims. These false claims have never been backed with evidence.
A common tactic by the al Muhajiroun goons: portray attacks against those who support terrorism as attacks against all Muslims. Thus, when we provide evidence that Omar Bakri Mohammed, Abu Izzadeen, and other British Islamists formerly affiliated with al Muhajiroun do, in fact, support al Qaeda, they claim we are "attacking Muslims".
In Islaam nothing can be claimed without evidence. Therefore we have pasted the links to racist comments calling for the beheadings of Muslims, Arabs and Persians. They also call for the slaughter of Arab and Persian Women and Children:

These are only 3 examples of the many we have collected.

Ending with a message to those who have waged a war against Islaam and Muslims: Know that Islaam has a history of victory, and a future of victory. And by Allaah you will all witness it Insha’Allah.

I take that last sentence as a veiled threat. But no matter. What matters is the accusation that, somehow, because we have a single racist jerk who left comments on a single thread and was nearly unanimously shouted down by other regular commenters, that it somehow discredits this publication, and the literally dozens of documented occasions in which Omar Bakri Mohammed has personally supported acts of terror and in which his websites---not just the words of an odd commenter or two---have encouraged terror.

You'll notice that I left my own comments in the thread cited, responding to the genocidal asshole Alan Jay Roberts:


between John Ryan and Greyrooster, and now John Allen [my bad, I meant to say "Alan Jay Roberts"]......

Serenity now. Serenity now. Serenity now.

In fact, I believe that Kafir and Kamchatka Bear may have been on to something since none of us had ever heard of "Allen Jay Roberts" until this post. Kamchatka Bear, on reading Alan Jay Robertson's comments and Kafir's allusion to sock puppetry, said:
Alan are you trying to sock puppet here so that later you can claim that this site is racist? if so it's pretty pathetic
Eerie how accurate Kamchatka Bear's prediction was.........

Posted by: Rusty at 10:27 AM | Comments (48) | Add Comment
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April 28, 2007

Thinking Out Loud: Abd al-Hadi -- al Muhajiroun Connection?

Pardon my speculation, but as soon as I learned that the Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi was the 7/7 London bombing mastermind, I couldn't help but think that it was a bit singular that six former al Mujahiroun goons, including Abu Izzadeen who publicly supported the 7/7 terrorists, were arrested just days before the announcement that Abd al-Hadi was in U.S. custody.

Glen Jenvey has been insisting to me for some time that ever since the arrest of Abu Hamza (which he had a hand in) that Omar Bakri Mohammed, and his two right-hand men Abu Izzadeen and Anjem Choudary, were the face of al Qaeda in Britain. A charge that is backed up by hours of video and audio of the group supporting jihadists, including al Qaeda, and Omar Bakri Mohammed's pre-9/11 boasting that he was the spokesperson for al Qaeda in the U.K., an affiliation he later denied.

But another fact suddenly comes to mind, something that didn't really click until just now. The forum on which Izzadeen and other Bakri followers now congregate is called "Islam Base". Al Qaeda literally means, "the Base". *Rusty slaps forehead for overlooking the obvious*

And while the public Islam Base website has taken down literature written by Osama bin Laden, after we exposed them, in private forum members continue to exchange al Qaeda literature.

So, given that there is plenty of evidence that Omar Bakri Mohammed's "Islam Base" followers also support al Qaeda, six of those followers are now in jail, and the al Qaeda operative who masterminded the 7/7 London bombings has just been publicly transferred to Guantanamo, I'm wondering if maybe the two events are somehow connected? Either the decision to make Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi's capture public because of the arrest of the six, or the arrest of the six because of the imminent transfer of al-Hadi to Guantanamo after which his detention would no longer be a secret?

