May 21, 2007

Terrorist Support Rally Cancelled Moved

The University of California at Riverside implemented rules that stopped the organizers of the Fifth Annual International Al Awda Conference from being held on campus. Specifically the University refused to allow the Al Awda organizers to discriminate against those who might attend and report what happens there. Specifically they didn’t want any Jooos or reporters present.

But wait, don’t celebrate yet. The organizers moved the conference to Embassy Suites in Garden Grove, California. Ironically Hilton Hotels is one of the companies that Al Awda organizers list a company that should be boycotted for being jooos or serving jooos or who knows.

Lee Kaplan has more here at Frontpagemag: Write Vice chancellor James Sandoval ( and Chancellor France Cordova ( and praise UC Riverside for doing the right thing once the truth emerged. Perhaps other universities will now finally catch on to the ISM and its affiliates like Al Awda. At the same time, get on the phone and send emails to the corporate offices of Hilton Hotel Corporation and the Mayor of Garden Grove and advise them the same type of boycott as this one against Jews planned to be hosted at Embassy Suites can also be done to the Hilton Hotel chain for encouraging such a Jewish hate-fest.

This Al Awda conference should be canceled--period. If UC Riverside can do it, so can Hilton Hotels.

Write: Hilton corporate President Matthew Hart at
That's right on Memoridal Day weekend, as we celebrate and honor those who died in service of our freedom, our Islamist enemy within will be having a conference dedicated to hatred of Jews, Nazi and Islamists ideals. I find that especially disgusting considering how many of the dead we are honoring died fighting against these very same enemies of freedom.

More contact info below the fold. more...

Posted by: Howie at 12:49 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 10, 2007

Pelosi's Assad Meeting Pays Off

nancyandassad.jpgWell not really. Today Assad again vowed not to cooperate in the investigation into the death of Rafiq al-Hariri.

Via The Guardian: Syria will not cooperate with a UN tribunal set up to try suspects in the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri, a defiant President Bashar al-Assad pledged in Damascus today.

Mr Assad's message came as pressure mounted for movement in the case, which triggered mass protests and the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon. A UN investigation has implicated Lebanese and Syrian security officials in the 2005 killing in Beirut. Mr Assad denies involvement but has said that any Syrian found to be involved will be tried by a Syrian court.

Way to go Nancy, your engagment of Mr. Assad is yielding all the results we said it would. more...

Posted by: Howie at 01:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Islam vs. Islamism

An excellent review of the suppressed documentary posted at Pajamas Media:

[Islam vs. Islamism] is a riveting and creatively made film about the most important subject of our time: what to do about radical Islam? It confronts this dilemma in a sly, novelistic manner, inter-weaving the stories of good, moderate Muslims with the Imams and supposedly “true Muslims” who, not surprisingly, accuse the moderate Muslims of not being Muslims at all. Soon enough we learn these Imams are apologists for terrorism and for the worst kind of medieval religious sadism. (One of them enthusiastically endorses the stoning to death of adulterers by holding up a Koran. “I didn’t make this up,” he says proudly. “It is written here.”) The mostly mild-mannered moderate Muslims are shown to be at risk for the lives, some of them accompanied everywhere by bodyguards.

All this is done with the people talking about themselves and revealing themselves (including the Imam responsible for the bloody Danish Cartoons riots). There are no so-called “terrorism experts” or other talking heads interpreting reality for us.

I'm sick and tired of these jerks running left-wing propaganda outlets with our tax dollars. I understand the two individuals most responsible for suppressing Islam vs. Islamism are Leo Eaton and Jeff Bieber. They doled out our tax dollars to have this film made, and now they're abusing their position to prevent anyone from seeing it. If you'd care to give Mr. Eaton and Mr. Bieber a piece of your mind, you can contact them via the info below. Probably won't change their narrow minds, but it'd probably be cathartic:
Leo Eaton
Eaton Creative, Inc.
1646 Stone Chapel Road
New Windsor, MD 21776

(410) 876-9843
(410) 876-3931 (fax)

Jeff Bieber
2775 South Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22206

(703) 998-2600
(703) 998-3401 (fax)

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:33 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 04, 2007

Hot Air : Free the Film! (UPDATED, BUMPED)

On Hot Air today, Michelle interviews Frank Gaffney on the film "Islam vs. the Islamists," which PBS paid for with our tax dollars but now refuses to release:


Gaffney encourages all of us to call the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and our members of Congress. Those numbers, by the way, are 202-879-9600 and 1-800-703-5000 (CPB) and 202-225-3121 (Congress).

