December 26, 2006

More Democratic Effectiveness.

I think Zawahiri has been into the poppys again.

really stoned.JPG

I’ve finally gotten a higher quality copy of Zawahiri’s ranting. If you are looking for Zawahiri’s message to the Democrats it’s about two thirds of the way through. Click the pic or see embedded copy below the fold.

Previous Jawa entries on Zawahiri’s message and transcripts here and here. more...

Posted by: Howie at 04:58 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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al-Boraq Media Suffers Outage

This from the the Islamic Army in Iraq's website.

The God of your brothers in the technical section of the Wall information from re-opening the official website of the Islamic Army in Iraq after they closed for three days, where he was subjected to a fierce attack by the enemies of God.
To who ever might have taken them offline for 72 hours, GREAT JOB!!! The only problem we have is that they came back up. Well, I guess you just have to be happy with what you get.

Update from Chad at In the Bullpen.

The cause for the service disruption was not anyone hacking the server, but rather because "the siteowner had to play 'who's your daddy' with himself for three straight days, praise Allah."
Ah, so they are liars too? Surely not!

Posted by: Howie at 11:36 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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December 25, 2006

Bom bomb...I'm Dead!!!

Bom bom….I’m dead!….bom bom….I’m dead!…

Posted by: Howie at 09:21 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 22, 2006

Sandcralwer PSA: Light Blogging Alert

Because it's Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas I found the perfect gift. It's a bit expensive and it may be a few more ice cream seasons before it's available. But it's very cool.

Hat Tip: Mark via Rofa Six.

Posted by: Howie at 02:14 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 21, 2006

Reader Love Mail: Basspro Edition

We received some more reader love mail this week. It was nice since the volume of death threats and “love mail” has been down lately. We were starting to worry that we weren’t offending anyone. But poet Sara Muni sent us this little gem.

Sara Muni: I was looking through your website you dirty waist of a soul. And i was disgusted, you stupid mother f__cker down playing Islam like anything about it in the first place. How can you open a website and start saying things about another faith you obviously no nothing about, well ill tell you how you don't come across as a very educated person in the first place. If you don't take down all your bull shit I'm going to take this to higher matters.
We have been unable to determine if she is the daughter of Mr. Muni from I Love Lucy. Her email stands in stark contrast to her little poem here.
There once was a great man who walked this earth
He was very blessed even since birth
He came with a message sent from above
He taught and preached and showed us love

He spread Islam and showed us the light
He taught us good the wrong from right
He listened and learned and warned the disbelievers
Who will surely be burned...

...blah blah blah....

Sara is using the name basspro as part of her email addy. The only girl basspro I know goes by the name Sam. Maybe Sara goes by Sam when she’s fishin?I dunno.

As to her demand that we take down all our bullshit before she takes the issue to "higher matters." I’ve assigned that to Vinnie. He will begin deletion of all bullshit once he has successfully deleted each spam message posted in comments by the Islamist supporting Spam Bastard. He has to do each one individually and new spam comes in daily so be patient. Vinnie thinks he can get to that sometime in 2015.

In the mean time, while you are waiting, we wrote a little poem for you too.

There once was a prophet from Mecca,
He liked to cutt-a the neck-a.
He boinked little girls,
all covered with curls,
And now he's Satan's bitch called 'Becca.
Hey Sara! You like that one? It rhymes and everything!

Posted by: Howie at 10:56 AM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
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Miss USA Nevada Good Gay?

katie.jpgFirst we have heard whispers that Miss USA Tara Connor and Miss Teen USA were, “Making out”, in public. Now Miss Nevada 2007 is caught smooching other hot chicks and generally being naughty. Shocking photos of a Miss USA contestant have come hot on the fashionable heels of a scandal that rocked reigning Miss USA Tara Conner.

The raunchy pics show Katie Rees, Miss Nevada 2007, exposing her breasts, passionately kissing other young women, and simulating oral sex with females and a male.

I’m not sure Good Gay is enough to describe this, how about super great mucho fantastic gay? Could there be more good gay activity in the Miss USA pageant? I sure hope so.


More below the fold.

Update: Sad Sad day for good gay. Miss USA Nevada 2007 has been canned.

