October 24, 2006

Hastert Chides Pelosi For Her 'Irresponsible' Iraq Withdrawal Scenario

House Speaker Dennis Hastert calls Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi's views, expressed Sunday in a CBS "Sixty Minutes" segment, "...foolish, naive and dangerous." Speaker Hastert was being too kind. Pelosi's inability to understand the nature of the Global War on Terror was revealed quite clearly in this statement (From CNSNews):

Pelosi told CBS's Leslie Stahl that yes, there are terrorists in Iraq. "But that doesn't mean we stay there. They'll stay there as long as we're there. They're there because we're there," she said.
Pelosi hasn't connected the dots. They're there, and being killed there by the thousands. If we leave, they'll follow us home. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 09:07 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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October 23, 2006

Does CNN Want America to Lose?

Rep. Duncan Hunter asks what is on everybody's mind: Does CNN want us to lose the war in Iraq?

The answer to that question can be summed up by a quote from Leonard Nimoy.

No. And by "no" I mean "yes".

Posted by: Rusty at 05:19 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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BBC Admits to Left-Wing Bias, Afraid of British Muslims

bbc_microphone.jpgThe BBC, biased? No, couldn't be!

In a related story, Rusty admits to liking hot chicks, Howie fesses up to being partial to Jesus, Vinnie comes clean with loving the Cornhuskers, Ragnar leaks that he's into war porn, and Bluto cops to being pro-American.

Mike Pechar, though, still in denial about 10th grade crush on hot biology teacher.

Personally I wouldn't characterize the BBC elite as anti-Christian. It's more like anti-religion. They just aren't afraid of offending Christians. The intellectual elite holds all religions equally in disdain. They just don't fear them all. One guess which religion of something something they are afraid to offend?


An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment....

For the purpose of illustration, the executives were given a scenario in which Jewish Comedian Sasha Baron Cohen would participate in a program titled ‘Room 101’, a studio program where guests would be asked for their opinions on different issues, and allowed to symbolically throw things they hated in a garbage bin.

The executives were asked what they would do if Cohen decided to throw ‘Kosher food’, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bible, and the Quran in the garbage bin.

The executives said they would allow everything to be thrown in the garbage bin, save the Quran, for fear of offending the British Muslim community.

No reason to worry about offending the Christian community. They stopped killing blasphemers hundreds of years ago. Hat tip:Aramy.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:51 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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October 22, 2006

The Shape of Things to Come

In an uncharacteristically honest appraisal of what leading Democrats are plotting following a successful takeover of the House, Newsweek reveals why jihadis all over the world are praying to Allah for a Democratic victory in November:

Dingell is careful to say he is not out to get George W. Bush, or the Republicans, and insists he will extend his hand to his GOP colleagues and conduct "oversight thoughtfully and responsibly." He says "there's no list" of things he wants to investigate. But in the next breath, he quickly ticks off a list of things he wants to investigate: The Bush administration's handling of port security and the threat of nuclear smuggling; computer privacy; climate change; concentration of media ownership; the new Medicare Part D program, which he calls a "massive scandal," and the secret meetings of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force. "This is a hardheaded administration," Dingell says. "So we'll probably have lots of hearings."

The House of Representatives is full of John Dingell Democrats—exiled committee chairmen awaiting the day they can reclaim the center chair on the dais. All carry lists—if only in their heads—of issues and outrages they believe Republicans have failed to probe because such questions would be politically embarrassing to the president. Henry Waxman of California is another Democratic old-timer whose ire never dims. A tireless investigator, he's in line to head the Government Reform Committee, and plans to take aim at Halliburton and alleged rip-offs and contract abuse in Iraq. Then there's Charles Rangel, the New York congressman who's never met a cable show he didn't like. He is set to take over the Ways and Means Committee, and wants to take a hard look at the Bush tax cuts. John Conyers of Michigan has waited for years to head the Judiciary Committee. He's likely to convene hearings on the Patriot Act and domestic wiretapping. In the past, he has suggested the possibility of impeachment hearings for President Bush.

Stop listening to suspected terrorist phone calls, stop interrogating captured terrorists, redeploy the troops to Okinawa, continue the relentless efforts to criminalize their political enemies...but you don't you dare question their patriotism.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:02 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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October 20, 2006

It's Official: Sen. Kennedy a Traitor

Not that all of you haven't known that for some time. And to think, his big brother almost started a nuclear war standing up to the Soviets. I wonder what Jack would say now?

Sicky Notes has this from CNS News:

a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.
Is there a statute of limitations on treason?

Posted by: Rusty at 01:55 PM | Comments (79) | Add Comment
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October 19, 2006

I Don't Have Time for Anderson Cooper

CNN has apparently decided that airing jihadist snuff films "meets their newsworthiness criteria", a statement with which I have to agree. Well, except for the crazy implication that there are actual standards involved:

We are assuming they included the sniper tape to prove the authenticity of the Al-Shimary interview tape and to establish their credibility.

Choosing to air the video, rather just watching it, is a little like eating poop, rather than just smelling it, to verify that the patient has a working digestive system. Aw shucks, it's an acquired taste. more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 08:05 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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Man Convicted for Causing Mental Distress to Muslims

Full story here:

The words in bold red paint stated: "Kill all Muslims who threaten us and our way of life. Enoch Powell was right."

Father of two Gary John Mathewson, who was arrested for displaying the banner, told a court: "This won't stop until there is a Muslim president in the White House."

And referring to MP Jack Straw questioning whether Muslim women should wear face veils he asked: "Are you going to arrest him?"