UPDATE : You can reach PBS at 703-739-5000. (h/t : Kafir)

Here's the trailer:

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:23 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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May 03, 2007

The Film the Islamists (and PBS Dhimmis) Don't Want You to See

They have the full story at PBS commissioned it, the filmmakers made it, the CAIR types complained about it, and PBS locked it away to make them happy.

If this pisses you off as much as it pisses me off, maybe the PBS execs need to hear from you. I've got the names and contact info for PBS executives and board members BELOW THE FOLD.

(h/t: Ace) more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:30 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 535 words, total size 5 kb.

Murtha Insults and Ignores General Petraeus

murtha_1.JPGDan at Rielworld view emails this link.

In what some might find to be a disgusting video at Hot Air, Jack ABSCAM Murtha claims that the head of Multinational Forces in Iraq, General David Patraeus is a political hack who talked to the media while in DC, but never addressed law makers.

Oh really? Maybe he should ask the many Democrats, and over 200 law makers, including Dems Hoyer, Levin, and Clyburn, who apparently managed to attend the briefing. I cannot believe Johnstown, PA continues to send this fool back to Congress.


Image Credit: Rovian Conspiracy.

Posted by: Howie at 01:29 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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May 02, 2007

Bad Democrat. No Cookie.

Jim McDermott (D) should resign.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) did not have the right to disclose a tape that contained an illegally recorded call between now-Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and members of Republican leadership in 1996, according to a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit released yesterday.

The 5-4 split decision reviewed a case that has spanned over a decade, during which several appeals were made and the House ethics committee issued its own opinion on the matter.'

Baghdad McDermott's reaction was priceless:
McDermott said in a statement that the decision “sharply limited the free speech protections of the First Amendment in violation of binding Supreme Court precedent.”
Whatever, you criminal as*hole.

'Separate but equal' was a Supreme Court precedent at one time. Guess it shouldn't have been changed - it was precedent, after all.

I guess you could even file this under "the most ethically superior, cleanest, most open government EVUH."

Posted by: Good Lt. at 09:40 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

April 30, 2007

Why Harry Reid Is A Lying Sack Of Crap

The Democrats would have you believe the war in Iraq is lost, but that is all 'smoke and mirrors'.
The Coalition forces are getting the job done.

While the mainstream media seems to be preoccupied only with bad news, this video will tell you the other side of the story... the side Harry Reid refuses to acknowledge.
Americans should have all of the facts before allowing the Democratic 'leadership' to damage our national security for decades to come.

Posted by: Kafir at 07:24 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.

April 23, 2007

Steyn on "Gun Free" Zones

The "gun-free zone" fraud isn't just about banning firearms or even a symptom of academia's distaste for an entire sensibility of which the Second Amendment is part and parcel but part of a deeper reluctance of critical segments of our culture to engage with reality. Michelle Malkin wrote a column a few days ago connecting the prohibition against physical self-defense with "the erosion of intellectual self-defense," and the retreat of college campuses into a smothering security blanket of speech codes and "safe spaces" that's the very opposite of the principles of honest enquiry and vigorous debate on which university life was founded. And so we "fear guns," and "verbal violence," and excessively realistic swashbuckling in the varsity production of ''The Three Musketeers.'' What kind of functioning society can emerge from such a cocoon?
Full article here. (h/t : Glenn)

Cross-posted at The Arsenal.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:08 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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April 19, 2007

Islam: Tribe of Choice for America Haters

More on that 'Ismail Ax' connection to the Virginia Tech mass murderer. It's very clear that Cho Seung-Hui chose the Arabic form of Ishmael (Ismail) to make some sort of statement, and I think Bowyer's gets it right from the get go.


