August 02, 2007

Despite CAIR's Threats, the Show Did Go On

Robert Spencer spoke today at the Young America's Foundation despite CAIR's threat that they would sue YAF if Spencer made any defamatory remarks. I guess YAF called CAIR's bluff, eh?

Anyway, most of you already knew this since we all travel in the same blog circles. But since Robert has become something of a friend--in the online sense of the word--then I just wanted to give him some props. Good going man and good going to the people at YAF for standing up the the bullies in CAIR.

The man has a set of cajones much larger than me. Despite death threats he's out there in the public eye criticizing those elements of Islam that are most dangerous, repressive, and violent.

Robert has a roundup here and Michelle Malkin was there to see it live. Lucky. Anyway, it was big enough news that Brit Hume had something to say about it. Video here.

And Stacy McCain has a partial transcript of the speech. Here's a teaser:

If CAIR succeeds in smearing and silencing all those who dare to speak about the elements of Islam that jihadists use to justify their actions, and who dare to call upon CAIR itself and other groups to go beyond vaguely-worded condemnations of terrorism to real efforts to teach against the jihad ideology in schools and mosques, what chance do we have to resist the spread of that ideology? ...

Posted by: Rusty at 07:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 01, 2007

Q: What do CAIR and Scientology Have in Common

A: If they don't like what you say about them, they threaten to sue.

YAF Responds:

“CAIR can go to Hell and they can take their 72 virgins with them.”
Wow, I couldn't have said it any better than that.

Exit Question: Is Ibrahim Hooper actually working for the evil lord Xemu? more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 30, 2007

Sharia Comes to New York

In America burning a flag is free speech, but flushing the Koran is a felony. Welcome to the brave new world.

Since I have several copies of the Koran laying around the house, I think it's time to flush another one. The image that got The Jawa Report officially banned in India, shortly after the Mumbai bombings. The Indian government apparently under the impression that Koran flushings cause terrorism.

: Like the dog and peanut butter, it is my Koran.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 26, 2007

Fifth Column Attacks Giuliani

CAIR is going after Rudy Giuliani because he used the words "Islamic terrorism". CAIR:

CONTACT the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee to express your concerns about his promotion of linking the faith of Islam to terrorism.
Gee, wouldn't it be more appropriate for CAIR to start a letter writing campaign to the Salafi (al Qaeda types) and Khomeinist (Shia) jihadis who not only link the faith of Islam to terrorism but preach that Allah requires it?


To paraphrase SNL, "Also causing Islam to be linked to terrorism, terrorists."

Charles Johnson has all the details on how to counter CAIR's agitprop.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 25, 2007

Subsidizing Dhimmitude

Why am I not shocked to learn that the Federal government is subsidizing Saudi efforts to dhimmify my kids?

By lavishly funding several organizations that design Saudi-friendly English-language K-12 curricula, all that remains is to convince the “outreach coordinators” at prestigious, federally subsidized universities to purvey these materials to America’s teachers. And wouldn’t you know it, outreach coordinators or teacher-trainers at a number of university Middle East Studies centers have themselves been trained by the very same Saudi-funded foundations that design K-12 course materials. These Saudi-friendly folks happily build their outreach efforts around Saudi-financed K-12 curricula.....

The upshot of all this is that the close links between Saudi funded curriculum-development and teacher-training programs, on the one hand, and federally subsidized university programs of Middle East Studies, on the other, has opened up a back-door route to Saudi influence over America’s K-12 curriculum.

Just another day at the Department of Education!

Posted by: Rusty at 03:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 23, 2007

John Doe: Not. Dead. Yet.

Good news from Audrey Hudson on the John Doe immunity provision--looks like it's not quite dead yet. But the Senate Democratic leadership is still trying to silently kill it. It's time to chime in NOW NOW NOW. Michelle has the relevant politico contacts and AllahP has the relevant media contacts info, although I'm afraid that if we don't get heard TONIGHT it will be too late.


Posted by: Rusty at 05:02 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 20, 2007

Islam Is Peace?


