August 03, 2007
Mike Fumento says what I've been thinking:
But give Obama this, he is the first candidate (that I know of) who has called the Pakistanis to task for allowing al Qaeda and other international Islamist terror groups to operate there with impunity. Western Pakistan today is what Afghanistan was on September 10th. Terrorists currently operate in Afghanistan but there's little evidence they operate out of it. SOMEBODY in some way needs to clear out the Pakistani rat's nest and if Obama stirs debate as to how, all power to him.The point of Obama's statement, I think, was not to suggest that we must invade Pakistan, but a warning to the Pakistanis that its either them or us. Preferably them, of course, but let's not rule out the option. If they won't wipe out the al Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan, and we don't do it, then who will?
Yes, I know they have nukes. So do we. And, unlike the Pakistanis, we have the means of delivering them on our enemies.
By taking that threat off the table we give Musharraf another reason to try to negotiate his way out of the present conflict with the Taliban. And I'm always for keeping all options on the table.
Clarification: I'm not suggesting that Obama is right on anything else, nor that he's not uninformed about the very real al Qaeda threat in Iraq, just that he's right about this one particular thing: it's time to start threatening Pakistan again.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:58 PM
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August 02, 2007
Posted by: Howie at
01:36 PM
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July 31, 2007
The 22-year-old says several potential employers in the United Arab Emirates have turned her down because she wore the niqab, a face veil that usually leaves only the eyes uncovered....Sweet, sweet irony."No one takes women with niqab in the retail sector," said [Aysha] Obeid who unsuccessfully applied for jobs at two retail outlets. She is now looking for back office administrative jobs where she believes she may have more chance of being employed.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:02 PM
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That's Mullah Mansoor Dadullah above advising students to blow up the French from a much discussed 'graduation' video that made the rounds in June. It's actually part 4 of the video, but it's definitely the funniest.
Seriously, listening to these soon-to-be-dead Taliban suicide shahids 'graduate' is funny. Each new accent is funnier than the last. Even the dude with the Russian accent, Chechen I'm sure. I swear that the guy that makes his appearance at the 4:18 mark is Apu. He even says "Islam is peace", bwahahahahaaaaaaaa!! Thank you, come again! more...
Posted by: Rusty at
10:58 AM
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July 30, 2007
A senior Taliban leader, Qari Faiz Mohammad, was killed by Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF security operation July 23 in southern Afghanistan.Who was he?:“The Taliban leadership has suffered another severe setback,†said Lt. Col. Claudia Foss, ISAF spokesperson. “Each successful operation ensures insurgent disruption that gives way for stability operations to take place.â€
ISAF says Qari Faiz Mohammad, a top Taliban commander with close links to supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar ... was one of Afghanistan’s ‘Most Wanted’ Taliban leaders. He acted as Chairman of the Taliban military council and allegedly financed many Taliban operations launched in Helmand province, according to the BBC.Let's just hope it's the start of a good week.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:43 AM
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Ministers insisted that British secret agents would only be allowed to pass intelligence to the CIA to help it capture Osama bin Laden if the agency promised he would not be tortured, it has emerged.So, who is at fault? George W. Bush, of course, even thought he wasn't President until 3 years later. It's Bush derangement syndrome at its finest.MI6 believed it was close to finding the al-Qaida leader in Afghanistan in 1998, and again the next year. The plan was for MI6 to hand the CIA vital information about Bin Laden. Ministers including Robin Cook, the then foreign secretary, gave their approval on condition that the CIA gave assurances he would be treated humanely.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:37 AM
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July 29, 2007
Ynet via Prairie Pundit: Sudan's defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused "24 Jewish organizations" of "fueling the conflict in Darfur" last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper.The answer Prairie Pundit's question, No, No there isn't anything worse.Hussein was interviewed during an official state-visit to the Saudi kingdom last week.
A journalist from Saudi Arabia's Okaz newspaper asked Hussein: "Some people are talking about the penetration of Jewish organizations in Darfur and that there is no conflict there?"
Posted by: Howie at
06:45 PM
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July 26, 2007
Taleban commander Abdullah Mehsud was killed by Pakistani soldiers and did not commit suicide, one of the owners of the house in which he died says.Just remember the "genius" and ex-Gitmo prisoner the Taliban chose as a senior "commander"...... more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:17 AM
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July 25, 2007
You really have to read these key findings:
An analysis of the attacks carried out in the last two years reveals a curious fact. In 43% of the bombings conducted last year and in 26 of the 57 [=46%] bombings traced in this study up to June 15, the only death caused by the bombing was that of the bomber himself. Astoundingly, approximately 90 suicide bombers in this two year period succeeded in killing only themselves. This number exceeds 100 when you factor in those who succeeded in killing only one person in addition to themselves. There was one period in the spring of 2006 (February 20 to June 21) when a stunning 26 of the 36 suicide bombers in Afghanistan (72%) only killed themselves.....Also adding to the ineptness of Taliban suicide bombers? more...The cause for the Afghan suicide bombers' underwhelming performance, [Afghan police and soldiers] claimed, lay in the ineptitude of the people the Taliban were recruiting as fedayeen (suicide) bombers. Afghan officials continually told stories of lower class people who had been seduced, bribed, tricked, manipulated or coerced into blowing themselves up as "weapons of God" or "Mullah Omar's missiles." Afghan NDS officials also spoke of apprehended bombers who were deranged, retarded, mentally unstable or on drugs.
In one case, they told of a mentally deranged man who threw his vest at an Afghan patrol, assuming it would explode on its own .... Others, including a Taliban bomber who was arrested while pushing his explosives-laden car toward its target after it ran out of gas, appear to be inept beyond belief ... Coalition troops who have spoken of seeing bombers blow themselves up far from their convoys have characterized it as the act of drugged or mentally unstable bombers.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:29 PM
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July 24, 2007

