Claim: Iraqi Terrorists Shoot Down Black Hawk Helicopter (Video)A Salafi jihad group in Iraq known as the Jaish al Mujahideen (Army of the Mujahideen) has released an 11 minute video in which they claim to show the downing of a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter. The video is posted below.
The video does show a number of insurgents shooting, a number of helicopters flying, and does appear to show a helicopter descending, but that's about it. Later, the camera shows what could be a Black Hawk helicopter wreckage, but it's really hard to tell because the brave Mujahdeen camerman is too afraid to get close to the wreckage. If that is a helicopter that was damaged and forced to land, it certainly appears to have made a soft landing.
This story is a lie. Only bin Laden is capable of terrorism. America needs to stop wasting time killing real terrorists in iraq and focus all its resources on hunting the Bin Laden Snark in Afghanistan. Even though he's already dead and gone.
Don't take my word for it. Just ask Osamaisdonal.She knows everything, and she's serenely moderate.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 27, 2007 03:52 AM (Dt3sl)
U.S. Soldier Wrestles Suicide Bomber: US -1, Terrorists -0
This is how good our guys our. Seriously, this has action movie written all over it.
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan – Seven U.S. Soldiers were wounded Tuesday, when a suicide bomber detonated himself during the opening ceremony of a new emergency section of the Khost City Hospital in the city of Khowst, Khost Province.
As the ceremony was about to begin, the bomber, dressed as a medical professional was stopped by Afghan National Police inside the compound. As he was being questioned he took off running towards the ceremony.
As ANP forces chased the suspect, Coalition forces verbally instructed him to stop. When he did not, they engaged with small arms fire, hitting the bomber several times. A U.S. Soldier wrestled him to the ground, restraining him long enough to allow the crowd of people to move safely away. He was able to break free from the bomber prior to the explosion. He sustained only minor injuries from the blast.
Allah, "So, You're saying they, shot you, kicked your ass, All the innocents got away and you failed to kill a single apostate or infidel. And you were doing this all in my name?"
Bomber, "Yes, now can I enter paradise and get my 27 virgins?
Allah. "Fraid not today."
Posted by: Darth Odie at February 23, 2007 10:19 AM (YHZAl)
We REALLY need somthing with better stopping power then the MP4s these guys were probably carrying...
There are a lot of stories coming out of the war zone about multiple hits on the enemy, and they are still combat effective...
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 23, 2007 10:52 AM (XIbEc)
Romeo, I think you mean M4s or M16s. The problem is the 5.56x54mm round they fire, which doesn't have a lot of stopping power in the field, from what I've read and heard. The 7.62x39 or 7.62x51 rounds are better man-stoppers, with the 7.62x51 being the more accurate of the two.
Your point is sound, though...after you've shot the suicide bomber a few times, he shouldn't still be running at you.
Posted by: Insomniac at February 23, 2007 11:40 AM (UYKDB)
Need to hit a vital spot (head, center mass etc..) anything will stop a human being. Gut shots or extremities and movement will still occur till bleed out.
Posted by: DAT at February 23, 2007 12:05 PM (M9gpx)
Screw that... good old fashioned 30-06 (7.62x57mm), say a BAR, should knock those bastards down.
Hope that brave soldier gets a medal.
Posted by: TXEric at February 23, 2007 12:55 PM (cBw/x)
This is all the Taliban can do--perpetrate useless attacks and then post a video that shows nothing, but the fawning media is more than happy to publish.
God bless our brave troops.
Posted by: Richard Romano at February 23, 2007 01:17 PM (/2Xsz)
Well because they get all suped up on drugs before they carry out these attacks (it takes alot to convince yourself to be a "martyr" for Islam) they are probably harder to stop than your normal person.
Posted by: Scof at February 23, 2007 02:23 PM (a3fqn)
I've seen some of the USMC material on wounding and weapon effectiveness, and comments that underscore 'shot placement' are consistent with that material. Shut down the central nervous system! And yes, the buggers use drugs, so psychological impairment from being shot is less debilitating. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 23, 2007 02:46 PM (2OHpj)
They mainline adrenaline and coke before they do this kind of shit. Friend of mine fought in Fallujah and saw a guy get his entire leg blown off by a Bradley and he made it alomst 2 blocks before going down. Shot placement is everything.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at February 23, 2007 05:44 PM (CtVG6)
Where are osambinpunked, john Lyin, Creep, etc. they don't like to hear about islamopithecine failure and American supremacy.
That's right. I wrote "supremacy."
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 08:49 PM (Dt3sl)
Wow. You really told me. Fucking idiot. Napoleon Dynamite was a caricature, but you're the real thing. Try not to let the llama molest you for more than five minutes running. you could end up with serious pooping problems.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 24, 2007 12:48 AM (Dt3sl)
Buttholz, you're reality includes ligers and pedro as president. Nice try. I'm glad all these posting are helping you come out of the closet. I see you signed this one, "Gaylord". Very impressive.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 24, 2007 01:08 AM (JVqe0)
You're truly just spanking yourself: You keep saying your done with me, but you won't stop masturbating with your keyboard while thinking of me. It's kinda sick. Get a life!
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 25, 2007 03:17 PM (JVqe0)
Iraq Roundup
So, CNNJazeera did a pretty good job digging up every piece of bad news from Iraq today. Let’s see…
CNN: • A bomber wearing a suicide vest detonated his explosives in a funeral tent on eastern Baghdad's Palestine Street, killing five and wounding 15 others. The attack took place before 5 p.m.
• In southwestern Baghdad, a car bomb exploded outside a fuel station in the Sadiya district, killing six people and wounding 11 more, police said.
• In southern Baghdad, police said, a car bomb exploded near a market in the Rashid district, leaving five dead and seven wounded.
• In Tikrit, a would-be suicide bomber wearing an explosives vest was shot and killed by authorities outside an Iraqi army recruitment center, police said. Tikrit is about 80 miles north of the Iraqi capital in Salaheddin province.
In other developments, Iraqi police reported finding 20 bodies across Baghdad on Monday.
Twenty dead is still too many, but it is way down from just a couple weeks ago. Over the last year until just before the new security plan began, it up to one hundred found dead each day. Why they fail to emntion this is anyone's guess.
So what else happened in Iraq, that didn’t make CNN today? Turns out, quite a bit. What was wrong with these stories? I’m not sure, maybe because no one died and nothing blew up I guess.
See below the fold because they are long and I want to run them unaltered.
Howie also another helicopter was shot down, a Blackhawk. Fortunately no one was killed but these helicopter losses seem to be occuring more frequently.
It was posted on CNN at about 3:30
Posted by: JOHN RYAN at February 21, 2007 05:55 PM (TcoRJ)
Damn it. I still don't understand why these muslim retards are blowing each other up. How do you expect to win someone to your side by blowing his kid to kingdom come. Just doesn't make sense. Where is the payoff? Get these Islamic bastards out of our country before it starts here.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 06:50 PM (MMhDt)
i just want to see what the moron comes up with for "shoogie woogie"
Posted by: shoogie woogie at February 21, 2007 07:26 PM (AeRA2)
One thing I've noticed is that the suicide bombers seem to be losing some of their lethality, lately the majority seem to only kill 2-5 people versus the 120-150 kill quagmirefests that the MSM was reporting earlier in the year. Even with new toys like the chlorine bombs the kill counts have been much lower the last few days. Do you think the bombers may be detonating early at checkpoints or have to choose smaller groups to attack because their usual hunting grounds are denied?
Posted by: maxh at February 21, 2007 07:32 PM (JePW9)
Thanks for all the neat updates--thank God for sites like this where we can find the whole story, which is all we ask for. Bad things do happen in Iraq, fine, but goodnes, there is much good as well...and the security clamp down is working.
God bless our brave men and women--so proud of their service. And God bless the Iraqi people and their armed forces--how admirably have they endured the murderers in their midst.
You bastards in AQ! You will pay--there is no escape; you will leave Iraq dimmoralized and diminished, and many of you will meet the God you claim to serve, but serve Him not.
Posted by: Richard Romano at February 21, 2007 07:52 PM (/2Xsz)
osamaisawigger is shoogie woogie. Shooger wigger is closer to the truth. Now get them chicken wings. Boy!
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 08:12 PM (MMhDt)
It's not hard really. The links to these stories are right next the the casualty counts. I shit you not. It's so easy that even Howie can do it. Shame shame MSM, CNNjazeera.
