October 23, 2006

Generic Youths Burn Bus in Paris.

Generic Youths of in Paris are celebrating last years generic riots in Paris this week by burning a bus.

The MSM are preparing to cover more generic violence by angry generic youths in remembrance last year’s generic violence.

International Herald Tribune: PARIS Police held two teenagers for questioning Monday after a gang of youths forced passengers out of a bus in a Paris suburb this weekend and set it on fire, officials said.

The two teens, aged 13 and 18, were rounded up after the attack Sunday in Grigny, south of Paris, and were being held in a regional police office in nearby Evry, police said.

The attack came days before France is to mark the one-year anniversary of the start of three weeks of riots by youths in poor neighborhoods.

Sunday's assailants, some wearing masks, forced passengers out of the bus in broad daylight, set it ablaze and then stoned firefighters who came to the rescue, police officials said. The local prefecture said nearly 30 youths were involved in the incident.

The attack followed nearly a half-dozen incidents in recent weeks in which suburban youths have attacked police officers, in some cases in planned ambushes.

Such clashes have raised tensions ahead of Friday's anniversary of the start of the 2005 riots, which laid bare the problems of racism and discrimination faced by poor youths of immigrant origin.

Those poor generic youths! I bet burning busses and trashing old rich Fwench guy’s cars will make them more likely to hire generic youths. I must know more about these generic youths. I’ll keep clicking. Hold on. More here from the Telegraph UK who mentions the many of the generic youths who rioted last year were mostly Muslim.
Youths from France’s run-down suburban estates began rioting on October 27, 2005, after two teenagers of North African origin died when they were accidentally electrocuted in a sub-station while trying to flee police in Clichy-sous-Bois, east of Paris.

Riots erupted over the following weeks in most of the country’s major cities. Many of those involved were from Muslim immigrant families, prompting a debate about integration and discrimination in France. Amid fears of a fresh eruption of violence, Jean-Louis Borloo, France’s minister for social cohesion, on Sunday evening called for people to act responsibly because “tensions are raw just as we’re in the process of resolving the difficulties.”

So remember, act responsibly and call them youths. Since, you know, it would be incorrect to demand the youths act responsibly. And the strongest statement so I can find so far from the Fwench
The Australian: District police chief Jean-Francois Papineau called the bus attack "deliberate".
Deliberate? I’m sure the youths accidentally burned the bus. Better watch that word deliberate you could start a riot or something. Still searching to find of which generic youths burned the bus. One minute….Oh here it is.
Pipeline News: October 23, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - French police found themselves once again under attack by firebomb wielding North African Muslim immigrants on Sunday.

The Paris suburb of Grigny was the scene of the pitched battle which featured 50 Islamic youths rampaging through the streets taunting police, pelting them with rocks and torching passenger vehicles including a bus.

No, you have got to be kidding me! I’d have never guessed. And I'm damn sure not going to call the riots terrorism. Terrorism is using fear of violence to achive a political goal. I'm sure these boys were just expressing themselves. Add the that the fact that, if I called it terrorism, I might upset some generic youths and cause a riot.

Posted by: Howie at 09:33 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
Post contains 600 words, total size 4 kb.

1 kill a frog for allah, that's the jihadists battle cry. I bet those dumb frogs all urinating all over themselves trying to put this multicultrual 'event'  in its proper place while avoiding being beaten to death. Maybe they could offer the disenfranchised youth their women and appease them in this manner. I'm sure it would work. The jihadists may as well start burning government buildings and banks and targeting civic leaders and destabalize large parts of france. Why fool around with burning some vehicles when much better fare is theirs for the taking? It would be the smart thing to do if you were a jihadist and the only thing opposing you was some gutless, cowardly frog infidels. Maybe we can see some frog beheading videos too. I honestly don't know if I hold the pathetic french in more disgust or the muzzie thugs.

Posted by: goesh at October 23, 2006 10:50 AM (vX0fY)


They should shoot to kill the rioters, then identify their families, round them all up and send them back to their home countries.

Posted by: memphis761 at October 23, 2006 10:52 AM (D3+20)


Since they feel so strongly that they riot, they must be right; let's give them everything they demand including complete submission to their belief system! (SARC)

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at October 23, 2006 11:03 AM (vixLB)


" They should shoot to kill the rioters, then identify their families, round them all up and send them back to their home countries. "

What Memphis761 says, but first they have to grow some balls, and we need to do the same!

