September 26, 2007

When Jihadis Go Gay, they Go All the Way Gay.

And by all the way gay, I mean flaaaaaming! Here's an image being used at a French jihadi forum to announce an al Qaeda in Iraq video showing the murder of five prisoners.

The inevitable outcome of mixing France with jihad.

Related and not so funny: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 09, 2007

A Bit More of Nicolas Sarkozy's Speech

Further to Good Lt.'s post below, I note that there's even more good stuff later in the speech, especially as regards women's rights:

(Translated) I want to launch a call to all those in the world who believe in the values of tolerance, of liberty, of democracy and of humanism, to all those who are persecuted by the tyrannies and by the dictators, to all the children and to all the martyrized women in the world to say to them that the pride, the duty of France will be at their sides, that they can count on her...

France will be at the sides of the Libyan nurses locked up for eight years;

France will not abandon Ingrid Betancourt;

France will not abandon the women who are condemned to the burqa;

France will not abandon the women who do not have liberty.

France will be by the side of the oppressed of the world.

This is the message of France; this is the identity of France; this is the history of France...

My dear compatriots, together we will write a new page of our history. This page of our history, my dear compatriots, I am sure that it will be grand, that it will be beautiful. And from the bottom of the heart, I want to say to you, with the most total sincerity which is mine at the time when I speak to you: Long live the Republic and long live France.

This is a shot across the bow of the Islamists. Only time will tell whether this is a fluke, or only the first of many. Perhaps the election of Sarkozy is a sign that America's longtime ally has begun to recover her bearings, and to realize where her true interests lie. As Good Lt. says, Sarkozy faces an uphill battle. The French nation itself does, actually. But there was a time, not that long ago, when the French didn't turn away from a battle, uphill or otherwise, if it was a battle that needed to be fought.

Vive Sarkozy! (h/t : David Kopel @ Volokh)

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:20 AM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
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May 07, 2007

Quick Thought On Sarkozy Victory

The victory is symbolic and 'a teaching moment' in many ways.

One of the most interesting teaching points is this: socialism/leftism is such a detrimental and demonstrable failure of a governing philosophical dogma that even the FRENCH rejected it decisively.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:55 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 04, 2007

French Socialist Candidate Warns of "Violence" if She Doesn't Win

Via Reuters:

"Choosing Nicolas Sarkozy would be a dangerous choice," [Segolene] Royal told RTL radio.

"It is my responsibility today to alert people to the risk of (his) candidature with regards to the violence and brutality that would be unleashed in the country (if he won)," she said.

Pressed on whether there would be actual violence, Royal said: "I think so, I think so," referring specifically to France's volatile suburbs hit by widespread rioting in 2005.

Can you imagine being the kind of voter who would change her vote based on this kind of threat? Does Royal know something the rest of us don't? Maybe so. Guess we'll just have to see. Polls show Sarkozy up by 10 points. Seems to me the election of the pro-American Sarkozy would signal French frustration with Muslim immigrants and Chirac's limp-wristed appeasement efforts. I doubt that burning more shit in the banlieues is likely to do anything but strengthen Sarkozy's hand. I expect we'll know by Monday. (h/t : The Big Johnson)

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:36 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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April 20, 2007

Frogs Go to the Polls; Pro-American Sarkozy Current Favorite

Via AP:

Voters narrow a field of 12 to two favorites who reach the runoff May 6, and only conservative, pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy seems certain to make that cut.

Suspense will hang heavy over the day of national reflection starting Friday at midnight, when all candidates and polling agencies fall silent after an often cacophonous campaign.

Polls suggest Sarkozy's challenger will be Socialist Segolene Royal, an unconventional leftist determined to be the first woman in France's top job...

Sarkozy once sounded like a determined free-market reformer, ready to shake France up from top to bottom. But in recent months he tempered his talk about a "rupture" with the past and has watered down tax-cut plans. A lifelong anti-communist and son of a Hungarian immigrant, he even quoted a Marxist philosopher...

But the campaign focus never stayed on jobs, instead switching to school choice, trashing the European Central Bank and taxing the rich, then to cracking down on youth rampaging in a Paris train station.

In recent weeks, the most enduring campaign theme was French identity.

Sarkozy proposed a Ministry of Immigration and National Identity, which critics said smacked of Nazi-style racism and was a nod to Le Pen's anti-immigrant electorate. Royal's flag-waving call sparked extended debate in the media over what it means to be French.

