Irony: Muslims at CAIR Complain About Those Disturbing Public OrderHow does a "civil rights" group like CAIR know when Americans make false reports with the intent to discriminate? That's easy. Any time someone urges an investigation of a Muslim, for whatever reason---DISCRIMINATION!. In the words of Dana Carvey as George Michael, It's a formula, but it works.
Scott at Powerline brings news of an interesting back and forth between CAIR and the Becket Fund. Here's part of what CAIR writes.:
I believe we can both agree that Americans do not have the right to make false reports with the intent to discriminate. It is a criminal offense that disturbs public order and creates unnecessary fear, suspicion and division in any society.
Ironic given the behavior of the 6 imams which put passengers in a near panic that their plane was about to be hijacked.
But wait, there's more:
The American Muslim community has been profiled by law enforcement in the past and has been the target of numerous false allegations made by fellow Americans with the intent to discriminate.
How, pray tell, does this "civil rights" organization know that their "fellow Americans" made "false allegations" "with the intent to discriminate"???
How about this as a motivation for those allegations against Muslims: terrorism.
Even odder and more ironic is this statement:
Making false reports of suspicious behavior with the intent to discriminate during a time of war is doubly harmful.
Also doubly harmful: acting suspiciously in a time of war when precisely 100% of the people we are fighting engage in similar behaviors!
Last bit of something-like irony, they spend a couple of paragraphs comparing the fight to exempt Muslims from common courtesy, such as, you know, scaring people on an airplane, to the civil rights movement. Also comparable to the civil rights movement to CAIR: photoshopping a scarf on to an uncovered female head at an "interfaith prayer vigil" marking the anniversary of 9/11 [pictured above right].
Anyway, you can download the entire document here. It's worth a few chuckles. The Becket Fund Response is here. And Scott's analysis is here.
For an educational video on just what types of behaviors the flying imams were engaged in, see below.
Observe common rules of behaviour when you're in public and you won't be "discriminated" against. Stop acting like jackasses at airports and airplanes and you won't be "discriminated" against. Okies? Morons.
i am so sick of these filthy subhumans. it is high time we slaughtered these disgusting terrorists and ended their blood lines.
America when there are no more arabs on the planet we will be safe.
God Bless.
Posted by: Jonathan Marks at March 29, 2007 11:19 PM (Nhfns)
We have to refuse to be intimidated, if someone makes someone report
them for weird behavior, then that person should be sued by the
passengers for causing them distress with their behavior.
These Imams were faking and goofing on the passengers, and were
probably trying to get tossed off the plane just so they could play the
victim card and go to court and make a scene. Any judge who allows this
is garbage.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
pretend to be terrorists
scare people on a plane
get thrown off claim racism
Posted by: USpace at March 30, 2007 12:42 AM (RFxoy)
I have to respond in the negative to racism as shown in a previous comment "no more arabs". I discriminate on the basis of ideology, and not blood. If someone else wants to play the 'race' card in my face, they are the bigot, not me. Arab Christians aren't the problem. Arabs are semitic, the difference between a middleeastern jew, and A middle eastern Arab, is almost entirely ideology. This isn't a racial issue, and by trying to make it one, we only hurt the successful reolution of this war. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 30, 2007 04:20 AM (2OHpj)
Fascism knows no color but hate. Likewise Anarchists. Ideas kill, not colors! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 30, 2007 04:22 AM (2OHpj)
What a bizarre picture! The photoshop head covering on the lady must have been done by an epileptic monkey.
CAIR - Sure knows how to treat a lady!
Posted by: heldmyw at March 30, 2007 09:32 AM (LvGT1)
The comparison to the civil rights movement is about as far off base as you can be. The entire premise of that time is that we are all Americans and have the right to have the same basic opportunities and protection, no more and no less. In other words, there is the same right to assimulate, there is NO directive to accomodate.
That my dear jawa hanna mamas is the real issue. Anything that frames the actions of others outside of that is fundamentally incorrect and based in nothing.
Posted by: David M at March 30, 2007 12:33 PM (kNjJk)
ps; muslim is not a race, it is a religion. it would be of a great service to keep the issues at hand very f*ing clear if people would stop playing into the most fundimental of bullshit. I will say it again for the hearing impared....mUSLIM IS NOT A RACE!!!!! IT IS A RELIGION!!!!
Posted by: wb at March 30, 2007 09:42 PM (L3O5+)
Michael: Get lost in some sections of New Orleans some night. See if your ideas get you out alive. While a gang of blacks are stabbing you to death, taking your watch and wallet, assure them that this is not a racial issue. While taking your last breath ask them how many blacks they mugged this evening. You need to get out in the real world.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 31, 2007 01:31 AM (LDOOz)
And bullshit. There aren't any white muggers in New Orleans.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 31, 2007 01:32 AM (LDOOz)
Well y'see greyrooster, racism is an ideology, and it is practiced by the muggers you are describing. I can have the same thing happen if I'm in Browning MT without any Native Amercan pals to watch my back. So I am fully aware of it's existence "in the real world". Racism makes an issue of 'race' where race itself, need not be an issue. That makes it an ideology instead of an immutable condition of birth. People pick up on this ideology for many reasons, but the primary reason is almost always a political one.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 31, 2007 02:02 AM (2OHpj)
BTW, I understand a rational point in using race for profiling, and I see a rational point in guarding against the racism of others, where you would be the target. So do I 'profile' Native Americans? In Browning, Yes I do! Do I profile 'rednecks' in the local bar? Yup! Would I profile 'blacks' in the big city? Yes, I HAVE, and will continue to do so, until racism is a dead issue, like it should be. I'll most likely die before that happens, but it is still a worthy goal.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 31, 2007 02:07 AM (2OHpj)
Greyrooster, do you think wb would be mugging you, and stabbing you to death? You and wb should be trading stories over beers on a beach somewhere. I think you have some value in your view, but I still think you carry it to far. Caution, yes, racism, no.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 31, 2007 02:10 AM (2OHpj)
It's true rooster, I would kick the shit out of you for being an asshole, not because you're a racist asshole, just for being an asshole. But..... I would buy you a beer afterward, ( you'd need a fucking straw to drink it with though and the only kind we've got around here is the vintage 1972 McDonald crazy staws....... damn fema suppliers..... your gull wings are done.
Posted by: wb at March 31, 2007 05:26 PM (0HmJb)
Kick the shit out of me? Ha, ha. Perhaps I'll drive down to the Grand Isle Waffle house and give you a chance. And race is an issue. As long as crybaby blacks continue to make it one. I never have understood why a blackneck wishes to sit next to a redneck? Redneck sure as hell don't wish to sit next to blacknecks. Perhaps rednecks have something called pride in themselves. Then again who wishes to listen to rap music and the word mutha fucka in every sentence. This morning I ate breakfast at the Cracker Barrel in Sliddell, La. I had to ask the waitress to move my breakfast to another table because of a table of loud mouthed blacks on their cellphones. THEY DAMN SURE WANTED EVERYONE IN THE PLACE TO KNOW THEY HAD A CELLPHONE. People staring at them had no effect. Wish to hell they would stay in New Orleans. We sure the hell don't go to black neighborhoods and disturb them.
Posted by: greyrooster at April 04, 2007 01:13 PM (Ip3la)
Muslim Woman Sues: "Civil Rights Violated" for Judge's Order to Remove Veil
A muslim woman who's case was dismissed because she failed to remove her veil in a Detroit small claims court is suing for "violations of her civil rights". What civil right? The right to "practice her religion".
Her lawyer, Nabih Ayad, is an activist for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committe (ADC). This is the same guy who sued Condi Rice and Donald Rumsfeld for failure to keep Americans in Lebanon safe during last summer's war. He's also the guy who claimed his Yemeni client "didn't know" who had placed a knife in a book he brought on to an airplane. The list goes on and on.
I'm guessing that the case will be thrown out. No, make that hoping.
They may win at the first round of court if they picked a loopy judge. But ultimately, the rule is that a facially neutral law of general applicability is constitutional, even if it interferes with religious exercise. Thus Florida can ban animal sacrifices, even though it interferes with the religious exercise of followers of Santeria. The covered meat will lose.
I'm actually glad they filed this suit, because it will establish some good precedent that allows states to force removal of the veil in courthouses, police stations, DMV, etc.
Posted by: wooga at March 28, 2007 07:30 PM (t9sT5)
Send the muslim bitch packing. Why waste money on this trash.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 28, 2007 08:07 PM (LXuMj)
Funny you should mention that as years ago a woman tried to pull the same shit, turns out she was not from the middle east and was trying to keep her idenity a secret as she was up on charges of child abuse. Here's a thought.... the laws of the United States of America supercede any and all relgions. If you can't abide by the rules, go live where they enforce your beliefs, it's up to you to assimilate, not up to the USA to accomidate. Pretty freakin' Forest Gump. The enemy is in the weakness of the senate and house and their master, the msm.
Islamic Society of Boston's Sham Lawsuit
I haven't really covered the lawsuit filed by radical Islamist supremacists of the Islamic Society of Boston against several organizations which outted their relationship with terror supporters around the globe. But Solomonia has you covered on this one. Oh, and it turns out, the "monetary damages" they are claiming due to the "conspiracy" to defame them is a sham, too. Solomonia:
Timing is important here. Remember that this suit was filed in October 2005. It alleges damages from events that were occurring back in 2003 and 2004.
Yet I am in possession of an email dated July 18, 2005, that's just three months before the ISB filed its lawsuit alleging damages, that says, and I quote, "Fundraising has been robust, and the ISB has $2 million in cash toward that amount [of $3 million]...."
Exit question: Could the lawsuit, the legal equivalent of screaming "Islamophobia", really be a ploy to raise more money? If you look at the radical Islamist front groups such as the ISNA and CAIR, the key to their fundraising efforts seems to be to convince Muslims that a witch hunt is going on and that without the protection of these 'civil rights' organizations--the next stop is: the ovens.
This is without a doubt one of the worst bills to come to the floor since I have served in Congress. The Democrat bill creates 435 commanders-in-chief, it attempts to micromanage the war, it chokes off funding for America's troops, threatens our national security and contains billions in unrelated spending that wraps old fashioned pork in the American flag. With this bill, the Democrat majority has transformed pay-as-you-go to pork-as-you-go.
America take notice, for this is the Democrat version of fiscal responsibility and reform. Though this is a troop funding bill, the Democrats prohibit spending on spending on a Marine Corps deployed in Iraq unit beyond 210 days but spend $219 million on peanuts, shrimp, and spinach. This is how the Democrat Majority defines emergency spending? I'm told that if you look deep enough, the entire recipe for Kung Pao shrimp can be found in this bill.
Thankfully, the founding fathers created a system of government to prevent terrible pieces of legislation like this from becoming law. Thus, for all of the promises of money - and then threats - made by the Democrat leadership to their own members this week - this bill will go nowhere. In a month, we will again debate 'emergency spending' legislation and this time it will be clean.
The focus of the Iraq War Supplemental Bill ought to be on one thing: supporting our troops and securing our homeland from the threat that our nation faces from radical Islam. The Democrat's slow bleed strategy will harm our troops, harm our country and should be defeated. The cost of fighting this war is extremely high, but the cost of losing it is higher.
Here is a bill that has no legs except for those which our major media outlets will use to flog this administration. Certainly, an argument can be made, rather strongly I think, that this administration has brought this onslaught to it's front doors by being so passive to all those previous attacks. Most Americans are unwilling to produce more than "two cheeks" for turning while others just slap the sh*t out of them. This administration insists on finding more cheeks for slapping... leaving many Americans to abandon its support. For me, I am so sick and tired of the Democrats whining and hurting our country...but the Republicans seem to offer nothing more than cave-ins. Where do fighters go, where do the warriors go, where do the believers in freedom go, and where do the winners go?
Posted by: RJ at March 23, 2007 07:20 PM (yyxO/)
RJ, They are over seas kicking the shit out of our enemies. There will be hell to pay in 08.
Posted by: wb at March 23, 2007 08:15 PM (tfzrA)
Muslim and democrats both eat shit and bark at the moon.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 23, 2007 08:50 PM (jNRRK)
"Where do fighters go, where do the warriors go, where do the believers in freedom go, and where do the winners go?"