And, as long as we are speculating, I would be remiss in not linking a post over at Atlas Shrugs about the possible connection between a former al Muhajiroun arrested in New York some time ago for financing, you guessed it, al Qaeda, and the recent arrest of a Tamil Tiger terrorist who apparently lived a few doors down. Again, a bit singular. And, again, a connection Glen Jenvey has been pointing out to me for some time, which, to be honest, I've mostly ignored. No more.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:38 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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April 27, 2007

Muslims Publicly Demonstrate Six Arrests as "Crusade", Privately Support Terror

As we announced previously, the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed were out in force today demonstrating against the arrest of six of their bretheren for supporting terrorism. Predictably, the media covering the event reprints their public lies.

Even a cursory Google search would have shown evidence that Izzadeen and the five others arrested support terrorism--including al Qaeda. The evidence against the six terror supporters is all public!

This is not some crusade against Islam, as the protesters today insisted. And if the Brits really cracked down on all who supported terror in their country, then tens of thousands would have been arrested. Yes, the problem is that bad.

The biggest lie reprinted is that under Shariah law Christians, Jews, and Muslims get along peacefully. This is the same group of protesters who publicly called for the execution of the Pope for "blasphemy". Blasphemy is a capital offense under that wonderful law of Allah's known as Sharia.

This is also the same group which held up signs saying, "Behead those who insult Islam" because some Danish newspapers had offended their religious sensibilities.

If that isn't bad enough, these same people have publicly celebrated the 7/7 mass murderers as well as the "Magnificent 19" who carried out the 9/11 attacks.

Several people in London e-mailed saying they would attend today's rally and send in pics. Hopefully we'll receive them soon.


Islamic supporters of six Muslims arrested in London earlier this week today staged a rowdy demonstration outside the top security police station where they are being held.

Dozens of angry demonstrators branded Tony Blair a "terrorist" while carrying banners stating "Sharia Law - the future, free our Muslim brothers" and "Crusade against Islam"....

Mr [Sayful] Islam said: "We definitely want to see Sharia law in place here. We want to see it implemented for everyone. Only then will there be harmony and there will be peace and justice amongst mankind."...

"We believe that as Muslims Sharia is for everyone and it can actually help solve problems in the world today.

"We have a very good economic system that will deal with homelessness in this country. In Palestine, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived peacefully for over 500 years under Shariah law."

Interestingly, the LSE piece names Sayful Islam as the "organizer" of the protest and as someone who is "very close" to one of the jailed terror supporters, Rajid Khan.

What is so interesting about this is that at the password protected forum where the protest was organized, the person making the announcement simply goes by the name of "Islam Base". This suggest that Sayful Islam, since he is claiming to have organized the rally, is "Islam Base."

Importance? On the same forum "Islam Base"--who appears to by Sayful Islam--answers a querry about the "The University of Al-Qa’idah for the Sciences of Jihad". He answers by attaching a copy of Osama bin Laden's "Declaration of War" and, later on in the same thread, says that the book "39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad" will help the reader prepare.

So, we have Sayful Islam publicly declaring that the six arrested are part of a larger plot--a "crusade"-- by the British government to persecute Muslims...for no good reason. Then, in private, the same man encouraging forum members to train for jihad by distributing al Qaeda literature!

Little Bulldogs has related reporting about BBC coverage here and the lack of any mention of al Mujahiroun here.

UPDATE: IHT has better coverage, including mention of Anjem Choudary, another lying al Qaeda supporter. No surprise, the rally began in the Regent's Park Mosque:

The protest began shortly after midday prayers at Regent's Park Mosque, where Anjem Choudary, the former leader of the outlawed militant group al-Ghurabaa, addressed the crowd, demanding that they join him in protesting the detention of Izzadeen — a former spokesman for his group.

"You are living under oppression, the government is terrorizing the Muslim community," he told worshippers. "It's about time you stand together." ...

"They bomb us, and occupy our land, and here they arrest at you early in the morning!" he said, to cries of "UK — You will pay!" and shouts of "Allahu Akbar! (God is Great)"

But he predicted the ultimate victory of Muslims over their enemies. "One day, my dear Muslims, the flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street!" he said, to renewed shouts of "Allah Akbar!"