An image of Abdullah Mehsud in an interview with reporters in 2004. A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner released after he was found not to be a threat, and who later returned to Pakistan to become an important Taliban leader involved in multiple attacks against US and Afghani forces, died today after blowing himself and several companions up when they were surrounded by Pakistani forces.
Oh, and it appears he was also retarded. Is it just me, or is the Taliban gunman standing next to Mehsud staring at his one slipper and one shoe thinking, "I can't believe they put him in charge."
Hat tip: Stealth
UPDATE: This really calls for a caption contest. So, caption it!
Posted by: Rusty at
04:30 PM
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Bad News: Torturing of Converts Continues Uninterupted UPDATE 7/24: Did I say there was a caveat, or what? He's now denying it:
"What I actually said is that Islam prohibits a Muslim from changing his religion and that apostasy is a crime, which must be punished," Goma'a said.Maybe someone needs to break the sad news to Ali Eteraz?------ more...
Posted by: Rusty at
11:20 AM
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July 23, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
01:27 PM
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July 20, 2007

UPDATE: A guy getting paid to be pissed off at the West full time.....quick, somebody give him tenure in a Liberal Arts department.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:18 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
11:15 AM
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July 19, 2007

To be honest, I've hesitated posting them because I'd hate to be the one that brought the Saudi Ministry of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to their houses for a questioning the would lead to a lashing or worse-- beheading. But since these are fairly popular videos in Saudi Arabia anyway, I thought it only proper to spread them to the infidel viewing public.
Consider this agitrop against the fanatical Salafs and Wahabs. For every terrorist shipped off to Iraq or Afghanistan to fight the kuffar, they leave behind 20 more young Arabs who may claim they hate the West, but in secret they mimick some the worst parts of our culture. You know, the Jerry Springer and MTV America.
So, without further ado, Girls Gone Wild: Saudi Arabia Style! Warning: Some of the vids not exactly SFW. Okay, they're all SFW (I didn't embed the naughtier ones), but they're definetely NSFW if you're in Saudi Arabia! more...
Posted by: Rusty at
03:53 PM
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Fatah Central Committee member Zakariya Al-Agha has called the deeds of Hamas members "barbaric, to say the least," and stated that the torture that Hamas is using against Fatah, as seen in the past two days, is worse than the torture used by the occupation.Me? I'm feeling conflicted.
Posted by: Rusty at
01:31 PM
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July 17, 2007
Photos of today's attack here.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:26 PM
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Until the middle of last week, Zuwahiri sheltered with the local Pashtun tribes in Bannu, a town in the northwest Pakistan tribal federation of North Waziristan. The approach of Pakistani and US intelligence and special forces caused him to switch hiding places and move to Tank or Tang, a town 120 km south of Bannu.Since the report also claims that the search for Zawahiri has put them on the trail of Osama bin Laden, then color me skeptical. After last week's "new" Osama bin Laden video, I also have a pretty good guess where he is: hell.On Saturday, two soldiers were injured by a bomb explosion in that town, having just missed their quarry.
Hat tip: Rocketsbrain
Posted by: Rusty at
09:48 AM
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July 16, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
10:33 AM
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July 14, 2007
Warning: Graphic more...
Posted by: Rusty at
10:40 AM
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July 11, 2007