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 23, 2006 11:15 AM (Dd86v)

5 The MSM/DNC is lieing again by hiding the facts."Generic" my ass!

Posted by: Jo macDougal at October 23, 2006 11:36 AM (2vpLj)

6 And zee Fwench will sit back and take all this merde because zee Fwench are lovers, not fighters, dontcha know! I'm waiting for Chirac and de Villepin to run a press conference and admit that they have already converted to Islam and that Fwance is now an Islamic Republic. Sarkozy will be jailed for blasphemy and treason against the Islamic republic of Fwance and Chirac will be dictator for life. Ahmadinejad will congratulate his new bestest friend Jacqbar(Sorry Hugo, you've been replaced!) and congratulate him for coming over to the dark side of the force. Fwance will become a festering pool of terrorism training with Hizbullah and Hamas coming to see Jacqbar for funding and weaponry and maybe Mahmoud can just buy nuclear warheads directly from Jacqbar rather than waste their time developing their own. Attacks across Eurabia will be launched from Fwance. "Generic" youth will now have a new "joie de vivre" and a reason to live, their angst fuelling attacks on other Europeans. Oh zee Fwench. C'est la guerre!

Posted by: Stan the Infidel in Indonesia at October 23, 2006 11:37 AM (ZbwqE)

7 Obsessing about terrorism is starting to effect your reason - now you see terrorism in the eye of every child, on the lips of every lover - what, we never had a riot here? HA. Terrorists, get real.

Posted by: tbone at October 23, 2006 12:20 PM (HGqHt)

8 Define terrorism Tbone. Stan the Infidel is from Indonesia. One of his close friends was shot down last week by a misunderstanderer of the ROPMA. You mock him yet you have never walked in his shoes I will bet. Most of western society can only guess what it is like to live under this cloud of fear.

Posted by: SeeMonk at October 23, 2006 01:12 PM (7teJ9)

9 Damn French racists. Nothing but a bunch racists, bigots, KKK'rs, Nazis. See what they get for being a bunch hateful racists. Serves them right. How dare they bring the people from North Africa and not change French customs and religion to suit the immigrants.  If God didn't want them to burn the buses he would have prevented it. Damn ignorant racists.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 23, 2006 01:21 PM (6c/Sq)

10 Anyone know what happened to Hondo? Was he banned?

Posted by: SeeMonk at October 23, 2006 01:26 PM (7teJ9)

11 Seemonk.
I don't think he was banned. If he was I would appreciate someone being honest enough to tell us. I tried to E-mail him using what I could get from past Jawa Reports. Didn't work.
I fear for him. The last comment he had was that he was going to a medical center for a group of tests dealing with a disability. I sincerely hope they didn't keep him.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 23, 2006 01:43 PM (6c/Sq)

12 Hey! Google links to you guys. I thought they didn't acknowledge the "great unwashed" in their universe. Anyway, fuque the french, they went into this thing with their eyes wide open when they assaulted the "yoots" with their overwhelming appeasement forces last year! Good luck with that!

Posted by: Dadzilla at October 23, 2006 03:03 PM (QEBxj)

13 A word to the wise. My close friend was taken under by the VA hospital. He had fallen and was just banged up a bit, but within days they had thinned his blood and he succumbed after a few days. They are always thinking of new and creative ways to cut costs. He left behind a wife, children and grandchildren. As for Hondo, I heard mention he was actually Steve Irwin. Maybe someone on this blog was joking?

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 23, 2006 04:45 PM (Dd86v)

14 The solution to this problem is simple. Enact a law which states that any citizen that is caught engaging in these acts is caught and convicted of these crimes is deported from the country with their immediate family. I guarantee after the first dozen or so criminals engaging in this activity are deported the parents of these "youth" will reign in this activity....

