February 22, 2006

Muslim Ambassadors Threaten Denmark Months Ago

If this is diplomatic ship, then where is the Ambassador? Thinly veiled threats are still threats. Clinton Taylor in Townhall:

Nice civilization you got here. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.

That was the sinister subtext of a letter addressed to Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, asking him to “take all those responsible to task under law” for the infamous Mohammed cartoons. The letter is remarkable for when it was sent and for who sent it.

The letter was signed by the eleven ambassadors of Islamic or heavily-Islamic countries. Libya, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Palestine, Indonesia, Morocco, and Bosnia-Herzegovina complained about the Jyllands-Posten cartoons on October 12, long before the current round of protests....

Funny how these countries demanding that Denmark crack down on unpopular expression have so much trouble doing so themselves, even when things turn bloody, and even when they see it coming for three months. Not “funny-ha-ha”. The other kind. [Read the rest]

Posted by: Rusty at 01:47 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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February 21, 2006

Are Danish Lutherans Christian?

وَمَنْ هُوَ الْكَذَّابُ؟ إِنَّهُ الَّذِي يُنْكِرُ أَنَّ
يَسُوعَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ حَقّاً. إِنَّهُ ضِدٌّ لِلْمَسِيحِ يُنْكِرُ الآبَ وَالابْنَ مَعا


A delegation of bishops and religious men from the Danish Lutheran Church made contacts in Egypt following the worldwide uproar against the offending cartoons of Prophet Mohammed published in a Danish newspaper....

Steen Skovsgaard, a bishop in the delegation, told Zaman that the cartoons are entirely for provocation. Skovsgard, stressing Muslims and Christians live together in peace, said Danes separated after the events and the majority disapproved the cartoons. He said the freedom of speech did not include humiliation and insult and Muslims can seek remedy through the courts as Denmark is a state of law. Skovsgard, underlining that the crisis is the beginning of a new dialogue rather than a partition, said their tickets were bought by the Danish Foreign Ministry though it was not an official visit.

Via Charles Johnson.

UPDATE: Sweden too? I mean, you'd expect this from the Saudis, but not the Swedes. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:12 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 20, 2006

Scandinavians Condemn Death Fatwa as "un-Islamic"

Islam means submission, not peace. To the Islamist, to kill someone for breaking Islamic law is not murder, it is carrying out the death penalty. So, it's always great to see that Christians and atheists seem to know Islam better than Muslims who have been practicing the tradition of imposing the death penalty on blasphemers and apostates since Muhammed's time.

Khaleej Times:

Denmark and Norway on Monday condemned as incitement to murder a Pakistani cleric’s offer of a reward to anyone who kills any of the 12 Danish cartoonists who lampooned the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“It’s murder and murder is also forbidden by the Koran,” Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller told a news conference with his colleague Jonas Gahr Stoere from Norway, which has been dragged into the row after a paper published the cartoons.

“Islam is also a religion of peace, mercy and forgiveness. That is why it is my opinion, but also the opinion of many Muslims, this is un-Islamic,” said the Danish minister.

Yes, they kill you for apostasy. From the hadiths: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:03 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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February 17, 2006

Egyptian Ambassador to Denmark Replaced over Muhammed Cartoons

The Egyptian Ambassador to Denmark, Mona Omar Attia, has been recalled from her duties and assigned elsewhere. Ms. Attia was key in inflaming Muslim anger over the Muhammed cartoons. Good riddance. Egyptian Sandmonkey has more.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 14, 2006

Danish Muslims to Accept Partial Responsibilty for Conflict

Danish Muslims want to say they're sorry. Sort of. Kinda like the abusive husband who says, I'm sorry for hitting you but you've got to admit you were being a bitch and provoked me. Yeah, exactly like that.


he spokesman for the Danish Moslem group, 28-year-old Ahmed Akkari who claims to represent 27 Moslem organizations tells Jyllands-Posten that he is ready to accept "a third of the blame" for the escalating conflict if Jyllands-Posten and the Danish Government accepts that the rest is theirs. Ahmed Akkari explains that this is an attempt to get into a dialogue.

"With this concrete action we are attempting to show that we bear part of the blame in order to achieve resolution to this crisis. We want to show that we aren’t running. In fact, we have been trying to do that for the last two weeks," says Ahmed Akkari.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:01 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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February 10, 2006

Danish Editor Put on Leave for Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Controversy

This is certainly interesting. Notice that he was 'sent' on leave.


