February 28, 2006

India: Our New Natural Ally & A Nuclear Deal in Our Interests

With the Cold War over and a new Cold War between civilizations brewing, India has become our natural ally in Southeast Asia. Pakistan is only a reluctant ally which only supports the war on terror to the extent that it prevents a U.S. invasion. Pakistan cannot even control vast areas of its own territory. There is little doubt in my mind that a coup or pupular uprising will eventually remove the present pro-U.S. military dictatorship and replace it with an even more overtly Islamist regime.

To prepare for that day, we must earnestly cultivate our friendship with India. India and the U.S. have had shaky relations in the past--especially given our Cold War alliance with Pakistan--but the relationship between us and the Subcontinental state have improved drastically in the past 15 years. Not only do we have strategic mutual interests with India, but our cultures and civilizations both emphasize democracy, pluralism, and tolerance. India is fast becoming more than an ally, they are becoming our friend.

It's good to see that Bush is cultivating this relationship and a pity that the NY Times is such a partisan rag. Instead of focusing on the flowering relationship between our two countries, they instead lay into Bush for neglected issues such as "poverty", "the search for renewable energy", and reaching out to India's Muslim minority. What idiots:

Relations between the United States and India have never been more important, thanks to global terror in the post-Sept. 11 world, the search for sustainable energy resources and the United Nations' pledge to halve world poverty by 2015. More than 500 million of the world's poor are Indian villagers. India is also home to one the largest Muslim populations in the world.

So it's a pity that this trip, which should focus American attention on such a rich array of issues, now revolves largely around whether India and America will manage to conclude a nuclear deal that shouldn't have been initiated to begin with.

Wait a minute. India, already has nuclear weapons. So what is the problem with helping them develop nuclear energy?
President Bush's wrongheaded decision last year to make an end run around the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty by agreeing to share civilian nuclear technology with New Delhi took America's contain-China-by-building-up-India strategy a step too far. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty's basic bargain has been to reward countries that renounced nuclear weapons with the opportunity to import sensitive nuclear technology to help meet their energy needs. For decades, America has imposed nuclear export restrictions on India — and Pakistan, for that matter — in response to those countries' refusal to sign the nonproliferation treaty and their open development of nuclear weapons
Why? Oh, I get it. All states are basically the same. Iran and India, England and North Korea. To quote Bugs Bunny: what a bunch of maroons.
This carrot-and-stick approach has dissuaded many other countries capable of building or buying nuclear arms from doing so, from South Korea to Turkey to Saudi Arabia. Now President Bush wants to carve out an exception for India. That's the worst possible message to send to other countries — Iran comes to mind — that America and its nuclear allies in Europe are trying to keep off the nuclear weapons bandwagon. Already, Pakistani officials are requesting the same deal for their country, although it is a request that is unlikely to be granted.
Except, of course, for the small little fact that India already has nuclear weapons. Except, of course, for the small little fact that Pakistan is the most reluctant of allies, was the main supporter of the Taliban, has a history of selling nuclear secrets to the highest bidder, and is on the brink of becoming our enemy.

Idiots. John O'Sullivan, of course, gets it right. Chicago Sun Times:

President Bush arrives Wednesday in New Delhi for a state visit that he hopes will fasten down the strategic partnership between America and India that former U.S. Ambassador Robert Blackwill began to forge five years ago. Bush's first order of business will be to sign a civilian nuclear agreement with India to supply it with nuclear materials.

That agreement will both reward India for refraining from nuclear proliferation to third powers and remove what has been until recently a large obstacle to good Indo-U.S. relations -- treating India and Pakistan as equal violators of nuclear proliferation agreements. Bush's change of policy here reflects two facts: First, we know that "rogue" Pakistani scientists have passed nuclear know-how onto other Islamic countries; second, U.S. policy distinguishes between democratic states like India, judged reliable enough to be trusted with nuclear secrets and material, and despotic states like Iran judged dangerous on that score....

India is not a neurotic superpower but it is still an ambivalent one. Almost all the economic and political developments cited above point the country toward adopting an economy strategy of free market globalization and a political one of alliance with the United States. The two countries share a common language, common liberal democratic values, similar legal and political institutions (inherited in both cases from the British), a common strategic rival in China, and a common enemy in al-Qaida. These similarities help to explain the growing Indian diaspora in America, the boom in U.S. companies outsourcing to India's own Silicon Valleys, the ease of military cooperation between Indian and U.S. military forces, and the fact that America is more popular in India than in any other country.