UPDATE II: Unless, of course, Islam didn't really organize the rally and it was really Choudary who goes by the nickname of "Islam Base" at the forum. In which case......... more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:37 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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April 12, 2007

Omar Bakri Mohammed Reads Jawa!

When I say everyone is reading The Jawa Report these days, I mean everyone. Including the followers of Britain's number one Osama bin Laden fan.

As soon as word comes down that Adam "Azzam al Amreki" Gadahn reads the Jawa, I'll retire.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:20 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 30, 2007

Birmingham Mosque Supporting Exiled al Qaeda Supporter? (Sticky)

birmingham_mosque.jpg***sticky***scroll down for newer**

A week after the website of radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed was shut down (thank us later), his followers have migrated to a new website. The new website is registered to an address that matches what was once Western Europe's largest Islamic house of worship: The Birmingham Central Mosque.

The mosque address is:
180 Belgrave Middleway, Highgate, Birmingham England B12 0XS

A Whois search of Bakri Mohammed's website,, reveals this as the address of the registrant:
180 Belgrave Middleway, Highgate 2
Birmingham, B12 0XS, United Kingdom

The. Same. Address.

The Birmingham Central Mosque is described by this Wikipedia article:

Birmingham Central Mosque is the second purpose built mosque in the United Kingdom....The mosque was then officially opened in 1975 as the largest mosque in Western Europe....Since the mosque's establishment, it has become a focal point for the Birmingham Muslim community, providing education for children and adults, lectures and seminars, counselling and a marriage bureau along with sporting and recreational activities and workshops....

The chairman of the Birmingham Mosque Trust is Dr Mohammad Naseem, a nationally recognised and sometimes controversial Muslim leader. Dr Naseem once claimed that Al Qaeda did not exist.

Does Dr. Naseem, like Omar Bakri Mohammed, support the radical Islamist agenda of al Qaeda?

Why yes, he does. In fact, "He is executive member of and home affairs spokesman for the Islamic Party of Britain."

What are the Islamic Party of Britain's goals?

Its main efforts are, however, directed at the majority of non- Muslims living in the West, who are to be offered practical alternatives to the mounting problems of modern society and may be helped to understand that as an ideology and way of life Islam is superior to the failed ideologies of capitalism and communism.
In other words, the implementation of Sharia law. They are the British front for the Muslim Brotherhood, the less violent fellow travellers of al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Dr. Naseem is on the record as both a 9/11 skeptic and has expressed doubts about the authenticity of the Mohammed Sidique Kahn martyrdom videotape.

Omar Bakri Mohammed has been told he would not be allowed to reenter the U.K. after he fled the country when a number of his followers were linked to death threats and statements in support of terror and jihad. Since that time, he has been exposed to be a supporter of al Qaeda. Much of this relationship is explored in Jeremy Reynald's book, War on the Web: Fighting the Online Jihad. Just last week this video of Bakri Mohammed justifying the 9/11 attacks was released.

[UPDATE 5/1/2007: These links were taken down and no longer appear on their webpage. It's almost like they're afraid of something..... ;-) ]His Islambase webpage, the one registered to the Central Birmingham Mosque address, has a variety of pro-jihadi material on it. For instance, one of their free English language books is titled: 39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad.


Peaceful inner struggle? From the book:

So, the Muslims of today are left with no choice but that of jihad and the language of weaponry....the only way to come to an understanding with the enemy is through the language of force and revenge?

There is no solution except for the greatest jihad. World peace no longer satisfies us. (p. 6)

It just gets worse from there. Including chapters on "preparing yourself for the jihad", "financially supporting the mujahidin", and "inciting the peole to jihad".

And the ever important, "Hide the secrets of the mujahidin from the enemy". Who is the enemy? "Whoever does this [exposes the mujahidin]....he is assisting the Americans."

