January 23, 2007
2. Use doublespeak.
3. Lie.
4. Count on the public's ignorance.
President Bush and his advisers "don't have a plan" nor an "overarching strategy" to fix the problems in Iraq, said Sen. Jim Webb, the newly elected Virginia Democrat who will deliver his party's official response Tuesday to the president's State of the Union address.This really upsets me. I also watched the News Hour interview with President Bush on PBS. Immediately following the interview, Brooks comes on and comments on the interview. He made the same accusation, no plan.
Why does this upset me? You might ask.
Well the vast majority of people get their news passively. They listen to what is presented and they tend take the news as facts. Of course they know that the facts are colored and most people take that into account when watching.
But Pundits like Brooks and politicians like Webb make these statements knowing full well that there is a plan. They can't claim ignorance. It's their job to know the &^%$ plan. They just don’t report what that plan is. They Know that if they don’t’ talk about the plan itself, they can create a perception that there is none amongst their passive chip munching viewers.
So I advise everyone to be an active news consumer. You have to go out and seek information because they sure as hell won’t report a lot of it.
Here is my rebuttal, the actual outline of the President’s plan. No one has any other plan that even comes close to the detail of this. And if there is one the press and the Democrats are sure as hell are keeping it under wraps.
See the entire outline belove the fold. I'd like to put in on the front page but like I said, It's long and detailed. (Howie under his breath: no effing plan how effing stupid do they thing we are ? Go^&%$#^mn no good politician MFs, sons of &*^&&^% they are the ones with no effing plan, lying MF c*&^ suckers) Via The Whitehouse:
The New Way Forward in Iraq.
The President's New Iraq Strategy Is Rooted In Six Fundamental Elements:
1. Let the Iraqis lead;
2. Help Iraqis protect the population;
3. Isolate extremists;
4. Create space for political progress;
5. Diversify political and economic efforts; and
6. Situate the strategy in a regional approach.
• Iraq Could Not Be Graver – The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq. Our enemies throughout the Middle East are trying to defeat us in Iraq. If we step back now, the problems in Iraq will become more lethal, and make our troops fight an uglier battle than we are seeing today.
Key Elements Of The New Approach: Security
• Publicly acknowledge all parties are responsible for quelling sectarian violence.
• Work with additional Coalition help to regain control of the capital and protect the Iraqi population.
• Deliver necessary Iraqi forces for Baghdad and protect those forces from political interference.
• Commit to intensify efforts to build balanced security forces throughout the nation that provide security even-handedly for all Iraqis.
• Plan and fund eventual demobilization program for militias.
• Agree that helping Iraqis to provide population security is necessary to enable accelerated transition and political progress.
• Provide additional military and civilian resources to accomplish this mission.
• Increase efforts to support tribes willing to help Iraqis fight Al Qaeda in Anbar.
• Accelerate and expand the embed program while minimizing risk to participants.
Both Coalition And Iraqi:
• Continue counter-terror operations against Al Qaeda and insurgent organizations.
• Take more vigorous action against death squad networks.
• Accelerate transition to Iraqi responsibility and increase Iraqi ownership.
• Increase Iraqi security force capacity – both size and effectiveness – from 10 to 13 Army divisions, 36 to 41 Army Brigades, and 112 to 132 Army Battalions.
o Establish a National Operations Center, National Counterterrorism Force, and National Strike Force.
o Reform the Ministry of Interior to increase transparency and accountability and transform the National Police.
Key Elements Of The New Approach: Political
• The Government of Iraq commits to:
o Reform its cabinet to provide even-handed service delivery.
o Act on promised reconciliation initiatives (oil law, de-Baathification law, Provincial elections).
o Give Coalition and ISF authority to pursue ALL extremists.
• All Iraqi leaders support reconciliation.
• Moderate coalition emerges as strong base of support for unity government.
• Support political moderates so they can take on the extremists.
o Build and sustain strategic partnerships with moderate Shi'a, Sunnis, and Kurds.
• Support the national compact and key elements of reconciliation with Iraqis in the lead.
• Diversify U.S. efforts to foster political accommodation outside Baghdad (more flexibility for local commanders and civilian leaders).
o Expand and increase the flexibility of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) footprint.
o Focus U.S. political, security, and economic resources at local level to open space for moderates, with initial priority to Baghdad and Anbar.
Both Coalition And Iraqi:
• Partnership between Prime Minister Maliki, Iraqi moderates, and the United States where all parties are clear on expectations and responsibilities.