Well ... we have to be our own fighters. The folks serving our country in uniform aren't allowed to stand up for themselves, so we have to do it. Our leadership on the right can't communicate to citizens in the middle, so we need to do it ourselves. If we don't hold counter demonstrations, nobody else will either. Like it or not, we are the cavalry, and we need to be riding over that hill NOW!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 23, 2007 09:46 PM (2OHpj)
("pork-as-you-go" sounds dirty...) Of course it does, and naturally Democrat party members are involved
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 24, 2007 04:59 AM (2OHpj)
You couldnt be more correct, the problem is that most of the calvary hasnt figured out that they are the calvary or that the indians have snuck into the fort and are attacking, so they are currently planted in front of the one eyed monster watching American Idol or Dancing with the Stars.
Posted by: doriangrey at March 25, 2007 07:30 AM (F5T2G)
Gathering of Eagles : A Soaring Success
A message from Kit at Gathering of Eagles:
…ANSWER had a year to plan their well-publicized event and were hoping for around 100,000. They actually drew about 5,000-10,000, according to various news reports today. The Gathering of Eagles, on the other hand, had about six weeks to plan an unprecedented response - and with no advertising, no publicity, no celebrity or political endorsement, no news coverage, and no big money, we had about 30,000 boots on the ground!
The volunteers poured themselves into this historic event, and all of you who attended gave so much to be there. I’ll stop here and let your words speak for themselves.
Michelle reports on a massive decrepancy between the National Park Service estimates of the size of the Gathering of Eagles rally and the reporting by the New York Times. The National Park Service, estimates that there were 30,000. The Times says this:
he protesters met what several veterans of the antiwar movement described as an unusually large contingent of several hundred counterdemonstrators.I dunno about you, but given the well-publicized anti-American bias of the NYT, I'm willing to go with the Park Service on this one.
I understand that the GoE site is putting together a gallery of photos from the event. It's down right now, but I'll post the link when it's back up.
This event was coordinated by a professional PR agency ... Fenton Communications. The GoE had no such professional, national agency, it was true grass-roots. I have a feeling Pelosi is taking notice even if she isn't saying anything.
Posted by: crosspatch at March 18, 2007 02:39 PM (y2kMG)
I was there. We took a tour bus with 50 of us all the way down from Maine, through the snow and ice. it was worth every minute and every dollar.
The one lasting image I have, even more than that of my brother and sister veterans, is of an overwhelming look of fear and bewilderment on the faces of the demonstrators. They never imagined so many would come so far to face down the cancer that infects our body politic.
Everytime they tried to start something, we'd turn our backs or just stand there and let them vent. Occasionally, we'd respond, but mostly clapping when the police hauled one of them away.
I was amazed at the solidarity of our veterans. Aginf men in wheelchairs, young veterans from Iraq, and all those in between. veternas of every age standing together, helping each other out, the random acts of kindness I saw were uncountable.
Soldier's Angels were going about, checking on the older vets, offering free water and energy bars, and not asking for anything in return.
When the protesters left, the streets were littered with their efuse. broken and torn signs, flyers, maps, handouts, stickers, and general rubbish.. empty water bottles, food wrappers, etc. They spewed garbage from their mouths, and left the streets awash in their wake.
At the GOE site, the entire area was policed and left as clean as when we arrived. You'd see veterans picking up trash, lending a hand where they could. The comparisons between the two sides was night and day.
The message, however, was loud and clear to the left: The adults are tired of the children's excesses, and the spankings are about to commence. ANSWER and it's co-conspirators against Freedom are a cancer on the body politic of America. It's time for the surgeons to roll up their sleeves and go to work.
Posted by: AW1 Tim at March 18, 2007 03:06 PM (A4AgC)
And the vultures will ignore the whole thing becuase their afraid what could happen to them there and the same with the chickens from ANSWER
Posted by: sandpiper at March 18, 2007 03:08 PM (XLUG2)
The Gathering of Eagles was GREAT! It was cold, it was windy (the Goreacle must be in town), but it was awesome to be there with my brothers-in-arms! I took my son with me, and he enjoyed it. When the left-wing loonies accused used of being "Swift-Boaters," I turned to my son and told him, "Congratulations. You're now a Swift Boat Veteran." The MSM apparently does not want to note this, but the veterans outnumbered the lefties. Like I said, it was fantastic to participate on the RIGHT (American) SIDE! To end the day, my son and I went and saw "300"! As my son said, "A very Right-Wing Weekend." Go tell the Spartans!
Posted by: 509th Bob at March 18, 2007 03:12 PM (a8v1Q)
I have posted a review of the WaPo article here. You guys and gals who made it are my heros. Thank you for doing what many of us could not. When this comes up again I promise Civile Defense will do everything it can to be there.
Posted by: SeeMonk at March 18, 2007 03:18 PM (yKwZ2)
Ragnar I think that the National Park Police would also have a more unbiased estimate, if they were willing to provide one. Could anyone provide an actual link showing their estimate ?
The last time I checked there was slightly less than 2000 signatures of people who said that they were planning on attending the GOE. Of course weather was bad and some were not able to attend. Having 15 times that number attend would certainly be surprising.
I do not believe the National Park Police gave an estimate of 30,000 for the GOE. Did any of the people who post here attend ? Would they be willing to share their experiences or give any crowd estimates ?
Posted by: John Ryan at March 18, 2007 03:33 PM (TcoRJ)
Note my post above. i was there. the GOE turnout was HUGE.... Bus after bus after bus full... it lines the street for blocks.
Posted by: AW1 Tim at March 18, 2007 03:42 PM (A4AgC)
Re: #2 </blockquote> ... the
random acts of kindness I saw were uncountable.
Soldier's Angels were going about, checking on the older vets,
offering free water and energy bars, and not asking for anything in
When the protesters left, the streets were littered with their
efuse. broken and torn signs, flyers, maps, handouts, stickers, and
general rubbish.. empty water bottles, food wrappers, etc. They spewed
garbage from their mouths, and left the streets awash in their wake.
At the GOE site, the entire area was policed and left as clean as
when we arrived. You'd see veterans picking up trash, lending a hand
where they could. The comparisons between the two sides was night and
The message, however, was loud and clear to the left: The adults are
tired of the children's excesses ...
Posted by: AW1 Tim
My heart soars. This is the way we should be. We should make our opinion known and at the same time do so in a kind and respectful manner. We also shouldn't add undue burden to the public employees of the area where the protests are happening. What you wrote above are true hallmarks of community and responsibility. THIS IS how adults behave. WE CAN disagree and remain civil. We CAN BE a constructive force and come together as community and bear witness to our point of view without allowing ourselves to get out of control. That comment says it all for me. I would bend over backwards to be a part of this movement.
If out of this event a more ongoing community emerges, I would hope to take part in any event near me on the opposite coast. To participate in a responsible community that sends its message by showing up, cleans up their mess, and behaves in a manner far above the rabble of the opposition would be an honor. How about an event in the SF Bay area sometime?
Posted by: crosspatch at March 18, 2007 04:13 PM (y2kMG)
oops, I blew that one with a malformed blockquote tag
Posted by: crosspatch at March 18, 2007 04:14 PM (y2kMG)
I was there as well, and I'm telling you, there wasn't 30K people there. NO FREAKING WAY!!
30K would fill a medium sized college football stadium. Hell it'd fill Texas Stadium about 2/3 full! There just wasn't that many people there... separate or combined. For comparison; That's almost as many people as enrolled at University of Southern California (33K) or University of Michigan (40K).
Personally I think both sides are "inflating" their own numbers to look good, and the National Park Service Police-DC Police-Capitol Police Departments are doing it to justify overtime monies they'll request from Congress.
Yes, there were more GoE supporters (including me; proof of which is on than anti-war demonstraters... by at least 2 to 1 and maybe even 3 to 1.
But 30,000 people? NO WAY IN HELL!
I've seen 3OK enmasse, this wasn't big enough.
I don't want to sound like I'm against GoE, because I'm not. I was down there with Jane of SeeJaneMom and Sniper of 762Justice in FULL support of GoE. But I'm telling you all 30K is a fantasy in someones brain.
Posted by: V5 at March 18, 2007 05:48 PM (bP+3v)
Would an odonnelphant count as a huge crowd on her own?
Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 06:18 PM (o6TL7)
No disrespect V5, but I was there also. There were veterans every-freaking-place. The Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial, the Nurse's Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and along-side Constitution Avenue. It was just WONDERFUL to see so many of my brothers-in-arms outnumbering the loonie-lefties. I will admit that I did not count them, so I cannot say that there were 30,000, but we certainly outnumbered the poor sorry moonbat bastards! Go tell the Spartans! Urrah!
Posted by: 509th Bob at March 18, 2007 07:28 PM (a8v1Q)
There's no doubt in my mind we outnumbered them. I just think everyone - left, right, and police departments - are going a little overboard in their "estimates" of the crowd.
I will say this though, and it's definitely no exaggeration.
The GoE crowd totally cleaned up their area and the anti war-peace-tree hugger-love mother earth-peta freaks crowd left their area destroyed and covered with litter.
Hows that for ironic?
Posted by: V5 at March 18, 2007 07:41 PM (bP+3v)
"...anti American bias of the NYT'!?@?#?
Only since 1917!
As I have siad here many times the last few years if your read their coverage of the war in the jpacific 63 years ago and blank the date and names it is the same as their coverage of Iraq. But they loved Sacco and Vancetty. I know I can not spell communist names! But I know who they were and what they did. I also know the lies the NYT ut out 85 years ago! Nothing has changed.
Posted by: Rodney A Stanton at March 18, 2007 08:41 PM (2XJJ7)
Please folks lets keep it real here, did anyone honestly expect the libral media to be honest? Dan Rather anyone? There could have been 3 million people at the GoE and they still would have reported it as a few hundred...
Posted by: doriangrey at March 18, 2007 09:11 PM (F5T2G)
I cannot say for sure how many were there either however I thought for sure 10K and then I made my way to the Lincoln Memorial as well as the memorial bridge and there was a mass of another at least 5K so I would stay with the 15K none the less we definately outnumbered the left wing drug addled hippies 3 to 1. I just am still awed by the sheer strength of numbers and the vets who just made you feel safe in their presence and really that is how the military makes my family and I feel every day, protected. God Bless the United States Military.
Posted by: Rightmom at March 18, 2007 09:15 PM (ElLn4)
I wish I had been there to be part of such a great event. Congrats to all who managed to be there, and help make this happen. You are all winners! USA, all the way!.
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 11:17 PM (2OHpj)
It may not matter how many people were actually there. Enough GoE people were there to do what they set out to do, so enough GoE people were there.
Besides, if you say it enough, it becomes true! Can you say "Million Man March"?
I was unable to attend, but my heartfelt thanks go out to those who did! You rule!
Posted by: Kafir at March 19, 2007 01:11 AM (HsmTD)
Good Morning John Lyin: You simple minded little commie shit.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 05:04 AM (jNRRK)
For all of you that went and countered the liberal loonies, I thank you. Sometimes I feel helpless with the media coverage these kooks receive and feel there is nothing I can do. Well you folks proved that we, middle America can do something. We need to do more of this. Thanks again you have inspired me to action on the next opportunity.
Posted by: Steve at March 19, 2007 01:40 PM (OkGMZ)
Anti-War Rally at the Pentagon
On C-SPAN, I watched today's anti-war rally outside the Pentagon, catching the event after it started. The initial group of speakers included Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Berg, a couple of Muslims and several others who all complained of the cold outside. Red plastic pails were passed around for donations.
From various camera shots, I'd estimate no more than 10 thousand in attendance at the peak. The content was mostly bumper-sticker leftist sloganeering addressing impeachment of Bush and Cheney with AG Gonzalez's name thrown in as an occasional afterthought.
I was there most of the day and there's no way the anti-war crowd numbered that many without including the GoE crowd.
Wind and chill kept a very large percentage of people away. As did flight cancellations last night.
Posted by: V5 at March 17, 2007 04:54 PM (bP+3v)
3000+ attended a prayer service on Friday night at the National Cathedral they were praying for peace.
Most estimates of the antiwar group Saturday give 10000 as the minimum. I haven"t seen figures shwing less. If there were only 10,000 it would appear that it had the highest concentration of Christians of any recent protests.