Their literature includes a "Clarification of 9/11" and a "Declaration of War" written by none other than....drumroll please....Osama bin Laden.

Omar Bakri Mohammed's follower's at Islambase even have their own Youtube channel.

Bakri Mohammed is a known al Qaeda sympathizer, yet when he was living in Britain he was careful always to hide this supprt by using ambiguous terms in public. But we have amassed a number of videos and audios showing that, privately, he was rather direct in this support.

There is also a large following of Bakri Mohammed in Birmingham. Those followers, once known as al-Muhajiroun until they were banned, have had clashes with Dr. Naseem in the past.

Given, though, that the remnants of the followers of al Muhajiroun are now congregating on a website registered to the very mosque that Dr. Naseem leads, one wonders how real those conflicts are? Or were those conflicts simply cover for an internal power struggle? Or over the best tactics on reaching the Islamic State? Both Naseem's Islamic Party and Bakri Muhammed's followers claim that very same goal.

So, does this all mean that there is a secret working relationship between the self-proclaimed 'moderate' leadership of the Birmingham Central Mosque and Bakri Mohammed? Or is the Birmingham Central Mosque the victim of a prankster in Bakri Mohammed's organization who thought it would be funny to register their website to the mosque address?

As of this writing, we have no idea. I would like to think the latter. I hope that either Dr. Naseem himself, or any of the others on the board of directors at the mosque have no relationship with Bakri Mohammed.

But there is one more fact which needs to be added to this mystery. It does not prove that there is a relationship, but it strongly suggests it. All Bakri Mohammed's past websites have been registered to legitimate physical addresses where he or his followers lived, worked, or congregated.

Let's hope this is an exception to the trend.

P.S.--If you are in the U.K. you might want to spread the word to Brit bloggers and/or media. I just don't have the resources to do the needed followup on this. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:35 PM | Comments (48) | Add Comment
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March 23, 2007

7/7 Bombing Suspects Named

Police in Britain released the names of three men arrested yesterday on suspicion of involvement in the 7/7 London bombings. They are:

Mohammed Shakil --30 year old taxi driver from Leeds
Shipon Ullah --23, from Leeds
Sadeer Saleem --26

Very little is known about the last two, but Shakil is described as a father of three and a model employee. Two of the three were picked up at the Manchester airport, which suggests that they had been under surveillance for some time and that the arrest came only as a reaction to the fact that they were about to leave for Pakistan. Once in Pakistan, even if arrested, there would be no chance for British authorities to question them.

The police also say that the three:

were not "bomb makers", although they were suspected of providing financial support and accommodation to the bombers, and of having knowledge of the attacks on three London tube trains and a bus.
Although Shakil told his employer and friends he was just going to Pakistani controlled Kashmir to visit his sick father for a few weeks, he had quit his job and his apartment seemed abandoned.

All describe him as "nice" or "quiet" or a number of other adjectives which make him appear to be your model citizen. Which is quite typical of how terrorists or Islamic extremists are often described.

Expect more to come on these men. My friend in the U.K. is now convinced, more than ever, that he knows that the common thread is Omar Bakri Mohammed. We know Abu Izzadeen, Mohammed, and the other remnants of al Muhajiroun supported the idea of the 7/7 attacks. That they give their moral support to British Muslims killing British civilians. That in a general sense they are responsible for helping incite and provide moral justifications for the recruitment of terrorists to kill. But it is still unclear to me at least, whether there is a direct connection.

Bonus video of Omar Bakri Mohammed and Abu Izzadeen justifying 7/7 below. Izzadeen is the black guy, Bakri Mohammed the fat guy with the beard. Both are equally disgusting pieces of work. Izzadeen is in jail pending trial for inciting terrorism in the speech. Bakri Mohammed is in exile in Lebanon, but continues to preach to U.K. followers and collect money from them through his London registered website. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:56 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 22, 2007

Three Arrested in 7/7 Bombings

More arrests in the London 7/7 bombings today. 7/7 has been called the U.K.'s 9/11. 52 passengers on various public transportaion lines in London were murdered on that day by Muslims inpired by al Qaeda. Police in Britain believe that al Qaeda may have been involved in both the planning and funding of the mass murder.