Posted by: Darth Odie at February 21, 2007 08:34 PM (YHZAl)
I suppose if we didn' t report the deaths and the destruction and the bombings we could all pretend we are having "enormous successes" huh?
Posted by: civil behavior at February 21, 2007 10:06 PM (S1/Ta)
Jeff Bargholz is greyrooster's Bohemian butt-buddy. They give each other wrap-arounds while sticking their asses up in the air for Muslim prayers. That sort of flagrant Islamism should be outlawed.
Jane, all the way!
Posted by: Darth Vag at February 21, 2007 11:28 PM (b0FZu)
Civil behavior ... All our losses in Iraq amount to about a single day during WW2. We are only losing here at home where weak minded idiots and the misinformed buy into your sick defeatist mythology. The FACT that your kind do more damage to our progress than the terrorists makes me think of you as a full blown traitor. The longer you spew, the longer this will take. the longer it takes, the more we spend in blood and resources. The more we spend, the more you spew. if you weren't part of the cycle this would be a lot quicker, and cleaner. Your kind disgust me when I can't just ignore you.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 22, 2007 08:09 AM (2OHpj)
Do you sheeple still believe that al Qaeda and the US government are
really enemies? Wake up, you bunch of dumbasses, and realise that they
are in league with one another. George Bush is a traitor along with
every member of congress, and they should all be tried and executed
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 22, 2007 09:02 AM (eGb9y)
Snivil Behaviour. I reported both the good and the bad, didn't I? Got a problem with that?
Posted by: Darth Odie at February 22, 2007 09:30 AM (YHZAl)
Darth Fag: Better Jeff than your butt mate. John Ryan.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 22, 2007 10:43 AM (2ZN97)
Egyptian Blogger to be Sentenced
For Blogging. Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman will learn his fate tomorrow.
Soliman, 22, was expelled from Al-Azhar University last spring for sharply criticizing the university's rigid curriculum and faulting religious extremism on his blog. He was ordered to appear before a public prosecutor on Nov. 7 on charges of "spreading information disruptive of public order," "incitement to hate Muslims" and "insulting the President."...
...Egypt is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees the "freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media." The exceptions allowed are narrowly drawn and require proof of "necessity" before restrictions can be imposed. The posting of opinions on a student's personal blog hardly qualifies as a threat to national security, to the reputation of the president or to public order.
Muslims. Yuk! The Koran must have some subliminal IQ dropper. The more you read it the more barbaric you become. No wonder Egypt is not what it once was. They took a downward slide then Islam finished them off. I mean even the French whipped them.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 03:38 PM (smCdV)
Another good example of Egyptian intolerance can be found in "Islam and Terrorism" by Mark Gabriel. His own father tried to kill him for questioning Islam. Gah!
Posted by: SecretSquirrel at February 21, 2007 04:43 PM (Lz4EE)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 21, 2007 05:59 PM (8e/V4)
Don't insult muslims, you'll just make Rusty mad. In case any of you haven't figured it out, he's not really on our side.
What is my evidence, you ask?
Fine then, I'll answer: He constantly makes apologetics for islam, and
only condemens those who reveal islam for what it is, while covering
for those who are working quietly to destroy civilization. He almost
never bans lefturds from his site until they become too disruptive,
then he lets them back in almost immediately. His sole purpose is to
draw sheeple in and convince them that the real problem is not islam
itself, but just a few bad apples. In other words, Rusty is really just
another liberal academic helping to erosion of Western civilization.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 22, 2007 08:25 AM (eGb9y)
IM: We rarely disagree but all in all I think he puts up with a lot. His muslim hugging is irritating but that to is his choice and right. It's up to us to bring academic meatheads into reality. Then again perhaps he's smart enough to know what keeps his blog smoking. Gotta get packing as I'm soon leaving for the Phillipines where I will engage in drunkedness, gambling, piging out and debauchey with some of the best. We will be going over to Saipan and Tinian for a visit to what is now a playground for the Japanese. Ironic, huh. We fought like hell to remove them from those islands then we invite them back. Only in America. I trust you and Jeff will handle the lefturds idiots like osamaisawigger while I'm gone. Have a good one. I will.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 22, 2007 09:01 AM (2ZN97)
Rooster, have fun while I'm here preparing for the apocalypse, which in
my opinion can't come soon enough. By the way, you might want to
consider staying overseas when you get there because pretty soon it's
going to be illegal to be White in America.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 22, 2007 09:05 AM (eGb9y)
That's why I go over there. To remind myself just how great we are. Actually, I've found that two blocks out the main drag in Manila isn't any worse than two blocks off a main street in most American cities. Difference being in Manila they only steal your camera. In the American Ghettos they must stab you after they steal your camera and watch and tennis shoes and gold chain. Difference in Manila it's legal to have an armed guard with you and it's not illegal to shoot the muggers. On Saipan and Tinian the casino security has been known to feed the sharks.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 22, 2007 10:52 AM (2ZN97)
Gayrooster is going to Manila to get some little boys to bugger.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 02:16 PM (ZxuJ4)
Exclusive Video: as Sahab 'Holocaust of the Americans in Afghanistan' Exposes al Qaeda Misinformation Campaign
******Jawa Report Exclusive******
(click the pic for video)
An unreleased English subtitled video produced by as-Sahab, the al Qaeda production company, has been obtained for The Jawa Report by Laura Mansfield. The video is titled "The Holocaust of the Americans in the Land of Khorasan (Afghanistan)". The video may be downloaded here.
The 24 minute video of al Qaeda & Taliban fighters in Afghanistan begins with footage from a recent speech by Ayman al-Zawahiri. The video then goes on to show the planning and execution of an al Qaeda operation against what it says is an "apostate" (Afghan army) and American base of Arghandab, in the Southern Afghani province of Zabul. In September of last year Taliban forces claimed to have captured the district after Afghani forces withdrew fearing an offensive.
The video was given to The Jawa Report after it was intercepted by Laura Mansfield before its public release. Normally, these videos are first announced and then released at Islamic forums. However, this video was intercepted before any public announcement.
Portions of the video seemed to have been taken from footage aired on al Jazeera television last week. Other portions, such as of Zawahiri speaking, have been previously released on the internet. The bulk of the video, though, is of unreleased material.
The Arabic narrative of the video suggests that the Taliban and al Qaeda forces had "liberated" what was once a base of operations used by the U.S. Army and which had been abandoned after the offensive. Two abandoned "compounds", both of which seem to be constructed of mud brick, are shown. One is claimed to be American and the other Afghani. But other than some very sketchy night time video, there is no evidence as to why the compunds were abandoned.
In one building which is called a "baracks" there is some grafitti which appears to have been carved into the mud walls by American military men. One reads, "CPT Ashworth, UTAH NG, ETT, '06".
The narrative and the way the video is cut suggests that the attack against the compuond had happened very recently. But from the looks of it, the compund had been abandoned for some time. The fact that no equipment is left behind also suggests that when the American forces left, they did not do so hastily.
The only thing left behind? GARBAGE. In fact, an empty bag of chips is used to prove a conspiracy. This trash is used as evidence that, and I quote:
"We find that the primary financiers of this Crusade are the puppet regimes of the Gulf.
"Look, made in the Kindom of Saudi Arabia -- the Lays Company"
"From the Arabians, also?"
"Aha, they back the Americans."
They then go on to threaten Saudi Arabia for assisting the Americans in Afghanistan---by allowing a U.S. company to bag potato chips in Saudi Arabia!
Seriously, you can't make dialogue like that up.
The propaganda video contradicts earlier press releases by Taliban spokesmen Qari Yousuf Ahmadi who claimed the entire district was captured without any resistance. Ahmadi had claimed that large caches of weapons and equipment had been captured, but the video shows no equipment and only trash and rubble left behind. That earlier account was backed up by Afghani officials who said that all government agents had withdrawn from the area in light of a build up of Taliban forces in the area.
In fact, the video shows the "barracks" in a segment taken before its "liberation" from the U.S. troops. The barracks appear to be empty. A very small checkpoint with a single truck seems to be the only evidence offered that any Afghani or any other troops are in the area.
It would seem, then, that the entire narrative of the offensive is a sham. There was no major fight here.
Further, while the "mujahideen" are all seen with covered faces, the locals are not. Three locals, all men, are interviewed welcoming the "students" (Taliban) back. They recount how the Afghani troops had not treated them well and had accused them of helping the Taliban, which they seem to claim is an injustice. Oddly, it would seem that the video shows that they were, in fact, helping the Taliban and that the accusations were true.