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:07 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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February 18, 2007

Berlinski on Sarkozy

I just came across this profile on Nicolas Sarkozy, written by Claire Berlinski in 2004. Though written in the context of that time, it's a quick and easy read, and sheds a lot of light on just who Sarkozy is. Among the Sarkozy trivia:

In 1993, when Mr. Sarkozy was simultaneously the mayor of the French suburb of Neuilly and France’s budget minister, a madman took 21 schoolchildren hostage in Neuilly, threatening to blow them up. While the minister of the interior and the prime minister remained safely in their offices, Mr. Sarkozy drove directly to the school and offered to exchange himself for the hostages. It is rather hard to imagine Mr. Chirac doing the same thing.
Indeed it is.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:12 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 15, 2007

French al Qaeda Recruiting Euros for Jihad in Iraq

French jihadis recruiting Europeans to join the jihad in Iraq. And who does Jacques Chirac blame? America, of course.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:24 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 07, 2007

Sarkozy Backs Publishers of Mohammed Cartoons

Via LGF:

“What is there left to do if you can’t laugh at terrorists? If we can’t laugh at them, we are done for,” Charlie Hebdo editor Philippe Val told the Paris criminal court.

[Nikolas] Sarkozy, the front-runner in the presidential elections in April, seemed to agree, saying in his letter that Charlie Hebdo had followed “an old French tradition, that of satire.”

“I prefer an excess of cartoons than the absence of cartoons,” Sarkozy wrote in the letter read by the weekly’s lawyer Georges Kiejman. Describing himself as a “favorite target” of the weekly, Sarkozy said he accepted that “in the name of freedom, you can laugh at everything.”

Posted by: Ragnar at 05:52 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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January 25, 2007

France Heading for War with Israel?

We've heard this before. But wouldn't France's quick and inevetable surrender to Israel make the Six Day War seem like the 100 Years War? HT: James more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:16 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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January 16, 2007

Sarkozy Wooing Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys

Via the Jerusalem Post:

France's interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, formally clinched the ruling conservatives' presidential nomination Sunday, pushing a pivotal race for a discouraged nation into high gear.

The ruling UMP party announced that Sarkozy, the sole person listed on the party ballot, had won a vote by registered members. He now faces a tight race against the top contender on the left, Socialist Segolene Royal, for the elections in April and May.


Sarkozy has earned both kudos and vitriol for promising to cut cherished workplace protections, championing tough police tactics in hardscrabble housing projects and sending illegal immigrants back to Africa and elsewhere.

He says he is trying to snap France out of its slump: He says the French are overtaxed, overburdened by government fees that crimp innovation, too resistant to speaking English and ill-prepared for globalization.


Posted by: Ragnar at 11:48 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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November 13, 2006

France: Fighting Back a Crime

The reason stereotypes are so long-lasting? Because they're usually true. From the land of retreat and appeasement, news that fighting back is now official French policy.

There might be a good joke here in the making if it wasn't so tragic:

Q: What do you call a Frenchman who fights back?
A: Indicted.

Hat tip: Ghost of a Flea, who remains your number one source of all things related to Kylie Minogues fantastic backside.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:15 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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November 09, 2006

France Tests New ICBM

(Biscarrosse, France) Sacre bleu! France is modernizing its nuclear arsenal with a new missile intended for submarine launch. Deployment is expected around 2010.

From Reuters:

France test-launched a new generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles for the first time on Thursday, eyewitnesses at the launch site said.

The M51 missile has a range of 6,000 km, 50 percent further than that of the missile currently in service.

Developed by European aerospace giant EADS, the M51 will also be able to carry a heavier load than the M45 it will replace, and be armed with up to six warheads.

The missile was shot out over the Atlantic from a test site south of Bordeaux. The Defense Ministry declined to say whether the test was completely successful. However, when perfected, the new weapon will enhance France's ability to compete in a global thermonuclear war.

In other news, rioting in city suburbs continues like clockwork, resulting in hundreds of burning cars, trucks and busses every night. As an example, police viewed the torching of 277 vehicles in one recent night as "relatively calm."

Being blamed are gangs of youths, identified only as children of immigrants, who have escalated the violence to include deliberately targeting police and other officials for attacks. French authorities are perplexed about how to respond to the violence since they haven't decided whether the rioting is caused by an underclass of domestic criminals or a "fifth column" of seditious foreigners.

I'd suggest they create a new category for the rioters. Without considering their motives, call them "Le thugs" and put them in jail.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 10:53 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 30, 2006

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité: When Questioning Palestinian Lies is a Crime

We've covered the fact that French TV is suing a number of people over the simple act of questioning whether the publicly owned broadcast station might be complicit in spreading Palestinian lies and propaganda. At issue is who really killed Mohammed al-Dura, who's death began the Second Intifada. Strong evidence suggests that the boy was killed by Palestinian gunmen, and not the Israelis.