• Strengthen the rule of law and combat corruption.
• Build on security gains to foster local and national political accommodations.
• Make Iraqi institutions even-handed, serving all of Iraq's communities on an impartial basis.
Key Elements Of The New Approach: Economic
• Deliver economic resources and provide essential services to all areas and communities.
• Enact hydrocarbons law to promote investment, national unity, and reconciliation.
• Capitalize and execute jobs-producing programs.
• Match U.S. efforts to create jobs with longer term sustainable Iraqi programs.
• Focus more economic effort on relatively secure areas as a magnet for employment and growth.
• Refocus efforts to help Iraqis build capacity in areas vital to success of the government (e.g. budget execution, key ministries).
• Decentralize efforts to build Iraqi capacities outside the Green Zone.
o Double the number of PRTs and civilians serving outside the Green Zone.
o Establish PRT-capability within maneuver Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs).
• Greater integration of economic strategy with military effort.
o Joint civil-military plans devised by PRT and BCT.
o Remove legal and bureaucratic barriers to maximize cooperation and flexibility.
Key Elements Of The New Approach: Regional
• Vigorously engage Arab states.
• Take the lead in establishing a regional forum to give support and help from the neighborhood.
• Counter negative foreign activity in Iraq.
• Increase efforts to counter PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party).
• Intensify efforts to counter Iranian and Syrian influence inside Iraq.
• Increase military presence in the region.
• Strengthen defense ties with partner states in the region.
• Encourage Arab state support to Government of Iraq.
• Continue efforts to help manage relations between Iraq and Turkey.
• Continue to seek the region's full support in the War on Terror.
Both Coalition And Iraqi:
• Focus on the International Compact.
• Retain active U.N. engagement in Iraq – particularly for election support and constitutional review.
Posted by: Howie at
04:18 PM
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the past thirty years, it is not in the cards. Now if we move
Israel off the West Bank like we moved Saddam out of Kuwait,
we might start to set the table of reconciliation .
Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 23, 2007 06:18 PM (EPkr9)
Israel off the West Bank like we moved Saddam out of Kuwait,
we might start to set the table of reconciliation .
Yeah, that worked really well in Gaza and Lebanon.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 23, 2007 06:25 PM (8e/V4)
Why don't we just put the Jews in ovens? Fucking Nazi asshole. As if any concession could ever pacify the koranimals.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 23, 2007 07:30 PM (abVz3)
in the world beyond the Hollywood-New York-Tel Aviv axis
Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 23, 2007 07:57 PM (EPkr9)
Seems that they are on a roll at the moment. If they are lucky they will really push us to defeat in Iraq, about the time that Hillary wins the '08 election and Iran proves that they have the bomb by testing it in Israel.
Iraq is the high ground, and they are just going to toss it away, like Somalia, leaving it for a future Republican Administration to fix.
By that time, we will be adding Russia to the Axis of Evil again.
Posted by: Fred Fry at January 23, 2007 08:52 PM (hLi8T)
to what is presented and they tend take the news as facts."
It's worse than that. The vast majority of people create the fantasy they want to believe it and then hold tenaciously to their illusions as if they were indeed facts. Thomas Sowell wrote that the two great wars of the last century were fought between those who tried to fit realilty to their theories and those who tried to fit their theories to reality. Take a tour of Boston sometime and find out where one half lives.
Posted by: Jeremy at January 23, 2007 09:21 PM (v8c9Z)
Politicians suck.
Sorry for the rant, I was a little upset at the time.
Posted by: Howie at January 23, 2007 10:48 PM (2cR/Y)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 23, 2007 11:54 PM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 24, 2007 04:02 AM (2OHpj)
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 24, 2007 04:11 AM (2OHpj)
Anti-Semitism is not a new paradigm, it is the oldest slander in the world ginned up to look "progressive." Your sick comment about nefarious Jewish cabals confirms that.
You are a socialist asshole who hates Jews and wants your ideology forced on others. You are a consumate NAZI.
Like all losers, you hate Jews and traditional Americans because they're better than you are. You really hate yourself, and express your self loathing through envy of any group who reminds you of your inferiority. You're a misanthrope and a hopeless prick. You probably take it up the ass too, don't you Adolph?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 24, 2007 05:54 AM (abVz3)
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 25, 2007 01:03 AM (Dt3sl)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 26, 2007 12:05 PM (w+w6p)
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