Further the "Taliban" fighters all speak Arabic, and not the local Pashtun. A clear indication that these are al Qaeda fighters and not "locals" engaged in a war of liberation.
And all this means what? That Al Queda lies? No shit.
Posted by: greyrooster at February 16, 2007 07:40 AM (Lddpk)
At least I don't have to waste my time watching that crap.
Thanks Rusty.
Sorry you can't get that 25 minutes of your life back.
Posted by: Dick at February 16, 2007 08:50 AM (XlQVK)
Holocaust? That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at February 16, 2007 09:00 AM (oC8nQ)
Dr. S., These bombastic loud-mouth Arabist Islamists are so full of it. This stupid idiot Zawahiri does not even know that Khorasan is NOT in Afghanistan. Everything about these Mo-slimes is lie and deceit.
By the way, here are the names of the provinces of Aghanistan: Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Bamian, Daykondi, Farah, Faryab,
Ghazni, Ghowr, Helmand, Herat, Jowzjan, Kabol, Kandahar, Kapisa,
Khowst, Konar, Kondoz, Laghman, Lowgar, Nangarhar, Nimruz, Nurestan,
Oruzgan, Paktia, Paktika, Panjshir, Parvan, Samangan, Sar-e Pol,
Takhar, Vardak, Zabol
Do you see Khorasan anywhere? I don't!
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 16, 2007 11:35 AM (vixLB)
Force Dr. S.! Force is the only thing that these Islamo-Arab savages understand.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 16, 2007 11:46 AM (vixLB)
You bunch of rotten cowards--you are getting your fill and more; you cannot defeat the US and Coalition troops--you can't, so you come out with these pathetic videos.
Gadahn--your time is coming, you rotten disgusting terrorist.
Posted by: Richard Romano at February 16, 2007 12:40 PM (/2Xsz)
This is the true face of Islam, lies and death threats followed by more lies and murders.
Posted by: varadi at February 23, 2007 01:42 AM (La3g8)
muslims are worse than jews, they want more money for doing nothing. at least, the jews worked for what they have. the muslims, have cheated, and screwed, that means, fucked up the ass, the population of the world, with the oil, with the banks, with the us corruption, of this beautiful, but now, ugly world. ugly arab, with the ugly face, with the ugly spirit. allah is not happy with you. the world is not happy with you. but, you have power, you stupid piece of garbage. or shall we say, you donkey............
so, the donkey has won. he owns citibank, he owns chevron, he owns the world. and, nobody has any respect for you. that is why, you will never have peace. because, your stupid spoiled brain, will never have the attention, never mind the respect, of, the population of the world.
you were a loser, you are a loser, and you will always remain, a, loser.
your father has done so much more than you.
Posted by: varadi at February 23, 2007 01:55 AM (La3g8)
Yemen's Military: A Corrupt Criminal Mafia
The Yemeni Defense Ministry recently arrested journalist Abdulkarim Al-Khaiwani for writing an article about the military. Al-Khaiwani was previously imprisoned in 2004 for an opinion article. Upon his release, the regime cloned his newspaper and threatened his kids. The Yemeni government is very sensitive about any reporting about the military, so lets do it here at Jawa.
The majority of top military commanders are direct relatives of Yemeni President Saleh. There's widespread corruption in the huge military budget. Some military commanders train jihaddists to go to Iraq and kill US troops. They frequently steal land by force. Lets start with the family connections. I asked a couple of people for an outline once. This is what I got back:
Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, Special Forces and Republican Guards Commander including counter-terrorism, Eldest Son, Al-Haj Company For Heavy Equipments and Cars
Ali Mohsen Al-Hamar, Commander of Northern/ Western regions, Half brother, Hawan For Petroleum Services and Alraida Group for Engineering.
Khalid Alarhabi, Deputy Chief of The Presidential Palaces, Son in-law, Yemen Space Company
Mohamed Saleh Al-Hamar, Air Force Commander, Half Brother, Alhashidi Petroleum Company
Yahya Mohamed Abdullah Saleh, Commander Of Security Central Forces, Nephew, Almass Company For Petroleum Services and Ha Wi Cable Chinese Company
Mohamed Saleh Al-Hamar Air Force Commander Half Brother
Tarke Mohamed Abdullah Saleh, Commander Private Forces, Nephew
Yahya Mohamed Abdullah Saleh, Commander Of Security Central Forces, Nephew
Amar Mohamed Abdullah Saleh, Deputy National Security Organization, Nephew
Ahmed Abdullah Al-Hajry, Governor of Taiz, Brother in law to second wife
Abdu-Wahab Abdullah Alhajry, Ambassador to Washington D.C,. Brother in law to second wife
al-Qaeda Threatens Canada (Again)
For selling the USA oil! They didn't mention the fact that Canadian troops have been handing the Taliban's behind to them in Afghanistan. I'd like to think that's a big part of it though.
Via CTA: Al Qaeda's Saudi wing is calling for attacks on all oil suppliers to the United States, listing Canada among its targets.
In a message posted on its website, the al Qaeda Organization says Canada's oil and natural gas facilities should be attacked in order to "choke the U.S. economy."
"It is necessary to hit oil interests in all regions which serve the United States not just in the Middle East. The goal is to cut its supplies or reduce them through any means," reads the posting on the organization's Arabian Peninsula e-magazine.
"We should strike petroleum interests in all areas which supply the United States ... like Canada."
Canada is the main supplier of both oil and natural gas to the U.S. Mexico and Venezuela are the other western nations singled out in the group's call to arms.
1"... the fact that Canadian troops have been handing the Taliban's behind to them in Afghanistan..."
Heh heh heh heh heh. Yes indeed, they have been :-)
But seriously we need to beef up the security and survivability of the lines of energy flow between the two countries. Canada also supplies a lot of (hyro)electric power to the U.S. from Quebec and elsewhere.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 14, 2007 03:21 PM (vixLB)
Maybe but you know al-Qaeda, rather than actually try and do anything like that, they'll just murder some innocents.
Posted by: Howie at February 14, 2007 03:23 PM (YHZAl)
I met some Canadian troops at a bar in Guam in 2002. Hilariously cool and brave guys. Don't ever get into drinking games with them though. *arg*
Money Exchange:
Hucbald: "Thanks for being US allies in Afghanistan."
Burly Canadian enlisted guy with wrists as thick as my neck:
"Hell, we're just happy you invited us to the party."
Posted by: Hucbald at February 14, 2007 03:24 PM (N7vDN)
DUmmies, Kossacks, and Hufftards soon to call for the USA to stop importing oil, cause we are annoying the peaceful muzzies.
Posted by: William Teach at February 14, 2007 03:36 PM (doAuV)
You're right about that Howie. Case in point, their thwarted attempt last year at attacking locations in Toronto and Ottawa.
Best -GM
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at February 14, 2007 03:43 PM (vixLB)
Their Rocket Launcher vs. Our Rocket Launcher
Here is the terrorist’s crappy unguided rocket launcher. The guidance system is the “Allahu Akbar†before the shot. I interpret the lack of damage shots in the video as, “We didn’t hit anything.†They claim to be "shooting" at an Iraqi National Guard base.
Nice, very nice Lockheed. Since I am a OEF & OIF veteran I love all things military that kill these muslims. As a proud infidel I KNOW that we would destroy islamic terrorists with force if given the chance. Sadly it looks like the reality today is that our Gov is too busy worrying if we offend the muslims before we kill them, or they kill us. If there is a higher power please get rid of political correctness.
Posted by: Legrand at February 12, 2007 04:54 PM (/etUv)
Are you sure that was a Muslim rocket launcher and not just some local 7-11 robbers shooting off their 4th of July fireworks?
How about the ass-clown with the orange backpack. Hey! It also glows in the dark ! Shoot me !
Posted by: Nathan at February 12, 2007 05:41 PM (0GBra)
Posted by: HerrMorgenholz at February 12, 2007 05:46 PM (DY5y4)
I liked his little manual site thingy he used to deterine the angle for launch. Almost as high tech as my boy's Estes Little Bertha kit nad about as accurate too.
Posted by: Howie at February 12, 2007 05:56 PM (YHZAl)
Oh and be sure to go over to rofasix. I did not embed the vid he has so he would get some more traffic.