Posted by: John Ryan at March 17, 2007 06:23 PM (TcoRJ)
Hey dopey, every Christian prays for peace. Even the pro-Iraq war ones pray for peace.
Fear the Minx, JR, fear the Minx.
Posted by: Vinnie at March 17, 2007 06:47 PM (fdAim)
Who the hell was it that cut all the funding to the mental instituions?
Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 06:56 PM (s6CsG)
Vinnie, that's the problem with liberals like Johnny Boy. There are no shades of grey. As a Christian, I also pray for peace but I also know that what we're doing over there is important. As anyone who knows and believes in the Bible, there has always been an on-going war between good and evil. How anyone can think that we're on the wrong side of that fight is a sign of mental instability. They live in a world where we're all standing on a hillside singing "I'd like to buy the world a Coke ...."
I don't get how anyone can condone the oppression, lack of justice, and out-right murder of anyone who doesn't believe in their religion and still believe that we're the bad guys even though this is the first war in history where civilian casualities have been at a minimum due to our precise weaponry. The truth is that if Bill Clinton (as he did in Bosnia) did what Bush is doing, they would be supporting the actions. That was one of the few things that I supported Clinton on because I don't make my decisions based on a label attached to someone's name.
I have a hard time supporting Michael Savage on many things but he's correct in saying that liberalism is a mental disorder. One of their pet projects is universal health care - which even conservatives think is a good idea under conditions that would work - but they can't answer the question of how much more of their paycheck they would be willing to give up to get it.
Posted by: slug at March 17, 2007 08:00 PM (IeitG)
Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 08:23 PM (XDiqx)
What Bill Clinton did in Bosnia was save the muslims from the Christians. Way to go democrats.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 09:31 PM (XDiqx)
I think you've got the Rush savage thing reversed there Rooster. Rush runs full circles around savage, daily.
Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 10:26 PM (s6CsG)
"Protest and resist!" American sovereignty, and victory. In other words, they support socalist revolution. The benefit to
Islamo-Imperialists will amount to 'divide and conquer'. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 17, 2007 10:31 PM (2OHpj)
Ah Professor, you bait me with my pet project, divide and conquer indeed.... it goes a little something like this..... Let them first call themselves something different that divides them, then they shall be unable to speak the truth because of implied guilt, next we take away the very means that they would defend themselves with, then we shall take their very manhood from them before we walk unopposed into their cities armed with nothing more than a band of lawyers threatening to sue them if they resist. We shall make thier men into women, their women into our whores and dispell thier families across the globe. Did I mention making the children into idiots that are too fat to play outside? Destroying the youth was the easiest part, make the parents drug useres and self absorbed and have them turn over the minds of their children to political correctness. Sounds like a liberal utopia, doesn't it? Anyone else notice a common thread here?
wb, I've been watching it for years. I can tell you that Gore was a 'line in the sand' for a lot of people, and in a way the rage that we see directed at Bush is more due to having thier goals upset, and thier elitist paradise put on hold, then it has to do with anything else. I see the next election as another line in the sane, way more than the last one. I don't care who we elect, as long as it frustrates the left.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 12:20 AM (2OHpj)
Anyway, next couple of days are busy, so don't get mad if I miss someones comment. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 12:21 AM (2OHpj)
Then Zell & Thompson would be your dream ticket yet again. Although, I suspect just the fact that we would even need to have another election pisses most of them off! But this plot goes back farther than al gore my dear Professor, it goes back to a time, a culture and another part of the world where the people are very ancient and very patient. Just who do you think is backing Iran? It sure as hell isn't the russians.
Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 12:26 AM (s6CsG)
I will miss your veiw with anticapation , not angered by it. Besides, rooster will sit up with me while your gone.
Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 12:28 AM (s6CsG)
The Rooster is going to bed. Flying to Orange Texas early in the morning with my friend Catfish Charlie. Maybe buy a few cows. I'll be sure to take my white shrimp boots. The tall ones. Only thing that will protect you from the knee high Texas bullshit.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 18, 2007 12:47 AM (XDiqx)
wb, China obviously. Proxies are always part of power projection on the global stage. On the other hand, China is on my ledger, more of a virtue than a vice. This could change. It all depends on how they decide to deal with IslamicImperialism. BTW, I have a theory or two about the 'game', that I don't share across media like this. But I will give you a clue. What will military technology look like in 100 years? Globally? Who is unhappy with thier share of global power? And ... what will prevent a large scale nuclear war? The clue is in the answers. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 05:05 AM (2OHpj)
These Leftards see America as the nexus of evil in the world, and the world as a far worse place for America ever having existed. That's why they are doing everything in their power that we never win another war again. Our surrender and withdrawal from Vietnam after the collapse of the N. Vietnamese Tet offensive was their greatest victory. They want another surrender and withdrawal from Iraq to make sure this country never goes to war again. Osama Bin Laden knew exactly what he was talking about when he called us a paper tiger. He was referring to political the influence of our Leftwing 5th column. He is on the verge of being proven right.
You speak of a time where oil will be a lubricant, not a fuel.
Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 11:29 AM (90esw)
Our surrender in Vietnam? What surrender? I missed that one and I was there twice. My Marine Corps never lost a battle and pulled out because the politicians and general public decided Viet nam wasn't worth fighting for. I agreed.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 05:38 AM (jNRRK)
I was at the peace rally at the penatgon. it was pretty cool. i don't understand what you guys are talking about though.
One of the places CIA "rendered" the terrorists to was Syria which
itself is a bloody terrorist state and is probably hiding Saddam's
WMD's, and is definitely helping the terrorists in Iraq.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at March 17, 2007 01:45 PM (EdIIN)
The Death of Free Speech at Concordia U.
Its from 2002, but its still clearly relevant. Very powerful documentary, and a happy ending following 40+ minutes of frustration, leftism and Antisemitism. Kudos to LGF.
Once again cowardly politically correct leftist "educational" institutions cower before the radical Islamists. Nearly every instance of violence is started by the Muslim students, yet their organizations continue to be funded and supported by College administrators and campus officials.
It's entirely pointless to attempt to debate the Islamists, when their first action in any instance is violence, what makes anyone think that words will persuade them.
Canada and its pathetic immigration policies has brought this upon itself. And it will continue to get worse.
Posted by: Gabriel at March 16, 2007 09:57 AM (NTVio)
I remember this all too well. The most shameful part of it all was that the Montreal Police did absolutely nothing to protect the student body from the Islamo-fu*k's. Rather than asserting the rule of law which entails freedom of speech the police simply told Mr. Netanyahu not to show up on campus. Made my f**king blood boil since Concordia is funded by the Canadian taxpayer. In my opinion all local and provincial cops in Quebec are crooks. However, that was in the days of the liberals who are now kicked out of the federal scene.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at March 16, 2007 10:04 AM (vixLB)
I'm sorry, I know it violates Godwin's law, but I honestly can't see any material difference between these people and the Brownshirts in Nazi Germany. They only lack the uniforms and the discipline. But their methods are identical and their intent is the same. The Left is killing democracy in the West.
Oh, I get it now. There's a clever "point" to be made here? You have your freaks, and we have ours? Sorry, the comparison is too weak to merit a serious response. I was right the first tiem, you Leftards couldn't be anymore stupid.
JOHN RYAN The way I have it figured, the BIG 'Rapture' you seem to be talking about is a good million years off. I and other like me, are fighting for the future of freedom on this earth. That puts us into opposition with the far left, and any form of Islamic imperialism. We aren't looking for our own doomsday. We are looking for the doomsday of the anti-American elements that come against us. Satan, get thee down! We didn't come all this way to see America trashed by her enemies.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 17, 2007 03:39 AM (2OHpj)
JOHN RYAN you are the left that is hurting America. There is nothing to debate here. You have proven, over and over again, that you prefer taking pot shots, and trying to change the subject, over pursueing any kind of helpful solutions. I don't recall seeing any comment of yours that ever expressed love for this nation. As far as I can tell you never had any, and it doesn't bother you. Why were we told Rusty likes you? I can't see how he could! You are American? Right? Where is your love for your country John? Where?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 17, 2007 03:48 AM (2OHpj)
The first and last have been removed by YouTube. 2-4 are still available. The ones where the Moonbats opinions are expressed. Gee, wonder why?
Posted by: Mark at March 18, 2007 07:53 AM (ipIHd)
A quick search on JihadTube turns up part 1 here, and part 5 here... for now, at least.
In case the links don't work, here's the old-school version:
Posted by: Stewed Hamm at March 19, 2007 05:23 AM (IoR5s)
"I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
"For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head," he added.
I cannot believe how stupid Rosie is? And the other ones just sit by and agree with her? I'm sorry but the left is sick, sick, sick. She defends his "humanity". What about Daniel Pearl's humanity?
Posted by: Darth Odie at March 15, 2007 12:34 PM (YHZAl)
Odd that, with the Muslim aversion to those of the porcine ilk, this beeyotch would take this stance. I mean, his love could never be returned in kind.
I say, ship her fat arse off to the Mideast and let her rot...
Posted by: TXEric at March 15, 2007 12:56 PM (2Uu0v)
He beheaded Daniel Pearl. What the fuck is she thinking? He's treated better than Daniel ever was. He's treated better than what he deserves. The blonde lady and Rosie call him human. He's not human. He's a monster. Human beings don't cut off heads.He's lucky he's still alive.
Posted by: Donald Miller at March 15, 2007 01:22 PM (TmLg9)
What really gets me is Rosie acts as if she's never heard of KSM. She ther repeats several assumtions as fact. Let me tell you Rosie, if you were not aware of who KSM is and his function and role in al-Qaeda then you should STFU because you are a fat ignorant moonbat.
You claim to be so informed on the GWOT and all the "abuses" but yu don't have any idea WTF KSM is? You say it wasn't Bin_laden it was this guy? Ya effing moron. KSM works for Bin-Laden he was #3 in the organization. You see #1 comes first followed by 2 then 3. See how this counting thing works?
You have a blog so you obviously have a computer. What's the matter. Can't find Google?
Posted by: Howie at March 15, 2007 01:55 PM (YHZAl)
Yeah, the other ones just sit by with their jewish accent.......
Howie, perhaps you might consider some editting.
Posted by: JOHN RYAN at March 15, 2007 02:07 PM (TcoRJ)
You are right John, I was livid when I wrote that. I just can't believe the one lady favors this slime over one of her own.
Posted by: Howie at March 15, 2007 02:08 PM (YHZAl)
We need to airdrop her fat, naked, ignorant ass into the middle of some insurgents or into the Paki/Afghan border area. Course we'd have to scrap the aircraft that hauled her smelly ass !
Posted by: memphis761 at March 15, 2007 02:26 PM (YHZAl)
I'd like to think that someone in direct contact with this fat muslim pig has dealt him some form of "real" punishment. I think he should be wrapped in bacon and roasted over a spit while "infidels" dance around him in celebration.
He looks like a typical muslim wifebeater and child molester, which most muslim men of his type are in my experience.
Posted by: Jester at March 15, 2007 02:28 PM (iwtIO)
Rosie, you stupid, stupid, spineless, liberal, butch-husky, twat. Stupidity that obvious should be illegal.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at March 15, 2007 05:13 PM (ou0cx)
I want to own the circus that Rosie, and Michael Moore both end up in as part of the freakshow. "Step right up and see the the NEO-KOMS! Disgusting aren't they ?! These beasts used to roam the continent, crapping on patriotism as if it were merely a newspapaer lining a cage! These specimens were kept as an example, and we show them now, for your education, and amusement! Tickets at the booth ..." Yeah!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 15, 2007 06:08 PM (2OHpj)
"Rotten vegetables available from the cart at the right! Only a dollar a bag! Step right up!" USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 15, 2007 07:42 PM (2OHpj)
Capitalism could be the death of them both! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 15, 2007 07:43 PM (2OHpj)
Howie.. Howie.... Howie.... Rosie is a sensative, compassionate person who played a role that seemed tough but underneath.... there's a kinder surprisingly witty person. So many people are judged on thier size, their propensity for doing things that bring them inner satisfaction that other don't understand... You have to look past all the hype and see the inner beauty to appreciate the person. I mean all you have to dear is hear that heart filled rendition of " It's alright to cry" and you'll have tears of your own because of the honesty and beauty of what it says. Not only that, he was a great football player. Try to be more open minded...