The Danish editor who commissioned the Prophet Muhammad cartoons at the centre of a global row has been sent on leave.

Flemming Rose, culture editor of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, got the order after saying he might print Iranian cartoons of the Holocaust.

The Danish cartoons, seen by many Muslims as insulting to their faith, have sparked worldwide protests.

Earlier this week, an Iranian newspaper said it was holding a contest inviting cartoonists to depict the Holocaust.

Hamshahri said it wanted to test the boundaries of free speech, echoing the reasons Jyllands-Posten and other European papers have given for publishing the caricatures.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:12 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 09, 2006

Creeping Fascism in Europe: Press Regulation Coming

What is the lesson to be learned here?

1) Muslims threaten Europe with boycotts and violence and demand press regulations.
2) Europe begins the process of outlawing images deemed offensive to Muslims.

Lesson: If you want Europe to adopt sharia (Islamic) law, simply threaten then.

My guess is that next Muslims will demand an end to public displays of pornographic material, something common in Europe. Also expect a demand for the prohibition of Christian missionaries trying to convert Muslims in the near future, sex-segregates schools, and tax supported mosques.

In fact, European Muslims are already demanding all of the above. Given that native Europeans have a very low birthrate, Europe has high numbers of Muslim immigrants (legal and illegal), and that Muslim immigrants have a very high birth rate, it is only a matter of time before Europe once again becomes part of Dar al-Islam. But I had always supposed this would be a hundred years or more in the future. But if Europeans are willing to cave to the fascistic demands of a minority that is still rather small, it seems inevetable that as that minority becomes larger they will cave even faster.

Could Europe adopt Islamofascist sharia law long before Muslims become a majority on the Continent? It seems more likely every day.


The European Union may try to draw up a media code of conduct to avoid a repeat of the furor caused by the publication across Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an EU commissioner said on Thursday.
Sure, the code will be 'voluntary'. We believe you.

And if the EU doesn't adopt 'the code', Muslims in the U.K. are pressing for one. Clarity and Resolve:

Muslim scholars holding emergency talks called for a change in the law to stop insulting pictures of the Prophet Muhammad being published.

Officials from the Muslim Action Committee (MAC) meeting in Birmingham also called for the Press Complaints Commission code to be tightened to restrict British newspapers from following European media in printing the caricatures.

A protest march from Trafalgar Square to Hyde Park on February 18 involving around 50,000 Muslims would be staged, Shaikh Faiz Saddiqi, spokesman for the MAC, said.

Birmingham, I would note, is home to a notoriously radical group of followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed. Bakri has said that the cartoon blasphemers should be executed. It was Bakri's followers who staged the London demonstration where signs such as 'behead those who insult Islam' were seen.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:24 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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February 02, 2006

French Newspaper Caves to Muslim Threats of Violence, Fires Editor (Updated)

How else do you interpret the news that the French newspaper France Soir, which published blasphemous cartoons of Muhammed, fired the editor that had run them? If not a capitulation to threats of violence by intolerant Muslims, then what?

It's not like France's large Muslim population hadn't gone on rampages before. And if there is a single one of you who would be shocked to find Jacques Lefranc murdered in the streets of Paris, then you truly are ignorant.

Update: Le Monde bucks the trend and stands up to radical Muslims! (with pics)


France Soir originally said it had published the images in full to show "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society.

But late on Wednesday its owner, Raymond Lakah, said he had removed managing editor Jacques Lefranc "as a powerful sign of respect for the intimate beliefs and convictions of every individual".

Mr Lakah said: "We express our regrets to the Muslim community and all people who were shocked by the publication."

The president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), Dalil Boubakeur, had described France Soir's publication as an act of "real provocation towards the millions of Muslims living in France".

See how that works? It's not the fault of millions of Muslims for wanting to murder blasphemers, they were provoked.

Captain Ed has this:

These cartoons have been privately drawn and published by privately-owned enterprises. That is the essential nature of free speech. The Danes understand that, and I find the European impulse in supporting them the most hopeful sign from the Continent in a long time, Soir's surrender notwithstanding.
UPDATE: Reader Kir tells us that Raymond Lakah is actually from Egypt, which, if true, might also explain a whole lot and remove the fear of violence explanation. But, I would also remind you, that the only thing radical Islamists hate more than a kufir blaspheming the Prophet is one of their own blaspheming the Prophet. An Egyptian would be much more likely to understand the ramifications of blasphemy than an infidel Westerner.