Posted by: Howie at February 12, 2007 06:01 PM (YHZAl)
I was 4-years in the Canadian infantry and I'll tell you these are not French soldiers, but French Canadian.
The Eryx is a fine weapon and subject to misfire, as is anything, including the M16 (we call it the C7 of course).
soldiers' weapon, camouflage pattern, helmets, helmet bands, flak
vests, even the specific type of sandbags used... are all Canadian.
What most especially gives it away is the red and white Canadian flag
patch on the gunner's left arm.
Posted by: Christoph at February 12, 2007 09:29 PM (MqyJL)
This video has a disturbing lack of muslim pig-fuckers being blown straight to hell where they can visit for all eternity with their child molesting prophet Mohammad (may his name be cursed forever).
LOS ANGELES - A man dressed as Chewbacca was arrested after police said the street performer head-butted a tour guide operator in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.
Frederick Evan Young, 44, of Los Angeles was booked Thursday for investigation of misdemeanor battery, police Lt. Paul Vernon said.
Police said the 6-foot-4 street performer was seen arguing Thursday afternoon with a tour guide who had expressed concern the Star Wars wookie impersonator was "harassing and touching tourists" in violation of city law.
If it were me, and a bunch of "actors" were hassling (cheap-assed) tourists. I’d take it up with the guy dressed up as C3PO first. Because droids don't pull people's arms out of their socket when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.
Hat Tip J.S.
Posted by: Howie at
09:24 AM
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So, I found it hard to concentrate on Mr. Bush with all that blinking. Seriously, I’ve never noticed her blinking that much before. Does she always blink like that? I’d hate to think she was doing it intentionally to distract people from the President’s speech.
Oh, and the Vice President's blink rate is kinda low. Could the Joooos have replaced him with one of those Zionsist robot soldier thingys the enemy keeps claiming to have "killed" in Iraq? Like this one.
I did not notice the blinking at all, untill you pointing it out.
Posted by: Dan at January 26, 2007 03:49 AM (ILHet)
He's just one stupid hardnosed SOB, who confuses resolve with intransigence.
Next question?
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 26, 2007 09:33 AM (v16Xc)
Cheyney is not dumb. Being a hard ass is one of th reasons I like him. Truthfully I was a little unconfortable with Bush 43 the first go around. I liked what he had done in Texas but I was still apprehensive about him. I thought Bush was a bit lacking in a few areas. Cheney on the ticket made me feel a lot better. That at least there would be someone to watch over George a bit.
Posted by: Howie at January 26, 2007 10:16 AM (2cR/Y)
Cheney (and Bush) are men. Not this new breed of metrosexual which as a social experiment will be short-lived.
Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at January 26, 2007 10:42 AM (cqlKO)
This just proves that YOU are stupid. He was busy ruining the USA in the first term and now he's busy ruining the world in the second term. Wake the fuck up.
Posted by: osamabinthere at January 27, 2007 05:26 AM (ZxuJ4)
You're obviously more intelligent than Dick Cheney, as your screen name obviously proves.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 28, 2007 03:02 AM (Dt3sl)
Whoa Jeff...I can't believe how smart you were to come up with that response. You are obviously a mental powerhouse. Still though, I am not joking: You are smarter than Bush.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at January 29, 2007 02:07 PM (ZxuJ4)
osamabinthere: Your attack on spelling is little more than a cowardly distraction. You have made claims about Cheney, now why not show us what a man you are, and let us see you back those claims up?
I would point out that Cheney HAS proven he is not stupid because he has earned one important postion after another. His career history, which I suggest you google, is certainly more significant than yours, or mine. Not the sort of assignments associated with stupidity. Cheny would have to have real ability to tackle them.
On the other hand, all you need to comment here is a computer, a connection, and a little bit of ego. Osamabinthere, you and I have no 'career' to brag about when compared to Cheney. We don't have name recognition. We don't have anyone writing articles about us in the paper because WE AREN'T SMART ENOUGH TO BE VICE PRESIDENT! Or you can prove me wrong ... all you have to do osamabinthere, is get yourself elected Vice President of the Untied States, and maybe get offered an executive position with a multi-billion dollar company. Try that ...
If you came back when you've proven yourself to be roughly as smart as Cheney, THROUGH ACTIONS, then I guess I can consider your comments to be especially informed. Until then, all you have is a snarky opinion, and no arguement of merit worthy of the time it takes to counter. I'm only commenting now, because your feeble slander was unsupported, and some weak minded fool may read it and ACTUALLY BELEIVE IT!
Of course, I in no way mean to suggest you aren't entitled to your opinion, and after you google Cheney's career information, maybe you will finally have an informed one. Traditionally, leftists to whom I have made that suggestion previously, just won't do it.
Maybe they already know I'm right, and just don't want to face it. Maybe they would rather just keep being wrong, because they have invested to much into their simple minded and incorrect world view. It's hard to determine why anyone would choose to make comments about how stupid this or that official is when they don't suggest even the simplest method of verification (google Cheney, for example).
Well anyway, I just thought I'd chime in with my opinion. Now I'm off to google some things I'm curious about. Since I expect you may try some snarky comeback, I'll probably google Cheney, so I can refresh my current knowledge. Then if you continue with your childish slandering of the VP's intellect I can slap you down in detail. In the meantime, I suggest you work on developing a better debate tactic than simply responding with 'Oh yeah?' and 'So's yer mom!' and 'Yer spelling sucks!' Also google Cheney, if your not to lazy, or scared.
Have a good one.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 30, 2007 07:31 AM (2OHpj)
Does my typo put me in the same class as Ketchup "I voted for it before I voted against it/the troops iz dum" Kerry? How about Hillary "The Star Mangled Banner/Can you feel me" Clinton?
Claiming that Dick Cheney is dumb is fatuous. You clearly have a diminished mental capacity to write something that stupid.
But then, we already knew that.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 30, 2007 09:57 PM (Dt3sl)
Zawahiri Video, Finished Version (updated/bumped)
As-Sahab media has released the finished version of the Video that Laura Mansfield found earlier this week. The new copy is high quality and the sound synch problems are fixed. Speculation that the speech was timed to follow the President's speech was correct. Laura Mansfield located the first known copy of the message earlier in the week.
Update: Click the Pic for Video(Subtitles in English).
We will have a copy uploaded soon. Stand by....
Update: Sorry for the delay, I blame Al Gore. Click the above pic for Video.
somebody should finish the job of drilling through the dude's forehead.
Posted by: dr. akim ullshitbay at January 24, 2007 08:38 PM (Ax65U)
My Ruger Model 77 in 30-06 would do the job. Or perhaps my Remington in .270win. would be better. Decisions....decisions.....
Posted by: templar knight at January 24, 2007 08:43 PM (qmQtL)
Is that thing on his forehead concave or convex?
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at January 24, 2007 09:12 PM (CtVG6)
finish the hole and i'll put him on my keychain.
Posted by: dr. akim ullshitbay at January 24, 2007 10:23 PM (Ax65U)
That thing on his forehead is a dent caused by getting tea-bagged ten times a day. No wonder he wants Bush to send 50 or a hundred thousand swinging dicks to Iraq.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 25, 2007 09:23 AM (Dt3sl)
State of The Union Blink Count (Updated with Dem Response)
The speech ran about 50 minutes. I noted Nancy was either sending Morse code or having some type of eye malfunction.
(Note: Think Progress disrespected the embargo on the speech and published it early. Slime.)
One of Bush's better speeches. Which means the content was good, the delivery a bit lacking as usual.
Update: Full transcript below the fold.
Update II. So do you think Nancy and Dick will become best friends after sharing that pack butterrum of Lifesavers during the speech? Hey, anything is possible.
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 23, 2007 10:24 PM (v16Xc)
I dunno ifhe nailed him to the wall. A good shot or two. I don't have a transcript yet. But the one about he said this six times before still hasn't happened. That was a good shot. Cheap but good.
Posted by: Howie at January 23, 2007 10:37 PM (2cR/Y)
Jim Webb,..... Jim Webb, ......are you talking about the same Jim Webb that just said the majority of the military is against the war in Iraq? That Jim Webb? You'd better hurry, I think the mother ship is about to leave.....
Posted by: Billy at January 23, 2007 10:48 PM (1SzWp)
Pissholey"s blink count sure started to increase when George started talking about Iraq. She also went into the lip biting stage about then.. I just love seeing that witch squirm.!!!!!