First it was Johnny Muhammad, now it was Cho Sueng Hui aka Ismail Ax. Precisely how many mass shooters have to turn out to have adopted Muslim names before we get it? Islam has become the tribe of choice of those who hate American society. I'm not talking about people who grew up as Muslims, confident and secure in their faith, good fathers, sons and neighbors. I'm talking about the angry, malignant, narcissist loners who want to reject their community utterly, to throw off their 'slave name' and represent the downtrodden of the earth by shooting their friends and neighbors.
Many other outlets are focusing on the Abraham and Ishmael story to understand the symbolism of the murderers chosen name. Read the rest of Bowyers article for that. But I think the importance lies elsewhere. The importance of correctly identifying the roots of the present conflict. Those roots are in the clash of civilizations.

For some, becoming a Muslim is a public renunciation of America and the West. In choosing between us and them, these converts choose them.

Many others, though, never become Muslim. Instead, these fellow travellers--Marxists, mainly--identify with them as "the downtrodden". They've already chosen them. Any them will do. The them of choice these days just happens to follow Islam and, oddly enough, disdain Marx more than Adam Smith.

Here's some anectodal evidence that this is true. In one of my "outside the Jawa" projects, I've been involved in several confrontations with jihad supporters. Many of them, however, claim not to be Muslim. Instead, they are the fellow-travellers mentioned above. Marxist-Leninists of one stripe or another and especially devotees of the cult of Che Guevara.

In fact, what passes for wit for many of them is to combine the name of a Communist revolutionary with the name of a famous Muslim historical figure or recent shahid. That is, despite rejecting Islam as a religion they do embrace Islam as an identity. They feel they have more in common with a Palestinian in Gaza than they do with their neighbor across the street.

This type of fellow traveller is especially prevalant on the modern college campus where all the world's ills are commonly laid at the feet of Western civilization.

I'm not trying to imply that Cho was either a Muslim nor that he was a Communist. However, in addition to being a lunatic, it would seem that he was also an America hater.

It says something more about the social construction of Islamic identity than it does about Cho's personal demons. That is, Islam is seen by many as the symbol of 'resistance' to [insert demon here: 'imperialism', 'Zionism', 'consumerism', 'over sexualization', etc.].

Was Cho a Muslim? I doubt it and have been saying so since day one--despite being called "hater" by the nitwits at the Arabisto who didn't bother reading the post they link to. But in his warped mind Cho was someone who was setting the crooked world straight and bringing justice to those responsible. He was the downtrodden, and American society the oppressors.

Cho was no Muslim, but he chose a Muslim name to make a statement. That statement was that he was not one of us. And if that is accurate, then Muslims in America are going to need to more vocally reject groups like CAIR, MAS, and the ISNA to 'speak for them'. Because as long as these groups speak for Muslims, then the perception that Muslims are them rather than us will continue.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:39 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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April 16, 2007

Never Mind the Terrorist in the Room, Let's Focus on the Blogger!

The local Dalton news is just noticing that aljazeerah has ceased publication. They claim to have e-mailed me, but I didn't get anything. It might have got stuck in my spam filter, though. The story ignores all of what El-Najjar has published over the years in support of terrorists and others currently killing American soldiers, but it does focus on why bloggers are not reliable sources.

Ignore the terrorist supporter in the room, let's pick on the blogger.

Dalton Daily Citizen [Emphasis mine]:

Hassan El-Najjar, an associate professor of sociology at Dalton State College, has closed, a site he says is “to promote cross-cultural understanding between people all over the world,” apparently as the result of a campaign undertaken by a person who operates a Web log called The Jawa Report (
Credit duly taken, but are you kidding me about al Jazeerah promoting "cross-cultural understanding"?. It goes on:
From the perspective of El-Najjar, who says he is a native of Gaza, Palestine, Israeli Jews took control of Muslim holy land in an “occupation,” and are proponents of Zionism. Similarly, the U.S. presence in Iraq is an occupation of Arab land, and those fighting against this “Imperialism” are “resistance fighters,” rather than “terrorists.”
What's so incredible is that they don't take the time to look through aljazeerah's archives where El-Najjar openly supports known terrorists. These aren't people that I "think" are "terrorists". El-Najjar can call them whatever he wants. They are people that the American government calls "terrorists".

Like most stupid media stories, they treat this as a dispute between two equally credible sources. Now, I'm not saying that The Jawa Report is all that credible, but it certainly is a whole lot more credible than a website which claims that dead terrorists are "martyrs", that 9/11 was an inside job, and that Muslim-on-Muslim violence in Iraq is really just part of an elaborate conspiracy.