Altogether, India's progress is bottom-up rather than top-down. It is also bipartisan. Both government and opposition have advanced the economic reform agenda in the last 14 years. So a change of government would probably not mean a drastic change of policy. It is likely to last.

UPDATE: Related from Dean.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:24 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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1 Opposition parties have told Singh that if he signs the agreement, they will bring down his government.

India is already the world's largest democracy. Given the choice of depending on the US for security or developing an alliance with regional powers... it is clear India is more interested in reaching an agreement with Pakistan, China and the other SCO members than tying itself to the fading glory of the US.

Posted by: 8ackgr0und N015e at February 28, 2006 10:13 AM (H7c0g)

2 "fading glory of the US"


India will never have more than tolerance for Pakistan and China, never alliance. To think otherwise is, well, silly.

Posted by: Rusty at February 28, 2006 10:44 AM (JQjhA)

3 Saudi Arabia is already relying on China for weapons, India was another country that the Saudi King visited recently, with two Nuclear powers in the region, and with China amassing a Military power unforeseen even by U.S Intelligence, the Middle East will not need the U.S to guarantee their security anymore.

Couple this with Iran's threat to the U.S by it's attempt to change the Oil market purchases from the U.S dollar to the Euro with its "Iranian Oil Bourse" which it plans to open next month. This will allow countries to dump the depreciating Dollar which it has always held to purchase oil and deal with Iran (and maybe soon OPEC in Euro currency) This will mean countries like Russia, China, Japan can drop holding so many U.S dollars too.

But the good news is, we might have a new Ally India?

Posted by: dave at February 28, 2006 10:55 AM (CcXvt)

4 dave's points echo ones I have made in prior postings (e.g., http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/159966.php)

But for those who think an alliance between Pakistan, India and China is "well, silly".....consider this recent report:


Russian-Indian-Chinese military exercises could be held in the future under the aegis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Interfax reported Sunday quoting the Defense Minister (Segei Ivanov).

Posted by: 8ackgr0und N015e at February 28, 2006 11:15 AM (H7c0g)

5 It's all about the "Texas Tea" they have it, everyone wants it.
You have billion dollar weapon deals between China, Russia and Iran, Iran will be a major oil supplier to China; Russia has a "swap" deal with Iran to supply oil allowing them to competitively export it's own oil, it in turn also builds it's economy by selling weapons to Iran and China. Then you have the multi-nation war games by Russia - China in order to saber rattle against Taiwan.
Do we honestly expect them to vote against Iran in the security council?
As these alliances are cemented in the middle-east the reliance on the U.S as a power base fades, Iran will attempt to short the dollar -- a smart move on it's part to decapitate the ability of the U.S to appose it militarily.
If this continues we won't have a friend in the region, including India, they will follow the oil as they're evidently already being baited by the House of Saud.

I know this rant sounds like a left-wing moonbat but you can look up all this information yourself, Russia might not need to be our enemy anymore -- they can outsource the job to our enemies they're already supplying the weapons.

This is a frightening shift in power, one that will shun the U.S and may have a very dangerous affect on the economy.

Posted by: dave at February 28, 2006 11:44 AM (CcXvt)

6 Err,

China and India still have ongoing border disputes. To conclude that because they are cooperating on SOME fronts means they will cooperate on ALL fronts is unrealistic.

Sorry Dave, while some fiscal destabilization is always possible, we've heard such worries in the past. They never seem to appear.

Posted by: Rusty at February 28, 2006 12:32 PM (JQjhA)

7 Rusty:
You're correct in this, I remember during the nineties Japan was "buying America", there is a completely different threat however between "Buying America" and "Removing America from the Market".

It's not so much we're looking to lose our dependence on foreign oil -- but foreign oil is looking to lose it's dependence on us.
I guess we'll see next month what demand Iran, the fifth largest oil supplying country in the world, will have by not dealing in Dollars? they already have Russia and China as clients.

This also raises the Iran question, they will not vote against a Nuclear Iran, if Iran manages to destabilize our economy we will have to tolerate a Nuclear Iran, unless Israel is prepared to take the consequences of an attack against Iran.