Posted by: Billy at January 23, 2007 10:50 PM (1SzWp)
Posted by: Editor at January 23, 2007 10:54 PM (0QTX2)
It was one of the better speeches that Bush read. And his delivery was better than usual. They used shorter words which does make it easier for him
Webb did very well. A smooth delivery of a speech that he wrote himself. He reportedly refused the speech written for him by the Democratic party. Genuine emotions from a real war hero. A graduate of the Naval Academy in 1968 he joined the Marines and earned the Navy Cross a Silver Star and 2 Bronze Stars.
His Naval Academy classmate Oliver North also has spoken out against the surge in troop numbers.
Incidentally North also has reported that most of the troops that he met in Iraq on his last trip were against sending more troops here is a link to the North piece
Posted by: John Ryan at January 23, 2007 11:10 PM (TcoRJ)
Yeah I've read North's opinion. But don't the lefties distrust North? Isn't he supposed to be evil? But as I reacall he says more men in theatre the more targets. True. There has been a lot of bombings lately. I think the one against the college was ansar al sunnah. The others are similar but it's hard to tell. They all do the two or three bomb thing now. So I think this latest uptick is a reaction to our push. We are pushing hard and they are pushing back a bit.
If someone has a link to the transcript of Webb's rebuttal, you can post a link. All I have so far are articles, not found transcript yet. Going to bed. Later.
Posted by: Howie at January 23, 2007 11:23 PM (2cR/Y)
Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at January 23, 2007 11:48 PM (GX+vI)
The downfall of the reps is in my watch lol and your web too as soon as we leave iraq is over my friend; it sucks it has to end like this but the rise has ended i wish you luck with a new hobby. is over.
Posted by: unknown at January 24, 2007 12:13 AM (GO1YP)
10But don't the lefties distrust North? Isn't he supposed to be evil?
That's fine. We cite dissenting Leftards too whenever we get the chance. Nobody makes the point better. I'm not particularly sure more U.S. troops will make a difference either. But I am sure more Iraqi troops will. Maybe it's good for the Iraqis to feel some of this heat.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 24, 2007 12:16 AM (8e/V4)
Ooh, a Dhimmiecrat appeal to the proletariat masses. How original! How cynical! How idiotic.These are the same dhimmie fat-cats who have enthusiastically supported bill after Congressional bill that fucks over the American worker at the expense of Third World wage slaves and marauding wetbacks. Every law aimed at fucking the working class has been passed with utter hypocrisy by the same party that gave us slavery, Jim Crow, surrender in Vietnam, and the endowment of generational welfare for parasites.
That piss-ant Webb actually praised Eisenhower for deliberately losing the Korean War. What a mealy mouthed little cock-nibbler.
Oh, and mindless opposition to the President's policy in Iraq was the keynote of the Dhimmiecrat kneejerk response to his State of the Union speech. How predictable. The dhimmie whores would sacrifice their own mothers for political power. Picking a sissified veteran to give the anti-American rebuttal to an address meant to advance this nation and others was a sleazy move by a deeply unprincipled political party. It was calculated to prevent criticism of naked dhimmie power grubbing and blind intransigence.
If Webb's snotty little speech gave Snivel Behaviour and John Lyin' wet shudders, you know it was bad for America.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 24, 2007 05:19 AM (abVz3)
Vonski. Yeah I thought maybe she had some beef jerky in there somewhere. But her and dick seemed to be sucking on Lifesavers. I dunno. MSM we need you to find out. What TF was Dick and Nancy sucking on?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 24, 2007 09:24 AM (2cR/Y)
Just aggravates the heck out of you that a man whose father was in a war, he was in Nam as was his brother and his son is in Iraq, it just galls you to think that the very "troops" that you claim to support are the ones who walked the walk while Georgie AWOL boy pretends he knows anything at all about it and they PUBLICLY nail him to the wall .......doesn't it?? Doesn't it??
And boy I would LOVE to be the fly on the wall when you stand up against Jim Webb and call hima "sissified veteran". Dang, what I wouldn't give to be there. He is so far above your class you wouldn't even know what hit you.
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 24, 2007 09:38 AM (v16Xc)
How old are you? Emotionally, you appear to be 13.
Bush volunteered for the Vietnam War and was turned down. The death rate for Guard pilots who flew the same type of plane he did was higher than that for soldiers serving in combat in Vietnam. Only a dickless twit could still chirp about the fake-but-accurate-memo forgery.
Jim Webb is a fat weak old man who gives aid and comfort to the enemy just so he can build power for his slimy political party. He has no experience whatsoever as Commander in Chief or even as a high ranking military officer. He never set military policy or planned a battle, and he never will. He sure as hell never oversaw a reconstruction effort. As I recall, America abandoned South Vietnam to the commies.
But it's a moot point. You never served in combat, so you aren't qualified to comment on it, according to your lame chickenhawk argument.
Fuck, but you're stupid.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 27, 2007 11:24 PM (Dt3sl)
President Bush and his advisers "don't have a plan" nor an "overarching strategy" to fix the problems in Iraq, said Sen. Jim Webb, the newly elected Virginia Democrat who will deliver his party's official response Tuesday to the president's State of the Union address.
This really upsets me. I also watched the News Hour interview with President Bush on PBS. Immediately following the interview, Brooks comes on and comments on the interview. He made the same accusation, no plan.
Why does this upset me? You might ask.
Well the vast majority of people get their news passively. They listen to what is presented and they tend take the news as facts. Of course they know that the facts are colored and most people take that into account when watching.
But Pundits like Brooks and politicians like Webb make these statements knowing full well that there is a plan. They can't claim ignorance. It's their job to know the &^%$ plan. They just don’t report what that plan is. They Know that if they don’t’ talk about the plan itself, they can create a perception that there is none amongst their passive chip munching viewers.
So I advise everyone to be an active news consumer. You have to go out and seek information because they sure as hell won’t report a lot of it.
Here is my rebuttal, the actual outline of the President’s plan. No one has any other plan that even comes close to the detail of this. And if there is one the press and the Democrats are sure as hell are keeping it under wraps.
See the entire outline belove the fold. I'd like to put in on the front page but like I said, It's long and detailed. (Howie under his breath: no effing plan how effing stupid do they thing we are ? Go^&%$#^mn no good politician MFs, sons of &*^&&^% they are the ones with no effing plan, lying MF c*&^ suckers)
If by "moderate coaltion" you mean an Iraqi government sympathetic to broad American Middle East policy of, say,
the past thirty years, it is not in the cards. Now if we move
Israel off the West Bank like we moved Saddam out of Kuwait,
we might start to set the table of reconciliation .
Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 23, 2007 06:18 PM (EPkr9)
2Now if we move
Israel off the West Bank like we moved Saddam out of Kuwait,
we might start to set the table of reconciliation .
Yeah, that worked really well in Gaza and Lebanon.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 23, 2007 06:25 PM (8e/V4)
Why don't we just put the Jews in ovens? Fucking Nazi asshole. As if any concession could ever pacify the koranimals.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 23, 2007 07:30 PM (abVz3)
It's a new paradigm, Jeffie-the Nazi references don't cut it anywhere
in the world beyond the Hollywood-New York-Tel Aviv axis
Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 23, 2007 07:57 PM (EPkr9)
The Democrats are ready to throw Bush, the Military, Iraq and the rest of us all under the bus. As for not doing their job, that was documented long ago when the classified reading room sign in list was made public showing that while Congress was demanding more reports, they NEVER went to read them! Didn't stop them from dishing out the bad ones and leaking them to the press.
Seems that they are on a roll at the moment. If they are lucky they will really push us to defeat in Iraq, about the time that Hillary wins the '08 election and Iran proves that they have the bomb by testing it in Israel.
Iraq is the high ground, and they are just going to toss it away, like Somalia, leaving it for a future Republican Administration to fix.
By that time, we will be adding Russia to the Axis of Evil again.
Posted by: Fred Fry at January 23, 2007 08:52 PM (hLi8T)
"Well the vast majority of people get their news passively. They listen
to what is presented and they tend take the news as facts."
It's worse than that. The vast majority of people create the fantasy they want to believe it and then hold tenaciously to their illusions as if they were indeed facts. Thomas Sowell wrote that the two great wars of the last century were fought between those who tried to fit realilty to their theories and those who tried to fit their theories to reality. Take a tour of Boston sometime and find out where one half lives.
