April 06, 2007
Posted by: Kafir at
08:28 PM
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Posted by: Good Lt at April 06, 2007 11:05 PM (yMbfY)
Yeah... funny how you tell others that feel the same way "Screw you."
OK, back to being nice...
Posted by: ken at April 06, 2007 11:52 PM (75YP3)
Posted by: Mark at April 07, 2007 01:22 AM (6uAw0)
Posted by: Mark at April 07, 2007 01:23 AM (6uAw0)
Posted by: greyrooster at April 07, 2007 03:56 AM (NU+M0)
Posted by: Kafir at April 07, 2007 06:18 AM (HsmTD)
Now the fact that it's used to demonize the Democrats just goes to show you how low it's creator, and the poster have sunk. Either that, or they're just really fucking stupid for not picking up on that.
Frankly, I'm betting it's a little of both.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 09:19 AM (S3Rzh)
Hieronymus Bosch (aka Jeroen van Aken) was an early 16th century DUTCH painter, not German.
The style of the figures is Flemish, not Jewish, and the look is quite typical of many Dutch paintings of the period.
Further, Bosch was preoccupied with demons, and what he perceived as a pervasive evil in the world of men. His paintings often blended angelic and demonic figures in an attempt to express that dichotomy. THAT is the point of this painting... not Jews.
In reality, that fact that you look at this painting and see 'sterotypical Jews' in what are clearly Dutch facial features, says far more about you than it does about me.
But you were right about one thing...
I do 'demonize' the Dhimmicrats, because their sleazy, stupid, unethical behavior warrants it.
I suspect you would have had no problem with this same image featuring George Bush, Karl Rove and Sean Hannity... so spare me your disingenuous self-righteousness.
Oh, and you might want to learn a little about art history before you make additional inane comments, and accuse a 20+ year professional artist of not knowing what he's posting.
Posted by: Kafir at April 07, 2007 10:21 AM (HsmTD)
Posted by: Randman at April 07, 2007 10:54 AM (Sal3J)
Of course art is always open to interpretation by the viewer, most would agree that the STYLE of of the painting is Flemish. But whether or not you see Jesus surrounded by people who appear "Dutch" really just shows one's own viewpoint.
Posted by: John Ryan at April 07, 2007 11:43 AM (TcoRJ)
Posted by: greyrooster at April 07, 2007 12:04 PM (LnQdE)
And the Jews have been traditionally 'demonized' by the hard left and the hard right... and pretty much everyone in between, at one time or another.
At this current moment in time, the Democrats are the Israeli's second worst nightmare, and blatant antisemitism is on the rise once again at 'liberal' campuses across the US and Europe.
You know it's bad when an old lefty like Horowitz switches teams!
It's really uncanny how you can always be wrong about everything, John Ryan!
Somehow, I find comfort in the knowledge that there are at least a few constants on our chaotic planet. The regularity of radioactive decay cannot compare to the mathematical perfection of your ignorance.
But you have a nice day anyway.
Posted by: Kafir at April 07, 2007 01:12 PM (HsmTD)
You know...I seem to be missing all those eliminate Israel rallies from the righties. Now the ones from the left I don't time to watch they are so common. You will make a great Dhimmi John.
Posted by: Randman at April 07, 2007 01:39 PM (Sal3J)
you're pwned so regularly on this blog it makes one wonder why you even bother. Is it self-loathing perhaps?
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 07, 2007 01:45 PM (yJKSD)
Oddly enough this painting comes up in reference to The Passion of the Christ, a fav of the Christian community, and an incredibly anti-semitic film... though I bet you'll argue it isn't, even though the film's director went off on an insane anti-jewish rant after being arrested for drunk driving. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be... A DEMOCRAT!
