October 02, 2006
October 2nd, 2006 - WASHINGTON, D.C. — Amy Call, Communications Director for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D., (R-Tenn.), issued the following statement regarding the majority leader’s comments in Afghanistan as reported by the Associated Press:“While touring Afghanistan, Senator Frist made the observation that Afghan tribesman should be brought into the government or risk losing them to the Taliban. Giving the native tribes often targeted by Taliban recruitment a voice in the government will promote peace and prosperity in the region. Senator Frist does not believe Taliban fighters – often foreign fighters who come to Afghanistan to further conflict – should be brought into the reconciliation process.
“In order to undermine the influence of the Taliban in Afghan society, Senator Frist believes there needs to be a multi-pronged approach to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. Military efforts must continue in earnest to capture and kill the leadership of the Taliban and al-Qa’ida, who continue to pose a grave threat to Afghanistan and the world.
“The long-term peace and security of Afghanistan depends upon the ability of the government, lead by President Karzai, to establish a political order in which the radical totalitarian ideology of the Taliban is rejected in favor of liberty, democracy, and the rule of law.â€
Senator Frist and Senator Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) spent the day in Kabul and Qalat, Afghanistan, where they had the opportunity to meet with President Hamid Karzai, visit a local hospital, greet American troops and receive briefings from military personnel.
And.....death to America.
Here's what it boils down to for me. Do you believe Frist, or the AP?
One's a politician, the other is the MSM. And it's election time.
You wanna know what ticks me off? Rusty and Ragnar thinking they can invade my turf. I own the exclusive rights to using the eff word on this blog. It was part of my contract.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:47 PM
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Apparently, not all the local residents are pleased at this development:
Controversy over building a proposed Islamic community in Little Rock and many residents are not pleased. The planning commission unanimously approved the project which includes a mosque, a school and more than 20 homes. This stamp of approval is just the first step in a long process that will include much opposition. Several members of the community and members of the planning commission expressed their concerns. Their biggest concern, they are fearful this planned Islamic community will exclude other religions. Little Rock resident... Tim Lawson, says, "I'm opposed to any type of segregation and I believe this is what's going to happen.LGF recently reported that residents are more concerned about the five-times-daily call to prayer to be broadcast over the mosque's loudspeakers than they are about religious segregation and the imposition of Shari'a law.
Coming soon to a town near you.
UPDATE: Mea culpa. According to the date stamps, the above story is from 2004, not 2006. Clearly, someone went back into the archives and changed the dates right after they saw my post. Either that, or Ragnar be needing some new glasses.
For those of you who prefer your news more "recent-ish," there's more reporting on American Shari'a here, here and here.
Posted by: Ragnar at
06:02 AM
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September 29, 2006
News flash #2: we are at war. In the narrowest sense, we've been at war since at least October 2001, when American forces went after the Taliban in Afghanistan. The current fighting is, however, only the latest round of activity. In a broader sense, we (the West) have been at war with the Islamicists since at least the fall of the Caliphate and the ascension of Sayyid Qutb in the early 20th Century. Before that, there were the Muslim incursions into Europe centuries ago, which had been on hold since 1492. In an even broader sense, we (the religious pluralists) have been at war since Mohammed first attacked the Quraysh tribes 14 centuries ago.
Despite what some may think, we can lose this war. If we lose, it won't, of course, be on the battlefield. No army can stand against ours in a straght-up fight. If we lose this fight, we will lose it right here at home. Accordingly, propaganda is very important. We have a dedicated enemy on our hands, and that enemy seeks nothing less than an end to our way of life. Ideally, our enemy wants us to reliquish our way of life and submit to his. I'm not a big fan of Bush, but he does have one thing right: they really do hate us for our freedom.
Posted by: Ragnar at
01:50 PM
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September 26, 2006
Can't really blame the guy for pulling the ad. Who would want to risk their inventory being trashed by hordes of howling, angry, yet peaceful religionists?
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:01 AM
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September 25, 2006

ABCNEWS: "That's where we kind of agree with some of the people who've criticized our show," Stone says, "Because it really is open season on Jesus. We can do whatever we want to Jesus, and we have. We've had him say bad words. We've had him shoot a gun. We've had him kill people. We can do whatever we want. But Mohammed, we couldn't just show a simple image.â€The Pope did mischaracterize Islam with his comment it was, "spread by the sword." This does not take into account how much modern Islamic civilization has advanced. Now Islam is spread from a machine gun mounted in the back of a Toyota pickup. Glad I was able to help clear that up.Other networks took a similar course, refusing to air images of Mohammed — even when reporting on the Denmark cartoon riots — claiming they were refraining because they're religiously tolerant, the South Park creators say.
