November 11, 2006

Claim: Cat Stevens Financed Terrorists, Tied to Radical Clerics


The Jawa Report Exclusive

The Jawa Report has obtained evidence that Yusuf Islam, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, was once connected to radical clerics Omar Bakri Mohammed & Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. According to at least one credible source, he was also involved in terrorist financing.

In an online voice chat from exile in Lebanon where he fled after British authorities banned several groups connected to him, Bakri told followers that various prominent Muslims would once frequent his office. Among those listed is Cat Stevens.

Bakri Mohammed has urged Muslims in the U.K. to fight British troops in Iraq and elsewhere, justified the 7/7 London bombings, and has publicly called for the murder of all who blaspheme the Muslim prophet Muhammed. Several followers of Bakri Mohammed have been arrested for their public calls for the murder of blasphemers. At least one has been recently been convicted.

The online chat was captured by Glen Jenvey who is part of an organization that secretly monitors the activities of radical Muslims who support terrorism. Jenvey, who we have worked with in the past and who has helped convict several high profile terror supporters, contacted The Jawa Report about the recorded conversation shortly after he captured it. The audio recording was made in what Bakri Mohammed believed was a private chat between himself and his radical followers.

But there's more. Bakri also claimed that Cat Stevens was an intimate of convicted terrorist Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman. When the Egyptian born cleric, better known as "The Blind Sheikh", would visit Britain, "Yusuf Islam used to sit near to him and ask him whatever he want [sic]."

Bakri then suggests that Cat Stevens also helped support Abdel Rahman's family financially. He also claims that Yusuf Islam knowingly sent money to the families of "the mujahidin" in Egypt. Giving money to the families of so-called 'martyrs' is a way for Muslims to support terrorism indirectly and yet remain shielded from most legal ramifications.

Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman is head of the same group that murdered 58 tourists near Luxor, Egypt, and he is currently serving a life sentence in the U.S. for a conspiracy to blow up targets in the United States.

Yusuf Islam was denied entry into the United States in 2004 after his name appeared on the "no fly list". The Muslim convert sued two British newspapers, The Sun and The Sunday Times, for libel because they had claimed that the U.S. Transportation and Security Administration had correctly identified him as a supporter of terror in the past. The papers settled the lawsuit out of court and apologized to Yusuf Islam.

But the new recordings by Glen Jenvey of Omar Bakri Mohammed call into question the denials made by the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens. In the past, Islam has appeared at numerous fundraisers for the charitable arms of terrorist organizations. At least one of those organizations has been tied to al Qaeda.

When a death fatwa was issued by top Iranian clerics on the head of Salman Rushdie, Islam said that he would turn Rushdie over to the Ayatollah Khomeini or his followers should the author show up on his doorstep. Islam later apologized but has continued his "peace work" by supporting Islamic charities with ties to radical groups and terrorist organizations.

Yusuf Islam has also been invited to perform at this year's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.

Muslims_protest_Pope_London_islam_will_conquer_rome2.jpgHowever, if there is one redeeming aspect of Bakri Mohammed's conversation about Yusuf Islam it is this: the broader context is one of famous British Muslims who used to be true believers but who have taken to working too closely with the "kaffirs". The first British Muslim to be knighted, Lord Nazir Ahmed, is also mentioned as a Muslim who had sold out by compromising with the unbelievers.

But if Yusuf Islam used to associate himself with Bakri Mohammed and Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman then clearly his persona non grata status in the United States is justified. And if Islam has truly given money to the families of 'the mujahidin', then the claims by the two British papers sued by Cat Stevens are also correct.

Yusuf Mohammed owes us a pretty big explanation. Either Bakri Mohammed is lying (which would not be the first time) or Cat Stevens' past support of radical Islam goes much deeper than he has admitted. But what would Bakri Mohammed's motivation be if the claim was not true? Normally Bakri Mohammed's lies are in the direction of denying his support of terrorism.

Like many Muslims involved in charity work (thanks to Allah and Newyank for pointing this out), though, Cat Stevens may simply not know where his money is going. Which would say more about Islamic charities than about Islam's character. But Islam continues to openly support Hamas linked charities, has been arrested in Israel for this support, but---like many in the world--simply denies organizations such as Hamas are really 'terrorists'. See also CAIR's defense of Yusuf Islam here.

You can download the audio of Omar Bakri Mohammed tying Cat Stevens to terrorist activities here [right click and "save as"]. Alternative format available for downloading here.

For more on the various terrorist connections of Omar Bakri Mohammed and his followers, please see scroll down through our U.K. Terror and U.K. Terrorism archives, or here. For more video and audio of radical terror supporting Muslims in the U.K., please see Glen Jenvey's extensive archive here.

UPDATE: Some are now claiming that these accusations are either a) old or b) timed to coincide with the release of Stevens' new album or c) politically motivated since this website is on the Right.

A) As far as I can tell, this is a completely new set of allegations against Yusuf Islam. He has been accused (and arrested) for funding terror organizations, but I have never heard the specific allegation that he was intimated with Omar Bakri Mohammed & Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. Also, this is the first time that I have heard that he had funded the families of the "mujahdin".

B) I did not know Cat Stevens had a new album coming out until I began working on this story and did a Google News search. Since the source of this information is Omar Bakri Mohammed, you'll have to ask him what the motivation was.

