September 21, 2007

Learning to be a Good School

I got an e-mail from Kendalee Garner who pointed out that her Nyssa, Oregon school is having a six week course on Islam. Six. Weeks.

And to think: they used to teach math.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 17, 2007

Michael B. Mukasey : The Second Coming of Harriet Miers?

Word is that Judge Michael B. Mukasey is Bush's nominee for Attorney General. I don't really know much about Judge Mukasey yet. Apparently, both Chuck Schumer and leftist activist Nan Aron think he's peachy.

Other folks aren't so keen:

Some conservatives objected to the choice and "gave the White House an earful," according to one Republican familiar with the process.

Some of these critics raised the case of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter, who was an enigma when nominated by President George H.W. Bush. He frequently is a liberal vote.

Echoing that:
In "some conservative circles," meanwhile, "there is wariness of Mr. Mukasey," and "some compared" his "potential ascendancy with the nomination of Bush confidante Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court."
I'll be honest. I was hoping to see Ted Olson as AG. Ted's a smart, tough-minded lawyer, and his nomination would've sent the lefties into conniptions.

For now, I'm reserving judgment on Mukasey. It's possible, I suppose, that the endorsement of Chuck Schumer and Nan Aron isn't as bad as it looks. Not likely, I think, but possible.

UPDATE : Allah likes him, and Harry Reid is happy that Bush listened to the Democrats on this one.

Posted by: Ragnar at 08:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 12, 2007

Give Islamists an Inch: MSA Harassing Christians

Entirely predictable. The Muslim Student Association at George Mason University harassing non-Muslims in 'ecumenical' prayer space.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 25, 2007

Miss Teen South Carolina: Let's hope her looks don't fail her.....

Posted by: Rusty at 06:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 22, 2007


No, not the answer to life's ultimate question, the number of books I've read this year.

Most recent non-fiction book read: The American Presidency: Origins and Developments 1776 - 2007

Most recent fiction book read: Orson Scott Card's The Ships of Earth

So, I guess that's (according to how they operationalize this) 1 non-fiction book about politics and and 1 sci-fi/fantasy in the last week? Lengthen that time to 3 weeks and you'd get two more OSC books (I'm reading the series), a 'religious text', and at least one more non-fiction politics book.

Here I am a liberal and I just never knew it!

PS-Card is becoming quite the blogger. I wonder if he considers himself one?

Posted by: Rusty at 03:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 21, 2007

Harvard, USC what's the difference?

I guess my dream of doing nothing (blogging is nothing, right?) will never come true, since I didn't go to Harvard and I'm not exactly what you'd call a 'hard worker'.

I'm sure Berkley was the key to helping Ana Marie Cox's blogging stardom and that ass-sex themed posts had nothing to do with it. The moral, I think, is not that well-educated bloggers are better bloggers (they aren't) but that when MSM types want to hire bloggers, they, like most of the public, are in awe of these stupid and meaningless letters that come after a persons name. Respect my authoriteh!

Posted by: Rusty at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 03, 2007

Flash Coolness Meets The History of Religion

According to Vinnie, this may have already been posted...
But according to Howie, I should go ahead and post it anyway.
So I am.

Because Howie said so.

If you'd like to see this larger, go here. more...

Posted by: Kafir at 05:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 24, 2007

Chickens Come Home to Roost: Churchill Fired!

UPDATE II: Fraudulent academia comes home to roost: CHURCHILL IS OUTTA HERE! 8-1. Not even close. Watch the moonbats squirm - its glorious:

- - -
Ward Churchill has been fired! It couldn't have happened to a more despicable person.....Citizen Link:
Ward Churchill, the leftist history professor famous for offensive and inflammatory remarks, was officially dismissed today from his position at the University of Colorado. After meeting behind closed doors, the CU governing board announced the dismissal for academic misconduct.
Just to set the record straight, Churchill published his famous essay Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens in September of 2001, while the WTC buildings were still smoldering. In it, he called some of the victims of the 9/11 attacks "Little Eichmann's".