UPDATE: In a shocking turn of events, Christians and Jews go on bloody rampage over depictions of Jesus!

Posted by: Rusty at 08:56 AM | Comments (72) | Add Comment
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February 01, 2006

Freedom of Speech Breaking Out All Over Europe: Dogs and Cats Living Together

Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse? Word on the streets is that French and German newspapers have begun to reprint cartoons deemed so offensive by Muslims that the offending countries should be a) boycotted b) condemned by the U.N. c) cyber attacked d) bombed.

(UPDATE: Italy and Spain too)

We at The Jawa Report have been doing our part for some time. Vinnie reprinted the offending cartoons here with the caveat that he must receive the first death fatwa.

Nu-huh, he din't! Aint no way nobody is ge'in no fatwa before me!

Our adoptive blogfather The Commissar is starting a campaign to urge the reprinting of these cartoons. If your blog hasn't printed them, please stand up for freedom. Better yet, enourage the MSM to carry the cartoons in their pages. They'll print Ted Rall's garbage, why not this?

We've also called for a boycott of the boycott by buying Danish products
. But via Beth we learn that others are beginning to organize the effort with images for your blog. Keep it up and support the effort!

Steal these images: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:31 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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January 31, 2006

First Jerusalem, Next Seville: Hamas Demands Return of Spain to Muslims

Central to the radical Islamist paradisical vision is the return of all land that once belonged to the global Caliphate to Muslims. In this vision, only when Muslims dominate the world can true peace be established.

Here is something that the blogfather, Charles Johnson found. Spain Herald:

The children’s website Al Fateh, property of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, demands in its most recent issue the return of the Spanish city of Seville to the “lost paradise” of Al Andalus, as the Muslim part of Spain was called during its existence between 711 and 1492. The web magazine, whose name means “conqueror,” says it is for “the young builders of the future.”
UPDATE: Tammy Bruce chimes in with these words of wisdom:
Lovely. I wonder if Spain is confused by the fact that their abandoning the people of Iraq has done absolutely nothing to protect them from the Islamist ghouls.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:07 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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January 30, 2006

Danish Paper Caves to Islamic Fascists, Apologizes

The newspaper which carried the originally 'offensive' cartoons has caved. My feeling is that the Danes will never cave. So, continue to buy your Danish pastries, beers, and porn. I'd lay off purchasing the latest copy of Jyllands-Posten, though.

Via Is Full of Crap this from JPOST:

A Danish newspaper on Monday issued an apology to the world's Muslims for publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that sparked a furor in the Islamic world.

The drawings "were not in violation of Danish law but have undoubtedly offended many Muslims, which we would like to apologize for," the Jyllands-Posten's editor-in-chief Carsten Juste said in a statement posted on the paper's Web site.

Meanwhile the cyber jihad continues with numerous websites that have defended Danish freedom of expression suffering under Denial of Service Attacks.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:25 PM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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Cyber Attacks Against Danish Websites, Counterattacks Against Arab Sites

An interet war is brewing between a small minority of hackers who happen to be an even smaller subset of misunderstanders of Islam and Danish geeks. Viking Observer at AIR passes this translation on from the Danish media:

A large number of Danish papers´ web versions have crashed. Suspicions immediately center on the hacker attacks being because of the Mohammed-drawings in Jyllands-Posten. ..

All the web media hit are hosted on the same servers at the internet company Metropol Online, owned by Berlingske (Danish publishing house). ..

Among the media hit is the homepage of Jyllands-Postens, www.jp.dk, which creates suspicions, that hackers are trying to hit the paper as part of the row over the papers´ Mohammed-drawings.

And Danish geeks respond in kind to the cyberterrorism coming from the Muslim world. Again, from Viking Observer:
A Danish chain-mail that is circulating by email urges people to take part in a web-based attack on arab media. This happens in reaction to the hacker-attack on Danish papers´ websites over the weekend....

he email starts out with the headline "Denmark under attack by moslem hackers" and contains an attached program, that starts a so-called denial-of-service attack on five arab media, among them Al-Jazeera, Arab News og Gulf News.

In the letter the recipient is urged to let the program run on his computer to bombard the arab media with data and thus block their homepages.

Wait. They're attacking al Jazeera? Good on you. As I've argued countless times in the past, al Jazeera is part of the enemy propaganda machine and is therefore a legitimate target in the war-on-terror. It is high time the Western world employed these cyberterrorists to our own advantage. The model of the privateer comes to mind.