C) My motivation is no different than any other journalist's, namely the chance to break a big story. Certainly the information came to me because of my long time fight against terrorists and those that support them directly or indirectly. From that fight I became associated with Glen Jenvey.

But what does my motivation have to do with the veracity of the allegations made by Omar Bakri Mohammed? That Bakri Mohammed is a liar is not in doubt in my mind. But, as I have said before, the nature of those lies usually revolves around the his constant denials of being a terror supporter, when clearly he is. I have never heard of him lying about his association with other Muslims.

Posted by: Rusty at 05:52 PM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
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November 09, 2006

Cartoon Protester Guilty of Inciting Racial Hatred

Mizanur Rahman was found guilty of inciting racial hatred but acquitted of charges of inciting murder for his involvement at a rally protesting cartoon depictions of Mohammed in which he called for the killing of British soldiers, the murder of blasphemers, and prayed for 'another 9/11 all over Europe'.

The follower of exiled cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed was seen in front of the Danish embassy carrying a placard (depicted right) which said, "Behead those that insult Islam".

Report of the verdict here. I don't agree with laws that make it illegal to incite to hatred, but surely urging on your enemies in a time of war is sedition if not treason.

He will be sentenced at a later time. Here is some of what Mizanur Rahman's said at the rally. Prepare for the worst: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:42 PM | Comments (46) | Add Comment
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November 06, 2006

UK Muslim 'Almost Ashamed' for Advocating Beheading Cartoon Blasphemers

Remember this guy on the right? The guy who held up placards at a protest in front of the Danish embassy calling for cartoon blasphemers to be beheaded?

His name is Mizanur Rahman and he's almost ashamed of advocating the sharia penalty of death for blasphemers.

The British press is reporting that he apologized to a British court today for advocating mass murder of apostates and blasphemers. But read what he really said.

He told the court: "I didn't think about what I was saying or the consequences..."

"I feel almost ashamed. I feel the words didn't make sense. I didn't think anyone would take me seriously."

He's not ashamed. He's almost ashamed. Despite that, the BBC chooses to title their article Cartoons protest man apologises

And given the long tradition of killing blasphemers which goes back to Muhammed's time, how does advocating exactly what traditional sharia has long advocated 'not make sense'?

Just to make this clear, Mizanur Rahman is a follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed. One of Bakri Mohammed's websites publicly called for the execution of blasphemers. Rahman is a computer programmer. It is possible that Rahman himself is responsible for those internet calls for jihad.

More from the BBC today:

The Old Bailey heard police filmed him calling for planes to be shot down and the deaths of UK and US troops in Iraq.
So he reacted to cartoons depicting Mohammed by advocating the killing of U.K. troops?

Another story from one of the authors at Western Resistance tells us exactly what it was that Rahman said, which the BBC does not make very clear:

Mr Perry described placards which had been carried by Rahman, which bore the slogans: "Behead those who insult Islam" and "Annihilate those who insult Islam". Perry said: "Annihilate and behead are ordinary English words with the ordinary English meaning of kill. The prosecution say the meaning of those words is clear and unambiguous. Ordinary English words with the ordinary English meaning to kill."

"What he said was this - 'Oh Allah, we want to see another 9/11 in Iraq, another 9/11 in Denmark, another 9/11 in Spain, in France, all over Europe. Oh Allah, destroy all of them, Amen'."

The prosecutor claimed the 23-year old web designer had said: "Bomb, bomb France. Bomb, bomb France. Nuke, nuke France. Nuke, nuke France." Rahman had also urged "indiscriminate killing" of British troops in Iraq, the prosecutor said.

Rahman's speech, made on a megaphone, had included the statements: "We don't want to see them in Baghdad or in Iraq any more. We want to see them coming home in body bags. We want to see their blood running in the streets of Baghdad and Fallujah."

"We want to see the Mujahideen shoot down their planes like the way they shoot down birds. We want to see their tanks burnt, just like we burn their flags."

"We want to see their freedoms destroyed. We want to see all of them removed from Muslim land. Oh, Allah don't leave any of them alive in Iraq, don't leave any of them alive in Afghanistan, don't leave any of them standing in France."

Back to the BBC version:
Mr Rahman, who is married with a young child, told the court he had copied what some of the others had been saying when he was handed a megaphone.

He said placards he had carried calling for the beheading of people who insulted Islam had been handed to him.

"I didn't intend for anyone to be harmed or attacked, let alone to be killed," he said.

"The majority of this was a prayer. When I was given the mic, I didn't know what to say. I said what other people had said during the demo and what was on the placards.

"I was repeating what I heard in other speeches."

The court heard Mr Rahman had also called for "another 9/11 all over Europe". ....

Right. It's the peer pressure argument. But mom, all the cool kids were advocating beheading the infidels!

It still doesn't explain his connection to the al Ghurabaa followers who organized the rally. And what about longing for another 9/11?

This story by Adrian Morgan is really the definitive word for those of you who haven't been following the controversy. Here's a taste: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:01 PM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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November 03, 2006

Londinistan Calling: Where is Blair?

Video Not Safe for Work due to graphic images of the results of terrorism

A guy e-mailed this vid of the various evildoer Islamofascists in London. Most of the video is of the followers of Omar Bakri Muhammed calling for sharia law and violent jihad. In it, he wonders why more arrests haven't been made.