UPDATE: Oops. It looks like the report I linked above was wrong. The announcement has not been made yet. In fact, they've yanked the article. I'm guessing they already had an article ready in draft form waiting to go and somebody accidentally pressed the publish button. I found it on Google News so I figured they just had it up first. Nope. But keep fingers crossed......

UPDATE II: Fox News Confirms: University of Colorado Board Upholds Firing of Controversial Professor Ward Churchill more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 23, 2007

Just A Reminder

Click here to get a limited but generally adequate refresher on the Constitutional Separation of Powers in the United States government. Take a look at the Executive Powers, and see how Congress (using, for example, the US Attorneys non-scandal, or the hundreds of aimless 'investigations') is abusing its power and that the White House is entirely within its Constitutional prerogatives thwarting the radical DemCongress's attempts to run the Executive branch (which is also, libs, a nationally-elected branch, unlike Congressional elections which are local)

Executive power is vested in the President. The principal responsibility of the President is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." By using these words, the Constitution does not require the President to personally enforce the law; rather, officers subordinate to the President may perform such duties. It has been held that the Constitution, by empowering him to ensure the faithful execution of laws, permits the President to terminate the appointment of an executive officer. Congress may not itself terminate such appointments, except by impeachment, or restrict the President's power to do the same. Nevertheless, the President's control does not extend to non-executive agencies. It was held that bodies such as the War Claims Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Trade Commission—all quasi-judicial or quasi-legislative entities—were not subject to the President's whims.

Congress may not unilaterally restrain executive officials in the performance of their duties. In INS v. Chadha (1983), the Supreme Court struck down a law which authorized either House of Congress to veto an executive decision made by the Attorney General. Further rulings clarified the case; even both Houses acting together cannot veto executive rulings. Nevertheless, legislation may prescribe regulations governing executive officers. Legislation differs from a unilateral congressional veto in that the latter is not presented to the President for his approval [...]

ADDENDUM: A moonbat in the comments tries to make the argument that "King George" is the greatest threat to our liberty EVUH by citing an Executive Order (gasp). Of course, King BJ (Sexual Assaulter in Chief) issued 364 Executive Orders during his Glorious Reign (increasing the number each year he was in office), compared to Bush's 246. Might wanna check the facts before spouting off, moonbats.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 370 words, total size 3 kb.


That's what passes as "scholarship" these days. Oh, and he has tenure at Duke.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 04, 2007

Synthetic Life Coming Soon?

This is both exciting and scary--kinda like a zombie movie:

Scientists in the last couple of years have been trying to create novel forms of life from scratch. They've forged chemicals into synthetic DNA, the DNA into genes, genes into genomes, and built the molecular machinery of completely new organisms in the lab—organisms that are nothing like anything nature has produced.

The people who are defying Nature's monopoly on creation are a loose collection of engineers, computer scientists, physicists and chemists who look at life quite differently than traditional biologists do. Harvard professor George Church wants "to do for biology what Intel does for electronics"—namely, making biological parts that can be assembled into organisms, which in turn can perform any imaginable biological activity.

For some reason, I'm reminded of Jeff Goldblum's quote from Jurassic Park II:
"Oooh! Aahh!... That's how it always starts. Then, later, there's the running and screaming."
h/t : Glenn

Posted by: Ragnar at 08:40 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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May 29, 2007

Perspective 101 for Defeatists

A couple of weeks ago I posted this chart, from the active-duty service members' petition, the Appeal For Courage. It contrasts monthly deaths in Iraq with those during Vietnam. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:49 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 15, 2007

NYC Public Arabic-Language School

(Brooklyn, New York) The focus will be on Arab language and culture at the Khalil Gibran International Academy, a New York City Public School on Dean Street in Brooklyn. In September, 60 students will start sixth-grade. The goal is to teach half of the classes in Arabic.