Three men were today arrested in connection with the July 7 London bombings, which killed 52 commuters on the capital's public transport system.

In the first significant arrests since the 2005 suicide attacks, two men, aged 23 and 30, were detained shortly before 1pm at Manchester airport, where they were due to catch a flight to Pakistan.

A third man, aged 26, was arrested at a house in Leeds shortly after 4pm...

It is understood the three arrested men are from Leeds. The property being searched in Colwyn Rd is on the same street as the house where Tanweer lived with his parents, who worked in a fish and chip shop.

UPDATE: As always, The Counterterrorism Blog has excellent coverage and much more info.

Allah reminds us that there had previously been a link between the 7/7 bomb plotters and Leeds. You'll recall that Magdi El-Nashar had been 'detained' in Egypt in July of last year [pictured above right]. Authories found the substance TATP in Magdy al-Nashar's Leeds apartment, but he claimed the explosive 'wasn't his'. He was a professor at Leed's University. Interesting fact about Magdi El-Nasher: He spent a semester at North Carolina University in grad school studying biochemistry.

On a related note, in a British court today Manfo Asiedu, who was arrested two weeks after the 7/7 bombings, claimed that he had planned an attack which would be "bigger and better" than the transit system bombings. He's radically changed his defense from 'it was all a joke, we're victims of Islamophobia' to 'we were planning to blow up an apartment complex'. Apparently he's pointing the finger at another defendant at the trial, Muktar Said Ibrahim, as the ringleader. UPDATE: LGF has video here.

Allah also reminds readers of how 7/7 got to Abu Izzadeen's funny bone. And since we just ran a video of Abu Izzadeen a few days ago, you might want to go check out his sermon on Islam=terrorism. Be sure to wait til he begins justifying the beheading of Paul Johnson by the 'mujahidin'.

I have a friend in Britain who swears that if Izzadeen wasn't personally involved in the 7/7 attacks, then it was at least inspired by his mentor, Omar Bakri Mohammed. Here is a a video of Bakri Muhammed extolling the virtues of al Qaeda, shortly before the 7/7 bombings.

Video below--> more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:20 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 19, 2007

(Video) British Muslim: Islam = Terrorism, Paul Johnson Beheading Justified

Abu Izzadeen, a follower of British cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, talks about that peaceful inner struggle called "jihad". Try not to throw anything at your computer screen as you watch. The video takes place in a London mosque:

Terrorism is part and parcel to Islam. Terrorism is part of the deen [Islamic way of life] of Islam. Yes. Allah said ... "to terrify the enemis of Allah, we should prepare ourselves." Prepare to go to war [jihad]. Jihad is [a religous obligation] on Muslims, on the males of like us here. That is why you should teach your son how to ride. How to shoot. It is the sunna [example of the Prophet Muhammed] of Muhammed, and a [religious obligation] on you as a father to teach him to become a mujahidid....

Posted by: Rusty at 04:05 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 14, 2007

New MPJ Category!

That’s right! In our quest to totally foul up TJR while Rusty is on vacation, Vinnie and I have added a new category. While working on this email a terrorist thread I noticed just how much stuff we have on Omar Bakri Muhammad.

Omar is a radical cleric who has been linked to al-Qaeda and other terror organizations and plots.

Here are a few examples.

(Audio) British Cleric Encourages Muslims to Behead Hostages: Birmingham Connection.

Exiled Muslim Cleric Behind London Protest Calling for Pope's Death.

Bakri Celebrates British Deaths.