Posted by: Paul at October 23, 2006 09:22 PM (IBGCC)

15 Liberals want us to be like Europe. LOL.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 23, 2006 09:55 PM (8e/V4)

16 Obsessing about terrorism? I was just making a joke but semi-serious at the same time. Those youth don't want to be part of French society. They are Muslims. They were born in France and feel it is their Muslim country and the temporary caretakers of "their" country are oppressing them. They don't want to be part of a society they were born into, they want to rule and destroy the society. Such is a religious ideology that incorporates triumphantism. They must Islamicize everything. Nationality and ethnicity means nothing to them. The infidel authority must be destroyed and replaced. Either we conform to their way or we are eliminated. It has always been this way. We are just noticing it more now because of migration of Muslims to non-Muslim countries. Their populations increase enough in their new countries that they begin speaking out against everything and trying to change everything to suit them. And they will try and change you too.
SeeMonk made a great point. Have you ever been persecuted by Muslims? Have you had a gun pointed at you by a militant and told that you're an infidel and will be killed ? I have. During a simple walk from the school I was teaching at to a shopping mall a few blocks away, demonstrating members of the Islamic Defenders Front at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Jakarta confronted me as I tried to enter Plaza Indonesia shopping mall during Ramadan in 2002. One of the militants (sorry.... I should say terrorists) pointed an AR-15 at my head from about a metre away and said "Hey bule, lu tidak percaya ya!" ( Hey white foreigner, you ( lu is Jakarta slang for 'you') don't believe, right?  What he was referring to is that I didn't believe in Allah. Then he said in English, "I will kill you" and laughed. The police standing by were smiling and laughing. I looked at him and said 'Boleh'. ( Boleh is used when asking or giving permission so basically I was giving him permission to kill me, kind of like saying 'Go ahead'). He looked at me strangely and turned his attention away to his friends. I continued through the crowd into the mall. Am I stupid? Yea probably. Why did I do it? He wanted to get a reaction out of me to make his friends laugh. He didn't get it. Why did I act the way I did? I don't want this to sound arrogant but I believe God has so many plans for me to do His work that He won't let me die in a situation like that. For the same reason I have gone into 'hot' areas of conflict here and in other countries. I have no fear because my faith is way bigger than my fear. I step out of my comfort zone and take that leap of faith and do what I do because I have faith that God knows what He is doing. His Son gave His life so I can have eternal life. I owe Him mine for that and I am ready to give it up anytime. And because I'm ready to die for my faith, I have no fear. No one will force convert me and I will not be a puppet for any militant. Go ahead and torture me, kill me. This body is only temporary. You know, I could easily pack it all up and get out of here. Instead of serving God as He has called me and standing up against persecution against my brothers and sisters by Muslims in a Muslim country, I could be sitting at home in some safe Western country, watching TiVO, drinking beer, eating Krispy Kreme donuts, complaining about politics and the price of gas. I made a choice to stay and make a stand here. As I said before in a previous post a few weeks ago, it's coming soon for you guys too.
When you hear a Muslim child call you an infidel, you know that hate is being instilled by the parents and it's that same hate that wants you either dead or part of their religion. Are all Muslims like this? No. But the numbers are quickly increasing and moderate Muslims will be faced with a choice, are you on the side of Muslims or infidels? For now they can remain neutral or say they believe in a liberal form of Islam. The radicals will eventually force them to make a choice and if they try to continue with their liberal views of Islam, they will be branded an apostate and killed. They cannot stop until the whole world is only full of Muslims and everyone is under Shariah, or the Qu'ran is a lie and Muhammad was wrong.

Posted by: Stan the Infidel in Indonesia at October 24, 2006 06:09 AM (3YCXM)

17 And I bet you racist bastards think it was all brown people who did this! Everyone knows it's the JOOOoooOOOOooooooozzzz!!!

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at October 24, 2006 06:24 AM (v3I+x)

18 Tbone you seem to miss the finer points of the liberal ideals.  See in the 60's those riots were in essence a form of terrorism. The violence delegitimized the cause for which they were acting.  Dr King saw that the violence stood on the way of advancement ot civil right  and would not result the desired result.  I kind of expected the left to defend terror since they have so many on their side.  It's not the cause that makes you a terrorist its the actions, See how this works?

Posted by: Howie at October 24, 2006 09:08 AM (D3+20)

19 whatever! A good terrorist is a dead terrorist!

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 24, 2006 01:48 PM (Dd86v)

20 A good terrorist is a terrorist at room temperature.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 26, 2006 07:08 AM (zqSqi)

21 Not if room temperature is 98.6 %

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 26, 2006 10:34 AM (Dd86v)

22 A good terrorist is a terrorist at room temperature with the heat off.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 26, 2006 11:46 PM (eqF9P)

23 Not if you're in the desert.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 27, 2006 02:11 AM (Dd86v)

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