TMZ has all the pics here. With stars dammit.

UPDATE by Ragnar : Wow. Okay, so there's nothing in these pics most of us haven't seen before, but yet these pics are REALLY titillating. I guess it's the "fame" thing--but she's not really that famous. I dunno. I guess I'll just have to go look at 'em all again & see if anything occurs to me... more...

Posted by: Howie at 10:13 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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December 20, 2006

Zawahiri Not Dead (updated)

Howieapzawahiri.jpgDag nabbit! I was hoping he was taking the big dirt nap. But al-Qaeda’s Dr. Evil is celebrating the birth of Christ by totally ignoring his teachings. Rather than peace on earth good will towards men his motto is more war.

Via Jay at Stop the ALCU: The message was aired by non other than Al-Jazeera, Al Qaeda’s favorite news network. He went on to condemn elections in Palestine instead favoring jihad. He said, ” Any way other than holy war, will lead us only to loss and defeat.”
Zawahiri is lending his support to the Palestinians from under a rock somewhere in Pakistan.

Update: By golly Centcom’s translation is a bit off. It seems Zawahiri has found Jesus! Finally a radical Muslim actually listens to what Jesus says, rather than just pay him lip service as “A minor prophet who failed for want of the sword.”

Via Scrappleface.

Hat Tip: Aine.

Update II. Laura Mansfield has a complete transcript here.

Update: Centcom has updated with a full transcript here.

Laura Mansfield has obtained a low-res copy of the vid. I have uploaded it to google video here. more...

Posted by: Howie at 09:16 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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December 19, 2006

Tara Connor Keeps Her Crown

capt.6b44ef76e502475f9a020cd31f7e34e2.miss_universe_2006_cadb114.jpgThe Donald has given Tara a second chance for drinking underage.

ABCNEWS: NEW YORK Dec 19, 2006 (AP)— Miss USA Tara Conner, who had come under criticism amid rumors she had been frequenting bars while underage, will be allowed to keep her title, the Miss Universe Organization announced Tuesday.
The organization is owned by Donald Trump and NBC.

"I've always been a believer in second chances," Trump said at a news conference. He and Conner met earlier Tuesday morning.

And I’m sure he made the right decision because Miss USA and Miss Teen USA making out in public is 100% Very Good Gay and makes up for all that other stuff.
News Channel 5: There are also reports that the beauty queen allegedly had a public make-out session with Miss Teen USA.

Posted by: Howie at 11:17 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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December 18, 2006

UAE Camel Racers Try to Buy Out Camel Jockeys.

robot_camel_jockey.jpgIn an effort similar to Fords recent effort to trim its workforce, Camel Racing promoters in the UAE are promising to pay former camel jockeys compensation for their work riding camels. Often the boys were sold into slavery by their families.

Via BBC: The United Arab Emirates says it will give $9m (£4.6m) to former child camel jockeys employed in the country.

The UAE says the money will ensure they receive the salaries owed to them and compensation for losing their income. It will also go towards education.
The move is part of a joint programme with the UN children's agency Unicef.
The initiative has seen more than 1,000 former jockeys, from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan and Mauritania repatriated to their countries.

Hey they just decided to pay these kids out of the kindness of their hearts? No afraid not.
The prime minister of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is among those accused, in a class action filed in the US, of trafficking and enslaving children.

The suit is being brought against him, his brother Sheikh Hamdan, and 500 others by some parents and thousands of unnamed children.

Rather than hire and pay camel jockeys legitimately, they just want to pay some hush money and move on to new Super futuristic Robot Camel Jockeys. I hope these boys get a fair share but the odds of that are pretty slim.

Hat Tip: Macktastic Rusty Wicked.

Posted by: Howie at 04:36 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Jawa Report Man/Men/Ladies of The Year.

dale-gribble.jpgYesterday Time Magazine named YOU as the man of the year. “You”, as in, those who create user generated content. I know this was yesterday but it was the Blog Sabbath and we’ve not had a chance to brag yet. I thought I’d recognize our contributors who made YOU count this year. We’ll everyone helps, but a few stand out.

First we have Dr Rusty Shackelford(pic right), not only is he our blogfather, he created this platform that us gets attention drawn to all our work. Rusty’s work on this site is really the basis that we all depend on.