When compiling these I have to get the post title and then google that to get the url, quite a pain in the arse. So, to make my life easier, our Editor in Chief, Vinnie added a new category for me. Without further delay I present to you the new category:

Omar The Goat Humping Bakri Muhammad

Great name huh? I figure it goes right along with the spirit and intent of MPJ. It will take some time to get all the posts moved under that category. Maybe forever, but until that time we will work diligently to accumulate all the posts on old goat humper into this one place. I’ve added a few already. You can access MPJ categories on the left sidebar.

Also to update Jawa readers on this post

The same server that contains Omar, The Goat Humping, Bakri Muhammad’s website also contains a number of Jihadi forums and websites. It has encryption, encryption hacking, hack tools, DDOS, various other worms and virus sites and a porn site. It is the remnants of a former ISP that specialized in carrying Jihadi websites and information. One of the websites was a favorite of the Madrid bombers.

I’m sure many of our British readers will be interested to know the same spew that resulted in the tube attacks is still being broadcast over the internet from Britain.

I’m not posting all the URLs for the sites due to the malicious software sites. But I can send them by request. I’ll try and keep you updated as best I can.

Hopefully these sites can be taken down and this provider found and prosecuted.

As a reminder of what the purpose of these sites are, here is a video of Omar, The Goat Humping, Bakri Muhammad talking about the UBL and the 7/7 London attacks before they happened.

Hat Tip: Glen.

Update: Heh


Posted by: Howie at 01:00 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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March 12, 2007

Email a Terrorist: Omar Bakri Muhammad Supporter

Or his ISP,

A new website promoting the views of : Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad is registered in England. Ironic, since Omar thinks that the British who died in the 7/7 attacks,” deserved it”.

The website is here.

Contact email:

The email to report abuse to his web provider is

As always, be nice, try and engage the terrorist mu-slime scumbag. Call him your brother. Act interested, eager to learn. Talk a little about the, “Zionist Crusaders.”

If you receive a reply forward, do not cut and paste, to Rusty at mypetjawa (at) gmail (dot) com immediately. Afterward, when Rusty is finished doing what he does, we’ll give you the, “all clear to flame”, signal.

More background and info below the fold. more...

Posted by: Howie at 01:34 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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March 09, 2007

Video: British Muslim Praises & Laughs at 9/11

In this video a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed laughs about 9/11. I mean really laughs. He seems to think of the greatest act of terrorism in U.S. history as a side-splittingly good time.

You'll also notice that he compares the hijacked planes several times to "when pigs fly". He says they use the same term in Arabic. I'm not sure whether he's referring to the passengers murdered on that day as pigs or whether he's simply using the phrase to make the point that September 11th was the long awaited, and unexptected by many, day when Muslims finally rose up and gave America its up-and-comings. My gut feeling is that he means it in both ways, but the thick accent makes it difficult to really follow him.

In any event, there is one thing that he gets right: 9/11 was a day when pigs were flying. But the pigs were the hijackers and mass murdering followers of al Qaeda. The biggest pig of all was Mohammed Atta.

Can any one identify the man in the video? Glen Jenvey identifies him as an "al Qaeda member", but I'd say it was more accurate to call him an "al Qaeda sympathizer". What I do know for sure is that he's a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed. And a pig.

Exit question: Does Allah let flying pigs into paradise

UPDATE: Askand ye shall receive, I guess. Jeremy Reynalds, author of War of the Web: Fighting the Online Jihad says that this is Bakri follower, ABU WALEED.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:30 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 262 words, total size 2 kb.

March 07, 2007

UK Bigley Beheading Supporter Identified

The U.K. Muslim seen on a video supporting the beheading of British hostage Kenneth Bigley has been identified as Abdul Rahman Saleem, also known as Abu Yahya. Unsurprisingly, he is a follower of exiled British cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed.

I Googled his name and came up with a reference to him, right here at The Jawa Report. It seems that he was one of the characters behind a protest at the Danish embassy in which Muslims were seen advocating "Behead those who insult Islam":

Abdul Rahman Saleem, 31, of Poplar, (aka Abu Yahya) denied one count of using words likely to stir up racial hatred.
I don't know about "using words likely to stir up racial hatred," but his explicit endorsement of the beheading of civilian hostages in this video certainly seems like something much worse.