"No you're not," Stone retorts. "You're afraid of getting blown up. That's what you're afraid of. Comedy Central copped to that, you know: 'We're afraid of getting blown up.'"
Stan : Hey, Muhammad, there is a Toyota pickup full of blood-thirsty Jihadis hanging out of your ass!
Muhammad: No there isn’t!
Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds via Instapundit.
Related Jawa Report Southpark censorship posts here and here.
Posted by: Howie at
10:47 AM
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September 23, 2006
So they simply whisk him off to some safe house for a few months - give him a make over (including cosmetic surgery) and the "Osama bin Laden" we all knew of is officially dead. The man formerlly known as Osama gets a new identity, a huge bank account, and lives happily ever after.And thus it begins. Go read the rest. Bwahahahaaaaaa!!!!
Posted by: Rusty at
01:51 PM
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September 21, 2006
My latest piece at Townhall, Carrots and Sticks: The Geneva Conventions are not an Entitlement:
The idea behind the Conventions is that if you agree to abide by their rules, your captured combatants will be treated humanely. Human treatment is an inducement to follow the rules of war.Read the rest. You'll be glad you did.That is called a carrot.
But there is also a negative inducement. If you do not agree to abide by their rules, your captured combatants will not be treated humanely. At least, there is no legal guarantee that they will. The prospect that you will have no legal protections against pain and suffering if you get captured is an inducement to follow the rules of war.
That is called a stick.....
What the Democrats and some Republicans are offering to terrorists is no inducement at all to follow the rules of war.
They are, in fact, creating an entitlement for terrorists.
UPDATE: Does torture sometimes work? Apparently so.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:48 AM
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September 19, 2006
That is, they see themselves as part of a different civilization than ours. They may hate the Taliban, but they hate it even more when we fight the Taliban.
So, we are at war with Islamic Civilization. Don't want to be, but we are.
And maybe I'm way off here, but I believe Islamism and Islamic Civilization might have something to do with, I dunno, Islam.
And, in the end, it doesn't matter what Bush says because a whole lot of Muslims are already at war with us and a great deal more believe we are at war with Islam.
Anyway, go see the video of Bush at the U.N. here. Lots of different ways you can take it. Personally I see the role of the President not so much to speak truth to power, but to try and win friends and influence people. So, kudos for saying what has to be said, and kudos for doing what had to be done when it came to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:52 PM
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Observe that in political conspiracies of this sort, we often see the whack-job left and the moonbat right meet and blend. Nutcase "paleolibertarians" on the Lew Rockwell website, tinfoil-hat John Birch conservatives, chromosome-challenged Marxist ideologues from the Workers World Party, and envy-eaten Eurotrash intellectuals all wind up on the same side, and doing the same thing: feeding the paranoid delusions of anti-American radical Islamists. They constitute a de facto coalition of paranoid malice, united in only one respect: in their shared hatred for the great Satan, the U.S. government....[Conspiratorialists] tend to be powerless, frustrated people living in social isolation, who have no contact with the Big Shots whom they assume run everything, and no inkling about how high-level decisions are really made. Many of these people do have highly honed deductive capacities, however: they are rationalists par excellence, who have the tenacity to meticulously follow any random premise or fact down a long, attenuated deductive chain, to the most absurd conclusions imaginable. How? By evading or explaining away any inconvenient empirical fact to the contrary that might blow their grand theories to smithereens. In fact, theorizing is the sole source of their pride: impotent in the social world, all they have left to exercise control over are the contents of their skulls. So they take great solace and pride from their ability to add 2 and 2, and concoct the totally creative 9.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:23 AM
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September 16, 2006
Posted by: Rusty at
12:23 PM
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September 14, 2006

stein hoist: Cox & Forkum
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:52 PM
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Wow, the fifth column named! This is a lot like Sen. Joseph McCarthy's infamous list. Only this time ithe list is real and the Commies did Joe a favor by publishing it themselves.
Among those that scored 100% on CAIR's list is the next Speaker of the House should the Democrats win: Nancy Pelosi.