Rusty made YOU count with his exposure fake reuters photo here.

Much more below the fold. more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:32 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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December 14, 2006

Miss USA In Trouble Over Drinking

HOWIE0_61_conner_tara.jpgOh no, say it ain’t so, not my sweet little Miss Kentucky?! Miss USA, Tara Connor is twenty but has reportedly been seen having a drink or two and behaving badly in New York bars. managing editor Harvey Levin told FOX News on Thursday that Conner, who is under the U.S. legal age limit of 21 for alcohol consumption, had been "drinking too much, among other things ... I don't want to say too much."

Mr. Trump will make a determination and announcement within the coming week.

I sure hope they let her stay. If they don’t Tara, when you get home, drop Howie a line and I’ll buy you a Shirley Temple. BYO flask, I don’t need any problems with contributing to the delinquency of a very hot minor. more...

Posted by: Howie at 04:42 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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Censorship in the Islamic World

A Tunisian Muslim stands up against censorship in the Islamic world. MEMRI:

"In the West, the advent of printing meant enormous progress in terms of freedom of thought. Printing made possible the gradual spread of knowledge and the questioning of the established order. Technology and freedom seem to have marched hand in hand.

"But in our [Muslim] societies, the opposite seems to have happened. The advent of printing [in the Muslim world] in the mid-19th century and the spread of written materials in the 20th century have [only served to] undermine freedom of thought.

"The numerous examples of 'censorship in the name of Islam' from 1925 to date makes one wonder. From philosophy to cinema, literature, and art - no field has been spared, and no [act of] violence has been avoided. From the [mere] banning of the work to a death sentence for [the writer] - every kind of obscurantist horror has taken place in the lands of Islam. Given that we are one of the Civilizations of the Book, [2] this is a complete paradox.

He goes on to say that such censorship did not happen in the early years of Islam. Perhaps we are going to see a Muslim Restoration movement rather than a Muslim Reformation? The latter is slightly more problematic, since Mohammed himself is said to have proclaimed, "If someone changes his deen [Islamic character] - strike his neck!" [Malik's Muwatta Book 36, Number 36.18.15]. And, how can you have freedom of speech when it is a capital offense to question Islam? An ahistorical and literal interpretation of the Quran, though, is problematic in another way: much of the apologetics against the more violent verses are historical & contextual.

So, on the one hand, you have historical Islam which is clearly both violent and oppressive vs. an ahistorical Islam, based solely on the Quran, which is also clearly both violent and oppressive.

There is a third way, though: an Islam of historical revisionism. This is where you construct an alternative history of Islam, one that pretends that Islam was not spread by the sword, that Mohammed wasn't a child molester, that sharia was never integral, and one in which Islam has always been tolerant and liberal.

The noble lie for Muslims. This is the Islam that many Muslims actually believe. Which is fine by me. I'd rather Muslims believe the noble lie than the very ignoble truth.

Anyway, you might want to check out Robert Spencer's latest vblog as well as part II of Michelle's interview with him.

Via Jules Crittenden.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:02 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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December 13, 2006

Al Qaeda Kills 5 Mossad, Shoots Down U.S. Spy Plane in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq--the al Qaeda umbrella group posing as a shadow government-- has claimed that it killed five Mossad agents in Iraq. Oh, and they ruined the Mossad agents' GMC 4 x 4. Even funnier, they claim to have shot down a U.S. 'spy plane'.

Here's what their own press release says. Yes, al Qaeda has press releases:

1) The shooting down of an unmanned crusader spy plane in the Ba'iji area on Tuesday December, 12, 2006. All praise and gratitude be to Allah .

2) The killing of five members of the Zionist Mossad and the destruction of their GMC 4x4, by detonating a bomb on it in Ba'iji area, on Wednesday November 22, 2006. All praise and gratitude be to Allah.

Seriously, do they just make this stuff up and then sit back and laugh at the fact that so many Muslims are gullible enough to believe this? Or do the guys at the al Fajr media center--al Qaeda in Iraq's press agents--really believe that the Mossad is crawling all over Anbar province and that model airplanes are used for spying?