Posted by: wb at March 15, 2007 07:52 PM (2g5nL)
Even Adolph Hitler Cried and had emotion. He was a human and an animal. Humans can be the worst sort of animal. They kill when it is not required.
Posted by: Darth Odie at March 15, 2007 09:43 PM (YHZAl)
wb, cut it out, I've laughed my behind off enough already today and you're not helpin' the cause.
Dear Rosie hasn't a worry in the world. Muzzies are forbidden to touch pork. She gets a bye.
Posted by: Skul at March 15, 2007 09:45 PM (MQ3sn)
Oh and it seems fair to me. She makes fun of those less fortunate, "my pool is bigger than your whole house." so I make fun of her fat ass. Fair enough? I deteced the sarcasm, I'm just bitchy.
Posted by: Darth Odie at March 15, 2007 09:45 PM (YHZAl)
I stared into the Abyss, and rosie stared back into me ... UGH!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 15, 2007 09:55 PM (2OHpj)
Skul, you're really going to piss of the pigs in the world by comparing them to her... I read where a Target employee refused to scan her. Really ticked the Professor off.
Posted by: wb at March 15, 2007 10:08 PM (2g5nL)
I saw that news clip wb, enough to make a guy puke.
Mr. Weaver, I would rather stare at the sun with a telescope, than look into rosie's abyss.
Posted by: Skul at March 15, 2007 10:17 PM (MQ3sn)
She's a good example of how much msm really does hate men. A buddy of mine is on the LHP and when he pulled her over, her drivers lic picture said "continued on other side". I thought south park did the best job in portraying her and a great number of other wacko doos.
Posted by: wb at March 15, 2007 10:40 PM (2g5nL)
Skul, sometimes one has to study evil, to combat it. I think of some of the stuff I study as being almost like the guys who have to examine a murder victim for clues about the killer. With the flies, and maggots, and little star shaped holes where the gas from the weapon ripped the skin as it jetted in behind the bullet. Sometimes we have to look at horror, to overcome it. I appreciate your point of view however. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 16, 2007 12:48 AM (2OHpj)
Stop insulting animals, that's what I say - was Pearlman's murderer hungry or worried about his life? Animals don't kill without a good reason.
Posted by: Haludek at March 16, 2007 10:13 AM (zLbDD)
reasons reasons reasons, all about perspective isn't it. That's what's wrong with this whole rosie thing, it's such a f-d up perspective. My question is why the public forum or it.
Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 11:01 AM (tclwJ)
public forum for it. In other words who decides to put this shit on tv in the first place and to what end?
Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 01:40 PM (tclwJ)
Liberal media. Sedition. There you go. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 16, 2007 05:52 PM (2OHpj)
Frank Gaffney on Grover Norquist and the Islamic Institute
Frank Gaffney lays out some troubling information that may help explain why the Bush Administration keeps getting caught associating with terrorist front groups:
The Islamic Institute was established by Grover Norquist in 1998 with $20,000 in seed money from Abdurahman Alamoudi (who is currently serving a 23-year federal sentence for terrorism-related activities). II is the principal vehicle for the Islamists’ influence operation aimed at the Bush Administration and Republican and conservative circles. Norquist was its founding president; Alamoudi’s long-time deputy, Khalid Saffuri, was its first executive director; and II’s offices continue to be housed in the downtown Washington office suite rented by Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform.
NYT : CAIR Impugned By "A Small Band of [Jew] Critics" (Updated)Update : Karl provides aven more evisceration over at Protein Wisdom.
The NYT published a very vague, and generally sympathetic profile of CAIR today:
A small band of critics have made a determined but unsuccessful effort to link [CAIR] to Hamas and Hezbollah, which have been designated as terrorist organizations by the State Department, and have gone so far as calling the group an American front for the two.
In the latest confrontation yesterday, CAIR held a panel discussion on Islam and the West in a Capitol meeting room despite demands by House Republicans that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, not allow the event. The Republicans called its members “terrorist apologists.â€...
CAIR and its supporters say its accusers are a small band of people who hate Muslims and deal in half-truths. Ms. Boxer’s decision to revoke the Sacramento commendation provoked an outcry from organizations that vouch for the group’s advocacy, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the California Council of Churches.
“They have been a leading organization that has advocated for civil rights and civil liberties in the face of fear and intolerance, in the face of religious and ethnic profiling,†said Maya Harris, the executive director of the A.C.L.U. of Northern California...
Kent State in Denial Mode About Pro-al Qaeda Professor; Hackers Pwn His WebsiteHere's an update on Kent State Professor, Julio "Assad'' Pino who was linked to a pro-al Qaeda website. Apparently, Professor Pino is saying that he "provided news stories to the Web site but didn’t accept any ownership of it."
On a related note: Howie, Vinnie, Ragnar, Bluto, Mike, Good Lt., Jane, and the rest simply provide news stories to The Jawa Report, but don't accept any ownership of it. So, even though nearly 70% of The Jawa Report is written by people other than me, Dr. Rusty Shackleford, ultimately I'm the only one responsible for its content.
It's real convenient the way that works. Dr. Pino knowingly "provides news stories" to a website which has, as identified by Charles Johnson, one of the 9/11 hijacker pictured (Ahmed Ibrahim al-Haznawi) as a role model, and then, since he doesn't actually own the website, gets to shirk all responsibility of it.
The purpose of the website is open to anybody at Kent State wishing to check it out. It is written just under the image of Ahmed Ibrahim al-Haznawi:
We are a jihadist news service, and provide battle bispatches, training manuals, and jihad videos to our brothers worldwide. All we want is to get Allah’s pleasure. We will write "Jihad" across our foreheads, and the stars. The angels will carry our message throughout the world.
And since the image which goes along with that message is of an al Qaeda operative involved in the worst act of terrorism in American history, the message is clear to all but the most naive: we support al Qaeda.
Dr. Pino knowingly contributes to this website. A website used to spread pro-al Qaeda propaganda. A website which has as its mission statement the recruitment and training of jihadis. Jihadis who will take up arms against American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.
That, my friends, is indefensible. It's criminal. And if the administrators of Kent State don't get why this is a problem, then I'd suggest our problems in academia run even deeper than I imagined. Just because Pina is a "good teacher", no action can be taken. I also here that Hitler was a fine conversationalist and dinner host.
Incidentally, the Global War website, which claims its mission is to help train jihadis around the world, has apparently been pwned. As of this writing, clicking on it redirects readers to the Defense Department's Defend America website.
Now, I'd like to take ownership for pwning a pro-terror website--that's one of our main missions around here---but it wasn't me. Honest.
Besides, even if it was me, you can't hold me responsible for my own actions. I only contribute news stories to the hackers responsible for redirecting traffic away from Dr. Pino's pro-al Qaeda site to one that is openly pro-American.
Goose, meet gander.
Marked Manner has also being doing constant updates to this story here.
I read about this earlier. Typical, some asswipe gets called on the rubbish that he diseminates and then hasn't the balls to stand behind his convictions. He is, in a word, a pussy. Back behind the camels, julio.
Posted by: Edward Lunny at March 01, 2007 06:33 PM (QkaPP)
Keep it up, Dr. Rusty. Jihadists have no place as professors on college campuses. Their activities are illegal and subversive and we certainly don't need young college kids following their lead.
Posted by: Rep J at March 01, 2007 06:48 PM (O5VFo)
This shithead should be shot for collaboration and treason. At least he has been identified, I bet there are many more like him.
Posted by: Jester at March 01, 2007 07:39 PM (iwtIO)
We need a Parent's Bill of Educational Rights where every university in the nation has to give the views of the professors that are holding their childen as captive audiences. And universities should start doing background checks on the people that they are entrusting our children to.
This slug would have been discovered and perhaps could have been given a one-way ticket to the Muslim crappy nation of his choice.
Posted by: retire05 at March 01, 2007 09:03 PM (E5z+y)
If you find out who did the redirect let me know
Posted by: blackflag at March 01, 2007 09:15 PM (Mq5jS)
Posted by: Cate at March 01, 2007 09:48 PM (v40KC)
How sweet it is!!! rerouted to Defend America, I love it. I want to thank the person who did that from the whole of my heart that loves this country and the cool ass people in it.
Posted by: Rightmom at March 01, 2007 09:58 PM (ElLn4)
It's amazing the things Leftards do, and don't, tolerate. They'll bumrush and assault conservative speakers as hate mongers just because they don't agree with them, but these terrorists ont their campuses are just fine. I'm telling you folks, the Leftard/terrorist convergence is very real.
College Students: We're Specialer Than ThouYou don't say!
The study asserts that narcissists “are more likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and violent behaviors.†(Sex and the City/Hollywood lifestyle, huh)
Twenge, the author of “Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled — and More Miserable Than Ever Before,†said narcissists tend to lack empathy, react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.
The researchers traced the phenomenon back to what they called the “self-esteem movement†that emerged in the 1980s, asserting that the effort to build self-confidence had gone too far.
Most college students are liberal as well. I'm sensing some overlap.
The ironic reality is that if everybody is special, then nobody ends up being special. That causes frustration and resentment to aggregate, which leads to seething and brooding anger. This build-up of anger is prone to manifest itself in stupifying and pitiable eruptions of emotional turmoil.
Well, the readiness to proclaim a kid 'special' without any reference to an accomplishment of the kid (or particular physical abnormality) only fuels the leftist mindset that what matters is not "what you do," but rather "who you are." It is status, not achievement, which matters to the leftist mind.
Venturing a little pop-psych analysis, I would further venture that because a narcissist feels entitled by virtue of 'who they are,' any criticism of the narcissist is either (a) dismissed because it attacks something he 'does,' and thus is deemed irrelevant, or (b) enraging because it attacks 'who he is,' and thus is an intolerable insult to his very core, and something he believes is perfect and unchangeable.
It would follow that someone who disagrees with the narcissist must be condemned as either evil or stupid. After all, the leftist narcissist is perfect, and any deviation from his perfect political views would necessarily be wrong!
Posted by: wooga at February 27, 2007 02:21 PM (t9sT5)
2Most college students are liberal as well. I'm sensing some overlap.
Of course there's an overlap. The Liberal obsession with "civil liberties" and "rights" that don't exist is not for the benefit of the community, it's for their own personal benefit. It's about absolute freedom, but without accountability. It's hedonism. Liberals are hedonists, and hedonists are narcissists.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 27, 2007 02:33 PM (ETghS)
So Gore pays indulgences (carbon credits) to Leftard environmental causes (terrapass) in order to justify his using 30 times as much energy as the average American, while the Leftard environmental causes he pays those "carbon credits" to use that very money to downsize the life of regular Americans? HAHAHAHA!!!! I've tried, but I just don't have the words.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 27, 2007 07:17 PM (ETghS)
I think your handle is the name of some god in the south pacific, any relation?
The public education system that has tried to destroy everything in America has come home to roost. Great grand children of the greatest Americans.all the rights, entitlements and 0 responsibility. If there was ever a reason to ditch the constitution for 50 years, this is it. Old proverb says wealth is destroyed every 3rd generation.
Posted by: wb at February 27, 2007 09:01 PM (kXveb)
"ditch the constitution for 50 years" wb, that's sacred philosophical ground! Just saying ... USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 28, 2007 05:58 AM (2OHpj)
Professor Weaver, I figure that it will take that long to get a generation firmly in place to accept that rights come with responsibility. Please note I didn't say do away with, just some "time out"..... maybe some belt to the bum 101 classes could cut down on the time length. It certainly makes a huge difference in the amount of Ritilan needed......
Posted by: wb at February 28, 2007 09:44 AM (xWh5E)
Video : Ayaan Hirsi Ali Slaps Down Hollywood Ignorance
Note the support she gets from the crowd as she confidently slaps down the dhimmitude on her (literal) left and right:
I've been iffy on this whole "amend the Constitution to let foreigners be President" thing, but if there was ever a good argument for tossing that rule, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is it.
That's it sister squash the politically correct apologists.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 01:13 PM (vixLB)
She's one smart lady. I especially liked what she said about the need to confront Saudi Arabia militarily more so than even the Taleban. She does have a good point.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 01:46 PM (vixLB)
WOW...what a breath of fresh air. Gotta agree with ya mate...lets toss the rule and have her run....
Posted by: Cookie at February 26, 2007 01:58 PM (f8iCL)
Garduneh Mehr: It's hard to wage war on a large source oil.