Whatever happened to liberty in France? Truth is, there has never been liberty in France. Democracy, yes, but not liberty.

We don't know why she'd want to go, but Neo-Neocon has been in France reporting on the various lawsuits.

Luckily, at least one mind has been changed over the blood-libel accusations constantly levelled by the Palestinian propagandists. Just 20 million to go.

Just start at the top and scroll down for her various adventures.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 23, 2006

Generic Youths Burn Bus in Paris.

Generic Youths of in Paris are celebrating last years generic riots in Paris this week by burning a bus.

The MSM are preparing to cover more generic violence by angry generic youths in remembrance last year’s generic violence.

International Herald Tribune: PARIS Police held two teenagers for questioning Monday after a gang of youths forced passengers out of a bus in a Paris suburb this weekend and set it on fire, officials said.

The two teens, aged 13 and 18, were rounded up after the attack Sunday in Grigny, south of Paris, and were being held in a regional police office in nearby Evry, police said.

The attack came days before France is to mark the one-year anniversary of the start of three weeks of riots by youths in poor neighborhoods.

Sunday's assailants, some wearing masks, forced passengers out of the bus in broad daylight, set it ablaze and then stoned firefighters who came to the rescue, police officials said. The local prefecture said nearly 30 youths were involved in the incident.

The attack followed nearly a half-dozen incidents in recent weeks in which suburban youths have attacked police officers, in some cases in planned ambushes.

Such clashes have raised tensions ahead of Friday's anniversary of the start of the 2005 riots, which laid bare the problems of racism and discrimination faced by poor youths of immigrant origin.

Those poor generic youths! I bet burning busses and trashing old rich Fwench guy’s cars will make them more likely to hire generic youths. I must know more about these generic youths. I’ll keep clicking. Hold on. More here from the Telegraph UK who mentions the many of the generic youths who rioted last year were mostly Muslim.
Youths from France’s run-down suburban estates began rioting on October 27, 2005, after two teenagers of North African origin died when they were accidentally electrocuted in a sub-station while trying to flee police in Clichy-sous-Bois, east of Paris.

Riots erupted over the following weeks in most of the country’s major cities. Many of those involved were from Muslim immigrant families, prompting a debate about integration and discrimination in France. Amid fears of a fresh eruption of violence, Jean-Louis Borloo, France’s minister for social cohesion, on Sunday evening called for people to act responsibly because “tensions are raw just as we’re in the process of resolving the difficulties.”

So remember, act responsibly and call them youths. Since, you know, it would be incorrect to demand the youths act responsibly. And the strongest statement so I can find so far from the Fwench
The Australian: District police chief Jean-Francois Papineau called the bus attack "deliberate".
Deliberate? I’m sure the youths accidentally burned the bus. Better watch that word deliberate you could start a riot or something. Still searching to find of which generic youths burned the bus. One minute….Oh here it is.
Pipeline News: October 23, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - - French police found themselves once again under attack by firebomb wielding North African Muslim immigrants on Sunday.

The Paris suburb of Grigny was the scene of the pitched battle which featured 50 Islamic youths rampaging through the streets taunting police, pelting them with rocks and torching passenger vehicles including a bus.

No, you have got to be kidding me! I’d have never guessed. And I'm damn sure not going to call the riots terrorism. Terrorism is using fear of violence to achive a political goal. I'm sure these boys were just expressing themselves. Add the that the fact that, if I called it terrorism, I might upset some generic youths and cause a riot.

Posted by: Howie at 09:33 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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October 18, 2006

Hot Air : When Euroweenies Attack (Blogs)


Posted by: Ragnar at 09:32 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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October 16, 2006

French Surrender in Afghanistan

French commandos ordered home because searching for bin Laden is just too dangerous. Ed sent the link along noting that it was the "least surprising headline ever".

I'd try to say something funny about it if I had either the time or inclination. The truth is that there is nothing funny about French cowardice when it affects our national security.

You lose 9 guys, and you pull out?

Lesson learned by terrorists: the West is weak.

French special forces tracking Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan have been ordered home by President Jacques Chirac because of the "worsening security situation," Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday.

The group of 200 elite soldiers have been in the war-torn country since 2003, where they have been assisting their U.S. counterparts in hunting the al-Qaeda leader and Taliban fighters around Spin Boldak, near the south-eastern border with Pakistan, and an area around Jalalabad, in the north-east.