Why does The Manchurian Candidate--the good one...the one directed by John Frankenheimer--suddenly come to mind?
Go check out the other traitors here.
UPDATE: Not so fast.
The All-Seeing Pirate Ragnar notes in the comments that all the Congressdhimmis got a 100% rating and the rest got a 0% rating. Which probably indicates that the rating is based on a single vote.
If that is the case, the rating system is pretty worthless. A scale cannot be based on a dichotomous choice. If you voted for whatever it was the CAIR was for, you got 100%, if you voted against it nada.
So, the rating system is flawed and borderline meaningless. Not entirely meaningless, just borderline so.
What CAIR really wants to say, if we are right, is that "these people voted once the way we thought they should." But that one time must have been a whopper.
It seems to be a single vote from 2005. What was the vote that CAIR was so passionate about?
UPDATE part deux: Rob tells me that he's contacted Vote Smart about it. They are going to try to get back to him tonight. Check his post out for updates on that.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:32 PM
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Oops, I meant to say batsh*t.
Posted by: Vinnie at
12:13 AM
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September 13, 2006
Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now about the war on radical Islam.
First, there are our allies. Check, out this analysis of the present state of Pakistan. Hint: it aint good. For every hot Pakistani bikini model it looks like there are hundreds of crazies willing to kill her and it isn't getting better, it's getting worse.
Second, there are the don't-question-our-patriotism liberals in the academy. Okay, so its not alright for me to question the aesthetics of bad-gay homosexuality but it is okay for the former President of Iran to call it a crime punishable by death? All in the name of what? Starting a dialogue. I feel dirty being part of this profession today. I mean, more dirty than usual.
Third are the idiot scholars and senior diplomats that the media often turn to for 'analysis'. I heard Zbigniew Brezezinski on the radio the other day talking about how there was no such thing as an ideological battle between the West and Islamist extremist. It's not so much that I blame Carter's National Security Advisor for being an idiot who doesn't know how to read al Qaeda's own statements as much as I blame the morons at NPR for giving him time to spread this lunacy.
NPR also ran a segment by an 'expert' who says that we should let Islamists take control of Muslim countries so that people will see that the adoption of Sharia is not the path to utopia. This is the let them come to power so they can fail approach. Which is fine, except this asshat of an expert failed to mention that Islamists have been in power in Afghanistan (Taliban) and failed, and are presently in power in Gaza, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran---all signs pointing toward no utopiayet--- yet Muslims all over the world continue to clamor for this self-imposed slavery! Nice theory asshole.
But I expect moderate Muslim countries to be in reality barbaric states with only a lukewarm commitment to helping us fight Islamist forces. I expect liberals in the academy to be idiotic f*cktards who jump on every opportunity to criticize the smallest mote in our own eyes while ignoring the beam in the eyes of our enemies. I expect the media to turn to so-called experts and senior diplomats who's expertise consists of nothing more than the worst foreign policy in American history and contrarian theories based on no evidence.
All this is par for the course. No big deal. Expected.
What is really putting me in a mood, though, is the notion that Republicans in Congress are now in a race to the bottom with the Democrats over who can be weakest against an enemy that wishes both parties nuked.
What are the first lines of Jay's rap again? Repeat those over and over again.
UPDATE: Double eff-eff-eff, mother-effing-eff.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:55 PM
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Without any apparent moral reference Dr. [Howard] Zinn plodded through the tired 'analysis' of the GWOT, claiming that President Bush is no different than Osama. None. Even given the opportunity to re-state or clarify, simply added more emphasis that he believes there is no difference.Read the full article here.At one point, David Frum, former speechwriter to Bush Senior, and editor of National Review, among other things, was on the show to comment.
Dr. Zinn, demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of history or human nature, stated that all the problems of the world relating to terrorism are caused by the GWB war machine. All of them. If we simply stopped the fighting, all terrorism would stop. . . .
To which David Frum responded "Tell that to the Danes."
Posted by: Ragnar at
02:49 PM
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Oh my god so funny. Smoking Newports is bad gay. Having to bum them is even more bad gay.
Via Ace and LGF:As soon as we got up to ground level, 2 other dudes our age came over to us to bum a ciggerette(now that is an indication of their intelligence, you spell cigarette this way, Marlboro)…. … “ya’ll dont REALLY beleive terrorists brought those buildings down, DO YOU????†“Hell no dawgs, that’s why it says ‘INVESTIGATE’.†After realizing we were both citizens of Reality, we stood around and talked for a few minutes, smoked our Newports, then parted ways.I’d have given him a smoke and told him to get a job, but he’d choke on a real cigarette. What else have these guys been smoking? Oh I should have known.