While condemning terrorism is always the decent thing to do, lying to people about Islam isn't. You'll notice that "Not in Our Name" website is Islam doesn't mean peace, it means submission.

Why do these ad campaigns inevitably lead me to the conclusion that those responsible think bigotry and prejudice are more problematic than suicide bombs, murder, and terrorism?

I'd feel a lot better if the campaign was designed to convince Muslims that Islam is peaceful, rather than convincing non-Muslims of it.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

July 19, 2007

Democrats Trying to Stifle Terror Whistleblowers (UPDATED: Good News?)

They tried to quietly kill a provision to protect "John Doe" whistleblowers from civil lawsuit by the terrorist enablers in CAIR once before. Thanks to blogosphere outrage, it didn't happen. Looks like they're trying to do it again. Again, quietly in conference committee, in hopes of not raising the alarm.

Too late.


Democrats are trying to pull a provision from a homeland security bill that will protect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior that may lead to a terrorist attack, according to House Republican leadership aides...

Republicans aides say they will put up a fight with Democrats when the conference committee begins at 1 p.m., to reinsert the language, but that public pressure is also needed.

Michelle Malkin has the relevant phone numbers to put that pressure on.

: Preliminary good news report:
A Senate Republican aide says they scored one victory when the chamber's parliamentarian ruled this morning that the "John Doe" protections are within the scope of the legislation and can be included by amendment.

"Combine that with the public outcry and Democrats may be forced to cave," the aide said.


Posted by: Rusty at 09:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 17, 2007

CAIR: War on Terror is Bad, mmmkay

Is CAIR suffering from teenage angst, or what? WaTimes:

Mr. Ahmed, who spoke at CAIR symposium at the National Press Club, said the war against terrorists is driven by an "irrational" fear that the Bush administration has inculcated in the American public....

"The popular discourse in America today remains mired in stereotypical denouncements about Islam. As a result Muslims and their faith remained misunderstood, feared and shunned."

Also contributing to fear of Muslims, terrorism!

David Keene's response to CAIR's lunacy here.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 16, 2007

Islamic Rage Boy vs. Fictional Bloggers on BBC

Click on the Islamic Rage Boy to hear The Nose on Your Face vs. CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper.


Posted by: Rusty at 06:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 14, 2007

Answering Ted Rall

Click Here.

Hi! I'm an anti-American dipsh*t! Want my autograph? I'm a real man. Hey! Where are you going?

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Useful Idiots In Hollywood...Again

Charles highlights the latest Hollywood moronic convergence - the advent of "global chic:"

Totally chic, dood! I mean, this little scarf is just so symbolic, isn't it? She's so politically conscious!

The 9-11 hijackers sure were into that global chic:


So incredibly chic:

This anti-Semitic murderer sure loved it:

These Hitler-imitators aren't just chic, they're vogue, baby!

Posted by: Good Lt. at 12:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 13, 2007

Hollywood Welcomes It's New Muslim Overlords

I got tipped a couple of days ago about an impending storm over a film that was in the works which actually showed Muslims as the bad guys, but which suddenly had its funding pulled. The reader who tipped me claimed, at first, that the funding was yanked when an investment company run by al-Arabiya's Sheikh Waleed al Ibrahim and a Palestinian named Zeid Masri, who has ties to the PLO, became involved.

I didn't run the story, because in my mind it really wasn't notable: when was the last time there was a Hollywood movie where Muslims were the bad guys? Because if there's anything Hollywood has taught me, it's that Muslim terrorists are always just the low-level players. The real enemy of liberty are the greedy capitalists. Oh, and the government. Which uses Muslim terrorists for its own diabolical plans to suppress civil liberties.....

So, let me just say that I'm not convinced that al Ibrahim and Masri's connection to the movie is the key. Hollywood is just too full of all sorts of idiots who want to be "taken seriously". Which means adopting a "more sophisticated" narrative than one in which Osama bin Laden is the bad guy, terrorists are Muslim, and America is good.