Posted by: dave at February 28, 2006 12:42 PM (CcXvt)

8 Rusty

India's always wanted to be a player since day one. They are smart people - if you don't actually have the juice (in the past), act like it anyway. Always figured their Cold War positions were part of the play.

Cold War is over (well, a version of it anyway) - and the playing field/game changes. Agree your read in dead on - India is staking out some new positions and definitely leaning our way - the rest is all play.

Oh - India and China - they are competitors - and it will intensify. Resources, markets and investments - Indians are quietly kicking themselves in the ass since they let China get the upper hand on the new growing global economy.

Posted by: hondo at February 28, 2006 03:09 PM (fyKFC)

9 If India was willing to "take one for the team" in the effort to take out Pakistan's nukes, the scales and prognosis for ascendent antidhimmitude would improve.

I met Victor Davis Hanson early this month and he was clear that if Pakistan didn't have nukes, we'd have had OBL years ago. OF COURSE THEY'RE ALL IN PAKISTAN. And we don't go there because of nuclear fears.

Doesn't ANYONE strategize about a strategy where India takes out Pakistan, Israel does Syria, and the US removes the air forces of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran.

Voila! Instant favorably reshuffled deck.

Posted by: Aaron's cc: at February 28, 2006 07:08 PM (ov6Vw)

10 Gee! It must be nice to play Stratego - no blood, no sweat, no pain, no tears - all gain - so easy!

Posted by: hondo at February 28, 2006 07:25 PM (fyKFC)

11 Gotta admit, Hondo, it sure would be cool. If I was a game programmer, I'd sell a million of that.

Posted by: Oyster at February 28, 2006 08:10 PM (YudAC)