Posted by: Jeremy at January 23, 2007 09:21 PM (v8c9Z)
No, I'm upset with the Democrats for still campaining and not governing. They could care less about today it's 2008 they are looking at. I have been thinking about this every since teh plan was offered. I intended to give the Demcrats a chance. One lefty blog I read yesterday advised Democrats not to "twist the knife". He says it's a mistake. An arrogant mistake. And he's right. The doomocrats cant get out of campain mode and inot governing mode. I called teh republicans two years ago on arrogance and they demcrats did not learn by what happened to the Republicans. They are now doing the exact same thing. They may get through 2008 OK but they willl screw themselves just like the Republicans did and the whole thing reverses again. You can bet the farm on it. It's one of those fundamental truths of life.
Politicians suck.
Sorry for the rant, I was a little upset at the time.
Posted by: Howie at January 23, 2007 10:48 PM (2cR/Y)
Political parties suck. They should be outlawed.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 23, 2007 11:54 PM (8e/V4)
Eliminate, and replace parties with 'campaigns' named for your candidate, or your interest group. People will still need to organize themselves to pursue goals they share, but there will be more choices, and more honesty, and actually, more disclosure. I think that's fair. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 24, 2007 04:02 AM (2OHpj)
Ken Hoop only wants us to intervene against Israel. Did anyone else notice that? He may not be a Nazi, but he is obviously got an anti-JEWISH streak. He also seems to buy into the disinformation campaign of Israel's detractors. Why don't we challenge Ken to explain exactly how he would fix the world? What is his 'plan' for Israel? What about Iraq? Iran? Pakistan? China? Saudi Arabia?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 24, 2007 04:11 AM (2OHpj)
Anti-Semitism is not a new paradigm, it is the oldest slander in the world ginned up to look "progressive." Your sick comment about nefarious Jewish cabals confirms that.
You are a socialist asshole who hates Jews and wants your ideology forced on others. You are a consumate NAZI.
Like all losers, you hate Jews and traditional Americans because they're better than you are. You really hate yourself, and express your self loathing through envy of any group who reminds you of your inferiority. You're a misanthrope and a hopeless prick. You probably take it up the ass too, don't you Adolph?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 24, 2007 05:54 AM (abVz3)
Reuters Editor Also Terminated
An unnamed editor at Reuters was fired for last summer’s altered photos. They won’t say who or exactly when.
Via LGF: In all of Reuters’ statements and reports on the incident, they’ve never mentioned that a “top photo editor†was also fired. Why were they secretive about this, and why won’t they release the editor’s name?
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 19, 2007 01:12 PM (vixLB)
Ha ha you Reuters lier...but ya wonder, if they won't give the name, I bet they aren't firing anybody, they're just saying they are so as to look professional and unbiased.
absurd thought - slanting the news your way is what God says is best .
Posted by: USpace at January 19, 2007 01:56 PM (zH7OF)
With Friends Like These..
When the five Iranians were arrested in Iraq the other day we had comments telling us that, "Kurds are much friendly with the Iranians than with their southern Arab." I had my doubts. Iran may support some of the opposition to the current Kurds in power. But to destabilize Iraq not because they are friends. In Fact Kurds are an oppressed minority in Iran and there has been border tension where Iraqi Kurdistan meets Iran. Today we have news that along with Hassan Abbasi, another Iranian with questionable motives, one Mahommad Jaafari Sharoudi, was also detained.
Tehran, 17 Jan. (AKI) - One of the five Iranians arrested last week by the US army in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil is wanted in Austria in connection with the assassination of Kurdish leader Andol Rahman Ghassemlu in 1989. Mahommad Jaafari Sharoudi was one of five Iranian officials detained last week in the Kurdish-controlled city on charges of being connected to a faction of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Pasdaran, that funds and arms insurgents in Iraq.
Abdol Rahman Ghassemlu, the historic leader of Iranian Kurds, was killed in an apartment in the outskirts of the Austrian capital Vienna where he was scheduled to meet a delegation sent by then Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
I think it's safe to assume these men were up to no good, given their past activities.
Iranians in Iraq there to cause trouble? Nay, they came to spread peace and good will. Like all followers of mohammed. Piss be upon him.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 11:14 AM (w+w6p)
2" Hassan Abbasi, another Iranian with questionable motives"
Questionable motive?!? Are you kidding me?! This mother-f**king Hassan Abbasi is the grand terrorism strategist for the Islamic Regime of Iran. This is the bastard who openly proclaims (not in English of course) that his mission is the destruction of the Western Civilization as whole and its complete replacement with Islam. To this end he has been dispersing funds to any an all terrorist organizations that seek the destablization of one or more western governments, from Neo-Nazi's to IRA to Al-Qaeda to the communist terrorist groups in Greece and Italy.
What I hope for is that once the U.S. Military and or CIA/FBI have finished interrogating him; they hand him over to the Israeli for their own interrogation and possibly as a bargaining chip for the release of the Israeli pilot Ron Arad who's being held in Iran and for the release of the two Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hizbullah and the third who's being held in the Gaza strip.
Excuse my cuss'ing Howie. Best -GM
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 17, 2007 01:17 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 01:19 PM (YHZAl)
Howie the inter-squabbles of the PDK the PUK. and the PDKI( the Iranian faction) are extraordinary complex and go back generations. As late as 1996 Barzani, now president of Kurdistan had asked Saddam and was given help in forcing the PDKI out of Irbil, now the capital of Kurdistan.
The PDKI and the PDK although both Kurdish are not always allies in fact often sworn enemies.
The asasination office in 1989 might well have been with the blessings of the PDK.
The Iranians WERE invited to open this office in their capital by the Kurds and the Kurds DiD protest their detention, as well as Maliki. International borders in this part of the world mean much less than other affiliations. Barzani the Kurdish President was born in Iran not Iraq.
As for what these Iranians were doing up there in the extreme northeastern part of Iraq I don't know. I do think that the interest os Theran and D.C. are not the same. But why you would want to place an arms smuggling unit so far away from its destination seems to be logistically an anachronism Erbil is 4x as far from Baghdad as is Baghdad from the Iranian border.
Posted by: John Ryan at January 17, 2007 01:23 PM (TcoRJ)
Thanks John, Yes they protested a bit but it seemed to me to be part of their hospitality traditions more than an acutal heartfelt protest. Lip service maybe?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 01:37 PM (YHZAl)
The struggles between Kurdish terrorist groups is extremely crude, and they've all long since been neutered--hence the attempt to beg some Iranian support.
"The Iranians WERE invited to open this office in their capital by the Kurds (sic) and the Kurds DiD (sic) protest their detention, as well (sic) as Maliki."
Bullshit, as always. You cant use the definite article, because only a very small group of Kurds support those Iranian terrorists. There are American terrorists allied with Iran. Does that mean all Americans support them? Lying idiot. Maliki is glad they were apprehended and wants them dead, all diplomatic rhetoric aside. Next you'll tell us that President Bush really believes islam is a religion of peace, or that the Dhimmiecrats want to fight graft.
"As for what these Iranians were doing up there in the extreme northeastern part of Iraq (sic) I don't know."
I thought you said they were invited, idiot? Were they supposed to go someplace else, when their hosts were up there?
"I do think that the interest (sic) os (sic) Theran (sic) and D.C. (sic) are not the same. (sic)"
No shit, Sherlock. Tehran is at odds with the entire civilized world, and even most of the islamopithecine world.
"But (sic) why you (sic) would want to place an arms smuggling unit so far away from its destination seems to be logistically an anachronism (sic, sic, sic) Erbil is 4x as far from Baghdad as is (sic) Baghdad (sic) from the Iranian border.
Tehran is far from Baghdad, and that's where the arms smuggling originates. What makes you think Baghdad is a Kurdish target?
The next time you paste something, paste something intelligent, and paste it correctly.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 02:30 PM (abVz3)
The above rebuttal was directed at John Lyin, of course.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 02:31 PM (abVz3)
Jeff Bargholz, As far as I can tell this John Ryan is just another Islamist-propagandist engaged in Taiy'yah (Islamic dissumlation/deceit) trying to pass himself off as a Westerner.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 17, 2007 03:00 PM (vixLB)
Jeff Bargholz, As for the smuggling routes used by the thugs of the Mullah regime, the primary path, as far as I can tell is the Khorramshahr to Basrah link (the former is an Iranian city and the latter of course in Iraq). Khorrmashahr area is possibly where the IRGC trains Arab Shiite terrorists who are then infiltrated into Iraq; the reason being that in other Iranian cities these Arabs would stick out like sore thumbs but in Khorramshahr they can just mingle with the ethnic local Arabic speakers. As for the location of the primary masterminds, even though the regime is seated in Teheran, the IRGC is headquartered in the port of Bandar-Abbas which stradles the strait of Hormuz.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 17, 2007 03:08 PM (vixLB)
I remember you writing about John Lyin probably being an Iranian islamopithecine propagandist awhile back. You even caught the Tom Clancy origin of his alias. I agree with you. The evidence is overwhelming.