And for a great non-dhimmi Danish blogger, visit Enough!

Posted by: Rusty at 01:29 PM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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Something Rotten in Denmark

Two very related stories. First, the Danish Left has been funneling money to terrorists for years. I guess paying tthe jizya hasn't helped the Danish Left one bit.

Second, why are the tiny minority of extremists calling for a boycott of Denmark? Could it be that Denmark currently chairs the U.N. Security Council and the Islamic Republic of Iran is about to receive that bodies censure?

Posted by: Rusty at 11:09 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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January 24, 2006

Ghost of Hitler Lives on in Linz, Austria

Muslims fathers in the town of Linz, Austria are demanding that female teachers put on the hajib--or traditional Muslim headcover. What is so interesting about Linz? It is the town where Adolf Hitler went to school! Hitler also claimed Linz as his 'hometown', one which would be a 'model' for the Third Reich.

Interestingly enough, 3/4 of the students at this Linz elementary school are not native German speakers. Which is ironical, to say the least.

Of course, one wonders the extent to which Linz's status as Hitler's home drew so many immigrants. After all, Mein Keimpf is still a best seller in practically every Muslim nation.

First demand: headscarves for women.
Second demand: yellow stars for Jews.

Charles Johnson has a rough translation from an Austrian newspaper here.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:33 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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January 23, 2006

Not Dhimmis, but not Right

The talk over the Dutch move to the Right is hype, says Peaktalk. Agreed, but at least they are becoming less dhimmified.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 12, 2006

Iraqi Jihad Recruiter in Germany Convicted

I'd be a lot happier if he had got more than seven years, but this is Germany which is still in Europe. We'll take what we can get, when we can get it. Via Chad at ITB who also notes the Spaniards got another one, this from ADNKI:

An Iraqi man has been sentenced to seven years by a German court for helping smuggle suicide bombers from Europe to his native country in what is considered a landmark ruling. Amin Lokman Mohamed, 31, was convicted by Munich judge, Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg, of "belonging to a terrorist association and recruiting militants to send to Iraq."

Mohamed, from Iraqi Kurdistan, was arrested by the German police in 2003, while living in Munich. He denied belonging to the radical Islamic group Ansar al-Islam, which is believed linked to the al-Qaeda network and considered responsible for countless attacks against US troops in Iraq, but admitted collecting funds and recruiting jihadis in Europe.

During the trial, the court was presented with transcripts of hundreds of tapped phone conversations, in which Mohamed allegedly organised for the transfer of young men from Europe to Iraq and of others from his homeland to Germany and Britain.

Despite what the article says, Ansar al-Islam has not been responsible for many attacks lately. The group operated mainly in Kurdistan but was mostly wiped out by the Peshmerga during and after the war. Remnants have been succesful in the odd political assassination in Kurdistan, but nothing else. The real threat came when former Ansar al-Islam fighter Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took foreign fighters and formed Tawhid and Jihad--now known as al Qaeda in Iraq. Another group which seems to have formed from remnants of Ansar al-Islam, is The Army of Ansar al-Sunnah, which is no longer able to operate in Kurdistan but carries on terror activities wherever there are large Kurdish minorities in Iraq.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:44 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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December 05, 2005

The Erotic Bible Calendar

Finally a calendar that says "I'm Christian" and "I love to lust after nude women" all in one. Move over Hooker Headers, here comes the erotic bible calendar! I'm thinking that Professor Chaos might finally be won over to Jebus with this one.

You can see some of the calendar here. (NSFW or Church or Synagogue and definitely NSFM [not safe for mosque]) Unfortunately for you pervs, the calendar is sold out.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this--besides the fact that's it's a fundraiser for a Christian youth group--is the fact that there is a disclaimer on the site that reveals that some of the models were under 18. So, is this German 'Christian' organization peddling child-porn for Jesus?

I guess that simply being nude doesn't meet the legal requirement for child pornography, but it is kind of creepy. I mean, exactly what do these people think guys are going to be doing while looking at these hot young chicks in erotic poses? Contemplating the mysteries of the Trinity?

Apparently the kids who were over 16 but under 18 had permission from their parents to pose nude for the calendar. Yeah, I'll let my little Grettle pose nude, I mean, as long as it's for Christ. This is equally disturbing. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:31 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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November 29, 2005

Suicide Bomber in Iraq was Belgian Woman

A convert to the ROP left France Junior (Belgium) to become a suicide bomber in Iraq. Here's the saddest part: her Muslim husband is said to have talked her into it.