Mr. Chirac's decision to send them was intended to reassure the U.S. that France was still a willing ally in fighting terrorism despite its stance against the U.S.-led offensive in Iraq. But, according to unnamed military sources cited in Le Journal du Dimanche, Mr. Chirac gave the go-ahead during a defence counsel meeting to pull the men out of the country by early 2007. According to the report, the troops were badly shaken by the recent death of nine members during a mission.

Oh, and it's chowdah, Frenchie! Chowdah!

Posted by: Rusty at 09:13 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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October 05, 2006

Fwench Police: "Muslims are waging civil war against us"

File this under "Helllloooooo? Is anybody in Europe waking up yet?"

As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:14 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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September 29, 2006

Redeker : "I am now in a catastrophic personal situation."

Michelle posts an email written by Robert Redeker in the wake of the publication of his article on Islam in Le Figaro:

I am now in a catastrophic personal situation. Several death threats have been sent to me, and I have been sentenced to death by organizations of the al-Qaeda movement. [...] On the websites condemning me to death there is a map showing how to get to my house to kill me, they have my photo, the places where I work, the telephone numbers, and the death fatwa. [...] There is no safe place for me, I have to beg, two evenings here, two evenings there. [...] I am under the constant protection of the police. I must cancel all scheduled conferences. And the authorities urge me to keep moving. [...] All costs are at my own expense, including those of rents a month or two ahead, the costs of moving twice, legal expenses, etc.

It's quite sad. I exercised my constitutional rights, and I am punished for it, even in the territory of the Republic. This affair is also an attack against national sovereignty – foreign rules, decided by criminally minded fanatics, punish me for having exercised a constitutional right, and I am subjected, even in France, to great injury.

This is the state of our world, now. One writer, one politician, one artist after another has to go into hiding, while those who threaten him walk the streets. It's long since time the authorities started dealing with death threats against writers, artists and politicians with extreme prejudice. How many politicians, writers and artists have the courage to die for their beliefs? Few, I fear. After all, why cause trouble for oneself when there are parties to go to and less "troublesome" topics to explore? It's not at all inconceivable to envision a situation in which one speaker after another learns to keep his big mouth shut, one after another until all the dissenters are silent, either by choice or by force.

If we continue down that path, the one sound we will be left with will be the muezzin calling us all to our daily prayers.

Every submission emboldens our enemies. We stop this pretty damn soon, or everything we know ends. If you don't draw the line here, where do we draw it? Okay, no more movies. Okay, no more cartoons. Okay, no more articles. This isn't some story in a book or a movie. This is real, folks.

It don't know about you, but this bull$h!+ makes me want to speak out more, while I still can. When they come get me, at least I'll die on my feet.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:46 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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September 19, 2006

Fwance Surrenders Preemptively

Sacre bleu! From your moral superiors in Frogland -

President Jacques Chirac has broken ranks with the US and Britain by calling for the suspension of UN Security Council action against Iran during negotiations over its nuclear programme.
Is this the same country whose sorry ass my grandfathers pulled out of the fires of Nazism and fascism?

For shame.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot - yeeeargh, me hardies!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:29 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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August 05, 2006

Stupid Headline of the Day...

...comes from


I feel so out of the loop. I had no idea that the United States was fighting France in the Middle East.

Anyway, here's the story:

UNITED NATIONS - The United States and France agreed Saturday on a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that calls for a halt to the fighting between Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas, but would allow Israel to defend itself if attacked.
That's big of the Fwench, don't you think? They'll allow Israel to defend herself if attacked. Of course, maybe I'm being too hard on the Fwench; defending your very own sovereign nation against attack is a foreign concept to them.

Cross-posted from The Dread Pundit Bluto

Posted by: Bluto at 02:09 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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August 04, 2006

Germany to Keep Peace In Lebanon.

The French have agreed to help keep the peace in Lebanon after fighting ceases.

Ynet: The French and Lebanese armies will take part in the multinational peacekeeping force expected to take position along the southern Lebanese border, it was revealed following a meeting between US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem.
Of course the French will then hand Lebanon over to the first German that crosses the border.

Hat Tip : Red Foreman.

Update : Already? I am so psychic it scares me. more...

Posted by: Howie at 09:51 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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July 27, 2006

Exclusive: Landis Not French


****Exclusive****Must Cite Jawa Report****

Preliminary tests of Tour de France winner Floyd Landis's blood indicate that he has "illegaly high levels" of testosterone.

In France, any testosterone in the bloodstream is considered abnormal.