I was happy and wanted to smoke weed now, so me and my boy took a walk and found an empty alleyway to smoke in. Then when I was lighting up, my boy started freestyling and said “I hate to see how Trees heart’s gon’ be breakin/ cuz him and Alex parted ways before the picture was taken.â€Much much more at the links above.
Hat Tip : Larwyn again. Who wrote this? I suspect mommy's boy above other candidates below. Photo credit El Marco. more...
Posted by: Howie at
10:11 AM
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The masons of dementia build upon a bedrock of one absolute truth: Bad things happen, and someone must be responsible. Upon this bedrock they pile convenient and selective facts like bricks. Contradictory facts are clever lies. When Popular Mechanics debunked 9/11 hokum, the immediate response from conspiratorialists was "cover-up!" and "CIA front!" because in this perverted faith, denying the ultimate truth must be proof of a lie.Hat tip Larwyn.This rough beast slouches toward sedition because it assumes not that our leaders are knaves or even mere criminals, but that they are murderous Supermen with no loyalty to nation, decency or law. Our Constitution is a fraud, a charade for the rubes some of us naively call citizens. If you disagree, you're either fool or "in on it." In his 1964 essay, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics," Richard Hofstadter demonstrated that this fever of the mind is as old as America itself and its outbreaks flare up across the ideological landscape. What is so sad and frightening is that this diseased thinking is reaching epidemic proportions. More than a third of Americans believe the U.S. government was likely to have been involved in 9/11.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:04 AM
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September 12, 2006

Luckily, there were some patriots at Ground Zero as well.
Proud Navy Dad
Cuban refugee who knows what 'peace' really means
You can see the rest of El Marco's photos from Ground Zero here.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:37 AM
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At times, Mr. Zubaydah, still weak from his wounds, was stripped and placed in a cell without a bunk or blankets. He stood or lay on the bare floor, sometimes with air-conditioning adjusted so that, one official said, Mr. Zubaydah seemed to turn blue. At other times, the interrogators piped in deafening blasts of music by groups like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.See Dub has much much more.
What I got you got to get it put it in you.
Update by Howie: By the way, you may torture yourself here Master Rusty.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:25 AM
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September 08, 2006
Pretty damning of the Clinton administration, I'd say. But, as Vinnie says here, ultimately the responsibility for 9/11 goes back to bin Laden and even further to Mohammed, and not Clinton or Bush.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:08 AM
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September 07, 2006
Not to be outdone by other conpsiracy theorists who are even more crazy, Bowman also believes the Trilateralist Commission secretly runs the world economy. I wish this was a joke, but it's not. Bowman actually claims these things on his own website and Bowman actually just won the Democratic primary in Florida's 15th district.
Our original story Democrats Nominate 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Bob Bowman in Florida is here.
Washington Times Inside Politics:
After learning of Mr. Bowman's primary victory, blogger Rusty Shackleford (http://mypetjawa.mu.nu) posted video of Mr. Bowman speaking at a June "9/11 Truth" symposium.Let's see just how big the Democratic big tent is with this one.
"The official story ... of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash -- it's impossible," Mr. Bowman told the symposium. Referring to a "cover-up" of the facts about the 2001 attacks, Mr. Bowman said that "high levels of our government don't want us to know what happened and who was responsible."
Who was responsible? "I think the case is pretty clear that it's highly placed individuals in the administration, with all roads passing through [Vice President] Dick Cheney," Mr. Bowman told the gathering in Los Angeles, suggesting that the Bush administration was guilty of "high treason and conspiracy to commit murder."
And just in case you missed the updates yesterday, here is Bowman from his own website on the New World Order conspiracy: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:07 AM
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It's a long video, but if you have "Truther" friends who are into the 9/11 conspiracy--like Democratic candidate Dr. Bob Bowman--then you might want to get them to watch this.
Updated by Howie: Conspiracy Theory: Hard hitting data research by men using brain. Never mind their head is inside their rectums.
Hat Tip: Mark.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:26 AM
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September 06, 2006
Dr. Bob Bowman had 55 percent over 45 percent for John M. Kennedy. The winner will face incumbent Republican Rep. Dave Weldon.