Personally, I'm not a fan of laws against 'inciting racial hatred'. But I am in favor of prosecuting sedition in the context of war and of laws against inciting terrorism. After all, many of these same Bakri followers also are busy inciting terrorism and jihad against British civilians and soldiers. And one does have to wonder why, if these laws are on the books, they are so seldom used against radical Muslims?

But really anonymous e-mailer, you had me at The Clash.

PS--there were some arrests later. Although I do not know how many prosectuions.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:47 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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November 01, 2006

Convicted Terror Sympathizer Working in London Underground

Mohammed Kamel Mostafa, the son of radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, has been working in the London's Underground 'tube' system, the scene of the 7/7 terrorist bombings.

Mostafa has been convicted in Yemen on terrorism related charges and had publicly glorified suicide attacks in the past. His father, Abu Hamza al-Masri, is in jail for organizing violent jihad. Three of the 7/7 bombers were congregants at al-Masri's Finsburry Mosque.

Even worse? London's socialist mayor, Ken Livingston, has publicly defended Mostafa's right to work on the tube system. If that isn't the height of stupidity, I don't know what is. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:09 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 31, 2006

British Muslim Cleric Appeals Conviction

AbuHamzaal-Masri.jpgTerrorist orgnizer and Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri is appealing his conviction in the British courts. The one-eyed, hook-handed cleric was found guilty in February on 11 of 15 charges against him, including counts of soliciting murder, stirring racial hatred, possessing a terrorist document and possessing threatening or abusive recordings.

Some of his followers were heard shouting "God Bless You Sheik Hamza" as the cleric was taken away to begin serving his seven year sentence.

Now, the 'Sheikh', says he did not get a fair trial, that 9/11 had prejudiced the case against him, that an orchestrated media 'hate' campaign had tainted the case, and that he really isn't guilty.

Not guilty? Right. This is the man who was stung by a friend of ours, Glen Jenvey. Glen posed to Abu Hamza as a radical Muslim interested in recruiting for the jihad in Afghanistan. You know, a country in which the U.K. was actively fighting. I think that's called treason in most circles.

Hamza passed a number of materials to Glen in support of the jihad. Glen told Hamza the materials--such as videos of his speeches at the Finsbury Park mosque--would be used to recruit jihadis.

One of those videos sent to Glen by Hamza showed James Ujaama, who was later convicted of trying to organize a terror training camp in Oregon, sitting next to the Shiekh at the Finsburry mosque. Glen also tells me that Ujaama was found through the FBI following an IP track left at a false website set up by Glen in support of radical Islam.

So, not freakin guilty? Not a fair trial? Media hate campaign? Right Shiekh. It's the British media that is up to a 'hate campaign'. Abu Hamza openly preached to his followers that if British law failed to criminally prosecute homosexuals--as is required by Islamic law--then it was up to private Muslim citizens to punish gays.

In fact, the British authorities banned the public from knowing what Hamza actually said to his Finsburry Mosque followers. Another friend of ours, Neil Doyle, had his book banned in the U.K. during the Hamza trial because it contained quotes which might 'prejudice' the jury against the cleric.

Those quotes show Hamza praising Adolf Hitler for doing Allah's work in exterminating the Jews. Yeah, no hate there. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:19 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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October 19, 2006

Britain al Qaeda 3.0's Main Target

Why would al Qaeda 3.0 target Britain? Large numbers of Asians of Pakistani origin in the U.K.


"They viewed 7/7 as just the beginning," said one senior source. "Al-Qaida sees the UK as a massive opportunity to cause loss of life and embarrassment to the authorities." A second source agreed: "Britain is sitting at the receiving end of an al-Qaida campaign."
The article goes on to suggest that al Qaeda 3.0 is much more organized than initially suspected, but I doubt that it is as hierarchically cohesive as the artivle suggests. Going to Pakistan and receiving some money and words of encouragement is not the same thing as having a committee meetings to discuss forming a sub-committee to draw up plans for board meeting approval.

Al Qaeda 3.0 does not need directions from Osama bin Laden. Self-motivated, self-sustaining, self-directed cells plan and carry out attacks. They only need inspiration, not direction, from the al Qaeda leadership.

And while the British authorities are busy denying it, it is clear that mosques and Islamic study groups are the source of these new home-grown cells. In fact, I would argue that many of the so-called moderate Muslim leaders in Britain are the inspiration for these jihadis.

While these moderates decry violence against the British government, many of them openly support sharia---only imposed through democratic means. Even more--in fact, probably the vast majority of Muslim clerics--describe British policies in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia using descriptors such as genocide and mass murder.

The disenchanted mosque member cannot be blamed when he asks his Imam, "Why is it wrong to fight if what the British government is doing is genocide?". And to that, clerics have no coherent answers.

They are only taking the words of moderate Muslim leaders to their logical conclusion because moral beings should fight governments that commit genocide.

Allahpundit has the full story here as well as video.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:56 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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September 19, 2006

Bakri Follower Under Investigation for Pope Threats, Security at Churches Beefed Up in London

Notice that the police have gone out of their way to mention that security has been beefed up around churches and mosques, even though it is Muslims making all the violent threats. Fair and balanced and all that. Although, dare I say it, shouldn't they be really concerned about London's synogagues? Because, as we all know, the Pope is just a pawn of the J-O-Os.