School official Debbie Almontaser said the school was planned with a multicultural group and the intent is to promote tolerance and bridge-building. So, American taxpayer dollars will fund the teaching of Arab culture in the Arabic language in New York City.

What am I missing here? Are diplomas going to be written in Arabic?

American taxpayer dollars should be used to teach public school students American culture in the English language in New York City, not Arab culture in Arabic. For that matter, we shouldn't be teaching Dutch culture in Flemish nor Philippine culture in Tagalog nor Persian culture in Farsi nor Brazilian culture in Portuguese. more...

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:00 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Tuesday Round-up

Iran's Nukes Express is Rolling Along

Enjoy a nice glass of White Infidel.

Rosie is still a nutjob. Michelle endorses a kool-aid campaign.

Volokh writes on some real diversity in University hiring.

Rush based lyrics on Ayn Rand. Five for Fighting bases lyrics on Victor Davis Hanson.

A sign of voter remorse?

The Palestinians have a hearing problem.

A low-casualty model vs. a high-casualty model in the GWOT.

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.

May 08, 2007

Muslim Students Invite Terror Supporters, Holocaust Denier to Speak at Holocaust Week

ward_churchill.JPGThe University of California Irvine Muslim Student Union has invited terror supporting Imam, Abdel Alim Musa of Washington, D.C., and fraudulent academic Ward Churchill to speak during Holocaust Week.

Musa openly supports Palestinian terrorists and denies that al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks. He is also a holocaust denier and an antisemitic conspiracy theorist (see this, this, or video here).

Ward Churchill is the University of Colorado Professor who called those killed on 9/11 "little Eichmann's" proclaiming, just like Osama bin Laden, that American civilians were legitimate military targets. It was later discovered that Churchill had made up several sources in his "academic" papers, actually citing his own pseudonymn.

The purpose behind inviting the pair seems to be to deflect public attention from the 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany, and instead try to focus it on the historical injustices of American slavery and treatment of Native Americans. No speakers seem to have been invited from Darfur, where Arab Muslims are in a continuing genocide against Black Muslims, or other areas of the Sudan, where Muslims have long been engaged in genocide against Christians and animists. Nor will speakers address the very real problem of slavery in its last remaining stronghold---Muslim nations.

The UCI Muslim Student Union invites terror supporters and Holocaust deniers to speak during Holocaust week. I'd like to say un-freaking-believable, but I won't. This is totally believable....and sad...and disgusting.

Student of Objectivism has more of the details.

UPDATE and Related: I just opened an e-mail from Brian at Snapped Shot. Bad things are happening at that long-time bastion of liberty, George Mason University. I'm all for tolerance and accomodation. But at some point there is a line which is crossed in which tolerance for Islamic practices becomes a pretext for the introduction of islands of sharia.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:49 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 07, 2007

Kos Kidz: Supporting Terrorists = "Courageous Writing"

Somehow, I missed the fact that the Kos Kidz were supporting a website which openly embraces terrorists. Mike sends this link:

The free-speech afforded by Dr. El-Najjar - to those around the world of all races and political viewpoints - was incredibly valuable. If you have never heard of then you missed some of the more courageous writing on the internet.
You know, "courageous writing" like calling those who kill American soldiers "resistance fighters", linking to copies of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", saying 9/11 was an inside job, calling dead terrorist leaders "martyrs", and claiming that Coalition Soldiers intentionally bomb Iraqis in order to make it appear that there is a civil war.

Courageous. Writing.

Of course, all that is gone now. Purged from the archives of al Jazeerah so that Leftist dupes only read self flattering articles from El-Najjar and his friends about how their speech is being stifled and how they are victims.

But thanks to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and the Google cache, you too can see El-Najjar's real courageous writing".

Courageous. Freaking. Writing. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:51 PM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
Post contains 269 words, total size 3 kb.

May 04, 2007

Where's Rusty?