12 Febraury,'06.
Britain’s nuclear espionage

By our staff writer
A careful survey reveals the clandestine dimensions and unconventional activities undertaken by Britain to acquire nuclear weapons technology both before and after World War II.
The British government gained access to the United States’ nuclear expertise, particularly the process of producing nuclear bombs, through espionage measures. The cooperation of British nationals residing in the United States was an effective measure taken to gather the information and transfer it to Britain.
Documents published in the UK indicate that after Britain became aware of theories about atomic bombs and realized the power that would be bestowed on the possessors of such weapons, the British intelligence services began making efforts to gain access to the process of producing nuclear weapons.
Along these lines, the British government latched on to the United States, both covertly and covertly, to gain access to nuclear weapons technology, and simultaneously began to gather information about the nuclear capabilities of France, the Soviet Union, and Germany, focusing its efforts on sabotaging the nuclear programs of those countries, particularly Germany.
According to some documents, the British government never had the necessary expertise, resources, or information for producing or testing nuclear weapons, but, using their old colonial tricks, stole the information from other nations.
In addition to its espionage activities in the United States, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union, the British government also made efforts to employ nuclear scientists from Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and India to acquire the necessary expertise.
The colonization of Africa, the exploitation of the continent’s uranium reserves, and theft of equipment from Germany and the United States to equip British nuclear centers were essential for London’s nuclear weapons program.
The cold calculus of realpolitik also helped Britain realize its nuclear ambitions.
The outbreak of World War II, the establishment of the Eastern Bloc in Europe, the end of the colonial era and British imperialism, fear of France and the possibility that France and Germany would form an alliance created a critical situation for Britain that required the cooperation of officials in London and Washington to plan a strategic alliance for the post-WWII era.
Such motivations obliged both the United States and Britain to make a comprehensive decision, which historians call the great transaction.
In this transaction, the spheres of influence of the two countries were demarcated and both felt bound to form a strategic alliance.
They also agreed that the two partners could only impose their will on the post-WWII world, and particularly on the Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, and France, through bilateral cooperation in which the United Kingdom would be granted total access to all the nuclear technology and expertise of the United States.
Thus, nuclear equipment and expertise were transferred to Britain over a short period of time. This strategic cooperation, or special relationship, paved the way for further collaboration of the two countries in activities against many countries after World War II.
Relying on their illegitimate nuclear weapons, the United States and Britain imposed their demands on many countries, including Vietnam and Iraq, while they realized, and justified, their nefarious objectives by using their influence at the United Nations Security Council.
Because weapons of mass destruction bolster the hegemonistic power of a state, London is continuing the process of developing chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
Although Britain is currently producing conventional weapons for sale on the world arms market to boost its economy, it also maintains a formidable arsenal of unconventional weapons.
From what has been said, one can clearly recognize the double standards and discrimination of the British government, which has always sought to gain access to weapons of mass destruction but is now trying to prevent Iran and other countries from gaining access to civilian nuclear technology that they aim to use for peaceful purposes, such as the production of energy and agricultural and medical activities.
Nevertheless, it is quite clear that Britain will fail to achieve its goals, and that the aware people of the modern world, including those in the UK, will oppose the double-standard policies of the British government.
In The Cunning of History, Rubenstein also finds uncomfortable parallels between the Nazis and their opponents. For example, a Hungarian Jewish emissary meets with Lord Moyne, the British High Commissioner in Egypt in 1944 and suggests that the Nazis might be willing to save one million Hungarian Jews in return for military supplies. Lord Moyne,s reply: "What shall I do with those million Jews? Where shall I put them? Writes Rubenstein: "The British government was by no means adverse to the final solution, as long as the Germans did most of the work. " For both countries, it had become a bureaucratic problem, one that Rubenstein suggests we understand "as the expression of some of the most profound tendencies of Western civilization in the 20th century