But it is good to see that our good friend Anjem Choudary is now under investigation. I disagree with these draconian speech laws but I also want to see Choudary in jail. Call me inconsistent, its totally true in this case. I can live with that.

This is Local London:

POLICE are stepping up patrols outside the capital's churches and mosques amid fears of a backlash against comments made by the Pope.

Reassurance patrols by faith and neighbourhood teams, put in place at the weekend, will continue at both Catholic and Christian churches and mosques, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said....

The Metropolitan police has since launched an investigation into Sunday's demonstration after receiving 25 complaints from members of the public.

Some of them relate to the words of Anjem Choudary, former UK head of the controversial Islamic group Al-Mahajroun, who allegedly told the crowd: "Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

See also: Exiled Muslim Cleric Behind London Protest Calling for Pope's Death

Posted by: Rusty at 10:16 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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September 18, 2006

Exiled Muslim Cleric Behind London Protest Calling for Pope's Death

As suspected, it was followers of exiled cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed who organized a rally yesterday outside of London's Westminster Cathederal calling for the death penalty for the Pope's blasphemy.

Here is the call for the protest on a password protected internet forum run by Omar Bakri Mohammed from exile in Lebanon where he directs his followers in Britain. Click the image for a larger view.


Several groups founded by Bakri Mohammed have been banned in Britain, including al Mujahiroun and al-Ghurabaa, but each time his followers simply rename the group and continue to preach the same hate and violence.

If that wasn't enough, our friend Glen Jenvey also recorded Bakri Mohammed's latest diatribe against the Pope. If you listen closely, and can get past the heavy accent, you can hear the Shiekh in one breath denouncing the Pope for saying that Islam is spread by the sword and in the next breath confirming that jihad is, in fact, violent and that Islam is, in fact, spread by the sword.

He then goes on and on saying that jihad is to institute a government where people are free to choose Islam, but an Islam based not on distortion etc. In other words, under a government of sharia where it is illegal to criticize Islam. When you criticize Islam, they cut your head off for that.

Right click to download Omar Bakri Mohammed calling for violent jihad against the Pope here.

As soon as I saw this picture of yesterday's protests....

....I knew that it was the same group that organized the anti-cartoon jihad in London. And it was Bakri Mohammed's followers who organized it and put out the call to....

UPDATE: Not surprised:

A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution.

Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment". Choudary's appeal for the death of Pope Benedict was the second time he has been linked with apparent incitement to murder within a year....

The 39-year-old lawyer organised demonstrations against the publication of cartoons of Mohammed in February in Denmark. Protesters carried placards declaring "Behead Those Who Insult Islam"....

"Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

He added: "I am here have a peaceful demonstration. But there may be people in Italy or other parts of the world who would carry that out .

That's right, peaceful capital punishment for blasphemy. ROP and all that........

FYI--Anjem Choudary is head of The Society of Muslim Lawyers, which you may recall was one of the groups that organized an event in Birmingham mocking the victims of the 7/7 London bombings. Who organized that event? Followers of Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Oh and Choudary was once the spokesperson for the now banned al Ghurabaa. So, under British law you cannot belong to al Ghurabaa since it has been banned, but its members can keep on doing and saying the exact same things?

Update via one of Allah's many links...and thanks to Michelle Malkin for the linky-love.

Update: Forgot to mention it was Slapstick Politics where the Allah's link took me. They have more on Choudary.

UPDATE: Video: Pipes on Muslims and the Pope. Expect more violence.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:10 PM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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British Muslims Threaten Pope: Islam will Conquer Rome

British Muslims threaten the Pope, British blogger captures images of it after mass yesterday at Westminster Cathederal.


I just love the "Jesus will rise the sword of Islam" quote. It just has that all your messiahs are belong to us feel to it.

I'd bet 100 bucks that it was followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed who organized this.

Joee reports that the Islamists were chanting "Pope Benedict you will pay, the Mujhidin are coming your way" and "Pope Benedict watch your back". Definitely has that al Mujahiroun feel to it.

UPDATE: Confirmed. Bakri Mohammed followers organized protest calling for Pope's execution.

Charles Johnson has the video here.

One more picture. It's something to think about.


Go check out Joee's Blog for more, including one image which reads "Jesus is the slave of Allah."

Via Hyscience who got it from Dan Riehl, both of whom have interesting commentary.

Definitely don't miss Michelle's roundup of it here and the video version here. Don't piss off those Muslims, esse. Those guys are loco.

UPDATE: Apparantly it was the other members of the Pentavarite (think the ghost of the Colonel) who used their sock-puppet to disparage the religion of peace.

UPDATE: Video: Pipes on Muslims and the Pope. Expect more violence.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:51 PM | Comments (40) | Add Comment
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September 11, 2006

Bakri Celebrates British Deaths

What, you mean a Muslim celebrates the deaths of Western infidels? I don't believe it for a minute!

I mean, that's an outrageous claim.

And although the Sun calls this an exclusive, it's not. The Jawa Report had it first, only I thought the more important part of the tape was that Bakri was jailed and set free, was sad about the arrest of Abu Abdullah, had been questioned about the failed airline plot, and knew those involved in raising money for terror in Britian.....but this part is also interesting:

HATE preacher Omar Bakri claimed 14 British servicemen died in revenge for 14 terror arrests in London.

The sick exiled cleric gloated to followers that he was “so happy” at the RAF Nimrod crash in Afghanistan on September 2 which killed everyone on board....