Posted by: Rusty at 08:48 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 01, 2007

100 Tons of Explosives - POOF!

File this under "Holy Sh*t!"

Posted by: Kafir at 12:47 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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April 30, 2007

Why We Fight

Video from Shadow Spear via The NewsBuckit.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:35 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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April 16, 2007

Editorial: El-Najjar "laughable" "unrelenting propagandist"

A sigh of relief as reader "bluetoetag" notices that at least on The Dalton Daily Citizen's editorial page, they are rooting for the good guys. And by the good guys, I mean the United States of America. Seriously, their "story" on El-Najjar that I fisk below was so poorly researched and written, I had some doubts as to just how bad the publication was. But Jim Espy's editorial is about as good as can be expected:

El-Najjar used the site to promote his views on the Middle East, to offer stories by other writers of similar political bent and to link readers to related stories and web sites. He also ran Associated Press wire stories on the Middle East, though not before altering the “terminology” of the wire reports. (I don’t know if the professor bothered to pay AP for the use of its material, but months ago when I asked an AP official in Atlanta about it, he said he didn’t even know the stories were being used).
What Espy may not know is that Muslim fundamentalists agree that there is no copyright under Islamic law. Maybe that is how El-Najjar justified reprinting entire AP articles?

Fair use, as I'm doing now, requires using the material for some sort of editorial value. The editorial continues:

El-Najjar describes as an “Independent forum for promoting peace between the U.S. and the Arab and Muslim worlds and between Israelis and Palestinians... “

That is laughable.

El-Najjar’s site was an unrelenting propaganda outlet designed to attack the Israeli government and anyone supportive of it. If the late Yasser Arafat had pistol whipped an old Jewish grandma at the foot of the Wailing Wall, El-Najjar would have been the first in line to congratulate him for his brave defense of the Palestinian people.

Ha! Indeed. But it's not just a propaganda front for Palestinian terrorists, El-Najjar's website is also unrelenting in its justifications of the killing of American troops in Iraq. Which, in my book, is treason.

His website was very popular within the English speaking terror supporting community. And the reason the jihadis fight in the first place is because they believe the words of people like El-Najjar who insist that America is in the wrong. The military and intelligence community is just now realizing that many terrorists begin their journey on the road to jihad by reading websites like those of El-Najjar. And no, the First Amendment does not cover sedition.

Anyway, read the rest of Espy's editorial here.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:10 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 421 words, total size 3 kb.

April 13, 2007

Video: Totalitarian Islam's Threat to the West

Longtime readers know that I'm no fan of Ayn Rand. They also know that I'm also no fan of UCLA. But somehow combining Ayn Rand and UCLA seems to cancel the negatives out.

The full high quality video of the UCLA symposium on Totalitarian Islam's Threat to the West, a panel discussion featuring Daniel Pipes, Yaron Brook and Wafa Sultan here.

Also, a reminder that this Monday the USC Objectivist club will be showing the movie, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West", which features a few personal friends of The Jawa. The public is invited.

On Thursday, over 70 universities nation wide will show the same movie as part of “Islamo Fascism Awareness Day". Full list of universities here.

Thanks to Student of Objectivism for e-mailing me the link. I'm so proud that a UCLA student was able to work this "e-mail" thing and manage not to hurt himself in the process! more...

Posted by: Rusty at 07:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 05, 2007

Dark Horse

Blogger teleconference with Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

Organized by John Hawkins, who consults for Hunter, the teleconference was quick, lasting from 3:00 to 3:20 ET. Hawkins also suggested the YouTube video appeal to conservative bloggers below.

Duncan Hunter is running as a traditional conservative, strong on defense and border security (he helped write the border fence law), convinced that we need to win in the middle east, and determined to fix the US balance of trade and stop the bleeding of manufacturing jobs to foreign sources and offshore companies.

