July 09, 2007
On top of these two, two field commanders also in custody.
An Afghan intelligence source told the BBC four senior associates of Mullah Omar were being held after operations by Pakistani security forces.One really ought to be more careful with whom one corresponds.........The arrests took place in two areas of the city of Quetta in western Pakistan.
The source said those arrested included two men responsible for Mullah Omar's letters and communications....
Others now in detention are said to be Mullah Nazir, who was Taleban commander in the southern Afghan province of Uruzgan, and Mullah Tahir, the former Taleban commander for the capital, Kabul.
Hat tip: Internet Anthropologist
Posted by: Rusty at
10:17 AM
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July 06, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
09:35 AM
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July 04, 2007

A banner from al Qaeda's as Sahab video hit the Islamic forums yesterday announcing "a happy event". Speculation on the forums was that the video would show Osama bin Laden, a sentiment echoed in this Pravda piece. To the disappointment of Osama's millions of fans, though, the video is actually of al Qaeda #2 man, Ayman al Zawahiri.
Seriously, they're practically in tears with disappointment. On one forum, when it was suggested that no OBL video would be forthcoming, the gnashing of teeth was nearly audible.
I actually rushed to my computer when I heard the Fox News report about the new bin Laden video. Big news, I thought. But wouldn't you know it that my friend Laura Mansfield had the video, before it was released on the forums. Maybe Fox will think about subscribing to her service? Just a suggestion. Anyway, I really appreciate the heads up she gave me.
Laura notes that the video does not reference the London attacks, and is mostly put together from old clips. However, it is subtitled in English.
The video, entitled “The Advice of One Concernedâ€, is 1 hour, 34 minutes long, and includes clips from other videos and news broadcasts, including one from Al Furqan, the video production arm of the Islamic State of Iraq.The purpose of the video as propaganda is twofold. First, to Muslims the message is to bolster the belief that the mujahideen are not being defeated in the battlefield, and that 'Islam' will ultimately win. To the West, the message is the the U.S. and its allies are losing on all fronts and that we should give up the fight.The video does not reference the London attacks, but appears to be more of a “state of the ummah†style address intended to try and provide advice to the Muslim world in a manner similar to the “fireside chatâ€.
He provides advice to the people of Iraq, and of Palestine. He reiterates the call for young men to rush to the jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan, and includes a video clip of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam reminding the Muslim ummah that jihad is the responsibility of every Muslim.
He rebukes the mujahideen of Fateh for battling HAMAS, and tells them to “Return to your religion, your Islam, your honor and your Arabness.â€
The Blotter, which got it's information from Laura adds:
The video also features a brief clip of Thomas Kean, chairman of the 9/11 Commission, speaking about the security challenges facing the United States. Also appearing on the tape is a clip of Abdul al-Bari Atwan, the editor of a London-based Arabic newspaper. In the clip, from an appearance on an Arabic news channel, Atwan declares that al Qaeda has become stronger since the September 11th attacks and that it is truly an international organization.SITE notes that Zawahiri urges Muslims to support the al Qaeda in Iraq umbrella group, The Islamic State of Iraq:
Zawahiri also encourages greater support for the Islamic State of Iraq despite it lacking “necessary qualificationsâ€, courts Kurds to join jihad, and lauds Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the deceased Emir of al-Qaeda in Iraq, formerly Tawhid Wal Jihad, for his opening of a path for greater unity in the ranks of Mujahideen by being among the first to pledge to Usama bin Laden and join al-Qaeda. He adds that other groups have also joined the organization, though they prefered that this news not yet be announced, but the declarations will come soon. Iraq is also the launchpad from which Zawahiri launches his diatribe against Saudi Arabia, using aforementioned evidence to warn that Iraq will fall if the Saudis gain significant influence in its politics.The video of Zawahiri is a painful reminder that he remains on the loose, probably in Pakistan. Its English subtitles are also a reminder that one of our own--Orange County California born and raised Adam Gadahn--continues to help al Qaeda spread their vile propaganda.