“Allah has his own soldiers and I was so happy. I was just thanking Allah

The rest of the article is just a rehashing of our story here. It's nice to scoop the British press every once and awhile.

Thanks to Glen Jenvey for the tip.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:50 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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September 06, 2006

Backlash: 1 in 6 Londoners Avoid Muslims on Train

The backlash is just so terrible. Rantburg:

Around 35 percent of travellers in London said they had felt nervous or uncomfortable in the last year because of someone with a south Asian or north African appearance on an underground train or bus. Of that number, nearly half said they had moved seats or sat down away from them

Posted by: Rusty at 08:07 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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September 04, 2006

BBC Urges Appeasment

It's not just that they urge appeasement, they let go unchecked lie after lie about what al Qaeda really wants. It's beyond disgusting. See the video of the BBC urging appeasement here.

British tax money at work lying about al Qaeda and urging appeasement. The ghost of Neville Chamberlain haunts the halls of the Beebs.

Update: Ace being, well, Ace:

So let me get this straight: We are to do everything Osama bin Ladin demands of us, in hopes that this will placate him, but that's not appeasement?

Posted by: Rusty at 04:30 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Omar Bakri Mohammed Detained in Lebanon, 3 al-Muhajiroun Arrested


***Jawa Report Exclusive***

Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed, the exiled British Muslim cleric, was detained by Lebanese police last week and then released after passing a bribe. He was questioned about his possible involvement with the foiled sky terror plot. Bakri denied any involvement.

In a conversation last night between al-Muhajiroun followers in Britain and Bakri in Lebanon, Omar Barki Muhammed related details of his detainment in Lebanon. Bakri claimed that the Lebanese authorities detained him at the request of the British or Americans.

The conversation was one of many secretly recorded by Glen Jenvey.

Bakri Mohammed claims that he was shown pictures of suspects in the plot to blow up American bound airplanes by the Lebanese authorities questioning him. He admitted to them that he had met some of the alleged plotters, but claims he did not know them by name.

Pakistan has arrested what it calls the leader of the sky-terror plot, a 25 year old Birmingham man named Rashid Rauf. Rauf is a member of Omar Bakri Mohammed's now banned al-Muhajiroun group.

Bakri was also asked by his al-Muhajiroun followers about jihad training and recruitment at the Jameah Islameah School. Bakri indicated that he knew the school's owner, Balil Patel. Bakri seemed to be pleased that the Patel was not among those arrested.

The conversation also turned to Abu Abdullah. Abu Abdullah, an assistant to jailed cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri at the Finsbury Park mosque, is now among the 14 men arrested in London on suspicion of involvement in terrorist recruiting and training centered around the school.

In last night's conversation, Bakri Mohammed can be heard praying for Abu Abdullah's release from prison and his al-Muhajiroun followers repeating the wish or saying ameen (amen).

In previous conversations secretly recorded by Jenvey between the exiled cleric and British al-Muhajiroun followers, Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed has raised funds for the 'mujahidin'.

Bakri Mohammed also claims that he was released after a bribe was given to the Lebanese authorities detaining him. He also believed that this bribe would keep him immune from further arrests.

Three al Muhajiroun members were arrested in Manchester last night on suspicions of plotting an assassination. While British police would not clarify who was the target of the assassination plot, it seems clear that Tony Blair was the intended victim.

The three are all described as of being Asians of Pakistani heritage and in their mid to late 20s.

If you would like to e-mail Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, and personally ask him about his connection to British terror plots, Glen tells me that you can reach him at


Posted by: Rusty at 01:26 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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(vid) Abu Abdullah, Abu Hamza's #2, Arrested

Abu Abdullah, Abu Hamza al-Masri #2 man at the Finsbury Park mosque, is now among the 14 men arrested in London on suspicion of involvement in terrorist recruiting.

Allah has a great video of Abu Abdullah here as well as some more on the jihadi training camp in Britain.

Times Online:

A FORMER henchman of Abu Hamza al-Masri is among the 14 men arrested in London on suspicion of involvement in terrorist recruiting.

Abu Abdullah, 42, assumed the leadership of the Supporters of Shariah group when Abu Hamza, the former imam of Finsbury Park mosque, was arrested in May 2004.

Check out these ironical videos of Abdullah below in front of the Finsubry mosque. Here's a guy who publicly calls for jihad, calls terrorists martyrs, and yet who has the balls to decry the stereotype of Muslims as terrorists.

And here's a bunch of clips of Abu Abdullah blaming--get this--Bush, Rumsfield, the Illuminati and the Freemasons, Nixon, Reagan, and the anti-Christ, for a plot against Islam. He also can be heard talking about ritual child sacrifice of children by this same group of Republicans and devil worshippers. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:36 AM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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Attacks on Jews Soar in UK

Muslims are always whining about backlash, yet we see no evidence of increased acts of violence against Muslims in the West. What we do seem to be seeing is increasing violence by Muslims against Jews.

Times Online:

BRITISH Jews are facing a wave of anti-Semitic attacks prompted by Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Synagogues have been daubed with graffiti, Jewish leaders have had hate-mail and ordinary people have been subjected to insults and vandalism.

On Thursday an all-party parliamentary inquiry will state that anti-Semitic violence has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university campuses. The report will call for urgent action from the Government, the police and educational establishments.