Not convinced, but I wouldn't be shocked if a couple of rich Muslims put their thumbs down and made the project go away either.

The timing of the money for the project being pulled certainly is suspicious. The project was cancelled shortly after al Ibrahim and Masri joined the investment company. But timing is really never enough, is it?

So, I asked the tipster, who seems to have a connection to some of the players in the film, if there was anything more? She e-mailed back this morning with this Venture Beat article, which notes that the film's script-writer was told that it was the investors who were responsible for the decision. Which still doesn't tell us why, but does raise, I think, more legitimate suspicions:

But [Jason] Ressler wrote an international secret-agent action/love story called “Dove Hunting,” set in the Middle East. He says it included examples of ways that Saudis “influence Western governments by putting their money in the right places and playing both sides of the fence.” Bizarrely, he says, his screenplay came true in this case....

Ressler, who wouldn’t disclose his ethnic background but is nonreligious, says that Gill acknowledged to him by email that he couldn’t make the screenplay because of his investors.

Anyway, I for one welcome our new Muslim overlords. Because if this is the extent of their interference, then can anyone point out how this is different than yesterday's dhimmis in Hollywood?

Posted by: Rusty at 09:58 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 12, 2007

CAIR's Hypocrisy

I have no doubt that since 9/11, Muslims in America have been looked at with closer scrutiny and suspicion. I also have no doubt that this makes Muslims uncomfortable, conflicted, and suspicious. But if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is so pro-America, then why are they not encouraging Arabic and Pashtun speaking Muslims to join the military, FBI, and CIA? Why is it that we still have thousands of intelligence, translation, and liaison positions open for lack of Arabic speakers?

During WWII the Japanese were put under a level of scrutiny and suspicion virtually unimaginable today. Movies such as The Siege portray a rather unrealistic slippery slope of Arabs being rounded up due to fears of terrorism, but we should never forget that the Japanese were actually rounded up and put into concentration camps on U.S. soil.

Yet, despite the real abuses they suffered at the hands of the U.S. government, Japanese Americans volunteered in record numbers and served with distinction above and beyond the call of duty. The all-Japanese 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion were some of the most highly decorated units during the War.

And having fought valiantly for our country, Americans looked back with shame on how they treated the Japanese. Their fears about them really were unfounded. The Japanese proved this with their lost lives.

Where is the Arab 442nd today? Where is the Paksitani 100th? If CAIR really was interested in bettering the relations of Muslims with non-Muslim Americans, then they would be out in the community demanding more volunteers to serve our nation. Instead they seethe and whine over every abuse, real or imagined.

And the vast majority of even the real abuses suffered by Muslim-Americans amount to no more than what all of us were exposed to on the playground. Ignorant words that hurt, exclusion, the look that says your not welcome, etc. If CAIR is right, than apparently my mother was wrong about words vs. sticks and stones.

Whining has become America's national pastime, though. So, perhaps, by being a bunch of whiners about their hurt little feelings, CAIR is just trying to show how American their members are?

Anyway, here's the story that started this rant. Joel Mowbray in WaTimes:

CAIR has mastered the art of appearing to oppose terrorism, while at the same time leading the charge against those who seek to thwart it....

CAIR has, in fact, condemned what it considers to be extremism and terrorism — when targeted at Muslims. If a Muslim is the victim of a possible hate crime or has been subjected to a religious slur, CAIR is there. There is nothing wrong with that, of course. And the group is well within its rights when it routinely rails against the United States and Israel.

What CAIR does not do, though, is denounce Islamic fundamentalists who promote a paranoid worldview in which America and Israel are the enemies of Islam, achieved by manufacturing mythical massacres that whip their followers into a lather.

During Israel's war last summer with Hezbollah terrorists, CAIR was firmly on the side of the fundamentalist Islamic propagandists. The organization issued at least eight condemnations of America and the Jewish state — but not one against Hezbollah.

Never in its history has CAIR specifically condemned Hamas or Hezbollah by name.

See why this set me off? Read the rest.