At the edn of the clip: "Brought to you by goober! Goobers look like goat turds!"
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 26, 2007 02:05 PM (ZxuJ4)
I love this woman. I would have a womb surgically implanted in my abdomen, just to have this her baby. But, having said that, we must never change the constitution to allow someone not born in the United States to become President.
Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 02:24 PM (HsmTD)
Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 02:24 PM (HsmTD)
Kafir, I think Ragnar's remark about your constitution may be in jest. I believe Ayaan Hirsi Ali is or was a member of the Dutch parliament. She's just travelling in the U.S. and is not a U.S. resident.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 03:24 PM (vixLB)
My comment on "President Ali" was partly in jest, but to your comment, it's an actually an open question whether a person not born in the United States can serve as President. Some commentators read the Constitutional language as you do, while others read it as a prohibition on citizens naturalized by legal process after birth becoming President. Apparently, the issue's never been settled either way.
I understand John McCain was born in Panama. If he secures the Republican nomination, there's a chance we may see a legal challenge to his placement on the general ballot. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 26, 2007 04:15 PM (tCvue)
I didn't know that about McCain, but I suspected you were speaking in jest about Ayaan Hirsi Ali being president... although I believe she does live here now, if I remember a recent interview correctly.
Posted by: Kafir at February 26, 2007 04:25 PM (HsmTD)
I think you're right about AHA's residence in the U.S. The Dutch threw her out. I think they've since offered to let her come back, but she's apparently had enough of their idiocy. I think she's now working at the American Enterprise Institute.
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 26, 2007 04:32 PM (tCvue)
Ragnar this is an awesome post! You can't go wrong with AHA ! And what's with Bill M? Was he almost kinda, maybe not a complete idiot for once? I almost stopped hating him for a sec! This is like the third time this week Hell has frozen over .... USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 06:03 PM (2OHpj)
Ragnar, If AHA is indeed a U.S. resident now, I hope to G_d that she avails herself of "the right to bear arms" for her own protection against the Islamofreaks.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 26, 2007 07:07 PM (vixLB)
Bill Mahr is a pig. But that woman is smart. I hope she survives.
Posted by: SeeMonk at February 26, 2007 07:56 PM (yKwZ2)
If not for her, who would we have? Wafa Sultan, and that Kola Boof bimbo.
"Bill Mahr is a pig" Yeah, but for a second he didn't stink quite as much as usual... I was frankly stunned ! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 11:05 PM (2OHpj)
Ayaan was ejected from Holland for noyt showing the proper deference to the islamopithecines who publicly swore to murder her.
I love her, but if foreign born squatters were alloed to run for President, block voting racists from Mexico would elect whichever wetback fuckwad promised them the most entitlements.
The notion is suicidally idiotic.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 27, 2007 02:45 AM (Dt3sl)
I thought bin Loser was the source of all terrorism in the world? We can't waste time punishing Saudi Arabia when the real threat is Bin Loser. We have to use all of America's resources to hunt a dead man in Afghanistan.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 27, 2007 03:48 AM (Dt3sl)
Filling the air and make money out of it. A talkshow!!
What a bunch of idiots!!!
Posted by: Dan at February 27, 2007 06:50 AM (ILHet)
maan ,i guess the rumeurs about you beeing a stupid consuming soceity are true. imbelieveble! morrons, you fool your like we in holland know tha this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep.why do you think she was thrown out of the netherlands ? she lied about every thing from her life and lied about fleeing somalia becuse of a arranged marriage and her family wanting to kill her and her husband and blaming islam .but thanks to brave tv documentary makers the dutch now know the truth,the went to somalia to film her family and check out her story and then confronted her with the facts ,guess what she looked soooooooo cheap on tv and asked for forgiveness as she told bullshit to get a resident permit in holland and after a passport ,it was a delight to see all this on tv and gess what she even admited that she met with the husband ( that wanted to kill her} hier in holland wow she was so scared of him that she met with him. but she is good for the consumption of the stupid usa .
I love her, but if foreign born squatters were alloed to run for President, block voting racists from Mexico would elect whichever wetback fuckwad promised them the most entitlements.
The notion is suicidally idiotic.
Jeff, there are so many unsupported (and unsupportable) logical leaps in your statement, I wouldn't know where to begin.
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 27, 2007 09:08 AM (PV4Bk)
this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep.
So, wefwer, should we throw out every immigrant who's ever shaded the truth on their immigration papers? That may be the right rule, but it'd send a whole lot of third-worlders packing back to their places of origin.
I have a hard time condemning Ayaan Hirsi Ali or any other immigrant who'd go to great lengths to get out of Somalia. I'd probably do the same thing. Does that make it right? No, it doesn't, but I do have a tough time coming down too hard on her.
I suspect, though, that your problem with her stems more from the fact that she tells the TRUTH today rather than the fact that she told some UNtruths in her past.
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold, Arrogant Prick at February 27, 2007 09:19 AM (PV4Bk)
I was a bout to give that Rep. the smackdown regarding his comment that
the Muslims, Christians and Jews lived peacefully together a thousand
years ago, but Ali spoke my mind for me. These people are our
Reps? They know not of what they speak in regards to history,
they don't even know the difference between the Sunnis and the Shias
and who controls what. What a bunch of tools. We're doomed.
Posted by: Oyster at February 27, 2007 01:26 PM (FFmKq)
Ragnar. How do you know wefwer isn't the Michaell Moore of Holland? Can anyone give an assessment of wefwer as a source?
This is some of what I'm looking at ...
Knee jerk slamming of capitalism, and the USA
"maan ,i guess the rumeurs about you beeing a stupid consuming soceity are true."
Then the hysterical personal atack signalling a trend to moonbattishness.
"imbelieveble! morrons, you fool your like we in holland know tha this klitless bitch is no good she is a lair,fraudulous creep."
Leading with an implication ...
"why do you think she was thrown out of the netherlands ?"
Throwing around unproven yet potentially damaging statements hoping they will stick long enough to be accepted as truth.
" she lied about every thing from her life and lied about fleeing somalia becuse of a arranged marriage and her family wanting to kill her and her husband and blaming islam ."
Praise for another source, maybe another Michael Moore "Dutch" film maker, which doesn't address that sources credentials.
"but thanks to brave tv documentary makers the dutch now know the truth,the went to somalia to film her family and check out her story and then confronted her with the facts"
Did she actually apologize? Seems to me there is a lot of room for interpretation here ... What if, as happens so often with 'brave' documentarians, her words were twisted by editing to fit the narative?
" ,guess what she looked soooooooo cheap on tv and asked for forgiveness as she told bullshit to get a resident permit in holland and after a passport "
Victims often end up facing thier abusers in court, or by accident, but this doesn't negate the threat the abuser has posed, nor does it equate to forgiveness by the victim. So ...
",it was a delight to see all this on tv and gess what she even admited that she met with the husband ( that wanted to kill her} hier in holland wow she was so scared of him that she met with him."
Another swipe at us poor deluded capitalists who will still be fighting for our country when Holland has become paert of the next Caliphate.
"but she is good for the consumption of the stupid usa "
For emphasis "the dutch now know the truth" Last I checked the truth boils down to this simple fact. Van Gogh was murdered in the name of Islam, and Muslims are threatening Ayaan Hirsi Ali with the same fate. wefner doesn't care to address that.
So Ragnar, is wefner any good as a source, and is that link worth a damn?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 27, 2007 03:49 PM (2OHpj)
Oyster. Our enemies don't know what "Doomed" means yet, but we can teach them! Don't give up! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 27, 2007 03:52 PM (2OHpj)
Yo folks...Senator McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was US Territory at the time. He can run for President, as can anyone born at Gitmo (also US Territory) I was. Do I want the headache?
Not just No, but HELL NO!
Posted by: Macker at February 27, 2007 09:18 PM (008Jc)
Try starting at the invasion rate of Mexicans into my country (which increases geometrically every fucking year,) and extrapolate future population predictions with their racist/nationalist voting trends. You might want to look at voting trends in present communities with wetback majorities as well. They do not vary one iota from their racist norm.
That's right. I wrote "wetback."
If you make an honest effort to do so, you will have an honest argument. Right now all you have is the standard open borders mentality, complete with the standard ad hominem attacks.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 28, 2007 04:35 AM (Dt3sl)
Absolutly positivly no forgeiners in the whitehouse becuase 8 years of a liar,rapists and straitor BILL CLINTON was enough
Posted by: sandpiper at February 28, 2007 11:10 AM (4pkrX)
Posted by: sandpiper at March 02, 2007 11:05 AM (/4Knp)
I see that not all of the commenters are willing to buy into the articles definition of 'legitimate resistance'. It's nice to see that some ideas are to far to left for some of the far left's people to go.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 12:39 AM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 25, 2007 02:02 AM (8e/V4)
Why is this news? Markos is a Screw America First traitor who ought to be swinging from the nearest yardarm. What - exactly - is difficult to fathom about that? He owns all of the content at his site, so it is all on his little pillow-biting, popsickle-boy, pencil-neck.
I am so not surprised in the least by this. *yawn, stretch, sigh*
Posted by: Hucbald at February 25, 2007 02:04 AM (w8csg)
Just read some of the comments. There's still some hope for the Leftards.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 25, 2007 02:04 AM (8e/V4)
Actually it's true. Koskids are not all zombies after all. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 05:40 AM (2OHpj)
Ahhhh....the warm smug blanket of nuanced self righteousness these
leftist "patriots" wrap themselves in is just so darn cute. Once they
have thrown themselves down before the altar of moral and cultural
relativism there is no evil they can't excuse.
Posted by: Randman at February 25, 2007 10:40 AM (Sal3J)
I was surprised that not even many of the Kossaks were buying this. Some did.
Posted by: Good Lt at February 25, 2007 12:21 PM (D0TMh)
Actually it's true. Koskids are not all zombies after all. USA, all "the way!"
And yet, even though they don't buy into the idea of the 'legitimate resistance', I cannot credit them (the Kossaks) very much. Because its been quite clear to anyone who follows politics and the GWOT (and Iraq) to any extent, knows that the American Left as a whole has been on the wrong side of the issue since before the Iraq invasion.
Even moreso, this clarifies that the Kossaks understand that the "Iraqi resistance' movement is merely a media talking point originating in Iran and Syria and yet.....they still DON'T SUPPORT THE WAR effort.
Makes them stand out like sore thumbs for the useful idiots they are.
Posted by: mrclark at February 25, 2007 12:51 PM (LOZfv)
Sorry...I need to clarify my last statement a bit....
I said: Because its been quite clear to anyone who follows politics and the GWOT (and Iraq)
I meant: Because its been quite clear to anyone who follows politics and the GWOT (including Iraq)
sorry for the distraction
Posted by: mrclark at February 25, 2007 12:53 PM (LOZfv)
Well I'm not sure that Kos won't lose his audience as some of his followers "taste the salt".
In fact, you can use that phrase if you like it. I'm starting to use it to describe the state of awakening that is suppossed to occur when zombies in Voodoo folklore taste salt, and realize thay have been slaves to an evil magician all of this time. Once they "taste the salt" they turn on their former enslaver, and rip them to peices. Good stuff man!
Anyway, I know for a fact that many of the left aren't really anti-American idiots, but they HAVE made some poor choices in their source material. If you get then enough information, they will have enough to finally see the 'magician' for what he is, and reject him. On a one for one basis, I have won such victories, and it feels good!
Compare Leiberman to Carter, and tell me you wouldn't be willing to by a cup of coffee for Joe, and find out why he is a Democrat. These guys are not like each other. When you find one who uses his conscience, you have a chance to feed him some salt, and save him.
Make him "taste the salt" ! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 06:58 PM (2OHpj)
Why do so few seem to wonder why they always end up on the side that is intent on overthrowing duly elected democratic governments, rooting for the side that is setting off bombs in crowded markets filled with innocent men, women and children and supporting those who think homosexuality and even pre marital sex is a crime punishable by death. What sane person would trust the future to a fascist who would write such filth.
Posted by: Buzzy at February 26, 2007 08:39 AM (CXz7T)
Buzzy, if you (generic 'you') start with the premises: 1. The ends always justify the means; 2. Capitalism is evil, exploits the poor and the earth, and must be stopped (Capitalism endorses the notions of individualism and self-sufficiency, both concepts you abhor because your father never had them, and your dependence on your mother bred an affinity for a nanny state); and 3. Capitalism is dependent upon America's dominance in the world.