Hat tip: Joel

Posted by: Rusty at 08:26 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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August 29, 2006

Is the U.K. the Biggest Security Threat to the US?

Someone at The New Republic seems to think so, as cited by the UK's Telegraph. I couldn't find the original article, so if you come across it please e-mail me the link.

But the gist of it seems to be that there are so many radical Muslims in the UK, and because it is much easier for a British citizen to enter the US than, say, a Pakistani, then that is where our weakest point is.

We have much to fear from Islamists living in Europe and the UK. This morning I have been listening in to a secretly taped conversation one prominent UK cleric was having with his followers last week. Scary does not even begin to describe what these people preach to their audiences when they think nobody is watching.


Britain now presents a greater security threat to the United States than Iran or Iraq, an American magazine said yesterday.

In an article on Islamists headlined "Kashmir on the Thames", the New Republic painted Britain's Muslim communities as a breeding ground for violent extremism.

Citing recent opinion poll evidence suggesting that one in four British Muslims believed that last year's London Tube bombings were justified, the magazine said: "In the wake of this month's high-profile arrests, it can now be argued that the biggest threat to US security emanates not from Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan, but rather from Great Britain, our closest ally."

Posted by: Rusty at 09:24 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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August 21, 2006

UK Charges 11 in Terror Plot

11 British Muslims have been charged with crimes related to a plot to blow up multiple airplanes bound for the U.S. 11 more remain in custody, charges may be forthcoming. Scroll to the end for the actual charges.

The Crown Prosecution Service has this press release:

Susan Hemming, Head of the CPS Counter Terrorism Division, today made the following statement in relation to an alleged plot to detonate explosives on board aircraft:

"I was briefed in relation to these allegations before the arrest and asked to advise on some preliminary legal issues both before and just after arrest. Together with another senior CPS lawyer, I have been working with the police full time at New Scotland Yard for the last eight days. We have been carefully examining and assessing the evidence against each individual with the assistance of anti terrorist officers in order to come to charging decisions at the earliest practicable opportunity.

"This morning I made a decision that there was sufficient evidence and authorised, with the approval of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the charge of 11 individuals.

"Eight individuals have been charged with two offences relating to an alleged plot to manufacture and smuggle the component parts of improvised explosive devices onto aircraft and assemble and detonate them on board. Those individuals have been charged with conspiracy to murder and the new offence of preparing acts of terrorism contrary to Section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006.

"In addition, three have been charged with other offences under the Terrorism Act 2000. One has been charged with possession of articles useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism and two with failing to disclose information of material assistance in preventing an act of terrorism. One woman has been released from custody without charge.

"I would like to remind you of the need to take care in reporting the events surrounding this alleged plot. These individuals are only accused of these offences and they have a right to a fair trial. It is extremely important that there should be responsible media reporting which should not prejudice the due process of law.

"Finally, 11 other individuals are still in custody and remain under active investigation. Their position is being assessed on a regular basis with a view to considering the need to keep them in detention. We cannot yet make a decision about whether further charges will follow or if a further application for detention will be made on Wednesday as the evidential picture is continuously developing. Any such application would be made by a Crown Prosecutor to a High Court Judge in accordance with the new legislation."

Allah has a video of the press conference and has promised updates. Rob at Say Anything also comments on the timing.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Muslim clerics continue to call for jihad against the West. See-Dub has related.

Here are the actual charges: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:05 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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August 19, 2006

Martyr Tapes Found

It's not exactly news, but Drudge is running the headline as if it were. We've been reporting for awhile that at least two martyr-suicide tapes were found. Perhaps the 'news' is that more than two were found?


Police investigating an alleged plot to bring down airliners have found several martyrdom videos in the course of their searches, the BBC has learned.

An unofficial police source said the recordings - discovered on laptop computers - appear to have been made by some of the suspects being questioned.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:20 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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August 16, 2006

More Bakri, Birmingham, Ties to Terror Plot Uncovered (Updated)

British sources are beginning to confirm suspicions first raised by The Jawa Report that the failed UK terror plot was linked to exiled cleric Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed.

On August 10th a source in the UK told The Jawa Report that followers of Omar Bakri were almost certainly involved in the failed mass-murder plot. Followers of the jailed cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri were also implicated. Both of the radical clerics preach a message supporting the imposition of Islamic law and an Islamic empire and many of their followers travel in the same circles.

The Syrian born Omar Bakri Mohammed has been the leader of several British Musllim organizations, which many claim have ties to al Qaeda. Three of them have been banned in the UK. They are Al-Muhajiroun, al-Ghurabaa and the Saved Sect.

The British government considers Bakri persona non grata and he now resides in Lebanon.

The Jawa Report can independently confirm that despite Bakri's exile, he still has a large following and continues to direct the activities of radical Muslims in Britain. Bakri also continues to raise money from British Muslims which he claims are for the help of the mujahidin--or, holy warriors.

The Guardian:

Intelligence sources in Pakistan have linked Rashid Rauf, 25, the Birmingham man being held in Pakistan and alleged to be at the centre of the plot, to members of al-Muhajiroun in the UK.
The Birmingham al-Muhajiroun connection is key.

Bakri's followers in Birmingham are known as The Saved Sect. Some time ago we revealed that members of The Saved Sect were using The Birmingham Grid for learning, a publicly funded education establishment operated by the Birmingham City Council, to spread their Islamist hate propaganda.