UPDATE: Aye carumba, another CAIR "John Doe" lawsuit coming?

Posted by: Rusty at 11:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 06, 2007

Ending Religious Worker Visas for Islamic Extremists

Often bigots in our comments section (temporarily down, I'm afraid) call for the expulsion of all Muslims from the U.S. and Britain. When the sane among us tell them to go to hell, one of the most common replies is: okay, if deporting them all isn't the answer, than what is?

Reading this Telegraph piece which claims that only 8% of U.K. imams were born in Britain reminded me of a proposal I made some time ago: End asylum for Islamist exiles and make "religious worker" visas predicated on reciprocity of host nations

I think it's time to resurrect that proposal. Read it below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:28 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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July 05, 2007

Hillary Clinton's Letter to Osama bin Laden

Hillary Clinton: Restoring diplomacy to US - al Qaeda relations.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 28, 2007

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

This one says "submission."

Way to go, Karen Hughes!

How's that "Muslim outreach" going?

Perhaps you should try a burqa next time.

h/t : LGF.

Posted by: Ragnar at 05:17 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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June 22, 2007

Jimmy Carter's New Book?

jimmah Carter_Palestine Book_Love the Intifada.jpg

Posted by: Rusty at 12:09 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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June 19, 2007

Yes, Democratic Presidential Candidate Met With al Qaeda Supporter

As a followup to Good Lt.'s post below, who is it that Democratic candidate for President and Huffington Post blogger Dal LaMagna met with in Amman, Jordan? Trying to refute the accusation that he had met with a "terrorist", LaMagna tries to distinguish between "legitimate resistance" and "terrorists", a distinction he seems to think is real. Of course, whether it's the "resistance" killing you or a "terrorist" killing you seems rather a moot point if you're a U.S. soldier in Iraq.

I don't know how much play this got in the blogosphere when LaMagna first wrote his story since I was away on business. And, to be honest, his bid for the Presidency is about five times less serious than Dennis Kucinech's. But he is a HuffPo blogger, and that means he represents at least some portion of the Leftosphere.

So, who was this mysterious figure Dal LaMagna met with? None other than the head of the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq, Sheikh Hareth al-Dhari. I knew I had heard that name somewhere, so I did a quick search of the vast Jawa Report archives and found this call from a-Dhari for bin Laden to 'intervene' in Iraq:

But throughout Anbar, the ties are still strong to Al Qaeda. Sheikh Hareth al-Dhari, who hails from one of Anbar's most prestigious tribes and heads the antigovernment Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq, called on Osama bin Laden to intervene to stop the rift between Al Qaeda in Iraq and the local insurgency.

He described men like Abu Risha [ed. note: a leader of the anti-al Qaeda Sunni forces in Anbar] as "agents and conduits of the [US] occupation."

"I call on Sheikh Osama bin Laden in the name of the Islam for which he fights to intervene and to instruct Al Qaeda to adhere to the rules of proper jihad and to respect the people who had previously opened their arms to Al Qaeda," Mr. Dhari said in an interview Sunday with Bahrain's Akhbar al-Khaleej newspaper. Dhari's remarks indicated that the US and Iraqis still have much work ahead to fully dislodge Al Qaeda from all the Anbar tribes.

"If he [bin Laden] has no influence over Al Qaeda in Iraq, then he must say it so that we can decide how to deal with those who have hurt our main cause, which is liberating Iraq," he said

So, did La Magna know he was meeting with a pro-al Qaeda 'Sheikh' or, like most peace activists, is he just a fool and a dupe ready to accept any and every lie told to him by people who's real goal is not to "end the occupation" but share Osama bin Laden's dream of a global Caliphate and the implementation of sharia law?

Of course, people like Harith al-Dhari can openly support Osama bin Laden and still claim to be against terrorism. How so? Simple, the pretend [or actually believe] that Osama bin Laden was not responsible for 9/11 and that any and all acts of "terrorism" were really committed by their enemies or by the you-know-who -- the Jews. For instance, al-Dhari blames the murder of Atwar Bahjat on the Shia government, when all reports to the contrary indicate it was his own 'resistance fighters' who murdered the female Al-Arabiya TV reporter.