But don't worry, it's okay for him to "quesion" 9/11, because Dr. Bob Bowman is a retired Air Force officer. See how that works, if you served in the military, you get the pass from the Democrats.
At least he's no chickenhawk.
Plus he's got a Ph.D. I mean, that would get me to vote for him right there.
And for you Catholics out there, it just gets worse. He's a former "Archbishop" of the "United Catholic Church"....where gays, lesbians, and abortion rights activists who are out of Communion go to congregate.
Doesn't it just make you proud to be a Democrat?
The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.I've actually talked about this guy being a nutjob before in an unrelated post. I'll try to find it."The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD....that they didn't they didn't know what was real and what was part of the exercise," said Bowman
"I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they're the ones that should be the object of investigation."
Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated, "If I had to narrow it down to one person....I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney."
Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.
UPDATE: Found it in two places. I had heard of Bowman from commenters, both of whom cite Bowman as an authority figure. Here's one: MA Mosque Claims U.S. Government Behind 9/11. Here's the other: Charlie Sheen: CIA, Jews, Space Aliens Caused 9/11
And do you want to know how I found out that Bowman had won? I was monitoring a "moderate" Muslim message board in the UK. These "moderates" were ecstatic that Bowman had won. I'm not kidding, you don't get more mainstream than these guys.
UPDATE: Video of Bowman and much more below the fold. Says: "The official 9/11 story is hogwash..is impossible...prove that high levels of our government don't want us to know what happened and who was repsonsible." Hmm, maybe it was the Mossad? No?
"...all roads lead to Cheney.... High treason and conspiracy to commit murder." Freaking amazing! more...
Posted by: Rusty at
04:52 PM
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While the prospect of the U.S. breaking apart is laughable, the notion of a completely dhimmified Europe in 50 years and a new European caliphate in 100 is not so funny. One estimate cited in the article suggest that in 50 years up to 30% of Europeans will be Muslim.
The problem is not terrorism, it never has been. Terrorism is a method by which some Islamists wish to come to power. Very few people openly support terrorism. The real problem is the goal of the terrorists which is shared by their Salafi and Khomeinist allies--the institution of sharia law.
The Arab press has been full of articles on the end of Sheik Omar bin Bakri, a Beirut-based, Syrian-born British Islamist and former leader of Al-Muhajirun, an organization in Britain, gave an interview to the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat on July 7. "What is today called ‘Londonistan' is in fact ‘Heretistan,' that is, dar al-kufr [the abode of heresy]," he said. "I think that loyal Muslims in Britain will one day turn it, with Allah's help, into ‘Islamistan,' that is, dar al-islam [the abode of Islam]. … Then the great Islamic dream will be fulfilled — that we will see the banner [proclaiming] ‘There is no God but Allah' flying over Big Ben and the British Parliament."America. Walid Nouhad wrote in the Bahrain daily Al-Wasat on June 20 on the coming "breakup of the United States … in the same fashion as those empires that came before it." America's "destiny" is to be "just like the Soviet Union" when "it falls apart," Saud Mokhtar wrote in the Saudi daily Al-Madinah on July 10."Our aim is to put down roots in the European continent, and to act quietly and in accordance with the laws, so that one day we may see all of Europe Muslim!" the Turkish fundamentalist leader Nijmuddin Erbakan, a former Turkish prime minister who headed the Islamic Welfare Party, said, according to an April piece on the Arabic reformist Web site Elaph.com by a Germany-based Kurdish journalist, Tarek Hamo.
Previous statements like "Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror" and take over Rome — by one of the most influential clerics in Sunni Islam, Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradhawi — are well-known.
In another headline-making instance, Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris said on Palestinian Authority TV on May 13, 2005: "The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world."....
Posted by: Rusty at
10:12 AM
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September 05, 2006
"Witch hunt"???
I do not think those words mean what the Beebs thinks they mean.
Last time I checked, there were no such things as "witches". Which is why pursuing witches--the very definition of a "witch hunt"--was so stupid and fruitless.
There were no such thing as witches celebrating the dark mass in the woods in the light of the full moon. That is an imagined reality constructed out of ignorance.
But to deny that there are terrorists, or that terrorists are almost always Muslim, is reality denied out of willed ignorance.
CDR Salamander has the story and vid to back up the claim.
Update by Howie: A reader emails that the entire video is available here. Also here at Hot Air.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:08 AM
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