1) He limits most, if not all, of his comments to promoting islam and terrorism--which are synonyms.
2) He hates sunnis and loves shites.
3) He rabidly promotes the organ grinding mullahs and their pet monkey president, Amadjihad.
4) He lies like a motherfucker.
Being of Iranian descent, you undoubtably recognized his "taiy'yah" tactics and other unique characteristics peculiar to his origin.
I only used Teheran as an example of where the Iranian backed terrorism in Iraq originates. I didn't know about the smuggling routes and the IRGC headquarters you mentioned, and I wasn't ambitious enough to look them up.
Keep exposing this asshole. Maybe his superiors will become displeased with his continued failure and have him killed. If you know of any way to facilitate that, let me know.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 04:12 PM (abVz3)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 04:38 PM (w+w6p)
Jeff Bargholz, One reason I show up in comments sections of websites like TJR is to expose the likes of this "John Lying". The Islamic Regime has many dozens of individuals like him in its employ. As for "Taqiy'yah", I assure you that that's a purely Islamist charactersitc. In the true culture of Iran "Truth" is seen as the highest virtue and the source of all good; while "deceit" is seen as the source of all evil. Indeed, in Aryan languages the words "God" and "Good" sound similar for this very reason. For instance in German the corresponding words are "Gott" and "Gut" (pronounced "goot"). My mother tongue has the same origin and the corresponding words are "Xoda" and "Xoob" where the "x" is pronounced like the Greek letter Xi.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 17, 2007 05:05 PM (vixLB)
I come to these sites for the same reason, although I like exposing leftists and other Marxists too.
I didn't mean to imply that "taqiy'yah" was a Persian custom. I know it's strictly wogopithecine in origin. Having lived in Iran, you're familiar with the imported custom. Imported via islamic imperialism, that is.
You know, "Xoda" sounds Like "Yoda." The Jawa guys will probably be happy to hear that.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 07:12 PM (abVz3)
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at January 12, 2007 09:52 AM (CtVG6)
I like how the little turd is holding his obligatory gun prop. Maybe he's going to shoot the toy plane now that it's been "captured?"
The tail insignia is a nice touch. I'm surprised the cretins didn't paint a big Star of David on a supposedly unmarked "spy plane."
Somewhere a Psuedostinian child is crying over his toy, which was requisitioned for the greater good of demonizing dem Jooos. No doubt he was given a shiny new suicide belt as compensation.
The israelis should send model planes packed with explosives to the infested terrritories. They could be detonated during Psuedostinian press conferences and photo shoots.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 12, 2007 02:22 PM (abVz3)
For a spy plane supposedy brought down by hostile fire, it's remarkably undamaged. What did they use to shoot it down, harsh language?
Posted by: Stewed Hamm at January 14, 2007 09:20 AM (OaYjh)
Chemical Weapons Attack on U.S. Troops in Iraq
A wing of the JAMI insurgent group (Jabha Al-Islamiyya l'il-Muqawama Al-'Iraqiyya) released a video yesterday showing the assembly and launching of "4 missiles loaded with chemical weapons" against U.S. positions in Samara, Iraq.
Iraqi 'freedom fighters' at work. Nope, no terrorists here.
MEMRI blog has a link to the video if you are so inclined. Here is an image from the video showing a gas mask clad 'insurgent' assembling the chemical weapon. The U.S. has reported no casualties from the incident.
“Saddam Fedayeen†statement, you can download the statement [file in zip format, included: the statement in Arabic (PDF), images of a recent attack of Maliki convoy (inside the Green Zone and video of the operation].
Posted by: Rubin at January 11, 2007 01:13 AM (rmA52)
Our troops do need gas masks. To protect them from the smell of the terrorists shitting their pants in terror everytime an American comes within 2 miles of them.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 11, 2007 01:05 PM (abVz3)
Sounds like a perfect excuse to irradiate Iran and Syria with a few gigatons of cold war leftovers.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 11, 2007 01:44 PM (6zYAC)
Egyptian Torture Victim Convicted of Resisting Arrest
I've seen the torture video of Imad Kabir being sodomized by Egyptian police. It's not fun to watch. The video is all over salaafi-terror supporter and leftist websites as 'proof' that the war on terror is 'bad'. And, if all I knew about our 'allies' in Egypt was that they were a bunch of thugs, then I might be tempted to sympathize with their cause.
And if the cause started with ending torture and ended with secular liberal democratization, then I'd be 100% on board.
That is, if I didn't know that the regime which the Muslim Brotherhood (the largest 'democratic' movement in Egypt) proposes to install would be twice as repressive and would institutionalize this type of torture. And would be officially anti-American, as opposed to the present unofficial version of it.
So, in sum:
Egypt today: dictatorial, moderately secular, lukewarm pro-American, moderately oppressive regime, which is officially ashamed of its torture.
Egypt tomorrow under the Muslim Brotherhood: Islamic democracy ('democracy' in the same sense that Iran is 'democratic'), religious state, violently anti-American, oppressive regime, boasting of its torture under the guise of sharia law.
Gentlemen, the Middle East is one effed up place.
More from Gateway Pundit. It's a sad tale. You might even call it gobsmackingly vile, and be correct for once.
Zoinks! Scoob's Creator Dies
The world is becomming a different place. No one plays Shaggy like Casey did and now Scoob's creator, Iwao Takamoto, has passed away. Depressing.
Yahoo News:Takamoto's creation of Scooby-Doo, the cowardly dog with an adventurous heart, that captivated audiences and endured for generations.
Takamoto died Monday of heart failure at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Warner Bros. spokesman Gary Miereanu said. He was 81.
Born in Los Angeles to parents who had emigrated from Japan, Takamoto graduated high school when World War II began. He and his family were sent to the Manzanar internment camp in the California desert, where he learned the art of illustration from fellow internees.
Zoinks!? No comments. Come on scoob, we're outta here, let's go.
Scooby: ru uh ru uh
Shaggy: What you want to stay.
Scooby: ruh huh.
Shaggy: We can go get a pizza!
Scooby: Ruh uh.
Shaggy: Will you come with me for a scooby snack.
Scooby: ruh huh. rets ro.
Posted by: Shaggy at January 09, 2007 05:34 PM (YHZAl)
Sorry I didn't comment earlier, but I was feeling sad
My Mom used to think there was something wrong with me when I didn't laugh at Scooby Doo, but you see, I was trying to figure out who the villain was ... My cousin laughed his ass off!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 12, 2007 02:49 AM (2OHpj)
Terrorist Helper, "My future is ruined"Oh you poor boy! Think about all the lives that were ruined by your support and aid of Muhammad Atta. Be glad it wasn't 150 years like you deserved.
UPI: BERLIN, Jan. 8 (UPI) -- A German court Monday sentenced terror suspect Mounir al-Motassadeq to 15 years in prison for accessory to mass murder.
The court handed Motassadeq, an affiliate of the Hamburg terror cell that planned and carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the maximum penalty for accessory to murder in 246 cases.
The sentence came after only three days in court, despite repeated tries by Motassadeq's lawyer to delay the process, and after three re-trials.
On the last court day, shortly before the sentence was read out, the 32-year-old Moroccan denied knowing about 9/11 and said he understood the grief shared by victims' relatives, but added the judges would inflict similar pain on him by sentencing him.
"My future is ruined," he said, according to Spiegel Online.
It looked for a ling time like this guy might squirm his way out of this. But now he looks forward to spending his time with his friend Amin Lokman Mohamed in a German "Pound me in the ass prison".
Posted by: Greyrooster at January 08, 2007 09:01 PM (ovoks)
I doubt anyone would lower themselves to lube his potty shute, but the ancient Romans used to have ways to provoke wild animals into "performing' in the Arena. I won't go into detail, but it was used as a form of crowd pleasing punishment. Don't ask me for details, unless your an official from Gitmo! Hee hee hah hah!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 09, 2007 01:15 AM (2OHpj)
Michael please dont give away those state secrets of torture!!! Geez and I thought this article was about some guys furniture being ruined!