So, will Pakistan ever get serious with al Qaeda? Or is this a hopeful sign that someone has again threatened to bomb them back into the stone age if they didn't go after our enemies and that al Qaeda and their sympathizers are once again on the run in Pakistan?
UPDATE: I now have a copy of the high production value video which has now been released. Just e-mail me for the video.
Update II: Howie has uploaded a medium sized copy to Google Video Here. Embedded copy below the fold
Update III by Vinnie: Zawahiri, dude, I just came back from blowing up hundreds of dollars of fireworks while simultaneously downing a beer or ten. Why you want to harsh my mellow? It's not like you're going to win this war. Go back to your cave, shut your f*cking mouth, and let us enjoy our holiday for once.
F*cking moron.
UPDATE IV by Rusy 7/05/07: Video still below. Thanks to Charles "blogfather" Johnson for the link and welcome fellow lizaraoid minions who (for the newbies) will be happy to know that I started out in LGF's comments section way back when.
For complete blog reaction to the video, check out Stop the ACLU.
Update by Howie: Higher quality copy with more legible subtitles here. I don't know why old callous head does this. As Laura Mansfield recently pointed out to me, Zawahiri speaks fairly fluent English. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
11:50 PM
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ABC News: The OH-58 Kiowa reconnaissance helicopter flown by Chief Warrant Officers Mark Burrows and Steven Cianfrini was flying a routine mission in support of ground troops when it was forced down by heavy gunfire.Burrows and Cianfrini survived the crash landing with only minor cuts and bruises, but came under immediate ground fire as the insurgents who had shot them continued to fire on the aircraft....Having already sent out a distress signal, the pilots soon heard American aircraft overhead. Burrows made visual contact with a Kiowa helicopter from their unit that guided an Apache helicopter to their position on the ground.Apaches are narrow two-seater attack helicopters where the pilot sits behind the co-pilot. Designed to carry missiles on its wingmounts, there is no room on the aircraft for additional passengers.
When the Apache landed, Burrows said the co-pilot got out of his front seat to make sure they weren't injured. He then strapped Cianfrini into his seat and closed the hatch.The Apache pilot then led Burrows to the gun mount on the left side of the helicopter. "I then sat on a ledge up against the engine and clipped in with a little safety harness strap," said Burrows. "The Apache pilot then went to the other side of the helicopter where he strapped himself in as well."
Once both pilots were safely strapped to the gun mounts, the Apache took off for a Baghdad airstrip. The Apache pilots quickly unloaded their passengers then took off again to continue with their original mission.
Happy Fourth of July everybody, these are the people that ensure liberty. There are thousands of heroes that came before them. Soldiers, sailors and others that paid for freedom and for the security of the US with their courage and sometimes their lives. These two guys strapped to the outside of a helicopter for a forty minute ride are just happy everybody made it out, they say. But this is the heart and soul of America and has always been. The pilot unflinchingly gave his seat to the wounded guy and took the ride strapped to the engine. These are amazing people. They are not the first and not the last, but they are astounding and awe inspiring.
Update by Howie: I saw this was posted today on DVIDS. It had over 8000 views. That is very high for there so I just happen to have that one. I've not seen it yet but here it is.
Posted by: JaneNovak at
09:56 PM
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....we do not celebrate freedom won on July 4th, only freedom proclaimed. We celebrate a beginning, an ideal, today: freedom desired, certainly not yet achieved. And for that desire, of approximately 217,000 serving, 6,188 were wounded and 4,435 died* before America was ever truly free at all, except of course perhaps where it mattered most, in the deep and resounding thump of the American patriot's heart.And that same ideal beats strongly in the hearts of American patriots today, many, no doubt, currently serving in Iraq. And there it beats in time with the murmured heart of what might one day be a new freedom, a new nation, no longer subject to the cruel tyranny of its past: a new nation of new patriots hopefully equipped to secure the cause of freedom in its portion of the world one day soon without so much of our now necessary help.