Then you will always root for things which further a 'balance of power.' Since the Soviets aren't around to keep the balance, you have to find some other source, such as environmentalism as a means to retard America's capitalist growth. As the ends justify the means, you can sentence millions of Africans to death (by banning genetically engineered crops and DDT), so long as the EU can keep up with the US.
In addition to the above premises, if you mix in a little bit of anti-joo sentiment and affinity for moral relativism (relativism usually seen as a useful solution to traditional Christian condemnation of your sexual habits), then your pragmatic opposition to the US becomes sufficient zealous to win the admiration of your peers (which is really all you want, since you lacked a strong father figure in your youth).
Posted by: wooga at February 26, 2007 01:03 PM (t9sT5)
Wooga! Good show! Should be required reading! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 26, 2007 07:18 PM (2OHpj)
Minneapolis: No Sharia Taxis--for now
The Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Commission sends word that it has not, and will not, become dhimmis to Muslims demanding that it enforce Sharia law. For now. You'll remember that Muslim cabbies had refused service to blind customers who had seeing eye dogs (dogs are considered unclean) and those carrying alcohol.
Reader Skip sent off an e-mail to the Commission when he first heard about it, but only received an answer from them today. I've reprinted below some of the e-mail written by Emberly Hermann of the Metro Airports Commission in his reply to Skip.
The bad news? They are working with the Muslim American Society, a front group for the radical Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood. The good news? They've proposed increased fines for Muslim cabbies that refuse service:
For the past several months, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has worked with airport taxi industry representatives and with leaders from the Muslim American Society and the Somali Justice Advocacy League. The goal was to find a solution acceptable to everyone and transparent to the customer seeking airport taxi service. Unfortunately, those discussions have not resulted in a workable, voluntary, consensus-based solution.
As a result, the Airports Commission is proposing stricter penalties for refusal of service: a 30-day suspension of a driver's airport taxi license for the first instance, and license revocation for a second instance. [ed-emphasis mine]
Michelle Malkin has the details of the meeting in which the public will be invited by the Commission to comment on the proposed penalty increases. I'd suggest that if you're in the area that you go and speak your peace.
Because if you don't go, I can gaurantee you that the Muslim American Society will have their minions out in force. And if there's anything at all that we know about politicians, it is that they often back down in the face of a vocal opposition.
You can put the red ball back in your mouth now. I was merely stating how I would like to go and voice my opinion at this hearing in favor of raising the fine for these taxi drivers who think they can impose Sharia law on the rest of us, not kick anyones ass. You talk the talk tough guy...If you support Sharia law go be Ahmandinejad's personal fluffer you gimp and get the fuck out of our country.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at February 23, 2007 05:51 PM (CtVG6)
4Unfortunately, those discussions have not resulted in a workable, voluntary, consensus-based solution.
How culturally insensitive of them. Just the way I like it.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 23, 2007 06:01 PM (8e/V4)
That is the perfect example of the difference between people who happen to be muslim that come to America to be Americans and mouselims who come to America to be moozlims.
It is also why the left hates President Bush, because he's not a politician, he's a leader. clinton, one was and one still is, a politician.
Let me go one step closer just for you.... a politician is one who gets us into trouble that only a leader can show us the way out of. The problem being that no one can make you take that way out, you have to want to get out, more than you want to be comfortable. Ironic that a meezslum tried to murder 2 Americans in Nashville a few days ago with a cab becuase he didn't like what they had to say about his religion. Why is that waste of skin still breathing?
Posted by: wb at February 23, 2007 06:04 PM (/IGcN)
You wish all civilized men were dead. Wish in your left hand, and shit in your right. See which gets filled first.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 08:22 PM (Dt3sl)
Increased Fines? How about they strap em to a gurney and administer an IV drip of Mogen David while forcing them to watch re runs of the Anna Nicloe show.
Posted by: Billy at February 23, 2007 08:49 PM (1SzWp)
Proud Minnesotan here - I fly back to MPLS/SP from NY at least twice a year and from now on I'm getting stocked up with booze taking a cab home instead renting a car. I find it hilarious that these stupid AH's have thier superiority complexes when it comes to a liquour and dogs, but otherwise they don't mind chauffeuring kaffir's around for a living.
Posted by: NormanBoobie at February 24, 2007 01:41 AM (cxp/w)
Cab = car bomb. But don't worry if they are intolerant of the west.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 03:23 AM (2OHpj)
And yes, such a generalized accusation IS a bit of hypocrisy on my part. Maybe if car bombs didn't kill people, I'd be more willing to leave my idea as unsaid. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 03:28 AM (2OHpj)
Shari'a in My Backyard
This is happening blocks from where I'm going for my MS - right here in Philly:
For students living on Beige Block, the potential move of the liquor store closer to the area may be a godsend.
But to Ahmed Rushdie, the news is nothing less than "insulting."
Officials familiar with the negotiations say that there are talks to move the 41st and Market streets liquor store to 43rd and Walnut streets, a location close in proximity to a K-8 school and a community mosque.
The Masjid Al-Jamia Mosque is located at 4228 Walnut St., while the Penn-Alexander school is at 4209 Spruce St.
Rushdie, a professor in Penn's Near Eastern Language and Civilizations Department and a board member of Masjid Al-Jamia, says the move raises serious issues for Muslims in the area - under Islamic law, it is illegal for Muslims to consume alcohol.
Ten bucks City Council steps in and rules in favor of the oppressed.
This makes me wonder, what did Catholics do during prohibition?
Posted by: QC at February 23, 2007 03:32 PM (PX+vn)
Sorry! did I miss the part where they will be forced to consume the alcohol? I am sure they also avoid other places that alcohol is sold and drank, like airplanes, restaurants and nightclubs?
Posted by: davec at February 23, 2007 03:37 PM (yaQM4)
...Then don't fucking patronize the liquor store for Christ sake! No one is trying to force it down his throat! Fuck! These people make me sick! And articles like these make me see red...damn I need a drink now. Is that OK by you Ahmed? Bollocks to thee and thine.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at February 23, 2007 05:34 PM (CtVG6)
About 500 muncipalities in the USA are "dry" I think the Baptists are the one of the christian sects against this. Of course the Mormons are agaist it also.
50% of Mississippi is dry.
Most of even liberal Martha's Vineyard is dry. I don't ever seem to recall seeing a liquor store right next to a church or school, a lot of places have zoning against that.
Posted by: JOHN RYAN at February 23, 2007 05:53 PM (Ujb5t)
who had John "amoral" Ryan equating this post with Christians for 10 points?
Posted by: davec at February 23, 2007 07:07 PM (yaQM4)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 24, 2007 01:35 AM (JVqe0)
Shoogie: go back to Barnes & Noble and put on your horn-rimmed glasses and talk with your dike friends about all the evils of America, you slack jawed hippie cocksucker. A day will come when whinning fucking maggots like you are expelled from our country.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at February 24, 2007 01:40 AM (CtVG6)
Hmmmm......a liquor store nearby "forces" them to drink......viewing an apparition of female beauty "forces" them to rape.......and, apparently, living in the vicinity of jews "forces" them to these dirt bag sacks of bovine scatology have any self control ?? Even a dog knows not to shit on the carpet !!
Posted by: Edward Lunny at February 24, 2007 10:19 AM (QkaPP)
'Hmmmm......a liquor store nearby "forces" them to drink......viewing
an apparition of female beauty "forces" them to rape.......and,
apparently, living in the vicinity of jews "forces" them to these dirt bag sacks of bovine scatology have any self
control ?? Even a dog knows not to shit on the carpet !!"
do you have any self control not to get worked up over the internet you worthless hypocrite?
Posted by: shoogie woogie at February 24, 2007 03:00 PM (AeRA2)
Why do you cunts want islamopithecines to rule American neighborhoods? The Nazis aided the koranimals in WWII. Hitler and the muzzies share the same anti-American beliefs you twats do.
Any reason why you pretend not to like Hitler's anti-semitic socialism? Seeing as how you share it in spades.
Try to consider logic when you construct your vapid sentences.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 25, 2007 12:37 AM (Dt3sl)
As an observation on liberal bias in choosing sides ...
I suppose if it was a gay bar John Ryan, and Shoogie Woogie would be defending the rights of the alchohol establishment, over the oppression of the religious group.
It's all about what serves the liberal agenda, and freedom is not always part of the equation.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 25, 2007 03:36 AM (2OHpj)
"Why do you cunts want islamopithecines to rule American neighborhoods? The Nazis aided the koranimals in WWII. Hitler and the muzzies share the same anti-American beliefs you twats do."
Oh yeah, because that's what I've ALWAYS wanted. Gee, you're so brilliant and have blown my cover. I'm a nazi-commie-gay-leftard-socialist-whatever. Keep trying to invent things, Buttholz.
"Any reason why you pretend not to like Hitler's anti-semitic socialism? Seeing as how you share it in spades."
See last comment.
"Try to consider logic when you construct your vapid sentences."
You should consider reconcile your fantasies from reality before posting.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 25, 2007 03:13 PM (JVqe0)
You haven't criticized the islamopithecines for trying to force sharia on real citizens. Not that anybody would believe you if you did.
Sophomoric ad hominems directed at me don't change the fact that Hitler was a socialist who actively sought to surpress free speech--traits shared by the left. Traits shared by you.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 25, 2007 08:18 PM (Dt3sl)
"boy, clever, i hope you didnt strain yourself with that one " more effort than it was worth ,but, a bit more than you put into your efforts of debate.
Posted by: Edward Lunny at February 26, 2007 08:12 AM (QkaPP)
"There is a desire to assimilate and be seen as everyday Americans," Morse said. "But because of Muslim customs like clothing, it can be hard to fit in."
Adhering to sharia law regarding the clothes that women must wear is not reflective of a desire to assimilate into American culture.
Scratch that. Trumpeting the desire to adhere to sharia law regarding the clothes that women must wear is not reflective of any attempt to assimilate into American culture.
If they want to wear burqhinis, that's their business, but trying to make it into something that somehow melds with our singular American culture is asinine.
Nowhere in the news I read do you get triumphant stories of Muslim women happy to wear thong bikinis in defiance of the sharia code on our beaches.
You won't read about it but check out Clear Water Beach, lot's of good ( and bad ) Persian type booties in thongs. Now that's a mohammeds paradise...... would you pass the pulled pork with the jack daniel's BBQ suace?
Posted by: wb at February 20, 2007 01:12 PM (lw93R)
The Muslim concept of assimilation is the same as the Borg's, resistance is futile you will become Muslim or die. They will not assimilate into western society, they will assimilate western society into Islam and transform western society into the fucked up hellhole that Islamic society is.
A Troubling Look Inside 'Moderate' Islam
This Philly Enquirer story is titled "A troubling look inside radical Islam", but when you read it you realize that it's really about "moderate" Islam. And it's not just "troubling", it's "very, very troubling". One might even call it "alarming". "Gobsmackingly" so.
How is calling others as 'traitors' and calling for their death shocking to anyone on this site? You can read it in almost every post here only it's usually Dems being the target... Say what you will about this being a political blog, nobody buys it - the 'right' side is at least 90% heavier with name-calling and death threats.
Posted by: tbone at February 15, 2007 04:56 PM (HGqHt)
I defy you to point out any 'death threats' levied here.
Secondly....(speaking only for myself), I tend to call a spade a spade.
In an era where "alternative media" websites are pulling the wool off of the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' (otherwise known as revealing the "MSM" for the partisan tools they are).....and this being an "alternative media" website, I can hardly feign shock at people such as myself for calling defeatists and terrorist appeasers exactly what they are.
If you want more of of feigned objectivity, there is always NPR.
Posted by: mrclark at February 15, 2007 05:38 PM (s2PX4)
2nd comment: It is "the right" as you say, which is reporting on the intolerance of "mainstream muslims".
It is "the left" which is turning a blind eye to the intolerance of "mainstream Islam" in America in hopes that they'll be somehow accepted for their 'tolerance'.
Posted by: mrclark at February 15, 2007 05:46 PM (s2PX4)
the 'right' side is at least 90% heavier with name-calling and death threats
What complete and utter bullshit tbone. We know your side makes its
living on repeating lies but they only work on the mindless lemmings of
the left you hyperventilating wanker.
