May 12, 2006

Al-Qeada threatens Denmark, Norway, France

In the bullpen has the full story. AU : Muslims avenge your Prophet .... We deeply desire that the small state of Denmark, Norway and France ... are struck hard and destroyed," said Libyan Mohammed Hassan, who escaped from US custody at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan last July.

"Destroy their buildings, make their ground shake and transform them into a sea of blood," said Hassan, dressed in military fatigues and a black turban, and holding an assault rifle.

This is the video I was looking for. The number of places I can visit are somewhat limited. If anyone can find it or a full transcript email Howie. But from Chad Evans' post we get the general idea. Same old “river of blood” crap al-Qaeda spews incessantly.

MEMRI has the video. Hat Tip: Morning coffee who has the link here.

Posted by: Howie at 08:35 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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May 04, 2006

America Responds to French Request for Zacarias Moussaoui


Related: Moussaoui's Mother Blames Racist Americans for Conviction, France May Seek Tranfer

Posted by: Rusty at 06:40 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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April 03, 2006

French University President Disgusted with French Youth.

So what do you want for nothing?

Guardian UK : The president of the world-renowned Sorbonne University has branded French students protesting about the country's new employment law "ignorant and stupid".
Reacting to protests over the law, which makes it easier for employers to fire, and therefore presumably more willing to hire, young workers, Jean-Robert Pitte said the youngsters had no dreams but believed everything was due to them as a right without having to work for it.
"I'm very angry about the demagogy, the ignorance and the stupidity of the young and of the French," said Dr Pitte, 56, a geography professor who has taught at Oxford and Cambridge and holds the Légion d'honneur.

"Today's youth don't have dreams, they have illusions. To dream is to want to accomplish something difficult that is a challenge. Instead youngsters believe they have a right to everything and if things don't go the way they want it's someone else's fault."

Oh I see just a free ride with no blisters required. Lazy punks been hanging with too many Muslims, don’t they realize if you provide value to your employer you won’t be the one fired? Oh yes they do realize that and that’s why they are upset, never mind.

Posted by: Howie at 03:04 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
Post contains 212 words, total size 1 kb.

March 17, 2006

Cheese Eating Tenure Monekeys

As I predicted yesterday, celebrations of Jerry Lewis' birthday turned violent in France as students turned out en masse. Okay, the riots were unrelated to Jerry Lewis' 80th birthday, but I did predict riots in France! That's got to count for something.

Then again, predicting riots in France is a lot like predicting it will be hot in Las Vegas.

Whiney French students (redundant--I know) took to the streets to protest a change in French law which would make it legal to fire new employees up to two years after they begin. Oh the inhumanity of it all! Imagine, employees at Paris shops might actually have to pay attention to their customers.

Cheese Eating Tenure Monekeys

Posted by: Rusty at 07:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 16, 2006

France Celebrates Jerry Lewis' 80th Birthday

Jerry Lewis turns 80 today. Riot police are standing by in France.

UPDATE: Jerry Lewis related violence at an all time high!

Posted by: Rusty at 09:33 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 14, 2006

Anti-Semitism, Scott Baio Worship, On the Rise in France (Updated)

It never surprises me to hear that Muslims in France--or anywhere--are violently antisemitic. What does shock me is that activists protesting the rise of antisemitism have adopted Scott Baio as their leader. I would have thought Jerry Lewis would have been the natural choice. Or maybe David Hasselhoff......

Update: Et tous Sweden? more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:52 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 01, 2006

Freedom of Speech Breaking Out All Over Europe: Dogs and Cats Living Together

Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse? Word on the streets is that French and German newspapers have begun to reprint cartoons deemed so offensive by Muslims that the offending countries should be a) boycotted b) condemned by the U.N. c) cyber attacked d) bombed.

(UPDATE: Italy and Spain too)

We at The Jawa Report have been doing our part for some time. Vinnie reprinted the offending cartoons here with the caveat that he must receive the first death fatwa.

Nu-huh, he din't! Aint no way nobody is ge'in no fatwa before me!

Our adoptive blogfather The Commissar is starting a campaign to urge the reprinting of these cartoons. If your blog hasn't printed them, please stand up for freedom. Better yet, enourage the MSM to carry the cartoons in their pages. They'll print Ted Rall's garbage, why not this?

We've also called for a boycott of the boycott by buying Danish products
. But via Beth we learn that others are beginning to organize the effort with images for your blog. Keep it up and support the effort!

Steal these images: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:31 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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January 20, 2006

Has Chirac Grown A Pair?

He's certainly talking like a man who's had a testosterone injection. From the Washington Post:

PARIS, Jan. 19 -- President Jacques Chirac said Thursday that France was prepared to launch a nuclear strike against any country that sponsors a terrorist attack against French interests. He said his country's nuclear arsenal had been reconfigured to include the ability to make a tactical strike in retaliation for terrorism.

"The leaders of states who would use terrorist means against us, as well as those who would envision using . . . weapons of mass destruction, must understand that they would lay themselves open to a firm and fitting response on our part," Chirac said during a visit to a nuclear submarine base in Brittany. "This response could be a conventional one. It could also be of a different kind."

Zut alors! Chirac is actually threatening to nuke rogue terrorist states? Iran's Ahmadinejad must be shaking like a French soldier. Sorry, conditioned response...

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:12 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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