Anyhoo, you guys can go ahead and think I'm wrong, but the funny thing is, reality seems to disagree with you. By all means though... continue to re-arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic... aka the American conservative movement.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 01:59 PM (S3Rzh)
Christ, a fav of the Christian community, and an incredibly
anti-semitic film...
a Leftard quoting another Leftard as some kind of authoritative source? LOL. I love it when you people do that. Is he the same guy that predicted world wide pogroms against Jews if the movie was released? Almost as laughable as your predictions on global warming!
But back to the subject, if Mel Gibson is an anti-semite, I'm not aware that this painting has anything to do with him other than your "authoritative" claim that it is. He certainly hasn't endorsed it! One thing Gibson does have in common with the world's anti-semites though is how much he hates Bush, the Iraq war, and the GWOT in general. Hmmm. A pattern? You're in good company it seems.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 07, 2007 02:16 PM (yJKSD)
So far as Mel Gibson thinking Bush is a complete asshole... fuck dude, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. The chimp has screwed things up so badly that he will go down in history as the worst president you nation has ever known.
You don't think so, because you're one of the retards who can't see how horribly he has fucked up.
Why do I keep coming back here? I don't know really... I guess because I keep hoping that you guys will open your fucking eyes and see that things aren't as simple as you want to imagine they are.
I guess I just like a challenge.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 02:31 PM (S3Rzh)
I personally can't think of anything as simplistic as moral and cultural equivalency, which is the inability to discriminate or make distinctions between things; and you're the one peddling that.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 07, 2007 08:23 PM (yJKSD)
Here are some definitions:
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Now here's the thing... you guys clearly favour the traditional, orthodox, and authoritarian attitudes. Don't kid yourselves into thinking you believe in freedom. You accept the authority of your president with little question, and many of you also accept the authority of your religious leaders. And as for bigotry... oh good lord... you guys have the market cornered, and this little painting just proves how low your hate goes.
Now as for you imagining my pedalling "moral and cultural equivalency", you have to be kidding. I'm not the one who's modified an antisemetic painting to portray a group of people as killers of god. I'm not advocating an unjust and illegal war. I'm not the one who has decided that torture is okay, and I'm not the one who's taken a big stinky dump on the Constitution of the United States.
Good night.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 10:06 PM (S3Rzh)
ROFLMAO! Yeah...we see that every day from the left. The party of PC...tolerant?
You must be a masochists John cause you seem to enjoy the spanking you received.
Posted by: Randman at April 07, 2007 10:35 PM (Sal3J)
if by "bigoted" you mean we can't stand terrorists and their apologists, stalinists lite (Leftists), and dhimmicrats, then bigoted it is. Of course, you can't stand christians, conservatives, and Republicans, so we're in good company when it comes to that.
The part about you being "tolerant" was a hoot given the only real threat to freedom of speech today is coming from the Left. You need look no further than our university campuses for that. The examples there are endless, so don't try to feed my that crap about it just being your "extremists".
And while you don't give a platform to our "hate" (that's called censorship, by the way), we do give a platform to your stupidity. We are more than happy to do so because nobody is better at outing a Leftist than himself.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 08, 2007 08:11 AM (yJKSD)
apologists, stalinists lite (Leftists), and dhimmicrats, then bigoted
it is. Of course, you can't stand christians, conservatives, and
Republicans, so we're in good company when it comes to that."
I'm totally cool with Christians and Republicans... so long as they aren't trying to force their doctrine down everyone's throats, and that is exactly what is going on in America today. Rather than live their lives as they see fit in order to reap their eternal reward, Christians are trying to eliminate the seperation of church and state. This means that it is totally okay to call them on it.
Same goes for rational Republicans, but now that we've seen just how corrupt this administration is, well... they've earned my disrespect.