If you are true to this day, this July 4th, a day of freedom's beginning with it's difficult end still seven long costly years off and at the time completely unknown, if you say you are true to it, yet can advocate abandoning the weaker but just as freedom longing heart we fight alongside of in Iraq, then, I'm sorry, you are no patriot of freedom at all, my friend. At least, certainly not the kind of patriot we salute today when we celebrate only the day we realized what we wanted and steeled ourselves for the long battle that lie ahead to get it, whatever the cost. I simply cannot believe any genuine patriot of freedom would deny millions of people even the slimmest of opportunities to live under the tremendous gift so many of our forefathers died to give us, the citizens of what has become the boldest and most inspiring and beautiful nation ever known to man: the United States Of America.
Posted by: Howie at
10:30 AM
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July 03, 2007

Hat Tip: Samson Blinded.
Posted by: Howie at
02:36 PM
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The following was taken from a Hamas in Iraq propganda video. Hamas in Iraq is a new group that formed when the 1920's Revolution Brigades split onto two factions. One faction turned to fight al-Qaeda in Iraq, the other became Hamas in Iraq.
This shows the real reason that the miltary wants to limit the use of these images. They end up in enemy propganda. more...
Posted by: Howie at
11:47 AM
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Hat Tip: Pam.
Posted by: Howie at
08:37 AM
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June 25, 2007

Al-Zawahiri urged Hamas to implement Islamic law in Gaza, telling it, "Taking over power is not a goal but a means to implement God's word on earth.""Unite with mujahedeen (holy warriors) in Palestine ... and with all mujahedeen in the world in the face of the upcoming attack where Egyptians and Saudis are expected to play part of it," he added, suggesting that the two countries intend to attack Hamas to uproot its control of Gaza.
"Provide them (Hamas) with money, do your best to get it there, break the siege imposed on them by crusaders and Arab leaders traitors," al-Zawahiri, who is Usama bin Laden's top deputy, said, addressing Muslims around the world. "Facilitate weapons smuggling from neighboring countries."
"We can support them by targeting the crusader and Zionist interest wherever we can," al-Zawahiri said.
The video is 25 minutes long and features a short clip of Zawahri and Osama bin-Laden back in the glory days, accompanied by a still picture of Zawahiri and a mind-numbing audio track. I've already posted the good part of the visuals above. I'll post the transcript when it becomes available.
Posted by: noburqa at
07:18 AM
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June 23, 2007
Via FOXNEWS: — Saturday, June 23 at 9 p.m. ET — Repeats Sunday, June 24 at 3 a.m. ET — Tune in this weekend, as FOX News Channel presents the documentary the Public Broadcasting System didn't want you to see. — It's a film about the difference between moderate Muslims …I think that since the taxpayers paid for this film, it should be uploaded to the intertubes so that people who don't get Fox New Channel can see it. Namely me.
Hat Tip: Allah Pundit.
Posted by: Howie at
01:08 PM
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Post contains 97 words, total size 1 kb.
June 21, 2007
Scroll down to see an image of this new advanced rocket guidance system. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
03:52 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
12:56 PM
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Via The Australian: GROWING up in Vancouver, I attended an Islamic school every Saturday. There, I learned that Jews can't be trusted because they worship "moolah, not Allah", meaning money, not God. According to my teacher, every last Jew is consumed with business.Too badBut looking around my neighbourhood, I noticed that most of the new business signs featured Asian languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Punjabi and plenty of Urdu. Not Hebrew, Urdu, which is spoken throughout Pakistan.
That reality check made me ask: What if my religious school isn't educating me? What if it's indoctrinating me?
I'm reminded of this question thanks to the news that Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses and 10 other works of fiction, will be knighted by the Queen.
On Monday, Pakistan's religious affairs minister said that because Rushdie had blasphemed Islam with provocative literature, it was understandable that angry Muslims would commit suicide bombings over his knighthood.
Members of parliament, as well as the Pakistani Government, amplified the condemnation of Britain, feeding cries of offence to Muslim sensibilities from Europe to Asia.
As a Muslim, you better believe I'm offended - by these absurd reactions.
Hat Tip: Blue Crab Boulevard. more...
Posted by: Howie at
10:41 AM
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June 20, 2007

The sign says, "Hand over Rushdie to Pakistan for trial in Shariat". The maximum sentence for blaspheming Mohammed, as Rushdie is accused of, is death.