Landis, though, denies the charges of using the steroid illegaly claiming only that he is male--and not the pansy metrosexual type in denial, either.

Lance Armstrong's excuse for not showing testosterone in the bloodstream? That whole lost nut thing.

Landis has called the accusation "fighting words." We expect the Tour de France judging committee to surrender any moment.

Developing.......CMUNK, reporting from Paris.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:43 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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July 09, 2006

French Public Warming to Muslims

AllahPundit at HotAir posts some results of a recent Pew Research Poll of Muslims and non-Muslims around the world.

Non-Muslim Opinion of Muslims

Interestingly, majorities of the public in the U.S., Germany, the UK and Russia were sympathetic to the Muslim rioters in France who lit the French suburbs on fire last Summer. Now, I'll admit it's probably a good thing I don't have a button in my house that could automatically start a fire somewhere in France, because there are probably those times I'd be tempted to use it. On the other hand, I have little sympathy for anyone who moves into another country as an invited guest and then complains about the conditions. I have zero sympathy for any immigrant who'd turn to violence.

Predictably, UK public opinion of immigrants is down from last year before the 7/7 bombings, but it is up as compared to 2002. Oddly, French public opinion is more favorable to Middle Eastern and North African immigrants now than it was a year ago, despite the recent cartoon controversy and the immigrant riots last year. Similarly, 46% of the French public was sympathetic to the rioters. Let me get this straight: someone came to your country, with your permission, and then lit the place on fire, and you're OK with this? Are the French just masochists? Do they really loathe themselves that much? Do they suffer from some bizarre nationwide form of Stockholm Syndrome? I really don't get it.

Distinct from Society vs. Adopting National Customs

52% of German Muslims opined that Muslims in their country want to "be distinct from society" as compared to 30% who believed that German Muslims want to "adopt national customs." Substantial majorities in France and Spain believed that Muslims in those countries prefer to adopt national customs.

Muslims First, Citizens Second

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of Muslims living in the UK, Spain and Germany (81%, 69% and 68%, respectively) considered themselves Muslims first and citizens second. On the other hand, 39% of Indonesian Muslims considered themselves citizens first and Muslims second, compared to 36% who had the opposite view.

Somewhat surprisingly, 48% of Christians in the U.S. considered themselves U.S. citizens first and Christians second, as compared to 42% who saw it the other way around. My guess is most of the 48% are the type who only darken the church door for weddings and funerals.

Distinct Muslim Identity

Substantial majorities of non-Muslims in the UK, Russia, Spain, Germany and even France believed that a rising Muslim identity was a bad thing. Substantial majorities of Muslims in the UK, Spain and France thought it was a good thing.

Overall, the poll sheds some light on Muslim and non-Muslim attitudes in Europe. Unfortunately, the questions asked were pretty vague. As such, it's tough to draw many hard conclusions from the results. I still can't get past the fact that almost half of the French were sympathetic to the rioters.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:17 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 05, 2006

Fwench Puzzled by July 4th Flags

From Agence France Presse:

It's a true epidemic: the red, white and blue, stars-and-stripes banners are everywhere in the United States - on house facades, front lawns, cars and clothes.

"It's a little strange, this obsession of the flag," French author Bernard-Henri Levy wrote after traveling across the country.

"Everywhere, in every form, flapping in the wind or on stickers, an epidemic of flags that has spread throughout the city," Levy wrote in "American Vertigo" of the riot of banners he saw.

I feel your pain, Bernard-Henri. The French tri-color is, at best, an uninspired design, but that's not the real problem.

The real problem is that the tri-color is most familiar to the French (those few who choose to serve it, when outlanders still can be enticed to join the Foreign Legion) as a rallypoint to mark the extent of the latest retreat. Or perhaps on letterhead detailing a special, secret business arrangement with Saddam Hussein.

It seems that the once-great French nation has never truly recovered from the shame of Vichy France and the collaboration epidemic.

Quelle dommage.

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 04:36 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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June 14, 2006

France Jails 25 Unitarians for Eiffel Tower Plot

Did I say Unitarians? I meant Buddhists. Remember, all religions produce an equal proportion of murderous nuts and thugs. Repeat that mantra 20 times while genuflecting in the UN's general direction.


A PARIS court sentenced 25 Muslim militants yesterday for planning attacks against the Eiffel Tower and other targets with explosives in support of rebels fighting Russian forces in Chechnya.
Team America could not be reached for comment.

Yes, I'm that bored in Ft. Collins that I've resorted to blogging.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:40 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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