Taking the issues from bottom to top, the three sets of facts which the citizens must know, are the following:
The simplest and most immediate set of facts which the citizen must know, is that the present-day neo-conservative movement in the United States was created by and is run from the highest level of the British oligarchy, through institutions such as the fascistic Mont Pelerin Society ("mother" of the Heritage Foundation), the international press-empire owned by Conrad Black's Hollinger Corporation, and the wealthy oligarchs whom Clinton-basher Lord William Rees-Mogg long served as chief editor of the London Times.
Most U.S. citizens are still deluded by the fairy-tale, that the British Empire no longer exists. The truth is, that while the ordinary people of the United Kingdom never really controlled their monarchy or its governments, less so today than ever before, the Queen of England is the head of state of sixteen nations, including Canada, Australia. New Zealand, Jamaica, and so on. The British Commonwealth, headed by the same monarchy, controls nations representing nearly thirty percent of the world population, and nearly one-quarter of the world's land-area. Through the City of London, the British monarchy controls not only the majority of the world's financial speculation, but also over sixty percent of the world's precious metals trade, and comparable portions of the world's strategic minerals, fossil fuel, and internationally traded food-supplies. London is also, incidentally, the acknowledged world headquarters for international terrorism, and the principal center of pilot-production for a large portion of international bad taste, as well.
The highest, and most important level of facts and ideas which any informed U.S. citizen must know, is the nature of the irreconcilable difference in morals and philosophy, which defined the British monarchy as, officially, the principal enemy of the United States, from 1776, until the inaugurations of the London assets known as Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, the same issues which defined the fierce quarrel between Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt, during World War II.
April 2001.
Geopolitics, Still Today!
The strategic issue within which I situate this discussion, is not, by itself, a new issue. Since approximately 1877, the British monarchy had always centered its geopolitical doctrine on ensuring the fostering of mutually devastating conflicts between Germany and Russia, as the central feature of its grand strategy. All important initiatives for the betterment of humanity, since the U.S. Civil War, have centered upon implicit cooperation of the U.S.A. with key nations of continental Eurasia for the kinds of economic development associated with the policies of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Friedrich List, and Henry C. Carey.
One should recall, that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's defeat of the British monarchy's asset, the Confederate conspiracy, and the adoption of the U.S. economic model, by Russia, Bismarck's Germany, Japan, and others, in the aftermath the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, had created the conditions for building transcontinental railway systems, modelled on the U.S. precedent, within the Eurasian continent. This, for reasons I have detailed in earlier locations, was the prompting of the combined geopolitical and naval-development programs of the British monarchy over the period leading into Britain's orchestration of France and Russia for launching World War I against Germany, with support of such London assets as those faithful sons of the treasonous Confederacy, U.S. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.
Similarly, at the close of World War II, when Britain had been reduced to the relative status of a second-rate power in the world, Britain, using both traditional Venetian methods, and British agents and agents of influence inside the U.S.A., orchestrated the creation of the nuclear conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Thus London was enabled to exploit the effects of the missiles-crisis, to bring about the post-missiles-crisis self-destruction of both of London's leading strategic rivals, leading to both the present Anglo-American form of world domination, and the present push of the world at large not only into the greatest financial collapse in history, but also the economic brink of a threatened, planetary new dark age.
Throughout 1861-2001, the central issue-in-fact of world policy, takes the present form of the choice: between an efficient commitment to the cooperative economic development among at least most of the peoples of continental Eurasia; or, world domination by a new form of the old imperial maritime power of Venice's financier oligarchy, an Anglo-American "new Roman Empire," ruled by the fist of a U.S. "dumb giant" deployed, like the former and present U.S. Presidents Bush, as a restive, brutish lackey to the British Empire.
The most comparable