UPDATE: David makes an important point:
Given jihadists pointedly cite Muhammad’s own purported ‘revelations’ as their mandate and motive, how can the spread of Islamic terrorism be resisted if Muhammad and his teachings remain beyond criticism?Indeed.
Posted by: Rusty at
11:01 AM
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June 15, 2007
There are tons of reports of this kind of thing, but very little video. The video will probably be removed shortly, but check back with Israel Matzav if you find it's not working. Carl will probably find a new version of it before I will. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
11:52 AM
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June 14, 2007
The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. Graphic frames and video below, after extensive content warnings.
Site Institute: The Islamic State of Iraq, three days after issuing a video depicting fourteen employees of the Iraqi Ministries of Interior and Defense who were indicated to have been captured in northeastern Baghdad, and making demands of the Iraqi government for their release, following the expiration of the ultimatum issued the execution video to jihadist forums today, Thursday, June 14, 2007.This video is very similar to previous snuff videos they have released but appears to be filmed in a different location than the last two.The 1:30 minute clip was produced and distributed by the group's al-Furqan Foundation for Media Production. Shown are the captured men bound and blindfolded sitting in a field, the executor walking down the line shooting each with one bullet in the back of the head.
Warning Graphic Images and uncensored video of the enemy mercilessly murdering Iraqis for serving their country below. This is the true face of the 'insurgency'. more...
Posted by: Howie at
01:23 PM
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June 09, 2007
Via MNF-Iraq.com: BAGHDAD, Iraq – Six civilian internees were killed and at least 50 more were injured as the result of an indirect fire attack on the Multi-National Force-Iraq Theater Internment Facility at Camp Bucca today.No U.S. service members were killed or injured.
Posted by: Howie at
08:53 AM
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June 08, 2007

Sandcrwler PSA. Comments are iffy. Spam attack.
Cool Nasa launch videos and other stuff here .
Posted by: Howie at
05:40 PM
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June 05, 2007
Today I stumbled across an email addy that may belong to the German branch of GIMF.
gimf_deutch@hotmail.comYour assignment, email GIMF (preferrably in german) pretend to be interested and use the word brother a lot. Flame them if you must but if you get a reply either by hook or by crook please forward immediately to mypetjawa(at)gmail(dot)com.
Update: Sigh... Ya win some ya lose some. The above email addy appears to be dead.
Posted by: Howie at
02:11 PM
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June 04, 2007
Via David Thompson: It seems rather difficult to “take a firm stand against the oppression of women in any form†without challenging the specific religious ideas and specific religious laws that are used to justify and perpetuate the oppression one is supposedly taking a stand against. How, for instance, does one deal with the “respected†Andalusian imam, Mohammed Kamal Mostafa, whose book, The Islamic Woman, advises Muslim men on how to beat “rebellious†women without leaving visible signs of injury, in accord with Muhammad’s teachings? How, exactly, does one challenge Mostafa’s assertions - and the assertions of others like him - without also challenging the “sacred†ideas that are invoked as an unassailable religious mandate? And how does one take “a firm stand†without suggesting, at least by implication, that those “religious sentiments†are wrong and disgusting on very important issues?You could just ask nicely. Like this….Muslims, would you please stop oppressing females, hating the Joooooos and blowing stuff up? Pretty please? With sugar on top?“Believing†in the equality of women is very easy and conveniently vague, especially if one is unwilling to challenge the means by which cruelty and coercion are perpetuated, justified and enforced. Unless one is prepared to address the theological nuts and bolts of the matter, and prepared to risk offending some religious “sentimentsâ€, it’s hard to see what kind of “firm stand†has actually been taken.
There I’ve done it. World peace in 5...4…3…
Posted by: Howie at
01:16 PM
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The a-Furqan media, a propaganda outlet for the al-Qaeda front a group The Islamic State of Iraq, has released a video that claims to contain the ID cards and personal effects of of Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass., and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich.