I am not "claiming" these things, they are fact. A quick check of Internet Archives' cache for al Jazeerah would confirm this. For instance, the most recent cache declares the dead founders of the Popular Front for the Liberation if Palestine (PFLP) and Hamas, both designated foreign terrorist entities by the U.S. State Department, "martyrs".

This Google cache also shows that on the same day, El-Najjar wrote this bizarre, yet widely believed, conspiracy theory:

It is inaccurate to describe the war in Iraq as if it is fought between Muslim Shi'is and Muslim Sunnis, as the US and other Western corporate media have been trying hard to do.

It is more accurate to describe it as fought between US-led forces and Iraqi resistance fighters. Even killing civilians is part of the war, as the evidence earlier demonstrated that Interior Ministry death squads and British soldiers were caught either targeting or attempting to target civilians to make the war appear as if it is between Shi'is and Sunnis....

Moreover, on September 19, 2005, two British soldiers were arrested by Iraqi police for driving a car bomb in a Basra street. They were freed by British forces before being interrogated by Iraqi police. This incident sheds some light on who might be behind car bomb explosions in Iraq.

The Daily Citizen article continues, but instead of focusing on El Najjar, his antisemetism, his support of known terrorists, or his support of "resistance fighters" who are killing his fellow Americans who do you think they focus on? Why, your's truly:
The blogger who runs the site calls himself Dr. Rusty Shackleford from Texas — a “professor of know-it-allogy” and “Editor-in-Chief, Sith Master, Admiral and Pimptastik Blog Overlord.”

“At least one site seems to have honed in on this, and some contacts were made. I know Dr. Burran has gotten some calls from the system office,” John Hutcheson, Dalton State’s vice president for academic affairs, said Friday. “I ‘Googled’ Rusty Shackleford, but it’s not very intelligible. This is one of the things the Web has brought us to; it’s a situation where anybody can say anything. The impact is immediate and can generate strong response — far faster than print or broadcast media.”

According to, the name “Rusty Shackleford” is apparently borrowed from the TV cartoon “King of the Hill,” in which a character called Mr. Dribble uses it as a pseudonym.

So apparently somebody knows how to Google "Rusty Shackleford" and the wikipidia entry on where I took my pseudonym from merits a paragraph. And two more paragraphs are spent attacking my credibility and the credibility of blogs in general. But they don't know how to use Google cache or the Internet Archive to see whether El-Najjar's website is really about "promot[ing] cross-cultural understanding between people all over the world"?

How does the paper deal with El-Najjar?

“I want to tell the people of Dalton that I am a citizen of the United States, I love this country and that’s why I’m here,” El-Najjar told The Daily Citizen then.
He loves his country so much that he chooses to support our enemies in Iraq who are killing Americans. That's real love you got there El-Najjar.

And Dalton State, true to form, denies that anything is wrong with one of their professors encouraging terrorism.

Hutcheson said El-Najjar’s Web site is in no way connected to the college.

“He did that of his own volition. He doesn’t use any college facilities, and we don’t have the right to ask him to drop it,” Hutcheson said. “He previously complied when we asked him to eliminate any links from the college Web site. He’s an American citizen and has the same rights of free speech as anyone else, unless he’s advocating something illegal.”

Something illegal? You mean like giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States during a time of war? I think its called treason, but apparently 'free speech' trumps 'treason' in modern America. And "academic freedom' is more cherished than seditious words which encourage the killing of American troops.

What Hutcheson, the Dalton State representative interviewed, also does not tell you is that El-Najjar encourages his students to read his website. What Hutcheson doesn't tell you is that El-Najjar's conspiracy book is being hawked using the credibility of Dalton State to as a way to bolster his own claims.

Imagine if a Nazi sympathizer had encouraged students to read a book praising Adolph Hitler during WWII. Imagine if a Nazi sympathizer had written that book, had used his title of professor to improve the credibility of the claims that Germany should win the war, and then had other professors at the university who are also pro-Nazi review the book. Would any college administrator have made the First Amendment argument under those conditions?