Posted by: avatar singh at February 28, 2006 08:12 PM (TH6UA)

13 1998.

Indian anglophile class -especially indian english language media -is a race of Coolies and traitors.

Congratulations to pakistan Also for having exploded atomic bomb! History is
full of nations much poorer improving themselves first by making themselves militarily victorious
,by fair or foul means,over much richer and superior civilizations. That is exactly how
a race of pirate turned shopkeepers that is England and America made themselves rich.That is also
why these pirate race of anglo-americans want to keep the ill gotten advantage by denying others
any means to get power or independence.That is the philosophy of nato.Who bothered about America before it stole Nuclear Technology from Germans? The other prominent makers of first atomic bomb were Italians and Hungarians,and thir country does not posses nuclear weaopn.From Americans who stole the technology did the british steal it.America also stole from the Germans Rocket and missiles technology.Now they want to make world astand still as it was in late '91s through self drafted this pact and that pact.Now they want others not to have the same technology. In the same way the british stole Tea production technology , china making tech and what not from China.How much the british tea companies and british china making ones like royal daulton paying royalty to China?none!But they want others to pay for rubbish tech of '60s retrospectivelly!! In fact even France is fed up with this cancerous anglo-american push to sell,indtead of much better Fernch food,rather rubbish tasteless food of anglo-saxons processed food industy which pushes for rotten and infected food like british beef. India should have sided with France and China to push for common interests.But India chose,under pressure from Anglophile english paper reading minority,to succumb to Low quality rubbish anglo-american products. And Pakistan
understands this duplicity and is not afraid to disturb that cosy arrangement of these anglo-american shopkeepers.
As for bhutto saying that they will rather eat grass than not have bomb,
they have full filled that ambition when their prime minister asked pakistanis to
be prepared to even save in eating.Contrast that with response of Indian english knowing
class and their agents as represented by Indian english papers whose only worry
was that so called liberalization does not get stuck off.In fact Indian
atomic arsenal is necessary so that a country like america(whose infra-structure
know how and technology is much inferior to that of Germany,France and Italy) does not force
India(as it has been doing for some time) to accept third grade tech, and rubbish so called consumer goods .
And here there are these english papers in India who were urging andia to give quick and special rebates
to americans .Those very americans who have always and will always act against India
and Indian interests.In fact America and britain(who really governs american foreing ,defence and economic policy)
will always support pakisatan not be4cause they love pakis,on the contraire,but because for them
pakisatan is an ideal means to poke and put a thorn on the body of India. These english papers and all cheap things that
they represent
talk of India doing all those things that is already known to be agenda of american and british for India.It is no surprise.These
english media and so called westernized Indians are the voluntary (and sometimes paid) agents of
foreign interests.They do not represent western interest either : they represent anglo-american interests which is an interest
of exploitation and by the sopkeepers race(anglo-americans) with not a single
drop of culture or taste. And one of these english papers was saying,when camparing India with pakistan than India has a
large number of english speaking population(as if that was a positive thing even if it were true!) forgetting to add that
despite that those countries who consider themselves english speaking(and they do not include in that anyone but their own shopkeepers race of anglo-saxons)
never at anytime have given value to Indians while always giving all help to (less english speaking!) Pakistan. Only thing
is India lose out on translators who would have been recruited from amonst Hindi speaking peoples!.(most of indians).
In fact these english speaking countries consider these english speakingIndians as coolies-which in fact they are.And pakistanies
have refused themselves to be relegated to the status of coolies.Because they have self respect
which these english media peoples(in India) have not got.Ten years ago the president of Ficci,
an industry organisation and darling of Indian english media had demanded of Govt. of India
to reduce armed forces(at height of kashmir and Punjab insurrection) and give free reign to
foreign firms.And that sort of demand became a reality when Manmohan singh became
finance minister and narsingh Rao succemed to american pressure to not
only not test atom bomb but also pack up Agni missiles programmes. All the things that a
foreign enemy country would have demanded and america di demand. It is no surprise .Because
Manmohan singh, narsingh rao and all english media (who supported that illegal minority govt.with
out mandate to bring fundamental change in India's self reliability)-asll these creaures were and will
continue to be agents of foreign interests-paid or otherwise(resulting from their cooliness or in
other words from their deep sense of inferiority complex).Thes creatures must be ferreted out from
political,economic and social power that they have misappropiated.In fact it would be better if these creatures
are sent to Pakistan who knows how to treat such sort of traitors. A govt. first duty is to protect
her citizens from external and internal danger. These elites oppose that. At the same time naturally
these parasitic elites also oppose the main obligation of a citizen to the govt.-that is to give taxes.In fact only by the right of taking taxes is the govt.recognignized.If India has 200 millions of middle class,as these english indian media always talk about,then where is the corresponding income tax revenue to the Govt. of India?But these english reading population is the biggest tax evader any where in the world.
But What the Prime minister Mr. Bajpaye does? He ,in stead of attacking previous congress govt. and
Janta Dal govt.(whose Gujral and Mulayam singh are disgrace to India having created nearly a revolt
in Indian Army)-He becomes apologtic and agrees to put self memoratorium. Instead of testing much
bigger Hydrogen momb of such magnitude that 2 or 3 of them would be sufficient to destroy whole of pakistan,He
simply backs down on western pressure and pressure from western agents like english media in india
and pressure from those peoples whose vote bank is peoples of dubious loyalty. Ofcourse that big hydrogen bomb would
be neede ,noyt to be used but to provide deterrence_that is the purpose of atomic weopon.But this Prime minister is
so much eager to please foriegn anglo-american countries(true enemiy of India) that he adrres Parliament not
in his language but in english.That is why in recent rally of child labourers (children of 4 to 14 yers)-who could not even get primary education-
was addressed by the leaders in India in english.That is how much India has become a nation
of coolies and hangers on rather than develop any leader ship quality with confidence. And that
is why george Fernances-not a friend of america-started making China a villain in the hope
of appeasing America-number one enemy of India. Wht Gerge should have said,and what he has realized too late,
is that if others can keep nuclear missiles then so can India.And matter ends there.BUt no. he had
to appease real enemy of India-which are America and England-by annoying an asian super power.
Now what is the solution after this mess up.? First India has to devewlop long range nuclear missiles
and nuclear submarine ,able to attack America,so that India can deal with all sorts of challenge and not repeat
blackmail of Irak by anglo-american counties. And it has to rely on Herself.Give less social or economic position
to english lovers. Secondly India has to deveop bigger Hydrogen bomb-The previos test cdone in
one go are not enough.Pakistan does not care about others's opinion; India also needs confidence.
Thirdly India should agree to hand over Kashmir(which is gone for 10 years anyway) with
FOR PAKISTAN RAMAINED in Pakistan , at the tranfer of kashmir there must also be a peaceful or forcefull tranfer of Population
from India to kashmir and pakistan of those who are co-religionists of pakistan but living in India.
That will cut the bottom of so called secularists-who must also be sent forcibly to Pakistan and they will
preach secularism to pakistanies. As for the likes of Manmohan singh,Narsingha rao,Mulayamsingh yadav
and their kinds-They must be beaten to death by a lynching mob so that in future nobody(and especialyy english lovers) will
ever dare to do so much harm to India.