Posted by: Rusty at 02:40 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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Hezbollah in Turkey (+ bonus: Camel Sacrifices!)

As Turkey continues its push to join the EU, two important stories that Europeans should consider.

The first, it looks like Hezbollah--the Party of God--has begun to take root in Southeast Turkey. From MEMRI's new blog:

Ulsever quotes some Turks from the region, who express readiness and desire to die for Sharia. He warns the government of the dangers of the widening network he calls “Hizbullah- a-la-Turca” and asks “who is financing Hizbullah’s activities in Turkey’s [impoverished] Southeast?”
Yeah, I really wonder who finances Hezbollah? That's a toughie......

Next up on the plate: Camel sacrifices. As promised, the sureal just got surrealier. Globe and Mail:

A crew of mechanics at Istanbul's airport were so glad to be rid of some trouble-prone British-made airplanes that they sacrificed a camel on the tarmac in celebration — prompting the firing Wednesday of their supervisor.
Hat tip: Ben

Posted by: Rusty at 12:10 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 12, 2006

American Terror Suspect ID'd in Egypt

An American detained in Egypt on suspicion of involvement with a jihad cell which encouraged Muslims to go to Iraq to kill Americans has been identified. His name is Grey Warren, and he's from Ohio.

However, his name was read in Arabic, so the spelling is uncertain. It's possible that his name is "Gray Warren" or "Warren Grey" (mistaking first and last name?). If you know anythingg about this man, please e-mail me at the contact information above.

The State Department expects he will be released and deported to the U.S. No word on whether he will face charges here.

Fox 45:

The Egyptian security official identifies the American as Grey Warren from Ohio, and says he came to Egypt earlier this year to study at an Islamic university.
Via Pirate's Cove, who has more.

Previously: American Among Terror Plotters in Egypt

Posted by: Rusty at 02:02 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 08, 2006

Rosie O'Donnell Spouts Off At Asians.

People who live in glass houses...

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:25 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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December 07, 2006

Senior Al Qaeda Leader Captured in Iraq

Special Iraqi Army forces, with coalition advisers, captured a terrorist leader during a raid Dec. 7 in Fallujah responsible for directing sniper, improvised explosive device and car bombing attacks against Iraqi security forces. He also participated in the abduction and execution of several Iraqi Police officers. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:44 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Freedom Journal Iraq #536 - News from America's Military

Military news from Iraq, unfiltered by the hostile press. Video below the fold. UPDATE: YouTube version added more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:07 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Iraqi Forces Set to Take Over Security in 2007

Iraqi Security Forces are on track to take care of their own security and combat operations virtually free of Coalition support within the next year, Multi-National Force – Iraq’s spokesman told reporters Tuesday. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Al Qaeda Suspects Arrested in Iraq

Iraqi Police forces, with Coalition advisors, conducted a raid yesterday in Abdan, near Tall Afar, to capture an insurgent associated with al Qaeda in Iraq, detaining seven suspects during the operation.

The insurgent is believed to be responsible for supplying weapons to AQI and providing them with funding and a safe house for carrying out attacks against Iraqi Security Forces in the Tall Afar area.

There was minimal damage done to the objective and there were no Iraqi civilian, Iraqi forces or Coalition forces casualtie

Posted by: Rusty at 09:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Sniper Captured in Iraq

4th Iraqi Army Division forces, with Coalition advisors, captured an insurgent sniper Dec. 6 in Bayji believed to be responsible for direct and indirect attacks targeting Coalition forces.

He is also allegedly involved in improvised explosive device and car bombing attacks in the Bayji area.

The insurgent sniper is associated with other insurgent cells within Iraq. Iraqi forces also detained an additional suspect during the raid.

There was minimal damage done to the objective and there were no Iraqi civilian, Iraqi forces or Coalition forces casualties.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:37 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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6 Terrorists Captured

Special Iraqi Army forces, with Coalition advisers, captured six suspected insurgents during a raid Dec. 5 in Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad, believed to be responsible for conducting kidnapping and murder activities and improvised explosive device attacks against Iraqi civilians and Iraqi Security Forces.