Posted by: Randman at February 15, 2007 06:06 PM (Sal3J)
So tbone, have you got your burqa yet? Practicing your "welcome to our muslim overlords" speech?
Posted by: L at February 15, 2007 06:07 PM (Gvo/q)
tbone: No death threat but I would enjoy kicking your ass until your IQ reached 70. Which may take awhile. A long while.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 15, 2007 07:06 PM (Lddpk)
Tbone is one of those guys who keeps going out and getting fucked in the ass, convinced that some day if he finds the right penis, it will miraculously start to feel good.....
Posted by: L at February 15, 2007 07:07 PM (Gvo/q)
Rusty Schekleford worried about moderate muslims????? But, but, but, I thought you went to dinner with them.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 15, 2007 07:15 PM (Lddpk)
9the 'right' side is at least 90% heavier with name-calling and death threats.
Yeah, sure. It's not Liberal speakers getting bum rushed by the audience, it's conservatives ones. Conservatives have to hire private bodyguards to speak in front of Leftwingers lest they get assaulted. The myth of Liberal "tolerance" was busted a long time ago around here.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 15, 2007 07:55 PM (8e/V4)
Posted by: greyrooster at February 16, 2007 11:34 PM (7m0Mc)
Y'know, I'm getting pretty tired of looking for the legendary 'moderate Muslim'. I'm serious. Finding the unicorn was easy by comparison. I'm not even noticing Greyrooster's 'outlaw' suggestions as being that extreme anymore. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 17, 2007 05:33 AM (2OHpj)
"Law-Abiding Citizens Have No Right To Own Guns"Misha takes down a severely flawed 'argument' for taking away the guns of the law-abiding citizenry. This leftwing brainfart comes from the "Institute for Social Policy and Understanding" (translation - fascists who want to reduce your freedom because you have too much of it).
The idea of public gun ownership simply does not make sense anymore. The right to bear arms, as enumerated in the Second Amendment, was meant for the maintenance of a “well-regulated militia.†At the time the amendment was adopted, standing armies were viewed with a great deal of suspicion, and therefore, gun-owning individuals were seen as a protection mechanism for the public. These gun owners were also seen as guardians of the republic against the tyranny of the rulers. The framers of the Constitution saw the right to bear and use arms as a check against an unruly government. That state of affairs no longer exists.
That is some of the most tired, played-out bullsh*t that I've ever heard.
Its mommy syndrome gone wild. You've done nothing wrong, but Johnny Jihad shot some people, so nobody gets to have guns. Not even you people who have not and will not do anything illegal with them. Protecting your families and businesses when the police can't immediately respond doesn't count as "legal" or "practical use" of guns.
Taking this 'logic' to its conclusion, we should then ban all cars, because there is a subset of the population who are subretards and kill people while inebriated despite the laws against being intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle.
Newsflash: Just because something is illegal doesn't mean people aren't going to do it. Drugs. Illegal gun ownership. Underage drinking. Sudden jihad syndrome. Assault. You name it.
Antecdote: There was a jewelry store robbery yesterday in South Philly. Three trogladites in masks tried to hold up the small store with oozies and handguns. One of the store employees who was out for lunch came back to the store while the robbery was in progress. Startled by the employee, the robbers were temporarily distracted. That's when the store owner (an Israeli army vet) pulled a gun from below the counter and shot two of the three robbers. They tried to get away, but were abandoned by their getaway driver and the injured criminals were forced to flag down police to get medical aid. Two of the three robbers are in custody, and the third is being sought.
According to the ISPU, that store owner was not within his constitutional rights, and should have surrendered his merchandise to the trolls in Haloween masks without a fuss. The fact that he had a gun was just too risky to the robbers (and presumably to the entire American populace.) The era of "unruly government" is gone. What he fails to ennunciate in his jihad against law-abiding gun-owners is that that unruly government has been replace with unruly street thugs, gangs, psychopaths, robbers, etc. Government isn't the only threat to a person's well being, you know.
These leftwingnut impulses are going to end up killing you and your fellow citizens because somebody might be offended. This kind of nanny-state crap needs to be squished and resisted at every turn.
Let the leftards stew. I intend to keep my gun because as long as we (conservatives) own guns, leftwingnuts like him can't have their long-promised "revolution." They can TALK about it, but we own guns. LOL.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 15, 2007 11:34 AM (8e/V4)
It is no accident that the same people who state there is no longer any chance of a corrupt goverment are the the same ones who seek to disarm us. The potential for corruption and abuse has never been greater. The ONLY thing that keeps that from happening is an armed America. If you think anything else, you're a fucking idiot
Posted by: LeRoy at February 15, 2007 11:39 AM (SxnQ6)
Does the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding realize its acronym is pronounced "I spew"...?
Posted by: McGehee at February 15, 2007 12:09 PM (lAOTn)
Huh? So because the 2nd amendment appears to be "outdated" we should just scrap it? Heck... why not just chuck the whole Bill or Rights. After all, it was written by old white dudes in the 18th century so it must not be valid anymore, right? Whatever. I tend to take idiotic comments from anti-gun nuts with a grain of smokeless powder...
Posted by: Rick at February 15, 2007 01:26 PM (9ZqGe)
Volkh had another thread on guns recently, regarding the link between gun control and fascism.
It devolved into the standard "the gov't has really big guns, so the notion of private gun ownership acting as a hedge against an unruly gov't is no longer valid, and thus the 2nd Amendment is moot."
I noted to 1992 LA riots, where the police refused to come to the aid of Korean shopkeepers, who had to take up arms to defend themselves. As I said there, THAT is why I want to be armed. Not because I think Nancy Pelosi
is going to send some brown-shirts (or whatever color shirts they may
have in SF) after me, but rather that Pelosi will be more than willing
to sacrifice my family's safety so as not to offend the sensibilities
of some other rioting minority group.
Posted by: wooga at February 15, 2007 01:29 PM (t9sT5)
If you go to their website and click on the "Scholars" link, it will list these "brilliant" thinkers. Note their names. Probably thinking, "It will be so much easier to subjugate unarmed kuffar than an armed resistance."
Posted by: catseye at February 15, 2007 03:37 PM (X+AwP)
Posted by: Good Lt at February 15, 2007 04:38 PM (D0TMh)
heres some moron too stupid to know what two and two add up to making some stupid rediclous study and i,ll bet this crap will be tuaght in the schools instead of sending this jerk to the detention room for being a jerk
Posted by: sandpiper at February 15, 2007 04:41 PM (XnXsx)
If the leftards want to offer themselves as victims, let them, then if the shit hits the fan they won't be in the way anymore. There is nothing in the 2nd amendment about an expiration date, nor in any of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Thank you, but I'd rather defend mine and myself than wait for assistance that may never come.
Posted by: Edward Lunny at February 15, 2007 04:52 PM (QkaPP)
"Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless."
"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie."
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one. â€
"Only an armed people can be the real bulwark of popular liberty."
--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." --Adolf Hitler, 1935
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 15, 2007 09:56 PM (Dt3sl)
The guy who wrote that article isn't just a lefty, he's a "moderate" Muslim who supports conspiracy theories about the government, Jews, etc. He's also a Lawyer if memory serves, I blogged about this gut a couple of months ago. Google his name and you'll see his writings which should convince you that his motive for banning Guns isn't the usually lefty crap, but more of a desire to turn our cities into Paris suburb style "sensitive zones".
Posted by: Rob Taylor at February 15, 2007 11:40 PM (zPX84)
Either we kill all the lefturds, or they will enslave us, but there is no in between.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 17, 2007 01:45 PM (eGb9y)
So, what evidence does the author provide that citizens no longer need protection from their own government? Wouldn't the Government taking our rights away be one of the symptoms of a "bad" government? Or, more simply- Trying to take our guns away is evidence of the need to keep them.
Posted by: highlander at February 20, 2007 12:39 AM (uAPGI)
Another Troop-Hating Liberal Professor
These moonbat dunces are parodies of themselves nowadays. Here's a "teacher" who can't get over the fact that her hyperleftist "truth" isn't going to make the "war criminal" Marines in her classes turn their guns on George W. Bush.
You can feel the hate and resentment in every sentence. Her anguish is our pleasure:
A room full of students listened as a US Marine told of the invasion of Baghdad and Falluja and how he killed innocent Iraqis at a check point. He called them “collateral damage†and said he had followed the “rules.â€
A Muslim-American student in front of him said “I could slap you but then you would kill me.†A young female Muslim student gasped “I am a freshman; I never thought to hear of this in a class. I feel sick, like I will pass out.â€
I knew in that moment that this was what the future of teaching about justice would include: teaching war criminals who sit glaring at me with hatred for daring to speak the truth of their atrocities and who, if paid to, would disappear, torture and kill me. I wondered that night how long I really have in this so called “free†country to teach my students and to be with my children and grandchildren.
These morons complain about the way they're percieved, and then go on to vindicate us at every turn. Anti-American, anti-military, anti-religious, anti-capitalist, anti-sanity leftists who vote Democrat.
If you see this prof on your campus, do the free world a favor and push her down a flight of stairs.
NOTE and OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate violence against leftists, but I do advocate clueclubbing of morons. Said clueclubbing can take many forms - on the left, for example, we often see their version of clueclubbing at "peace" rallies spitting on soldiers, yelling through megaphones, screaming hysterically at perceived enemies, spraypainting the Capitol, vandalizing military recruitment stations, slashing tires, throwing paint, keying cars, burning American flags, pushing and shoving, resisting arrest, swarming around dissidents, etc. Use your imagination as to what free speech is - the lefists and socialists sure do.
And for those of you wondering why "push her down a flight of stairs" may sound familiar, I was quoting Penn and Teller from this video railing against 9-11 truther idiots. So now, the question becomes "Do Penn and Teller advocate violence?"
1"...Muslim... student in front of him said “I could slap you but then you would kill me...â€
That's right Mo-slime filth; the marine will whoop your ass. Mo-slimes are brave only when they are persecuting and murdering innocents who have no means of defending themselves. D@mn Mo-slimes better get used to it.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 14, 2007 12:16 PM (vixLB)
You know what would be a hoot? To get this numnutz professor in the same room with Amanda Marcotte of Pendagon. Marcotte is a rabid anti-Catholic bigot, and this moonbat teacher happens to teach at a Catholic college.
And yet they both slurp at the trough of leftism, sharing their BDS-screeching spittle with the other leftist cattle.
I do wonder, though, how Amanda would be able to justify being civil to the teacher? Probable have to twist and turn so much she'd look like a circus freak. Oh wait..... my bad.
Posted by: Gwedd at February 14, 2007 12:17 PM (wlNg1)
What a crock of bullshit and fabrications if I ever head it.
Posted by: Randman at February 14, 2007 12:27 PM (Sal3J)
4 proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis.
Really, leftard? He really "proudly proclaimed" that they "terrorized" and killed "defenseless" Iraqis? And he was proud of it? He really said that?
With Leftards we are dealing with emotional children inhabiting adult bodies. You can choose to pull your hair out at their moronity, or just laugh at them. I choose to laugh.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 14, 2007 12:51 PM (8e/V4)
Careful Lt., you're advocating fighting back against the enemy, which is strictly verboten around here. Per Rusty's ROE, the only acceptable response is to raise your skirts and scream like a little girl.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 14, 2007 12:51 PM (6zYAC)
That Marine has a whole lot more restraint than I do.
Posted by: 1sttofight at February 14, 2007 12:53 PM (VD6p+)
The young Muslim wanted to slap a soldier (hmm, violent tendencies in a Muslim, say it ain't so!).
When terrorists murder innocents where is this young Muslim speaking out? Nope, it's America's fault.
So pathetic and sad.
Posted by: Richard Romano at February 14, 2007 01:51 PM (/2Xsz)
So GWB didn't march into the room with the BushCO gestapo and arrest her for thought and speech crimes against the govenment?
Her FA rights are gloriously intact, then. Whether or not people buy her socialist drivel is up to them, and not her. Apparently, there were free thinkers in the class of mindless zombies.
And that makes her really mad.
Posted by: Good Lt at February 14, 2007 02:00 PM (D0TMh)
"Economy of the People, For the People and By the People! Put Economic Power in the Hands of the People!