For the third time in a week, al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri has released a video through his as Sahab media arm. The four minute video features Zawahiri speaking on the conflict between the Pakistani government and the leaders of the Red Mosque.
In it, he castigates Pakistanis for failure to support the extremists in the mosque and for not taking violent action against the President Pervez Musharraf.
Like the video from two days ago, this video is really just an audio of Zawahiri superimposed over an image of him. However, unlike that video, this one is subtitled in English.
Laura Mansfield has a complete transcript and a download of the video here. Here's a taste:
Muslims of Pakistan: your salvation is only through Jihad. Rigged elections will not save you, politics will not save you, and bargaining, bootlicking, negotiations with the criminals and political maneuvers will not save you.Is it just me, or is Zawahiri sounding desperate to you?Your salvation is only through Jihad, so you must now back the Mujahideen in Afghanistan with your persons, wealth, opinion and expertise, because the Jihad in Afghanistan is the door to salvation for Afghanistan, Pakistan and the rest of the region. Die honorably in the fields of Jihad, and don't live like women with moustaches and beards. Aren't there any honorable ones in Pakistan? Aren't there any jealous ones? Isn't there anyone who prefers the hereafter to the life of this world?
UPDATE: Breitbart has the video up now.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:17 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
10:23 AM
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July 10, 2007

Ah, and now we know what this "big announcement" was supposed to be. We knew it would only be a matter of time before Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda's #2 man, spoke out against the British Knighting of Salmon Rushdie. This is the second time as Sahab, al Qaeda's production arm, has released a statement from Zawahiri this week. The Jawa Report has a copy of the statement, courtesy of Laura Mansfield's Strategic Translations.
The video--which is really just a still photo of Zawahiri accompanied by audio--is called "Malicious Britain and its Indian Slaves". SITE:
In response, Zawahiri threatens that a “very precise response†is in the stages of preparation, and addresses current Prime Minister Gordon Brown, stating: “The policy of your predecessor has brought tragedy and defeat upon you, not only in Afghanistan and Iraq but also in the center of London. And if you did not understand, listen, we are ready to repeat it for you, with the permission of Allah. We are sure that you have quite understood it.â€Word on the streets is that the planned action in Britain is supposed to be "bigger than 9/11". But isn't that what they're always saying?
Zawahiri goes on to praise the bombing of U.N. Peacekeepers in Southern Lebanon, and calls for jihad in Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
Big words from a guy in a cave..........
Posted by: Rusty at
11:06 AM
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July 09, 2007
Hart Williams, Via WND (cause I won't link Hart): Whoever wants Ted Nugent is welcome to him, but I would prefer that you would call it now, so as to conserve on ammunition. We will need to manage it prudently. But when the day comes that they have finally set brother against brother, and sister against sister in the name of their pocketbooks, I won't approach exterminating them with anything approaching remorse. They've already told me what they think of me, of my friends and of my peers. Now, I'm returning the favor. Put that in your pipe and have the WSJ editorial staff show you how to smoke it, Nugent. Courage."Typical liberal wuss! He can't stand up to Ted man to man, because Ted would rip his head off and crap down his neck, so his solution is to shoot dear old Uncle Ted. And for writing an article, oh my god, where are all those free speech liberals now?
Sneaking up on Ted Nugent's Ranch with a gun? Errrr....uh...good luck with that?! It appears Ted should be able to defend himself quite well. more...
Posted by: Howie at
03:29 PM
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Via CBS2: (CBS) HOLLYWOOD, Calif. A Chewbacca impersonator sexually assaulted a Marilyn Monroe impersonator in front of the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood in June. The wookie then evaded arrest, police said.Wookiees are verbally challenged, most Marilyn Monroe look-a-likes don't speak Shyriiwook. How is he supposed to let her know he's interested?According to an officer with the LAPD, Chewbacca allegedly took the platinum-coiffed actress's hand and placed it on his private parts as the characters performed for tips from tourists.
I'd give the wookiee a break for his language barrier, except this is not the first time Chewy has been overly aggressive in seeking a little attention from human females.

Once you go wookiee......
Hat Tip: Liz. more...
Posted by: Howie at
12:46 PM
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