A woman who carried out a suicide attack in Iraq two weeks ago was identified Tuesday as the first European female suicide bomber.

The Belgian anti-terrorism unit has confirmed that the woman was a Belgian citizen who converted to Islam after her marriage to a Muslim fundamentalist, news service RTL reported Tuesday.

American military forces identified the woman at a combat scene in Baghdad. She was carrying recently issued Belgian identity papers which revealed she had traveled via Turkey. There are no traces of her radical husband who is believed to have organized her trip.

Europe: breeding ground for radical Islam.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:11 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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October 14, 2005

Terror Arrests In Netherlands, Parliament Sealed Off

Seven terrorists have been arrested in the Netherlands today as Dutch police mounted a series of raids nationwide. Among the seven terror suspects was a woman. The Dutch Parliament and the Prime Minister's office were also sealed off as gun shots were heard from a nearby street.

One of those arrested was a repeat offender. Dutch news agency ANP reports that among those arrested was Samir Azzouz, 19, acquitted in April of charges of planning attacks on government buildings--including Parliament. Police report that they found maps of potential targets in his home which included parliament and the Borselle nuclear power plant. (AKI)

Azzouz is suspected of belonging to the Hofstad Network, a group of suspected radical muslims which allegedly included Mohammed Bouyeri, the Dutch-Morroccan man jailed for life in July for the murder of film-maker Theo van Gogh, nearly a year ago in Amsterdam. (FT)

On Thursday, media reported renewed threats against members of parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali (image right) and Geert Wilders, both outspoken critics of Islamic extremism. The two went into hiding for several months after Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh's brutal murder. (Haaretz)

Local media also report that gunshots were heard in a largely Muslim immigrant neighborhood in the Hague this morning. The police have yet to confirm this.

Today, The Jawa Report received this comment from a Muslim reader in The Netherlands:



Do you now see the extent of the problem? CNN:
Journalist Hans Andringa told CNN there had been rumors that on November 2, the anniversary of Van Gogh's death, fundamentalists were planning "a macabre birthday party."

Following the arrests, Holland's National Coordinator for Counterterrorism announced a stepping up of security around the Binnenhof (parliamentary and governmental complex in The Hague), the headquarters of the General Intelligence and Security Service in Leidschendam, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

Personal security was also being stepped up for leading figures, the statement said, adding that there was no need to raise the general threat level associated with the national terrorist threat assessment.

"As reported earlier, the current threat level for the Netherlands is substantial, and that level remains unchanged," the statement said.

It's looking less and less like the Netherlands will be the first country to adopt sharia law. My bet is now on Sweden.

Personal note: I'm off the rest of the day doing you know what with you know who at you know where.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:57 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 11, 2005

Neocon Agenda: Bomb. Smurfs. Now!


In the time it took to write this post, Richard Perle and other prominent Neo-smurf Zionist smurfs at the Defense Policy Smurf, planned to smurf Smurf children with thousand pound smurfs. Meanwhile, smurfs at Haliburton grow richer off the smurfs of dead smurfs. All we are saying, is give smurf a chance!

Brought to you by UNICEF.

Hat tip to Shawn at Bare Knuckle Politics who has the UNICEF produced video of bombs falling on Smurfs here for France Junior TV. Seriously.

More commentary from Kevin Aylward at Wizbang and Jeff at Caerdroia. (PS-Come on, this post took like 2 minutes.....)

UPDATE: Dave at Garfield Ridge is just funny.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:17 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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October 08, 2005

Dutch Queen: Let's Negotiate With Mass Murdering Fascists of al Qaeda

I have a great idea! Let's negotiate with mass-murderering terrorists who want to stone to death women who get pregnant out of wedlock! Maybe they will meet us in the middle and and only kill half the Jews in the world and only give adulteresses fifty lashes instead of the death sentence?

Peaktalk has more from the Zeropean royalty.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:15 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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October 07, 2005

The Political Ties of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee

Mohamed ElBaradei and the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency have been awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, neither ElBaradei or the IAEA have done a single thing to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation, but at least they tried.

Who awards the Nobel Peace Price, and all other Nobel Prizes? From the Nobel Prize website:

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, whose five members are appointed by the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), is entrusted both with the preparatory work related to prize adjudication and with the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize.
So, who are these five people who think so highly of the U.N. and for whom the world is misled into thinking are simple neutral observers? All of them are politicians. Every. Single. One.

