February 06, 2007

On The Front Lines Of The War Against The War

They have puppets. And many, many buttcracks.

Lameassed and over-predictable… by the book it was.
I thought I blended right in in my local disguise but since many of the puppets were bussed in from hither and San Francisco I was eyed with suspicion the whole time...and when I approached my 3 buddies in the swarm I gave myself away for sure and was subjected to incoherent ramblings being talked at me in Moonbatish for the whole 10 minutes I stood there...until I wandered along only to be stopped from crossing the street by some asshole in an orange vest directing traffic no, no, no, no WAIT
Ahem? Thanks, but I’m an adult who knows how to cross the street all by myself. I didn’t stick around to see if the cop I complained to actually did anything about it.

Lame Lame LAME.

Every time these types do this here, I'm working.

Damn you, The Man, how dare you repress me!!!

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:06 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 05, 2007

Hagel Denied

His name is Cornholio. He needs TP for his bunghole.

Sorry Chuck, you just got something that rhymes with "chucked."

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan resolution repudiating President George W. Bush's decision to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Monday, dealing a serious setback to critics of the war.

"You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance."

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:46 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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And I Thought They Were Just Selling Stuff

A New York Times moonbat forgot to wear his tinfoil hat while watching the commercials that ran during the Super Bowl.

Money quote:

It was as if Madison Avenue were channeling Doc in “West Side Story,” the gentle owner of the candy store in the neighborhood that the two street gangs, the Jets and Sharks, fight over. “Why do you kids live like there’s a war on?” Doc asks plaintively. (Well, Doc, this time, there is.)

During other wars, Madison Avenue has appealed to a yearning for peace. That was expressed in several Super Bowl spots evocative of “Hilltop,” the classic Coca-Cola commercial from 1971, when the Vietnam War divided a world that needed to be taught to sing in perfect harmony.

Coca-Cola borrowed pages from its own playbook with two whimsical spots for Coca-Cola Classic, “Happiness Factory” and “Video Game,” that were as sweet as they were upbeat. The commercials, by Wieden & Kennedy, provided a welcome counterpoint to the martial tone of the evening.

Those who wish the last four years of history had never happened could find solace in several commercials that used the device of ending an awful tale by revealing it was only a dream.

I guess if you liked any of the commercials, you should be ashamed of yourself for being brainwashed by Chimpy McBusHallibuRoveton.

stein hoist: the lovely and talented Claire at the lovely and talented Sondra K's.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:05 AM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
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February 01, 2007

Pipes' Response to Red Ken (Transcript)

Here's a transcript of Daniel Pipes' real world response to the fantasy world evoked by Red Ken Livingstone during their debate on January 20. The seven-part video of the debate (originally posted to YouTube) has now been edited into one clip and posted here.

h/t : Steven Emerson.

Posted by: Ragnar at 06:39 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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January 30, 2007

Sen. Brownback Seeking to Stem Establishment Clause Litigation

I certainly understand the abuses of the ACLU as regards public displays of Christian symbolism. Nonetheless, I'm not sure this is such a good idea.

Posted by: Ragnar at 07:04 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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I Share The V.P.'s Angst

Quote of the week:

"Let's say I believe firmly in Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican," Cheney told the magazine. "But it's very hard sometimes to adhere to that where Chuck Hagel is involved."

Speaking of Cheney, this is pretty funny.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:48 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Islamic Jihad Endorses Jimmy Carter

File under: not surprised. FYI--Islamic Jihad is the group that bombed a bakery in Israel yesterday, murdering three.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:44 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Michael "Mohammed" Jackson

I was gong to pass on this, but since Wooga begged for a thread, here goes. I find none of this interesting in the least. Not even the obvious joke about Aisha, which even I wouldn't stoop so low to make. It's beneath me. Besides, at least Aisha was a girl...... more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:25 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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January 29, 2007

9/11? No. Big. Deal.

David Bell says we've overreacted to 9/11. No, seriously. Those are his words. Why have we overreacted? He blames the Enlightenment.

So, I guess David Hume and Descartes are really to blame, and not Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Atta?

He's right, though, when he says that the Islamists may be just as bad as Hitler, but they lack the capacity to inflict the damage of a Hitler. But that is not to say they lack the potential for that harm. And isn't that an argument for the alleged "overreaction to 9/11"? That states such as the Taliban, which openly supported the Salafi jihad, and states such as Iraq, which covertly supported it, might be even more dangerous than Hitler--who never perfected atomic weapons--was?

As John Donovan says, "granting that Islamofascists don't necessarily have the capacity, to constitute an existential threat to the United States, neither did Adolf Hitler when he sent his Army in to re-occupy the Rhineland." QED, I believe.