In July, members of al Ghurabaa & The Saved Sect gathered in a Birmingham community center and openly mocked victims of the 7/7 London tube bombings.

The Jawa Report had led an unsuccessful campaign to shut down The Saved Sect's website in July. Shortly after the British government foiled the terror plot the website was down.

Birmingham was one of several locations where police arrested suspects involved in the plot.

More connections from The Guardian:

Waltham Forest council banned the extremist group al-Ghurabaa from holding clandestine meetings at premises within walking distance of the homes of several terror suspects arrested last week, the Guardian has learned

Al-Ghurabaa booked the council-owned community hall in Walthamstow on two occasions, but gave false information about the purpose of the events. One of the planned meetings, in February at Waltham Forest Asian Centre, was to plan protests against the Danish cartoons bearing images of the prophet.

You may remember Bakri's followers at that protest. To the right, one of them is pictured.

The Jawa Report also noted at that time that al Ghurabaa's own website openly advocating killing any person who blasphemed Mohammed.


It was claimed the hall would be used to celebrate the festival of Eid. The local authority cancelled the meeting on police advice when it was found the meeting was to discuss the creation of an Islamic state in Britain. Flyers publicising the meeting depicted a man standing next to 10 Downing Street holding a rocket-launcher.
Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed also has followers in the United States. The Islamic Thinkers Society of New York is part of the Al-Muhajiroun organization, started by Bakri as an offshoot of Hizb ut-Tahrir.

The Islamic Thinkers Society of New York has organized protests in the past in which they shouted "next time we will get all of NYC" and have publicly desecrated the American flag. The group's website once openly advocated the imposition of Sharia law in the US, but has recently added password protection.

Bakri has sometimes claimed to be the spokesman of the political wing of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, led by Osama bin Laden. At other times, Bakri has denied and distanced himself from the military wing of the organization, al Qaeda.

Expect more updates and confirmations in the coming days.

UPDATE: C/T blog has related info, Goldstein questions the timing, and Ace on the ever present "Sullie" connection.

Posted by: Rusty at 05:05 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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August 15, 2006

Universities Central to Terror Plot, Bakri Linked

State sponsored terrorism in Britain? Yes. The British government funds Islamic groups on university campuses which, in turn, preach jihad. And, as The Jawa Report first revealed, links between the foiled terror plot and exiled cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed have begun to be uncovered.

The Australian:

Waheed Zaman, 22, a biochemistry student and president of the Islamic Society at London Metropolitan University, was one of those arrested when British authorities foiled an alleged attempt to blow up planes over the Atlantic.

As London's Daily Telegraph reports, buildings on university land set aside as a prayer room and library contained a stash of handy materials for those interested in plotting mass murder. There were pamphlets preaching jihad, instructions on how to deal with security services and cassette tapes produced by al-Muhajiroun, the terrorist body once headed by Omar Bakri Mohammed, now living in exile in Lebanon.

Security sources suggested that several of those arrested are suspected of having links with universities. And when you think about it, setting up jihad school on campus makes perfect sense. It's just the latest manifestation of the tolerant West inadvertently funding its own destruction.

Welcomed by British authorities with promises of tolerance, asylum and welfare cheques, chaps such as Bakri Mohammed openly preached the West's destruction. When sleepy British authorities finally woke up, these Islamo-fascists were duly turfed out of mosques. Then the jihad leaders went on recruitment drives in the sprawling markets of east London, using loudspeakers to preach their hate: "Now is the time for jihad." Told to move on, they have discovered that universities are the ideal place to recruit more potential killers.

We suspect more links will be revealed in the coming days.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:02 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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August 11, 2006

UK Terror Plot Updates: Galloway Connection

George Galloway: Is there a terrorist he doesn't support?

Explosives recoverd from Boston flight? Maybe, but skeptical.

Pregnant woman arrested in terror plot.

Vid: half a million Brits belong the the Fifth Column

Terror trail runs through *shock* Pakistan.

Terror suspects named.

Not related, but important: Taliban murders mother and child for delivering laundry. Via Professor Chaos.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:11 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.

August 10, 2006

Terror Plot Linked to Exiled Cleric

****Jawa Report Exclusive*****

behead_those_who_insult_islam.jpgSources in the U.K. have informed The Jawa Report that suspects in today's terror arrests are linked to exiled cleric Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed.

24 people have been arrested so far in the plot to set off explosive devices on up to 10 airplanes. At least 5 suspects are still at large in the terror plot which has been described as in the final stages of planning.

ABC radio claims that at least 2 of those suspects had made martyrdom videos.

Three suspects have been named by The Blotter as Rashid Rauf, Mohammed al-Ghandra, and Ahmed al Khan.

Hot Air, PJM, and Drudge are reporting new developments.

Glen Jenvey, a member of the London based terrorist watch group Vigil, believes that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that those involved in the plot are linked to Bakri.

Just last month intelligence supplied by Vigil to the British government led to the banning of organizations linked to Bakri.

Jenvey also indicates that some of the plotters may be linked to Abu Hamza. Jenvey's testimony was instrumental in the conviction of the radical cleric.

The Jawa Report cannot confirm the extent to Bakri or Hamza's involvement.


The Syrian born Omar Bakri Mohammed was the leader of several Salafist organizations which many claim have ties to al Qaeda. In July, two splinter groups from Bakri's orignal Al-Muhajiroun organization were banned by the British government.

