October 23, 2006

In a related story, Rusty admits to liking hot chicks, Howie fesses up to being partial to Jesus, Vinnie comes clean with loving the Cornhuskers, Ragnar leaks that he's into war porn, and Bluto cops to being pro-American.
Mike Pechar, though, still in denial about 10th grade crush on hot biology teacher.
Personally I wouldn't characterize the BBC elite as anti-Christian. It's more like anti-religion. They just aren't afraid of offending Christians. The intellectual elite holds all religions equally in disdain. They just don't fear them all. One guess which religion of something something they are afraid to offend?
An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment....No reason to worry about offending the Christian community. They stopped killing blasphemers hundreds of years ago. Hat tip:Aramy.For the purpose of illustration, the executives were given a scenario in which Jewish Comedian Sasha Baron Cohen would participate in a program titled ‘Room 101’, a studio program where guests would be asked for their opinions on different issues, and allowed to symbolically throw things they hated in a garbage bin.
The executives were asked what they would do if Cohen decided to throw ‘Kosher food’, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bible, and the Quran in the garbage bin.
The executives said they would allow everything to be thrown in the garbage bin, save the Quran, for fear of offending the British Muslim community.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:51 PM
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Auntie Beeb is still good for Dr Who and wildlife documentaries, but little else. When they do shake of the cobwebs and get a bit political, they get slapped down by the goverment, who feel that a publically-funded body should not be doing such unseemly things.
Posted by: Joe Public at October 23, 2006 06:18 PM (NhDYO)
Posted by: Graeme at October 23, 2006 06:21 PM (nitLD)
Anything Judeo-Christian in nature is to bu suppressed. Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism or (etc) is emblematic of diversity and must be celebrated and promoted.
Posted by: BC at October 23, 2006 09:43 PM (/UAJE)
It's because they "respect" (fear) islam. In a word, dhimmis.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 23, 2006 10:10 PM (8e/V4)
And, just about ever other guy I knew envyied the hell out of me...
Sometimes, I wonder where that kind of luck went to....
Posted by: I Bin Pharteen at October 24, 2006 04:59 AM (8aWVT)
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 24, 2006 06:17 AM (zqSqi)
Posted by: Howie at October 24, 2006 08:26 AM (D3+20)
Rooster... Do you really think it's fair to make a comment along the lines of "Butts-up, Brits" [punctuation added] purely on the basis of a BBC report?
How would you like to be judged by the actions of the ACLU?
Posted by: Joe Public at October 24, 2006 07:08 PM (ziX78)
The punctuation you added to Rooster's phrase is incorrect. Is English a second language for you?
The Marxist agenda of the ACLU does not represent America or its people. Britain does bend over for islam. Your questions are specious.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at October 24, 2006 07:33 PM (bLPT+)
In that I believe he was suggesting that the British should raise their butts for the oncoming of Islam, I think you'll find that the punctuation is more than acceptable.
Britain does not bend over for Islam. For all the hyperbole I read on this site about not believing the mass-media, you seem very happy to judge us by the likes of the BBC.
You take these reports, and judge an entire nation by them, whilst distancing yourself from the same elements in your own society. Double-standards, perhaps?
I'm sorry you find my questions specious - that's a matter of opinion. Your answers, however, are simply retarded - that's a matter of fact.
Posted by: Joe Public at October 24, 2006 09:35 PM (ziX78)
Posted by: rob at October 25, 2006 12:38 PM (QpkBe)
Its to bad this sort of thing happens ...
Posted by: Michael Weaver at October 25, 2006 05:15 PM (2OHpj)
The BBC does some outstanding work. Their naturalist programmes are second to none, and they have some decent comedy, too. Just don't rely on them for on-the-edge news - they're obliged to be passive in that respect. Shouldn't be, but there you go...
Posted by: Joe Public at October 25, 2006 06:41 PM (ziX78)
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 26, 2006 06:50 AM (zqSqi)
Joe pubic:
Rooster was not suggesting that the British raise their asses any higher. He was describing their present position. If you had the reading comprehension skills of an American 8 year old you would have realized this. Who's the retard? For a country that spawned the language, you losers sure have trouble speaking it.
I judge you by the man on the street, who allowed your formerly great country to become the PC shit-hole that it is. Muslims have colonized your little islands and what do you do? Bend over at every opportunnity. This comes as no surprise. After all, PC speech codes are strictly enforced, lowlifes get welfare for life, and 50 year old men are allowed to butt-ram 16 year old boys legally in your depraved country. Mad mullahs preach death to Britain on public street corners, and Anglo women are gang raped by islamopithecines on a regular basis.
None of those things are allowed in my country. The only double standard I see, is that England has retained its traditional partnership with America without earning it. If it weren't for the British military, I would write off your entire doomed country. You lot have already written it off. The fact that you find the BBC's anti-American, pro-jihadi stance uncontroversial is proof positive.
Your questions were specious, and your rebuttal was retarded. That's a fact.
The internet is the perfect medium of communication for you, as I'm sure it's hard to talk with a mouthfull of muslim cock.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at October 27, 2006 02:22 PM (bLPT+)
Rooster - yes, the government is apologetic. Yes, the BBC is a lost cause - largely because the apologetic government screws them over every time they raise their head above the parapet. Do either reflect the average Brit on the street?
Maybe, maybe not. From what I've seen, I'll go for no - and I truely hope it's not just wishful-thinking on my part. If it offers you any hope at all - I've only met one person in the last two months who still holds the same placatory ideals that used to be de rigeur. As a nation, it seems that we're pretty much fed up with PC bullshit. An element of pride is returning to our shores, and the Cross of St George will fly again.
Posted by: Joe Public at October 27, 2006 08:39 PM (tRm+D)
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 28, 2006 06:40 PM (Sc2TP)
The truth hurts doesn't it? Your British inferiority complex regarding America is typical. Be sure to gargle and say "ollie-akbar!" when you're done blowing Muhammad. Try to learn some English besides boy buggering.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at October 29, 2006 04:48 AM (bLPT+)
Posted by: Joe Public at October 29, 2006 07:04 PM (tRm+D)
Posted by: david at February 17, 2007 09:40 PM (4ayB4)
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