At the cartoon protest, Saleem was videotaped chanting:

"7/7 on its way" and "Europe you will pay with your blood" (Telegraph)
Saleem was convicted on the charges and is, from what I gather, free on bail until his April sentencing hearing.

The video in which Saleem justifies the murder of Kenneth Bigley can be seen here.

Thanks to Jeremy Reynalds for helping identify Saleem. Here's a plug for his book: War on the Web: Fighting the Online Jihad.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:57 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 06, 2007

Video of UK Imam: Ken Bigley Murder Justified

In this video, a British Muslim cleric discusses the beheading murder of Ken Bigley. He justifies Bigley's murder as an act of war, even though Ken Bigley was being held hostage at the time. Ironically, Bigley's murder was said to be in retaliation for the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Abusing Muslim prisoners=bad; beheading infidel hostages=not bad.

Kenneth Bigley was in Iraq as a civilian engineer when he was captured by Abu Musab al Zarqawi's "Tawhid wal Jihad", later changed to "al Qaeda in Iraq". Several hostage propaganda videos were released in which Bigley was seen wearing the orange jumpsuit of Abu Ghraib and in which he made demands on the the Blair government for his release. In his last video, Kenneth Bigley is seen making more demands on Tony Blair and seems to be unaware that the man standing behind him, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, is about to murder him.

UPDATE: Jeremy Reynalds identifies the man as Abdul Rahman Saleem. Where have you heard that name before? He is the follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed who was put on trial for his part in the Mohammed cartoon protests when he advocated murdering blasphemers. He pleaded not guilty, of course.

We are not sure the name of the person justifying the murder of Ken Bigley, but another video, recorded at the same time, shows that just to the speaker's left sits a more familiar character: Abu Izzadeen. The speaker, then, is most likely a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Izzadeen is under indictment in the U.K. for inciting terrorism, but as far as we can tell the speaker in this video is walking around the streets of London or Birmingham inciting more Muslims to commit acts of murder, terrorism, or treason. Bakri Mohammed's followers in Britain unanimously support recruiting for jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, they want British Muslims to fight British troops--the very definition of treason.

In the video, the speaker justifies Kenneth Bigley's murder on the grounds that Bigley was in Iraq to help fix military hardware which would then be used to "kill Muslims". This is not true. Kenneth Bigley, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong were in Iraq to work on civilian reconstruction efforts. They were there helping Muslims. It is al Qaeda in Iraq that continues to murder Muslims to this day.

The speaker then says Bigley was in Iraq to "steal the money of the Muslims". Which, of course, is also patently untrue. Ken Bigley was being paid by the U.S. government to help the Iraqis rebuild their country so that Muslims in Iraq would have a functioning economy so that they could earn money for themselves. It is those that murdered Ken Bigley that steal money from Muslims by blowing up Iraq's infrastructure.

The speaker, in what seems to be a bit of "humor", warns that people involved in the reconstruction effort--or, as he deems it, "stealing from Muslims"---should "mind your head". No doubt, a reference to the dozens of civilians beheaded by al Qaeda and other jihadi groups in Iraq.

Last, even though Bigley "converted" to Islam at the point of a knife, the speaker reiterates that since Islam forbids forced conversions, then Bigley must have become a Muslim of his own free will. See if you follow that sick and twisted logic? And if that is the case, even though the speaker does not say it in this video, those listening would undoubtedly understand another reason why his murder was "justified". To the Salafi jihadi mind, Muslims helping the U.S. and U.K. in Iraq are "traitors".

To get some ideas for yourself on how you can help, see Jeremy Reynald's book: Fighting the Online Jihad.

The video is below. If you saw the video of Kenneth Bigley being murdered, you might want to remove any objects from your reach that can be thrown at your computer. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:00 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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