The Jawa Report, with the help of a British ISP, was instrumental in the removal of the Bakri linked al Ghurabaa website.

Bakri has sometimes claimed to be the spokesman of the political wing of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, led by Osama bin Laden. At other times, Bakri has denied and distanced himself from the military wing of the organization, al Qaeda.

After he was told by the British government that his presence was "not conducive to the public good", Bakri fled to Lebanon. Recently, Bakri was denied entry into to the U.K. when he tried to flee the war torn country.

Tapes made by Vigil record Bakri answering questions to followers on what he thought was a secret password protected forum. Bakri can be heard on the tape making a religious ruling that it was permitted for Muslims to attack civilian targets such as airports.

Bakri has also made statements justifying the killing of British soldiers by British Muslims in Iraq.

Other secret recordings reveal the transfer of money from London to Bakri in exile to be used for "the mujahidin".

While the organizations with formal ties to Bakri have been outlawed in Britain, dozens of offshoots have grown in their place.

One of Bakri's followers can be seen in the photo above. Developing.......

The suspects in today's foiled plot have been described as homegrown terrrorists and are said to be the children of Pakistani immigrants.

UPDATE: From a recent Times Online article on declassified documents which are being displayed at the British Library:

Another document, written by an FBI agent before the attacks on New York and Washington, accuses Omar Bakri Mohammed, the radical preacher now barred from Britain, of sending his Al-Muhajiroun supporters to flight training schools in America.
Update: CT blog has good roundup.

UPDATE II: Raid in Birmingham. Why is that important? Bakri has a cell called The Saved Sect centered in Birmingham.

Raids were carried out at homes in London, the nearby town of High Wycombe and in Birmingham, in central England.
And the mandatory he can't be a terrorist because he goes to mosque denial:
"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said, referring to a suspect. "He played football. He goes to the mosque. He's a nice guy."
UPDATE III: Bakri's minions respond as if on cue:
Extremists accused the Government of fabricating the extent of the threat. Anjem Choudary, the right-hand man to the cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, said that the arrest of 24 suspects was a “baseless attack” on British Muslims that was designed to scare the public.

Mr Choudary said that he did not believe that a plan to commit “mass murder” had been foiled. “I think this is another case of whipping the public into a frenzy over terrorism with very flimsy evidence.”

Bush Finally Names the Enemy
'Mass Murder on an Unimaginable Scale'
Brits Foil Major Plot to Bomb US-Bound Planes

Posted by: Rusty at 04:20 PM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
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Bush (Finally) Names the Enemy

Bush's statement today on the UK terror plot:

The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation.
May seem like a small thing, but this is the first time, so far as I'm aware, that Bush has ever identified our enemy by name. In my book, that's a step forward.

UPDATE : LGF noticed it, too. Michelle notes that "he got the 'I'-word in there."

Clarity & Resolve predicts that we should expect "a reaction from [CAIR] on Mr. Bush's clear observation."

Lefties like Pam Spaulding aren't buying it: " it possible Uncle Karl's rolling out his political game plan overseas now? Sure. Dear Leader, of course, is beating his chest on cue for the sheeple..."

Chris Floyd worries that this is a distraction from Lebanon, lamenting that "Bushists Blather While Lebanon Burns". Floyd cites an article by Juan Cole and invites readers to "...see the illustrations of the kind of 'Islamic fascists' being killed and despoiled with American weaponry even as we speak"

UPDATE 2 :Sure, enough, CAIR has issued a statement:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Muslim groups criticized President George W. Bush on Thursday for calling a foiled plot to blow up airplanes part of a "war with Islamic fascists," saying the term could inflame anti-Muslim tensions. . . .

"We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counter-productive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.

"We ought to take advantage of these incidents to make sure that we do not start a religious war against Islam and Muslims," he told a news conference in Washington.

LGF asks "The question now, of course, is: will Bush be politically compelled to issue a “clarification?"

James Joyner at Outside the Beltway and several other commenters note that Bush has used the similar terms "Islamic radicalism" "militant jihadism" and "Islamo-fascism" previously, for example:

Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others, militant Jihadism; still others, Islamo-fascism. Whatever we choose to call this enemy, we must recognize that this ideology is very different from the tenets of the great religion of Islam.
Good catch, folks. I agree that those are also ways of "naming our enemy." At the same time, the term "Islamic fascists" strikes me differently than the above terms. I've heard a lot of Bush speeches over the last six years, but those words today just jumped out at me for some reason. Maybe it's because the term "Islamic radicals" evokes an image of a "tiny minority" of fringe elements hiding in the shadows (i.e., al Qaeda), while "Islamic fascists" evokes an image of an army of Muslim soldiers marching in a military parade (e.g., Hizb'Allah). Then again, "Islamo-fascist" would seem to evoke the same image--and yet it doesn't, for some reason.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:11 PM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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July 28, 2006

Terror Supporting Freak Show in London

Nordish IMs me about the latest freak show on display at Downing Street. What do Communists, Palestinians, hippies, and terror supporters have in common anyway? Oh yeah, they all hate the West.

Funny how none of them move to the socialist paradise of Moldova, Palestinian controlled Gaza, or Hezbollah-land in Southern Beirut. Not sure where the hippies would move....

Posted by: Rusty at 06:31 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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