Iraqi forces detained nine additional suspects during the raid. There was minimal damage done to the objective and there were no Iraqi civilian, Iraqi forces or Coalition forces casualties.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:36 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Captured Ansar al Sunna Terrorists Identified

On Wednesday, the Government of Iraq released the names and photos of several suspected senior-level Ansar al Sunna emirs who were captured by Coalition Forces during a series of raids in mid-November.

The AAS network is responsible for improvised explosive device attacks and suicide attacks on Iraqi government, Coalition Forces and Iraqi civilians. The AAS network is also responsible for multiple kidnappings, small arms attacks and other crimes in the central and northern part of Iraq.

One terrorist emir, Abu Mohammed aka Ismail, AAS Emir of Yusifiyah was killed during a raid late November.

The suspected Ansar al Sunna emirs who were captured are: MORE BELOW more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:34 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 06, 2006

American Jihadi in Egypt Update

An American arrested as part of a terror cell among students at al-Azhar in Egypt, the world's oldest University and the most prestigious Sunni theological school in the world, has still not been identified.

William Teach at the Pirate's Cove found this:

First, the American suspect was arrested November 26th, yet, it was days till this story hit the media. The farthest back I can find is yesterday, December 4th.

Second, that story, as well as one from the International Herald Tribune, show that the U.S. State Department is not only aware of this, but know who the American is, as well as being "annoyed" that the Egyptians are refusing to grant access to the suspect until the investigation is complete.

If any reader hears anything new on the case, please e-mail me at the contact information above. You'd think an American student being arrested as part of a terror plot would be big news. Apparently not.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:10 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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December 05, 2006

American Among Terror Plotters in Egypt

*Bumped* because I don't think this is getting enough press. An American. Arrested in Egypt. Part of an international cell of jihadis. For, at the very least, encouraging people to go to Iraq and fight Americans. That. Is. TREASON.


An American was among 15 foreign nationals arrested last week in Egypt believed to be part of a larger terror network. The cell is supected of plotting terror attacks on Middle East targets, although there is some contraversy over whether they were planning attacks or just encouraging them.

The foreign nationals were in Egypt in order to study the religion of peace, Islam. The American has not yet been identified.

The group also encouraged Muslims to go to Iraq for jihad against the United States. An American encouraging violence against American troops? Treason.

Looks like we have another Johnny Walker Lindh, who went to Pakistan to study Islam before joining the Taliban, or Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who left his home in Virginia to study Islam in Saudi Arabia before joining a group of al Qaeda sympathizers and plotting to assassinate President George Bush.

It should be noted that the most prestigious (and oldest) Islamic university in the world, al-Azhar, is in Egypt. News reports indicate that at least some of the students were studying at al-Azhar. The President of al-Azhar is routinely described as a 'moderate' in the press, yet this so-called moderate believes that the prohibition against killing innocent women and children does not include Israelis.

Chicago Sun Times:

Along with the American, police arrested two Belgians, nine French and several others from Egypt and other Arab countries including Tunisia and Syria, the statement said.

The ministry did not provide names or say how many Egyptians and Arabs were arrested.

''Investigations have confirmed that those elements are related to some terrorist organizations abroad,'' the ministry said. ''They were seeking to recruit others, teach them destructive beliefs, urging them for jihad, traveling to Iraq to carry out operations via other countries in the region.''

Hat tip to Laura Mansfield for the e-mail. Oh, and just a little reminder about al-Azhar.

Students outside of Al-Azhar Mosque, the most prestigious Sunni seat of learning in the world, are heard shouting 'Osama bin Laden, explode Copenhagen' in protest over a Danish newspaper publishing images of Mohammed.

UPDATE: Eugene Volokh e-mailed wondering if we knew anything else about this guy. The answer, as far as I can tell, is no. But wouldn't it be nice if the AP invested a little time in the story and found a few things out? I'd settle for knowing the guy's name at this point. Hell, I'd even settle for a stringer being sent out.

Also noticing this: Gateway Pundit, Dan Riehl, Pirate's Cove, Political Pit Bull, Internet Haganah, Mary Kate at Townhall, Clarity and Resolve, Blogs of War, Macker, Bluto, Charles "The Blogfather" Johnson & others, I'm sure, but since my stupid trackbacks don't work, who knows?

Posted by: Rusty at 05:14 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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