Posted by: DAT at January 09, 2007 07:57 AM (u15QJ)
Fifteen year sentence, out in eight. Those Eurotrash sure know how to combat terrorism.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 09, 2007 11:23 AM (abVz3)
MIT Via Rofasix: The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ''radio location'' (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations.
It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.
May I suggest “rabbit ear†antenna hats? I think they are a big corporate conspiracy to rip people. They obviously do not improve reception, but instead block any signal from entering any device. Heck, they may even do that for government mind control rays. It's at least worth a try.
So interesting to see how the right wing blogs are avoiding the real news like the plague.
Only Wizbang seems to have the balls to interject what is happening on the international and domestic stage.
Here all you can find to digress about is "mind control rays"? Whew, heavy subject matter for the morons.
First woman ever as Majority leader too much for you? Troop escalation against the wishes of the generals after hearing" I'll listen to the commanders on the ground" a little embarassing?
You guys are a hoot........
Posted by: civilbehavior at January 04, 2007 02:06 PM (aaS4R)
Civilbehavior seems to feel that "mind control rays" are not a serious news topic. I find it funny (but not surprising) that he did not understand that the subject was for humorous purposes. Stalinists have no understanding of humor. In addition to the first woman speaker, I heard that they put Senator Byrd in a third in line for the Presidential succession. That must be a milestone for former Klansmen. And while the only generals who exist in his world are the few who are on his side, the real world involves a fair number who support the increase.
Civilbehavior is just angry that all those years of making tinfoil hats were only serving to bake his brain like a potato.
Posted by: Chuck at January 04, 2007 03:04 PM (fbIMb)
I think there are some generals on both sides of that issue. What I think the president will do is present options. Of course there are three. Do all it takes to win (never happen). Half assed increase. And leaving now. No sense sending me to die in a half assed effort. Nancy will then find the issue dumped in her lap and have to deal with it. Congress will have to make a descision what it the best action. Or at least that's what I would do.
coingratulations Nancy but I'm more interested in what she does. Not just she has the job. We'll see. I'm waiting....patiently.....for her to surrender to the terrorists.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 04, 2007 03:13 PM (YdcZ0)
Sandcralwer PSA: I'm also quite busy today, so I don't really have time to do a serious post justice. There are lots of worthy subjects today. Not the least of which is "CNN's Jeanne Moos hit the streets to find out who watched the uncensored video of Hussein's hanging." People are so outraged and feeling guilty for watching it you know. But no guilt or outrage over Nick Berg, Paul Johnson or those clips of Saddams acts of murder. No guilt or outrage over Juba sniper vids either. Makes me want to tie her to a chair and make her watch some real war crimes. Saddam was executed quite humanely. The noose was placed correctly and he even was given a silk kerchief to protect his neck. the only mark on him was on his cheek where the noose rubbed him when his neck was broken. Effective. Could have been done with more privacy but those who fight for his return have never been shy about it.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 04, 2007 03:21 PM (YdcZ0)
The only important thing about Plasticface Pelosi's coronation was what she said. (Crowed, really.) The first thing out of her permanently grimacing clown mouth was a triumphal boast. "I AM THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN AMERICA!" Not the best way to show America that Dhimmiecrats are going to "unite the nation," or "fight the culture of corruption." She will doubtlessly open and close every speech and soundbite she makes with this pronouncement. In no uncertain terms she has confirmed what everybody already knows about the Democrats. They are only interested in power and influence. Nothing more.
Let the witch hunts commence!
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 04, 2007 05:18 PM (abVz3)
civilbehavior thinks Pelosi is a woman ??? When they stretch leather that tight it is called a drum. Never mind the MSM thunderclap over Pelosi's Sin-duh-rella moment, her thingy isn't news.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 04, 2007 11:46 PM (2OHpj)
7First woman ever as Majority leader too much for you?
Pelosi isn't Majority leader, she's House SPEAKER ya ignoramus. You didn't even know that. LOL. So much for it being soooooo important.
I didn't notice when the first BLACK man (Powell), and then woman (Rice), as Secretaries of State was a huge story for the Left, did you?
Now it's a huuuuge story if some rich white Liberal woman from San Fran Sicko becomes Speaker. Big woop dee doo as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 05, 2007 09:33 AM (8e/V4)
New Zawahiri Ranting
Laura Mansfield has located a new message from Ayman al-Zawahiri. She has been kind enough to share with The Jawa Report. But as- Sahab used a still photo of Zawahiri in this one. I guess they had to since he was higher than a Georgia pine in that last vid.
Laura Mansfield: A new message from Al Qaeda second in command Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri, the second message this month from Zawahiri, has been released on a jihadist website.
The message, entitled " Congratulations on the Eid To The Ummah of Tawhid" by Shaykh Ayman al-Zawahiri and produced by As Sahab Media is dated Dhu al-Hijjah 1427 AH / December 2006.
The message shows a still image of Zawahiri on the screen, while audio of his message plays in the background. The video is in Arabic, with English subtitles.
During the 15 minute, 24 second message the various countries in the Islamic world, congratulating them on the Eid, and castigating those who have opposed al Qaeda. He discussed Iraq and Afghanistan and condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during an address to Muslims two days before the start of Eid al-Adha, the Islamic festival.
Laura has a window media version available and will have a full transcript and analysis shortly so check in at her place.
Zawahiri: DOOOD! Was my audition groooovee enuff fur you? Do I get the part?
Chong: NOH-WAAY MAAHN! We don't dig terrorists maahn! Always chasin' the babes offa the set with yuur big sword doood! But thanks for the doobs anyway!
Cheech: Yah! Now I can't show them chicks MY big sword! Zawa-dood, no wonder you can't get laid! Even with the that good Afghan sh*t, the chicks don't wanna hang around, dude!
Zawahiri: But doooods! I'm a freedumb fighter! What about that opium I scored for yu? If I can't be in the movie, I want it back dood.
Chong: Oh ... sorry doood, we traded it for some awsome hash ...
Cheech: Yah! An then the dog ate it!
Chong: The dog didn't eat our hash dood!
Cheech: (kicks Chong in the ankle)
Cheech: Oh yah! Dohn you remember? He ate that sh*t right up man! Its gone! remember?
Chong: OOOOHHH! Right on doood! That hash is history Zawa-dood. Sorry!
Zawahiri: OOOH WOW! Bummer dooods! So what about the whole Jihad deal? You still cool with it?
Chong: Zawa-dood, being a groovie movie star is all about groupies maahhn! It's like there are all these chicks that are all cool about their hot little bohds, and they dig us cause we aren't all uptight like you mahaan. You gee-had doods don't have groopies.
Cheech: Yah man! We can get behind the 72 chicks but this gee-had sh*t sounds like it hurts man! How can you score chicks if the Marines shoot your sword off? And we can already get laid, so whats the deal? And what about that jail-bait fetish? Losin our jobs for foolin aroun with the little girls don't sound so smart to me.
Zawahiri: Doood! Allah says the little girls are OK!
Chong: I bet yur just sayin that cause they don't run fast enough ...
Zawahiri: INFIDEL!!!
Cheech, and Chong: DOOD! Take a hit on this bong first!
Zawahiri: (sucks) Woah! Duudes thats some good sh*t!!! (sucks some more) WOOOWEE! DOOOD! (still sucks) Uhuhuh! Uh ... (passes out)
Chong: Maahn! I knew he couldn't handle the good sh*t.
Cheech: Yah man. Now let's dump him in East LA, and go find some groupies!
Chong: Right on maahn! But check his pockets first dood!
The end?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 29, 2006 06:44 PM (2OHpj)
Good one Mike; I was just going to comment that he looked stoned, but you went one better.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at December 30, 2006 09:25 AM (v3I+x)
Go to The Return of the Conservatives blog for the story of how TimeWarner Cable's CNN on Demand is marketing the Iraqi sniper video of terrorists targeting American troops. Notice the category of the video? "Family."
CNN probably has an open offer to Al Jazeera and any terrorist groups out there to pay big bucks for any video footage of Americans being murdered. They have a history of that type of thing.
Did they advertise their family Juba video as a documentary, or the feel-good hit of the year?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 28, 2006 11:16 PM (abVz3)