Hunter notes that the United States was once known as "the arsenal of democracy," and argues that high paying white collar jobs will follow the blue collar ones out of the country, eventually idling much of America's industrial base and weakening national security. He favors mirroring foreign trade laws and holds the GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, pretty much in contempt, as a treaty intentionally designed to weaken the US trade position. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 05:26 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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April 02, 2007

Terror Supporting Georgia Professor: Students Speak Out

I'm out for most of the week, but wanted to pass on this e-mail I got in regards to Dr. Hassan A. El-Najjar, who teaches at Dalton State College:

I live in Dalton, GA and went to DSC from 1997-1999. Although I never had a class taught by Prof. El-Najjar I did take an international relations debate class.

One day El-Najjar was a guest to argue the pro-Palestinian side against a Jewish professor who argued the Israeli side. Everything was fairly civil for a few minutes but finally El-Najjar lost it and went off on a rant about how no one in Washington cared about the Palestinian people and how Israel was responsible for most of what is wrong in the world, etc.

It was very tense and the students (myself included) were in shock. The guy went from calm and reasonable to spitting mad like a switch had been flipped.

Also, I don't know if you are aware but he caused a stir just after 9/11 when he self published this book [ed. Yes, we covered that including how the only reviews of the book were by other Dalton State professors]

It's amazing that it has taken this long for anyone outside of Dalton to pick up the story. He's been at this for years....

He mentions to his classes that he runs the website and encourages them to check it out. He tells them there is nothing wrong with it and that is he just presenting information that newspapers and the US media don't have the courage to tell. I know this for a fact because I had a conversation recently with two students who just finished a sociology class with him. Both defended him and had no idea why I didn't feel the same way.

Warren Davis

That seems to refute the argument made by the President of Dalton State, Jim Burran, that El-Najjar, "is careful not to interject his political or religious views in the classroom."

Right. Like, I can't tell you this in class, but you all should visit my website and see what the J-O-Os in the media don't want you to know.

Any other students who would like to go on record, please e-mail me.

Just to review: El-Najjar encourages students to go to his website. That website openly supports terrorists. That website is full of antisemitic statements and conspiracy theories. Like, El-Najjar's own theory that civilians are being killed in Iraq by Coalition forces intentionally so that the world will be misled into thinking there is a Muslim on Muslim violence.

Because if professors can't openly support terrorism, the terrorists have already won! more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:46 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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March 27, 2007

More on Dalton State's Terror Supporting Professor

Alex from Sigmund, Carl and Alfred weighs in:

Dalton State College is not being asked to 'abridge the constitutional rights of any individual, including freedom of expression, even when we do not agree with it,' but rather, to consider whether having Dr. Elnajjar on their staff and as such, representative of Dalton State College is in the best interest of the Dalston State College students and the University System of Georgia. We would ask Dalton State College president Dr. Jim Burran and others who have used similar nonsensical arguments if they would afford similar courtesies to a professor who called for the genocide of blacks or other minorities, or if they thought that having faculty that openly espoused those very beliefs are in the best interests of students. We question whether or not the parents of students who attend Dalton State College and taxpayers in the great state of Georgia would find Dr. Elnajjar's appointment to that college and Dr. Burran's vigorous defense of that appointment an appropriate expenditure of public dollars.
The rest of the post goes on about the pathologies of Arab society in general. These pathologies of self-loathing, he suggests, are the real reason behind the raging antisemitism one finds in the Middle East. I differ from Alex inasmuch as I do not believe it is Arab society that suffers these pathologies as much as it is Muslim societies. Those same pathologies are found in North Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and wherever Islam becomes the dominate cultural force.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:36 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 257 words, total size 2 kb.

March 13, 2007

What is a "Militia"?

The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators. These show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense.

UNITED STATES v. MILLER et al., 307 U.S. 174 (1939)

Remember those words the next time some ignorant lefty tries to tell you that the Second Amendment only applies to the National Guard.

Posted by: Ragnar at 05:47 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 84 words, total size 1 kb.

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