Manmohan singh,former finance minister, what is he, if not clear by now with his previous anti-india policy had been clear ,then it should become cristal clear with his recent questioning in Rajya Sabha on 15 th dec. The prime minister was giving statement on nuclear talk with america(which he should not have entered into with america anyway). As Indian policy has been defence and incoherent,He was telling about minimum nuclear deterent that India must have to which this manmohan singh asked what is the limit of minimum nuclear deterence. As if to open all the cards and play into america's hand, Manmohan singh was playing part of American interest' agent. It is the same manmohan singh who some congressmen are saying is more keen than the govt. to get lateset Insurance and patent bill( to sell out to anglo-american interest)passed by the Parliament. In stead of waiting for world situation till 2002(which is bound to change) Manmohan singh is keen to see that America's interest is served quickly. Tragedy is that this sort of person, and likes of Yaswant singh-foreign minister-who can not win a single mandate from people in democratic election,are the people made to hold important ofiice asnd ofcourse Anglo-americans like that because deviod of public support and democratic mandate, such peoples are ideal agents of anglo-American interest. All those so called reform under manmohan singh -which was supposed to do exactly opposte of what it did(example of latin america was already there) is still beieng pursued on the same logic under this American spy. Even the lesson of east asia has not been learnt. Those who talk big and bostfill in India must remember that far from being some economic power , If pursuing the same sell out of India, the country will take 50 years to reach the prosprity enjoyed by brazilian elite but will have debt and total loss of sovernity in economic and foriegn policy with in 10 years.

By the way in response to American spys'(manmohan singh)question as to what constitute Minimum nuclear deterence for India the Prime minister should have assured that it would be such that in case of attack, as in bagdad, by the anglo-American goons,India will have effective nuclear and convention weopon to hit at targets in england and united states. Only ,and then only will have India effective deterence.

Posted by: avatara singh at February 28, 2006 08:14 PM (TH6UA)

14 I have hope for the US-India alliance in the future, because both nations actually share quite a bit in common, and are becoming culturally familiar with each other in a nice, almost courtly manner. I have met many Indians in business, and a few socially, and most of them seem to fit into our culture quite easily, and thus are easier for us to accept in reciprocation. They have learned well how to blend in with our society while managing to keep enough of their culture to satisfy themselves, though a lot of them are just becoming American and leaving it pretty much at that.
I, for one, look forward to a closer alliance, because two nations as great and diverse as India and America, the very old and the very young, with as much in common as not, should be close, for the betterment of us all. One bit of advise though; reading Kipling provides a good insight into Indian life, but India has never been a simple country, and must be taken in small bites, for one could never swallow it whole. I suggest one start by reading Kim, a story inspired by Kipling's own boyhood in India, where he was born and raised, a native Indian sahib.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 28, 2006 09:02 PM (0yYS2)

15 Rusty

Should be a mechanism to ban Cut & Paste posters like avatara singh, or at least delete them. I only read a few lines then threw up my hands - I don't need this - and I don't even know if its a pro or con thing! - I'm just not going to bother!

A blog is for dialog, conversation, debate - whatever! What he did is simply was simply post his "thesis" on a "bulletin board" as if this was his own personal library or something.

Its his way of saying - Hey! I need your space to publish my papers, so get the fuck out of my way! Let that asshole get his own paid webpage and he can then publish to his heart's delight!

Posted by: hondo at February 28, 2006 09:32 PM (fyKFC)

16 Oyster

Probably several million games! There are a lot of lil' twisted minds out there who eat this stuff up - death & destruction - clean & easy without even messing up your hair! Throw in some stolen cars, drug dealers, drive-bys and hoes for the Grand Theft Auto crowd - sell even more - just watch the copyright infringement thing.

Posted by: hondo at February 28, 2006 09:37 PM (fyKFC)

17 There's already a game like that: Age of Empires. I have version 3, in which one must colonize the new world and fight off enemies. It's a bit simplistic, but fun nonetheless.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 01, 2006 05:48 AM (0yYS2)

18 Not to change the thread, but I need a good game and I like war games. What would you recommend?

Posted by: Oyster at March 01, 2006 07:19 AM (YudAC)

19 Oyster: Iraq
/LLL mode off.
Counterstrike Source is a good game, especially as it has so many different mods out there, some games are missions, plant explosive, rescue hostages, some are just 'death matches' etc.

I haven't got bored with it in a while, due to the fact I just switch mods, I've been playing the ZH (Zombie Horde) mod recently which is pretty fun (headshots only count!)

Posted by: dave at March 01, 2006 11:54 AM (CcXvt)

20 Thanx.

Posted by: Oyster at March 01, 2006 11:57 AM (zCI3+)

21 Oyster

Love & Marriage (analog verion) - but maybe it was just my special edition copy. Toughest game I ever played - and never won - well, unless custody counts as a runner up prize.

Posted by: hondo at March 01, 2006 02:23 PM (fyKFC)

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