It also seems to suggest that we've underreacted to 9/11 on another front. That Iran, which is both hostile to the U.S. and openly supports jihad (albeit of the Khomeinist variety), is also on the fasttrack toward developing nuclear weapons. And if nuclear weapons in the hands of the Iranian Mullahs isn't every bit as dangerous as the Luftwaffe, I don't know what is.

HT: Dave Schuler who's point about Soviet casualties is well taken.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:37 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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January 26, 2007

F*ck the Troops MySpace Group

I hate MySpace. For a number of reasons. It's to the blogosphere what Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey are to "news". So, this doesn't surprise me. Not. One. Bit.

Son of a Gaius sends this from Iraq:

Today a friend pointed out a group on myspace that is anything but friendly, a veritable slap in the face to the men and women of the U.S. armed forces. In a search, the name of this group shows up as "Hug the Troops," but upon clicking the link one finds a giant yellow ribbon with the words "F*** the Troops" on it. There follows several anti-U.S. videos borrowed from YouTube and a line of text accusing U.S. troops of being "responsible for the slaughterings [sic] around the world." I am sad to report that at the time of this writing, this group had 109 members.
Read the rest.

If there's an interent equivalent to kicking these guys in the nuts, I'd like to hear about it.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:41 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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January 24, 2007

Video : Rosie Calls for Impeachment

Allah has the video.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:35 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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ACLU Sues Kuwaiti Diplomat Over Slavery

The ACLU is suing a Kuwaiti diplomat over practicing slavery in the United States. Is this a sign that the ACLU will finally stop playing the dhimmi? I hope, but I'm not holding my breath. But at least they've drawn a line somewhere, and that line seems to be the very Islamic practice of slavery, which continues today.

While slavery has been officially abolished in all Islamic countries, the practice continues in various forms. The practice varies widely. In the Northern Sudan traditional slavery, where the children of blacks, Christians, and animists are openly bought and sold by Arabized Muslims, can be found. In the Gulf States, though, the practice is much more subtle--with "domestic servants" brought in from all over the world and then simply not paid, beaten, sexually abused, locked up, etc, with very little in the way of legal recourse.

It's interesting that the escaped slave, who was threatened by her Muslim master, didn't ask if the man was a cop, but rather if he was "a Christian". more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:37 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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January 23, 2007

President Peanut a Holocaust Denier?

A National Review Online article examining the questionable contributors to America's worst president's Carter Center includes this tidbit [emphasis added]:

Even in Carter’s long history of post-presidential grandstanding, this book sets fresh standards of irresponsibility. Purporting to give a balanced view of the Palestinian–Israeli conflict, Carter effectively shrugs off such highly germane matters as Palestinian terrorism. The hypocrisies are boundless, and include adoring praise of the deeply oppressive, religiously intolerant Saudi regime side by side with condemnations of democratic Israel. In one section, typical of the book’s entire approach, Carter includes a “Historical Chronology,” from Biblical times to 2006, in which he dwells on events surrounding his 1978 Camp David Accords but omits the Holocaust. Kenneth W. Stein, the founder of the Carter Center’s Middle East program, resigned last month to protest the book, describing it in a letter to Fox News as “replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments.” As this article goes to press, more protest resignations, this time from the Carter Center’s board of councilors, appear to be in the works.
The Holocaust doesn't rate a mention in a chronology of events leading up to the current unrest in the Middle East? I suppose that means Carter didn't bother to mention the SS brigade that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem raised for Hitler, either.

Posted by: Bluto at 01:43 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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January 20, 2007

CNN's Hummer Brings 1.25 Million

howiehummer.jpgCNN has sold a Hummer they used in Iraq for charity. Proceeds will go help soldiers injured in Iraq.

(CNN) -- Proceeds from the sale of Warrior One, which toured military bases and medical centers nationwide before the auction, will be donated to the Fisher House Foundation. The organization temporarily houses families of patients receiving major medical care in military hospitals and Veterans Affairs facilities.

Dave Liniger, founder of Re/Max International Inc., had the winning bid of $1 million for the Hummer. An additional $250,000 was thrown in by Dave Ressler, a businessman from North Dakota and Montana.

Asked why he bought the vehicle, Liniger said he is a Vietnam veteran who started Re/Max with his wife, Gail, in 1973. The real estate company has grown to 65 countries, he said.

That’s very nice, But how about they split any profits from airing this video?. Eighty percent for the families of sniper victims in Iraq, both US and Iraqi, living and dead. The remainder toward resources for fighting the cyber Jihad. Then I’ll feel better, maybe.

Juba Sucks!

See related: CNNJazeera Airing Sniper Vids for Profit.


Also see related post here at Gateway Pundit.

Truth is the IAI are terrorists. They and those who follow them support the murder of innocents and many other war crimes. It's a soft spot with me because I've seen them murder so many.

Posted by: Howie at 08:52 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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January 18, 2007

Did Jimmy Carter Seek Leniency for a Convicted Nazi SS Killer?