Those are the very conditions we are facing now. American troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. A college professor openly supports our enemies--those killing the military men and women of the nation he claims to love. He uses his position as a professor to legitimize his claims and sell his book. He encourages students to read literature which supports our enemies.

But, no, let's ignore El-Najjar's treason, sedition, antisemitism and odd conspiracy theories. Instead, let's focus on the credibility of the pseudonymous blogger making the "accusations". As if it's simply my opinion that El-Najjar is a terrorist sympathizer.

Typical of general media laziness. Instead of doing actual research, the article becomes a series of quotes. My word against the word of El-Najjar and Dalton State. And since I somehow missed the request for an interview, there is no one to refute El-Najjar's claims about his "patriotism". A Wikipedia article and quick Google search suffices to impeach my "version of the story", but no effort is attempted at seeing what El-Najjar says on his own website--when he is not under public scrutiny.

Typical of the way the media treats bloggers.

Unfortunately, far too typical of the way the media treats terrorist and their supporters.

Thanks to Herb for the hat tip.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:02 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 1330 words, total size 9 kb.

April 13, 2007

Iran Pages Pelosi: Get Yer Ass Over Here

The Iranians now want their round of propaganda photos and anti-American diplomacy.

Logan Act, dude. Seriously.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:02 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

April 12, 2007

Foot-Washers for Muslim Students

(Minneapolis, Minnesota) What the hell is wrong with Minnesota? It seems you can't take a deep breath without hearing about some new effort to bend over for Islam. And, last I heard, the melodramas in which Muslim taxi drivers and retail cashiers demand to dictate business practices still haven't been resolved.

In the latest bizarre move, Minneapolis Community and Technical College President Phil Davis (don't forget this guy's name) has decided to install foot-washing facilities, at taxpayer expense, for Muslim students so their feet will be clean during the regular prayer sessions.

Now, I wouldn't particularly care about President Phil's action if it were not for the fact that he has been a crusader to make sure that all acknowledgment and recognition of Christianity and Judaism are eradicated from the campus of Minneapolis Community and Technical College. So, you tell me, isn't this a case of one religion being promoted while others are suppressed? more...

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:06 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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He's No David Hicks

Sorry, sucker.

FLORENCE, Colo. - John Walker Lindh, serving a 20-year sentence after fighting for the Taliban in
Afghanistan, has been transferred to Supermax, the federal government's most secure prison, authorities said Thursday.

Lindh was moved to the facility about 90 miles south of Denver in February for security reasons, said Isidro Garcia, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Prisons. Garcia said he had no other information.

Who's security? His... or ours?

Posted by: Vinnie at 07:04 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Pork : The Other Hate Crime

Full story at LGF.

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:00 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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April 10, 2007

Who is Yusuf Kavakci and Why is He being Embraced by Texas Republicans?

Yusuf Kavakci is the Imam of the Dallas Central Mosque. Way back in 2005, the Dallas Morning News sounded the alarm on the Kavakci's radicalism:

According to [a Freedom House report] (available at, investigators gathered literature that teaches contempt for Jews, Christians and tolerant Muslims, as well as hatred for America. Material found in a Houston mosque even commands the faithful to establish a revolutionary fifth column.

Some of these documents came from the Dallas Central Mosque in Richardson. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is not altogether alien to this mosque. Last spring, it hosted a youth quiz competition, sponsored by two national organizations closely tied to the worldwide Islamist movement. Kids were tested on the work of premier jihad ideologist Sayyid Qutb.

The mosque’s imam, Dr. Yusuf Kavakci, has publicly praised two of the world’s foremost radical Islamists, Yusuf Qaradawi and Hasan al-Turabi, as exemplary leaders. Dr. Kavakci also sits on the board of the Saudi-backed Islamic Society of North America, described in congressional testimony as a major conduit of Wahhabist teaching. Yet Dr. Kavakci tells The Dallas Morning News he rejects Wahhabist teaching. Something doesn’t add up.

Regular Jawa readers know that a supporter of Sayyid Qutb, Ayatollah Khomeini, Yusuf Qaradawi and Hasan al-Turabi is not on our side.

So Kavakci's radicalism has not been a secret--particularly in the Dallas area.