Does LaMagna also know the reason why he had to meet with al-Dhari in Jordan, and not Iraq? It's because he has a warrant out for his arrest in Iraq for.....drumroll please...inciting terrorism:

Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani, a Shiite, announced on state television Harith al-Dhari was wanted for inciting terrorism and violence among the Iraqi people.
Off and on he supports then condemns al Qaeda. Usually saving his condemnations for the Western press and dupes like LaMagna and those in the West eager to hear that the 'resistance' just wants peace and as soon as the U.S. leaves everything will be peachy keen. But to the Arabic press:
He also classifies the Mujahideen al-Shura Council, an umbrella group of al-Qaeda affiliated groups, as part of the legitimate resistance. [source: Jamestown Foundation]
FYI--The Mujahidin Shura Council [MSC]is the old name for what is now called The Islamic State in Iraq. The MSC was started by none other than Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al Qaeda in Iraq leader personally responsible for the beheading murders of so many civilian hostages.

Here is an 'act of legitimate resistance' by the Islamic State of Iraq: [Warning: Graphic Images Below] more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:30 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 18, 2007

Steal Michael Moore's Video

Michael Moore thinks it's okay for you to steal his new film. Who are we to go against Michael Moore? The man is a genius, right?


“The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow—and they will win.” - Michael Moore, 4/14/2004 more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:22 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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June 11, 2007

Muslims Fleeing CAIR in Droves

This may be the best news of the week. Audrey Hudson at The Washington Times is reporting that membership in the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has declined by more that 90% since 9/11. Apparently the Washington Times is just giving us a teaser for a lengthier article to follow in tomorrow's dead tree edition. But check this out:

According to tax documents obtained by The Times, the number of reported members spiraled down from more than 29,000 in 2000 to less than 1,700 in 2006, a loss of membership that caused the Muslim rights group's annual income from dues to drop from $732,765 in 2000, when yearly dues cost $25, to $58,750 last year, when the group charged $35.

The organization instead is relying on about two dozen individual donors a year to contribute the majority of the money for CAIR's budget, which reached nearly $3 million last year.

CAIR only has about 1,700 dues paying member and they want you to believe that they speak for Muslim Americans? My estimation of the vast majority of Muslims that I know is that they would never have anything to do with an organization as vile as CAIR. Now I know I was right.

It kind of makes you wonder why the MSM takes CAIR seriously? Keep an eye out for tomorrow's report. Note to Professor Chaos: buy Washington Times tomorrow.

PS--So, who are these two dozen mysterious donors that keep CAIR afloat?

Posted by: Rusty at 03:10 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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June 05, 2007

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Weighs in on Life-Threatening Plots

"There are lots of threats to you in the world. There's the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life."
- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, commenting on the news that a skinhead gang was uncovered plotting to set fire to the New York headquarters of the Nation of Islam and the Islamic Thinkers' Society.

UPDATE : Oops! My mistake. Turns out he was commenting on the news that a Muslim group was actively plotting to blow up JFK Airport and kill thousands of New Yorkers. Par for the course. Not newsworthy. My apologies.

h/t : Michelle.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 30, 2007

Brit Academics Vow to Give Sanctuary to Extremists...

...And the University and College Union has voted unanimously to oppose the UK government's request that professors actually do their civic duty by reporting violent Islamist extremists among the student body. Instead, they choose to mischaracterize it as a "witch hunt," and plan to boycott the effort. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 09:23 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 29, 2007

United for Peace and Justice Behind Vet Vandalism?

Dan just asks the tough questions.


Background here. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:52 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 22, 2007

Video: 'An Open Mind'

Liberal progressives often refer to conservatives as 'closed-minded neocons' or worse.
But that's a double-edged sword...

EDIT: I've bumped this with Howie's consent.

Posted by: Kafir at 06:12 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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