Via Laura Mansfield: The Islamic State of Iraq Monday has released a video of the military identification cards of two missing American soldiers. There was no indication in the video whether the two soldiers are dead or alive, and there were no demands set for their release.The amount of time that has passed of the presentation reflects the pressure the search for the missing men has put on al-Qaeda. Jihadi supporters have been screaming for a snuff film of these men, I'm glad to report they are sorely disappointed.The video included a still image of the photo identifications of Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass., and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich.
Above the photos, written in Arabic, was the message, "Bush is the reason for the loss of your prisoners."
ABC’s The Blotter has a short segment of the video here. Laura has a complete copy available for download here.
Update, Laura has completed intial analysis of the video. No proof is given that these men are alive or dead. She says,
"In short, there is no credible indication from this video of the fate of these two soldiers other than the claims of a jihadist group.History has shown us that these groups can and do lie.
Update II: Save Laura's bandwidth, Video added below the fold. more...
Posted by: Howie at
09:18 AM
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May 31, 2007
The Saudi government owns a large stake in the satelite beaming Muj TV around the world, but refuses to stop the broadcasts. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
10:06 AM
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May 29, 2007
The Seattle Times ran this as their "photo of the day". What's wrong with this picture? (Click for bigger pic)

Here is the caption from the Seattle Times:
Palestinians run as a rocket falls at them during an Israeli air strike on the Hamas Executive Force building in Nusseirat refugee camp in the centre of the Gaza strip, Friday. Warplanes pounded the Gaza Strip for a ninth day as Palestinians continued to fire rockets into Israel despite a call from Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas for a truce.Er, pardon my skepticism here....but how fast does a "missile" travel anyway? Because, unless you're both really lucky and have an ultra-fast shutter speed, I'm guessing you're not going to be able to click off a picture of a "missile" miliseconds before it impacts.
I'm also guessing that the guy in the green soccer shirt wouldn't be able to follow said "missile" with his eyes. Notice how he appears to be looking right at the incoming "missile".
So, is this a case of a "doctored photo"?
Here's a close up of the "missile" from the largest version of the photo I could find, and which I've only blown up to about triple the original size.

If it's a photoshop, it's a good one. Notice the squarish pixelization around the "missile". Maybe some one who is better at digital photography or at Pshopping than me can explain that. Just an artifact of blowing it up? But the bluring around the "missile" can also be seen in the original, just sharper edges when you blow it up.
The photo is attributed to "MAHMUD HAMS / AFP/GETTY IMAGES". How fast was Mahbud Hams camera? So fast that he not only caught the missile just before it struck, but just after it struck too. A Peter Parker moment? (click for bigger)

Doing a quick search of Yahoo News Photos, here are a few related pics. Yahoo News Photos did not pick up on the photo showing the "missile", but it did carry the followup photos by Mahmud Hams of the "missile strike" at Nusseirat. Only they're not all attributed to Mahmud Hams.....
And, wouldn't you know it, another hallmark of fauxtography: the swarm carrying the "injured child".
More below..... more...
Posted by: Rusty at
06:25 PM
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Laura Mansfield has the complete transcript.
Adam makes six demands on behalf of al Qaeda:
1) Pull all U.S. troops out of Muslim lands. But I thought pulling out of Iraq would make al Qaeda stop? Oh:
And let us be clear. A pull-out from Iraq alone in the absence of compliance with the remainder of our legitimate demands will get you nowhere and will not save you from our strikes.SO stop wasting your time, and trying to save face with these futile, farsical maneuvers on Capitol Hill and start making some serious moves.
2) Stop all support of all Muslim regimes. Al Qaeda considers every Muslim country on earth--even Saudi Arabia--to be apostate.
3) End aid to Israel. They hate the J-O-Os.
4) Allow Muslims to establish sharia law. This means that we should not interfere when they start killing apostates and stoning adultresses.
5) Stop all broadcasts to the Middle East. Apparently, they don't like CBN as much as they despise Spice. Especially broadcasts which try to alter
6) Free all Muslims from our jails.
A final parting shot:
Posted by: Rusty at
06:03 PM
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This is not a call for negotiations. We don’t negotiate with baby killers and war criminals like you.
Oh, the irony! Warning, graphic image below:
Post contains 291 words, total size 2 kb.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:10 PM
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