LGF has a post up about whether Jimmy Carter sought leniency in 1987 for a Nazi SS prison guard known to have served at the notorious Mauthausen concentration camp. In the image below, I've placed the 1977 memo next to the handwriting on the 1987 letter. Below the images, I've placed similar words from the two docs adjacent to one another for comparison. Same handwriting? You be the judge (click image to enlarge):


Posted by: Ragnar at 05:54 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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January 17, 2007

Aux Barricades!

The latest pointless screed from Maureen Dowd :

President Bush has been dutifully making the rounds of TV news shows, trying to make the case that victory in Iraq is “doable.” He thinks the public will support the Surge if he can simply illuminate a few things that we may have been too thick to understand. For instance, he says he needs to “explain to people that what happens in the Middle East will affect the future of this country.” Yes, Mr. President, we get it.

He also told Jim Lehrer last night that in 20 years, radical Shiites could be warring with radical Sunnis and Middle Eastern oil could fall into the hands of radicals, who might also get weapons of mass destruction.

So after scaring Americans into backing the Sack of Iraq by warning that radicals could get W.M.D., now he’s trying to scare Americans into supporting the Surge in Iraq by warning that radicals could get W.M.D.

So many deaths, so little progress.

It’s unnerving to be tutored by an educator in chief who is himself being tutored. The president elucidating the Iraqi insurgency for us is learning about the Algerian insurgency from the man who failed to quell the Vietcong insurgency.

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:31 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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January 16, 2007

Millennium Bomber Sentence Vacated

Via Reuters: A federal appeals court vacated a 22-year prison sentence on Tuesday against "millennium bomber" Ahmed Ressam
So just which court would do such a thing? Let me take a guess....
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals based in San Francisco.
Figures eh? Nancy's home district.

Hat Tip: George.

Posted by: Howie at 01:38 PM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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January 15, 2007

Dershowitz : Ex-President For Sale

Alan Dershowitz shines the spotlight on Dhimmi Carter:

Journalist Jacob Laksin has documented the tens of millions of dollars that the Carter Center has accepted from Saudi Arabian royalty and assorted other Middle Eastern sultans, who, in return, Carter dutifully praised as peaceful and tolerant (no matter how despotic the regime). And these are only the confirmed, public donations.

Carter has also accepted half a million dollars and an award from Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, saying in 2001: "This award has special significance for me because it is named for my personal friend, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan." This is the same Zayed, the long-time ruler of the United Arab Emirates, whose $2.5 million gift to the Harvard Divinity School was returned in 2004 due to Zayed's rampant Jew-hatred. Zayed's personal foundation, the Zayed Center, claims that it was Zionists, rather than Nazis, who “were the people who killed the Jews in Europe” during the Holocaust. It has held lectures on the blood libel and conspiracy theories about Jews and America perpetrating Sept. 11.

I encourage you to read it all.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:48 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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January 11, 2007

Mass Resignation at Carter Center

This is so fucking beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes: more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:22 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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January 10, 2007

Public Storage: Scumbags or Incompetent?

Either way, they suck.

When Rogalin returned home from Iraq and contacted Public Storage to inquire about the status of his account (that he resumed paying as soon as all this was worked out) he was told that all his possessions had been sold back in June.
Hat tip: Kim Priestap

Posted by: Rusty at 12:55 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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January 09, 2007

Beach Impeach Bush

Here's some free advice to the barking-moonbats on the impeach Bush train: if you're going to do a beach event, make sure to bring in some ringers for the bikini contest.

Oh, and from what I understand, the tinfoil actually amplifies Rove's mind control rays.


Zombie has more firsthand reporting and more tinfoil wearing (literally) moonbats.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:18 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 29, 2006

LGF : Religion of Pieces Lining up the Lawyers

LGF has the story:

JEDDAH, 28 December 2006 — A two-day conference organized by the Makkah-based Muslim World League yesterday called for a consultative commission in order to take legal action against those who abuse Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islamic sanctities, at local and international courts of justice, the Saudi Press Agency said.

The conference titled “In Defense of the Prophet” called upon Islamic countries and governments to stand united to defend the Islamic faith and its Prophet. It denounced the smear campaigns to tarnish the image of the Prophet and urged Muslims to make all-out efforts to project the true picture of Islam and the great divine teachings of the Prophet.

Coming to a city near you. Someone will speak "against Islam," they will sue him backed by a war chest and an army of aggressive lawyers. Faced with the prospect of tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and pressure from clients, employers, friends and family, many will settle and agree not to do it anymore. Our forefathers gave their lives and fortunes for our freedom of speech, but I fear too few in our generation would hold tight to that freedom if it meant a disruption in holiday vacation plans. The enemies of free speech will ratchet up the pressure until the proper level of submission is reached. They won't need guns and soldiers to press us into submission if they can press us into submission using our own institutions.