Given Kavakci's well-known radicalism, why did Texas State Senator Florence Shapiro (R-Plano) invite Kavakci to give an Islamic invocation to the Texas State Senate last week? more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:20 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 514 words, total size 4 kb.

April 09, 2007

Islamic Toilets in Ireland

At what point does being culturally sensitive simply become dhimmitude? I'm not sure where the exact line is, but I'd say that when you build toilets so they don't face Mecca, then maybe you've crossed it.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:00 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 40 words, total size 1 kb.

Prediction: Riot at UCLA this Thursday

The Ayn Rand Institute will be hosting a free public panel discussion on Totalitarian Islam's threat to the West at UCLA Thursday. My guess is that you should expect violence. Let's hope law enforcement responds in kind.* more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:09 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 327 words, total size 2 kb.

April 08, 2007

House Majority Leader Meets With Muslim Brotherhood

The media is so focused on Nancy Pelosi's shameful misconduct, one can easily forget that there is plenty of disgrace to go around.

While Pelosi was busily usurping the authority of the President and the State Department, apparently Maryland Congressman, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, was getting chummy with the grandpappy of all terrorist groups, The Muslim Brotherhood.

From The Associated Press:

A top U.S. Democratic congressman met a leader of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's most powerful rival, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, U.S. officials and the Islamist group said Saturday.

Visiting House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer met with the head of the Muslim Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc, Mohammed Saad el-Katatni, twice on Thursday — once at parliament and then at the home of the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Brotherhood spokesman Hamdi Hassan said.

U.S. Embassy spokesman John Berry would only confirm that Hoyer, who represents Maryland, met with el-Katatni at U.S. Ambassador Francis Ricciardone's home at a reception with other politicians and parliament members.

The article went on to point out that, while Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has refused to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood, U.S. government policy does not bar meetings with the Brotherhood's members of parliament.
So while no laws were broken, certainly bad judgment was shown by the Dhimmicrats, once again.

Posted by: Kafir at 01:47 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 221 words, total size 2 kb.

April 06, 2007

History Damns Pelosi and Crew

While looking through one of my favorite art history books, I was shocked to discover proof that the Democrats have been trying to undermine our way of life for quite some time:

Posted by: Kafir at 08:28 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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Leftists Fight to Block Memorial for Fallen SEAL

Is it just me, or are leftists becoming more and more stupid with the passage of time?

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:13 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Caption This

Posted by: Kafir at 02:15 AM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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April 05, 2007

Way To Rub It In Their Faces, Nancy

Look Ma, no hijab.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Saudi Arabia's unelected advisory council Thursday, the closest thing in the kingdom to a legislature, where she tried out her counterpart's chair — a privilege no Saudi woman can have because women cannot become legislators.

Nice way to show your feminist concern for the plight of oppressed women, Madame Speaker.

Oh, yeah, she claims she brought it up in meetings, but that didn't stop her from going ahead and sitting in that chair, with that awful grimace she thinks is a smile. Proud of yourself, Nancy?

A female citizen of Saudi Arabia would have been stoned to death for what you eagerly posed for.

A respectable representative from the United States would have politely declined the propaganda photo-op.

Cupid Stunt.

Thanks to co-blogger Vicki, via The Sandcrawler.

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:06 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Al Jazeerah Hearts Chuck Hagel

You think, Maybe Chuck Hagel (Dhimmi-Nebraska) should rethink his appearance at the Arab American Institute's Kahlil Gibran “Spirit of Humanity” Awards ceremony? You don't need to know everything about James Zogby's pro-Palestinian front group to know its a bad idea. You don't need to know that their legal arm, the American- Arab Anti-Discrimination Committe (ADC) is behind the lawsuit against a judge who "discriminated" against a woman by throwing out her small-claims lawsuit after she refused to remove her veil. You don't need to know that they are a Soros funded Leftist organization.

But when al (not the satellite TV al Jazeerah, the one run by a Georgia professor) a website which openly promotes terrorism and antisemtitic conspiracy theories, is promoting the event you're about to speak at, then you might just want to reconsider the reason you're being honored. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:50 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 390 words, total size 3 kb.

April 03, 2007

Portrait of a Dhimmicrat

Embrace the veil, Nancy.


Posted by: Good Lt. at 01:10 PM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
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