When prosecutor Maggie Hughes pointed out that the banner did not mention extremists Mathewson said: "That's what I meant by those who threaten us and our way of life.'"

h/t: LGF

Posted by: Ragnar at 09:54 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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October 18, 2006

The Elephant in the Room...

A British gay advocacy group recently noticed that there had been a sharp rise in the incidence of religiously-motivated violent attacks on gay Brits.

Problem is, the attacks were disproportionately coming from one minority religious group (I'll let you guess which one it was). As you may know, casting aspersions at a minority group is just not done in polite circles.

On the other hand, highlighting one's victimhood is the very essence of political advocacy.

What to do, what to do...

This particular advocacy group decided to go with the tried and true. They blamed it on the Christians.

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:00 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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October 17, 2006

Justice Scalia Explains Bill of Rights to ACLU

Via Jay at Stop the ACLU, who has a transcript posted.

Posted by: Bluto at 09:48 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 16, 2006

Dem Dirty Tricks Squad Targets Able Danger Congressman

Curt Weldon (R-PA), the congressman who has waged a lonely battle to bring the Able Danger revelations to light, has been targeted by the George Soros-funded Democrat hit squad Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington. CREW was deeply involved in manipulating the Foley scandal, possibly to the point of altering an alleged Foley email.

Weldon has led a campaign to expose the persecution of former Able Danger personnel and the apparently successful coverup of the intelligence group's warnings, blocked by the Gorelick "wall," prior to the attack on the USS Cole and the 9/11 terror attack.

Now it appears that Weldon is paying the price for offending the Democratic establishment.

From the philly.com:

At an event earlier today at Philadelphia International Airport to discuss airport noise, Weldon said the investigation was politically motivated - blaming a complaint filed by Melanie Sloan, director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"She is the only one I know of who went to the Justice Department and asked for an investigation," Weldon said. "I know that because I have her letter."

Quite obviously, the FBI investigation will continue through the election, just as CREW planned.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:11 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Libs: 'Jihad Protected Free Speech'

At least these moonbats are being honest. They embrace calls to destroy the United States, murder her citizens, and kill her soldiers as the free exercise of speech and religion.

From the Washington Times:

Democratic strategist and former Michael Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich, and the former American Civil Liberties Union president in Massachusetts, Harvey Silvergate, recently joined the attorneys representing two alleged Boston al Qaeda funders.
Estrich (flattering picture here) and her co-conspirators don't mean just talking about jihad either. They want their clients to be free to actively support it through funding [emphasis added]:
In their motion, attorneys Mrs. Estrich, Malick Ghachem, Norman Zalkind and Elizabeth Lunt, argue that the defendants merely exercised their religious freedom and obligation to give "zakat" (Islamic charity).
Their motion cites Chapter 9, verse 60 of the Koran, which describes "those entitled to receive zakat." According to the definition of zakat in The Encyclopedia of Islam, "category 7" of eligible recipients are "volunteers engaged in jihad" for whom the zakat cover "living expenses and the expenses of their military service (animals, weapons)."
Oh, just to rub a little salt in, they also say that contributions to brave jihadi babyhunters should be tax exempt, as well.

On the seventh level of Hell, Vidkun Quisling is laughing at us.

Via Stop the ACLU.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:20 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 15, 2006

Scalia Enters the Snakepit

On Sunday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia participated in a televised debate with American Civil Liberties Union head Nadine Strossen, before an audience of ACLU supporters.

From the Associated Press:

Scalia, a leading conservative voice on the high court, sparred in a one-hour televised debate with American Civil Liberties Union president Nadine Strossen. He said unelected judges have no place deciding politically charged questions when the Constitution is silent on those issues.

Arguing that liberal judges in the past improperly established new political rights such as abortion, Scalia warned, "Someday, you're going to get a very conservative Supreme Court and regret that approach."

"On controversial issues on stuff like homosexual rights, abortion, we debate with each other and persuade each other and vote on it either through representatives or a constitutional amendment," the Reagan appointee said.


Posted by: Bluto at 10:11 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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October 11, 2006

Columbia U. Disinvites College Republican Invitees

From LGF:

After the disgraceful events of last week, Columbia University is so afraid of embarrassment that they simply closed the doors to a talk by Walid Shoebat and other strong anti-terrorism speakers, and turned away invited guests.
More details at KesherTalk

Posted by: Ragnar at 08:22 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 09, 2006

Treason or Slack-Jawed Stupidity?

You be the judge:

How old is Ted? Maybe we should consider Alzheimer's.

Posted by: Bluto at 06:02 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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YouTube Jihad : 3alibaba's Videos GONE


YouTuber SpiritofCMartel (formerly Crusader18) brought this to my attention. Owing to the attention brought by the Jawas and others, this 3alibaba's videos have now been removed and his account suspended. Here's his message:

I want to thank you all. This user started out with 10 unabashedly Heinous jihadist videos, and now all are gone. You did this, and I thank you. When you click on this profile if it shows any videos, click on any one. I think you will pleasantly surprized. The one question I would ask You, is DID IT REALLY TAKE THAT MUCH OF YOUR TIME? It's worth the 2 minutes you spent flagging him, to remopve those videos. Thank You.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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October 07, 2006

Sout al-Kuffar's Message to YouTube


Technical note: The center frame of the video seems to generally be the thumbnail for the video on YouTube. We did our best to put a nice picture of Michelle in the very center of the video. We even uploaded the video twice with slightly different run lengths. Either we're in error, or YouTube has some way to defeat that sort of thing, as it picked boring frames despite our best efforts. Ah, well...

Fellow YouTubers can download the .wmv video file from this page.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:35 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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