This is coming, folks. Mark my words. When it comes, what will you do about it? Will you stand, or submit? Standing up is easy today. Few are being killed, or even sued, for speaking up. Doing the right thing is relatively EASY right now. Later on, it WON'T be so easy. Nevermind giving up your life, would you sacrifice your job, or your credit rating for freedom of speech, if you had to make a choice?

Suppose you wake up tomorrow and you read that Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer were murdered overnight by radical Muslims for "speaking against Islam." How do you react? Do you decide to redouble your efforts to counter the Islamist threat, or do you decide that it might be best to find a new hobby? If you don't know the answer, I suggest you should think very seriously about it.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:30 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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December 19, 2006

The Society for the Prevention of Arab Gay Oppression (SPAGO)

From Greg Gutfield at HuffPo:

Human Rights Watch, Moveon.org, ACT-UP, the Huffington Post and David Geffen are proud to present the March to Mecca, a celebration of peace that calls all gay brothers, sisters and people undergoing sex-reassignment to march to the holiest of holy cities, Mecca, the capital city of Saudi Arabia's Makkah province on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2007.

More fun here.

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:39 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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December 18, 2006

More on Jamil Hussein : Are Leftists Cognitively Impaired?

In response to my earlier post on leftists carrying water for corporate media as regards the Jamil Hussein fiasco, a commenter threw up a barrage of non-sequiturs in the comments. I see similar types of "counter-arguments" regularly, so I thought this would be as good a time as any to take them on. Here they are:

"The Left are skeptical about Malkin because it's very obvious that her motive is not truth."

I can't speak to Michelle Malkin's motives, but her motives are irrelevant. Prominent bloggers in general, and Michelle Malkin in particular, are generally very accurate, but their track record on veracity has nothing to do with the quality of AP's reporting. Michelle Malkin could theoretically have a terrible track record for truth and still be 100% right as to the facts on THIS STORY. This story is not about Michelle Malkin, Curt, our own Dread Pundit Bluto or any of the other bloggers who have been doing great work on this one. Nobody is taking their word for anything. This is about AP's quality control (or rather, the lack thereof) and AP's inability to present ANY verifiable evidence that the events actually happened as they claim.

The "only evidence for [Michelle Malkin's] point of view was [a] press-release from CENTCOM and MOI."

Again, both WRONG and IRRELEVANT. The bloggers, including Michelle, have cited a number of sources to back up her reporting, including but not limited to official govt. sources. Even if they had only cited official government sources, it places the AP story in doubt, thus placing a burden on the AP to bolster their position with some piece of verifiable evidence. The fact that AP can't clear up the discrepancy after the passage of several weeks casts even more doubt on their original report.

Malkin has "shown that she doesn't care for truth and/or logical thinking so many times you just can't count."

Yet again, both wrong and irrelevant. The bloggers could be the most illogical people in the world and still convey accurate facts. This is fundamentally about factual accuracy, a complete lack of verifiable evidence and a long list of inconsistencies--even within AP's own reporting. Either the bloggers' facts and arguments ON THIS ISSUE hold up or they don't.

As usual, debating with a leftist is an exercise in frustration. Not a single one of the above points is a counter-argument to any point I raised in my original post. I wonder sometimes: are leftists even CAPABLE of rational thought and logical argument? I used to think they were just intellectually lazy. I'm starting to think most leftists are cognitively impaired. I'm really not kidding.

Update Uno By Vinnie: My friend Ragnar shows his youthfulness. I learned long ago that debating with left/liberals is pointless. You can't rationalize with the irrational. So I settled on a policy of just jumping into the swamp and flinging their own poo back at them. I do to them what they do to us, call them names, twist their arguments to fit my agenda, and in general try to make their lives miserable. Not that it's hard to do, most left/liberals wander around life abjectly miserable to begin with, and their mission is to make those of us who aren't, just like them. Unlike them, however, I fling poo with a wink and a smile, they do it with abject, undisguised hatred. Which, of course, is something they accuse us of.

Posted by: Ragnar at 05:30 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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December 17, 2006

Gingrich : The Flying Imams Should Have Been Arrested

As usual, Gingrich has it right:

MANCHESTER, N.H., Dec. 16 (UPI) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told an audience in New Hampshire Muslim clerics pulled off a plane for praying should have been charged criminally.

Gingrich made the remark Friday night, as he delivered the keynote speech at the Manchester Republican City Committee Christmas dinner, the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader reported.

Gingrich on GOP campaigns for 2008

"Those six people should have been arrested and prosecuted for pretending to be terrorists," Gingrich said. "And the crew of the U.S. airplane should have been invited to the White House and congratulated for being correct in the protection of citizens."

Update by Howie:

Gingrich on MTP. REad what he actually says or podcasts here.

Hat Tips: Instaundit and The Moderate Voice.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:29 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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