Chariman Dr. Ole Danbolt MJØS. Held various positions in The Christian People's Party (Kristelig Folkeparti). This party is center-right in Norwegian politics. But center-right in Norwegian politics would be considerably to the left in the U.S., especially on social-welfare issues. On family-values issues they are more to the right.

Dr. Berge Ragnar FURRE is the former parliamentary leader of the Socialist Left Party. The Socialist Left Party is left by European standards--it was formerly a Communist party. Today though, like most formerly communist parties, the Socialist Left Party is part of the Red-Green coalitions so common in Europe.

Sissel Marie RØNBECK is former director of the Social Democratic Youth (Labour's youth group) and a former cabinet minister in the Labour led government. The Labour Party has long been a main political party in Norway and was founded as a Marxist party, but are now merely socialists and advocates of an extensive welfare state. They now govern Norway as part of a center-left-green alliance.

Inger-Marie YTTERHORN is a former parliament member and currently advises the Progress Party. The Progress Party in Norway is both anti-immigration party and would be considered more libertarian than the Conservative Party on economic issues.

Kaci Kullmann FIVE is a member of the Conservative Party and former member of parliament. The name kind of says it all. But a Norwegian Conservative is a far-cry from an American conservative--for instance they support gay adoption and EU integration.

So, five people get together and decide who should get the prize. All five are former politicians. So, why should any one care what they think? I don't.

More at LGF, OTB, and elsewhere. Hat tip: Macker.

UPDATED, now with accurate information after getting my ass fact-checked.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:01 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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October 03, 2005

Sweden Reduces Terrorism Sentences

An appeals court in Sweden has cut the sentence of two Ansar al-Islam terrorists. Apparently Seven years is too harsh in Sweden for financing murder in Iraq. Meanwhile, an offshoot of Ansar al-Islam is practicing for jihad in Sweden where it claims to have found 'safe-haven'.

Swedish Radio International:

The two have been found guilty of collecting and transferring more than 148,000 US dollars to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who leads al-Qaida’s operations in Iraq, the Ansar al-Islam group, and other suspected terrorists in Iraq. They were linked to the December 2003 suicide bombing in Arbil, which took 4 lives.

They were sentenced by a lower court to 6 and 7 years imprisonment respectively, but the Stockholm Appeals Court changed the sentences to 4 and a half and 5 years, with permanent bans from entering Sweden after they are released.


Posted by: Rusty at 02:30 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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September 27, 2005

Ansar al-Sunna finds 'Safe Haven' in Sweden, Issues Death Fatwa Against Christian Minister

The The Army of Ansar al-Sunnah in Sweden announced on its website that it had opened a jihad training camp near Skane, Sweden (via Infovlad). I have backed up their original website HERE. The website warns

Please brothers and sisters, keep this website in secret and it will be online much longer.
That URL is http://www.sunnahserver.x10hosting.com. Spread the word....UPDATE: Thank you X10 Hosting! Site down. site_down_image.jpg Image courtesy Aaron at Internet Hagganah.

The announcement also apologizes to the Swedish people for threats made by overzealous members of the group, and assures Swedes that they only wish to kill Americans and Zionists.

However, a veiled death threat is issued against an individual identified as Runar Søgaard, a Norwegian living in Sweden:

We urge all Brothers and Sisters to boycott / capture Runar Søgaard who is reported to be under police protection after offending us Muslimeen with a speech about Islam's final prophet, Muhamad..

May Allah(swt) give mercy and peace to the supporters who capture and punish Runar with the hardest punishment, by the grace of Allah...

We will capture him sooner or later and he will get the hardest punishment in the name of Allah (SWT); we never forget our enemies!

Under Islamic law, the death penalty is considered the 'hardest punishment' for blasphemy. Islamic militants often pronounce death sentences on captured hostages before they murder them. Thus, their act of homicide is justified as meting out of punishment rather than the cold-blooded murder that it is.

Runar Søgaard has been under police protection since he practiced his free speech rights (something forbidden in Islam) by saying, among other things, that Mohammed was "a confused pedophile." Which he was. He consumated his marriage with Aisha when she was 9 years old. What do you call that?

The website also claims that Sweden is a perfect place to practice jihad since the Americans don't dare to bomb it. Sweden is called a 'safe haven'.