Moralists of the world - unite"
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 14, 2007 02:12 PM (Dt3sl)
The hardcore communist appeal above came from the heading at the website that features the professor's drivel. (I tried to reproduce it in the huge bold font used there, but it didn't work.) Not the most subtle message in the world.
Oooh! they substituted "workers" with "moralists!" The meaning is totally changed! Idiots.
Commies always slander democratic governments as Imperialist oppressors of the people, and soldiers as running dog lackeys and stooges. They claim democratic societies are rife with class warfare and that racial minorities and women are downtrodden. Their crude slogans haven't changed one iota since they were first conceived in the 19th century, despite the fact that society has changed--radically.
The idea is to get a revolution started so that they can step in and seize control. Totalitarian dystopias and huge body counts always follow when they're successful.
The fact that their slogans are all backwards doesn't seem to affect the rank and file idiots who buy into their subversive sloganeering.
The regressive, America-last professor was clearly anguished over her inability to convince her patriotic students that America is the cause of all the world's evil. She's one of the marching morons who cant tell the difference between subversive propaganda and genuine ideology. She actually believes that juvenile rhetoric. I doubt she even knows how far gone she is. She's an unconscious Marxist.
300 million dead in the last century alone. By all means, let's give communism another shot. The world needs more North koreas and Cubas. Why cant we accept that morality?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 14, 2007 02:39 PM (Dt3sl)
Does anyone have her email addy?
No Marine ever said any of this.
No Muslim student ever said any of this.
It's sad when a person in her position has to rely on lies to get their twisted point across.
Why do moonbats like this stay here if they hate it so much?
Posted by: joegosox at February 14, 2007 02:48 PM (OZn2O)
Really, The bitch should apply at Tehran University, then scream for our help when they get out the crane and the rope.
Posted by: Howie at February 14, 2007 02:52 PM (YHZAl)
Posted by: greyrooster at February 14, 2007 04:00 PM (MK5KV)
I asked my two friends I could get ahold of immediately what great ammounts of "bling and booty" they got from Iraq.
One got a couple of cans of Dutch beer and a $5 donkey than ran away a week later. The other got a devil beanie baby he carried everywhere and a flower from a 13 year old girl he gave school supplies to.
Posted by: RanbaRal at February 14, 2007 04:54 PM (VvXII)
Point of interest: this lamebrain is a professor at Loyola - the school "Shakespeare's Sister" claims to have graduated from, <a href="">offering that as evidence she's not anti-Catholic</a>.
Posted by: goy at February 14, 2007 05:02 PM (yxrZu)
The author of this pile of crap, who works as adjunct faculty at Loyola, NIU and Columbia College, has a website.
An excerpt from her "About" page, shows that she's anything but 'objective':
"By “social justice,†I am referring to the radical restructuring
of the distribution of resources in a society so that all people have
shelter, food, clean water, adequate medical care and the means to
self-determine their own lives. ... what is the root or foundation of capitalism, the priority
of capital or profit, the bottom-line that profit comes before people?
Under capitalism it is logical (inhuman and evil but logical) that one
should enslave people because then you make more profit off of the
proceeds of your plantation or oil field." [emph. added]
Communist/socialist regimes, of course, have never enslaved anyone, have they.
This is the sort of frogwit most welcome in academic institutions these days. This is the sort of person most likely teaching your college-aged kids, folks.
Posted by: goy at February 14, 2007 06:35 PM (yxrZu)
You had to threaten violence becasue your words are
and you had to stay true to type
Posted by: nick at February 15, 2007 12:39 AM (MiwXJ)
it's not Liberal speakers who are routinely being assaulted on stage, it's conservative ones being assaulted by Liberals. A conservative speaker can't show up at a university today without security gaurds surrounding the podium to protect him from deranged Leftards. So while GL "threatens" violence, it's Liberals actually carrying out that threat.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 15, 2007 11:00 AM (8e/V4)
Our collages are full of these idiots no wonder their so stupid at these collages
Posted by: sandpiper at February 15, 2007 04:53 PM (XnXsx)
Guess you didn't read the post. People who live in glass houses..
"peace" rallies spitting
on soldiers, yelling through megaphones, screaming hysterically at
perceived enemies, spraypainting the Capitol, vandalizing military
recruitment stations, slashing tires, throwing paint, keying cars,
burning American flags, pushing and shoving, resisting arrest, swarming
around dissidents, etc.
Don't make us laugh.
Posted by: Good Lt at February 15, 2007 11:43 PM (D0TMh)
Protecting the Vietnam Memorial from Leftist America Haters
Apparently Saint Cindy "my firstborn was killed for the PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel"* Sheehan is going to march on the Vietnam Memorial with Hanoi Jane in order to protest the Iraq War. Unfortunately, she will be met by patriotic American Vets. And by patriotic, I mean the kind that actually root for the U.S. to win its wars.
Leftist activists who march to the Pentagon next month will discover that their path won't be as clear as it has been in the past.
The group, led by Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark and their ilk, plan to gather March 17 at the Vietnam Memorial Wall to begin a march to protest America's involvement in the Iraq war. The date marks the fourth anniversary of the war's beginning.
This time, however, protestors will see objectors if they spit on Iraqi veterans again, or throw paint on a war memorial. This time, they will encounter a buzz saw of Vietnam veterans and supporters who will gather to protect the Wall, and show their support for U.S. troops. The counter-protestors are calling themselves the Gathering of Eagles.
Posted by: Good Lt at February 08, 2007 10:28 PM (D0TMh)
You just gotta love the veterans. God bless them.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 09, 2007 01:23 AM (8e/V4)
You and the hard-core militant-ass christians are the same.
They believe in Free Will but think you should never use it.
You people believe in free speech, but should never use it.
Calling out the politics of preserving an Israeli state is NOT Anti-Semitic (can't you even spell your hatred right?). It's calling out political motivations.
But do you call out Bill Donohue of the Catholic Reich for actually being an anti-Semite? No, you bitch about Bloggers who call him out.
You are a gem, you are. You are destined for great things. Remember, a million small minds are more powerful than a few great ones.
yeah, that was sarcasm, geniuses.
Posted by: God of Biscuits at February 09, 2007 04:12 AM (MSZoP)
Free will and free speech for left-wing America-haters and anti-Semites only, huh? You should be able to desecrate as many monuments as you want, and mob assault lone soldiers? The majority needs to shut up and do whatever you retards command?
You're just going to have to throw temper tantrums and hold your collective breath until you turn blue, because the Gathering of Eagles isn't going to let you turn a memorial into a mockery of the men it honors.
You left-wing fascists never change or grow. You're stuck on stupid, still chasing the failed Utopia of socialism. 300 million dead in the last century wasn't enough. You want to give totalitarianism another shot. You're all emotional infants and intellectual children with a boundless hatred for anyone who dares to think differently than you. (What a shock that most people detest political correctness, the socialist agenda and open treason.) Like all spoiled children, your selfish stupidity is dangerous to the productive people around you.
Blaming the overthrow of Saddam Hussein on Israel and dem Joos is full blown anti-Semitism. Hiding behind the "destroy Israel, support the terrorist baby killers" mantra doesn't exactly mask it.
Martin Luthor King told you leftoids that hating Israel was really anti-Semitism. Why do you ignore his words? Isn't he supposed to be your patron saint, after Marx and Stalin?
Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have a homeland. Israel is that historical homeland. Anybody who is against either is against Jews.
You are a particularly vile little speck of smegma. While Christians and conservatives are spending more time, money and energy on charity than the rest of the world combined, you and the Cindy Shehag crowd are busy attacking Jews, Christians and America. You're probably too stupid to even know that you're a racist hatemonger.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 09, 2007 07:06 AM (Dt3sl)
Hey Bitch of Biscuits. Destroying Israel is called typical Nazi
behavior and your fascist friends defacing statutes is not free speech
you little twit.
Posted by: Randman at February 09, 2007 11:00 AM (Sal3J)
"Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have a homeland. Israel is
that historical homeland. Anybody who is against either is against Jews."
So just curious Jeff, but what country are your people from? I suggest you go back there, and just start building something... see what they say when you say this is your historic homeland.
Things are a little more complex then you seem to be able to understand. I and everybody I know support Israel, BUT they're going to have to give up some land for peace. They've helped to create this situation they're in, and it's not going to get better till that happens.
Imagine how you'd feel if Mexican immigrants start claiming that they're going to found a state in Texas... after all... it was theirs before it was Americas. Fair is fair right?
Posted by: John at February 09, 2007 05:55 PM (qiTAx)
"Imagine how you'd feel if Mexican immigrants start claiming that they're going to found a state in Texas... after all... it was theirs before it was Americas. Fair is fair right?"
Yes John, Fair is fair. Winner take all. Lets go!
Islam wants the world John, not just the tiny peice of dirt the Jews are trying to reclaim. While Muslims hold that attitude, I'm solidly on the side on anyone who can push them back.
Same for reconquista mexicans. Not the ones who want to legally immigrate, and assimilate, but the other ones who put up websights describing how nice it will be when you and I go back to Europe.
It's a pretty simple rule John. If you can't defend what you have, someone will take it eventually. Man has many safety mechanisms to keep hs animal nature in check. Some societies are better at using those mechanisms. Islam isn't one of those.
Mercy, whether you like it or not, is a gift which can only be granted by the strong, and then, only if they feel something to make them merciful. The Jews in Israel are rightly unwilling to trust the mercy of their fellow man. What has their fellow man ever done for them, except maybe the USA?
It's not like the whole Saudi peninsula isn't wide open for Muslims! It's not like a whole lot of Asis isn't wide open for Muslims! It's not like Muslims aren't taking over the psychologically helpless Europeans, with only the UK looking like it is regaining its wits. It's not like they aren't welcome to train as Hezb'Allah in Venezuela! It's not like they aren't rioting, and justifying rape in Australia.
Where should we go John? How about the moon? As I recall we were actually there first. Maybe the Muslims will let us have it for ourselves? What do you think? Or maybe we do what we have always done. We realize that other nations, and other peoples are sometimes hostile to us, and we take the necessary steps to insure that we can always prevail! I like that option.
Ten if we like, we can be as merciful, and generous as we want. Like we were merciful when only WE had the A-bomb! Picture an Islamic state developing it first. Hell! Picture half the nations on earth getting it first! We may have been to kind to some of them.
In any case, you can try and talk about morals, and who has what rights, but when you discuss them outside of a real life context, your going to reach some wrong conclusions.
The right of the Jews to find a place they can fight for, and hold for the defense, and survival of their people is all the justification they need. Especially after the last century.
Nobody is planning genocide against Mexicans, so lets leave that question for another day.
We managed to keep the empires of the world from dominating North, and South America, and that was to our advantage. Surely remaining in our original thirteen colonies would have given some European power an advantage over us, as they wouldn't have restrained themselves just because we did.
Israel has a perfectly legitimate right to fight for life. One could call it an unalienable right. I know where I stand on that topic. We can discuss other specific cases where appropriate, but I am a Zionist philosophically speaking, and I support Israel. They have earned what they have.
This is becoming a bit of a rant, so I'm off, and away! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 10, 2007 02:18 AM (2OHpj)
So, I'm just curious Johke, but what country are the Psuedostinian people from? I suggest they go back there, and just start building something... see what is said when they say that is their historic homeland.
It would probably work. After all, idiots like you are willing to believe that they're a genuine ethnic group with ties to Israel from time immemorial. Snicker!
The jews gave up the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank for peace. Where has that got them, shit for brains?
Islamopithecine Imperialists hate Jews and Christians, so they continue to attack them. Very complex.
You need to give up trying to out debate me. You have no hope of doing so, shit-licker.
Texas never belonged to the beaners, by the way. It belonged to Indians like the Comanche, which is why the coward Santa Ana encouraged Americans to settle there. He stupidly thought that after the cock swinging Tejanos disposed of the indians, he could dispose of the Tejanos. What a shocker that it didn't turn out that way.
The mexicans are already claiming the american southWest is theirs and founding colonies there. Fucking ignoramus.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 10, 2007 01:07 PM (Dt3sl)
Here is a heartwarming video made by Grey Dog in
regards to this protest. Have a tissue handy
Zionist rule!
Posted by: oldhippy at February 11, 2007 10:36 AM (BrndJ)