"The part about you being "tolerant" was a hoot given the only real
threat to freedom of speech today is coming from the Left. You need
look no further than our university campuses for that. The examples
there are endless, so don't try to feed my that crap about it just
being your "extremists". "
Oh cut the bullshit. Rightwingers are out trying to ban movies, books, music, and anything else that doesn't fit their narrow view. I totally agree that SOME university students and profs go too far, but this goes both ways. And when rightwingers are out there advocating intolerance of gays, and other minority groups... it's kinda funny to hear them whine who people are being intolerant of their intolerance.
"And while you don't give a platform to our "hate" (that's called
censorship, by the way), we do give a platform to your stupidity. We
are more than happy to do so because nobody is better at outing a
Leftist than himself."
Who's censoring your hate? You retards can say whatever you want. The fact that I'm here wasting my time pointing out how delusional and stupid you are is part of the process. If you think you should be spewing what you believe at universities, then you're going to have to find somebody to peer review your retardation, but that's sorta hard when you ignore things like facts, an there is nothing conservatives hate more than facts.
For one thing you ignore scienctific evidence like it's going out of style. In fact, you are so authoritarian, that you believe in an iron age book over what you can see with your own two fucking eyes, solely because you are told to.
Do you suppose it is a coincidence that many folks who reject evolution also reject global warming? You will cease on the smallest things in order to pretend that it isn't happening, and really... even if it is, who the fuck cares right? The rapture is a-comin' in a few years anyway, so what matters if the planet is fucked?
And finally you ignore all of the facts that this war was illegally waged, and managed worse than Enron. The administration has destroyed tens of thousands of lives on all sides, and still you support them... even when they are letting your own troops rot in shitty hospitals.
You guys are seriously the biggest bunch of losers to walk the planet in decades.
Posted by: John at April 08, 2007 02:55 PM (S3Rzh)
Shorter John: My bigotry good, your bigotry bad.
Sorry, John. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with your childish strawman.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 08, 2007 03:39 PM (yJKSD)
Posted by: John at April 08, 2007 06:49 PM (S3Rzh)
Let's exchange the words, "Christians and Republicans" with "Athiests and Socialists". How does that statement sound now, John??? This is exactly how many conservatives think regarding the state of affairs in America today.
Posted by: Insolent Infidel at April 09, 2007 09:35 AM (A5PXC)
Posted by: Insolent Infidel at April 09, 2007 09:36 AM (A5PXC)
There is a seperation of church and state in your Constitution, and Christians are trying with all their might to erase this wherever they go. The implications of this are huge. That means that the offensive is coming entirely from the Christian side of things... not the athesists. You guys try to a christian god down peoples throats wherever you go.
And as for socialism... yeah... trying to ensure that all people have access to medical care, and a good education shore is nothing short of the commie menace alright. Just keep letting your rich erode the pay of the poor, and see where it gets you. Youll see social unrest that people havent seen in North America for 80 years.
Look, I posted to point out the fact that you fascists have used a known anti-semitic painting to demonize democrats, and basically call them godkillers. I maintain... you guys are totally nuts, and completely out of touch with reality.
Posted by: John at April 09, 2007 09:53 AM (S3Rzh)
Firstly, ALL Christians do not try to shove their religion down the throats of others. I am a Christian and that is something that I would never do. Period. You are referring to the Religious Right zealots who are, IMHO, just as bad as the Leftist Moonbats.
Secondly, health care is not a RIGHT given to citizens under the Constitution. It is a PRIVILEGE!! Just like driving or owning a home. You Socialists believe that playing Robin Hood doesn't come with any consequences but you only have to look as far as Canada to see how well THAT idiotic notion is going. Regarding education: get the union out of our schools, make parents and kids responsible for their actions and you'll start seeing graduates that can actually spell and do basic math without a calculator.
Posted by: Insolent Infidel at April 09, 2007 10:43 AM (A5PXC)
Trying to "ban" movies! LOL. Good one. The only ones trying to shove their religion down the throats of the entire planet are the Leftwing enviro-wackos (aka, Liberals). Nothing christians are doing even comes close.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 09, 2007 01:40 PM (4A4lH)
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