The Ansar al-Sunnah in Sweden website also claimed earlier videos of sniper training and the use of high end explosives circulating among jihadi message boards were made by them. Our report on the earlier video is here.

Posted by: Rusty at 05:13 PM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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September 26, 2005

Bush Vindicated Once Again: Right-Wing Wins in Polish Elections

The Left constantly whines about Bush driving away European allies, yet, at nearly every turn in the past several years, those more closely aligned with the principles of limited government, lower taxes, open markets, and a defense of liberty abroad have won. Now if we could only get Bush to live up to his own rhetoric this country would be in much better shape.


Polish papers are in little doubt that the apparent victory of the centre-right Law and Justice party, the PiS, in the country's first general election since joining the EU was a convincing one.

"PiS beat the Platform," says a headline in the influential Gazeta Wyborcza, referring to the Civic Platform, which seems to have come a close second.

"A radical change of power achieved with record low turnout" is how the paper sums up the result.

The Right, it says, will dominate the new Sejm (parliament).

How bad was the Left's defeat in Poland? Reuters:
The outgoing ruling left looks set to see its strength slashed from 217 to about 50 deputies, marking the lowest point since it was created in 1990 by reformed communists.
The hand wringing has already begun by Leftist European elites and are spinning the stunning defeat of the ruling Leftist party in the best possible light. BBC:
There was, however, one surprise: the fact that the outgoing ruling party, the former Communist Democratic Left Alliance, appears to have come third.

Beset by a series of corruption scandals, it had been expected to do worse.

"It got 11% of the vote and as many as 50 seats," Gazeta Wyborcza says. "Could this be because President Kwasniewski had campaigned on its behalf?"

This theme is echoed in the weekly Wprost.

"A sense of joy, even triumphalism reigned on Sunday night at the headquarters of the greatest winner among the losers - the Democratic Left Alliance."

So, according to this logic, you lose 167 seats in parliament and this is a victory because, you know, it could have been much worse.

What is extremely good news for the U.S. is that the ex-communist government that has been ousted from power was a supporter of the Iraq war. The two incoming right-of-center parties that are expected to rule also support the Iraq war and are Western in orientation. That is to say, alliance with the U.S. is not on the table in Poland, all major parties agree to that--Left and Right.

Here is a run down from the BBC on the two incoming parties' foreign policy stance:

What kind of foreign policy would the two pursue?

Both parties say they want to maintain Poland's close relations with the US and to play an assertive role in the EU.

Both see Russia as a potential strategic threat - and say Poland should seek to diversify its sources of oil and gas.

But while Civic Platform would also like to work closely with Germany, Law and Justice is more prone to nationalist rhetoric.

You mean, the right-wing party that garnered more votes is skeptical of the Germans--the country within the EU that most vehemently opposed the Iraq war for ideological reasons?

Here is how the Polish government classifies these two parties:

The Law and Justice Party (PiS) is a right-wing party which cherishes the traditions of independence and derives from the Solidarity movement of the 1980s. PiS represents a right-wing electorate which favours a traditional social order, a free-market economy, a strong and wholesome state, the principle of law and order and a resolute fight against crime and corruption. PiS was created in 2001. The best-known Law and Justice politicians are: Lech Kaczyński, Jarosław Kaczyński, Ludwik Dorn, Zbigniew Wasserman, Wiesław Walendziak, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz.

The Citizens' Platform (PO) was created in 2001 by Andrzej Olechowski, Donald Tusk, and Maciej Płażyński (then Speaker of the Senate), former members of the UD and AWS parties. The Citizens' Platform is a group which represents the liberal electorate, private entrepreneurs and business circles, as well as all who want a wholesome and robust state based on a free-market economy and the principle of competition. The leaders of Citizens' Platform are: Andrzej Olechowski, Donald Tusk, Paweł Piskorski.

So how come ex-commies in Germany hate the U.S. but ex-commies in Poland love the U.S.? The only logic that I see is the ex-commies in Germany have strong connections to communist parties in Western Germany. Western communist parties always had a single agenda: anti-americanism at all turns. The old communists from Western Germany never really experienced Soviet oppression. Their discourse is shaped by Western anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism.

In Poland, in contrast, there was never any doubt as to where oppression came from: Moscow. The Polish Left was never privy to the kind of anti-Americanism that prevails among the Western elite. They were anti-American because their masters in the USSR commanded them to be.

But, maybe there is a better theory floating around out there.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:37 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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